Copyright (C) 1999- Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module implements main part of CWiaMiniDriver class
William Hsieh (williamh) created
Revision History:
#include "pch.h"
#include <atlbase.h>
#include <atlconv.h>
#include <wiatempl.h>
#include <stiregi.h>
#include "utils.h"
// Strings that will be loaded from resource
WCHAR UnknownString[MAX_PATH] = L"\0"; WCHAR FolderString[MAX_PATH] = L"\0"; WCHAR ScriptString[MAX_PATH] = L"\0"; WCHAR ExecString[MAX_PATH] = L"\0"; WCHAR TextString[MAX_PATH] = L"\0"; WCHAR HtmlString[MAX_PATH] = L"\0"; WCHAR DpofString[MAX_PATH] = L"\0"; WCHAR AudioString[MAX_PATH] = L"\0"; WCHAR VideoString[MAX_PATH] = L"\0"; WCHAR UnknownImgString[MAX_PATH] = L"\0"; WCHAR ImageString[MAX_PATH] = L"\0"; WCHAR AlbumString[MAX_PATH] = L"\0"; WCHAR BurstString[MAX_PATH] = L"\0"; WCHAR PanoramaString[MAX_PATH] = L"\0";
// Structures for setting up WIA capabilities
WCHAR DeviceConnectedString[MAX_PATH] = L"\0"; WCHAR DeviceDisconnectedString[MAX_PATH] = L"\0"; WCHAR ItemCreatedString[MAX_PATH] = L"\0"; WCHAR ItemDeletedString[MAX_PATH] = L"\0"; WCHAR TakePictureString[MAX_PATH] = L"\0"; WCHAR SynchronizeString[MAX_PATH] = L"\0"; WCHAR TreeUpdatedString[MAX_PATH] = L"\0"; WCHAR VendorEventIconString[MAX_PATH] = WIA_ICON_DEVICE_CONNECTED;
WIA_DEV_CAP_DRV g_CmdCaps[NUMCMDCAPS] = { {(GUID*)&WIA_CMD_SYNCHRONIZE, 0, SynchronizeString, SynchronizeString, WIA_ICON_SYNCHRONIZE }, {(GUID*)&WIA_CMD_TAKE_PICTURE, 0, TakePictureString, TakePictureString, WIA_ICON_TAKE_PICTURE } };
// Constructor
CWiaMiniDriver::CWiaMiniDriver(LPUNKNOWN punkOuter) : m_Capabilities(NULL), m_nEventCaps(0), m_nCmdCaps(0), m_fInitCaptureChecked(FALSE),
m_OpenApps(0), m_pDrvItemRoot(NULL), m_pPTPCamera(NULL), m_NumImages(0),
m_pStiDevice(NULL), m_bstrDeviceId(NULL), m_bstrRootItemFullName(NULL), m_pDcb(NULL), m_dwObjectBeingSent(0),
m_TakePictureDoneEvent(NULL), m_hPtpMutex(NULL), m_bTwoDigitsMillisecondsOutput(FALSE),
m_Refs(1) { ::InterlockedIncrement(&CClassFactory::s_Objects); if (punkOuter) m_punkOuter = punkOuter; else m_punkOuter = (IUnknown *)(INonDelegatingUnknown *)this; }
// Destructor
CWiaMiniDriver::~CWiaMiniDriver() { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
// CWiaMap<WORD, PROP_INFO *> m_VendorPropMap - delete all PROP_INFO objects
// before calling RemoveAll()
for (int i = 0; i < m_VendorPropMap.GetSize(); i++) { delete m_VendorPropMap.GetValueAt(i); m_VendorPropMap.GetValueAt(i) = NULL; } m_VendorPropMap.RemoveAll();
// CWiaMap<WORD, CVendorEventInfo*> m_VendorEventMap - delete all CVendorEventInfo
// objects before calling RemoveAll()
for (i = 0; i < m_VendorEventMap.GetSize(); i++) { delete m_VendorEventMap.GetValueAt(i); m_VendorEventMap.GetValueAt(i) = NULL; } m_VendorEventMap.RemoveAll();
if (m_Capabilities) { delete[] m_Capabilities; }
if (m_pStiDevice) m_pStiDevice->Release();
if (m_pDcb) m_pDcb->Release();
::InterlockedDecrement(&CClassFactory::s_Objects); }
// INonDelegatingUnknown interface
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CWiaMiniDriver::NonDelegatingAddRef() { ::InterlockedIncrement((LONG *)&m_Refs); return m_Refs; }
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CWiaMiniDriver::NonDelegatingRelease() { ::InterlockedDecrement((LONG*)&m_Refs); if (!m_Refs) { delete this; return 0; } return m_Refs; }
STDMETHODIMP CWiaMiniDriver::NonDelegatingQueryInterface( REFIID riid, void **ppv ) { if (!ppv) return E_INVALIDARG; *ppv = NULL;
if (IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IUnknown)) *ppv = static_cast<INonDelegatingUnknown *>(this); else if (IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IStiUSD)) *ppv = static_cast<IStiUSD *>(this); else if (IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IWiaMiniDrv)) *ppv = static_cast<IWiaMiniDrv *>(this); else { return E_NOINTERFACE; } //
// Do not call NonDelegatingAddRef() ....
(reinterpret_cast<IUnknown *>(*ppv))->AddRef(); return S_OK; }
// IUnknown interface
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CWiaMiniDriver::AddRef() { return m_punkOuter->AddRef(); }
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CWiaMiniDriver::Release() { return m_punkOuter->Release(); }
STDMETHODIMP CWiaMiniDriver::QueryInterface( REFIID riid, void **ppv ) { return m_punkOuter->QueryInterface(riid, ppv); }
// IStiUSD interface
STDMETHODIMP CWiaMiniDriver::Initialize( PSTIDEVICECONTROL pDcb, DWORD dwStiVersion, HKEY hParametersKey ) { USES_CONVERSION;
if (!pDcb) return STIERR_INVALID_PARAM;
// Check STI specification version number
m_pDcb = pDcb; m_pDcb->AddRef();
hr = InitVendorExtentions(hParametersKey); if (FAILED(hr)) { wiauDbgError("Initialize", "vendor extensions not loaded"); //
// Ignore errors from loading vendor extensions
hr = S_OK; }
return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CWiaMiniDriver::GetCapabilities(PSTI_USD_CAPS pUsdCaps) { DBG_FN("CWiaMiniDriver::GetCapabilities");
if (!pUsdCaps) return STIERR_INVALID_PARAM;
ZeroMemory(pUsdCaps, sizeof(*pUsdCaps));
pUsdCaps->dwVersion = STI_VERSION; pUsdCaps->dwGenericCaps = STI_GENCAP_AUTO_PORTSELECT;
return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CWiaMiniDriver::GetStatus(PSTI_DEVICE_STATUS pDevStatus) { DBG_FN("CWiaMiniDriver::GetStatus");
if (pDevStatus->StatusMask & STI_DEVSTATUS_ONLINE_STATE) pDevStatus->dwOnlineState |= STI_ONLINESTATE_OPERATIONAL; return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CWiaMiniDriver::DeviceReset(VOID) { DBG_FN("CWiaMiniDriver::DeviceReset");
// Camera may not be open if this method is called before
// drvInitializeWia. For now just return S_OK.
// return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(m_pPTPCamera->ResetDevice());
return S_OK;
STDMETHODIMP CWiaMiniDriver::Diagnostic(LPDIAG pBuffer) { DBG_FN("CWiaMiniDriver::Diagnostic");
// Initialize response buffer
pBuffer->sErrorInfo.dwGenericError = STI_NOTCONNECTED; pBuffer->sErrorInfo.dwVendorError = 0;
// Call status method to verify device is available
::ZeroMemory(&DevStatus,sizeof(DevStatus)); DevStatus.StatusMask = STI_DEVSTATUS_ONLINE_STATE;
// WIAFIX-8/9/2000-davepar Should this function actually talk to the camera?
hr = GetStatus(&DevStatus);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (DevStatus.dwOnlineState & STI_ONLINESTATE_OPERATIONAL) { pBuffer->sErrorInfo.dwGenericError = STI_OK; } }
return(hr); }
STDMETHODIMP CWiaMiniDriver::SetNotificationHandle(HANDLE hEvent) { DBG_FN("CWiaMiniDriver::SetNotificationHandle");
// Use wiasQueueEvent instead
return(S_OK); }
STDMETHODIMP CWiaMiniDriver::GetNotificationData(LPSTINOTIFY pBuffer) { DBG_FN("CWiaMiniDriver::GetNotificationData");
// Use wiasQueueEvent instead
STDMETHODIMP CWiaMiniDriver::Escape( STI_RAW_CONTROL_CODE EscapeFunction, LPVOID pInData, DWORD cbInDataSize, LPVOID pOutData, DWORD cbOutDataSize, LPDWORD pcbActualDataSize ) { DBG_FN("CWiaMiniDriver::Escape");
// Locals
PTP_VENDOR_DATA_IN *pVendorDataIn = NULL; PTP_VENDOR_DATA_OUT *pVendorDataOut = NULL; UINT NumCommandParams = 0; INT NextPhase = 0; BYTE *pReadData = NULL; BYTE *pWriteData = NULL; UINT ReadDataSize = 0; UINT WriteDataSize = 0; DWORD dwObjectToAdd = 0; DWORD dwObjectToRemove = 0; CPtpMutex cpm(m_hPtpMutex);
if (EscapeFunction & ESCAPE_PTP_VENDOR_COMMAND) {
REQUIRE_ARGS(!pInData || !pOutData || !pcbActualDataSize, hr, "Escape");
if (cbInDataSize < SIZEOF_REQUIRED_VENDOR_DATA_IN) { wiauDbgError("Escape", "InDataSize is too small"); hr = E_FAIL; goto Cleanup; }
if (cbOutDataSize < SIZEOF_REQUIRED_VENDOR_DATA_OUT) { wiauDbgError("Escape", "OutDataSize is too small"); hr = E_FAIL; goto Cleanup; }
// Set up some more convenient pointers
pVendorDataIn = (PTP_VENDOR_DATA_IN *) pInData; pVendorDataOut = (PTP_VENDOR_DATA_OUT *) pOutData;
if (!(pVendorDataIn->OpCode & PTP_DATACODE_VENDORMASK)) { wiauDbgWarning("VendorCommand", "executing non-vendor command"); }
NumCommandParams = pVendorDataIn->NumParams; NextPhase = pVendorDataIn->NextPhase;
// Verify that NumCommandParams and NextPhase are correct
if (NumCommandParams > COMMAND_NUMPARAMS_MAX || (NextPhase != PTP_NEXTPHASE_READ_DATA && NextPhase != PTP_NEXTPHASE_WRITE_DATA && NextPhase != PTP_NEXTPHASE_NO_DATA)) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; goto Cleanup; }
// Data to write and read buffer are right after command and response,
// respectively
if (cbInDataSize > SIZEOF_REQUIRED_VENDOR_DATA_IN) { pWriteData = pVendorDataIn->VendorWriteData; WriteDataSize = cbInDataSize - SIZEOF_REQUIRED_VENDOR_DATA_IN; }
if (cbOutDataSize > SIZEOF_REQUIRED_VENDOR_DATA_OUT) { pReadData = pVendorDataOut->VendorReadData; ReadDataSize = cbOutDataSize - SIZEOF_REQUIRED_VENDOR_DATA_OUT; }
hr = m_pPTPCamera->VendorCommand((PTP_COMMAND *) pInData, (PTP_RESPONSE *) pOutData, &ReadDataSize, pReadData, WriteDataSize, pWriteData, NumCommandParams, NextPhase); REQUIRE_SUCCESS(hr, "Escape", "VendorCommand failed");
*pcbActualDataSize = SIZEOF_REQUIRED_VENDOR_DATA_OUT + ReadDataSize;
// For SendObjectInfo, hand on to handle until SendObject command
if (pVendorDataIn->OpCode == PTP_OPCODE_SENDOBJECTINFO) {
m_dwObjectBeingSent = pVendorDataOut->Params[2];
// For SendObject, add object
} else if (pVendorDataIn->OpCode == PTP_OPCODE_SENDOBJECT) {
dwObjectToAdd = m_dwObjectBeingSent; m_dwObjectBeingSent = 0;
// Otherwise, see if add or remove flag is set
} else {
if ((EscapeFunction & 0xf) >= PTP_MAX_PARAMS) { wiauDbgError("Escape", "Parameter number too large"); hr = E_FAIL; goto Cleanup; }
if (EscapeFunction & ESCAPE_PTP_ADD_OBJ_CMD) { dwObjectToAdd = pVendorDataIn->Params[EscapeFunction & 0xf]; }
if (EscapeFunction & ESCAPE_PTP_REM_OBJ_CMD) { dwObjectToRemove = pVendorDataIn->Params[EscapeFunction & 0xf]; }
if (EscapeFunction & ESCAPE_PTP_ADD_OBJ_RESP) { dwObjectToAdd = pVendorDataOut->Params[EscapeFunction & 0xf]; }
if (EscapeFunction & ESCAPE_PTP_REM_OBJ_RESP) { dwObjectToRemove = pVendorDataOut->Params[EscapeFunction & 0xf]; } }
if (dwObjectToAdd) { hr = AddObject(dwObjectToAdd, TRUE); REQUIRE_SUCCESS(hr, "Escape", "AddObject failed"); }
if (dwObjectToRemove) { hr = RemoveObject(dwObjectToRemove); REQUIRE_SUCCESS(hr, "Escape", "DeleteObject failed"); } }
else if(EscapeFunction == ESCAPE_PTP_CLEAR_STALLS) { hr = m_pPTPCamera->RecoverFromError(); }
Cleanup: return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CWiaMiniDriver::GetLastError(LPDWORD pdwLastDeviceError) { DBG_FN("CWiaMiniDriver::GetLastError");
if (IsBadWritePtr(pdwLastDeviceError, 4)) { hr = STIERR_INVALID_PARAM; } else { *pdwLastDeviceError = 0; }
return(hr); }
STDMETHODIMP CWiaMiniDriver::GetLastErrorInfo(STI_ERROR_INFO *pLastErrorInfo) { DBG_FN("CWiaMiniDriver::GetLastErrorInfo");
if (IsBadWritePtr(pLastErrorInfo, 4)) { hr = STIERR_INVALID_PARAM; } else { pLastErrorInfo->dwGenericError = 0; pLastErrorInfo->szExtendedErrorText[0] = L'\0'; }
return(hr); }
STDMETHODIMP CWiaMiniDriver::LockDevice(VOID) { DBG_FN("CWiaMiniDriver::LockDevice");
return(S_OK); }
STDMETHODIMP CWiaMiniDriver::UnLockDevice(VOID) { DBG_FN("CWiaMiniDriver::UnLockDevice");
return(S_OK); }
STDMETHODIMP CWiaMiniDriver::RawReadData( LPVOID lpBuffer, LPDWORD lpdwNumberOfBytes, LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped ) { DBG_FN("CWiaMiniDriver::RawReadData");
STDMETHODIMP CWiaMiniDriver::RawWriteData( LPVOID lpBuffer, DWORD dwNumberOfBytes, LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped ) { DBG_FN("CWiaMiniDriver::RawWriteData");
STDMETHODIMP CWiaMiniDriver::RawReadCommand( LPVOID lpBuffer, LPDWORD lpdwNumberOfBytes, LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped ) { DBG_FN("CWiaMiniDriver::RawReadCommand");
STDMETHODIMP CWiaMiniDriver::RawWriteCommand( LPVOID lpBuffer, DWORD nNumberOfBytes, LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped ) { DBG_FN("CWiaMiniDriver::RawWriteCommand");
// IWiaMiniDrvItem methods
// This method is the first call to initialize the mini driver
// This is where a mini driver establish its IWiaDrvItem tree
// Input:
// pWiasContext -- context used to call Wias service
// lFlags -- misc flags. Not used for now
// bstrDeviceId -- the device id
// bstrRootItemFullName -- the full name of root driver item
// pStiDevice -- IStiDevice interface pointer
// punkOuter -- not used.
// ppDrvItemRoot -- to return our root IWiaDrvItem
// ppunkInner -- mini driver special interface which allows
// the applications to directly access.
// plDevErrVal -- to return device error code.
HRESULT CWiaMiniDriver::drvInitializeWia( BYTE *pWiasContext, LONG lFlags, BSTR bstrDeviceID, BSTR bstrRootItemFullName, IUnknown *pStiDevice, IUnknown *punkOuter, IWiaDrvItem **ppDrvItemRoot, IUnknown **ppunkInner, LONG *plDevErrVal ) { #define REQUIRE(x, y) if(!(x)) { wiauDbgError("drvInitializeWia", y); hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(::GetLastError()); goto Cleanup; }
#define REQUIRE_SUCCESS_(x, y) if(FAILED(x)) { wiauDbgError("drvInitializeWia", y); goto Cleanup; }
HRESULT hr = S_OK; *plDevErrVal = DEVERR_OK;
if (!ppDrvItemRoot || !ppunkInner || !plDevErrVal) { wiauDbgError("drvInitializeWia", "invalid arg"); return E_INVALIDARG; }
*ppDrvItemRoot = NULL; *ppunkInner = NULL;
// If this is the first app, create everything
if (m_OpenApps == 1) { //
// Load the strings from the resource
hr = LoadStrings(); REQUIRE_SUCCESS_(hr, "LoadStrings failed");
// Set up a mutex to guarantee exclusive access to the device and the minidriver's structures
if(!m_hPtpMutex) { m_hPtpMutex = CreateMutex(NULL, FALSE, NULL); REQUIRE(m_hPtpMutex, "CreateMutex failed"); }
{ CPtpMutex cpm(m_hPtpMutex);
*ppDrvItemRoot = NULL;
// Create event for waiting for TakePicture command to complete
if (!m_TakePictureDoneEvent) { m_TakePictureDoneEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); REQUIRE(m_TakePictureDoneEvent, "CreateEvent failed"); }
// Allocate strings needed for later
if (!m_bstrDeviceId) { m_bstrDeviceId = SysAllocString(bstrDeviceID); REQUIRE(m_bstrDeviceId, "failed to allocate Device ID string"); }
if (!m_bstrRootItemFullName) { m_bstrRootItemFullName = SysAllocString(bstrRootItemFullName); REQUIRE(m_bstrRootItemFullName, "failed to allocate root item name"); }
// Create a camera object. Right now we only handle USB, but in the future this could look at the
// port name to figure out what type of camera to create.
if (!m_pPTPCamera) { m_pPTPCamera = new CUsbCamera; REQUIRE(m_pPTPCamera, "failed to new CUsbCamera"); }
// Open the camera
if (!m_pPTPCamera->IsCameraOpen()) {
// Retrieve the port name from the ISTIDeviceControl
WCHAR wcsPortName[MAX_PATH]; hr = m_pDcb->GetMyDevicePortName(wcsPortName, sizeof(wcsPortName)); REQUIRE_SUCCESS_(hr, "GetMyDevicePortName failed"); hr = m_pPTPCamera->Open(wcsPortName, &EventCallback, &DataCallback, (LPVOID) this); REQUIRE_SUCCESS_(hr, "Camera open failed"); }
// Open a session on the camera. Doesn't matter which session ID we use, so just use 1.
if (!m_pPTPCamera->IsCameraSessionOpen()) { hr = m_pPTPCamera->OpenSession(WIA_SESSION_ID); REQUIRE_SUCCESS_(hr, "OpenSession failed"); }
// Get the DeviceInfo for the camera
hr = m_pPTPCamera->GetDeviceInfo(&m_DeviceInfo); REQUIRE_SUCCESS_(hr, "GetDeviceInfo failed");
// Remove properties that aren't supported by WIA. RGB gain isn't supported
// because PTP defines it as a string and WIA can't handle string ranges.
m_DeviceInfo.m_SupportedProps.Remove(PTP_PROPERTYCODE_RGBGAIN); m_DeviceInfo.m_SupportedProps.Remove(PTP_PROPERTYCODE_FUNCTIONMODE);
// Special hack for the Kodak DC4800
// Some property codes (which the camera says it supports) cause the camera to
// stall the endpoint when the GetDevicePropDesc command is sent
// The hack can be removed only if support of DC4800 is removed
if (m_pPTPCamera->GetHackModel() == HACK_MODEL_DC4800) { wiauDbgTrace("drvInitializeWia", "removing DC4800 unsupported props");
const WORD KODAK_PROPCODE_D001 = 0xD001;
m_DeviceInfo.m_SupportedProps.Remove(PTP_PROPERTYCODE_RGBGAIN); m_DeviceInfo.m_SupportedProps.Remove(PTP_PROPERTYCODE_FNUMBER); m_DeviceInfo.m_SupportedProps.Remove(PTP_PROPERTYCODE_FOCUSDISTANCE); m_DeviceInfo.m_SupportedProps.Remove(PTP_PROPERTYCODE_EXPOSURETIME); m_DeviceInfo.m_SupportedProps.Remove(KODAK_PROPCODE_D001); }
// Get all the StorageInfo structures
if (m_StorageIds.GetSize() == 0) { hr = m_pPTPCamera->GetStorageIDs(&m_StorageIds); REQUIRE_SUCCESS_(hr, "GetStorageIDs failed");
CPtpStorageInfo tempSI; for (int count = 0; count < m_StorageIds.GetSize(); count++) { REQUIRE(m_StorageInfos.Add(tempSI), "memory allocation failed"); //
// Get info about logical storages only. If we ask for info about non-logical
// storage (ejected media), it may stall the camera.
if (m_StorageIds[count] & PTP_STORAGEID_LOGICAL) { hr = m_pPTPCamera->GetStorageInfo(m_StorageIds[count], &m_StorageInfos[count]); REQUIRE_SUCCESS_(hr, "GetStorageInfo failed"); }
// Add an empty entry to the DCIM handle array
ULONG dummy = 0; REQUIRE(m_DcimHandle.Add(dummy), "add dcim handle failed"); } }
// Get all of the property description structures supported by the device
if (m_PropDescs.GetSize() == 0) { CPtpPropDesc tempPD; int NumProps = m_DeviceInfo.m_SupportedProps.GetSize(); REQUIRE(m_PropDescs.GrowTo(NumProps), "reallocation of supported properties array failed");
PROP_INFO *pPropInfo = NULL; WORD PropCode = 0;
for (int count = 0; count < NumProps; count++) { PropCode = m_DeviceInfo.m_SupportedProps[count];
// Remove properties that aren't supported by this driver or by
// vendor entries in the INF
pPropInfo = PropCodeToPropInfo(PropCode); if (!pPropInfo->PropId && PropCode != PTP_PROPERTYCODE_IMAGESIZE) { wiauDbgTrace("drvInitializeWia", "removing unsupported prop, 0x%04x", PropCode);
m_DeviceInfo.m_SupportedProps.RemoveAt(count); NumProps--; count--; }
else { //
// Get the property description info from the device
REQUIRE(m_PropDescs.Add(tempPD), "add prop desc failed");
hr = m_pPTPCamera->GetDevicePropDesc(PropCode, &m_PropDescs[count]); REQUIRE_SUCCESS_(hr, "GetDevicePropDesc failed"); } } }
// Cache the STI interface
if (!m_pStiDevice) { m_pStiDevice = (IStiDevice *)pStiDevice; m_pStiDevice->AddRef(); }
// Build the tree, if we haven't already
if (!m_pDrvItemRoot) { hr = CreateDrvItemTree(&m_pDrvItemRoot); REQUIRE_SUCCESS_(hr, "CreateDrvItemTree failed"); } } }
*ppDrvItemRoot = m_pDrvItemRoot; Cleanup: if(FAILED(hr)) { // force re-init to happen next time someone tries to create
// device
m_OpenApps = 0; }
// Update WIA on any changes in camera's state, like 'camera was reset'
NotifyWiaOnStateChanges(); return hr; }
// This methods gets called when a client connection is going away.
// Input:
// pWiasContext -- Pointer to the WIA Root item context of the client's item tree.
HRESULT CWiaMiniDriver::drvUnInitializeWia(BYTE *pWiasContext) { DBG_FN("CWiaMiniDriver::drvUnInitializeWia");
if (!pWiasContext) { wiauDbgError("drvUnInitializeWia", "invalid arg"); return E_INVALIDARG; }
if (m_OpenApps == 0) { Shutdown(); }
if(m_OpenApps < 0) {
// allow unmatched drvUninializeWia calls and don't ever make
// m_OpenApps negative
m_OpenApps = 0; }
return hr; }
// This method executes a command on the device
// Input:
// pWiasContext -- context used to call wias services
// lFlags -- Misc flags, not used
// pCommandGuid -- the command guid
// ppDrvItem -- new IWiaDrvItem if the command creates new item
// plDevErrVal -- to return device error code
HRESULT CWiaMiniDriver::drvDeviceCommand( BYTE *pWiasContext, LONG lFlags, const GUID *pCommandGuid, IWiaDrvItem **ppDrvItem, LONG *plDevErrVal ) { DBG_FN("CWiaMiniDriver::drvDeviceCommand"); HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if (!pWiasContext || !pCommandGuid || !ppDrvItem || !plDevErrVal) { wiauDbgError("drvDeviceCommand", "invalid arg"); return E_INVALIDARG; }
*ppDrvItem = NULL; *plDevErrVal = DEVERR_OK;
if (*pCommandGuid == WIA_CMD_TAKE_PICTURE && m_DeviceInfo.m_SupportedOps.Find(PTP_OPCODE_INITIATECAPTURE) >= 0) { LONG ItemType = 0; hr = wiasGetItemType(pWiasContext, &ItemType); if (FAILED(hr)) { wiauDbgError("drvDeviceCommand", "wiasGetItemType failed"); goto cleanup; }
// TakePicture only works on the root
if (WiaItemTypeRoot & ItemType) { hr = WriteDeviceProperties(pWiasContext); if (FAILED(hr)) { wiauDbgError("drvDeviceCommand", "WriteDeviceProperties failed"); goto cleanup; }
hr = TakePicture(pWiasContext, ppDrvItem); if (FAILED(hr)) { wiauDbgError("drvDeviceCommand", "TakePicture failed"); goto cleanup; } } }
else if (*pCommandGuid == WIA_CMD_SYNCHRONIZE) { //
// Don't need to do anything, because the PTP driver is always in sync with the device
else { hr = E_NOTIMPL; }
cleanup: //
// Update WIA on any changes in camera's state, like 'camera was reset'
return hr; }
// This method deletes an object from the camera. The WIA service will ensure that
// the item has no children and has access rights to be deleted, and the service will
// take care of deleting the driver item and calling drvFreeItemContext.
// Input:
// pWiasContext -- wias context that identifies the item
// lFlags -- misc flags
// plDevErrVal -- to return the device error
STDMETHODIMP CWiaMiniDriver::drvDeleteItem( BYTE *pWiasContext, LONG lFlags, LONG *plDevErrVal ) { DBG_FN("CWiaMiniDriver::drvDeleteItem");
if (!pWiasContext || !plDevErrVal) { wiauDbgError("drvDeleteItem", "invalid arg"); return E_INVALIDARG; }
// Verify that PTP_OPCODE_DELETEOBJECT command is supported by the camera
if (m_DeviceInfo.m_SupportedOps.Find(PTP_OPCODE_DELETEOBJECT) < 0) { wiauDbgError("drvDeleteItem", "PTP_OPCODE_DELETEOBJECT command is not supported by the camera"); return E_NOTIMPL; }
*plDevErrVal = DEVERR_OK;
CPtpMutex cpm(m_hPtpMutex); IWiaDrvItem *pDrvItem; DRVITEM_CONTEXT *pItemCtx;
hr = WiasContextToItemContext(pWiasContext, &pItemCtx, &pDrvItem); if (FAILED(hr)) { wiauDbgError("drvDeleteItem", "WiasContextToItemContext failed"); goto cleanup; }
// Delete the object on the camera
hr = m_pPTPCamera->DeleteObject(pItemCtx->pObjectInfo->m_ObjectHandle, 0); if (FAILED(hr)) { wiauDbgError("drvDeleteItem", "DeleteObject failed"); goto cleanup; }
// Keep count of the number of images
if (pItemCtx->pObjectInfo->m_FormatCode & PTP_FORMATMASK_IMAGE) { m_NumImages--; }
// Update Storage Info (we are especially interested in Free Space info)
hr = UpdateStorageInfo(pItemCtx->pObjectInfo->m_StorageId); if (FAILED(hr)) { wiauDbgError("drvDeleteItem", "UpdateStorageInfo failed"); // we can proceed, even if storage info can't be updated
// Remove the item from the m_HandleItem map
// Get the item's full name
BSTR bstrFullName; hr = pDrvItem->GetFullItemName(&bstrFullName); if (FAILED(hr)) { wiauDbgError("drvDeleteItem", "GetFullItemName failed"); goto cleanup; } //
// Queue an "item deleted" event
hr = wiasQueueEvent(m_bstrDeviceId, &WIA_EVENT_ITEM_DELETED, bstrFullName); if (FAILED(hr)) { wiauDbgErrorHr(hr, "drvDeleteItem", "wiasQueueEvent failed");
// Continue to free the string and return hr
cleanup: //
// Update WIA on any changes in camera's state, like 'camera was reset'
return hr; }
// This method updates Storage Info for the specified storage
// Input:
// StorageId - ID of the sorage to be updated
HRESULT CWiaMiniDriver::UpdateStorageInfo(ULONG StorageId) { HRESULT hr = S_FALSE; BOOL bDone = FALSE; for (int count = 0; (count < m_StorageIds.GetSize()) && (!bDone); count++) { if (m_StorageIds[count] == StorageId) { bDone = TRUE; hr = m_pPTPCamera->GetStorageInfo(m_StorageIds[count], &m_StorageInfos[count]); } } return hr; }
// This method returns the device capabilities
// Input:
// pWiasContext -- wias service context
// lFlags -- indicate what capabilities to return
// pCelt -- to return number of entries are returned
// ppCapbilities -- to receive the capabilities
// plDevErrVal -- to return device error
STDMETHODIMP CWiaMiniDriver::drvGetCapabilities( BYTE *pWiasContext, LONG lFlags, LONG *pCelt, WIA_DEV_CAP_DRV **ppCapabilities, LONG *plDevErrVal ) { DBG_FN("CWiaMiniDriver::drvGetCapabilities");
if (!pCelt || !ppCapabilities || !plDevErrVal) { wiauDbgError("drvGetCapabilities", "invalid arg"); return E_INVALIDARG; } *plDevErrVal = DEVERR_OK; //
// Load the strings from the resource
hr = LoadStrings(); if (FAILED(hr)) { wiauDbgError("drvGetCapabilities", "LoadStrings failed"); return E_FAIL; }
// check if we have already built the list of capabilities. If not, build it
// It will have the following structure:
// (predefined events) (vendor events) (predefined commands)
if (m_Capabilities == NULL) { UINT nVendorEvents = m_VendorEventMap.GetSize(); if (nVendorEvents > MAX_VENDOR_EVENTS) { wiauDbgWarning("drvGetCapabilities", "vendor events limit exceeded, ignoring events over limit"); nVendorEvents = MAX_VENDOR_EVENTS; }
m_nEventCaps = NUMEVENTCAPS + nVendorEvents; m_nCmdCaps = NUMCMDCAPS; // we don't need to put vendor commands in the list. they are called through escape function
m_Capabilities = new WIA_DEV_CAP_DRV[m_nEventCaps + m_nCmdCaps]; // WIA uses this array instead of copying, don't delete it
if (m_Capabilities == NULL) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
// create events first
memcpy(m_Capabilities, g_EventCaps, sizeof(g_EventCaps)); // default events
for (UINT i = 0; i < nVendorEvents; i++) // vendor events
{ CVendorEventInfo *pEventInfo = m_VendorEventMap.GetValueAt(i); m_Capabilities[NUMEVENTCAPS + i].guid = pEventInfo->pGuid; m_Capabilities[NUMEVENTCAPS + i].ulFlags = WIA_NOTIFICATION_EVENT | WIA_ACTION_EVENT; m_Capabilities[NUMEVENTCAPS + i].wszIcon = VendorEventIconString; m_Capabilities[NUMEVENTCAPS + i].wszName = pEventInfo->EventName; m_Capabilities[NUMEVENTCAPS + i].wszDescription = pEventInfo->EventName; }
// add commands
memcpy(m_Capabilities + m_nEventCaps, g_CmdCaps, sizeof(g_CmdCaps)); }
// eventing code calls this entry point without first going
// through drvInitializeWia
if(lFlags == WIA_DEVICE_EVENTS) { *pCelt = m_nEventCaps; *ppCapabilities = m_Capabilities; return S_OK; } //
// query if camera supports InitiateCapture command (if we hadn't already)
if (!m_fInitCaptureChecked) { m_fInitCaptureChecked = TRUE; CPtpMutex cpm(m_hPtpMutex); if (m_DeviceInfo.m_SupportedOps.Find(PTP_OPCODE_INITIATECAPTURE) < 0) { m_nCmdCaps--; } }
// Report commands or (events and commands)
switch (lFlags) { case WIA_DEVICE_COMMANDS: *pCelt = m_nCmdCaps; //
// Command capability list is right behind the event list
*ppCapabilities = m_Capabilities + m_nEventCaps; break;
case (WIA_DEVICE_EVENTS | WIA_DEVICE_COMMANDS): *pCelt = m_nEventCaps + m_nCmdCaps; *ppCapabilities = m_Capabilities; break;
default: break; }
// Update WIA on any changes in camera's state, like 'camera was reset'
return hr; }
// This method initializes an item's properties. If the item is the
// root item, this function initializes the device properties.
// Input:
// pWiasContext -- wias service context
// lFlags -- misc flags
// plDevErrVal -- to return device error
STDMETHODIMP CWiaMiniDriver::drvInitItemProperties( BYTE *pWiasContext, LONG lFlags, LONG *plDevErrVal ) { DBG_FN("CWiaMiniDriver::drvInitItemProperties");
if (!pWiasContext || !plDevErrVal) { wiauDbgError("drvInitItemProperties", "invalid arg"); return E_INVALIDARG; }
*plDevErrVal = DEVERR_OK;
CPtpMutex cpm(m_hPtpMutex);
LONG ItemType; hr = wiasGetItemType(pWiasContext, &ItemType); if (FAILED(hr)) { wiauDbgErrorHr(hr, "drvInitItemProperties", "wiasGetItemType failed"); goto cleanup; }
if (ItemType & WiaItemTypeRoot) { hr = InitDeviceProperties(pWiasContext); if (FAILED(hr)) { wiauDbgError("drvInitItemProperties", "InitDeviceProperties failed"); goto cleanup; } } else { hr = InitItemProperties(pWiasContext); if (FAILED(hr)) { wiauDbgError("drvInitItemProperties", "InitItemProperties failed"); goto cleanup; } }
cleanup: //
// Update WIA on any changes in camera's state, like 'camera was reset'
return hr; }
// This method locks the device for exclusive use for the caller
// Input:
// pWiasContext -- wias context
// lFlags -- misc flags
// Output:
// plDevErrVal -- to return device error
STDMETHODIMP CWiaMiniDriver::drvLockWiaDevice( BYTE *pWiasContext, LONG lFlags, LONG *plDevErrVal ) { DBG_FN("CWiaMiniDriver::drvLockWiaDevice"); *plDevErrVal = DEVERR_OK; return S_OK; }
// This method unlocks the device
// Input:
// pWiasContext -- wias context
// lFlags -- misc flags
// Output:
// plDevErrVal -- to return device error
STDMETHODIMP CWiaMiniDriver::drvUnLockWiaDevice( BYTE *pWiasContext, LONG lFlags, LONG *plDevErrVal ) { DBG_FN("CWiaMiniDriver::drvUnLockWiaDevice"); *plDevErrVal = DEVERR_OK; return S_OK; }
// This method analyizes the given driver item. It is not implemented for cameras.
// Input:
// pWiasContext -- wias context
// lFlags -- misc flags
// Output:
// plDevErrVal -- to return device error
STDMETHODIMP CWiaMiniDriver::drvAnalyzeItem( BYTE *pWiasContext, LONG lFlags, LONG *plDevErrVal ) { DBG_FN("CWiaMiniDriver::drvAnalyzeItem");
if (!pWiasContext || !plDevErrVal) { wiauDbgError("drvAnalyzeItem", "invalid arg"); return E_INVALIDARG; }
*plDevErrVal = DEVERR_OK;
return E_NOTIMPL; }
// This method returns the item's available format information. Every WIA
// minidriver must support WiaImgFmt_BMP and WiaImgFmt_MEMORYBMP. This could
// be a problem, because this driver can only decode JPEG and TIFF currently.
// For other formats, we will not advertise BMP formats.
// Input:
// pWiasContext -- wias service context
// lFlags -- misc flags
// pcelt -- to return how many format info the item has
// ppwfi -- to hold a pointer to the format info
// Output:
// plDevErrVal -- to return device error code
STDMETHODIMP CWiaMiniDriver::drvGetWiaFormatInfo( BYTE *pWiasContext, LONG lFlags, LONG *pcelt, WIA_FORMAT_INFO **ppwfi, LONG *plDevErrVal ) { DBG_FN("CWiaMiniDriver::drvGetWiaFormatInfo");
if (!pWiasContext || !pcelt || !ppwfi || !plDevErrVal) { wiauDbgError("drvGetWiaFormatInfo", "invalid arg"); return E_INVALIDARG; }
*plDevErrVal = DEVERR_OK;
CPtpMutex cpm(m_hPtpMutex);
*pcelt = 0; *ppwfi = NULL;
DRVITEM_CONTEXT *pItemCtx = NULL; hr = WiasContextToItemContext(pWiasContext, &pItemCtx); if (FAILED(hr)) { wiauDbgError("drvGetWiaFormatInfo", "WiasContextToItemContext failed"); goto cleanup; }
if (!pItemCtx) { wiauDbgError("drvGetWiaFormatInfo", "item context is null"); hr = E_FAIL; goto cleanup; }
if (!pItemCtx->pFormatInfos) { //
// The format info list is not intialized. Do it now.
LONG ItemType; DWORD ui32;
hr = wiasGetItemType(pWiasContext, &ItemType); if (FAILED(hr)) { wiauDbgErrorHr(hr, "drvGetWiaFormatInfo", "wiasGetItemType failed"); goto cleanup; }
if (ItemType & WiaItemTypeFile) { //
// Create the supported format for the item, based on the format stored in the
// ObjectInfo structure.
if (!pItemCtx->pObjectInfo) { wiauDbgError("drvGetWiaFormatInfo", "pObjectInfo not initialized"); hr = E_FAIL; goto cleanup; }
// If the format is JPEG or TIFF based, add the BMP types to the format array,
// since this driver can convert those to BMP
ULONG NumWfi = bAddBmp ? 2 : 1;
// Allocate two entries for each format, one for file transfer and one for callback
WIA_FORMAT_INFO *pwfi = new WIA_FORMAT_INFO[2 * NumWfi]; if (!pwfi) { wiauDbgError("drvGetWiaFormatInfo", "memory allocation failed"); hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto cleanup; }
FORMAT_INFO *pFormatInfo = FormatCodeToFormatInfo(FormatCode); pwfi[0].lTymed = TYMED_FILE; pwfi[1].lTymed = TYMED_CALLBACK; if(pFormatInfo->FormatGuid) { pwfi[0].guidFormatID = *pFormatInfo->FormatGuid; pwfi[1].guidFormatID = *pFormatInfo->FormatGuid; } else { pwfi[0].guidFormatID = WiaImgFmt_UNDEFINED; pwfi[1].guidFormatID = WiaImgFmt_UNDEFINED; }
// Add the BMP entries when appropriate
if (bAddBmp) { pwfi[2].guidFormatID = WiaImgFmt_BMP; pwfi[2].lTymed = TYMED_FILE; pwfi[3].guidFormatID = WiaImgFmt_MEMORYBMP; pwfi[3].lTymed = TYMED_CALLBACK; }
pItemCtx->NumFormatInfos = 2 * NumWfi; pItemCtx->pFormatInfos = pwfi;
else if ((ItemType & WiaItemTypeFolder) || (ItemType & WiaItemTypeRoot)) { //
// Folders and the root don't really need format info, but some apps may fail
// without it. Create a fake list just in case.
pItemCtx->pFormatInfos = new WIA_FORMAT_INFO[2];
if (!pItemCtx->pFormatInfos) { wiauDbgError("drvGetWiaFormatInfo", "memory allocation failed"); hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto cleanup; }
pItemCtx->NumFormatInfos = 2; pItemCtx->pFormatInfos[0].lTymed = TYMED_FILE; pItemCtx->pFormatInfos[0].guidFormatID = FMT_NOTHING; pItemCtx->pFormatInfos[1].lTymed = TYMED_CALLBACK; pItemCtx->pFormatInfos[1].guidFormatID = FMT_NOTHING; } }
*pcelt = pItemCtx->NumFormatInfos; *ppwfi = pItemCtx->pFormatInfos;
cleanup: //
// Update WIA on any changes in camera's state, like 'camera was reset'
return hr; }
// This method processes pnp events
// Input:
// pEventGuid -- the event identifier
// bstrDeviceId -- the designated device
// ulReserved -- reserved
STDMETHODIMP CWiaMiniDriver::drvNotifyPnpEvent( const GUID *pEventGuid, BSTR bstrDeviceId, ULONG ulReserved ) { return S_OK; }
// This method reads the item properties
// Input:
// pWiasContext -- wias context
// lFlags -- misc flags
// NumPropSpecs -- number of properties to be read
// pPropSpecs -- an array of PROPSPEC that specifies
// what properties should be read
// plDevErrVal -- to return device error
STDMETHODIMP CWiaMiniDriver::drvReadItemProperties( BYTE *pWiasContext, LONG lFlags, ULONG NumPropSpecs, const PROPSPEC *pPropSpecs, LONG *plDevErrVal ) { DBG_FN("CWiaMiniDriver::drvReadItemProperties");
if (!pWiasContext || !pPropSpecs || !plDevErrVal) { wiauDbgError("drvReadItemProperties", "invalid arg"); return E_INVALIDARG; }
*plDevErrVal = DEVERR_OK;
CPtpMutex cpm(m_hPtpMutex);
LONG ItemType = 0; hr = wiasGetItemType(pWiasContext, &ItemType); if (FAILED(hr)) { wiauDbgError("drvReadItemProperties", "wiasGetItemType failed"); goto cleanup; }
if (WiaItemTypeRoot & ItemType) hr = ReadDeviceProperties(pWiasContext, NumPropSpecs, pPropSpecs); else hr = ReadItemProperties(pWiasContext, NumPropSpecs, pPropSpecs);
cleanup: //
// Update WIA on any changes in camera's state, like 'camera was reset'
return hr; }
// This method writes the item properties
// Input:
// pWiasContext -- wias context
// lFlags -- misc flags
// pmdtc -- mini driver transfer context
// plDevErrVal -- to return device error
STDMETHODIMP CWiaMiniDriver::drvWriteItemProperties( BYTE *pWiasContext, LONG lFlags, PMINIDRV_TRANSFER_CONTEXT pmdtc, LONG *plDevErrVal ) { DBG_FN("CWiaMiniDriver::drvWriteItemProperties");
if (!pWiasContext || !pmdtc || !plDevErrVal) { wiauDbgError("drvWriteItemProperties", "invalid arg"); return E_INVALIDARG; }
*plDevErrVal = DEVERR_OK;
CPtpMutex cpm(m_hPtpMutex);
LONG ItemType = 0; hr = wiasGetItemType(pWiasContext, &ItemType); if (FAILED(hr)) { wiauDbgError("drvWriteItemProperties", "wiasGetItemType failed"); goto cleanup; }
// Only properties to write are on the root
if (WiaItemTypeRoot & ItemType) { hr = WriteDeviceProperties(pWiasContext); if (FAILED(hr)) { wiauDbgError("drvWriteItemProperties", "WriteDeviceProperties failed"); goto cleanup; } }
cleanup: //
// Update WIA on any changes in camera's state, like 'camera was reset'
return hr; }
// This method validates the item properties
// Input:
// pWiasContext -- wias context
// lFlags -- misc flags
// NumPropSpecs -- number of properties to be read
// pPropSpecs -- an array of PROPSPEC that specifies
// what properties should be read
// plDevErrVal -- to return device error
STDMETHODIMP CWiaMiniDriver::drvValidateItemProperties( BYTE *pWiasContext, LONG lFlags, ULONG NumPropSpecs, const PROPSPEC *pPropSpecs, LONG *plDevErrVal ) { DBG_FN("CWiaMiniDriver::drvValidateItemProperties");
if (!pWiasContext || !pPropSpecs || !plDevErrVal) { wiauDbgError("drvValidateItemProperties", "invalid arg"); return E_INVALIDARG; }
*plDevErrVal = DEVERR_OK;
CPtpMutex cpm(m_hPtpMutex);
LONG ItemType = 0; hr = wiasGetItemType(pWiasContext, &ItemType); if (FAILED(hr)) { wiauDbgError("drvValidateItemProperties", "wiasGetItemType failed"); goto cleanup; }
if (WiaItemTypeRoot & ItemType) { hr = ValidateDeviceProperties(pWiasContext, NumPropSpecs, pPropSpecs); if (FAILED(hr)) { wiauDbgError("drvValidateItemProperties", "ValidateDeviceProperties failed"); goto cleanup; } } else { hr = ValidateItemProperties(pWiasContext, NumPropSpecs, pPropSpecs, ItemType); if (FAILED(hr)) { wiauDbgError("drvValidateItemProperties", "ValidateItemProperties failed"); goto cleanup; } }
cleanup: //
// Update WIA on any changes in camera's state, like 'camera was reset'
return hr; }
// This method acquires the item's data
// Input:
// pWiasContext -- wias context
// lFlags -- misc flags
// pmdtc -- mini driver transfer context
// plDevErrVal -- to return device error
STDMETHODIMP CWiaMiniDriver::drvAcquireItemData( BYTE *pWiasContext, LONG lFlags, PMINIDRV_TRANSFER_CONTEXT pmdtc, LONG *plDevErrVal ) { DBG_FN("CWiaMiniDriver::drvAcquireItemData");
if (!pWiasContext || !pmdtc || !plDevErrVal) { wiauDbgError("drvAcquireItemData", "invalid arg"); return E_INVALIDARG; }
*plDevErrVal = DEVERR_OK;
CPtpMutex cpm(m_hPtpMutex);
LONG ItemType = 0;
hr = wiasGetItemType(pWiasContext, &ItemType); if (FAILED(hr)) { wiauDbgError("drvAcquireItemData", "wiasGetItemType failed"); goto cleanup; }
DRVITEM_CONTEXT *pItemCtx; hr = WiasContextToItemContext(pWiasContext, &pItemCtx); if (FAILED(hr)) { wiauDbgError("AcquireData", "WiasContextToItemContext failed"); goto cleanup; }
wiauDbgTrace("drvAcquireItemData", "transferring image with tymed, 0x%08x", pmdtc->tymed);
// Translate to BMP, if needed. Otherwise just transfer the data.
if ((IsEqualGUID(pmdtc->guidFormatID, WiaImgFmt_BMP) || IsEqualGUID(pmdtc->guidFormatID, WiaImgFmt_MEMORYBMP)) && (pItemCtx->pObjectInfo->m_FormatCode != PTP_FORMATCODE_IMAGE_BMP)) { hr = AcquireDataAndTranslate(pWiasContext, pItemCtx, pmdtc); if (FAILED(hr)) { wiauDbgError("drvAcquireItemData", "AcquireDataAndTranslate failed"); goto cleanup; } } else { hr = AcquireData(pItemCtx, pmdtc); if (FAILED(hr)) { wiauDbgError("drvAcquireItemData", "AcquireData failed"); goto cleanup; } }
cleanup: //
// Update WIA on any changes in camera's state, like 'camera was reset'
return hr; }
// This method returns a description about the given device error code
// Input:
// lFlags -- misc flags
// lDevErrVal -- the designated error code
// ppDevErrStr -- to receive a string pointer to the description
// plDevErrVal -- device error code(used to report error if this method
// need to retreive the string from the device
STDMETHODIMP CWiaMiniDriver::drvGetDeviceErrorStr( LONG lFlags, LONG lDevErrVal, LPOLESTR *ppDevErrStr, LONG *plDevErrVal ) { DBG_FN("CWiaMiniDriver::drvGetDeviceErrorStr");
if (!ppDevErrStr || !plDevErrVal) { wiauDbgError("drvGetDeviceErrorStr", "invalid arg"); return E_INVALIDARG; }
*plDevErrVal = DEVERR_OK;
// WIAFIX-10/2/2000-davepar No device-specific errors at this time
return E_NOTIMPL; }
// This method frees the given driver item context
// Input:
// lFlags -- misc flags
// pItemCtx -- the item context to be freed
// plDevErrVal -- to return device error
STDMETHODIMP CWiaMiniDriver::drvFreeDrvItemContext( LONG lFlags, BYTE *pContext, LONG *plDevErrVal ) { DBG_FN("CWiaMiniDriver::drvFreeDrvItemContext");
if (!pContext || !plDevErrVal) { wiauDbgError("drvFreeDrvItemContext", "invalid arg"); return E_INVALIDARG; }
*plDevErrVal = DEVERR_OK;
if (pItemCtx) { if (pItemCtx->pThumb) { delete []pItemCtx->pThumb; pItemCtx->pThumb = NULL; }
if (pItemCtx->pFormatInfos) { delete [] pItemCtx->pFormatInfos; pItemCtx->pFormatInfos = NULL; }
if (pItemCtx->pObjectInfo) { delete pItemCtx->pObjectInfo; } }
return hr; }
// This function will shutdown the driver
HRESULT CWiaMiniDriver::Shutdown() { DBG_FN("CWiaMiniDriver::Shutdown");
// Close the camera
wiauDbgTrace("Shutdown", "closing connection with camera");
if (m_pPTPCamera) { hr = m_pPTPCamera->Close(); if (FAILED(hr)) { wiauDbgError("Shutdown", "Close failed"); } }
// Free data structures
if (m_pDrvItemRoot) { m_pDrvItemRoot->UnlinkItemTree(WiaItemTypeDisconnected); m_pDrvItemRoot->Release(); m_pDrvItemRoot = NULL; }
if (m_pPTPCamera) { delete m_pPTPCamera; m_pPTPCamera = NULL; }
m_StorageIds.RemoveAll(); m_StorageInfos.RemoveAll(); m_PropDescs.RemoveAll();
// CWiaMap<ULONG, IWiaDrvItem *> m_HandleItem - we don't need to delete IWiaDrvItem
// objects here, they are destroyed when items tree is unlinked
m_NumImages = 0;
if (m_bstrDeviceId) { SysFreeString(m_bstrDeviceId); m_bstrDeviceId = NULL; }
if (m_bstrRootItemFullName) { SysFreeString(m_bstrRootItemFullName); m_bstrRootItemFullName = NULL; }
if (m_TakePictureDoneEvent) { CloseHandle(m_TakePictureDoneEvent); m_TakePictureDoneEvent = NULL; }
if (m_hPtpMutex) { CloseHandle(m_hPtpMutex); m_hPtpMutex = NULL; }
// CWiaMap<ULONG, IWiaDrvItem *> m_AncAssocParent - we don't need to delete IWiaDrvItem
// objects here, they are destroyed when items tree is unlinked
return hr; }
// This function asks the camera to take a picture. It also inserts
// the new picture into the drive item tree.
// Input:
// pWiasContext -- wias context
// lFlags -- misc flags
// plDevErrVal -- to return device error code
HRESULT CWiaMiniDriver::TakePicture( BYTE *pWiasContext, IWiaDrvItem **ppNewItem ) { DBG_FN("CWiaMiniDriver::TakePicture");
if (!pWiasContext || !ppNewItem) { wiauDbgError("TakePicture", "invalid arg"); return E_INVALIDARG; }
IWiaDrvItem *pDrvItem, *pParentItem; DRVITEM_CONTEXT *pItemCtx = NULL;
*ppNewItem = NULL; WORD FormatCode = 0;
// Kodak DC4800 must have the format code parameter set to zero
// This hack can be removed only if support of Kodak DC4800 is removed
if (m_pPTPCamera->GetHackModel() == HACK_MODEL_DC4800) { FormatCode = 0; } else { //
// Determine which format to capture
GUID FormatGuid; hr = wiasReadPropGuid(pWiasContext, WIA_IPA_FORMAT, &FormatGuid, NULL, TRUE); if (FAILED(hr)) { wiauDbgError("TakePicture", "wiasReadPropLong failed"); return hr; }
FormatCode = FormatGuidToFormatCode(&FormatGuid); }
{ CPtpMutex cpm(m_hPtpMutex);
// Reset the event that is waited upon below
if (!ResetEvent(m_TakePictureDoneEvent)) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(::GetLastError()); wiauDbgErrorHr(hr, "TakePicture", "ResetEvent failed"); return hr; }
// Clear the list of captured objects
// Start the image capture
hr = m_pPTPCamera->InitiateCapture(PTP_STORAGEID_DEFAULT, FormatCode); if (FAILED(hr)) { wiauDbgError("TakePicture", "InitiateCapture failed"); return hr; } }
// Estimate how long the capture may take. Assume 30 seconds for a simple single shot.
DWORD dwCaptureTimeout = 30000;
// Check if there is CaptureDelay, and add it to timeout
int nIndex = m_DeviceInfo.m_SupportedProps.Find(PTP_PROPERTYCODE_CAPTUREDELAY); if (nIndex != -1) { DWORD dwCaptureDelay = m_PropDescs[nIndex].m_lCurrent; dwCaptureTimeout += dwCaptureDelay; }
// Check if the camera is in Burst or Timelapse mode
nIndex = m_DeviceInfo.m_SupportedProps.Find(PTP_PROPERTYCODE_STILLCAPTUREMODE); if (nIndex != -1) { DWORD dwFuncMode = m_PropDescs[nIndex].m_lCurrent; if (dwFuncMode == PTP_CAPTUREMODE_BURST) { //
// Calculate how much time burst operation may take ((BurstNumber - 1) * BurstInterval)
DWORD dwBurstNumber = 1; DWORD dwBurstInterval = 1000; // assume 1 second per picture, if device does not specify interval
nIndex = m_DeviceInfo.m_SupportedProps.Find(PTP_PROPERTYCODE_BURSTNUMBER); if (nIndex != -1) { dwBurstNumber = m_PropDescs[nIndex].m_lCurrent; }
nIndex = m_DeviceInfo.m_SupportedProps.Find(PTP_PROPERTYCODE_BURSTINTERVAL); if (nIndex != -1) { dwBurstInterval = m_PropDescs[nIndex].m_lCurrent; }
dwCaptureTimeout += (dwBurstNumber - 1) * dwBurstInterval; } else if (dwFuncMode == PTP_CAPTUREMODE_TIMELAPSE) { //
// Calculate how much time timelapse operation may take ((TimelapseNumber - 1) * TimelapseInterval)
DWORD dwTimelapseNumber = 1; DWORD dwTimelapseInterval = 1000; // assume 1 second per picture, if device does not specify interval
nIndex = m_DeviceInfo.m_SupportedProps.Find(PTP_PROPERTYCODE_TIMELAPSENUMBER); if (nIndex != -1) { dwTimelapseNumber = m_PropDescs[nIndex].m_lCurrent; }
nIndex = m_DeviceInfo.m_SupportedProps.Find(PTP_PROPERTYCODE_TIMELAPSEINTERVAL); if (nIndex != -1) { dwTimelapseInterval = m_PropDescs[nIndex].m_lCurrent; }
dwCaptureTimeout += (dwTimelapseNumber - 1) * dwTimelapseInterval; } } //
// Wait for the TakePicture command to be done, indicated by CaptureComplete or StoreFull event.
wiauDbgTrace("TakePicture", "Calling WaitForSingleObject with %d ms timeout", dwCaptureTimeout);
if (WaitForSingleObject(m_TakePictureDoneEvent, dwCaptureTimeout) != WAIT_OBJECT_0) { wiauDbgWarning("TakePicture", "WaitForSingleObject timed out"); return S_FALSE; }
// Process all objects reported during the capture (there may be many if camera supports burst capture)
CPtpMutex cpm(m_hPtpMutex); // Grab mutex until the end of the function
int nCapturedObjects = m_CapturedObjects.GetSize();
if (nCapturedObjects > 0) { wiauDbgTrace("TakePicture", "Processing %d objects", nCapturedObjects);
// Add the first object (in case of burst capture it should folder)
hr = AddObject(m_CapturedObjects[0], TRUE); if (FAILED(hr)) { wiauDbgErrorHr(hr, "TakePicture", "AddObject failed"); return hr; }
// The last item added to the m_HandleItem map will be the new object
// In case of burst capture, new images will be stored in a folder (TimeSequence association)
// Handle of the folder must come first. Return the corresponding WIA item as a result of TakePicture.
wiauDbgTrace("TakePicture", "new item is 0x%08x", m_HandleItem.GetKeyAt(m_HandleItem.GetSize() - 1)); *ppNewItem = m_HandleItem.GetValueAt(m_HandleItem.GetSize() - 1);
// Add the remaining objects
for (int i = 1; i < nCapturedObjects; i++) { hr = AddObject(m_CapturedObjects[i], TRUE); if (FAILED(hr)) { wiauDbgErrorHr(hr, "TakePicture", "AddObject failed"); return hr; } }
} else { //
// There are no new objects, storage filled up too quickly
wiauDbgError("TakePicture", "InitiateCapture did not produce any new objects"); return HRESULT_FROM_PTP(PTP_RESPONSECODE_STOREFULL); }
return hr; }
// This function add up all the free image space on each storage.
LONG CWiaMiniDriver::GetTotalFreeImageSpace() { DBG_FN("CWiaMiniDriver::GetTotalFreeImageSpace");
int count; LONG imageSpace = 0; for (count = 0; count < m_StorageInfos.GetSize(); count++) { imageSpace += m_StorageInfos[count].m_FreeSpaceInImages; }
return imageSpace; }
// This function gets the item context from the given wias context and
// optionally return the target IWiaDrvItem. At least one of ppItemContext
// and ppDrvItem must be valid.
// Input:
// pWiasContext -- wias context obtained from every drvxxxx method
// ppItemContext -- optional parameter to receive the item context
// ppDrvItem -- optional parameter to receive the IWiaDrvItem
HRESULT CWiaMiniDriver::WiasContextToItemContext( BYTE *pWiasContext, DRVITEM_CONTEXT **ppItemContext, IWiaDrvItem **ppDrvItem ) { DBG_FN("CWiaMiniDriver::WiasContextToItemContext");
IWiaDrvItem *pWiaDrvItem;
if (!pWiasContext || (!ppItemContext && !ppDrvItem)) { wiauDbgError("WiasContextToItemContext", "invalid arg"); return E_INVALIDARG; }
if (ppDrvItem) *ppDrvItem = NULL;
hr = wiasGetDrvItem(pWiasContext, &pWiaDrvItem); if (FAILED(hr)) { wiauDbgErrorHr(hr, "WiasContextToItemContext", "wiasGetDrvItem failed"); return hr; }
if (ppDrvItem) *ppDrvItem = pWiaDrvItem;
if (ppItemContext) { *ppItemContext = NULL; hr = pWiaDrvItem->GetDeviceSpecContext((BYTE **)ppItemContext); if (FAILED(hr)) { wiauDbgError("WiasContextToItemContext", "GetDeviceSpecContext failed"); return hr; } }
return hr; }
// This function loads all the object name strings
HRESULT CWiaMiniDriver::LoadStrings() { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if (UnknownString[0] != L'\0') { //
// The strings are already loaded
return hr; }
hr = GetResourceString(IDS_UNKNOWNSTRING, UnknownString, MAX_PATH); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; hr = GetResourceString(IDS_FOLDERSTRING, FolderString, MAX_PATH); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; hr = GetResourceString(IDS_SCRIPTSTRING, ScriptString, MAX_PATH); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; hr = GetResourceString(IDS_EXECSTRING, ExecString, MAX_PATH); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; hr = GetResourceString(IDS_TEXTSTRING, TextString, MAX_PATH); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; hr = GetResourceString(IDS_HTMLSTRING, HtmlString, MAX_PATH); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; hr = GetResourceString(IDS_DPOFSTRING, DpofString, MAX_PATH); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; hr = GetResourceString(IDS_AUDIOSTRING, AudioString, MAX_PATH); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; hr = GetResourceString(IDS_VIDEOSTRING, VideoString, MAX_PATH); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; hr = GetResourceString(IDS_UNKNOWNIMGSTRING, UnknownImgString, MAX_PATH); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; hr = GetResourceString(IDS_IMAGESTRING, ImageString, MAX_PATH); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; hr = GetResourceString(IDS_ALBUMSTRING, AlbumString, MAX_PATH); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; hr = GetResourceString(IDS_BURSTSTRING, BurstString, MAX_PATH); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; hr = GetResourceString(IDS_PANORAMASTRING, PanoramaString, MAX_PATH); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
hr = GetResourceString(IDS_DEVICECONNECTED, DeviceConnectedString, MAX_PATH); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; hr = GetResourceString(IDS_DEVICEDISCONNECTED, DeviceDisconnectedString, MAX_PATH); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; hr = GetResourceString(IDS_ITEMCREATED, ItemCreatedString, MAX_PATH); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; hr = GetResourceString(IDS_ITEMDELETED, ItemDeletedString, MAX_PATH); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; hr = GetResourceString(IDS_TAKEPICTURE, TakePictureString, MAX_PATH); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; hr = GetResourceString(IDS_SYNCHRONIZE, SynchronizeString, MAX_PATH); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; hr = GetResourceString(IDS_TREEUPDATED, TreeUpdatedString, MAX_PATH); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
// Concatenate %ld on the end of each object name string so they can be used in a sprintf statement
hr = StringCchCatW(UnknownString, ARRAYSIZE(UnknownString), L"%ld"); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = StringCchCatW(UnknownString, ARRAYSIZE(UnknownString), L"%ld"); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = StringCchCatW(FolderString, ARRAYSIZE(FolderString), L"%ld"); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = StringCchCatW(ScriptString, ARRAYSIZE(ScriptString), L"%ld"); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = StringCchCatW(ExecString, ARRAYSIZE(ExecString), L"%ld"); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = StringCchCatW(TextString, ARRAYSIZE(TextString), L"%ld"); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = StringCchCatW(HtmlString, ARRAYSIZE(HtmlString), L"%ld"); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = StringCchCatW(DpofString, ARRAYSIZE(DpofString), L"%ld"); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = StringCchCatW(AudioString, ARRAYSIZE(AudioString), L"%ld"); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = StringCchCatW(VideoString, ARRAYSIZE(VideoString), L"%ld"); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = StringCchCatW(UnknownImgString, ARRAYSIZE(UnknownImgString), L"%ld"); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = StringCchCatW(ImageString, ARRAYSIZE(ImageString), L"%ld"); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = StringCchCatW(AlbumString, ARRAYSIZE(AlbumString), L"%ld"); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = StringCchCatW(BurstString, ARRAYSIZE(BurstString), L"%ld"); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = StringCchCatW(PanoramaString, ARRAYSIZE(PanoramaString), L"%ld");
return hr; }
// This function retrieves a string from the resource file and returns a Unicode string. The caller
// is responsible for allocating space for the string before calling this function.
// Input:
// lResourceID -- resource id of the string
// pString -- pointer to receive the string
// length -- length of the string in characters
HRESULT CWiaMiniDriver::GetResourceString( LONG lResourceID, WCHAR *pString, int length ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
#ifdef UNICODE
if (::LoadString(g_hInst, lResourceID, pString, length) == 0) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(::GetLastError()); wiauDbgErrorHr(hr, "GetResourceString", "LoadString failed"); return hr; }
TCHAR szStringValue[255]; if (::LoadString(g_hInst,lResourceID,szStringValue,255) == 0) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(::GetLastError()); wiauDbgErrorHr(hr, "GetResourceString", "LoadString failed"); return hr; }
// convert szStringValue from char* to unsigned short* (ANSI only)
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, szStringValue, lstrlenA(szStringValue)+1, pString, sizeof(length));
return hr; }
// To support vendor extension, new registry entries are defined under the
// DeviceData subkey. These entries are created from the vendor INF
// during device setup. Sample INF entries:
// [DeviceData]
// VendorExtID=0x12345678
// PropCode="0xD001,0xD002,0xD003"
// PropCodeD001="0x1C01,Vendor property 1"
// PropCodeD002="0x1C02,Vendor property 2"
// PropCodeD003="0x1C03,Vendor property 3"
// EventCode="0xC001,0xC002"
// EventCodeC001={191D9AE7-EE8C-443c-B3E8-A3F87E0CF3CC}
// EventCodeC002={8162F5ED-62B7-42c5-9C2B-B1625AC0DB93}
// The VendorExtID entry should be the PIMA assigned vendor extension code.
// The PropCode entry must list all of the vendor extended PropCodes.
// For each value in PropCode, an entry of the form PropCodeXXXX must be
// present, where XXXX is the hex value of the prop code (uppercase). The
// value for that entry is the WIA property ID and description (which does not
// need to be localized).
// The EventCode entry work similarly, where each EventCodeXXXX entry lists the event
// GUID that will be posted when the event occurs.
const TCHAR REGSTR_DEVICEDATA[] = TEXT("DeviceData"); const TCHAR REGSTR_VENDORID[] = TEXT("VendorExtID"); const TCHAR REGSTR_TWODIGITSMILLISECONDS[] = TEXT("TwoDigitsMillisecondsOutput"); const TCHAR REGSTR_PROPCODE[] = TEXT("PropCode"); const TCHAR REGSTR_PROPCODE_MASK[] = TEXT("PropCode%04X"); const TCHAR REGSTR_EVENTCODE[] = TEXT("EventCode"); const TCHAR REGSTR_EVENTCODE_MASK[] = TEXT("EventCode%04X"); const TCHAR REGSTR_EVENTS_MASK[] = TEXT("Events\\%s");
// This function initializes vendor extentions from the provided
// registry key
// Input:
// hkDevParams -- the registry key under which the vendor extentions are defined.
HRESULT CWiaMiniDriver::InitVendorExtentions(HKEY hkDevParams) { USES_CONVERSION; DBG_FN("CWiaMiniDriver::InitVendorExtentions");
if (!hkDevParams) { wiauDbgError("InitVendorExtentions", "invalid arg"); return E_INVALIDARG; }
CPTPRegistry regDevData;
hr = regDevData.Open(hkDevParams, REGSTR_DEVICEDATA); if (FAILED(hr)) { wiauDbgError("InitVendorExtentions", "Open DeviceData failed"); return hr; }
// Check if this device requires two digits for milliseconds in DATETIME string
DWORD dwTwoDigitsMs = 0; hr = regDevData.GetValueDword(REGSTR_TWODIGITSMILLISECONDS, &dwTwoDigitsMs); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && dwTwoDigitsMs) { wiauDbgTrace("InitVendorExtensions", "This device requires two digits for milliseconds in DATETIME string"); m_bTwoDigitsMillisecondsOutput = TRUE; }
// Get the vendor extension ID
hr = regDevData.GetValueDword(REGSTR_VENDORID, &m_VendorExtId); if (FAILED(hr)) wiauDbgWarning("InitVendorExtentions", "couldn't read vendor extension id");
wiauDbgTrace("InitVendorExtentions", "vendor extension id = 0x%08x", m_VendorExtId);
// Get the list of vendor extended property codes
CArray16 VendorPropCodes; hr = regDevData.GetValueCodes(REGSTR_PROPCODE, &VendorPropCodes);
wiauDbgTrace("InitVendorExtentions", "%d vendor prop codes found", VendorPropCodes.GetSize());
// For each property code, get it's information, i.e. the WIA prop id and string
int count = 0; TCHAR name[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR nameFormat[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR value[MAX_PATH]; DWORD valueLen = MAX_PATH; PROP_INFO *pPropInfo = NULL; WCHAR *pPropStr = NULL;
const cchPropStrBuf = MAX_PATH; #ifndef UNICODE
TCHAR PropStrBuf[cchPropStrBuf]; #else
#define PropStrBuf pPropStr
int num; if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { //
// Read vendor property info.
// sample key = "PropCodeD001", sample value = "0x00009802,Vendor property 1"
for (count = 0; count < VendorPropCodes.GetSize(); count++) { hr = StringCchPrintf(name, ARRAYSIZE(name), REGSTR_PROPCODE_MASK, VendorPropCodes[count]); if (FAILED(hr)) { wiauDbgErrorHr(hr, "InitVendorExtensions", "StringCchPrintf failed"); return hr; }
valueLen = sizeof(value); hr = regDevData.GetValueStr(name, value, &valueLen); if (FAILED(hr)) { wiauDbgError("InitVendorExtentions", "vendor extended PropCode not found 0x%04x", VendorPropCodes[count]); return hr; }
pPropInfo = new PROP_INFO; pPropStr = new WCHAR[cchPropStrBuf]; if (!pPropInfo || !pPropStr) { wiauDbgError("InitVendorExtentions", "memory allocation failed"); return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
pPropInfo->PropName = pPropStr; *PropStrBuf = TEXT('\0'); //
// Parse property info
hr = E_FAIL; // assume string is bad
TCHAR *pTemp = NULL;
pPropInfo->PropId = _tcstoul(value, &pTemp, 0); // determine number base automatically
if (pPropInfo->PropId != 0) { pTemp = _tcschr(value, TEXT(',')); if (pTemp != NULL && *(pTemp + 1) != TEXT('\0')) // empty property name is bad
{ hr = StringCchCopy(PropStrBuf, cchPropStrBuf, pTemp + 1); } }
if (FAILED(hr)) { wiauDbgError("InitVendorExtentions", "invalid vendor property format"); delete pPropInfo; delete [] pPropStr; return hr; }
#ifndef UNICODE
wcscpy(pPropStr, A2W(PropStrBuf)); #endif
m_VendorPropMap.Add(VendorPropCodes[count], pPropInfo); } } else wiauDbgWarning("InitVendorExtentions", "couldn't read vendor prop codes");
// Get the list of vendor extended event codes
hr = S_OK; CArray16 VendorEventCodes; regDevData.GetValueCodes(REGSTR_EVENTCODE, &VendorEventCodes);
wiauDbgTrace("InitVendorExtentions", "%d vendor event codes found", VendorEventCodes.GetSize()); int nVendorEvents = VendorEventCodes.GetSize(); if (nVendorEvents > MAX_VENDOR_EVENTS) { wiauDbgWarning("InitVendorExtensions", "vendor events limit exceeded, ignoring events over limit"); nVendorEvents = MAX_VENDOR_EVENTS; }
// For each event code, get it's information, i.e. the WIA event GUID and event name
for (count = 0; count < nVendorEvents; count++) { hr = StringCchPrintf(name, ARRAYSIZE(name), REGSTR_EVENTCODE_MASK, VendorEventCodes[count]); if (FAILED(hr)) { wiauDbgErrorHr(hr, "InitVendorExtensions", "StringCchPrintf failed"); return hr; }
valueLen = sizeof(value); hr = regDevData.GetValueStr(name, value, &valueLen); if (FAILED(hr)) { wiauDbgError("InitVendorExtentions", "vendor extended EventCode not found 0x%04x", VendorEventCodes[count]); return hr; }
CVendorEventInfo *pEventInfo = new CVendorEventInfo; if (!pEventInfo) { wiauDbgError("InitVendorExtentions", "memory allocation failed"); return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
pEventInfo->pGuid = new GUID; if (!pEventInfo->pGuid) { wiauDbgError("InitVendorExtentions", "memory allocation failed"); delete pEventInfo; pEventInfo = NULL; return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
hr = CLSIDFromString(T2W(value), pEventInfo->pGuid); if (FAILED(hr)) { wiauDbgError("InitVendorExtentions", "invalid guid format"); delete pEventInfo; pEventInfo = NULL; return hr; }
// Open DevParams\Events\EventCodeXXXX key and read event's name - default value of the key
TCHAR szEventKey[MAX_PATH] = TEXT(""); CPTPRegistry regEventKey;
hr = StringCchPrintf(szEventKey, ARRAYSIZE(szEventKey), REGSTR_EVENTS_MASK, name); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = regEventKey.Open(hkDevParams, szEventKey); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { valueLen = sizeof(value); hr = regEventKey.GetValueStr(_T(""), value, &valueLen); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { pEventInfo->EventName = SysAllocString(T2W(value)); if (pEventInfo->EventName == NULL) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } } } if (FAILED(hr)) { //
// if event name is not provided, the event info will not be added to the map
// just proceed to the next event in VendorEventCodes
wiauDbgError("InitVendorExtensions", "can't read vendor event name"); delete pEventInfo; pEventInfo = NULL; hr = S_OK; } else { //
// Add the EventInfo to the map. Map will be responsible for freeing EventInfo
m_VendorEventMap.Add(VendorEventCodes[count], pEventInfo); } }
return hr; }
// Event callback function
HRESULT EventCallback( LPVOID pCallbackParam, PPTP_EVENT pEvent ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if (pEvent == NULL) { hr = CoInitialize(NULL); wiauDbgTrace("EventCallback", "CoInitialize called"); } else { DBG_FN("EventCallback");
CWiaMiniDriver *pDriver = (CWiaMiniDriver *) pCallbackParam;
if (pDriver) { hr = pDriver->EventCallbackDispatch(pEvent); if (FAILED(hr)) { wiauDbgError("EventCallback", "ProcessEvent failed"); return hr; } } }
return hr; }
// Constructor
CPtpMutex::CPtpMutex(HANDLE hMutex) : m_hMutex(hMutex) { DWORD ret = 0; const DWORD MUTEX_WAIT = 30 * 1000; // 30 seconds
ret = WaitForSingleObject(hMutex, MUTEX_WAIT); if (ret == WAIT_TIMEOUT) wiauDbgError("CPtpMutex", "wait for mutex expired"); else if (ret == WAIT_FAILED) wiauDbgError("CPtpMutex", "WaitForSingleObject failed");
wiauDbgTrace("CPtpMutex", "Entering mutex"); }
// Destructor
CPtpMutex::~CPtpMutex() { wiauDbgTrace("~CPtpMutex", "Leaving mutex");
if (!ReleaseMutex(m_hMutex)) wiauDbgError("~CPtpMutex", "ReleaseMutex failed"); }
// Notify WIA server on changes in camera's state, like "camera was reset"
HRESULT CWiaMiniDriver::NotifyWiaOnStateChanges() { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if (m_pPTPCamera == NULL) { return E_UNEXPECTED; }
// Check if camera was reset
PBOOL pbWasReset = m_pPTPCamera->CameraWasReset();
if (*pbWasReset) { //
// Since device was reset, its context is invalid now
// First, remove all objects
while (m_StorageIds.GetSize() > 0) { hr = RemoveStorage(m_StorageIds[0]); if (FAILED(hr)) { wiauDbgError("NotifyWiaOnStateChanges", "Failed to remove storage"); } } //
// Unlink tree.
if (m_pDrvItemRoot) { hr = m_pDrvItemRoot->UnlinkItemTree(WiaItemTypeDisconnected); if (FAILED(hr)) { wiauDbgError("NotifyWiaOnStateChanges", "Failed to unlink tree"); } m_pDrvItemRoot->Release(); m_pDrvItemRoot = NULL; }
// Invalidate all property values
// Next call to drvInitializeWia should be able to re-initialize camera
m_OpenApps = 0;
// Notify WIA service and application that camera needs to be reinitialized
hr = wiasQueueEvent(m_bstrDeviceId, &WIA_EVENT_TREE_UPDATED, NULL); if (FAILED(hr)) { wiauDbgError("NotifyWiaOnStateChanges", "Failed to queue WIA_EVENT_TREE_UPDATED event"); } *pbWasReset = FALSE; }
return hr; }