// Copyright (C) 1995, Microsoft Corporation.
// File: daclwrap.cxx
// Contents: class encapsulating file security.
// Classes: CDaclWrap
// History: Nov-93 Created DaveMont
#include <t2.hxx>
#include <daclwrap.hxx>
#if DBG
extern ULONG Debug; #endif
// Member: CDaclWrap::CDaclWrap, public
// Synopsis: initialize data members, constructor will not throw
// Arguments: none
CDaclWrap::CDaclWrap() : _ccaa(0) { } //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Member: Dtor, public
// Synopsis: cleanup allocated data
// Arguments: none
CDaclWrap::~CDaclWrap() { for (ULONG j = 0; j < _ccaa; j++) delete _aaa[j].pcaa; } //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Member: CDaclWrap::SetAccess, public
// Synopsis: caches data for a new ACE
// Arguments: IN [option] - rePlace, Revoke, Grant, Deny
// IN [Name] - principal (username)
// IN [System] - server/machine where Name is defined
// IN [access] - access mode (Read Change None All)
ULONG CDaclWrap::SetAccess(ULONG option, WCHAR *Name, WCHAR *System, ULONG access) { ULONG ret;
// sorry, static number of ACCESSes can be set at one time
// allocate a new account access class
if (NULL == (_aaa[_ccaa].pcaa = new CAccountAccess(Name, System))) { return(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); }
// to fix the bug where someone asks to both grant and deny under
// the /p option (the deny is thru access = N)
if ((GENERIC_NONE == access) && (OPTION_REPLACE == option)) { _aaa[_ccaa].option = OPTION_DENY; } else { _aaa[_ccaa].option = option; }
SID *psid;
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == ( ret = _aaa[_ccaa].pcaa->Init(access))) { // get the sid to make sure the username is valid
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == ( ret =_aaa[_ccaa].pcaa->Sid(&psid))) { // loop thru the existing sids, making sure the new one is not a duplicate
SID *poldsid; for (ULONG check = 0;check < _ccaa ; check++) { if (ERROR_SUCCESS == ( ret =_aaa[check].pcaa->Sid(&poldsid))) { if (EqualSid(psid,poldsid)) { VERBOSE((stderr, "SetAccess found matching new sids\n")) delete _aaa[_ccaa].pcaa; return(ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS); } } } _ccaa++; } else { delete _aaa[_ccaa].pcaa; } } else { delete _aaa[_ccaa].pcaa; } return(ret); }
// Member: CDaclWrap:BuildAcl, public
// Synopsis: merges cached new aces with the input ACL
// Arguments: OUT [pnewdacl] - Address of new ACL to build
// IN [poldacl] - (OPTIONAL) old ACL that is to be merged
// IN [revision] - ACL revision
// IN [fdir] - True = directory
ULONG CDaclWrap::BuildAcl(ACL **pnewdacl, ACL *poldacl, UCHAR revision, BOOL fdir) { ULONG ret, caclsize;
// get the size of the new ACL we are going to create
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == (ret = _GetNewAclSize(&caclsize, poldacl, fdir))) { // allocate the new ACL
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == (ret = _AllocateNewAcl(pnewdacl, caclsize, revision))) { // and fill it up
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != (ret = _FillNewAcl(*pnewdacl, poldacl, fdir))) { // free the buffer if we failed
LocalFree(*pnewdacl); }
} } return(ret); }
// Member: CDaclWrap:_GetNewAclSize, private
// Synopsis: returns the size need to merge the new ACEs with the old ACL,
// this is an ugly algorithm:
//if (old aces exist)
// for (new aces)
// if (new ace option == GRANT)
// for (old aces)
// if (new ace SID == old ace SID)
// do inheritance check
// found = true
// if (old ace type == ALLOWED)
// old ace mask |= new ace mask
// else
// old ace mask &= ~new ace mask
// if (!found)
// add size of new ace
// else
// new ace mask = 0
// else
// add size of new ace
// for (old aces)
// for (new aces)
// if (new ace option == DENY, REPLACE, REVOKE)
// if (new ace SID == old ace SID)
// found = true
// break
// if (!found)
// add size of old ace
// else
// old ace mask = 0
// for (new aces)
// add size of new ace
// Arguments: OUT [caclsize] - returns size
// IN [poldacl] - (OPTIONAL) old ACL that is to be merged
// IN [fdir] - True = directory
ULONG CDaclWrap::_GetNewAclSize(ULONG *caclsize, ACL *poldacl, BOOL fdir) { ULONG ret;
// the size for the ACL header
*caclsize = sizeof(ACL);
// initialize the access requests
for (ULONG j = 0; j < _ccaa; j++) _aaa[j].pcaa->ReInit();
// if we are merging, calculate the merge size
if (poldacl && (poldacl->AceCount != 0)) { // first the grant options
for (j = 0; j < _ccaa; j++) { SID *psid; if (OPTION_GRANT == _aaa[j].option) { BOOL ffound = FALSE; ACE_HEADER *pah = (ACE_HEADER *)Add2Ptr(poldacl, sizeof(ACL));
for (ULONG cace = 0; cace < poldacl->AceCount; cace++, pah = (ACE_HEADER *)Add2Ptr(pah, pah->AceSize)) { if (ERROR_SUCCESS == (ret = _aaa[j].pcaa->Sid(&psid))) { if (EqualSid(psid, (SID *)&((ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE *) pah)->SidStart) ) { // if old and new types are the same, just and with the old
if (fdir && (pah->AceType == _aaa[j].pcaa->AceType())) { // make sure that we can handle the inheritance
ffound = TRUE; } else if (pah->AceType == _aaa[j].pcaa->AceType()) { ffound = TRUE; }
if (ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE_TYPE == pah->AceType) { (ACCESS_MASK) ((ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE *) pah)->Mask |= _aaa[j].pcaa->AccessMask(); } else if (ACCESS_DENIED_ACE_TYPE == pah->AceType) { (ACCESS_MASK) ((ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE *) pah)->Mask &= ~_aaa[j].pcaa->AccessMask(); } else { VERBOSE((stderr, "_GetNewAclSize found an ace that was not allowed or denied\n")) return(ERROR_INVALID_DATA); } } } else { return(ret); } } if (!ffound) { // bugbug allowed/denied sizes currently the same
*caclsize += sizeof(ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE) - sizeof(DWORD) + GetLengthSid(psid);
SIZE((stderr, "adding on size of an new ACE (to the new ACL) = %d\n",*caclsize)) } else { if (fdir && (ERROR_SUCCESS != (ret = _aaa[j].pcaa->TestInheritance()))) return(ret); _aaa[j].pcaa->ClearAccessMask(); } } else if ( (OPTION_REPLACE == _aaa[j].option) || (OPTION_DENY == _aaa[j].option) ) { if (ERROR_SUCCESS == (ret = _aaa[j].pcaa->Sid(&psid))) { // bugbug allowed/denied sizes currently the same
*caclsize += sizeof(ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE) - sizeof(DWORD) + GetLengthSid(psid);
SIZE((stderr, "adding on size of an new ACE (to the new ACL) = %d\n",*caclsize)) } else return(ret); } } // now for the deny, replace & revoke options
ACE_HEADER *pah = (ACE_HEADER *)Add2Ptr(poldacl, sizeof(ACL)); SID *psid;
// loop thru the old ACL
for (ULONG cace = 0; cace < poldacl->AceCount; cace++, pah = (ACE_HEADER *)Add2Ptr(pah, pah->AceSize)) { BOOL ffound = FALSE;
// and thru the new ACEs looking for matching SIDs
for (ULONG j = 0; j < _ccaa; j++) { if ( (_aaa[j].option & OPTION_DENY ) || (_aaa[j].option & OPTION_REPLACE ) || (_aaa[j].option & OPTION_REVOKE ) ) { if (ERROR_SUCCESS == (ret = _aaa[j].pcaa->Sid(&psid))) { if (EqualSid(psid, (SID *)&((ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE *) pah)->SidStart) ) { ffound = TRUE; } } else return(ret); } } if (!ffound) { // if we did not find a match, add the size of the old ACE
*caclsize += ((ACE_HEADER *)pah)->AceSize;
SIZE((stderr, "adding on size of an old ACE (to the new ACL) = %d\n",*caclsize)) } else { (ACCESS_MASK) ((ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE *)pah)->Mask = 0; } } SIZE((stderr, "final size for new ACL = %d\n",*caclsize)) } else { // no old ACL, just add up the sizes of the new aces
for (j = 0; j < _ccaa; j++) { // need to know the size of the sid
SID *psid; if (ERROR_SUCCESS == (ret = _aaa[j].pcaa->Sid(&psid))) { // bugbug allowed/denied sizes currently the same
*caclsize += sizeof(ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE) - sizeof(DWORD) + GetLengthSid(psid);
SIZE((stderr, "adding on size of an new ACE (to the new ACL) = %d\n",*caclsize)) } else { return(ret); } } SIZE((stderr, "final size for new ACL = %d\n",*caclsize)) } return(ERROR_SUCCESS); } //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Member: CDaclWrap:_AllocateNewAcl, private
// Synopsis: allocates and initializes the new ACL
// Arguments: OUT [pnewdacl] - address of new ACL to allocate
// IN [caclsize] - size to allocate for the new ACL
// IN [revision] - revision of the new ACL
ULONG CDaclWrap::_AllocateNewAcl(ACL **pnewdacl, ULONG caclsize, ULONG revision) { if (NULL == (*pnewdacl = (ACL *) LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, caclsize))) { return(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); }
if (!InitializeAcl(*pnewdacl,caclsize, revision)) { ULONG ret = GetLastError(); LocalFree(*pnewdacl); return(ret);
return(ERROR_SUCCESS); } //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Member: CDaclWrap:_SetAllowedAce, private
// Synopsis: appends an allowed ACE to the input ACL
// Arguments: IN [dacl] - ACL to add the ACE to
// IN [mask] - access mask to add
// IN [psid] - SID to add
// IN [fdir] - if a Dir add inherit ACE as well
ULONG CDaclWrap::_SetAllowedAce(ACL *dacl, ACCESS_MASK mask, SID *psid, BOOL fdir) { ULONG ret = ERROR_SUCCESS;
// compute the size of the ACE we are making
USHORT acesize = (USHORT)(sizeof(ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE) - sizeof(DWORD) + GetLengthSid(psid));
SIZE((stderr, "adding allowed ace, size = %d\n",fdir ? acesize*2 : acesize))
// static buffer in the hopes we won't have to allocate memory
BYTE buf[1024];
// allocator either uses buf or allocates a new buffer if size is not enough
FastAllocator fa(buf, 1024);
// get the buffer for the ACE
ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE *paaa = (ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE *)fa.GetBuf(acesize); if (!paaa) { return (ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); }
// fill in the ACE
memcpy(&paaa->SidStart,psid,GetLengthSid(psid)); paaa->Mask = mask;
paaa->Header.AceType = ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE_TYPE; paaa->Header.AceFlags = fdir ? CONTAINER_INHERIT_ACE | OBJECT_INHERIT_ACE : 0; paaa->Header.AceSize = acesize;
// put the ACE into the ACL
if (!AddAce(dacl, dacl->AclRevision, 0xffffffff, paaa, paaa->Header.AceSize)) ret = GetLastError(); return(ret); } //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Member: CDaclWrap:_SetDeniedAce, private
// Synopsis: appends a denied ACE to the input ACL
// Arguments: IN [dacl] - ACL to add the ACE to
// IN [mask] - access mask to add
// IN [psid] - SID to add
// IN [fdir] - if a Dir add inherit ACE as well
ULONG CDaclWrap::_SetDeniedAce(ACL *dacl, ACCESS_MASK mask, SID *psid, BOOL fdir) { ULONG ret = ERROR_SUCCESS;
// compute the size of the ACE we are making
USHORT acesize = (USHORT)(sizeof(ACCESS_DENIED_ACE) - sizeof(DWORD) + GetLengthSid(psid));
SIZE((stderr, "adding denied ace, size = %d\n",acesize))
// static buffer in the hopes we won't have to allocate memory
BYTE buf[1024];
// allocator either uses buf or allocates a new buffer if size is not enough
FastAllocator fa(buf, 1024);
// get the buffer for the ACE
ACCESS_DENIED_ACE *paaa = (ACCESS_DENIED_ACE *)fa.GetBuf(acesize); if (!paaa) return (ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY);
// fill in the ACE
memcpy(&paaa->SidStart,psid,GetLengthSid(psid)); paaa->Mask = mask;
paaa->Header.AceType = ACCESS_DENIED_ACE_TYPE; paaa->Header.AceFlags = fdir ? CONTAINER_INHERIT_ACE | OBJECT_INHERIT_ACE : 0; paaa->Header.AceSize = acesize;
// put the ACE into the ACL
if (!AddAce(dacl, dacl->AclRevision, 0xffffffff, paaa, paaa->Header.AceSize)) ret = GetLastError(); return(ret); } //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Member: CDaclWrap:_FillNewAcl, private
// Synopsis: The worker routine that actually fills the ACL, it adds the
// new denied ACEs, then if the new ACEs are being merged with
// an existing ACL, the existing ACL's ACE's (that don't
// conflict) are added, finally the new allowed ACEs are added.
// another ugly algorithm:
//for (new aces)
// if (new ace option == DENY)
// add new ace
//if (old aces)
// for (old aces)
// if (old ace mask != 0)
// add old ace
// for (new aces)
// if (new ace option != DENY)
// if ( new ace option != REVOKE)
// if (new ace mask != 0
// add new ace
// for (new aces)
// if (new ace option != DENY)
// add new ace
// Arguments: IN [pnewdacl] - the new ACL to be filled
// IN [poldacl] - (OPTIONAL) old ACL that is to be merged
// IN [fdir] - TRUE = directory
ULONG CDaclWrap::_FillNewAcl(ACL *pnewdacl, ACL *poldacl, BOOL fdir) { SID *psid = NULL; ULONG ret;
// set new denied aces
VERBOSE((stderr, "start addr of new ACL %p\n",pnewdacl))
for (ULONG j = 0; j < _ccaa; j++) { if (_aaa[j].option & OPTION_DENY) { if (ERROR_SUCCESS == (ret = _aaa[j].pcaa->Sid(&psid))) { if (!psid) { return (ERROR_INVALID_DATA); } if (ERROR_SUCCESS != (ret = _SetDeniedAce(pnewdacl, _aaa[j].pcaa->AccessMask(), psid, fdir ))) return(ret); } else return(ret); } }
// check and see if the ACL from from the file is in correct format
if (poldacl) { SIZE((stderr, "old ACL size = %d, acecount = %d\n",poldacl->AclSize, poldacl->AceCount))
ACE_HEADER *pah = (ACE_HEADER *)Add2Ptr(poldacl, sizeof(ACL));
// loop thru the old ACL, and add all explicit aces
BOOL fallowedacefound = FALSE; for (ULONG cace = 0; cace < poldacl->AceCount; cace++, pah = (ACE_HEADER *)Add2Ptr(pah, pah->AceSize)) { // error exit if the old ACL is incorrectly formated
if(pah->AceFlags & INHERITED_ACE) continue;
if (pah->AceType == ACCESS_DENIED_ACE_TYPE && fallowedacefound) { VERBOSE((stderr, "_FillNewAcl found an denied ACE after an allowed ACE\n")) return(ERROR_INVALID_DATA); } else if (pah->AceType == ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE_TYPE) fallowedacefound = TRUE;
// add the old ace to the new ACL if the old ace's mask is not zero
if ( 0 != (ACCESS_MASK)((ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE *)pah)->Mask) { // add the old ace
if (!AddAce(pnewdacl, pnewdacl->AclRevision, 0xffffffff, pah, pah->AceSize)) return(GetLastError()); } }
// now for the new aces
for (ULONG j = 0; j < _ccaa; j++) { if ( (_aaa[j].option != OPTION_DENY) && (_aaa[j].option != OPTION_REVOKE) && (_aaa[j].pcaa->AccessMask() != 0) ) { if (ERROR_SUCCESS == (ret = _aaa[j].pcaa->Sid(&psid))) { if (!psid) { return (ERROR_INVALID_DATA); } if (ERROR_SUCCESS != (ret = _SetAllowedAce(pnewdacl, _aaa[j].pcaa->AccessMask(), psid, fdir ))) return(ret); } else return(ret); }
// loop thru the old ACL, and add all the inherited aces
pah = (ACE_HEADER *)Add2Ptr(poldacl, sizeof(ACL));
for (ULONG cace = 0; cace < poldacl->AceCount; cace++, pah = (ACE_HEADER *)Add2Ptr(pah, pah->AceSize)) { if(pah->AceFlags & INHERITED_ACE) { // add the old ace to the new ACL if the old ace's mask is not zero
if ( 0 != (ACCESS_MASK)((ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE *)pah)->Mask) { // add the old ace
if (!AddAce(pnewdacl, pnewdacl->AclRevision, 0xffffffff, pah, pah->AceSize)) return(GetLastError()); } } }
} else { // no old acl, just add the (rest) of the new aces
for (ULONG j = 0; j < _ccaa; j++) { if (_aaa[j].option != OPTION_DENY) { if (ERROR_SUCCESS == (ret = _aaa[j].pcaa->Sid(&psid))) { if (!psid) { return (ERROR_INVALID_DATA); } if (ERROR_SUCCESS != (ret = _SetAllowedAce(pnewdacl, _aaa[j].pcaa->AccessMask(), psid, fdir ))) return(ret); } else return(ret); } } }
return(ERROR_SUCCESS); }