// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1989 - 1994
// File: builddb.c
// Contents: Contains the file and directory database manipulation
// functions.
// History: 16-May-94 SteveWo Created
// ... see SLM logs
// 26-Jul-94 LyleC Cleanup/Add Pass0 Support
#include "build.h"
BOOL fAssertCleanTree = FALSE;
typedef struct _FLAGSTRINGS { ULONG Mask; LPSTR pszName; } FLAGSTRINGS;
FLAGSTRINGS DirFlags[] = { { DIRDB_SOURCES, "Sources"}, { DIRDB_DIRS, "Dirs"}, { DIRDB_MAKEFILE, "Makefile"}, { DIRDB_MAKEFIL0, "Makefil0"}, { DIRDB_TARGETFILE0, "Targetfile0"}, { DIRDB_TARGETFILES, "Targetfiles"}, { DIRDB_RESOURCE, "Resource"}, { DIRDB_PASS0, "PassZero"}, { DIRDB_SOURCES_SET, "SourcesSet"}, { DIRDB_CHICAGO_INCLUDES, "ChicagoIncludes"}, { DIRDB_NEW, "New"}, { DIRDB_SCANNED, "Scanned"}, { DIRDB_SHOWN, "Shown"}, { DIRDB_GLOBAL_INCLUDES, "GlobalIncludes"}, { DIRDB_SYNCHRONIZE_BLOCK, "SynchronizeBlock"}, { DIRDB_SYNCHRONIZE_PASS2_BLOCK, "SynchronizePass2Block"}, { DIRDB_SYNCHRONIZE_DRAIN, "SynchronizeDrain"}, { DIRDB_SYNCHRONIZE_PASS2_DRAIN, "SynchronizePass2Drain"}, { DIRDB_COMPILENEEDED, "CompileNeeded"}, { DIRDB_COMPILEERRORS, "CompileErrors"}, { DIRDB_SOURCESREAD, "SourcesRead"}, { DIRDB_DLLTARGET, "DllTarget"}, { DIRDB_LINKNEEDED, "LinkNeeded"}, { DIRDB_FORCELINK, "ForceLink"}, { DIRDB_PASS0NEEDED, "Pass0Needed"}, { DIRDB_MAKEFIL1, "Makefil1"}, { DIRDB_CHECKED_ALT_DIR, "CheckedAltDir"}, { DIRDB_MANAGED_CODE, "ManagedCode"}, { DIRDB_SYNC_PRODUCES, "BuildProduces"}, { DIRDB_SYNC_CONSUMES, "BuildConsumes"}, { 0, NULL}, };
FLAGSTRINGS FileFlags[] = { { FILEDB_SOURCE, "Source"}, { FILEDB_DIR, "Dir"}, { FILEDB_HEADER, "Header"}, { FILEDB_ASM, "Asm"}, { FILEDB_MASM, "Masm"}, { FILEDB_RC, "Rc"}, { FILEDB_C, "C"}, { FILEDB_MIDL, "Midl"}, { FILEDB_ASN, "Asn"}, { FILEDB_JAVA, "Java"}, { FILEDB_MOF, "ManagedObjectFormat"}, { FILEDB_CSHARP, "C#"}, { FILEDB_SCANNED, "Scanned"}, { FILEDB_OBJECTS_LIST, "ObjectsList"}, { FILEDB_FILE_MISSING, "FileMissing"}, { FILEDB_MKTYPLIB, "MkTypeLib"}, { FILEDB_MULTIPLEPASS, "MultiplePass"}, { FILEDB_PASS0, "PassZero"}, { FILEDB_VBP, "VB"}, { FILEDB_VB_NET, "VB.NET"}, { 0, NULL}, };
FLAGSTRINGS SourceFlags[] = { { SOURCEDB_SOURCES_LIST, "SourcesList"}, { SOURCEDB_FILE_MISSING, "FileMissing"}, { SOURCEDB_PCH, "Pch"}, { SOURCEDB_OUT_OF_DATE, "OutOfDate"}, { SOURCEDB_COMPILE_NEEDED, "CompileNeeded"}, { 0, NULL}, };
// Function prototypes
VOID PrintFlags(FILE *pf, ULONG Flags, FLAGSTRINGS *pfs);
// Function: CheckSum
// Synopsis: Returns a checksum value for a string.
USHORT CheckSum(LPSTR psz) { USHORT sum = 0;
while (*psz != '\0') { if (sum & 0x8000) { sum = ((sum << 1) | 1) + *psz++; } else { sum = (sum << 1) + *psz++; } } return (sum); }
// Function: FindSourceDirDB
// Synopsis: Builds a path from the two given components and returns
// a filled DIRREC structure from it.
// Arguments: [pszDir] -- Directory
// [pszRelPath] -- Path relative to [pszDir]
// [fTruncateFileName] -- Remove a filename from [pszRelPath]
// Returns: A filled DIRREC structure for the given directory.
// Notes: If the directory does not exist in the data base, then a
// DIRREC structure will be returned with the DIRDB_NEW flag
// set and no other data (i.e. the directory will not have
// been scanned.)
DIRREC * FindSourceDirDB( LPSTR pszDir, // directory
LPSTR pszRelPath, // relative path
BOOL fTruncateFileName) // TRUE: drop last component of path
{ LPSTR pszFile; char path[DB_MAX_PATH_LENGTH] = {0};
AssertPathString(pszDir); AssertPathString(pszRelPath);
if ((strlen(pszDir) + sizeof("\\") + strlen(pszRelPath) + 1) > DB_MAX_PATH_LENGTH) { BuildError( "%s\\%s : Path too long - need to rebuild build.exe with larger DB_MAX_PATH_LENGTH\n", pszDir, pszRelPath); return NULL; }
if (pszDir[0] == '\0') { strncpy( path, pszRelPath, sizeof(path) - 1 ); } else { _snprintf(path, sizeof(path) - 1, "%s\\%s", pszDir, pszRelPath); }
pszFile = path + strlen(path); if (fTruncateFileName) { while (pszFile > path) { pszFile--; if (*pszFile == '\\' || *pszFile == '/') { *pszFile = '\0'; break; } } } if (!CanonicalizePathName(path, CANONICALIZE_ONLY, path)) { return (NULL); } if (DEBUG_4) { BuildMsgRaw( "FindSourceDirDB(%s, %s, %u)\n", path, pszFile, fTruncateFileName); } AssertPathString(path); return (LoadDirDB(path)); }
// Function: FindSourceFileDB
// Synopsis: Returns a FILEREC with information about the given file.
// Arguments: [pdr] -- DIRREC giving directory from which to start
// looking for [pszRelPath]
// [pszRelPath] -- Relative path from [pdr] of the file
// [ppdr] -- [out] DIRREC of directory actually containing
// the file. Can be NULL.
// Returns: FILEREC for file of interest.
// Notes: If the directory containing the file has not yet been scanned,
// then it will be scanned using ScanDirectory().
FILEREC * FindSourceFileDB( DIRREC *pdr, LPSTR pszRelPath, DIRREC **ppdr) { LPSTR p, pszFile;
if (strchr(pszRelPath, '\\') != NULL) { // There's a path component in this filename. Let's see where it points to.
if ( (pszRelPath[0] == '\\') || /* Absolute from root or UNC Path */ (pszRelPath[1] == ':' )) { /* drive : path */ pdr = FindSourceDirDB("", pszRelPath, TRUE); } else { pdr = FindSourceDirDB(pdr->Name, pszRelPath, TRUE); } } if (ppdr != NULL) { *ppdr = pdr; } if (pdr == NULL ) { return (NULL); } pszFile = pszRelPath; for (p = pszFile; *p != '\0'; p++) { if (*p == '\\') { pszFile = p + 1; } } if (DEBUG_4) { BuildMsgRaw("FindSourceFileDB(%s, %s)\n", pdr->Name, pszFile); }
// Scan the directory containing the file if we haven't already.
if ((pdr->DirFlags & DIRDB_SCANNED) == 0) { if (DEBUG_1) { BuildMsgRaw( "FindSourceFileDB(%s, %s) Delayed scan\n", pdr->Name, pszFile); } pdr = ScanDirectory(pdr->Name); if (pdr == NULL) { return (NULL); } }
return (LookupFileDB(pdr, pszFile)); }
// Function: InsertSourceDB
// Synopsis: Insert a file listed in SOURCES= into a list of SOURCEREC
// structures.
// Arguments: [ppsrNext] -- Head of list of sources files to add to.
// [pfr] -- File to be inserted.
// [SubDirMask] -- Indicates what directory the file is in.
// (Current, Parent, or a machine-specific dir)
// [SrcFlags] -- SOURCEDB flags appropriate to this file.
// Returns: SOURCEREC that was inserted. May be ignored.
// Notes: InsertSourceDB maintains a sort order for PickFirst() based
// first on the filename extension, then on the subdirectory
// mask.
// Two exceptions to the alphabetic sort are:
// - No extension sorts last.
// - .rc extension sorts first.
// If the file is already in the list of sources then this
// function just updates the flags and returns.
SOURCEREC * InsertSourceDB( SOURCEREC **ppsrNext, FILEREC *pfr, UCHAR SubDirMask, UCHAR SrcFlags) { SOURCEREC *psr; SOURCEREC **ppsrInsert; LPSTR pszext; BOOL fRC;
ppsrInsert = NULL; pszext = strrchr(pfr->Name, '.'); fRC = FALSE; if (pszext != NULL && _stricmp(pszext, ".rc") == 0) { fRC = TRUE; } for ( ; (psr = *ppsrNext) != NULL; ppsrNext = &psr->psrNext) { LPSTR p; int r;
AssertSource(psr); if (psr->pfrSource == pfr) { assert(psr->SourceSubDirMask == SubDirMask); psr->SrcFlags = SrcFlags; return (psr); } if (ppsrInsert == NULL && pszext != NULL) { if ((p = strrchr(psr->pfrSource->Name, '.')) == NULL) { r = -1; // insert new file here
} else { r = strcmp(pszext, p); if (r != 0) { if (fRC) { r = -1; // insert new RC file here
} else if (strcmp(p, ".rc") == 0) { r = 1; // old RC file comes first
} } } if (r < 0 || SubDirMask > psr->SourceSubDirMask) { ppsrInsert = ppsrNext; } } } AllocMem(sizeof(SOURCEREC), &psr, MT_SOURCEDB); memset(psr, 0, sizeof(*psr)); SigCheck(psr->Sig = SIG_SOURCEREC);
if (ppsrInsert != NULL) { ppsrNext = ppsrInsert; } psr->psrNext = *ppsrNext; *ppsrNext = psr;
psr->pfrSource = pfr; pfr->FileFlags |= FILEDB_SOURCEREC_EXISTS; psr->SourceSubDirMask = SubDirMask; psr->SrcFlags = SrcFlags; return (psr); }
// Function: FindSourceDB
// Synopsis: Finds the SOURCEREC in a list which corresponds to the given
while (psr != NULL) { AssertSource(psr); if (psr->pfrSource == pfr) { return (psr); } psr = psr->psrNext; } return (NULL); }
// Function: FreeSourceDB
// Synopsis: Frees a list of SOURCERECs
// Arguments: [ppsr] -- List to free
VOID FreeSourceDB(SOURCEREC **ppsr) { if (*ppsr != NULL) { SOURCEREC *psr; SOURCEREC *psrNext;
psr = *ppsr; AssertSource(psr); psrNext = psr->psrNext; SigCheck(psr->Sig = 0); FreeMem(ppsr, MT_SOURCEDB); *ppsr = psrNext; } }
// Function: FreeIncludeDB
VOID FreeIncludeDB(INCLUDEREC **ppir) { if (*ppir != NULL) { INCLUDEREC *pir; INCLUDEREC *pirNext;
pir = *ppir; AssertInclude(pir); AssertCleanTree(pir, NULL); // Tree must be clean
pirNext = pir->Next; SigCheck(pir->Sig = 0); FreeMem(ppir, MT_INCLUDEDB); *ppir = pirNext; } }
// Function: FreeFileDB
VOID FreeFileDB(FILEREC **ppfr) { if (*ppfr != NULL) { FILEREC *pfr; FILEREC *pfrNext;
pfr = *ppfr; AssertFile(pfr); UnsnapIncludeFiles(pfr, TRUE); while (pfr->IncludeFiles) { FreeIncludeDB(&pfr->IncludeFiles); } pfrNext = pfr->Next; SigCheck(pfr->Sig = 0); FreeMem(ppfr, MT_FILEDB); *ppfr = pfrNext; } }
// Function: FreeDirDB
VOID FreeDirDB(DIRREC **ppdr) { if (*ppdr != NULL) { DIRREC *pdr; DIRREC *pdrNext;
pdr = *ppdr; AssertDir(pdr); FreeDirData(pdr); while (pdr->Files) { FreeFileDB(&pdr->Files); } pdrNext = pdr->Next; SigCheck(pdr->Sig = 0); FreeMem(ppdr, MT_DIRDB); *ppdr = pdrNext; } }
// Function: FreeAllDirs
VOID FreeAllDirs(VOID) { while (AllDirs != NULL) { FreeDirDB(&AllDirs); #if DBG
if (fDebug & 8) { BuildMsgRaw("Freed one directory\n"); PrintAllDirs(); } #endif
} }
// Function: LookupDirDB
// Synopsis: Searches the database for a given directory.
// Arguments: [DirName] -- Directory to search for.
// Returns: DIRREC of the given directory. NULL if not found.
// Notes: If the directory is not in the database it will not be added.
// Use LoadDirDB in this case.
PDIRREC LookupDirDB( LPSTR DirName ) { PDIRREC *DirDBNext = &AllDirs; PDIRREC DirDB; USHORT sum;
AssertPathString(DirName); sum = CheckSum(DirName); while (DirDB = *DirDBNext) { if (sum == DirDB->CheckSum && strcmp(DirName, DirDB->Name) == 0) {
if (DirDB->FindCount == 0 && fForce) { FreeDirDB(DirDBNext); return (NULL); } DirDB->FindCount++;
// Move to head of list to make next lookup faster
// *DirDBNext = DirDB->Next;
// DirDB->Next = AllDirs;
// AllDirs = DirDB;
return (DirDB); } DirDBNext = &DirDB->Next; } return (NULL); }
AllocMem(sizeof(DIRREC) + strlen(DirName), &DirDB, MT_DIRDB); memset(DirDB, 0, sizeof(*DirDB)); SigCheck(DirDB->Sig = SIG_DIRREC); CopyString(DirDB->Name, DirName, TRUE); DirDB->CheckSum = CheckSum(DirDB->Name); InitializeListHead(&DirDB->Produces); InitializeListHead(&DirDB->Consumes); return ( DirDB ); }
// Function: LoadDirDB
// Synopsis: Searches the database for a directory name, and if not found
// creates a new DIRREC entry in the database.
// Arguments: [DirName] -- Directory to search for.
// Returns: Filled in DIRREC structure for the given directory.
// Notes: The directory will not be scanned if it wasn't in the
// database. Use ScanDirectory to scan the directory,
// however, note that InsertSourceDB will automatically scan
// the directory only when necessary.
AssertPathString(DirName); if (DirDB = LookupDirDB(DirName)) { return (DirDB); }
if (ProbeFile(NULL, DirName) == -1) { return ( NULL ); }
DirDBNext = &AllDirs; while (DirDB = *DirDBNext) { DirDBNext = &DirDB->Next; }
AllDirsModified = TRUE;
DirDB = CreateNewDirDB(DirName); DirDB->DirFlags = DIRDB_NEW; DirDB->FindCount = 1;
if (DEBUG_1) { BuildMsgRaw("LoadDirDB creating %s\n", DirDB->Name); }
*DirDBNext = DirDB; return ( DirDB ); }
// Debug helper functions to print parts of the database.
#if DBG
VOID PrintAllDirs(VOID) { DIRREC **ppdr, *pdr;
for (ppdr = &AllDirs; (pdr = *ppdr) != NULL; ppdr = &pdr->Next) { PrintDirDB(pdr, 1|2|4); } } #endif
VOID PrintFlags(FILE *pf, ULONG Flags, FLAGSTRINGS *pfs) { LPSTR p = ",";
while (pfs->pszName != NULL) { if (pfs->Mask & Flags) { fprintf(pf, "%s %s", p, pfs->pszName); p = ""; } pfs++; } fputs(szNewLine, pf); }
BOOL PrintIncludes(FILE *pf, FILEREC *pfr, BOOL fTree) { INCLUDEREC *pir; BOOL fMatch = pfr->IncludeFilesTree == pfr->IncludeFiles;
pir = fTree? pfr->IncludeFilesTree : pfr->IncludeFiles; while (pir != NULL) { LPSTR pszdir = "<No File Record>"; char OpenQuote, CloseQuote;
if (pir->IncFlags & INCLUDEDB_LOCAL) { OpenQuote = CloseQuote = '"'; } else { OpenQuote = '<'; CloseQuote = '>'; }
fprintf( pf, " %c#include %c%s%c", fMatch? ' ' : fTree? '+' : '-', OpenQuote, pir->Name, CloseQuote); if (pir->Version != 0) { fprintf(pf, " (v%d)", pir->Version); } if (pir->pfrCycleRoot != NULL) { fprintf( pf, " (root=%s\\%s)", pir->pfrCycleRoot->Dir->Name, pir->pfrCycleRoot->Name); } if (pir->pfrInclude != NULL) { if (pir->pfrInclude->Dir == pfr->Dir) { pszdir = "."; } else { pszdir = pir->pfrInclude->Dir->Name; } } fprintf(pf, " %s", pszdir); PrintFlags(pf, pir->IncFlags, IncludeFlags); if (pir->NextTree != pir->Next) { fMatch = FALSE; } pir = fTree? pir->NextTree : pir->Next; } return (fMatch); }
VOID PrintSourceDBList(SOURCEREC *psr, int i) { TARGET_MACHINE_INFO *pMachine;
pMachine = i < 0 ? TargetMachines[0] : PossibleTargetMachines[i];
for ( ; psr != NULL; psr = psr->psrNext) { assert( (psr->SourceSubDirMask & ~TMIDIR_PARENT) == 0 || pMachine->SourceSubDirMask == (psr->SourceSubDirMask & ~TMIDIR_PARENT)); BuildMsgRaw( " %s%s%s%s%s", (psr->SourceSubDirMask & TMIDIR_PARENT)? "..\\" : "", (psr->SourceSubDirMask & ~TMIDIR_PARENT)? pMachine->SourceDirectory : "", (psr->SourceSubDirMask & ~TMIDIR_PARENT)? "\\" : "", psr->pfrSource->Name, (psr->SrcFlags & SOURCEDB_PCH)? " (pch)" : (psr->SrcFlags & SOURCEDB_SOURCES_LIST) == 0? " (From exe list)" : ""); PrintFlags(stderr, psr->SrcFlags, SourceFlags); } }
VOID PrintFileDB(FILE *pf, FILEREC *pfr, int DetailLevel) { fprintf(pf, " File: %s", pfr->Name); if (pfr->FileFlags & FILEDB_DIR) { fprintf(pf, " (Sub-Directory)"); } else if (pfr->FileFlags & (FILEDB_SOURCE | FILEDB_HEADER)) { LPSTR pszType = (pfr->FileFlags & FILEDB_SOURCE)? "Source" : "Header";
if (pfr->FileFlags & FILEDB_ASM) { fprintf(pf, " (Assembler (CPP) %s File)", pszType); } else if (pfr->FileFlags & FILEDB_MASM) { fprintf(pf, " (Assembler (MASM) %s File)", pszType); } else if (pfr->FileFlags & FILEDB_RC) { fprintf(pf, " (Resource Compiler (RC) %s File)", pszType); } else if (pfr->FileFlags & FILEDB_MIDL) { fprintf(pf, " (MIDL %s File)", pszType); } else if (pfr->FileFlags & FILEDB_ASN) { fprintf(pf, " (ASN %s File)", pszType); } else if (pfr->FileFlags & FILEDB_MKTYPLIB) { fprintf(pf, " (Type Library (MkTypLib) %s File)", pszType); } else { fprintf(pf, " (C %s File)", pszType); } if ((pfr->FileFlags & FILEDB_HEADER) && pfr->Version != 0) { fprintf(pf, " (v%d)", pfr->Version); } if (pfr->GlobalSequence != 0) { fprintf(pf, " (GlobalSeq=%d)", pfr->GlobalSequence); } if (pfr->LocalSequence != 0) { fprintf(pf, " (LocalSeq=%d)", pfr->LocalSequence); } fprintf(pf, " - %u lines", pfr->SourceLines); } PrintFlags(pf, pfr->FileFlags, FileFlags);
if (pfr->IncludeFiles != NULL) { BOOL fMatch;
fMatch = PrintIncludes(pf, pfr, FALSE); if (pfr->IncludeFilesTree != NULL) { fprintf(pf, " IncludeTree %s\n", fMatch? "matches" : "differs:"); if (!fMatch) { PrintIncludes(pf, pfr, TRUE); } } } }
VOID PrintDirDB(DIRREC *pdr, int DetailLevel) { FILE *pf = stderr; FILEREC *pfr, **ppfr;
if (DetailLevel & 1) { fprintf(pf, "Directory: %s", pdr->Name); if (pdr->DirFlags & DIRDB_DIRS) { fprintf(pf, " (Dirs Present)"); } if (pdr->DirFlags & DIRDB_SOURCES) { fprintf(pf, " (Sources Present)"); } if (pdr->DirFlags & DIRDB_MAKEFILE) { fprintf(pf, " (Makefile Present)"); } PrintFlags(pf, pdr->DirFlags, DirFlags); } if (DetailLevel & 2) { if (pdr->TargetPath != NULL) { fprintf(pf, " TargetPath: %s\n", pdr->TargetPath); } if (pdr->TargetName != NULL) { fprintf(pf, " TargetName: %s\n", pdr->TargetName); } if (pdr->TargetExt != NULL) { fprintf(pf, " TargetExt: %s\n", pdr->TargetExt); } if (pdr->KernelTest != NULL) { fprintf(pf, " KernelTest: %s\n", pdr->KernelTest); } if (pdr->UserAppls != NULL) { fprintf(pf, " UserAppls: %s\n", pdr->UserAppls); } if (pdr->UserTests != NULL) { fprintf(pf, " UserTests: %s\n", pdr->UserTests); } if (pdr->PchObj != NULL) { fprintf(pf, " PchObj: %s\n", pdr->PchObj); } if (pdr->Pch != NULL) { fprintf(pf, " Pch: %s\n", pdr->Pch); } } if (DetailLevel & 4) { for (ppfr = &pdr->Files; (pfr = *ppfr) != NULL; ppfr = &pfr->Next) { PrintFileDB(pf, pfr, DetailLevel); } } }
// Function: LookupFileDB
// Synopsis: Search the database for the given file.
// Arguments: [DirDB] -- Directory containing the file
// [FileName] -- File to look for
// Returns: FILEREC of file if found, NULL if not.
// Notes: The file will not be added to the database if not already
// there.
AssertPathString(FileName); sum = CheckSum(FileName); if (DEBUG_4) { BuildMsgRaw("LookupFileDB(%s, %s) - ", DirDB->Name, FileName); } FileDBNext = &DirDB->Files; while (FileDB = *FileDBNext) { if (sum == FileDB->CheckSum && strcmp(FileName, FileDB->Name) == 0) { if (DEBUG_4) { BuildMsgRaw("success\n"); } return (FileDB); } FileDBNext = &FileDB->Next; }
if (DEBUG_4) { BuildMsgRaw("failure\n"); } return (NULL); }
// FileDesc is a table describing file names and patterns that we recognize
// and handle specially. WARNING: This table is ordered so the patterns
// at the front are necessarily more specific than those later on.
char szMakefile[] = "#"; char szClang[] = "//"; char szAsn[] = "--"; char szMasm[] = ";"; char szVBasic[] = "'";
// N.B. The first entry in the file descriptor list is an entry that is
// optionally filled with the name of the target dirs file for the
// first build target.
FILEDESC FileDesc[] = { { "/0dirs", szMakefile, FALSE, 0, DIRDB_DIRS}, { "makefile", szMakefile, FALSE, 0, DIRDB_MAKEFILE}, { "makefil0", szMakefile, FALSE, 0, DIRDB_MAKEFIL0 | DIRDB_PASS0}, { "makefil1", szMakefile, FALSE, 0, DIRDB_MAKEFIL1}, { "sources", szMakefile, FALSE, 0, DIRDB_SOURCES}, { "dirs", szMakefile, FALSE, 0, DIRDB_DIRS}, { "mydirs", szMakefile, FALSE, 0, DIRDB_DIRS},
{ "makefile.inc", szMakefile, FALSE, 0, 0}, { "common.ver", szClang, TRUE, FILEDB_HEADER, 0},
{ ".rc", szClang, TRUE, FILEDB_SOURCE | FILEDB_RC, DIRDB_RESOURCE}, { ".rc2", szClang, TRUE, FILEDB_SOURCE | FILEDB_RC, DIRDB_RESOURCE}, { ".rcs", szClang, TRUE, FILEDB_SOURCE | FILEDB_RC, DIRDB_RESOURCE}, { ".rcv", szClang, TRUE, FILEDB_SOURCE | FILEDB_RC, DIRDB_RESOURCE}, { ".ver", szClang, TRUE, FILEDB_SOURCE | FILEDB_RC, DIRDB_RESOURCE}, { ".c", szClang, TRUE, FILEDB_SOURCE | FILEDB_C, 0}, { ".cxx", szClang, TRUE, FILEDB_SOURCE | FILEDB_C, 0}, { ".cpp", szClang, TRUE, FILEDB_SOURCE | FILEDB_C, 0}, { ".f", szClang, TRUE, FILEDB_SOURCE, 0}, { ".p", szClang, TRUE, FILEDB_SOURCE, 0}, { ".s", szClang, TRUE, FILEDB_SOURCE | FILEDB_ASM, 0}, { ".asm", szMasm, TRUE, FILEDB_SOURCE | FILEDB_MASM, 0}, { ".mc", szMasm, TRUE, FILEDB_SOURCE | FILEDB_RC | FILEDB_PASS0, DIRDB_PASS0}, { ".idl", szClang, TRUE, FILEDB_SOURCE | FILEDB_MIDL | FILEDB_PASS0, DIRDB_PASS0}, { ".asn", szAsn, TRUE, FILEDB_SOURCE | FILEDB_ASN | FILEDB_MULTIPLEPASS | FILEDB_PASS0, DIRDB_PASS0}, { ".tdl", szClang, TRUE, FILEDB_SOURCE | FILEDB_MKTYPLIB | FILEDB_PASS0, 0}, { ".odl", szClang, TRUE, FILEDB_SOURCE | FILEDB_MKTYPLIB | FILEDB_PASS0, 0}, { ".pdl", szClang, TRUE, FILEDB_SOURCE | FILEDB_PASS0, 0}, { ".h", szClang, TRUE, FILEDB_HEADER | FILEDB_C, 0}, { ".hxx", szClang, TRUE, FILEDB_HEADER | FILEDB_C, 0}, { ".hpp", szClang, TRUE, FILEDB_HEADER | FILEDB_C, 0}, { ".hmd", szClang, TRUE, FILEDB_HEADER | FILEDB_C, 0}, { ".hdl", szClang, TRUE, FILEDB_HEADER | FILEDB_C, 0}, { ".inl", szClang, TRUE, FILEDB_HEADER | FILEDB_C, 0}, { ".rh", szClang, TRUE, FILEDB_HEADER | FILEDB_C, 0}, { ".dlg", szClang, TRUE, FILEDB_HEADER | FILEDB_RC, 0}, { ".inc", szMasm, TRUE, FILEDB_HEADER | FILEDB_MASM, 0}, { ".src", szClang, TRUE, FILEDB_HEADER | FILEDB_C, 0}, // see mvdm\softpc.new\obj.vdm\imlibdep.c
{ ".cs", szClang, TRUE, FILEDB_SOURCE | FILEDB_CSHARP, 0}, { ".lib", szClang, TRUE, 0 ,0}, { ".vb", szVBasic, TRUE, FILEDB_SOURCE | FILEDB_VB_NET, 0}, // MUST BE LAST
{ NULL, "", FALSE, 0, 0} };
// Function: MatchFileDesc
// Synopsis: Matches the given filename to an entry in FileDesc, if
// possible.
// Arguments: [pszFile] -- File to match
// Returns: A FILEDESC structure. If a match was not found the data
// in the FILEDESC will be empty.
FILEDESC * MatchFileDesc(LPSTR pszFile) { LPSTR pszExt = strrchr(pszFile, '.'); FILEDESC *pfd;
// treat extensionless file as .h
// CONSIDER checking exactly for known files, new, memory, algorithm, vector, list, cstdio, cstdlib, etc.
// CONSIDER also instead doing this where #include is parsed, to avoid doing it in
// all cases (i.e., not from .rc or .c files). That'd presumably be in ScanFile.
if (pszExt == NULL) pszExt = ".h";
AssertPathString(pszFile); pfd = &FileDesc[0];
while (pfd->pszPattern != NULL) { if (pfd->pszPattern[0] == '.') { if (pszExt != NULL && !strcmp(pszExt, pfd->pszPattern)) break; } else if (!strcmp(pszFile, pfd->pszPattern)) break;
pfd++; } return pfd; }
// Function: InsertFileDB
// Synopsis: Adds a file to the database.
// Arguments: [DirDB] -- Directory containing the file
// [FileName] -- File to add
// [DateTime] -- Timestamp of file
// [Attr] -- File attributes (directory or file)
// [FileFlags] -- FILEDB flags
// Returns: New FILEREC of file
PFILEREC InsertFileDB( PDIRREC DirDB, LPSTR FileName, ULONG DateTime, USHORT Attr, ULONG FileFlags) { PFILEREC FileDB, *FileDBNext; LPSTR pszCommentToEOL = NULL;
AssertPathString(FileName); if (Attr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { if (!strcmp(FileName, ".")) { return (NULL); } if (!strcmp(FileName, "..")) { return (NULL); } assert(FileFlags == 0); FileFlags = FILEDB_DIR; } else { FILEDESC *pfd = MatchFileDesc(FileName);
DirDB->DirFlags |= pfd->DirFlags; FileFlags |= pfd->FileFlags;
if (!pfd->fNeedFileRec) { return (NULL); } pszCommentToEOL = pfd->pszCommentToEOL; }
FileDBNext = &DirDB->Files;
while ((FileDB = *FileDBNext) != NULL) { FileDBNext = &(*FileDBNext)->Next; if (strcmp(FileName, FileDB->Name) == 0) { BuildError( "%s: ignoring second instance of %s\n", DirDB->Name, FileName); return (NULL); } }
AllocMem(sizeof(FILEREC) + strlen(FileName), &FileDB, MT_FILEDB); memset(FileDB, 0, sizeof(*FileDB)); SigCheck(FileDB->Sig = SIG_FILEREC);
CopyString(FileDB->Name, FileName, TRUE); FileDB->CheckSum = CheckSum(FileDB->Name);
FileDB->DateTime = DateTime; FileDB->Attr = Attr; FileDB->Dir = DirDB; FileDB->FileFlags = FileFlags; FileDB->NewestDependency = FileDB; FileDB->pszCommentToEOL = pszCommentToEOL;
if ((FileFlags & FILEDB_FILE_MISSING) == 0) { AllDirsModified = TRUE; } *FileDBNext = FileDB; return (FileDB); }
// Function: DeleteUnscannedFiles
// Synopsis: Removes unscanned files (leaving scanned files and directories)
// from the Files list of the given directory
// Arguments: [DirDB] -- Directory to clean up
VOID DeleteUnscannedFiles( PDIRREC DirDB ) { PFILEREC FileDB, *FileDBNext;
FileDBNext = &DirDB->Files; while (FileDB = *FileDBNext) { //
// If a file has the missing flag set then it doesn't exist. But for
// it to be in the list of files it has to be listed in a SOURCES line
// (or some equivalent). This means there is a SOURCEREC somewhere
// which is pointing to the FILEREC for that file, so we don't want to
// free its memory.
if ( (FileDB->FileFlags & (FILEDB_SCANNED | FILEDB_FILE_MISSING | FILEDB_SOURCEREC_EXISTS)) || (FileDB->Attr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) ) { FileDBNext = &FileDB->Next; } else { FreeFileDB( FileDBNext ); AllDirsModified = TRUE; } } }
// Function: InsertIncludeDB
// Synopsis: Inserts an include file into the database
// Arguments: [FileDB] -- File which includes this file
// [IncludeFileName] -- Name of include file
// [IncFlags] -- INCLUDEDB flags for this file
// Returns: INCLUDEREC of previously existing or new entry one.
PINCLUDEREC InsertIncludeDB( PFILEREC FileDB, LPSTR IncludeFileName, USHORT IncFlags ) { PINCLUDEREC IncludeDB, *IncludeDBNext;
IncludeDBNext = &FileDB->IncludeFiles;
while (IncludeDB = *IncludeDBNext) { AssertCleanTree(IncludeDB, FileDB); // Tree must be clean
if (!strcmp(IncludeDB->Name, IncludeFileName)) { IncludeDB->IncFlags &= ~INCLUDEDB_GLOBAL; IncludeDB->pfrInclude = NULL; return (IncludeDB); } IncludeDBNext = &IncludeDB->Next; }
AllocMem( sizeof(INCLUDEREC) + strlen(IncludeFileName), IncludeDBNext, MT_INCLUDEDB);
IncludeDB = *IncludeDBNext;
memset(IncludeDB, 0, sizeof(*IncludeDB)); SigCheck(IncludeDB->Sig = SIG_INCLUDEREC);
IncludeDB->IncFlags = IncFlags; CopyString(IncludeDB->Name, IncludeFileName, TRUE);
AllDirsModified = TRUE;
return (IncludeDB); }
// Function: LinkToCycleRoot
VOID LinkToCycleRoot(INCLUDEREC *pirOrg, FILEREC *pfrCycleRoot) { INCLUDEREC *pir;
AllocMem( sizeof(INCLUDEREC) + strlen(pfrCycleRoot->Name), &pir, MT_INCLUDEDB); memset(pir, 0, sizeof(*pir)); SigCheck(pir->Sig = SIG_INCLUDEREC);
pir->IncFlags = INCLUDEDB_SNAPPED | INCLUDEDB_CYCLEALLOC; pir->pfrInclude = pfrCycleRoot;
CopyString(pir->Name, pfrCycleRoot->Name, TRUE); if (DEBUG_1) { BuildMsgRaw( "%x CycleAlloc %s\\%s <- %s\\%s\n", pir, pir->pfrInclude->Dir->Name, pir->pfrInclude->Name, pirOrg->pfrInclude->Dir->Name, pirOrg->pfrInclude->Name); }
MergeIncludeFiles(pirOrg->pfrInclude, pir, NULL);
assert((pir->IncFlags & INCLUDEDB_CYCLEORPHAN) == 0); assert(pir->IncFlags & INCLUDEDB_CYCLEROOT); }
// Function: MergeIncludeFiles
VOID MergeIncludeFiles(FILEREC *pfr, INCLUDEREC *pirList, FILEREC *pfrRoot) { INCLUDEREC *pirT; INCLUDEREC *pir, **ppir;
while ((pirT = pirList) != NULL) { pirList = pirList->NextTree; pirT->NextTree = NULL; assert(pirT->pfrInclude != NULL);
for (ppir = &pfr->IncludeFilesTree; (pir = *ppir) != NULL; ppir = &pir->NextTree) {
if (pirT->pfrInclude == pir->pfrInclude) { if (pirT->IncFlags & INCLUDEDB_CYCLEROOT) { RemoveFromCycleRoot(pirT, pfrRoot); } pirT->IncFlags |= INCLUDEDB_CYCLEORPHAN; if (DEBUG_1) { BuildMsgRaw( "%x CycleOrphan %s\\%s <- %s\\%s\n", pirT, pirT->pfrInclude->Dir->Name, pirT->pfrInclude->Name, pfr->Dir->Name, pfr->Name); } break; } } if (*ppir == NULL) { *ppir = pirT; pirT->pfrCycleRoot = pfr; pirT->IncFlags |= INCLUDEDB_CYCLEROOT; if (DEBUG_1) { BuildMsgRaw( "%x CycleRoot %s\\%s <- %s\\%s\n", pirT, pirT->pfrInclude->Dir->Name, pirT->pfrInclude->Name, pirT->pfrCycleRoot->Dir->Name, pirT->pfrCycleRoot->Name); } } } if (fDebug & 16) { PrintFileDB(stderr, pfr, 2); } }
// Function: RemoveFromCycleRoot
VOID RemoveFromCycleRoot(INCLUDEREC *pir, FILEREC *pfrRoot) { INCLUDEREC **ppir;
assert(pir->pfrCycleRoot != NULL);
// if pfrRoot was passed in, the caller knows it's on pfrRoot's list,
// and is already dealing with the linked list without our help.
if (pfrRoot != NULL) { assert((pir->IncFlags & INCLUDEDB_CYCLEALLOC) == 0); assert(pir->pfrCycleRoot == pfrRoot); pir->pfrCycleRoot = NULL; pir->IncFlags &= ~INCLUDEDB_CYCLEROOT; if (DEBUG_1) { BuildMsgRaw( "%x CycleUnroot %s\\%s <- %s\\%s\n", pir, pir->pfrInclude->Dir->Name, pir->pfrInclude->Name, pfrRoot->Dir->Name, pfrRoot->Name); } return; } ppir = &pir->pfrCycleRoot->IncludeFilesTree; while (*ppir != NULL) { if (*ppir == pir) { *ppir = pir->NextTree; // remove from tree list
pir->NextTree = NULL; pir->pfrCycleRoot = NULL; pir->IncFlags &= ~INCLUDEDB_CYCLEROOT; return; } ppir = &(*ppir)->NextTree; } BuildError( "%s\\%s: %x %s: not on cycle root's list\n", pir->pfrCycleRoot->Dir->Name, pir->pfrCycleRoot->Name, pir, pir->Name);
assert(pir->pfrCycleRoot == NULL); // always asserts if loop exhausted
// Function: UnsnapIncludeFiles
// Synopsis: Removes pointers from INCLUDEREC to the actual FILEREC of
// the include file so we can 'resnap' them.
// Arguments: [pfr] -- FILEREC to unsnap
// [fUnsnapGlobal] -- If TRUE, global and local includes are
// unsnapped. Otherwise, just local ones are.
VOID UnsnapIncludeFiles(FILEREC *pfr, BOOL fUnsnapGlobal) { INCLUDEREC **ppir; INCLUDEREC *pir;
// Dynamic Tree List:
// - no cycle orphans
// - cycle roots must belong to current file record
// - cycle allocs must be freed
AssertFile(pfr); while (pfr->IncludeFilesTree != NULL) { pir = pfr->IncludeFilesTree; // pick up next entry
AssertInclude(pir); pfr->IncludeFilesTree = pir->NextTree; // remove from tree list
assert((pir->IncFlags & INCLUDEDB_CYCLEORPHAN) == 0);
// unsnap the record
pir->IncFlags &= ~(INCLUDEDB_SNAPPED | INCLUDEDB_GLOBAL); pir->pfrInclude = NULL; pir->NextTree = NULL; }
if (pir->IncFlags & INCLUDEDB_CYCLEROOT) { assert(pir->pfrCycleRoot == pfr); pir->pfrCycleRoot = NULL; pir->IncFlags &= ~INCLUDEDB_CYCLEROOT; } assert(pir->pfrCycleRoot == NULL);
if (pir->IncFlags & INCLUDEDB_CYCLEALLOC) { pir->IncFlags &= ~INCLUDEDB_CYCLEALLOC; assert(pir->Next == NULL); FreeIncludeDB(&pir); } }
// Static List:
// - no cycle allocs
// - cycle roots must be removed from a different file's Dynamic list
// - cycle orphans are nops
for (ppir = &pfr->IncludeFiles; (pir = *ppir) != NULL; ppir = &pir->Next) { assert((pir->IncFlags & INCLUDEDB_CYCLEALLOC) == 0); if (pir->IncFlags & INCLUDEDB_CYCLEROOT) { assert(pir->pfrCycleRoot != pfr); RemoveFromCycleRoot(pir, NULL); } pir->IncFlags &= ~INCLUDEDB_CYCLEORPHAN;
if (pir->pfrInclude != NULL && (fUnsnapGlobal || (pir->pfrInclude->Dir->DirFlags & DIRDB_GLOBAL_INCLUDES) == 0)) {
// unsnap the record
pir->IncFlags &= ~(INCLUDEDB_SNAPPED | INCLUDEDB_GLOBAL); pir->pfrInclude = NULL; } pir->NextTree = NULL; } }
#if DBG
// Function: AssertCleanTree
// Synopsis: Enforce that no include files are snapped.
// Arguments: [pir] - include record to test
// [pfr] - optional containing file record
VOID AssertCleanTree(INCLUDEREC *pir, OPTIONAL FILEREC *pfr) { if (IsCleanTree(pir)) { return; } if (fAssertCleanTree) { BuildMsgRaw("\n*************************************\n"); BuildMsgRaw("Persistent Cycle: pir=%x: %s\n", pir, pir->Name); if (pfr != NULL) { BuildMsgRaw(" pfr=%x: %s\n", pfr, pfr->Name); if (pfr->Dir != NULL) { BuildMsgRaw(" pdr=%x: %s\n", pfr->Dir, pfr->Dir->Name); } } if (pir->pfrInclude != NULL) { BuildMsgRaw(" pfrInclude=%x: %s\n", pir->pfrInclude, pir->pfrInclude->Name); if (pir->pfrInclude->Dir != NULL) { BuildMsgRaw(" pdrInclude=%x: %s\n", pir->pfrInclude->Dir, pir->pfrInclude->Dir->Name); } } BuildMsgRaw("\n*************************************\n"); fflush(stdout); fflush(stderr);
PrintAllDirs(); BuildMsgRaw("\n*************************************\n"); fflush(stdout); fflush(stderr); } assert(IsCleanTree(pir)); } #endif
// Function: UnsnapAllDirectories
// Synopsis: Removes pointers from all INCLUDERECs to the actual FILERECs
// of include files so we can 'resnap' them.
// Arguments: None
VOID UnsnapAllDirectories(VOID) { DIRREC *pdr; UINT i;
GlobalSequence = LocalSequence = 0;
for (pdr = AllDirs; pdr != NULL; pdr = pdr->Next) { FILEREC *pfr;
// Clear unwanted flags on each directory
pdr->CountOfFilesToCompile = 0; pdr->SourceLinesToCompile = 0; pdr->CountOfPassZeroFiles = 0; pdr->PassZeroLines = 0;
// Free all source records that point to missing files, because the
// file records may be freed when rescanning directories after pass 0.
if (pdr->pds != NULL) { for (i = 0; i < MAX_TARGET_MACHINES + 1; i++) { SOURCEREC **ppsr; SOURCEREC *psr;
ppsr = &pdr->pds->psrSourcesList[i]; while ((psr = *ppsr) != NULL) { if (psr->SrcFlags & SOURCEDB_FILE_MISSING) { FreeSourceDB(ppsr); } else { ppsr = &psr->psrNext; } } } }
// Clear out all snapped include files and sequence numbers
for (pfr = pdr->Files; pfr != NULL; pfr = pfr->Next) {
AssertFile(pfr); UnsnapIncludeFiles(pfr, TRUE); pfr->GlobalSequence = pfr->LocalSequence = 0; } } }
// Function: MarkIncludeFileRecords
VOID MarkIncludeFileRecords( PFILEREC FileDB ) { PINCLUDEREC IncludeDB, *IncludeDBNext;
IncludeDBNext = &FileDB->IncludeFiles; while (IncludeDB = *IncludeDBNext) { AssertCleanTree(IncludeDB, FileDB); // Tree must be clean
IncludeDB->pfrInclude = (PFILEREC) -1; IncludeDBNext = &IncludeDB->Next; } }
// Function: DeleteIncludeFileRecords
VOID DeleteIncludeFileRecords( PFILEREC FileDB ) { PINCLUDEREC IncludeDB, *IncludeDBNext;
IncludeDBNext = &FileDB->IncludeFiles; while (IncludeDB = *IncludeDBNext) { AssertCleanTree(IncludeDB, FileDB); // Tree must be clean
if (IncludeDB->pfrInclude == (PFILEREC) -1) { FreeIncludeDB(IncludeDBNext); } else { IncludeDBNext = &IncludeDB->Next; } } }
// Function: FindIncludeFileDB
// Synopsis: Find the FILEREC for an include file that our compiland
// includes.
// Arguments: [pfrSource] -- FILEREC of file which includes the one
// we're looking for. Might be a header.
// [pfrCompiland] -- FILEREC of ultimate source file.
// [pdrBuild] -- DIRREC of directory being built
// [pszSourceDirectory] -- Name of machine-specific dir
// [IncludeDB] -- INCLUDEDB of include file we're looking
// for.
// Returns: FILEREC of include file, if found.
PFILEREC FindIncludeFileDB( FILEREC *pfrSource, FILEREC *pfrCompiland, DIRREC *pdrBuild, LPSTR pszSourceDirectory, INCLUDEREC *IncludeDB) { DIRREC *pdr; DIRREC *pdrMachine; FILEREC *pfr; UINT n;
AssertFile(pfrSource); AssertFile(pfrCompiland); AssertDir(pfrSource->Dir); AssertDir(pfrCompiland->Dir); AssertDir(pdrBuild); assert(pfrSource->Dir->FindCount >= 1); assert(pfrCompiland->Dir->FindCount >= 1); assert(pdrBuild->FindCount >= 1); AssertInclude(IncludeDB);
// The rules for #include "foo.h" and #include <foo.h> are:
// - "foo.h" searches in the directory of the source file that has the
// #include statement first, then falls into the INCLUDES= directories
// - <foo.h> simply searches the INCLUDES= directories
// - since makefile.def *always* passes -I. -ITargetMachines[i] first,
// that has to be handled here as well.
// - deal with #include <sys\types> and #include "..\foo\bar.h" by
// scanning those directories, too.
n = CountIncludeDirs; pdrMachine = FindSourceDirDB(pdrBuild->Name, pszSourceDirectory, FALSE);
// If local ("foo.h"), search the current file's directory, too.
// The compiler also will search the directory of each higher level
// file in the include hierarchy, but we won't get quite so fancy here.
// Just search the directory of the current file and of the compiland.
// Skip these directories if they match the current build directory or
// the machine subdirectory, because that's handled below.
if (IncludeDB->IncFlags & INCLUDEDB_LOCAL) { if (pfrCompiland->Dir != pdrBuild && pfrCompiland->Dir != pdrMachine && pfrCompiland->Dir != pfrSource->Dir) { AddIncludeDir(pfrCompiland->Dir, &n); } if (pfrSource->Dir != pdrBuild && pfrSource->Dir != pdrMachine) { AddIncludeDir(pfrSource->Dir, &n); } }
// Search the current target machine subdirectory of the build directory
// -- as per makefile.def
if (pdrMachine != NULL) { AddIncludeDir(pdrMachine, &n); }
// Search the current build directory -- as per makefile.def.
AddIncludeDir(pdrBuild, &n);
while (n--) { pdr = IncludeDirs[n]; if (pdr == NULL) { continue; } AssertDir(pdr); assert(pdr->FindCount >= 1); pfr = FindSourceFileDB(pdr, IncludeDB->Name, NULL); if (pfr != NULL) { if (DEBUG_1) { BuildMsgRaw( "Found include file %s\\%s\n", pfr->Dir->Name, pfr->Name); } return (pfr); } } return (NULL); }
// Function: SaveMasterDB
// Synopsis: Save the database to disk in build.dat
// Arguments: (none)
// Returns: TRUE if successful
BOOL SaveMasterDB(VOID) { PDIRREC DirDB, *DirDBNext; PFILEREC FileDB, *FileDBNext; PINCLUDEREC IncludeDB, *IncludeDBNext; FILE *fh;
if (!AllDirsModified) { return (TRUE); }
if (!(fh = fopen(DbMasterName, "wb"))) { return ( FALSE ); }
setvbuf(fh, NULL, _IOFBF, 0x7000); BuildMsg("Saving %s...", DbMasterName);
AllDirsModified = FALSE; DirDBNext = &AllDirs; fprintf(fh, "V %x\r\n", BUILD_VERSION); while (DirDB = *DirDBNext) { fprintf(fh, "D \"%s\" %x\r\n", DirDB->Name, DirDB->DirFlags); FileDBNext = &DirDB->Files; while (FileDB = *FileDBNext) { if ((FileDB->FileFlags & FILEDB_FILE_MISSING) == 0) { fprintf( fh, " F \"%s\" %x %x %lx %u %u\r\n", FileDB->Name, FileDB->FileFlags, FileDB->Attr, FileDB->DateTime, FileDB->SourceLines, FileDB->Version); } IncludeDBNext = &FileDB->IncludeFiles; while (IncludeDB = *IncludeDBNext) { fprintf( fh, " I \"%s\" %x %u\r\n", IncludeDB->Name, IncludeDB->IncFlags, IncludeDB->Version);
IncludeDBNext= &IncludeDB->Next; } FileDBNext = &FileDB->Next; } fprintf(fh, "\r\n"); DirDBNext = &DirDB->Next; } fclose(fh); BuildMsgRaw(szNewLine); return (TRUE); }
// Function: LoadMasterDB
// Synopsis: Load the master database from build.dat
// Arguments: (none)
void LoadMasterDB( void ) { PDIRREC DirDB, *DirDBNext; PFILEREC FileDB, *FileDBNext; PINCLUDEREC IncludeDB, *IncludeDBNext; FILE *fh; LPSTR s; char ch, ch2; BOOL fFirst = TRUE; UINT Version; LPSTR pszerr = NULL;
AllDirs = NULL; AllDirsModified = FALSE; AllDirsInitialized = FALSE;
if (!SetupReadFile("", DbMasterName, ";", &fh)) { return; } BuildMsg("Loading %s...", DbMasterName);
DirDBNext = &AllDirs; FileDBNext = NULL; IncludeDBNext = NULL;
while ((s = ReadLine(fh)) != NULL) { ch = *s++; if (ch == '\0') { continue; // skip empty lines
} ch2 = *s++; // should be a blank
if (ch2 == '\0') { pszerr = "missing field"; break; // fail on single character lines
} if (fFirst) { if (ch != 'V' || ch2 != ' ' || !AToX(&s, &Version)) { pszerr = "bad version format"; break; } if (Version != BUILD_VERSION) { break; } fFirst = FALSE; continue; } if (ch2 != ' ') { pszerr = "bad separator"; break; } if (ch == 'D') { DirDB = LoadMasterDirDB(s); if (DirDB == NULL) { pszerr = "Directory error"; break; } *DirDBNext = DirDB; DirDBNext = &DirDB->Next; FileDBNext = &DirDB->Files; IncludeDBNext = NULL; } else if (ch == 'F' && FileDBNext != NULL) { FileDB = LoadMasterFileDB(s); if (FileDB == NULL) { pszerr = "File error"; break; } *FileDBNext = FileDB; FileDBNext = &FileDB->Next; FileDB->Dir = DirDB; IncludeDBNext = &FileDB->IncludeFiles; } else if (ch == 'I' && IncludeDBNext != NULL) { IncludeDB = LoadMasterIncludeDB(s); if (IncludeDB == NULL) { pszerr = "Include error"; break; } *IncludeDBNext = IncludeDB; IncludeDBNext = &IncludeDB->Next; } else { pszerr = "bad entry type"; break; } }
if (s != NULL) { if (pszerr == NULL) { BuildMsgRaw(" - old version - recomputing.\n"); } else { BuildMsgRaw(szNewLine); BuildError("corrupt database (%s)\n", pszerr); } FreeAllDirs(); } else { BuildMsgRaw(szNewLine); AllDirsInitialized = TRUE; } CloseReadFile(NULL); return; }
// Function: LoadMasterDirDB
// Synopsis: Load a directory entry from build.dat
// Arguments: [s] -- line containing text from file.
// Returns: DIRRECT
PDIRREC LoadMasterDirDB( LPSTR s ) { PDIRREC DirDB; LPSTR DirName; ULONG MyDirFlags;
if (*s == '"') { s++; DirName = s; while (*s != '"') { s++; } *s++ = '\0'; } else { DirName = s; while (*s > ' ') { s++; } } *s++ = '\0';
if (!AToX(&s, &MyDirFlags)) { return (NULL); }
DirDB = CreateNewDirDB(DirName); DirDB->DirFlags = MyDirFlags & DIRDB_DBPRESERVE;
return (DirDB); }
// Function: LoadMasterFileDB
// Synopsis: Load a file entry from build.dat
// Arguments: [s] -- line containing text from file
// Returns: FILEREC
PFILEREC LoadMasterFileDB( LPSTR s ) { PFILEREC FileDB; LPSTR FileName; ULONG Version; ULONG MyFileFlags; ULONG Attr; ULONG SourceLines; ULONG DateTime; FILEDESC *pfd;
if (*s == '"') { s++; FileName = s; while (*s != '"') { s++; } *s++ = '\0'; } else { FileName = s; while (*s > ' ') { s++; } } *s++ = '\0';
if (!AToX(&s, &MyFileFlags) || !AToX(&s, &Attr) || !AToX(&s, &DateTime) || !AToD(&s, &SourceLines) || !AToD(&s, &Version) || strchr(FileName, '/') != NULL || strchr(FileName, '\\') != NULL) { return (NULL); } AllocMem(sizeof(FILEREC) + strlen(FileName), &FileDB, MT_FILEDB); memset(FileDB, 0, sizeof(*FileDB)); SigCheck(FileDB->Sig = SIG_FILEREC);
CopyString(FileDB->Name, FileName, TRUE); FileDB->CheckSum = CheckSum(FileDB->Name);
FileDB->FileFlags = MyFileFlags & FILEDB_DBPRESERVE; FileDB->Attr = (USHORT) Attr; FileDB->DateTime = DateTime; FileDB->Version = (USHORT) Version; FileDB->SourceLines = SourceLines; FileDB->NewestDependency = FileDB;
pfd = MatchFileDesc(FileDB->Name); FileDB->pszCommentToEOL = pfd->pszCommentToEOL; return (FileDB); }
// Function: LoadMasterIncludeDB
// Synopsis: Loads an include file entry from build.dat
// Arguments: [s] -- line containing text from file.
// Returns: INCLUDEREC
PINCLUDEREC LoadMasterIncludeDB( LPSTR s ) { PINCLUDEREC IncludeDB; LPSTR FileName; ULONG Version; ULONG IncFlags;
if (*s == '"') { s++; FileName = s; while (*s != '"') { s++; } *s++ = '\0'; } else { FileName = s; while (*s > ' ') { s++; } } *s++ = '\0';
if (!AToX(&s, &IncFlags) || !AToD(&s, &Version)) { return (NULL); } AllocMem( sizeof(INCLUDEREC) + strlen(FileName), &IncludeDB, MT_INCLUDEDB); memset(IncludeDB, 0, sizeof(*IncludeDB)); SigCheck(IncludeDB->Sig = SIG_INCLUDEREC);
IncludeDB->IncFlags = (USHORT) (IncFlags & INCLUDEDB_DBPRESERVE); IncludeDB->Version = (USHORT) Version; CopyString(IncludeDB->Name, FileName, TRUE); return (IncludeDB); }