#ifndef _USE_OLD_JET_H_
#define _USE_NEW_JET_H_ /* The USE_NEW_JET_H is needed for err.awk to generate err.c in cli */
#if _MSC_VER > 1000
#pragma once
// *******************************************************************************
// New Jet header...
// *******************************************************************************
#if !defined(_JET_INCLUDED)
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" { #endif
#define JET_cbPage 4096 // UNDONE: Remove when no more components reference this.
#if defined(_M_ALPHA)
#include <pshpack8.h>
#include <pshpack4.h>
#define JET_API __stdcall
#define JET_NODSAPI __stdcall
typedef long JET_ERR;
typedef unsigned long JET_INSTANCE; /* Instance Identifier */ typedef ULONG_PTR JET_SESID; /* Session Identifier */ typedef ULONG_PTR JET_TABLEID; /* Table Identifier */ typedef unsigned long JET_COLUMNID; /* Column Identifier */
typedef ULONG_PTR JET_DBID; /* Database Identifier */ typedef unsigned long JET_OBJTYP; /* Object Type */ typedef unsigned long JET_COLTYP; /* Column Type */ typedef unsigned long JET_GRBIT; /* Group of Bits */
typedef unsigned long JET_SNP; /* Status Notification Process */ typedef unsigned long JET_SNT; /* Status Notification Type */ typedef unsigned long JET_SNC; /* Status Notification Code */ typedef double JET_DATESERIAL; /* JET_coltypDateTime format */ typedef unsigned long JET_HANDLE; /* backup file handle */
typedef JET_ERR (__stdcall *JET_PFNSTATUS)(JET_SESID sesid, JET_SNP snp, JET_SNT snt, void *pv);
/* required for Exchange to make RSTMAP RPC capable
/**/ #ifdef MIDL_PASS
#define xRPC_STRING [string]
#define xRPC_STRING
typedef unsigned short WCHAR; #endif
typedef struct { xRPC_STRING char *szDatabaseName; xRPC_STRING char *szNewDatabaseName; } JET_RSTMAP; /* restore map */
/* required for Exchange unicode support
/**/ #define UNICODE_RSTMAP
typedef struct tagJET_RSTMAPW { xRPC_STRING WCHAR *wszDatabaseName; xRPC_STRING WCHAR *wszNewDatabaseName; } JET_RSTMAPW, *PJET_RSTMAPW;
// For edbutil convert only.
typedef struct tagCONVERT { char *szOldDll; union { unsigned long fFlags; struct { unsigned long fSchemaChangesOnly:1; }; }; } JET_CONVERT;
typedef enum { opDBUTILConsistency, opDBUTILDumpData, opDBUTILDumpMetaData, opDBUTILDumpPage, opDBUTILDumpNode, opDBUTILDumpSpace, opDBUTILSetHeaderState, opDBUTILDumpHeader, opDBUTILDumpLogfile, opDBUTILDumpLogfileTrackNode, opDBUTILDumpCheckpoint, opDBUTILEDBDump, opDBUTILEDBRepair, opDBUTILMunge } DBUTIL_OP;
typedef enum { opEDBDumpTables, opEDBDumpIndexes, opEDBDumpColumns, opEDBDumpPage, } EDBDUMP_OP;
typedef struct tagDBUTIL { unsigned long cbStruct;
JET_SESID sesid; JET_DBID dbid; JET_TABLEID tableid;
DBUTIL_OP op; EDBDUMP_OP edbdump; JET_GRBIT grbitOptions;
char *szDatabase; char *szBackup; char *szTable; char *szIndex;
long pgno; long iline; long lGeneration; long isec; long ib;
long cRetry; void * pfnCallback; void * pvCallback; } JET_DBUTIL;
#define JET_bitDBUtilOptionAllNodes 0x00000001
#define JET_bitDBUtilOptionKeyStats 0x00000002
#define JET_bitDBUtilOptionPageDump 0x00000004
#define JET_bitDBUtilOptionDumpVerbose 0x10000000 // DEBUG only
#define JET_bitDBUtilOptionCheckBTree 0x20000000 // DEBUG only
#define JET_bitDBUtilOptionStats 0x00000008
#define JET_bitDBUtilOptionVerbose 0x00000010
#define JET_bitDBUtilOptionIgnoreErrors 0x00000020
#define JET_bitDBUtilOptionVerify 0x00000040
#define JET_bitDBUtilOptionReportErrors 0x00000080
#define JET_bitDBUtilOptionDontRepair 0x00000100
#define JET_bitDBUtilOptionRepairAll 0x00000200
#define JET_bitDBUtilOptionRepairIndexes 0x00000400
#define JET_bitDBUtilOptionDontBuildIndexes 0x00000800
// Online defragmentation options
#define JET_bitDefragmentBatchStart 0x00000001
#define JET_bitDefragmentBatchStop 0x00000002
/* Session information bits */
#define JET_bitCIMCommitted 0x00000001
#define JET_bitCIMDirty 0x00000002
#define JET_bitAggregateTransaction 0x00000008
/* Status Notification Structures */
typedef struct /* Status Notification Progress */ { unsigned long cbStruct; /* Size of this structure */ unsigned long cunitDone; /* Number of units of work completed */ unsigned long cunitTotal; /* Total number of units of work */ } JET_SNPROG;
typedef struct /* Status Notification Message */ { unsigned long cbStruct; /* Size of this structure */ JET_SNC snc; /* Status Notification Code */ unsigned long ul; /* Numeric identifier */ char sz[256]; /* Identifier */ } JET_SNMSG;
typedef struct { unsigned long cbStruct; unsigned long cbFilesizeLow; // file's current size (low DWORD)
unsigned long cbFilesizeHigh; // file's current size (high DWORD)
unsigned long cbFreeSpaceRequiredLow; // estimate of free disk space required for in-place upgrade (low DWORD)
unsigned long cbFreeSpaceRequiredHigh;// estimate of free disk space required for in-place upgrade (high DWORD)
unsigned long csecToUpgrade; // estimate of time required, in seconds, for upgrade
union { unsigned long ulFlags; struct { unsigned long fUpgradable:1; unsigned long fAlreadyUpgraded:1; }; }; } JET_DBINFOUPGRADE;
typedef struct { unsigned long cbStruct; JET_OBJTYP objtyp; JET_DATESERIAL dtCreate; // XXX -- to be deleted
JET_DATESERIAL dtUpdate; // XXX -- to be deleted
JET_GRBIT grbit; unsigned long flags; unsigned long cRecord; unsigned long cPage; } JET_OBJECTINFO;
/* The following flags appear in the grbit field above */
#define JET_bitTableInfoUpdatable 0x00000001
#define JET_bitTableInfoBookmark 0x00000002
#define JET_bitTableInfoRollback 0x00000004
#define JET_bitTableSequential 0x00008000
/* The following flags occur in the flags field above */
#define JET_bitObjectSystem 0x80000000 // Internal use only
#define JET_bitObjectTableFixedDDL 0x40000000 // Table's DDL is fixed
#define JET_bitObjectTableTemplate 0x20000000 // Table's DDL is inheritable (implies FixedDDL)
#define JET_bitObjectTableDerived 0x10000000 // Table's DDL is inherited from a template table
#define JET_bitObjectSystemDynamic (JET_bitObjectSystem|0x08000000) // Internal use only (dynamic system objects)
typedef struct { unsigned long cbStruct; JET_TABLEID tableid; unsigned long cRecord; JET_COLUMNID columnidcontainername; JET_COLUMNID columnidobjectname; JET_COLUMNID columnidobjtyp; JET_COLUMNID columniddtCreate; // XXX -- to be deleted
JET_COLUMNID columniddtUpdate; // XXX -- to be deleted
JET_COLUMNID columnidgrbit; JET_COLUMNID columnidflags; JET_COLUMNID columnidcRecord; /* Level 2 info */ JET_COLUMNID columnidcPage; /* Level 2 info */ } JET_OBJECTLIST;
#define cObjectInfoCols 9
typedef struct { unsigned long cbStruct; JET_TABLEID tableid; unsigned long cRecord; JET_COLUMNID columnidPresentationOrder; JET_COLUMNID columnidcolumnname; JET_COLUMNID columnidcolumnid; JET_COLUMNID columnidcoltyp; JET_COLUMNID columnidCountry; JET_COLUMNID columnidLangid; JET_COLUMNID columnidCp; JET_COLUMNID columnidCollate; JET_COLUMNID columnidcbMax; JET_COLUMNID columnidgrbit; JET_COLUMNID columnidDefault; JET_COLUMNID columnidBaseTableName; JET_COLUMNID columnidBaseColumnName; JET_COLUMNID columnidDefinitionName; } JET_COLUMNLIST;
#define cColumnInfoCols 14
typedef struct { unsigned long cbStruct; JET_COLUMNID columnid; JET_COLTYP coltyp; unsigned short wCountry; unsigned short langid; unsigned short cp; unsigned short wCollate; /* Must be 0 */ unsigned long cbMax; JET_GRBIT grbit; } JET_COLUMNDEF;
typedef struct { unsigned long cbStruct; JET_COLUMNID columnid; JET_COLTYP coltyp; unsigned short wCountry; unsigned short langid; unsigned short cp; unsigned short wFiller; /* Must be 0 */ unsigned long cbMax; JET_GRBIT grbit; char szBaseTableName[256]; char szBaseColumnName[256]; } JET_COLUMNBASE;
typedef struct { unsigned long cbStruct; JET_TABLEID tableid; unsigned long cRecord; JET_COLUMNID columnidindexname; JET_COLUMNID columnidgrbitIndex; JET_COLUMNID columnidcKey; JET_COLUMNID columnidcEntry; JET_COLUMNID columnidcPage; JET_COLUMNID columnidcColumn; JET_COLUMNID columnidiColumn; JET_COLUMNID columnidcolumnid; JET_COLUMNID columnidcoltyp; JET_COLUMNID columnidCountry; JET_COLUMNID columnidLangid; JET_COLUMNID columnidCp; JET_COLUMNID columnidCollate; JET_COLUMNID columnidgrbitColumn; JET_COLUMNID columnidcolumnname; } JET_INDEXLIST;
#define cIndexInfoCols 15
typedef struct tag_JET_COLUMNCREATE { unsigned long cbStruct; // size of this structure (for future expansion)
char *szColumnName; // column name
JET_COLTYP coltyp; // column type
unsigned long cbMax; // the maximum length of this column (only relevant for binary and text columns)
JET_GRBIT grbit; // column options
void *pvDefault; // default value (NULL if none)
unsigned long cbDefault; // length of default value
unsigned long cp; // code page (for text columns only)
JET_COLUMNID columnid; // returned column id
JET_ERR err; // returned error code
typedef struct tagJET_INDEXCREATEOLD // [4/15/97]: to be phased out eventually (laurionb)
{ unsigned long cbStruct; // size of this structure (for future expansion)
char *szIndexName; // index name
char *szKey; // index key
unsigned long cbKey; // length of key
JET_GRBIT grbit; // index options
unsigned long ulDensity; // index density
JET_ERR err; // returned error code
typedef struct tagJET_CONDITIONALCOLUMN { unsigned long cbStruct; // size of this structure (for future expansion)
char *szColumnName; // column that we are conditionally indexed on
JET_GRBIT grbit; // conditional column options
typedef struct tagJET_INDEXCREATE { unsigned long cbStruct; // size of this structure (for future expansion)
char *szIndexName; // index name
char *szKey; // index key
unsigned long cbKey; // length of key
JET_GRBIT grbit; // index options
unsigned long ulDensity; // index density
unsigned long lcid; // lcid for the index
unsigned long cbVarSegMac; // maximum length of variable length columns in index key
JET_CONDITIONALCOLUMN * rgconditionalcolumn; // pointer to conditional column structure
unsigned long cConditionalColumn; // number of conditional columns
JET_ERR err; // returned error code
typedef struct tagJET_TABLECREATE { unsigned long cbStruct; // size of this structure (for future expansion)
char *szTableName; // name of table to create.
char *szTemplateTableName; // name of table from which to inherit base DDL
unsigned long ulPages; // initial pages to allocate for table.
unsigned long ulDensity; // table density.
JET_COLUMNCREATE *rgcolumncreate; // array of column creation info
unsigned long cColumns; // number of columns to create
JET_INDEXCREATE *rgindexcreate; // array of index creation info
unsigned long cIndexes; // number of indexes to create
JET_GRBIT grbit; JET_TABLEID tableid; // returned tableid.
unsigned long cCreated; // count of objects created (columns+table+indexes).
typedef struct { unsigned long cbStruct; unsigned long ibLongValue; unsigned long itagSequence; JET_COLUMNID columnidNextTagged; } JET_RETINFO;
typedef struct { unsigned long cbStruct; unsigned long ibLongValue; unsigned long itagSequence; } JET_SETINFO;
typedef struct { unsigned long cbStruct; unsigned long centriesLT; unsigned long centriesInRange; unsigned long centriesTotal; } JET_RECPOS;
// The caller need to setup JET_OLP with a signal wait for the signal to be set.
typedef struct { void *pvReserved1; // internally use
void *pvReserved2; unsigned long cbActual; // the actual number of bytes read through this IO
JET_HANDLE hSig; // a manual reset signal to wait for the IO to complete.
JET_ERR err; // Err code for this assync IO.
#include <pshpack1.h>
typedef struct { char bSeconds; // 0 - 60
char bMinutes; // 0 - 60
char bHours; // 0 - 24
char bDay; // 1 - 31
char bMonth; // 0 - 11
char bYear; // current year - 1900
char bFiller1; char bFiller2; } JET_LOGTIME;
typedef struct { unsigned short ib; // must be the last so that lgpos can
unsigned short isec; // index of disksec starting logsec
long lGeneration; // generation of logsec
} JET_LGPOS; // be casted to TIME.
typedef struct { unsigned long ulRandom; // a random number
JET_LOGTIME logtimeCreate; // time db created, in logtime format
char szComputerName[ JET_MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH + 1 ]; // where db is created
typedef struct { JET_LGPOS lgposMark; // id for this backup
JET_LOGTIME logtimeMark; unsigned long genLow; unsigned long genHigh; } JET_BKINFO; #include <poppack.h>
typedef struct { unsigned long ulVersion; // version of DAE the db created (see ulDAEVersion)
unsigned long ulUpdate; // used to track incremental database format updates that
// are backward-compatible (see ulDAEUpdate)
JET_SIGNATURE signDb; // (28 bytes) signature of the db (incl. creation time).
unsigned long dbstate; // consistent/inconsistent state
JET_LGPOS lgposConsistent; // null if in inconsistent state
JET_LOGTIME logtimeConsistent; // null if in inconsistent state
JET_LOGTIME logtimeAttach; // Last attach time.
JET_LGPOS lgposAttach;
JET_LOGTIME logtimeDetach; // Last detach time.
JET_LGPOS lgposDetach;
JET_SIGNATURE signLog; // (28 bytes) log signature for this attachments
JET_BKINFO bkinfoFullPrev; // Last successful full backup.
JET_BKINFO bkinfoIncPrev; // Last successful Incremental backup.
// Reset when bkinfoFullPrev is set
JET_BKINFO bkinfoFullCur; // current backup. Succeed if a
// corresponding pat file generated.
unsigned long fShadowingDisabled; unsigned long fUpgradeDb;
// NT version information. This is needed to decide if an index need
// be recreated due to sort table changes.
unsigned long dwMajorVersion; /* OS version info */ unsigned long dwMinorVersion; unsigned long dwBuildNumber; long lSPNumber;
unsigned long cbPageSize; // database page size (0 = 4k pages)
//typedef struct
// {
// unsigned long cDiscont;
// unsigned long cUnfixedMessyPage;
// unsigned long centriesLT;
// unsigned long centriesTotal;
// unsigned long cpgCompactFreed;
/************************************************************************/ /************************* JET CONSTANTS ************************/ /************************************************************************/
#define JET_tableidNil ((JET_TABLEID) 0xFFFFFFFF)
#define JET_sesidNil ((JET_SESID) 0xFFFFFFFF)
/* Max size of a bookmark */
#define JET_cbBookmarkMost 256
/* Max length of a object/column/index/property name */
#define JET_cbNameMost 64
/* Max length of a "name.name.name..." construct */
#define JET_cbFullNameMost 255
/* Max size of long-value (LongBinary or LongText) column chunk */
// #define JET_cbColumnLVChunkMost ( JET_cbPage - 82 ) to the following:
// Get cbPage from GetSystemParameter.
// changed to cbPage - JET_cbColumnLVPageOverhead
#define JET_cbColumnLVPageOverhead 82
#define JET_cbColumnLVChunkMost ( 4096 - 82 ) // This def will be removed after other components change not to use this def
#define JET_cbColumnLVChunkMost_OLD 4035
/* Max size of long-value (LongBinary or LongText) column default value */
#define JET_cbLVDefaultValueMost 255
/* Max size of non-long-value column data */
#define JET_cbColumnMost 255
/* Max size of a sort/index key */
#define JET_cbKeyMost 255
#define JET_cbPrimaryKeyMost 255
#define JET_cbSecondaryKeyMost 255
#define JET_cbKeyMost_OLD 255
/* Max number of components in a sort/index key */
#define JET_ccolKeyMost 12
// system paramters
// location parameters
#define JET_paramSystemPath 0 /* path to check point file [".\\"] */
#define JET_paramTempPath 1 /* path to the temporary database [".\\"] */
#define JET_paramLogFilePath 2 /* path to the log file directory [".\\"] */
#define JET_paramLogFileFailoverPath 61 /* path to use if the log file disk should fail [none] */
#define JET_paramBaseName 3 /* base name for all DBMS object names ["edb"] */
#define JET_paramEventSource 4 /* language independant process descriptor string [""] */
// performance parameters
#define JET_paramMaxSessions 5 /* maximum number of sessions [128] */
#define JET_paramMaxOpenTables 6 /* maximum number of open directories [300]
/* need 1 for each open table index,
/* plus 1 for each open table with no indexes,
/* plus 1 for each table with long column data,
/* plus a few more.
/**/ /* for 4.1, 1/3 for regular table, 2/3 for index */ #define JET_paramPreferredMaxOpenTables 7 /* preferred maximum number of open directories [300] */
#define JET_paramMaxCursors 8 /* maximum number of open cursors [1024] */
#define JET_paramMaxVerPages 9 /* maximum version store size in 16kByte units [64] */
#define JET_paramPreferredVerPages 63 /* preferred version store size in 16kByte units [0] */
#define JET_paramMaxTemporaryTables 10 /* maximum concurrent open temporary table/index creation [20] */
#define JET_paramLogFileSize 11 /* log file size in kBytes [5120] */
#define JET_paramLogBuffers 12 /* log buffers in 512 bytes [80] */
#define JET_paramWaitLogFlush 13 /* log flush wait time in milliseconds [0] */
#define JET_paramLogCheckpointPeriod 14 /* checkpoint period in 512 bytes [1024] */
#define JET_paramLogWaitingUserMax 15 /* maximum sessions waiting log flush [3] */
#define JET_paramCommitDefault 16 /* default grbit for JetCommitTransaction [0] */
#define JET_paramCircularLog 17 /* boolean flag for circular logging [0] */
#define JET_paramDbExtensionSize 18 /* database extension size in pages [256] */
#define JET_paramPageTempDBMin 19 /* minimum size temporary database in pages [0] */
#define JET_paramPageFragment 20 /* maximum disk extent considered fragment in pages [8] */
#define JET_paramPageReadAheadMax 21 /* maximum read-ahead in pages [20] */
// cache performance parameters
#define JET_paramBatchIOBufferMax 22 /* maximum batch I/O buffers in pages [64] */
#define JET_paramCacheSizeMin 60 /* minimum cache size in pages [64] */
#define JET_paramCacheSize 41 /* current cache size in pages [512] */
#define JET_paramCacheSizeMax 23 /* maximum cache size in pages [512] */
#define JET_paramCheckpointDepthMax 24 /* maximum checkpoint depth in bytes [20MB] */
#define JET_paramLRUKCorrInterval 25 /* time (usec) under which page accesses are correlated [10000] */
#define JET_paramLRUKHistoryMax 26 /* maximum LRUK history records [1024] (proportional to cache size max) */
#define JET_paramLRUKPolicy 27 /* K-ness of LRUK page eviction algorithm (1...2) [2] */
#define JET_paramLRUKTimeout 28 /* time (sec) after which cached pages are always evictable [100] */
#define JET_paramLRUKTrxCorrInterval 29 /* time (usec) under which page accesses by the same transaction are correlated [5000000] */
#define JET_paramOutstandingIOMax 30 /* maximum outstanding I/Os [64] */
#define JET_paramStartFlushThreshold 31 /* evictable pages at which to start a flush [100] (proportional to CacheSizeMax) */
#define JET_paramStopFlushThreshold 32 /* evictable pages at which to stop a flush [400] (proportional to CacheSizeMax) */
#define JET_paramTableClassName 33 /* table stats class name (class #, string) */
#define JET_paramExceptionAction 98 /* what to do with exceptions generated within JET */
#define JET_paramEventLogCache 99 /* number of bytes of eventlog records to cache if service is not available [0] */
// debug only parameters
#define JET_paramRecovery 34 /* enable recovery [-1] */
#define JET_paramOnLineCompact 35 /* enable online defrag [TRUE by default] */
#define JET_paramEnableOnlineDefrag 35 /* enable online defrag [TRUE by default] */
#define JET_paramAssertAction 36 /* action on assert */
#define JET_paramPrintFunction 37 /* synched print function [NULL] */
#define JET_paramTransactionLevel 38 /* transaction level of session */
#define JET_paramRFS2IOsPermitted 39 /* #IOs permitted to succeed [-1 = all] */
#define JET_paramRFS2AllocsPermitted 40 /* #allocs permitted to success [-1 = all] */
#define JET_paramCacheRequests 42 /* #cache requests (Read Only) */
#define JET_paramCacheHits 43 /* #cache hits (Read Only) */
// Application specific parameter
// Used by NT only.
#define JET_paramCheckFormatWhenOpenFail 44 /* JetInit may return JET_errDatabaseXXXformat instead of database corrupt when it is set */
#define JET_paramEnableIndexChecking 45 /* Enable checking OS version for indexes (FALSE by default) */
#define JET_paramEnableTempTableVersioning 46 /* Enable versioning of temp tables (TRUE by default) */
#define JET_paramIgnoreLogVersion 47 /* Do not check the log version */
#define JET_paramDeleteOldLogs 48 /* Delete the log files if the version is old, after deleting may make database non-recoverable */
#define JET_paramEventSourceKey 49 /* Event source registration key value */
#define JET_paramSysDbPath_OLD 0 /* path to the system database (defunct) ["<base name>.<base ext>"] */
#define JET_paramSystemPath_OLD 0 /* path to check point file ["."] */
#define JET_paramTempPath_OLD 1 /* path to the temporary database ["."] */
#define JET_paramMaxBuffers_OLD 8 /* maximum page cache size in pages [512] */
#define JET_paramMaxSessions_OLD 9 /* maximum number of sessions [128] */
#define JET_paramMaxOpenTables_OLD 10 /* maximum number of open tables [300] */
#define JET_paramPreferredMaxOpenTables_OLD 59 /* prefered maximum number of open tables [300] */
#define JET_paramMaxVerPages_OLD 11 /* maximum version store size in 16KB buckets [64] */
#define JET_paramMaxCursors_OLD 12 /* maximum number of open cursors [1024] */
#define JET_paramLogFilePath_OLD 13 /* path to the log file directory ["."] */
#define JET_paramMaxOpenTableIndexes_OLD 14 /* maximum open table indexes [300] */
#define JET_paramMaxTemporaryTables_OLD 15 /* maximum concurrent JetCreateIndex [20] */
#define JET_paramLogBuffers_OLD 16 /* maximum log buffers in 512 bytes [21] */
#define JET_paramLogFileSize_OLD 17 /* maximum log file size in kBytes [5120] */
#define JET_paramBfThrshldLowPrcnt_OLD 19 /* low percentage clean buffer flush start [20] */
#define JET_paramBfThrshldHighPrcnt_OLD 20 /* high percentage clean buffer flush stop [80] */
#define JET_paramWaitLogFlush_OLD 21 /* log flush wait time in milliseconds [15] */
#define JET_paramLogCheckpointPeriod_OLD 23 /* checkpoint period in 512 bytes [1024] */
#define JET_paramLogWaitingUserMax_OLD 24 /* maximum sessions waiting log flush [3] */
#define JET_paramRecovery_OLD 30 /* Switch for log on/off */
#define JET_paramSessionInfo_OLD 33 /* per session information [0] */
#define JET_paramPageFragment_OLD 34 /* maximum disk extent considered fragment in pages [8] */
#define JET_paramMaxOpenDatabases_OLD 36 /* maximum number of open databases [100] */
#define JET_paramBufBatchIOMax_OLD 41 /* maximum batch IO in pages [64] */
#define JET_paramPageReadAheadMax_OLD 42 /* maximum read-ahead IO in pages [20] */
#define JET_paramAsynchIOMax_OLD 43 /* maximum asynchronous IO in pages [64] */
#define JET_paramEventSource_OLD 45 /* language independant process descriptor string [""] */
#define JET_paramDbExtensionSize_OLD 48 /* database extension size in pages [16] */
#define JET_paramCommitDefault_OLD 50 /* default grbit for JetCommitTransaction [0] */
#define JET_paramBufLogGenAgeThreshold_OLD 51 /* age threshold in log files [2] */
#define JET_paramCircularLog_OLD 52 /* boolean flag for circular logging [0] */
#define JET_paramPageTempDBMin_OLD 53 /* minimum size temporary database in pages [0] */
#define JET_paramBaseName_OLD 56 /* base name for all DBMS object names ["edb"] */
#define JET_paramBaseExtension_OLD 57 /* base extension for all DBMS object names ["edb"] */
#define JET_paramTableClassName_OLD 58 /* table stats class name (class #, string) */
#define JET_paramEnableImprovedSeekShortcut 62 /* check to see if we are seeking for the record we are currently on [false] */
#define JET_paramDatabasePageSize 64 /* set database size for this ESE server */
#define JET_paramErrorToString 70 /* turns a JET_err into a string (taken from the comment in jet.h) */
/* Flags for JetTerm2 */
#define JET_bitTermComplete 0x00000001
#define JET_bitTermAbrupt 0x00000002
#define JET_bitTermStopBackup 0x00000004
/* Flags for JetIdle */
#define JET_bitIdleFlushBuffers 0x00000001
#define JET_bitIdleCompact 0x00000002
#define JET_bitIdleStatus 0x00000004
/* Flags for JetEndSession */ #define JET_bitForceSessionClosed 0x00000001
/* Flags for JetAttach/OpenDatabase */
#define JET_bitDbReadOnly 0x00000001
#define JET_bitDbExclusive 0x00000002 /* multiple opens allowed */
#define JET_bitDbSingleExclusive 0x00000008 /* opened exactly once */
#define JET_bitDbDeleteCorruptIndexes 0x00000010 /* delete indexes possibly corrupted by NT version upgrade */
#define JET_bitDbRebuildCorruptIndexes 0x00000020 /* recreate indexes possibly corrupted by NT version upgrade */
/* Flags for JetCreateDatabase */
#define JET_bitDbRecoveryOff 0x00000008 /* disable logging/recovery for this database */
#define JET_bitDbVersioningOff 0x00000040 /* INTERNAL USE ONLY */
#define JET_bitDbShadowingOff 0x00000080 /* disable catalog shadowing */
/* Flags for JetBackup */
#define JET_bitBackupIncremental 0x00000001
#define JET_bitKeepOldLogs 0x00000002
#define JET_bitBackupAtomic 0x00000004
/* Database types */
#define JET_dbidNil ((JET_DBID) 0xFFFFFFFF)
#define JET_dbidNoValid ((JET_DBID) 0xFFFFFFFE) /* used as a flag to indicate that there is no valid dbid */
/* Flags for JetCreateTableColumnIndex */ #define JET_bitTableCreateFixedDDL 0x00000001 /* DDL is fixed */
#define JET_bitTableCreateTemplateTable 0x00000002 /* DDL is inheritable (implies FixedDDL) */
#define JET_bitTableCreateSystemTable 0x80000000 /* INTERNAL USE ONLY */
/* Flags for JetAddColumn, JetGetColumnInfo, JetOpenTempTable */
#define JET_bitColumnFixed 0x00000001
#define JET_bitColumnTagged 0x00000002
#define JET_bitColumnNotNULL 0x00000004
#define JET_bitColumnVersion 0x00000008
#define JET_bitColumnAutoincrement 0x00000010
#define JET_bitColumnUpdatable 0x00000020 /* JetGetColumnInfo only */
#define JET_bitColumnTTKey 0x00000040 /* JetOpenTempTable only */
#define JET_bitColumnTTDescending 0x00000080 /* JetOpenTempTable only */
#define JET_bitColumnMultiValued 0x00000400
#define JET_bitColumnEscrowUpdate 0x00000800 /* escrow updated */
#define JET_bitColumnUnversioned 0x00001000 /* for add column only - add column unversioned */
/* Flags for JetSetCurrentIndex */
#define JET_bitMoveFirst 0x00000000
#define JET_bitMoveBeforeFirst 0x00000001 // unsupported -- DO NOT USE
#define JET_bitNoMove 0x00000002
/* Flags for JetMakeKey */
#define JET_bitNewKey 0x00000001
#define JET_bitStrLimit 0x00000002
#define JET_bitSubStrLimit 0x00000004
#define JET_bitNormalizedKey 0x00000008
#define JET_bitKeyDataZeroLength 0x00000010
/* Flags for ErrDispSetIndexRange */
#define JET_bitRangeInclusive 0x00000001
#define JET_bitRangeUpperLimit 0x00000002
#define JET_bitRangeInstantDuration 0x00000004
#define JET_bitRangeRemove 0x00000008
/* Flags for JetGetLock */
#define JET_bitReadLock 0x00000001
#define JET_bitWriteLock 0x00000002
/* Constants for JetMove */
#define JET_MoveFirst (0x80000000)
#define JET_MovePrevious (-1)
#define JET_MoveNext (+1)
#define JET_MoveLast (0x7fffffff)
/* Flags for JetMove */
#define JET_bitMoveKeyNE 0x00000001
/* Flags for JetSeek */
#define JET_bitSeekEQ 0x00000001
#define JET_bitSeekLT 0x00000002
#define JET_bitSeekLE 0x00000004
#define JET_bitSeekGE 0x00000008
#define JET_bitSeekGT 0x00000010
#define JET_bitSetIndexRange 0x00000020
/* Flags for JET_CONDITIONALCOLUMN */ #define JET_bitIndexColumnMustBeNull 0x00000001
#define JET_bitIndexColumnMustBeNonNull 0x00000002
/* Flags for JetCreateIndex */
#define JET_bitIndexUnique 0x00000001
#define JET_bitIndexPrimary 0x00000002
#define JET_bitIndexDisallowNull 0x00000004
#define JET_bitIndexIgnoreNull 0x00000008
#define JET_bitIndexClustered40 0x00000010 /* for backward compatibility */
#define JET_bitIndexIgnoreAnyNull 0x00000020
#define JET_bitIndexIgnoreFirstNull 0x00000040
#define JET_bitIndexLazyFlush 0x00000080
#define JET_bitIndexEmpty 0x00000100 // don't attempt to build index, because all entries would evaluate to NULL (MUST also specify JET_bitIgnoreAnyNull)
#define JET_bitIndexUnversioned 0x00000200
#define JET_bitIndexSortNullsHigh 0x00000400 // NULL sorts after data for all columns in the index
// UNDONE: Remove the following:
// #define JET_bitIndexClustered JET_bitIndexPrimary primary index is the clustered index
// #define JET_bitIndexEmptyTable 0x40000000
/* Flags for index key definition */
#define JET_bitKeyAscending 0x00000000
#define JET_bitKeyDescending 0x00000001
/* Flags for JetOpenTable */
#define JET_bitTableDenyWrite 0x00000001
#define JET_bitTableDenyRead 0x00000002
#define JET_bitTableReadOnly 0x00000004
#define JET_bitTableUpdatable 0x00000008
#define JET_bitTablePermitDDL 0x00000010 /* override table flagged as FixedDDL (must be used with DenyRead) */
#define JET_bitTableNoCache 0x00000020 /* don't cache the pages for this table */
#define JET_bitTablePreread 0x00000040 /* assume the table is probably not in the buffer cache */
#define JET_bitTableDelete 0x10000000 /* INTERNAL USE ONLY */
#define JET_bitTableClassMask 0x000F0000 /* table stats class mask */
#define JET_bitTableClassNone 0x00000000 /* table belongs to no stats class (default) */
#define JET_bitTableClass1 0x00010000 /* table belongs to stats class 1 */
#define JET_bitTableClass2 0x00020000 /* table belongs to stats class 2 */
#define JET_bitTableClass3 0x00030000 /* table belongs to stats class 3 */
#define JET_bitTableClass4 0x00040000 /* table belongs to stats class 4 */
#define JET_bitTableClass5 0x00050000 /* table belongs to stats class 5 */
#define JET_bitTableClass6 0x00060000 /* table belongs to stats class 6 */
#define JET_bitTableClass7 0x00070000 /* table belongs to stats class 7 */
#define JET_bitTableClass8 0x00080000 /* table belongs to stats class 8 */
#define JET_bitTableClass9 0x00090000 /* table belongs to stats class 9 */
#define JET_bitTableClass10 0x000A0000 /* table belongs to stats class 10 */
#define JET_bitTableClass11 0x000B0000 /* table belongs to stats class 11 */
#define JET_bitTableClass12 0x000C0000 /* table belongs to stats class 12 */
#define JET_bitTableClass13 0x000D0000 /* table belongs to stats class 13 */
#define JET_bitTableClass14 0x000E0000 /* table belongs to stats class 14 */
#define JET_bitTableClass15 0x000F0000 /* table belongs to stats class 15 */
/* Flags for JetOpenTempTable and ErrIsamOpenTempTable */
#define JET_bitTTIndexed 0x00000001 /* Allow seek */
#define JET_bitTTUnique 0x00000002 /* Remove duplicates */
#define JET_bitTTUpdatable 0x00000004 /* Allow updates */
#define JET_bitTTScrollable 0x00000008 /* Allow backwards scrolling */
#define JET_bitTTSortNullsHigh 0x00000010 /* NULL sorts after data for all columns in the index */
#define JET_bitTTForceMaterialization 0x00000020 /* Forces temp. table to be materialized into a btree (allows for duplicate detection) */
#define JET_bitTTErrorOnDuplicateInsertion JET_bitTTForceMaterialization /* Error always returned when duplicate is inserted (instead of dupe being silently removed) */
/* Flags for JetSetColumn */
#define JET_bitSetAppendLV 0x00000001
#define JET_bitSetOverwriteLV 0x00000004 /* overwrite JET_coltypLong* byte range */
#define JET_bitSetSizeLV 0x00000008 /* set JET_coltypLong* size */
#define JET_bitSetZeroLength 0x00000020
#define JET_bitSetSeparateLV 0x00000040 /* force LV separation */
#define JET_bitSetUniqueMultiValues 0x00000080 /* prevent duplicate multi-values */
/* Set column parameter structure for JetSetColumns */
typedef struct { JET_COLUMNID columnid; const void *pvData; unsigned long cbData; JET_GRBIT grbit; unsigned long ibLongValue; unsigned long itagSequence; JET_ERR err; } JET_SETCOLUMN;
/* Options for JetPrepareUpdate */
#define JET_prepInsert 0
#define JET_prepReplace 2
#define JET_prepCancel 3
#define JET_prepReplaceNoLock 4
#define JET_prepInsertCopy 5
/* Flags for JetEscrowUpdate */ #define JET_bitEscrowNoRollback 0x0001
/* Flags for JetRetrieveColumn */
#define JET_bitRetrieveCopy 0x00000001
#define JET_bitRetrieveFromIndex 0x00000002
#define JET_bitRetrieveTag 0x00000008
#define JET_bitRetrieveNull 0x00000010 /* for columnid 0 only */
#define JET_bitRetrieveIgnoreDefault 0x00000020 /* for columnid 0 only */
#define JET_bitRetrieveLongId 0x00000040
#define JET_bitRetrieveLongValueRefCount 0x00000080 /* for testing use only */
/* Retrieve column parameter structure for JetRetrieveColumns */
typedef struct { JET_COLUMNID columnid; void *pvData; unsigned long cbData; unsigned long cbActual; JET_GRBIT grbit; unsigned long ibLongValue; unsigned long itagSequence; JET_COLUMNID columnidNextTagged; JET_ERR err; } JET_RETRIEVECOLUMN;
struct JET_RETRIEVEMULTIVALUECOUNT { JET_COLUMNID columnid; unsigned short cMultiValues;
union { unsigned short usFlags; struct { unsigned short fLongValue:1; // is column LongText/Binary?
unsigned short fDefaultValue:1; // was a default value retrieved?
unsigned short fNullOverride:1; // was there an explicit null to override a default value?
}; }; };
/* Flags for JetCommitTransaction */
#define JET_bitCommitLazyFlush 0x00000001 /* lazy flush log buffers. */
#define JET_bitWaitLastLevel0Commit 0x00000002 /* wait for last level 0 commit record flushed */
#define JET_bitCommitFlush_OLD 0x00000001 /* commit and flush page buffers. */
#define JET_bitCommitLazyFlush_OLD 0x00000004 /* lazy flush log buffers. */
#define JET_bitWaitLastLevel0Commit_OLD 0x00000010 /* wait for last level 0 commit record flushed */
/* Flags for JetRollback */
#define JET_bitRollbackAll 0x00000001
/* Info parameter for JetGetDatabaseInfo */
#define JET_DbInfoFilename 0
#define JET_DbInfoConnect 1
#define JET_DbInfoCountry 2
#define JET_DbInfoLangid 3
#define JET_DbInfoCp 4
#define JET_DbInfoCollate 5
#define JET_DbInfoOptions 6
#define JET_DbInfoTransactions 7
#define JET_DbInfoVersion 8
#define JET_DbInfoIsam 9
#define JET_DbInfoFilesize 10
#define JET_DbInfoSpaceOwned 11
#define JET_DbInfoSpaceAvailable 12
#define JET_DbInfoUpgrade 13
#define JET_DbInfoMisc 14
/* Dbstates from JetGetDatabaseFileInfo */ #define JET_dbstateJustCreated 1
#define JET_dbstateInconsistent 2
#define JET_dbstateConsistent 3
#define JET_dbstateBeingConverted 4
/* Column data types */
#define JET_coltypNil 0
#define JET_coltypBit 1 /* True or False, Never NULL */
#define JET_coltypUnsignedByte 2 /* 1-byte integer, unsigned */
#define JET_coltypShort 3 /* 2-byte integer, signed */
#define JET_coltypLong 4 /* 4-byte integer, signed */
#define JET_coltypCurrency 5 /* 8 byte integer, signed */
#define JET_coltypIEEESingle 6 /* 4-byte IEEE single precision */
#define JET_coltypIEEEDouble 7 /* 8-byte IEEE double precision */
#define JET_coltypDateTime 8 /* Integral date, fractional time */
#define JET_coltypBinary 9 /* Binary data, < 255 bytes */
#define JET_coltypText 10 /* ANSI text, case insensitive, < 255 bytes */
#define JET_coltypLongBinary 11 /* Binary data, long value */
#define JET_coltypLongText 12 /* ANSI text, long value */
#define JET_coltypMax 13 /* the number of column types */
/* used for validity tests and */ /* array declarations. */
/* Info levels for JetGetObjectInfo */
#define JET_ObjInfo 0U
#define JET_ObjInfoListNoStats 1U
#define JET_ObjInfoList 2U
#define JET_ObjInfoSysTabCursor 3U
#define JET_ObjInfoListACM 4U /* Blocked by JetGetObjectInfo */
#define JET_ObjInfoNoStats 5U
#define JET_ObjInfoSysTabReadOnly 6U
#define JET_ObjInfoRulesLoaded 7U
#define JET_ObjInfoMax 8U
/* Info levels for JetGetTableInfo */
#define JET_TblInfo 0U
#define JET_TblInfoName 1U
#define JET_TblInfoDbid 2U
#define JET_TblInfoMostMany 3U
#define JET_TblInfoRvt 4U
#define JET_TblInfoOLC 5U
#define JET_TblInfoResetOLC 6U
#define JET_TblInfoSpaceUsage 7U
#define JET_TblInfoDumpTable 8U
#define JET_TblInfoSpaceAlloc 9U
#define JET_TblInfoSpaceOwned 10U // OwnExt
#define JET_TblInfoSpaceAvailable 11U // AvailExt
#define JET_TblInfoTemplateTableName 12U
/* Info levels for JetGetIndexInfo and JetGetTableIndexInfo */
#define JET_IdxInfo 0U
#define JET_IdxInfoList 1U
#define JET_IdxInfoSysTabCursor 2U
#define JET_IdxInfoOLC 3U
#define JET_IdxInfoResetOLC 4U
#define JET_IdxInfoSpaceAlloc 5U
#define JET_IdxInfoLangid 6U
#define JET_IdxInfoCount 7U
#define JET_IdxInfoVarSegMac 8U
/* Info levels for JetGetColumnInfo and JetGetTableColumnInfo */
#define JET_ColInfo 0U
#define JET_ColInfoList 1U
#define JET_ColInfoSysTabCursor 3U
#define JET_ColInfoBase 4U
#define JET_ColInfoListCompact 5U
/* Engine Object Types */
#define JET_objtypNil 0
#define JET_objtypTable 1
#define JET_objtypDb 2
#define JET_objtypContainer 3
#define JET_objtypLongRoot 9 /* INTERNAL USE ONLY */
/* Compact Options */
#define JET_bitCompactStats 0x00000020 /* Dump off-line compaction stats (only when progress meter also specified) */
#define JET_bitCompactRepair 0x00000040 /* Don't preread and ignore duplicate keys */
/* Status Notification Processes */
#define JET_snpRepair 2
#define JET_snpCompact 4
#define JET_snpRestore 8
#define JET_snpBackup 9
#define JET_snpUpgrade 10
/* Status Notification Types */
#define JET_sntBegin 5 /* callback for beginning of operation */
#define JET_sntRequirements 7 /* callback for returning operation requirements */
#define JET_sntProgress 0 /* callback for progress */
#define JET_sntComplete 6 /* callback for completion of operation */
#define JET_sntFail 3 /* callback for failure during progress */
/* Exception action */
#define JET_ExceptionMsgBox 0x0001 /* Display message box on exception */
#define JET_ExceptionNone 0x0002 /* Do nothing on exceptions */
/* AssertAction */
#define JET_AssertExit 0x0000 /* Exit the application */
#define JET_AssertBreak 0x0001 /* Break to debugger */
#define JET_AssertMsgBox 0x0002 /* Display message box */
#define JET_AssertStop 0x0004 /* Alert and stop */
/* Counter flags */ // For XJET only, not for JET97
#define ctAccessPage 1
#define ctLatchConflict 2
#define ctSplitRetry 3
#define ctNeighborPageScanned 4
#define ctSplits 5
/**********************************************************************/ /*********************** ERROR CODES **************************/ /**********************************************************************/
#define JET_errSuccess 0 /* Successful Operation */
/* ERRORS */
#define JET_wrnNyi -1 /* Function Not Yet Implemented */
/* SYSTEM errors
/**/ #define JET_errRfsFailure -100 /* JET_errRfsFailure */
#define JET_errRfsNotArmed -101 /* JET_errRfsFailure */
#define JET_errFileClose -102 /* Could not close DOS file */
#define JET_errOutOfThreads -103 /* Could not start thread */
#define JET_errTooManyIO -105 /* System busy due to too many IOs */
#define wrnBFCacheMiss 200 /* page latch caused a cache miss */
#define errBFPageNotCached -201 /* page is not cached */
#define errBFLatchConflict -202 /* page latch conflict */
#define errBFIPageEvicted -250 /* page evicted from the cache */
#define errBFIPageCached -251 /* page already cached */
#define errBFIOutOfOLPs -252 /* out of OLPs */
#define errBFIOutOfBatchIOBuffers -253 /* out of Batch I/O Buffers */
#define errBFINoBufferAvailable -254 /* no buffer available for immediate use */
#define JET_errDatabaseBufferDependenciesCorrupted -255 // buffer dependencies were improperly set
#define wrnVERRCEMoved 275 /* RCE was moved instead of being cleaned */
/**/ #define errPMOutOfPageSpace -300 /* Out of page space */
#define errPMItagTooBig -301 /* Itag too big */ // XXX -- to be deleted
#define errPMRecDeleted -302 /* Record deleted */ // XXX -- to be deleted
#define errPMTagsUsedUp -303 /* Tags used up */ // XXX -- to be deleted
#define wrnBMConflict 304 /* conflict in BM Clean up */
#define errDIRNoShortCircuit -305 /* No Short Circuit Avail */
#define errDIRCannotSplit -306 /* Cannot horizontally split FDP */
#define errDIRTop -307 /* Cannot go up */
#define errDIRFDP 308 /* On an FDP Node */
#define errDIRNotSynchronous -309 /* May have left critical section */
#define wrnDIREmptyPage 310 /* Moved through empty page */
#define errSPConflict -311 /* Device extent being extended */
#define wrnNDFoundLess 312 /* Found Less */
#define wrnNDFoundGreater 313 /* Found Greater */
#define wrnNDNotFoundInPage 314 /* for smart refresh */
#define errNDNotFound -312 /* Not found */
#define errNDOutSonRange -314 /* Son out of range */
#define errNDOutItemRange -315 /* Item out of range */
#define errNDGreaterThanAllItems -316 /* Greater than all items */
#define errNDLastItemNode -317 /* Last node of item list */
#define errNDFirstItemNode -318 /* First node of item list */
#define wrnNDDuplicateItem 319 /* Duplicated Item */
#define errNDNoItem -320 /* Item not there */
#define JET_wrnRemainingVersions 321 /* Some versions couldn't be cleaned */
#define JET_errPreviousVersion -322 /* Version already existed */
#define JET_errPageBoundary -323 /* Reached Page Boundary */
#define JET_errKeyBoundary -324 /* Reached Key Boundary */
#define errDIRInPageFather -325 /* sridFather in page to free */
#define errBMMaxKeyInPage -326 /* used by OLC to avoid cleanup of parent pages */
#define JET_errBadPageLink -327 /* next/previous page link page does not point back to source */
#define JET_errBadBookmark -328 /* bookmark has no corresponding address in database */
#define wrnBMCleanNullOp 329 // BMClean returns this on encountering a page
// deleted MaxKeyInPage [but there was no conflict]
#define errBTOperNone -330 // Split with no accompanying
// insert/replace
#define errSPOutOfAvailExtCacheSpace -331 // unable to make update to AvailExt tree since
// in-cursor space cache is depleted
#define errSPOutOfOwnExtCacheSpace -332 // unable to make update to OwnExt tree since
// in-cursor space cache is depleted
#define wrnBTMultipageOLC 333 // needs multipage OLC operation
#define JET_errNTSystemCallFailed -334 // can not get OS version
#define wrnBTShallowTree 335 // BTree is only one or two levels deeps
#define errBTMergeNotSynchronous -336 // Multiple threads attempting to perform merge/split on same page (likely OLD vs. RCEClean)
/**/ #define wrnFLDKeyTooBig 400 /* Key too big (truncated it) */
#define errFLDTooManySegments -401 /* Too many key segments */
#define wrnFLDNullKey 402 /* Key is entirely NULL */
#define wrnFLDOutOfKeys 403 /* No more keys to extract */
#define wrnFLDNullSeg 404 /* Null segment in key */
#define wrnFLDNotPresentInIndex 405
#define JET_wrnSeparateLongValue 406 /* Separated long value */
#define wrnRECLongField 407 /* Separated long value */
#define JET_wrnRecordFoundGreater JET_wrnSeekNotEqual
#define JET_wrnRecordFoundLess JET_wrnSeekNotEqual
#define JET_errColumnIllegalNull JET_errNullInvalid
#define wrnFLDNullFirstSeg 408 /* Null first segment in key */
#define JET_errKeyTooBig -408 /* Key with column truncation still truncated */
/**/ #define JET_errInvalidLoggedOperation -500 /* Logged operation cannot be redone */
#define JET_errLogFileCorrupt -501 /* Log file is corrupt */
#define errLGNoMoreRecords -502 /* Last log record read */
#define JET_errNoBackupDirectory -503 /* No backup directory given */
#define JET_errBackupDirectoryNotEmpty -504 /* The backup directory is not emtpy */
#define JET_errBackupInProgress -505 /* Backup is active already */
#define JET_errRestoreInProgress -506 /* Restore in progress */
#define JET_errMissingPreviousLogFile -509 /* Missing the log file for check point */
#define JET_errLogWriteFail -510 /* Fail when writing to log file */
#define JET_errBadLogVersion -514 /* Version of log file is not compatible with Jet version */
#define JET_errInvalidLogSequence -515 /* Timestamp in next log does not match expected */
#define JET_errLoggingDisabled -516 /* Log is not active */
#define JET_errLogBufferTooSmall -517 /* Log buffer is too small for recovery */
#define errLGNotSynchronous -518 /* retry to LGLogRec */
#define JET_errLogSequenceEnd -519 /* Exceed maximum log file number */
#define JET_errNoBackup -520 /* No backup in progress */
#define JET_errInvalidBackupSequence -521 /* Backup call out of sequence */
#define JET_errBackupNotAllowedYet -523 /* Can not do backup now */
#define JET_errDeleteBackupFileFail -524 /* Could not delete backup file */
#define JET_errMakeBackupDirectoryFail -525 /* Could not make backup temp directory */
#define JET_errInvalidBackup -526 /* Cannot incremental backup when circular logging enabled */
#define JET_errRecoveredWithErrors -527 /* For repair, restored with errors */
#define JET_errMissingLogFile -528 /* current log file missing */
#define JET_errLogDiskFull -529 /* log disk full */
#define JET_errBadLogSignature -530 /* bad signature for a log file */
#define JET_errBadDbSignature -531 /* bad signature for a db file */
#define JET_errBadCheckpointSignature -532 /* bad signature for a checkpoint file */
#define JET_errCheckpointCorrupt -533 /* checkpoint file not found or corrupt */
#define JET_errMissingPatchPage -534 /* patch file page not found during recovery */
#define JET_errBadPatchPage -535 /* patch file page is not valid */
#define JET_errRedoAbruptEnded -536 /* Redo abruptly ended due to sudden failure in reading logs from log file */
#define JET_errDatabaseInconsistent -550 /* database is in inconsistent state */
#define JET_errConsistentTimeMismatch -551 /* database last consistent time unmatched */
#define JET_errDatabasePatchFileMismatch -552 /* patch file is not generated from this backup */
#define JET_errEndingRestoreLogTooLow -553 /* the starting log number too low for the restore */
#define JET_errStartingRestoreLogTooHigh -554 /* the starting log number too high for the restore */
#define JET_errGivenLogFileHasBadSignature -555 /* Restore log file has bad signature */
#define JET_errGivenLogFileIsNotContiguous -556 /* Restore log file is not contiguous */
#define JET_errMissingRestoreLogFiles -557 /* Some restore log files are missing */
#define JET_wrnExistingLogFileHasBadSignature 558 /* Existing log file has bad signature */
#define JET_wrnExistingLogFileIsNotContiguous 559 /* Existing log file is not contiguous */
#define JET_errMissingFullBackup -560 /* The database miss a previous full backup befor incremental backup */
#define JET_errBadBackupDatabaseSize -561 /* The backup database size is not in 4k */
#define JET_errDatabaseAlreadyUpgraded -562 /* Attempted to upgrade a database that is already current */
#define JET_errDatabaseIncompleteUpgrade -563 /* Attempted to use a database which was only partially converted to the current format -- must restore from backup */
#define JET_wrnSkipThisRecord 564 /* Skip this record, used by convert, internal only */
#define JET_errInvalidGrbit -900 /* Grbit is not valid in the context of this API call */
#define JET_errTermInProgress -1000 /* Termination in progress */
#define JET_errFeatureNotAvailable -1001 /* API not supported */
#define JET_errInvalidName -1002 /* Invalid name */
#define JET_errInvalidParameter -1003 /* Invalid API parameter */
#define JET_wrnColumnNull 1004 /* Column is NULL-valued */
#define JET_wrnBufferTruncated 1006 /* Buffer too small for data */
#define JET_wrnDatabaseAttached 1007 /* Database is already attached */
#define JET_errDatabaseFileReadOnly -1008 /* Attach a readonly database file for read/write operations */
#define JET_wrnSortOverflow 1009 /* Sort does not fit in memory */
#define JET_errInvalidDatabaseId -1010 /* Invalid database id */
#define JET_errOutOfMemory -1011 /* Out of Memory */
#define JET_errOutOfDatabaseSpace -1012 /* Maximum database size reached */
#define JET_errOutOfCursors -1013 /* Out of table cursors */
#define JET_errOutOfBuffers -1014 /* Out of database page buffers */
#define JET_errTooManyIndexes -1015 /* Too many indexes */
#define JET_errTooManyKeys -1016 /* Too many columns in an index */
#define JET_errRecordDeleted -1017 /* Record has been deleted */
#define JET_errReadVerifyFailure -1018 /* Read verification error */
#define JET_errPageNotInitialized -1019 /* Repair Only: Read an unused page */
#define JET_errOutOfFileHandles -1020 /* Out of file handles */
#define JET_errDiskIO -1022 /* Disk IO error */
#define JET_errInvalidPath -1023 /* Invalid file path */
#define JET_errInvalidSystemPath -1024 /* Invalid system path */
#define JET_errInvalidLogDirectory -1025 /* Invalid log directory */
#define JET_errRecordTooBig -1026 /* Record larger than maximum size */
#define JET_errTooManyOpenDatabases -1027 /* Too many open databases */
#define JET_errInvalidDatabase -1028 /* Not a database file */
#define JET_errNotInitialized -1029 /* JetInit not yet called */
#define JET_errAlreadyInitialized -1030 /* JetInit already called */
#define JET_errInitInProgress -1031 /* JetInit is underway */
#define JET_errFileAccessDenied -1032 /* Cannot access file, the file is locked or in use */
#define JET_errQueryNotSupported -1034 /* Query support unavailable */ // XXX -- to be deleted
#define JET_errSQLLinkNotSupported -1035 /* SQL Link support unavailable */ // XXX -- to be deleted
#define JET_errBufferTooSmall -1038 /* Buffer is too small */
#define JET_wrnSeekNotEqual 1039 /* SeekLE or SeekGE didn't find exact match */
#define JET_errTooManyColumns -1040 /* Too many columns defined */
#define JET_errContainerNotEmpty -1043 /* Container is not empty */
#define JET_errInvalidFilename -1044 /* Filename is invalid */
#define JET_errInvalidBookmark -1045 /* Invalid bookmark */
#define JET_errColumnInUse -1046 /* Column used in an index */
#define JET_errInvalidBufferSize -1047 /* Data buffer doesn't match column size */
#define JET_errColumnNotUpdatable -1048 /* Cannot set column value */
#define JET_errIndexInUse -1051 /* Index is in use */
#define JET_errLinkNotSupported -1052 /* Link support unavailable */
#define JET_errNullKeyDisallowed -1053 /* Null keys are disallowed on index */
#define JET_errNotInTransaction -1054 /* Operation must be within a transaction */
#define JET_wrnNoErrorInfo 1055 /* No extended error information */
#define JET_wrnNoIdleActivity 1058 /* No idle activity occured */
#define JET_errTooManyActiveUsers -1059 /* Too many active database users */
#define JET_errInvalidCountry -1061 /* Invalid or unknown country code */
#define JET_errInvalidLanguageId -1062 /* Invalid or unknown language id */
#define JET_errInvalidCodePage -1063 /* Invalid or unknown code page */
#define JET_wrnNoWriteLock 1067 /* No write lock at transaction level 0 */
#define JET_wrnColumnSetNull 1068 /* Column set to NULL-value */
#define JET_errVersionStoreOutOfMemory -1069 /* lMaxVerPages exceeded (XJET only) */
#define JET_errCurrencyStackOutOfMemory -1070 /* lCSRPerfFUCB * lMaxCursors exceeded (XJET only) */
#define JET_errCannotIndex -1071 /* Cannot index escrow column */
#define JET_errRecordNotDeleted -1072 /* Record has not been deleted */
#define JET_errOutOfSessions -1101 /* Out of sessions */
#define JET_errWriteConflict -1102 /* Write lock failed due to outstanding write lock */
#define JET_errTransTooDeep -1103 /* Xactions nested too deeply */
#define JET_errInvalidSesid -1104 /* Invalid session handle */
#define JET_errWriteConflictPrimaryIndex -1105 /* update attempted on uncommitted primary index */
#define JET_errInTransaction -1108 /* Operation not allowed within a transaction */
#define JET_errRollbackRequired -1109 /* Must rollback current transaction -- cannot commit or begin a new one */
#define JET_errDatabaseDuplicate -1201 /* Database already exists */
#define JET_errDatabaseInUse -1202 /* Database in use */
#define JET_errDatabaseNotFound -1203 /* No such database */
#define JET_errDatabaseInvalidName -1204 /* Invalid database name */
#define JET_errDatabaseInvalidPages -1205 /* Invalid number of pages */
#define JET_errDatabaseCorrupted -1206 /* non-db file or corrupted db */
#define JET_errDatabaseLocked -1207 /* Database exclusively locked */
#define JET_errCannotDisableVersioning -1208 /* Cannot disable versioning for this database */
#define JET_errInvalidDatabaseVersion -1209 /* Database engine is incompatible with database */
/* The following error code are for NT clients only. It will return such error during
* JetInit if JET_paramCheckFormatWhenOpenFail is set. */ #define JET_errDatabase200Format -1210 /* The database is in 200 format */
#define JET_errDatabase400Format -1211 /* The database is in 400 format */
#define JET_errDatabase500Format -1212 /* The database is in 500 format */
#define JET_errPageSizeMismatch -1213 /* The database page size is not matching with the engine */
#define JET_wrnTableEmpty 1301 /* Open an empty table */
#define JET_errTableLocked -1302 /* Table is exclusively locked */
#define JET_errTableDuplicate -1303 /* Table already exists */
#define JET_errTableInUse -1304 /* Table is in use, cannot lock */
#define JET_errObjectNotFound -1305 /* No such table or object */
#define JET_errDensityInvalid -1307 /* Bad file/index density */
#define JET_errTableNotEmpty -1308 /* Cannot define clustered index */
#define JET_errInvalidTableId -1310 /* Invalid table id */
#define JET_errTooManyOpenTables -1311 /* Cannot open any more tables (cleanup already attempted) */
#define JET_errIllegalOperation -1312 /* Oper. not supported on table */
#define JET_errObjectDuplicate -1314 /* Table or object name in use */
#define JET_errInvalidObject -1316 /* object is invalid for operation */
#define JET_errCannotDeleteTempTable -1317 /* use CloseTable instead of DeleteTable to delete temp table */
#define JET_errCannotDeleteSystemTable -1318 /* illegal attempt to delete a system table */
#define JET_errCannotDeleteTemplateTable -1319 /* illegal attempt to delete a template table */
#define errFCBTooManyOpen -1320 /* Cannot open any more FCB's (cleanup not yet attempted) */
#define errFCBAboveThreshold -1321 /* Can only allocate FCB above preferred threshold (cleanup not yet attempted) */
#define JET_errExclusiveTableLockRequired -1322 /* Must have exclusive lock on table. */
#define JET_errFixedDDL -1323 /* DDL operations prohibited on this table */
#define JET_errFixedInheritedDDL -1324 /* On a derived table, DDL operations are prohibited on inherited portion of DDL */
#define JET_errCannotNestDDL -1325 /* Nesting of hierarchical DDL is not currently supported. */
#define JET_errDDLNotInheritable -1326 /* Tried to inherit DDL from a table not marked as a template table. */
#define JET_wrnTableInUseBySystem 1327 /* System cleanup has a cursor open on the table */
#define JET_errInvalidSettings -1328 /* System parameter were set improperly */
#define JET_errClientRequestToStopJetService -1329 /* Client has requested stop service */
#define JET_errIndexCantBuild -1401 /* Index build failed */
#define JET_errIndexHasPrimary -1402 /* Primary index already defined */
#define JET_errIndexDuplicate -1403 /* Index is already defined */
#define JET_errIndexNotFound -1404 /* No such index */
#define JET_errIndexMustStay -1405 /* Cannot delete clustered index */
#define JET_errIndexInvalidDef -1406 /* Illegal index definition */
#define JET_errInvalidCreateIndex -1409 /* Invalid create index description */
#define JET_errTooManyOpenIndexes -1410 /* Out of index description blocks */
#define JET_errMultiValuedIndexViolation -1411 /* Non-unique inter-record index keys generated for a multivalued index */
#define JET_errIndexBuildCorrupted -1412 /* Failed to build a secondary index that properly reflects primary index */
#define JET_errPrimaryIndexCorrupted -1413 /* Primary index is corrupt -- defrag required */
#define JET_errSecondaryIndexCorrupted -1414 /* Secondary index is corrupt -- defrag required */
#define JET_wrnCorruptIndexDeleted 1415 /* Out of date index of the attached db is removed */
#define JET_errColumnLong -1501 /* Column value is long */
#define JET_errColumnNoChunk -1502 /* no such chunk in long value */
#define JET_errColumnDoesNotFit -1503 /* Field will not fit in record */
#define JET_errNullInvalid -1504 /* Null not valid */
#define JET_errColumnIndexed -1505 /* Column indexed, cannot delete */
#define JET_errColumnTooBig -1506 /* Field length is > maximum */
#define JET_errColumnNotFound -1507 /* No such column */
#define JET_errColumnDuplicate -1508 /* Field is already defined */
#define JET_errColumnRedundant -1510 /* Second autoincrement or version column */
#define JET_errInvalidColumnType -1511 /* Invalid column data type */
#define JET_wrnColumnMaxTruncated 1512 /* Max length too big, truncated */
#define JET_errTaggedNotNULL -1514 /* No non-NULL tagged columns */
#define JET_errNoCurrentIndex -1515 /* Invalid w/o a current index */
#define JET_errKeyIsMade -1516 /* The key is completely made */
#define JET_errBadColumnId -1517 /* Column Id Incorrect */
#define JET_errBadItagSequence -1518 /* Bad itagSequence for tagged column */
#define JET_errColumnInRelationship -1519 /* Cannot delete, column participates in relationship */
#define JET_wrnCopyLongValue 1520 /* Single instance column bursted */
#define JET_errCannotBeTagged -1521 /* AutoIncrement and Version cannot be tagged */
#define wrnLVNoLongValues 1522 /* Table does not have a long value tree */
#define JET_wrnTaggedColumnsRemaining 1523 /* RetrieveTaggedColumnList ran out of copy buffer before retrieving all tagged columns */
#define JET_errDefaultValueTooBig -1524 /* Default value exceeds maximum size */
#define JET_errMultiValuedDuplicate -1525 /* Duplicate detected on a unique multi-valued column */
#define JET_errLVCorrupted -1526 /* Corruption encountered in long-value tree */
#define wrnLVNoMoreData 1527 /* Reached end of LV data */
#define JET_errRecordNotFound -1601 /* The key was not found */
#define JET_errRecordNoCopy -1602 /* No working buffer */
#define JET_errNoCurrentRecord -1603 /* Currency not on a record */
#define JET_errRecordPrimaryChanged -1604 /* Primary key may not change */
#define JET_errKeyDuplicate -1605 /* Illegal duplicate key */
#define JET_errAlreadyPrepared -1607 /* Already copy/clear current */
#define JET_errKeyNotMade -1608 /* No call to JetMakeKey */
#define JET_errUpdateNotPrepared -1609 /* No call to JetPrepareUpdate */
#define JET_wrnDataHasChanged 1610 /* Data has changed */
#define JET_errDataHasChanged -1611 /* Data has changed, operation aborted */
#define JET_wrnKeyChanged 1618 /* Moved to new key */
#define JET_errLanguageNotSupported -1619 /* WindowsNT installation does not support language */
#define JET_errTooManySorts -1701 /* Too many sort processes */
#define JET_errInvalidOnSort -1702 /* Invalid operation on Sort */
#define JET_errTempFileOpenError -1803 /* Temp file could not be opened */
#define JET_errTooManyAttachedDatabases -1805 /* Too many open databases */
#define JET_errDiskFull -1808 /* No space left on disk */
#define JET_errPermissionDenied -1809 /* Permission denied */
#define JET_errFileNotFound -1811 /* File not found */
#define JET_wrnFileOpenReadOnly 1813 /* Database file is read only */
#define JET_errAfterInitialization -1850 /* Cannot Restore after init. */
#define JET_errLogCorrupted -1852 /* Logs could not be interpreted */
#define JET_errInvalidOperation -1906 /* invalid operation */
#define JET_errAccessDenied -1907 /* access denied */
#define JET_wrnIdleFull 1908 /* ilde registry full */
#define JET_errTooManySplits -1909 /* Infinite split. Call PSS */
#define JET_errSessionSharingViolation -1910 /* Multiple threads are using the same session */
#define JET_errEntryPointNotFound -1911 /* An entry point in a DLL we require could not be found */
#define JET_wrnDefragAlreadyRunning 2000 /* Online defrag already running on specified database */
#define JET_wrnDefragNotRunning 2001 /* Online defrag not running on specified database */
/**********************************************************************/ /*********************** PROTOTYPES **************************/ /**********************************************************************/
#if !defined(_JET_NOPROTOTYPES)
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" { #endif
JET_ERR JET_API JetInit( JET_INSTANCE *pinstance );
JET_ERR JET_API JetTerm2( JET_INSTANCE instance, JET_GRBIT grbit );
JET_ERR JET_API JetStopService();
JET_ERR JET_API JetStopBackup();
JET_ERR JET_API JetSetSystemParameter( JET_INSTANCE *pinstance, JET_SESID sesid, unsigned long paramid, ULONG_PTR lParam, const char *sz );
JET_ERR JET_API JetGetSystemParameter( JET_INSTANCE instance, JET_SESID sesid, unsigned long paramid, ULONG_PTR *plParam, char *sz, unsigned long cbMax );
JET_ERR JET_API JetResetCounter( JET_SESID sesid, long CounterType );
JET_ERR JET_API JetGetCounter( JET_SESID sesid, long CounterType, long *plValue );
JET_ERR JET_API JetBeginSession( JET_INSTANCE instance, JET_SESID *psesid, const char *szUserName, const char *szPassword );
JET_ERR JET_API JetDupSession( JET_SESID sesid, JET_SESID *psesid );
JET_ERR JET_API JetEndSession( JET_SESID sesid, JET_GRBIT grbit );
JET_ERR JET_API JetGetVersion( JET_SESID sesid, unsigned long *pwVersion );
JET_ERR JET_API JetIdle( JET_SESID sesid, JET_GRBIT grbit );
JET_ERR JET_API JetCreateDatabase( JET_SESID sesid, const char *szFilename, const char *szConnect, JET_DBID *pdbid, JET_GRBIT grbit );
JET_ERR JET_API JetCreateDatabase2( JET_SESID sesid, const char *szFilename, const unsigned long cpgDatabaseSizeMax, JET_DBID *pdbid, JET_GRBIT grbit );
JET_ERR JET_API JetAttachDatabase( JET_SESID sesid, const char *szFilename, JET_GRBIT grbit );
JET_ERR JET_API JetAttachDatabase2( JET_SESID sesid, const char *szFilename, const unsigned long cpgDatabaseSizeMax, JET_GRBIT grbit );
JET_ERR JET_API JetDetachDatabase( JET_SESID sesid, const char *szFilename );
JET_ERR JET_API JetGetObjectInfo( JET_SESID sesid, JET_DBID dbid, JET_OBJTYP objtyp, const char *szContainerName, const char *szObjectName, void *pvResult, unsigned long cbMax, unsigned long InfoLevel );
JET_ERR JET_API JetGetTableInfo( JET_SESID sesid, JET_TABLEID tableid, void *pvResult, unsigned long cbMax, unsigned long InfoLevel );
JET_ERR JET_API JetCreateTable( JET_SESID sesid, JET_DBID dbid, const char *szTableName, unsigned long lPages, unsigned long lDensity, JET_TABLEID *ptableid );
JET_ERR JET_API JetCreateTableColumnIndex( JET_SESID sesid, JET_DBID dbid, JET_TABLECREATE *ptablecreate );
JET_ERR JET_API JetDeleteTable( JET_SESID sesid, JET_DBID dbid, const char *szTableName );
JET_ERR JET_API JetRenameTable( JET_SESID sesid, JET_DBID dbid, const char *szName, const char *szNameNew ); JET_ERR JET_API JetGetTableColumnInfo( JET_SESID sesid, JET_TABLEID tableid, const char *szColumnName, void *pvResult, unsigned long cbMax, unsigned long InfoLevel );
JET_ERR JET_API JetGetColumnInfo( JET_SESID sesid, JET_DBID dbid, const char *szTableName, const char *szColumnName, void *pvResult, unsigned long cbMax, unsigned long InfoLevel );
JET_ERR JET_API JetAddColumn( JET_SESID sesid, JET_TABLEID tableid, const char *szColumnName, const JET_COLUMNDEF *pcolumndef, const void *pvDefault, unsigned long cbDefault, JET_COLUMNID *pcolumnid );
JET_ERR JET_API JetDeleteColumn( JET_SESID sesid, JET_TABLEID tableid, const char *szColumnName );
JET_ERR JET_API JetSetColumnDefaultValue( JET_SESID sesid, JET_DBID dbid, const char *szTableName, const char *szColumnName, const void *pvData, const unsigned long cbData, const JET_GRBIT grbit );
JET_ERR JET_API JetGetTableIndexInfo( JET_SESID sesid, JET_TABLEID tableid, const char *szIndexName, void *pvResult, unsigned long cbResult, unsigned long InfoLevel );
JET_ERR JET_API JetGetIndexInfo( JET_SESID sesid, JET_DBID dbid, const char *szTableName, const char *szIndexName, void *pvResult, unsigned long cbResult, unsigned long InfoLevel );
JET_ERR JET_API JetCreateIndex( JET_SESID sesid, JET_TABLEID tableid, const char *szIndexName, JET_GRBIT grbit, const char *szKey, unsigned long cbKey, unsigned long lDensity );
JET_ERR JET_API JetCreateIndex2( JET_SESID sesid, JET_TABLEID tableid, JET_INDEXCREATE *pindexcreate, unsigned long cIndexCreate );
JET_ERR JET_API JetDeleteIndex( JET_SESID sesid, JET_TABLEID tableid, const char *szIndexName );
JET_ERR JET_API JetBeginTransaction( JET_SESID sesid );
JET_ERR JET_API JetCommitTransaction( JET_SESID sesid, JET_GRBIT grbit );
JET_ERR JET_API JetRollback( JET_SESID sesid, JET_GRBIT grbit );
JET_ERR JET_API JetGetDatabaseInfo( JET_SESID sesid, JET_DBID dbid, void *pvResult, unsigned long cbMax, unsigned long InfoLevel );
JET_ERR JET_API JetGetDatabaseFileInfo( const char *szDatabaseName, void *pvResult, unsigned long cbMax, unsigned long InfoLevel );
JET_ERR JET_API JetOpenDatabase( JET_SESID sesid, const char *szFilename, const char *szConnect, JET_DBID *pdbid, JET_GRBIT grbit );
JET_ERR JET_API JetCloseDatabase( JET_SESID sesid, JET_DBID dbid, JET_GRBIT grbit );
JET_ERR JET_API JetOpenTable( JET_SESID sesid, JET_DBID dbid, const char *szTableName, const void *pvParameters, unsigned long cbParameters, JET_GRBIT grbit, JET_TABLEID *ptableid );
JET_ERR JET_API JetCloseTable( JET_SESID sesid, JET_TABLEID tableid );
JET_ERR JET_API JetDelete( JET_SESID sesid, JET_TABLEID tableid );
JET_ERR JET_API JetUpdate( JET_SESID sesid, JET_TABLEID tableid, void *pvBookmark, unsigned long cbBookmark, unsigned long *pcbActual);
JET_ERR JET_API JetEscrowUpdate( JET_SESID sesid, JET_TABLEID tableid, JET_COLUMNID columnid, void *pv, unsigned long cbMax, void *pvOld, unsigned long cbOldMax, unsigned long *pcbOldActual, JET_GRBIT grbit );
JET_ERR JET_API JetRetrieveColumn( JET_SESID sesid, JET_TABLEID tableid, JET_COLUMNID columnid, void *pvData, unsigned long cbData, unsigned long *pcbActual, JET_GRBIT grbit, JET_RETINFO *pretinfo );
JET_ERR JET_API JetRetrieveColumns( JET_SESID sesid, JET_TABLEID tableid, JET_RETRIEVECOLUMN *pretrievecolumn, unsigned long cretrievecolumn );
JET_ERR JET_API JetRetrieveTaggedColumnList( JET_SESID sesid, JET_TABLEID tableid, unsigned long *pcColumns, void *pvData, unsigned long cbData, JET_COLUMNID columnidStart, JET_GRBIT grbit );
JET_ERR JET_API JetSetColumn( JET_SESID sesid, JET_TABLEID tableid, JET_COLUMNID columnid, const void *pvData, unsigned long cbData, JET_GRBIT grbit, JET_SETINFO *psetinfo );
JET_ERR JET_API JetSetColumns( JET_SESID sesid, JET_TABLEID tableid, JET_SETCOLUMN *psetcolumn, unsigned long csetcolumn );
JET_ERR JET_API JetPrepareUpdate( JET_SESID sesid, JET_TABLEID tableid, unsigned long prep );
JET_ERR JET_API JetGetRecordPosition( JET_SESID sesid, JET_TABLEID tableid, JET_RECPOS *precpos, unsigned long cbRecpos );
JET_ERR JET_API JetGotoPosition( JET_SESID sesid, JET_TABLEID tableid, JET_RECPOS *precpos );
JET_ERR JET_API JetGetCursorInfo( JET_SESID sesid, JET_TABLEID tableid, void *pvResult, unsigned long cbMax, unsigned long InfoLevel );
JET_ERR JET_API JetDupCursor( JET_SESID sesid, JET_TABLEID tableid, JET_TABLEID *ptableid, JET_GRBIT grbit );
JET_ERR JET_API JetGetCurrentIndex( JET_SESID sesid, JET_TABLEID tableid, char *szIndexName, unsigned long cchIndexName );
JET_ERR JET_API JetSetCurrentIndex( JET_SESID sesid, JET_TABLEID tableid, const char *szIndexName );
JET_ERR JET_API JetSetCurrentIndex2( JET_SESID sesid, JET_TABLEID tableid, const char *szIndexName, JET_GRBIT grbit );
JET_ERR JET_API JetSetCurrentIndex3( JET_SESID sesid, JET_TABLEID tableid, const char *szIndexName, JET_GRBIT grbit, unsigned long itagSequence );
JET_ERR JET_API JetMove( JET_SESID sesid, JET_TABLEID tableid, long cRow, JET_GRBIT grbit );
JET_ERR JET_API JetGetLock( JET_SESID sesid, JET_TABLEID tableid, JET_GRBIT grbit );
JET_ERR JET_API JetMakeKey( JET_SESID sesid, JET_TABLEID tableid, const void *pvData, unsigned long cbData, JET_GRBIT grbit );
JET_ERR JET_API JetSeek( JET_SESID sesid, JET_TABLEID tableid, JET_GRBIT grbit );
JET_ERR JET_API JetGetBookmark( JET_SESID sesid, JET_TABLEID tableid, void *pvBookmark, unsigned long cbMax, unsigned long *pcbActual ); JET_ERR JET_API JetCompact( JET_SESID sesid, const char *szDatabaseSrc, const char *szDatabaseDest, JET_PFNSTATUS pfnStatus, JET_CONVERT *pconvert, JET_GRBIT grbit );
JET_ERR JET_API JetDefragment( JET_SESID sesid, JET_DBID dbid, const char *szTableName, unsigned long *pcPasses, unsigned long *pcSeconds, JET_GRBIT grbit );
JET_ERR JET_API JetSetDatabaseSize( JET_SESID sesid, const char *szDatabaseName, unsigned long cpg, unsigned long *pcpgReal );
JET_ERR JET_API JetGrowDatabase( JET_SESID sesid, JET_DBID dbid, unsigned long cpg, unsigned long *pcpgReal );
JET_ERR JET_API JetDBUtilities( JET_DBUTIL *pdbutil );
JET_ERR JET_API JetGotoBookmark( JET_SESID sesid, JET_TABLEID tableid, void *pvBookmark, unsigned long cbBookmark );
JET_ERR JET_API JetComputeStats( JET_SESID sesid, JET_TABLEID tableid );
typedef ULONG_PTR JET_VSESID; /* Received from dispatcher */
struct tagVDBFNDEF;
typedef ULONG_PTR JET_VDBID; /* Received from dispatcher */
struct tagVTFNDEF;
typedef ULONG_PTR JET_VTID; /* Received from dispatcher */
JET_ERR JET_API JetOpenTempTable(JET_SESID sesid, const JET_COLUMNDEF *prgcolumndef, unsigned long ccolumn, JET_GRBIT grbit, JET_TABLEID *ptableid, JET_COLUMNID *prgcolumnid);
JET_ERR JET_API JetOpenTempTable2( JET_SESID sesid, const JET_COLUMNDEF *prgcolumndef, unsigned long ccolumn, unsigned long lcid, JET_GRBIT grbit, JET_TABLEID *ptableid, JET_COLUMNID *prgcolumnid );
JET_ERR JET_API JetBackup( const char *szBackupPath, JET_GRBIT grbit, JET_PFNSTATUS pfnStatus );
JET_ERR JET_API JetRestore(const char *sz, JET_PFNSTATUS pfn ); JET_ERR JET_API JetRestore2(const char *sz, const char *szDest, JET_PFNSTATUS pfn );
JET_ERR JET_API JetSetIndexRange(JET_SESID sesid, JET_TABLEID tableidSrc, JET_GRBIT grbit);
JET_ERR JET_API JetIndexRecordCount(JET_SESID sesid, JET_TABLEID tableid, unsigned long *pcrec, unsigned long crecMax );
JET_ERR JET_API JetRetrieveKey(JET_SESID sesid, JET_TABLEID tableid, void *pvData, unsigned long cbMax, unsigned long *pcbActual, JET_GRBIT grbit );
JET_ERR JET_API JetBeginExternalBackup( JET_GRBIT grbit );
JET_ERR JET_API JetGetAttachInfo( void *pv, unsigned long cbMax, unsigned long *pcbActual );
JET_ERR JET_API JetOpenFile( const char *szFileName, JET_HANDLE *phfFile, unsigned long *pulFileSizeLow, unsigned long *pulFileSizeHigh );
JET_ERR JET_API JetReadFile( JET_HANDLE hfFile, void *pv, unsigned long cb, unsigned long *pcb );
JET_ERR JET_API JetAsyncReadFile( JET_HANDLE hfFile, void* pv, unsigned long cb, JET_OLP *pjolp );
JET_ERR JET_API JetCheckAsyncReadFile( void *pv, int cb, unsigned long pgnoFirst );
JET_ERR JET_API JetCloseFile( JET_HANDLE hfFile );
JET_ERR JET_API JetGetLogInfo( void *pv, unsigned long cbMax, unsigned long *pcbActual );
JET_ERR JET_API JetTruncateLog( void );
JET_ERR JET_API JetEndExternalBackup( void );
JET_ERR JET_API JetExternalRestore( char *szCheckpointFilePath, char *szLogPath, JET_RSTMAP *rgstmap, long crstfilemap, char *szBackupLogPath, long genLow, long genHigh, JET_PFNSTATUS pfn );
#ifdef __cplusplus
} #endif
#endif /* _JET_NOPROTOTYPES */
#include <poppack.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
} #endif
#endif /* _JET_INCLUDED */
#else /* _USE_NEW_JET_H_, the USE_NEW_JET_H is needed for err.awk to generate err.c in cli */
// *******************************************************************************
// Old Jet header...
// *******************************************************************************
#if !defined(_JET_INCLUDED)
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" { #endif
#if defined(_M_ALPHA)
#include <pshpack8.h>
#include <pshpack4.h>
#define JET_API __stdcall
#define JET_NODSAPI __stdcall
typedef long JET_ERR;
typedef unsigned long JET_INSTANCE; /* Instance Identifier */ typedef unsigned long JET_SESID; /* Session Identifier */ typedef unsigned long JET_TABLEID; /* Table Identifier */ typedef unsigned long JET_COLUMNID; /* Column Identifier */
typedef unsigned long JET_DBID; /* Database Identifier */ typedef unsigned long JET_OBJTYP; /* Object Type */ typedef unsigned long JET_COLTYP; /* Column Type */ typedef unsigned long JET_GRBIT; /* Group of Bits */ typedef unsigned long JET_ACM; /* Access Mask */ typedef unsigned long JET_RNT; /* Repair Notification Type */
typedef unsigned long JET_SNP; /* Status Notification Process */ typedef unsigned long JET_SNT; /* Status Notification Type */ typedef unsigned long JET_SNC; /* Status Notification Code */ typedef double JET_DATESERIAL; /* JET_coltypDateTime format */ typedef unsigned long JET_HANDLE; /* backup file handle */
typedef JET_ERR (__stdcall *JET_PFNSTATUS)(JET_SESID sesid, JET_SNP snp, JET_SNT snt, void *pv);
typedef struct tagCONVERT { char *szOldDll; char *szOldSysDb; unsigned long fDbAttached; // Return value indicating if Db was attached
typedef enum { opDBUTILConsistency, opDBUTILDumpData, opDBUTILDumpMetaData, opDBUTILDumpSpace, opDBUTILDumpPage, opDBUTILSetHeaderState, opDBUTILDumpHeader, opDBUTILDumpLogfile, opDBUTILDumpCheckpoint, opDBUTILEDBDump, opDBUTILEDBRepair } DBUTIL_OP;
typedef struct tagDBUTIL { unsigned long cbStruct; char *szDatabase; char *szTable; char *szIndex; DBUTIL_OP op; JET_GRBIT grbitOptions; } JET_DBUTIL;
#define JET_bitDBUtilOptionAllNodes 0x00000001
#define JET_bitDBUtilOptionKeyStats 0x00000002
#define JET_bitDBUtilOptionPageDump 0x00000004
#define JET_bitDBUtilOptionDumpVerbose 0x10000000 // DEBUG only
#define JET_bitDBUtilOptionCheckBTree 0x20000000 // DEBUG only
/* Session information bits */
#define JET_bitCIMCommitted 0x00000001
#define JET_bitCIMDirty 0x00000002
#define JET_bitAggregateTransaction 0x00000008
/* JetGetLastErrorInfo structure */
typedef struct { unsigned long cbStruct; /* Size of this structure */ JET_ERR err; /* Extended error code (if any) */ unsigned long ul1; /* First general purpose integer */ unsigned long ul2; /* Second general purpose integer */ unsigned long ul3; /* Third general purpose integer */ } JET_EXTERR;
/* Status Notification Structures */
typedef struct /* Status Notification Progress */ { unsigned long cbStruct; /* Size of this structure */ unsigned long cunitDone; /* Number of units of work completed */ unsigned long cunitTotal; /* Total number of units of work */ } JET_SNPROG;
/* ErrCount Notification Structures */
typedef struct /* Status Notification Progress */ { unsigned long cbStruct; /* Size of this structure */ unsigned long cRecUniqueKeyViolation; unsigned long cRecTypeConversionFail; unsigned long cRecRecordLocked; unsigned long cRecTotal; /* Total number of units of work */ } JET_SNERRCNT;
typedef struct /* Status Notification Message */ { unsigned long cbStruct; /* Size of this structure */ JET_SNC snc; /* Status Notification Code */ unsigned long ul; /* Numeric identifier */ char sz[256]; /* Identifier */ } JET_SNMSG;
typedef struct { unsigned long cbStruct; JET_OBJTYP objtyp; JET_DATESERIAL dtCreate; JET_DATESERIAL dtUpdate; JET_GRBIT grbit; unsigned long flags; unsigned long cRecord; unsigned long cPage; } JET_OBJECTINFO;
/* required for Exchange to make RSTMAP RPC capable
/**/ #ifdef MIDL_PASS
#define xRPC_STRING [string]
#define xRPC_STRING
typedef unsigned short WCHAR; #endif
typedef struct { xRPC_STRING char *szDatabaseName; xRPC_STRING char *szNewDatabaseName; } JET_RSTMAP; /* restore map */
/* required for Exchange unicode support
/**/ #define UNICODE_RSTMAP
typedef struct tagJET_RSTMAPW { xRPC_STRING WCHAR *wszDatabaseName; xRPC_STRING WCHAR *wszNewDatabaseName; } JET_RSTMAPW, *PJET_RSTMAPW;
/* The following flags appear in the grbit field above */
#define JET_bitTableInfoUpdatable 0x00000001
#define JET_bitTableInfoBookmark 0x00000002
#define JET_bitTableInfoRollback 0x00000004
#define JET_bitTableInfoRestartable 0x00000008
#define JET_bitTableInfoNoInserts 0x00000010
/* The following flags occur in the flags field above */
#define JET_bitSaveUIDnPWD 0x20000000 /* this bit is only */
/* appropriate for rmt links */ #define JET_bitObjectExclusive 0x40000000 /* Open link exclusively */
#define JET_bitObjectSystem 0x80000000
typedef struct { unsigned long cbStruct; JET_TABLEID tableid; unsigned long cRecord; JET_COLUMNID columnidcontainername; JET_COLUMNID columnidobjectname; JET_COLUMNID columnidobjtyp; JET_COLUMNID columniddtCreate; JET_COLUMNID columniddtUpdate; JET_COLUMNID columnidgrbit; JET_COLUMNID columnidflags; JET_COLUMNID columnidcRecord; /* Level 2 info */ JET_COLUMNID columnidcPage; /* Level 2 info */ } JET_OBJECTLIST;
#define cObjectInfoCols 9
typedef struct { unsigned long cbStruct; JET_TABLEID tableid; unsigned long cRecord; JET_COLUMNID columnidSid; JET_COLUMNID columnidACM; JET_COLUMNID columnidgrbit; /* grbit from JetSetAccess */ } JET_OBJECTACMLIST;
#define cObjectAcmCols 3
typedef struct { unsigned long cbStruct; JET_TABLEID tableid; unsigned long cRecord; JET_COLUMNID columnidPresentationOrder; JET_COLUMNID columnidcolumnname; JET_COLUMNID columnidcolumnid; JET_COLUMNID columnidcoltyp; JET_COLUMNID columnidCountry; JET_COLUMNID columnidLangid; JET_COLUMNID columnidCp; JET_COLUMNID columnidCollate; JET_COLUMNID columnidcbMax; JET_COLUMNID columnidgrbit; JET_COLUMNID columnidDefault; JET_COLUMNID columnidBaseTableName; JET_COLUMNID columnidBaseColumnName; JET_COLUMNID columnidDefinitionName; } JET_COLUMNLIST;
#define cColumnInfoCols 14
typedef struct { unsigned long cbStruct; JET_COLUMNID columnid; JET_COLTYP coltyp; unsigned short wCountry; unsigned short langid; unsigned short cp; unsigned short wCollate; /* Must be 0 */ unsigned long cbMax; JET_GRBIT grbit; } JET_COLUMNDEF;
typedef struct { unsigned long cbStruct; JET_COLUMNID columnid; JET_COLTYP coltyp; unsigned short wCountry; unsigned short langid; unsigned short cp; unsigned short wFiller; /* Must be 0 */ unsigned long cbMax; JET_GRBIT grbit; char szBaseTableName[256]; char szBaseColumnName[256]; } JET_COLUMNBASE;
typedef struct { unsigned long cbStruct; JET_TABLEID tableid; unsigned long cRecord; JET_COLUMNID columnidindexname; JET_COLUMNID columnidgrbitIndex; JET_COLUMNID columnidcKey; JET_COLUMNID columnidcEntry; JET_COLUMNID columnidcPage; JET_COLUMNID columnidcColumn; JET_COLUMNID columnidiColumn; JET_COLUMNID columnidcolumnid; JET_COLUMNID columnidcoltyp; JET_COLUMNID columnidCountry; JET_COLUMNID columnidLangid; JET_COLUMNID columnidCp; JET_COLUMNID columnidCollate; JET_COLUMNID columnidgrbitColumn; JET_COLUMNID columnidcolumnname; } JET_INDEXLIST;
typedef struct tag_JET_COLUMNCREATE { unsigned long cbStruct; // size of this structure (for future expansion)
char *szColumnName; // column name
JET_COLTYP coltyp; // column type
unsigned long cbMax; // the maximum length of this column (only relevant for binary and text columns)
JET_GRBIT grbit; // column options
void *pvDefault; // default value (NULL if none)
unsigned long cbDefault; // length of default value
unsigned long cp; // code page (for text columns only)
JET_COLUMNID columnid; // returned column id
JET_ERR err; // returned error code
typedef struct tagJET_INDEXCREATE { unsigned long cbStruct; // size of this structure (for future expansion)
char *szIndexName; // index name
char *szKey; // index key
unsigned long cbKey; // length of key
JET_GRBIT grbit; // index options
unsigned long ulDensity; // index density
JET_ERR err; // returned error code
typedef struct tagJET_TABLECREATE { unsigned long cbStruct; // size of this structure (for future expansion)
char *szTableName; // name of table to create.
unsigned long ulPages; // initial pages to allocate for table.
unsigned long ulDensity; // table density.
JET_COLUMNCREATE *rgcolumncreate; // array of column creation info
unsigned long cColumns; // number of columns to create
JET_INDEXCREATE *rgindexcreate; // array of index creation info
unsigned long cIndexes; // number of indexes to create
JET_GRBIT grbit; // Abort column/index creation on error?
JET_TABLEID tableid; // returned tableid.
unsigned long cCreated; // count of objects created (columns+table+indexes).
#define cIndexInfoCols 15
typedef struct { unsigned long cbStruct; JET_TABLEID tableid; unsigned long cRecord; JET_COLUMNID columnidReferenceName; JET_COLUMNID columnidgrbit; JET_COLUMNID columnidcColumn; JET_COLUMNID columnidiColumn; JET_COLUMNID columnidReferencingTableName; JET_COLUMNID columnidReferencingColumnName; JET_COLUMNID columnidReferencedTableName; JET_COLUMNID columnidReferencedColumnName; } JET_RELATIONSHIPLIST;
/* for backward compatibility */ typedef JET_RELATIONSHIPLIST JET_REFERENCELIST;
#define cReferenceInfoCols 8
typedef struct { unsigned long cbStruct; unsigned long ibLongValue; unsigned long itagSequence; JET_COLUMNID columnidNextTagged; } JET_RETINFO;
typedef struct { unsigned long cbStruct; unsigned long ibLongValue; unsigned long itagSequence; } JET_SETINFO;
typedef struct { unsigned long cbStruct; unsigned long centriesLT; unsigned long centriesInRange; unsigned long centriesTotal; } JET_RECPOS;
typedef struct { unsigned long cDiscont; unsigned long cUnfixedMessyPage; unsigned long centriesLT; unsigned long centriesTotal; unsigned long cpgCompactFreed; } JET_OLCSTAT;
typedef struct { unsigned long ctableid; JET_TABLEID rgtableid[1]; } JET_MGBLIST;
/*** Property Manager Structure ***/ typedef struct { unsigned long cbStruct; JET_TABLEID tableid; JET_COLUMNID columnidColumnName; JET_COLUMNID columnidPropertyName; JET_COLUMNID columnidGrbit; JET_COLUMNID columnidPropertyValue; JET_COLUMNID columnidColtyp; } JET_PROPERTYLIST;
/************************************************************************/ /************************* JET CONSTANTS ************************/ /************************************************************************/
#define JET_tableidNil ((JET_TABLEID) 0xFFFFFFFF)
#define JET_sesidNil ((JET_SESID) 0xFFFFFFFF)
/* Max size of a bookmark */
#define JET_cbBookmarkMost 4
/* Max length of a object/column/index/property name */
#define JET_cbNameMost 64
/* Max length of a "name.name.name..." construct */
#define JET_cbFullNameMost 255
/* Max size of long-value column chunk */
#define JET_cbColumnLVChunkMost 4035
/* Max size of non-long-value column data */
#define JET_cbColumnMost 255
/* Max size of a sort/index key */
#define JET_cbKeyMost 255
/* Max number of components in a sort/index key */
#define JET_ccolKeyMost 12
/* Max number of columns in a table/query */
#define JET_ccolTableMost 255
/* Max Length of a property in the property manager */ #define JET_cbPropertyMost 2048
/* Largest initial substring of a long value used in an expression */
#define JET_cbExprLVMost 0x8000L /*** 32 K ***/
/* Max size of returned (from SQLDriverConnect) conn string */
#define JET_cbConnectMost 255
/* Max number of levels in an MGB */
#define JET_wGroupLevelMax 12
/* Size restrictions for Pins */ #define JET_cchPINMax 20
#define JET_cchPINMin 4
/* System parameter codes for JetSetSystemParameter */
/* not supported */ #define JET_paramPfnStatus 2 /* Status callback function */
#define JET_paramPfnError 3 /* Error callback function */
#define JET_paramHwndODBC 4 /* Window handle for ODBC use */
#define JET_paramIniPath 5 /* Path to the ini file */
#define JET_paramPageTimeout 6 /* Red ISAM page timeout value */
#define JET_paramODBCQueryTimeout 7 /* ODBC async query timeout value */
#define JET_paramODBCLoginTimeout 25 /* ODBC connection attempt timeout value */
#define JET_paramExprObject 26 /* Expression Evaluation callback */
#define JET_paramGetTypeComp 27 /* Expression Evaluation callback */
#define JET_paramHostVersion 28 /* Host Version callback */
#define JET_paramSQLTraceMode 29 /* Enable/disable SQL tracing */
#define JET_paramEventId 46 /* NT event id */
#define JET_paramEventCategory 47 /* NT event category */
#define JET_paramRmtXactIsolation 39 /* Do not share connections with other sessions */
#define JET_paramJetInternal 35 /* Whether internal to JET; if set, allows ISAM to do things which are prevented in general */
#define JET_paramFullQJet 38 /* Allow full QJet functionality */
#define JET_paramLogFlushThreshold 18 /* log buffer flush threshold in 512 bytes [10] */
#define JET_paramLogFlushPeriod 22 /* log flush period in miliseconds [45] */
#define JET_paramOnLineCompact 37 /* Options for compact pages on-line */
#define JET_paramRecovery 30 /* Switch for log on/off */
/* debug only not supported */ #define JET_paramTransactionLevel 32 /* Transaction level of session */
#define JET_paramAssertAction 44 /* debug only determines action on assert */
#define JET_paramPrintFunction 49 /* debug only. synched print function */
#define JET_paramRFS2IOsPermitted 54 /* # IOs permitted to succeed (-1 = all) */
#define JET_paramRFS2AllocsPermitted 55 /* # allocs permitted to success (-1 = all) */
/* fully supported parameters */ /* Note that one page = 4kBytes.
/**/ #define JET_paramSysDbPath 0 /* path to the system database (defunct) ["<base name>.<base ext>"] */
#define JET_paramSystemPath 0 /* path to check point file ["."] */
#define JET_paramTempPath 1 /* path to the temporary database ["."] */
#define JET_paramMaxBuffers 8 /* maximum page cache size in pages [512] */
#define JET_paramMaxSessions 9 /* maximum number of sessions [128] */
#define JET_paramMaxOpenTables 10 /* maximum number of open tables [300] */
#define JET_paramPreferredMaxOpenTables 59 /* prefered maximum number of open tables [300] */
#define JET_paramMaxVerPages 11 /* maximum version store size in 16KB buckets [64] */
#define JET_paramMaxCursors 12 /* maximum number of open cursors [1024] */
#define JET_paramLogFilePath 13 /* path to the log file directory ["."] */
#define JET_paramMaxOpenTableIndexes 14 /* maximum open table indexes [300] */
#define JET_paramMaxTemporaryTables 15 /* maximum concurrent JetCreateIndex [20] */
#define JET_paramLogBuffers 16 /* maximum log buffers in 512 bytes [21] */
#define JET_paramLogFileSize 17 /* maximum log file size in kBytes [5120] */
#define JET_paramBfThrshldLowPrcnt 19 /* low percentage clean buffer flush start [20] */
#define JET_paramBfThrshldHighPrcnt 20 /* high percentage clean buffer flush stop [80] */
#define JET_paramWaitLogFlush 21 /* log flush wait time in milliseconds [15] */
#define JET_paramLogCheckpointPeriod 23 /* checkpoint period in 512 bytes [1024] */
#define JET_paramLogWaitingUserMax 24 /* maximum sessions waiting log flush [3] */
#define JET_paramSessionInfo 33 /* per session information [0] */
#define JET_paramPageFragment 34 /* maximum disk extent considered fragment in pages [8] */
#define JET_paramMaxOpenDatabases 36 /* maximum number of open databases [100] */
#define JET_paramBufBatchIOMax 41 /* maximum batch IO in pages [64] */
#define JET_paramPageReadAheadMax 42 /* maximum read-ahead IO in pages [20] */
#define JET_paramAsynchIOMax 43 /* maximum asynchronous IO in pages [64] */
#define JET_paramEventSource 45 /* language independant process descriptor string [""] */
#define JET_paramDbExtensionSize 48 /* database extension size in pages [16] */
#define JET_paramCommitDefault 50 /* default grbit for JetCommitTransaction [0] */
#define JET_paramBufLogGenAgeThreshold 51 /* age threshold in log files [2] */
#define JET_paramCircularLog 52 /* boolean flag for circular logging [0] */
#define JET_paramPageTempDBMin 53 /* minimum size temporary database in pages [0] */
#define JET_paramBaseName 56 /* base name for all DBMS object names ["edb"] */
#define JET_paramBaseExtension 57 /* base extension for all DBMS object names ["edb"] */
#define JET_paramTableClassName 58 /* table stats class name (class #, string) */
/* Flags for JetTerm2 */
#define JET_bitTermComplete 0x00000001
#define JET_bitTermAbrupt 0x00000002
/* Flags for JetIdle */
#define JET_bitIdleRemoveReadLocks 0x00000001
#define JET_bitIdleFlushBuffers 0x00000002
#define JET_bitIdleCompact 0x00000004
#define JET_bitIdleStatus 0x80000000
/* Flags for JetEndSession */ #define JET_bitForceSessionClosed 0x00000001
/* Flags for JetOpenDatabase */
#define JET_bitDbReadOnly 0x00000001
#define JET_bitDbExclusive 0x00000002 /* multiple opens allowed */
#define JET_bitDbRemoteSilent 0x00000004
#define JET_bitDbSingleExclusive 0x00000008 /* opened exactly once */
/* Flags for JetCloseDatabase */ #define JET_bitDbForceClose 0x00000001
/* Flags for JetCreateDatabase */
#define JET_bitDbVersion10 0x00000002 /* INTERNAL USE ONLY */
#define JET_bitDbVersion1x 0x00000004
#define JET_bitDbRecoveryOff 0x00000008 /* disable logging/recovery for this database */
#define JET_bitDbNoLogging JET_bitDbRecoveryOff
#define JET_bitDbCompleteConnstr 0x00000020
#define JET_bitDbVersioningOff 0x00000040
/* Flags for JetBackup */
#define JET_bitBackupIncremental 0x00000001
#define JET_bitKeepOldLogs 0x00000002
#define JET_bitBackupAtomic 0x00000004
/* Database types */
#define JET_dbidNil ((JET_DBID) 0xFFFFFFFF)
#define JET_dbidNoValid ((JET_DBID) 0xFFFFFFFE) /* used as a flag to indicate that there is no valid dbid */
/* Flags for JetCreateLink */
/* Can use JET_bitObjectExclusive to cause linked to database to be opened */ /* exclusively. */
/* Flags for JetCreateTableColumnIndex */ #define JET_bitTableCreateCheckColumnNames 0x00000001 /* Ensures that each column
/* specified in the JET_COLUMNCREATE
/* array has a unique name
/* (for performance reasons,
/* the default is to NOT perform
/* this check and rely on the
/* function caller to ensure
/* column name uniqueness).
/**/ #define JET_bitTableCreateCompaction 0x40000000 /* Internal grbit used when
/* creating a table during
/* off-line compact.
/**/ #define JET_bitTableCreateSystemTable 0x80000000 /* Internal grbit used when
/* creating system tables.
/* Flags for JetAddColumn, JetGetColumnInfo, JetOpenTempTable */
#define JET_bitColumnFixed 0x00000001
#define JET_bitColumnTagged 0x00000002
#define JET_bitColumnNotNULL 0x00000004
#define JET_bitColumnVersion 0x00000008
#define JET_bitColumnAutoincrement 0x00000010
#define JET_bitColumnUpdatable 0x00000020 /* JetGetColumnInfo only */
#define JET_bitColumnTTKey 0x00000040 /* JetOpenTempTable only */
#define JET_bitColumnTTDescending 0x00000080 /* JetOpenTempTable only */
#define JET_bitColumnNotLast 0x00000100 /* Installable ISAM option */
#define JET_bitColumnRmtGraphic 0x00000200 /* JetGetColumnInfo */
#define JET_bitColumnMultiValued 0x00000400
#define JET_bitColumnColumnGUID 0x00000800
#define JET_bitColumnMostMany 0x00001000
#define JET_bitColumnPreventDelete 0x00002000
/* Flags for JetSetCurrentIndex */
#define JET_bitMoveFirst 0x00000000
#define JET_bitMoveBeforeFirst 0x00000001
#define JET_bitNoMove 0x00000002
/* Flags for JetMakeKey */
#define JET_bitNewKey 0x00000001
#define JET_bitStrLimit 0x00000002
#define JET_bitSubStrLimit 0x00000004
#define JET_bitNormalizedKey 0x00000008
#define JET_bitKeyDataZeroLength 0x00000010
#ifdef DBCS /* johnta: LIKE "ABC" not converted to ="ABC" for Japanese */
#define JET_bitLikeExtra1 0x00000020
#endif /* DBCS */
/* Flags for ErrDispSetIndexRange */
#define JET_bitRangeInclusive 0x00000001
#define JET_bitRangeUpperLimit 0x00000002
#define JET_bitRangeInstantDuration 0x00000004
#define JET_bitRangeRemove 0x00000008
/* Constants for JetMove */
#define JET_MoveFirst (0x80000000)
#define JET_MovePrevious (-1)
#define JET_MoveNext (+1)
#define JET_MoveLast (0x7fffffff)
/* Flags for JetMove */
#define JET_bitMoveKeyNE 0x00000001
#define JET_bitMoveCheckTS 0x00000002
#define JET_bitMoveInPage 0x00000004
/* Flags for JetSeek */
#define JET_bitSeekEQ 0x00000001
#define JET_bitSeekLT 0x00000002
#define JET_bitSeekLE 0x00000004
#define JET_bitSeekGE 0x00000008
#define JET_bitSeekGT 0x00000010
#define JET_bitSetIndexRange 0x00000020
/* Flags for JetFastFind */
#define JET_bitFFindBackwards 0x00000001
#define JET_bitFFindFromCursor 0x00000004
/* Flags for JetCreateIndex */
#define JET_bitIndexUnique 0x00000001
#define JET_bitIndexPrimary 0x00000002
#define JET_bitIndexDisallowNull 0x00000004
#define JET_bitIndexIgnoreNull 0x00000008
#define JET_bitIndexClustered 0x00000010
#define JET_bitIndexIgnoreAnyNull 0x00000020
#define JET_bitIndexIgnoreFirstNull 0x00000040
#define JET_bitIndexLazyFlush 0x00000080
#define JET_bitIndexEmpty 0x00000100 // don't attempt to build index, because all entries would evaluate to NULL (MUST also specify JET_bitIgnoreAnyNull)
#define JET_bitIndexEmptyTable 0x40000000 // Internal use only
#define JET_bitIndexReference 0x80000000 /* IndexInfo only */
/* Flags for index key definition */
#define JET_bitKeyAscending 0x00000000
#define JET_bitKeyDescending 0x00000001
/* Flags for JetCreateRelationship */
#define JET_bitRelationUnique 0x00000001
#define JET_bitRelationDontEnforce 0x00000002
#define JET_bitRelationInherited 0x00000004
#define JET_bitRelationTestLegal 0x00000008 /* don't create relationship */
#define JET_bitRelationshipMatchMask 0x000000F0
#define JET_bitRelationMatchDefault 0x00000000
#define JET_bitRelationMatchFull 0x00000010
#define JET_bitRelationUpdateActionMask 0x00000F00
#define JET_bitRelationUpdateDisallow 0x00000000
#define JET_bitRelationUpdateCascade 0x00000100
#define JET_bitRelationUpdateSetNull 0x00000200
#define JET_bitRelationUpdateSetDefault 0x00000300
#define JET_bitRelationDeleteActionMask 0x0000F000
#define JET_bitRelationDeleteDisallow 0x00000000
#define JET_bitRelationDeleteCascade 0x00001000
#define JET_bitRelationDeleteSetNull 0x00002000
#define JET_bitRelationDeleteSetDefault 0x00003000
#define JET_bitRelationUserMask 0xFF000000 /* non-enforced values */
#define JET_bitRelationJoinMask 0x03000000
#define JET_bitRelationInner 0x00000000
#define JET_bitRelationLeft 0x01000000
#define JET_bitRelationRight 0x02000000
/* Flags for JetCreateReference/JetCreateRelationship */ /* NOTE: use the bitRelationship flags instead! */
#define JET_ReferenceUnique JET_bitRelationUnique
#define JET_ReferenceDontEnforce JET_bitRelationDontEnforce
#define JET_ReferenceMatchTypeMask JET_bitRelationMatchMask
#define JET_ReferenceMatchDefault JET_bitRelationMatchDefault
#define JET_ReferenceMatchFull JET_bitRelationMatchFull
#define JET_ReferenceUpdateActionMask JET_bitRelationUpdateActionMask
#define JET_ReferenceUpdateDisallow JET_bitRelationUpdateDisallow
#define JET_ReferenceUpdateCascade JET_bitRelationUpdateCascade
#define JET_ReferenceUpdateSetNull JET_bitRelationUpdateSetNull
#define JET_ReferenceUpdateSetDefault JET_bitRelationUpdateSetDefault
#define JET_ReferenceDeleteActionMask JET_bitRelationDeleteActionMask
#define JET_ReferenceDeleteDisallow JET_bitRelationDeleteDisallow
#define JET_ReferenceDeleteCascade JET_bitRelationDeleteCascade
#define JET_ReferenceDeleteSetNull JET_bitRelationDeleteSetNull
#define JET_ReferenceDeleteSetDefault JET_bitRelationDeleteSetDefault
/* Flags for JetOpenTable */
#define JET_bitTableDenyWrite 0x00000001
#define JET_bitTableDenyRead 0x00000002
#define JET_bitTableReadOnly 0x00000004
#define JET_bitTableAppendOnly 0x00000008
#define JET_bitTableUpdatable 0x00000010
#define JET_bitTableScrollable 0x00000020
#define JET_bitTableFixedSet 0x00000040 /* Fixed working set */
#define JET_bitTableInconsistent 0x00000080
#define JET_bitTableBulk 0x00000100
#define JET_bitTableUsePrimaryIndex 0x00000200 /* Use with FixedSet */
#define JET_bitTableSampleData 0x00000400
#define JET_bitTableQuickBrowse 0x00000800 /* Bias optimizer toward index usage */
#define JET_bitTableDDL 0x00001000 /* similar to JET_bitTableBulk, for DDL */
#define JET_bitTablePassThrough 0x00002000 /* Remote DBs Only */
#define JET_bitTableRowReturning 0x00004000
#define JET_bitTableSequential 0x00008000 /* Intend to access table sequentially */
#define JET_bitTableClassMask 0x000F0000 /* table stats class mask */
#define JET_bitTableClassNone 0x00000000 /* table belongs to no stats class (default) */
#define JET_bitTableClass1 0x00010000 /* table belongs to stats class 1 */
#define JET_bitTableClass2 0x00020000 /* table belongs to stats class 2 */
#define JET_bitTableClass3 0x00030000 /* table belongs to stats class 3 */
#define JET_bitTableClass4 0x00040000 /* table belongs to stats class 4 */
#define JET_bitTableClass5 0x00050000 /* table belongs to stats class 5 */
#define JET_bitTableClass6 0x00060000 /* table belongs to stats class 6 */
#define JET_bitTableClass7 0x00070000 /* table belongs to stats class 7 */
#define JET_bitTableClass8 0x00080000 /* table belongs to stats class 8 */
#define JET_bitTableClass9 0x00090000 /* table belongs to stats class 9 */
#define JET_bitTableClass10 0x000A0000 /* table belongs to stats class 10 */
#define JET_bitTableClass11 0x000B0000 /* table belongs to stats class 11 */
#define JET_bitTableClass12 0x000C0000 /* table belongs to stats class 12 */
#define JET_bitTableClass13 0x000D0000 /* table belongs to stats class 13 */
#define JET_bitTableClass14 0x000E0000 /* table belongs to stats class 14 */
#define JET_bitTableClass15 0x000F0000 /* table belongs to stats class 15 */
/* Flags for JetSetQoSql/JetRetrieveQoSql */ #define JET_bitSqlPassThrough 0x00000001 /* Pass through Query returning records */
#define JET_bitSqlSPTBulkOp 0x00000002 /* SPT query returning no table */
/* Flags for JetOpenVtQbe */
#define JET_bitQBEAddBrackets 0x00000001
#define JET_bitQBERemoveEquals 0x00000002
/* Flags for JetOpenTempTable and ErrIsamOpenTempTable */
#define JET_bitTTIndexed 0x00000001 /* Allow seek */
#define JET_bitTTUnique 0x00000002 /* Remove duplicates -- OBSOLETE: Dupes are ALWAYS either silently removed or an error is returned on insertion */
#define JET_bitTTUpdatable 0x00000004 /* Allow updates */
#define JET_bitTTScrollable 0x00000008 /* Allow backwards scrolling */
/* Flags for JetSetColumn */
#define JET_bitSetAppendLV 0x00000001
#define JET_bitSetValidate 0x00000002
#define JET_bitSetOverwriteLV 0x00000004 /* overwrite JET_coltypLong* byte range */
#define JET_bitSetSizeLV 0x00000008 /* set JET_coltypLong* size */
#define JET_bitSetValidateColumn 0x00000010
#define JET_bitSetZeroLength 0x00000020
#define JET_bitSetSeparateLV 0x00000040 /* force LV separation */
#define JET_bitSetNoVersion 0x00000080 /* INTERNAL USE ONLY */
/* Set column parameter structure for JetSetColumns */
typedef struct { JET_COLUMNID columnid; const void *pvData; unsigned long cbData; JET_GRBIT grbit; unsigned long ibLongValue; unsigned long itagSequence; JET_ERR err; } JET_SETCOLUMN;
/* Options for JetPrepareUpdate */
#define JET_prepInsert 0
#define JET_prepInsertBeforeCurrent 1
#define JET_prepReplace 2
#define JET_prepCancel 3
#define JET_prepReplaceNoLock 4
#define JET_prepInsertCopy 5
/* Flags for JetRetrieveColumn */
#define JET_bitRetrieveCopy 0x00000001
#define JET_bitRetrieveFromIndex 0x00000002
#define JET_bitRetrieveCase 0x00000004
#define JET_bitRetrieveTag 0x00000008
#define JET_bitRetrieveNull 0x00000010 /* for columnid 0 only */
#define JET_bitRetrieveIgnoreDefault 0x00000020 /* for columnid 0 only */
#define JET_bitRetrieveLongId 0x00000040
#define JET_bitRetrieveRecord 0x80000000
#define JET_bitRetrieveFDB 0x40000000
#define JET_bitRetrieveBookmarks 0x20000000
/* Retrieve column parameter structure for JetRetrieveColumns */
typedef struct { JET_COLUMNID columnid; void *pvData; unsigned long cbData; unsigned long cbActual; JET_GRBIT grbit; unsigned long ibLongValue; unsigned long itagSequence; JET_COLUMNID columnidNextTagged; JET_ERR err; } JET_RETRIEVECOLUMN;
/* Flags for JetFillFatCursor */
#define JET_bitFCFillRange 0x00000001
#define JET_bitFCRefreshRange 0x00000002
#define JET_bitFCFillMemos 0x00000004
/* Flags for JetCommitTransaction */
#define JET_bitCommitFlush 0x00000001 /* commit and flush page buffers. */
#define JET_bitCommitLazyFlush 0x00000004 /* lazy flush log buffers. */
#define JET_bitWaitLastLevel0Commit 0x00000010 /* wait for last level 0 commit record flushed */
/* Flags for JetRollback */
#define JET_bitRollbackAll 0x00000001
/* Flags for JetSetAccess and JetGetAccess */
#define JET_bitACEInheritable 0x00000001
/* Flags for JetCreateSystemDatabase */
#define JET_bitSysDbOverwrite 0x00000001
/* Flags for Jet Property Management */ #define JET_bitPropDDL 0x00000001 /* also used for setting */
#define JET_bitPropInherited 0x00000002 /* not used for setting */
/* JPM Flags that are only used for setting properties */ #define JET_bitPropReplaceOnly 0x00000010
#define JET_bitPropInsertOnly 0x00000020
#define JET_bitPropDeleteOnly 0x00000040
/* InfoLevels for Jet Property Management */ #define JET_PropertyValue 0
#define JET_PropertyCount 1
#define JET_PropertySingleCollection 2
#define JET_PropertyAllCollections 3
/* Collate values for JetGetColumnInfo and JetGetIndexInfo */
#define JET_sortBinary 0x0000
#define JET_sortEFGPI 0x0100
#define JET_sortSNIFD 0x0101
#define JET_sortSpanish 0x0102
#define JET_sortDutch 0x0103
#define JET_sortSweFin 0x0104
#define JET_sortNorDan 0x0105
#define JET_sortIcelandic 0x0106
#define JET_sortCyrillic 0x0107
#define JET_sortCzech 0x0108
#define JET_sortHungarian 0x0109
#define JET_sortPolish 0x010A
#define JET_sortArabic 0x010B
#define JET_sortHebrew 0x010C
#define JET_sortMax 0x010C /* Max for nonDBCS sort orders */
#ifdef DBCS /* johnta: Add the new Japanese sorting order */
#define JET_sortJapanese 0x010D
#endif /* DBCS */
#define JET_sortUnknown 0xFFFF
/* Paradox ISAM specific collate values */
#define JET_sortPdxIntl 0x1000
#define JET_sortPdxSwedFin 0x1001
#define JET_sortPdxNorDan 0x1002
/* Info parameter for JetGetDatabaseInfo */
#define JET_DbInfoFilename 0
#define JET_DbInfoConnect 1
#define JET_DbInfoCountry 2
#define JET_DbInfoLangid 3
#define JET_DbInfoCp 4
#define JET_DbInfoCollate 5
#define JET_DbInfoOptions 6
#define JET_DbInfoTransactions 7
#define JET_DbInfoVersion 8
#define JET_DbInfoIsam 9
#define JET_DbInfoFilesize 10
#define JET_DbInfoSpaceOwned 11
#define JET_DbInfoSpaceAvailable 12
/* Database versions returned by JetGetDatabaseInfo */
#define JET_DbVersion10 0x00010000
#define JET_DbVersion11 0x00010001
#define JET_DbVersion20 0x00020000
/* Isam specific info returned by JetGetDatabaseInfo */
#define JET_IsamInvalid 0
#define JET_IsamBuiltinRed 1
#define JET_IsamBuiltinBlue 2
#define JET_IsamInstRed 21
#define JET_IsamInstBlue 22
#define JET_IsamInstFox 23
#define JET_IsamInstParadox 24
#define JET_IsamInstDbase 25
#define JET_IsamInstBtrieve 26
#define JET_IsamBuilinMost JET_BuiltinBlue
#define JET_IsamInstMin JET_IsamInstRed
#define JET_IsamInstMost JET_IsamInstBtrieve
/* Link specific info for link identification */ #define JET_bitLinkInvalid 0x00000000
#define JET_bitLinkRemote 0x00100000
#define JET_bitLinkBuiltinRed 0x00200000
#define JET_bitLinkBuiltinBlue 0x00300000
#define JET_bitLinkInstRed 0x00400000
#define JET_bitLinkInstBlue 0x00500000
#define JET_bitLinkInstFox 0x00600000
#define JET_bitLinkInstParadox 0x00700000
#define JET_bitLinkInstDbase 0x00800000
#define JET_bitLinkInstBtrieve 0x00900000
#define JET_bitFourByteBookmark 0x00000001
#define JET_bitContiguousBookmarks 0x00000002
/* Column data types */
#define JET_coltypNil 0
#define JET_coltypBit 1 /* True or False, Never NULL */
#define JET_coltypUnsignedByte 2 /* 1-byte integer, unsigned */
#define JET_coltypShort 3 /* 2-byte integer, signed */
#define JET_coltypLong 4 /* 4-byte integer, signed */
#define JET_coltypCurrency 5 /* 8 byte integer, signed */
#define JET_coltypIEEESingle 6 /* 4-byte IEEE single precision */
#define JET_coltypIEEEDouble 7 /* 8-byte IEEE double precision */
#define JET_coltypDateTime 8 /* Integral date, fractional time */
#define JET_coltypBinary 9 /* Binary data, < 255 bytes */
#define JET_coltypText 10 /* ANSI text, case insensitive, < 255 bytes */
#define JET_coltypLongBinary 11 /* Binary data, long value */
#define JET_coltypLongText 12 /* ANSI text, long value */
#define JET_coltypDatabase 13 /* Database name parameter */
#define JET_coltypTableid 14 /* Tableid parameter */
#define JET_coltypOLE 15 /* OLE blob */
#define JET_coltypGUID 15
#define JET_coltypMax 16 /* the number of column types */
/* used for validity tests and */ /* array declarations. */
/* Info levels for JetGetObjectInfo */
#define JET_ObjInfo 0U
#define JET_ObjInfoListNoStats 1U
#define JET_ObjInfoList 2U
#define JET_ObjInfoSysTabCursor 3U
#define JET_ObjInfoListACM 4U /* Blocked by JetGetObjectInfo */
#define JET_ObjInfoNoStats 5U
#define JET_ObjInfoSysTabReadOnly 6U
#define JET_ObjInfoRulesLoaded 7U
#define JET_ObjInfoMax 8U
/* Info levels for JetGetTableInfo */
#define JET_TblInfo 0U
#define JET_TblInfoName 1U
#define JET_TblInfoDbid 2U
#define JET_TblInfoMostMany 3U
#define JET_TblInfoRvt 4U
#define JET_TblInfoOLC 5U
#define JET_TblInfoResetOLC 6U
#define JET_TblInfoSpaceUsage 7U
#define JET_TblInfoDumpTable 8U
#define JET_TblInfoSpaceAlloc 9U
#define JET_TblInfoSpaceOwned 10U // OwnExt
#define JET_TblInfoSpaceAvailable 11U // AvailExt
/* Info levels for JetGetIndexInfo and JetGetTableIndexInfo */
#define JET_IdxInfo 0U
#define JET_IdxInfoList 1U
#define JET_IdxInfoSysTabCursor 2U
#define JET_IdxInfoOLC 3U
#define JET_IdxInfoResetOLC 4U
#define JET_IdxInfoSpaceAlloc 5U
#define JET_IdxInfoLangid 6U
#define JET_IdxInfoCount 7U
#define JET_IdxInfoVarSegMac 8U
/* Info levels for JetGetReferenceInfo and JetGetTableReferenceInfo */
#define JET_ReferenceInfo 0U
#define JET_ReferenceInfoReferencing 1U
#define JET_ReferenceInfoReferenced 2U
#define JET_ReferenceInfoAll 3U
#define JET_ReferenceInfoCursor 4U
/* Info levels for JetGetColumnInfo and JetGetTableColumnInfo */
#define JET_ColInfo 0U
#define JET_ColInfoList 1U
/* CONSIDER: Info level 2 is valid */ #define JET_ColInfoSysTabCursor 3U
#define JET_ColInfoBase 4U
#define JET_ColInfoListCompact 5U
/* Attribute types for query definitions */
#define JET_qoaBeginDef 0
#define JET_qoaOperation 1
#define JET_qoaParameter 2
#define JET_qoaOptions 3
#define JET_qoaDatabase 4
#define JET_qoaInputTable 5
#define JET_qoaOutput 6
#define JET_qoaJoin 7
#define JET_qoaRestriction 8
#define JET_qoaGroup 9
#define JET_qoaGroupRstr 10
#define JET_qoaOrdering 11
#define JET_qoaEndDef 255
#define JET_qoaValidLeast JET_qoaOperation
#define JET_qoaValidMost JET_qoaOrdering
/* Query object options */
#define JET_bitFqoOutputAllCols 0x0001
#define JET_bitFqoRemoveDups 0x0002
#define JET_bitFqoOwnerAccess 0x0004
#define JET_bitFqoDistinctRow 0x0008
#define JET_bitFqoTop 0x0010
#define JET_bitFqoPercent 0x0020
#define JET_bitFqoCorresponding 0x0040 /* JET_qopSetOperation */
/* Query object join type */
#define JET_fjoinInner 1
#define JET_fjoinLeftOuter 2
#define JET_fjoinRightOuter 3
/* Query object operations */
#define JET_qopSelect 1
#define JET_qopSelectInto 2
#define JET_qopInsertSelection 3
#define JET_qopUpdate 4
#define JET_qopDelete 5
#define JET_qopTransform 6
#define JET_qopDDL 7
#define JET_qopSqlPassThrough 8
#define JET_qopSetOperation 9
#define JET_qopSPTBulk 10
#define JET_bitqopSelect 0x0000
#define JET_bitqopTransform 0x0010
#define JET_bitqopDelete 0x0020
#define JET_bitqopUpdate 0x0030
#define JET_bitqopInsertSelection 0x0040
#define JET_bitqopSelectInto 0x0050
#define JET_bitqopDDL 0x0060
#define JET_bitqopSqlPassThrough 0x0070
#define JET_bitqopSetOperation 0x0080
#define JET_bitqopSPTBulk 0x0090
/* Engine Object Types */
#define JET_objtypNil 0
#define JET_objtypTable 1
#define JET_objtypDb 2
#define JET_objtypContainer 3
#define JET_objtypSQLLink 4
#define JET_objtypQuery 5
#define JET_objtypLink 6
#define JET_objtypTemplate 7
#define JET_objtypRelationship 8
/* All types less than JET_objtypClientMin are reserved by JET */
#define JET_objtypClientMin 0x8000
/* Security Constant Values */
#define JET_cchUserNameMax 20
#define JET_cchPasswordMax 14
/* Security Access Masks */
#define JET_acmNoAccess 0x00000000L
#define JET_acmFullAccess 0x000FFFFFL
#define JET_acmSpecificMask 0x0000FFFFL
#define JET_acmSpecific_1 0x00000001L
#define JET_acmSpecific_2 0x00000002L
#define JET_acmSpecific_3 0x00000004L
#define JET_acmSpecific_4 0x00000008L
#define JET_acmSpecific_5 0x00000010L
#define JET_acmSpecific_6 0x00000020L
#define JET_acmSpecific_7 0x00000040L
#define JET_acmSpecific_8 0x00000080L
#define JET_acmSpecific_9 0x00000100L
#define JET_acmSpecific_10 0x00000200L
#define JET_acmSpecific_11 0x00000400L
#define JET_acmSpecific_12 0x00000800L
#define JET_acmSpecific_13 0x00001000L
#define JET_acmSpecific_14 0x00002000L
#define JET_acmSpecific_15 0x00004000L
#define JET_acmSpecific_16 0x00008000L
#define JET_acmStandardMask 0x00FF0000L
#define JET_acmDelete 0x00010000L
#define JET_acmReadControl 0x00020000L
#define JET_acmWriteDac 0x00040000L
#define JET_acmWriteOwner 0x00080000L
#define JET_acmTblCreate (JET_acmSpecific_1)
#define JET_acmTblAccessRcols (JET_acmSpecific_2)
#define JET_acmTblReadDef (JET_acmSpecific_3)
#define JET_acmTblWriteDef (JET_acmSpecific_4)
#define JET_acmTblRetrieveData (JET_acmSpecific_5)
#define JET_acmTblInsertData (JET_acmSpecific_6)
#define JET_acmTblReplaceData (JET_acmSpecific_7)
#define JET_acmTblDeleteData (JET_acmSpecific_8)
#define JET_acmDbCreate (JET_acmSpecific_1)
#define JET_acmDbOpen (JET_acmSpecific_2)
/* Compact Options */
#define JET_bitCompactDontCopyLocale 0x00000004 /* Don't copy locale from source to dest */
#define JET_bitCompactVersion10 0x00000008 /* Destination is version 1.0 format */
#define JET_bitCompactVersion1x 0x00000010 /* Destination is version 1.x format */
#define JET_bitCompactStats 0x00000020 /* Dump off-line compaction stats (only when progress meter also specified) */
/* On-line Compact Options */
#define JET_bitCompactOn 0x00000001 /* enable on-line compaction */
/* Repair Notification Types */
#define JET_rntSelfContained 0
#define JET_rntDeletedIndex 1
#define JET_rntDeletedRec 2
#define JET_rntDeletedLv 3
#define JET_rntTruncated 4
/* Status Notification Processes */
#define JET_snpIndex 0
#define JET_snpQuery 1
#define JET_snpRepair 2
#define JET_snpImex 3
#define JET_snpCompact 4
#define JET_snpFastFind 5
#define JET_snpODBCNotReady 6
#define JET_snpQuerySort 7
#define JET_snpRestore 8
#define JET_snpBackup 9
#define JET_snpUpgrade 10
/* Status Notification Types */
#define JET_sntProgress 0 /* callback for progress */
#define JET_sntMessage 1
#define JET_sntBulkRecords 2 /* callback for # rec for bulk op */
#define JET_sntFail 3 /* callback for failure during progress */
#define JET_sntErrCount 4 /* callback for err count */
#define JET_sntBegin 5 /* callback for beginning of operation */
#define JET_sntComplete 6 /* callback for completion of operation */
#define JET_sntCantRollback 7 /* callback for no rollback */
#define JET_sntRestoreMap 8 /* callback for restore map */
/* Message codes for JET_snpCompact */
#define JET_sncCopyObject 0 /* Starting to copy object */
#define JET_sncCopyFailed 1 /* Copy of this object failed */
#define JET_sncYield 2 /* Client can yield/check for user interrupt */
#define JET_sncTransactionFull 3 /* Client can yield/check for user interrupt */
#define JET_sncAboutToWrap 4 /* Find find is about to wrap */
/* Message codes for JET_snpODBCNotReady */
#define JET_sncODBCNotReady 0 /* Waiting for results from ODBC */
/* Constants for the [ODBC] section of JET.INI */
#define JET_SQLTraceCanonical 0x0001 /* Output ODBC Generic SQL */
/* Constants for the [Debug] section of JET.INI */
/* APITrace */
#define JET_APITraceEnter 0x0001
#define JET_APITraceExit 0x0002
#define JET_APITraceExitError 0x0004
#define JET_APIBreakOnError 0x0008
#define JET_APITraceCount 0x0010
#define JET_APITraceNoIdle 0x0020
#define JET_APITraceParameters 0x0040
/* IdleTrace */
#define JET_IdleTraceCursor 0x0001
#define JET_IdleTraceBuffer 0x0002
#define JET_IdleTraceFlush 0x0004
/* AssertAction */
#define JET_AssertExit 0x0000 /* Exit the application */
#define JET_AssertBreak 0x0001 /* Break to debugger */
#define JET_AssertMsgBox 0x0002 /* Display message box */
#define JET_AssertStop 0x0004 /* Alert and stop */
/* IOTrace */
#define JET_IOTraceAlloc 0x0001 /* DB Page Allocation */
#define JET_IOTraceFree 0x0002 /* DB Page Free */
#define JET_IOTraceRead 0x0004 /* DB Page Read */
#define JET_IOTraceWrite 0x0008 /* DB Page Write */
#define JET_IOTraceError 0x0010 /* DB Page I/O Error */
/* MemTrace */
#define JET_MemTraceAlloc 0x0001 /* Memory allocation */
#define JET_MemTraceRealloc 0x0002 /* Memory reallocation */
#define JET_MemTraceFree 0x0004 /* Memory free */
/* RmtTrace */
#define JET_RmtTraceError 0x0001 /* Remote server error message */
#define JET_RmtTraceSql 0x0002 /* Remote SQL Prepares & Exec's */
#define JET_RmtTraceAPI 0x0004 /* Remote ODBC API calls */
#define JET_RmtTraceODBC 0x0008
#define JET_RmtSyncODBC 0x0010 /* Turn on ODBC Sync mode */
/**********************************************************************/ /*********************** ERROR CODES **************************/ /**********************************************************************/
#define JET_errSuccess 0 /* Successful Operation */
/* ERRORS */
#define JET_wrnNyi -1 /* Function Not Yet Implemented */
/* SYSTEM errors
/**/ #define JET_errRfsFailure -100 /* JET_errRfsFailure */
#define JET_errRfsNotArmed -101 /* JET_errRfsFailure */
#define JET_errFileClose -102 /* Could not close DOS file */
#define JET_errOutOfThreads -103 /* Could not start thread */
#define JET_errTooManyIO -105 /* System busy due to too many IOs */
#define JET_errDatabase200Format -106 /* 200 format database */
#define JET_errDatabase400Format -107 /* 400 format database */
/**/ #define wrnBFNotSynchronous 200 /* Buffer page evicted */
#define wrnBFPageNotFound 201 /* Page not found */
#define errBFInUse -202 /* Cannot abandon buffer */
#define wrnBFNewIO 203 /* Buffer access caused a new IO (cache miss) */
#define wrnBFCacheMiss 204 /* Buffer access was a cache miss but didn't cause a new IO */
#define wrnBFNoBufAvailable 205 /* Need to allocate new buffer for read (used in Async IO ) */
/**/ #define errPMOutOfPageSpace -300 /* Out of page space */
#define errPMItagTooBig -301 /* Itag too big */
#define errPMRecDeleted -302 /* Record deleted */
#define errPMTagsUsedUp -303 /* Tags used up */
#define wrnBMConflict 304 /* conflict in BM Clean up */
#define errDIRNoShortCircuit -305 /* No Short Circuit Avail */
#define errDIRCannotSplit -306 /* Cannot horizontally split FDP */
#define errDIRTop -307 /* Cannot go up */
#define errDIRFDP 308 /* On an FDP Node */
#define errDIRNotSynchronous -309 /* May have left critical section */
#define wrnDIREmptyPage 310 /* Moved through empty page */
#define errSPConflict -311 /* Device extent being extended */
#define wrnNDFoundLess 312 /* Found Less */
#define wrnNDFoundGreater 313 /* Found Greater */
#define errNDOutSonRange -314 /* Son out of range */
#define errNDOutItemRange -315 /* Item out of range */
#define errNDGreaterThanAllItems -316 /* Greater than all items */
#define errNDLastItemNode -317 /* Last node of item list */
#define errNDFirstItemNode -318 /* First node of item list */
#define wrnNDDuplicateItem 319 /* Duplicated Item */
#define errNDNoItem -320 /* Item not there */
#define JET_wrnRemainingVersions 321 /* Some versions couldn't be cleaned */
#define JET_errPreviousVersion -322 /* Version already existed */
#define JET_errPageBoundary -323 /* Reached Page Boundary */
#define JET_errKeyBoundary -324 /* Reached Key Boundary */
#define errDIRInPageFather -325 /* sridFather in page to free */
#define errBMMaxKeyInPage -326 /* used by OLC to avoid cleanup of parent pages */
#define JET_errBadPageLink -327 /* next/previous page link page does not point back to source */
#define JET_errBadBookmark -328 /* bookmark has no corresponding address in database */
#define wrnBMCleanNullOp 329 /* BMClean returns this on encountering a page */
/* deleted MaxKeyInPage [but there was no conflict] */ #define JET_errNTSystemCallFailed -334 // can not get OS version
/**/ #define wrnFLDKeyTooBig 400 /* Key too big (truncated it) */
#define errFLDTooManySegments -401 /* Too many key segments */
#define wrnFLDNullKey 402 /* Key is entirely NULL */
#define wrnFLDOutOfKeys 403 /* No more keys to extract */
#define wrnFLDNullSeg 404 /* Null segment in key */
#define wrnRECLongField 405 /* Separated long value */
#define JET_wrnSeparateLongValue 406 /* Separated long value */
#define JET_wrnRecordFoundGreater JET_wrnSeekNotEqual
#define JET_wrnRecordFoundLess JET_wrnSeekNotEqual
#define JET_errColumnIllegalNull JET_errNullInvalid
#define wrnFLDNullFirstSeg 407 /* Null first segment in key */
#define JET_errKeyTooBig -408 /* Key with column truncation still truncated */
/**/ #define JET_errInvalidLoggedOperation -500 /* Logged operation cannot be redone */
#define JET_errLogFileCorrupt -501 /* Log file is corrupt */
#define errLGNoMoreRecords -502 /* Last log record read */
#define JET_errNoBackupDirectory -503 /* No backup directory given */
#define JET_errBackupDirectoryNotEmpty -504 /* The backup directory is not emtpy */
#define JET_errBackupInProgress -505 /* Backup is active already */
#define JET_errMissingPreviousLogFile -509 /* Missing the log file for check point */
#define JET_errLogWriteFail -510 /* Fail when writing to log file */
#define JET_errBadLogVersion -514 /* Version of log file is not compatible with Jet version */
#define JET_errInvalidLogSequence -515 /* Timestamp in next log does not match expected */
#define JET_errLoggingDisabled -516 /* Log is not active */
#define JET_errLogBufferTooSmall -517 /* Log buffer is too small for recovery */
#define errLGNotSynchronous -518 /* retry to LGLogRec */
#define JET_errLogSequenceEnd -519 /* Exceed maximum log file number */
#define JET_errNoBackup -520 /* No backup in progress */
#define JET_errInvalidBackupSequence -521 /* Backup call out of sequence */
#define JET_errBackupNotAllowedYet -523 /* Can not do backup now */
#define JET_errDeleteBackupFileFail -524 /* Could not delete backup file */
#define JET_errMakeBackupDirectoryFail -525 /* Could not make backup temp directory */
#define JET_errInvalidBackup -526 /* Cannot incremental backup when circular logging enabled */
#define JET_errRecoveredWithErrors -527 /* For repair, restored with errors */
#define JET_errMissingLogFile -528 /* current log file missing */
#define JET_errLogDiskFull -529 /* log disk full */
#define JET_errBadLogSignature -530 /* bad signature for a log file */
#define JET_errBadDbSignature -531 /* bad signature for a db file */
#define JET_errBadCheckpointSignature -532 /* bad signature for a checkpoint file */
#define JET_errCheckpointCorrupt -533 /* checkpoint file not found or corrupt */
#define JET_errMissingPatchPage -534 /* patch file page not found during recovery */
#define JET_errDatabaseInconsistent -550 /* database is in inconsistent state */
#define JET_errConsistentTimeMismatch -551 /* database last consistent time unmatched */
#define JET_errDatabasePatchFileMismatch -552 /* patch file is not generated from this backup */
#define JET_errEndingRestoreLogTooLow -553 /* the starting log number too low for the restore */
#define JET_errStartingRestoreLogTooHigh -554 /* the starting log number too high for the restore */
#define JET_errGivenLogFileHasBadSignature -555 /* Restore log file has bad signature */
#define JET_errGivenLogFileIsNotContiguous -556 /* Restore log file is not contiguous */
#define JET_errMissingRestoreLogFiles -557 /* Some restore log files are missing */
#define JET_wrnExistingLogFileHasBadSignature 558 /* Existing log file has bad signature */
#define JET_wrnExistingLogFileIsNotContiguous 559 /* Existing log file is not contiguous */
#define JET_errMissingFullBackup -560 /* The database miss a previous full backup befor incremental backup */
#define JET_errBadBackupDatabaseSize -561 /* The backup database size is not in 4k */
#define JET_errDatabaseAlreadyUpgraded -562 /* Attempted to upgrade a database that is already current */
#define JET_errTermInProgress -1000 /* Termination in progress */
#define JET_errFeatureNotAvailable -1001 /* API not supported */
#define JET_errInvalidName -1002 /* Invalid name */
#define JET_errInvalidParameter -1003 /* Invalid API parameter */
#define JET_wrnColumnNull 1004 /* Column is NULL-valued */
#define JET_wrnBufferTruncated 1006 /* Buffer too small for data */
#define JET_wrnDatabaseAttached 1007 /* Database is already attached */
#define JET_errDatabaseFileReadOnly -1008 /* Attach a readonly database file for read/write operations */
#define JET_wrnSortOverflow 1009 /* Sort does not fit in memory */
#define JET_errInvalidDatabaseId -1010 /* Invalid database id */
#define JET_errOutOfMemory -1011 /* Out of Memory */
#define JET_errOutOfDatabaseSpace -1012 /* Maximum database size reached */
#define JET_errOutOfCursors -1013 /* Out of table cursors */
#define JET_errOutOfBuffers -1014 /* Out of database page buffers */
#define JET_errTooManyIndexes -1015 /* Too many indexes */
#define JET_errTooManyKeys -1016 /* Too many columns in an index */
#define JET_errRecordDeleted -1017 /* Record has been deleted */
#define JET_errReadVerifyFailure -1018 /* Read verification error */
#define JET_errOutOfFileHandles -1020 /* Out of file handles */
#define JET_errDiskIO -1022 /* Disk IO error */
#define JET_errInvalidPath -1023 /* Invalid file path */
#define JET_errRecordTooBig -1026 /* Record larger than maximum size */
#define JET_errTooManyOpenDatabases -1027 /* Too many open databases */
#define JET_errInvalidDatabase -1028 /* Not a database file */
#define JET_errNotInitialized -1029 /* JetInit not yet called */
#define JET_errAlreadyInitialized -1030 /* JetInit already called */
#define JET_errFileAccessDenied -1032 /* Cannot access file */
#define JET_errQueryNotSupported -1034 /* Query support unavailable */
#define JET_errSQLLinkNotSupported -1035 /* SQL Link support unavailable */
#define JET_errBufferTooSmall -1038 /* Buffer is too small */
#define JET_wrnSeekNotEqual 1039 /* SeekLE or SeekGE didn't find exact match */
#define JET_errTooManyColumns -1040 /* Too many columns defined */
#define JET_errContainerNotEmpty -1043 /* Container is not empty */
#define JET_errInvalidFilename -1044 /* Filename is invalid */
#define JET_errInvalidBookmark -1045 /* Invalid bookmark */
#define JET_errColumnInUse -1046 /* Column used in an index */
#define JET_errInvalidBufferSize -1047 /* Data buffer doesn't match column size */
#define JET_errColumnNotUpdatable -1048 /* Cannot set column value */
#define JET_errIndexInUse -1051 /* Index is in use */
#define JET_errLinkNotSupported -1052 /* Link support unavailable */
#define JET_errNullKeyDisallowed -1053 /* Null keys are disallowed on index */
#define JET_errNotInTransaction -1054 /* Operation must be within a transaction */
#define JET_wrnNoErrorInfo 1055 /* No extended error information */
#define JET_wrnNoIdleActivity 1058 /* No idle activity occured */
#define JET_errTooManyActiveUsers -1059 /* Too many active database users */
#define JET_errInvalidAppend -1060 /* Cannot append long value */
#define JET_errInvalidCountry -1061 /* Invalid or unknown country code */
#define JET_errInvalidLanguageId -1062 /* Invalid or unknown language id */
#define JET_errInvalidCodePage -1063 /* Invalid or unknown code page */
#define JET_wrnNoWriteLock 1067 /* No write lock at transaction level 0 */
#define JET_wrnColumnSetNull 1068 /* Column set to NULL-value */
#define JET_errVersionStoreOutOfMemory -1069 /* lMaxVerPages exceeded (XJET only) */
#define JET_errCurrencyStackOutOfMemory -1070 /* lCSRPerfFUCB * lMaxCursors exceeded (XJET only) */
#define JET_errOutOfSessions -1101 /* Out of sessions */
#define JET_errWriteConflict -1102 /* Write lock failed due to outstanding write lock */
#define JET_errTransTooDeep -1103 /* Xactions nested too deeply */
#define JET_errInvalidSesid -1104 /* Invalid session handle */
#define JET_errSessionWriteConflict -1107 /* Another session has private version of page */
#define JET_errInTransaction -1108 /* Operation not allowed within a transaction */
#define JET_errRollbackRequired -1109 /* Must rollback current transaction -- cannot commit or begin a new one */
#define JET_errDatabaseDuplicate -1201 /* Database already exists */
#define JET_errDatabaseInUse -1202 /* Database in use */
#define JET_errDatabaseNotFound -1203 /* No such database */
#define JET_errDatabaseInvalidName -1204 /* Invalid database name */
#define JET_errDatabaseInvalidPages -1205 /* Invalid number of pages */
#define JET_errDatabaseCorrupted -1206 /* non-db file or corrupted db */
#define JET_errDatabaseLocked -1207 /* Database exclusively locked */
#define JET_errCannotDisableVersioning -1208 /* Cannot disable versioning for this database */
#define JET_wrnTableEmpty 1301 /* Open an empty table */
#define JET_errTableLocked -1302 /* Table is exclusively locked */
#define JET_errTableDuplicate -1303 /* Table already exists */
#define JET_errTableInUse -1304 /* Table is in use, cannot lock */
#define JET_errObjectNotFound -1305 /* No such table or object */
#define JET_errDensityInvalid -1307 /* Bad file/index density */
#define JET_errTableNotEmpty -1308 /* Cannot define clustered index */
#define JET_errInvalidTableId -1310 /* Invalid table id */
#define JET_errTooManyOpenTables -1311 /* Cannot open any more tables */
#define JET_errIllegalOperation -1312 /* Oper. not supported on table */
#define JET_errObjectDuplicate -1314 /* Table or object name in use */
#define JET_errInvalidObject -1316 /* object is invalid for operation */
#define JET_errIndexCantBuild -1401 /* Cannot build clustered index */
#define JET_errIndexHasPrimary -1402 /* Primary index already defined */
#define JET_errIndexDuplicate -1403 /* Index is already defined */
#define JET_errIndexNotFound -1404 /* No such index */
#define JET_errIndexMustStay -1405 /* Cannot delete clustered index */
#define JET_errIndexInvalidDef -1406 /* Illegal index definition */
#define JET_errIndexHasClustered -1408 /* Clustered index already defined */
#define JET_errInvalidCreateIndex -1409 /* Invali create index description */
#define JET_errTooManyOpenIndexes -1410 /* Out of index description blocks */
#define JET_errPrimaryIndexCorrupted -1413 /* Primary index is corrupt -- defrag required */
#define JET_errSecondaryIndexCorrupted -1414 /* Secondary index is corrupt -- defrag required */
#define JET_errColumnLong -1501 /* Column value is long */
#define JET_errColumnNoChunk -1502 /* no such chunk in long value */
#define JET_errColumnDoesNotFit -1503 /* Field will not fit in record */
#define JET_errNullInvalid -1504 /* Null not valid */
#define JET_errColumnIndexed -1505 /* Column indexed, cannot delete */
#define JET_errColumnTooBig -1506 /* Field length is > maximum */
#define JET_errColumnNotFound -1507 /* No such column */
#define JET_errColumnDuplicate -1508 /* Field is already defined */
#define JET_errColumn2ndSysMaint -1510 /* Second autoinc or version column */
#define JET_errInvalidColumnType -1511 /* Invalid column data type */
#define JET_wrnColumnMaxTruncated 1512 /* Max length too big, truncated */
#define JET_errColumnCannotIndex -1513 /* Cannot index Bit,LongText,LongBinary */
#define JET_errTaggedNotNULL -1514 /* No non-NULL tagged columns */
#define JET_errNoCurrentIndex -1515 /* Invalid w/o a current index */
#define JET_errKeyIsMade -1516 /* The key is completely made */
#define JET_errBadColumnId -1517 /* Column Id Incorrect */
#define JET_errBadItagSequence -1518 /* Bad itagSequence for tagged column */
#define JET_errColumnInRelationship -1519 /* Cannot delete, column participates in relationship */
#define JET_wrnCopyLongValue 1520 /* Single instance column bursted */
#define JET_errCannotBeTagged -1521 /* AutoIncrement and Version cannot be tagged */
#define JET_errRecordNotFound -1601 /* The key was not found */
#define JET_errRecordNoCopy -1602 /* No working buffer */
#define JET_errNoCurrentRecord -1603 /* Currency not on a record */
#define JET_errRecordClusteredChanged -1604 /* Clustered key may not change */
#define JET_errKeyDuplicate -1605 /* Illegal duplicate key */
#define JET_errAlreadyPrepared -1607 /* Already copy/clear current */
#define JET_errKeyNotMade -1608 /* No call to JetMakeKey */
#define JET_errUpdateNotPrepared -1609 /* No call to JetPrepareUpdate */
#define JET_wrnDataHasChanged 1610 /* Data has changed */
#define JET_errDataHasChanged -1611 /* Data has changed, operation aborted */
#define JET_wrnKeyChanged 1618 /* Moved to new key */
#define JET_errTooManySorts -1701 /* Too many sort processes */
#define JET_errInvalidOnSort -1702 /* Invalid operation on Sort */
#define JET_errTempFileOpenError -1803 /* Temp file could not be opened */
#define JET_errTooManyAttachedDatabases -1805 /* Too many open databases */
#define JET_errDiskFull -1808 /* No space left on disk */
#define JET_errPermissionDenied -1809 /* Permission denied */
#define JET_errFileNotFound -1811 /* File not found */
#define JET_wrnFileOpenReadOnly 1813 /* Database file is read only */
#define JET_errAfterInitialization -1850 /* Cannot Restore after init. */
#define JET_errLogCorrupted -1852 /* Logs could not be interpreted */
#define JET_errInvalidOperation -1906 /* invalid operation */
#define JET_errAccessDenied -1907 /* access denied */
#define JET_wrnIdleFull 1908 /* ilde registry full */
#define JET_errTooManySplits -1909 /* Infinite split. Call PSS */
#define JET_errSessionSharingViolation -1910 /* Multiple threads are using the same session */
/**********************************************************************/ /*********************** PROTOTYPES **************************/ /**********************************************************************/
#if !defined(_JET_NOPROTOTYPES)
JET_ERR JET_API JetTerm2( JET_INSTANCE instance, JET_GRBIT grbit );
JET_ERR JET_API JetSetSystemParameter(JET_INSTANCE *pinstance, JET_SESID sesid, unsigned long paramid, unsigned long lParam, const char *sz);
JET_ERR JET_API JetGetSystemParameter(JET_INSTANCE instance, JET_SESID sesid, unsigned long paramid, unsigned long *plParam, char *sz, unsigned long cbMax);
#define ctAccessPage 1
#define ctLatchConflict 2
#define ctSplitRetry 3
#define ctNeighborPageScanned 4
#define ctSplits 5
JET_ERR JET_API JetResetCounter( JET_SESID sesid, long CounterType ); JET_ERR JET_API JetGetCounter( JET_SESID sesid, long CounterType, long *plValue );
JET_ERR JET_API JetBeginSession(JET_INSTANCE instance, JET_SESID *psesid, const char *szUserName, const char *szPassword);
JET_ERR JET_API JetDupSession(JET_SESID sesid, JET_SESID *psesid);
JET_ERR JET_API JetEndSession(JET_SESID sesid, JET_GRBIT grbit);
JET_ERR JET_API JetGetVersion(JET_SESID sesid, unsigned long *pwVersion);
JET_ERR JET_API JetCreateDatabase(JET_SESID sesid, const char *szFilename, const char *szConnect, JET_DBID *pdbid, JET_GRBIT grbit);
JET_ERR JET_API JetAttachDatabase(JET_SESID sesid, const char *szFilename, JET_GRBIT grbit );
JET_ERR JET_API JetDetachDatabase(JET_SESID sesid, const char *szFilename);
JET_ERR JET_API JetCreateTable(JET_SESID sesid, JET_DBID dbid, const char *szTableName, unsigned long lPages, unsigned long lDensity, JET_TABLEID *ptableid);
JET_ERR JET_API JetCreateTableColumnIndex( JET_SESID sesid, JET_DBID dbid, JET_TABLECREATE *ptablecreate );
JET_ERR JET_API JetDeleteTable(JET_SESID sesid, JET_DBID dbid, const char *szTableName);
JET_ERR JET_API JetGetTableColumnInfo(JET_SESID sesid, JET_TABLEID tableid, const char *szColumnName, void *pvResult, unsigned long cbMax, unsigned long InfoLevel);
JET_ERR JET_API JetGetColumnInfo(JET_SESID sesid, JET_DBID dbid, const char *szTableName, const char *szColumnName, void *pvResult, unsigned long cbMax, unsigned long InfoLevel);
JET_ERR JET_API JetAddColumn(JET_SESID sesid, JET_TABLEID tableid, const char *szColumn, const JET_COLUMNDEF *pcolumndef, const void *pvDefault, unsigned long cbDefault, JET_COLUMNID *pcolumnid);
JET_ERR JET_API JetDeleteColumn(JET_SESID sesid, JET_TABLEID tableid, const char *szColumn);
JET_ERR JET_API JetGetTableIndexInfo(JET_SESID sesid, JET_TABLEID tableid, const char *szIndexName, void *pvResult, unsigned long cbResult, unsigned long InfoLevel);
JET_ERR JET_API JetGetTableInfo(JET_SESID sesid, JET_TABLEID tableid, void *pvResult, unsigned long cbMax, unsigned long InfoLevel);
JET_ERR JET_API JetGetIndexInfo(JET_SESID sesid, JET_DBID dbid, const char *szTableName, const char *szIndexName, void *pvResult, unsigned long cbResult, unsigned long InfoLevel);
JET_ERR JET_API JetCreateIndex(JET_SESID sesid, JET_TABLEID tableid, const char *szIndexName, JET_GRBIT grbit, const char *szKey, unsigned long cbKey, unsigned long lDensity);
JET_ERR JET_API JetDeleteIndex(JET_SESID sesid, JET_TABLEID tableid, const char *szIndexName);
JET_ERR JET_API JetGetObjectInfo(JET_SESID sesid, JET_DBID dbid, JET_OBJTYP objtyp, const char *szContainerName, const char *szObjectName, void *pvResult, unsigned long cbMax, unsigned long InfoLevel);
JET_ERR JET_API JetBeginTransaction(JET_SESID sesid);
JET_ERR JET_API JetCommitTransaction(JET_SESID sesid, JET_GRBIT grbit);
JET_ERR JET_API JetRollback(JET_SESID sesid, JET_GRBIT grbit);
JET_ERR JET_API JetGetDatabaseInfo(JET_SESID sesid, JET_DBID dbid, void *pvResult, unsigned long cbMax, unsigned long InfoLevel);
JET_ERR JET_API JetCloseDatabase(JET_SESID sesid, JET_DBID dbid, JET_GRBIT grbit);
JET_ERR JET_API JetCloseTable(JET_SESID sesid, JET_TABLEID tableid);
JET_ERR JET_API JetOpenDatabase(JET_SESID sesid, const char *szFilename, const char *szConnect, JET_DBID *pdbid, JET_GRBIT grbit);
JET_ERR JET_API JetOpenTable(JET_SESID sesid, JET_DBID dbid, const char *szTableName, const void *pvParameters, unsigned long cbParameters, JET_GRBIT grbit, JET_TABLEID *ptableid);
JET_ERR JET_API JetDelete(JET_SESID sesid, JET_TABLEID tableid);
JET_ERR JET_API JetUpdate(JET_SESID sesid, JET_TABLEID tableid, void *pvBookmark, unsigned long cbBookmark, unsigned long *pcbActual);
JET_ERR JET_API JetRetrieveColumn(JET_SESID sesid, JET_TABLEID tableid, JET_COLUMNID columnid, void *pvData, unsigned long cbData, unsigned long *pcbActual, JET_GRBIT grbit, JET_RETINFO *pretinfo);
JET_ERR JET_API JetRetrieveColumns( JET_SESID sesid, JET_TABLEID tableid, JET_RETRIEVECOLUMN *pretrievecolumn, unsigned long cretrievecolumn );
JET_ERR JET_API JetSetColumn(JET_SESID sesid, JET_TABLEID tableid, JET_COLUMNID columnid, const void *pvData, unsigned long cbData, JET_GRBIT grbit, JET_SETINFO *psetinfo);
JET_ERR JET_API JetSetColumns(JET_SESID sesid, JET_TABLEID tableid, JET_SETCOLUMN *psetcolumn, unsigned long csetcolumn );
JET_ERR JET_API JetPrepareUpdate(JET_SESID sesid, JET_TABLEID tableid, unsigned long prep);
JET_ERR JET_API JetGetRecordPosition(JET_SESID sesid, JET_TABLEID tableid, JET_RECPOS *precpos, unsigned long cbRecpos);
JET_ERR JET_API JetGotoPosition(JET_SESID sesid, JET_TABLEID tableid, JET_RECPOS *precpos );
JET_ERR JET_API JetGetCursorInfo(JET_SESID sesid, JET_TABLEID tableid, void *pvResult, unsigned long cbMax, unsigned long InfoLevel);
JET_ERR JET_API JetDupCursor(JET_SESID sesid, JET_TABLEID tableid, JET_TABLEID *ptableid, JET_GRBIT grbit);
JET_ERR JET_API JetGetCurrentIndex(JET_SESID sesid, JET_TABLEID tableid, char *szIndexName, unsigned long cchIndexName);
JET_ERR JET_API JetSetCurrentIndex(JET_SESID sesid, JET_TABLEID tableid, const char *szIndexName);
JET_ERR JET_API JetSetCurrentIndex2(JET_SESID sesid, JET_TABLEID tableid, const char *szIndexName, JET_GRBIT grbit );
JET_ERR JET_API JetMove(JET_SESID sesid, JET_TABLEID tableid, long cRow, JET_GRBIT grbit);
JET_ERR JET_API JetMakeKey(JET_SESID sesid, JET_TABLEID tableid, const void *pvData, unsigned long cbData, JET_GRBIT grbit);
JET_ERR JET_API JetGetBookmark(JET_SESID sesid, JET_TABLEID tableid, void *pvBookmark, unsigned long cbMax, unsigned long *pcbActual); JET_ERR JET_API JetCompact(JET_SESID sesid, const char *szDatabaseSrc, const char *szDatabaseDest, JET_PFNSTATUS pfnStatus, JET_CONVERT *pconvert, JET_GRBIT grbit);
JET_ERR JET_API JetDBUtilities( JET_DBUTIL *pdbutil );
JET_ERR JET_API JetGotoBookmark(JET_SESID sesid, JET_TABLEID tableid, void *pvBookmark, unsigned long cbBookmark);
JET_ERR JET_API JetComputeStats(JET_SESID sesid, JET_TABLEID tableid);
typedef unsigned long JET_VSESID; /* Received from dispatcher */
struct tagVDBFNDEF;
typedef unsigned long JET_VDBID; /* Received from dispatcher */
struct tagVTFNDEF;
typedef unsigned long JET_VTID; /* Received from dispatcher */
JET_ERR JET_API JetOpenTempTable(JET_SESID sesid, const JET_COLUMNDEF *prgcolumndef, unsigned long ccolumn, JET_GRBIT grbit, JET_TABLEID *ptableid, JET_COLUMNID *prgcolumnid);
JET_ERR JET_API JetOpenTempTable2( JET_SESID sesid, const JET_COLUMNDEF *prgcolumndef, unsigned long ccolumn, unsigned long langid, JET_GRBIT grbit, JET_TABLEID *ptableid, JET_COLUMNID *prgcolumnid );
JET_ERR JET_API JetBackup( const char *szBackupPath, JET_GRBIT grbit, JET_PFNSTATUS pfnStatus );
JET_ERR JET_API JetRestore(const char *sz, JET_PFNSTATUS pfn ); JET_ERR JET_API JetRestore2(const char *sz, const char *szDest, JET_PFNSTATUS pfn );
JET_ERR JET_API JetSetIndexRange(JET_SESID sesid, JET_TABLEID tableidSrc, JET_GRBIT grbit);
JET_ERR JET_API JetIndexRecordCount(JET_SESID sesid, JET_TABLEID tableid, unsigned long *pcrec, unsigned long crecMax );
JET_ERR JET_API JetRetrieveKey(JET_SESID sesid, JET_TABLEID tableid, void *pvData, unsigned long cbMax, unsigned long *pcbActual, JET_GRBIT grbit );
JET_ERR JET_API JetBeginExternalBackup( JET_GRBIT grbit );
JET_ERR JET_API JetGetAttachInfo( void *pv, unsigned long cbMax, unsigned long *pcbActual );
JET_ERR JET_API JetOpenFile( const char *szFileName, JET_HANDLE *phfFile, unsigned long *pulFileSizeLow, unsigned long *pulFileSizeHigh );
JET_ERR JET_API JetReadFile( JET_HANDLE hfFile, void *pv, unsigned long cb, unsigned long *pcb );
JET_ERR JET_API JetCloseFile( JET_HANDLE hfFile );
JET_ERR JET_API JetGetLogInfo( void *pv, unsigned long cbMax, unsigned long *pcbActual );
JET_ERR JET_API JetTruncateLog( void );
JET_ERR JET_API JetEndExternalBackup( void );
JET_ERR JET_API JetExternalRestore( char *szCheckpointFilePath, char *szLogPath, JET_RSTMAP *rgstmap, long crstfilemap, char *szBackupLogPath, long genLow, long genHigh, JET_PFNSTATUS pfn );
#endif /* _JET_NOPROTOTYPES */
#include <poppack.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
} #endif
#endif /* _JET_INCLUDED */
#endif /* _USE_OLD_JET_H_ */