#include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <dos.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <io.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <sys\types.h>
#include <sys\stat.h>
#define MAX_PATH 256
#define READ_BUFFER_SIZE (8192*sizeof(DWORD))
#define CHECK_NAME "\\chkfile.chk"
extern BOOL fUsage; extern BOOL fGenerateCheck; extern LPSTR RootOfTree; char RootBuffer[MAX_PATH]; extern BOOL fVerbose; LPSTR CheckFileName; char OutputLine[512]; DWORD ReadBuffer[READ_BUFFER_SIZE/sizeof(DWORD)];
WORD CheckSum( DWORD ParitialSum, LPWORD Source, DWORD Length );
typedef struct _FINDBUF { char reserved[21]; char attrib; unsigned short wr_time; unsigned short wr_data; long size; char name[13]; } FINDBUF, *PFINDBUF;
DWORD PortFindFirstFile( LPSTR FindPattern, LPSTR FindName, LPBOOL IsDir, LPDWORD FindSize ); BOOL PortFindNextFile( DWORD FindHandle, LPSTR FindName, LPBOOL IsDir, LPDWORD FindSize );
VOID PortFindClose( DWORD FindHandle );
VOID GenerateCheckFile( VOID );
VOID ValidateCheckFile( VOID );
BOOL ProcessParameters( int argc, LPSTR argv[] );
FILE *GlobalCheckFile;
FILE * OpenCheckFile( VOID );
BOOL ComputeEntry( FILE *CheckFile, LPSTR FileName, DWORD FileLength );
DWORD CheckSumFile( FILE *InputHandle, LPSTR PathName, DWORD FileLength, LPSTR FileName );
BOOL fGenerateCheck = FALSE; LPSTR RootOfTree = "C:\\NT"; BOOL fVerbose = FALSE; BOOL fUsage = FALSE;
int ThreadCount; HANDLE ThreadListMutex; HANDLE ThreadListSemaphore; LIST_ENTRY WorkList;
#define ITEM_TYPE_EXIT 1
typedef struct _WORK_ITEM { LIST_ENTRY ItemLinks; DWORD ItemType; PVOID Base; DWORD FileLength; DWORD ActualSum; char FileName[MAX_PATH]; } WORK_ITEM, *PWORK_ITEM;
PHANDLE ThreadHandles; CRITICAL_SECTION GenerateCrit;
VOID WriteCheckSumEntry( FileName, Sum, FileLength ) { char lOutputLine[512]; int LineLength;
LineLength = sprintf(lOutputLine,"%s %x %x\n",FileName,Sum,FileLength); if ( fVerbose ) { fprintf(stdout,"Id %d %s",GetCurrentThreadId(),lOutputLine); } EnterCriticalSection(&GenerateCrit); fwrite(lOutputLine,1,LineLength,GlobalCheckFile); LeaveCriticalSection(&GenerateCrit); }
DWORD WorkerThread( LPVOID WhoCares ) { HANDLE Objects[2]; PWORK_ITEM Item; PLIST_ENTRY Entry; int FilesProcessed = 0;
Objects[0] = ThreadListMutex; Objects[1] = ThreadListSemaphore;
// Wait for and entry on the list, and exclusive ownership of the listhead
while(TRUE) { WaitForMultipleObjects(2,Objects,TRUE,INFINITE);
Entry = RemoveHeadList(&WorkList); Item = (PWORK_ITEM)(CONTAINING_RECORD(Entry,WORK_ITEM,ItemLinks));
switch ( Item->ItemType ) { case ITEM_TYPE_VALIDATE : FilesProcessed++; break;
case ITEM_TYPE_GENERATE : FilesProcessed++; { DWORD Sum; Sum = (DWORD)CheckSum(0,Item->Base,(Item->FileLength+1) >> 1); UnmapViewOfFile(Item->Base); WriteCheckSumEntry(Item->FileName,Sum,Item->FileLength); break; } break;
case ITEM_TYPE_EXIT : default: fprintf(stdout,"Id %d Processed %d Files\n",GetCurrentThreadId(),FilesProcessed); ExitThread(1);
} LocalFree(Item); } return 0; }
INT __cdecl main( argc, argv ) int argc; LPSTR argv[]; {
if (!ProcessParameters( argc, argv )) { fUsage = TRUE; }
if (fUsage) { fprintf( stderr, "usage: checkrel [-?] display this message\n" ); fprintf( stderr, " [-r pathname] supply release root\n" ); fprintf( stderr, " [-v] verbose output\n" ); fprintf( stderr, " [-g] generate check file\n" ); fprintf( stderr, " [-t n] use n threads to process the data\n" ); } else { //
// if we are generating a check file, then generate it,
// otherwise just check the release
if ( fGenerateCheck ) { GenerateCheckFile(); #ifndef COMPILED_FORDOS
if ( ThreadCount ) { int i; PWORK_ITEM Item; for(i=0;i<ThreadCount;i++){ Item = LocalAlloc(LMEM_ZEROINIT,sizeof(*Item)); Item->ItemType = ITEM_TYPE_EXIT; WaitForSingleObject(ThreadListMutex,INFINITE); InsertTailList(&WorkList,&Item->ItemLinks); ReleaseSemaphore(ThreadListSemaphore,1,NULL); ReleaseMutex(ThreadListMutex); } WaitForMultipleObjects(ThreadCount,ThreadHandles,TRUE,INFINITE); } #endif
} else { ValidateCheckFile(); } } return( 0 ); }
BOOL ProcessParameters( int argc, LPSTR argv[] ) { char c, *p; BOOL Result; char *WhoCares; int i;
Result = TRUE; while (--argc) { p = *++argv; if (*p == '/' || *p == '-') { while (c = *++p) switch (toupper( c )) { case '?': fUsage = TRUE; break;
case 'R': {
argc--; argv++;
RootOfTree = *argv; GetFullPathName(RootOfTree,sizeof(RootBuffer),RootBuffer,&WhoCares); RootOfTree = RootBuffer; break; }
case 'G': fGenerateCheck = TRUE; break;
case 'V': fVerbose = TRUE; break;
case 'T': { DWORD ThreadId;
argc--; argv++;
ThreadCount = atoi(*argv); InitializeListHead(&WorkList); ThreadListMutex = CreateMutex(NULL,FALSE,NULL); ThreadListSemaphore = CreateSemaphore(NULL,0,0x70000000,NULL); InitializeCriticalSection(&GenerateCrit); if ( ThreadListMutex && ThreadListSemaphore ) { ThreadHandles = LocalAlloc(LMEM_ZEROINIT,sizeof(HANDLE)*ThreadCount); if ( ThreadHandles ) { for(i=0;i<ThreadCount;i++) { ThreadHandles[i] = CreateThread( NULL, 0, WorkerThread, NULL, 0, &ThreadId ); if ( !ThreadHandles[i] ) { ThreadCount = 0; break; } } } else { ThreadCount = 0; } } else { ThreadCount = 0; }
break; } #endif
default: fprintf( stderr, "checkrel: Invalid switch - /%c\n", c ); Result = FALSE; break; } } } return( Result ); }
VOID WalkTree( FILE *CheckFile, LPSTR SubDir ) { char NextSubDir[MAX_PATH]; DWORD FindHandle; char FindPattern[MAX_PATH]; char FindName[MAX_PATH]; DWORD FindSize; BOOL b; BOOL IsDir;
// recursively walk the system searching all files
// build the find pattern
strcpy(FindPattern,RootOfTree); if ( SubDir ) { strcat(FindPattern,"\\"); strcat(FindPattern,SubDir); } strcat(FindPattern,"\\*.*");
if ( fVerbose ) { fprintf(stdout,"WalkTree %s \n",FindPattern); }
FindHandle = PortFindFirstFile(FindPattern,FindName,&IsDir,&FindSize); if ( FindHandle == -1 ) { fprintf(stderr,"checkrel: FindFirst(%s) failed %d\n",FindPattern,errno); return; }
b = TRUE; while(b) {
// recurse if we are at a directory
if ( IsDir ) {
// if name is . or .., skip to findnext
if ( !strcmp(FindName,".") || !strcmp(FindName,"..") ) { goto findnext; }
// if name is w32x86 or w32mips, skip to findnext
if ( !strcmp(FindName,"w32mips") || !strcmp(FindName,"w32x86") ) { goto findnext; }
NextSubDir[0] = '\0'; if ( SubDir ) { strcat(NextSubDir,SubDir); strcat(NextSubDir,"\\"); } strcat(NextSubDir,FindName); WalkTree(CheckFile,NextSubDir); } else { NextSubDir[0] = '\0'; if ( SubDir ) { strcat(NextSubDir,SubDir); strcat(NextSubDir,"\\"); } strcat(NextSubDir,FindName); b = ComputeEntry(CheckFile,NextSubDir,FindSize); }
if ( !b ) { fprintf(stderr,"checkrel: ComputeEntry faild\n"); return; } findnext: b = PortFindNextFile(FindHandle,FindName,&IsDir,&FindSize); } PortFindClose(FindHandle); }
VOID GenerateCheckFile( VOID ) { FILE *CheckFile;
CheckFile = OpenCheckFile(); if ( !CheckFile ) { return; }
WalkTree(CheckFile,NULL); }
VOID ValidateCheckFile( VOID ) { FILE *CheckFile; DWORD CheckSize, CheckSum; char CheckName[MAX_PATH]; DWORD n; LPSTR PathName; FILE *FileHandle; DWORD ActualSize; DWORD ActualSum;
CheckFile = OpenCheckFile(); if ( !CheckFile ) { return; }
PathName = malloc(strlen(RootOfTree)+MAX_PATH+1);
if ( !PathName ) { fprintf(stderr,"checkrel: memory allocation for %d bytes failed\n",strlen(RootOfTree)+MAX_PATH+1); return; }
n = fscanf(CheckFile,"%s %x %x",CheckName,&CheckSum,&CheckSize); while ( n != EOF ) { if ( n != 3 ) { fprintf(stderr,"checkrel: error in format\n"); return; }
// Now form the file and do the checksum compare
strcpy(PathName,RootOfTree); strcat(PathName,"\\"); strcat(PathName,CheckName);
FileHandle = fopen(PathName,"rb"); if ( !FileHandle ) { fprintf(stderr,"checkrel: failed to open file %s %d\n",PathName,errno); } else { ActualSize = _filelength(_fileno(FileHandle));
if ( ActualSize == 0xffffffff ) { fprintf(stderr,"checkrel: unable to get file size for file %s %d\n",PathName,errno); fclose(FileHandle); } else { if ( ActualSize != CheckSize ) { fprintf(stderr,"checkrel: FileSizes Differ for %s Actual %x vs. %x\n",PathName,ActualSize,CheckSize); } ActualSum = CheckSumFile(FileHandle,PathName,ActualSize,NULL); if ( ActualSum ) { if ( ActualSum != CheckSum ) { fprintf(stderr,"checkrel: CheckSums Differ for %s Actual %x vs. %x\n",PathName,ActualSum,CheckSum); } } if ( fVerbose ) { fprintf(stdout,"%s Sum(%x vs %x) Size(%x vs %x)\n",PathName,ActualSum,CheckSum,ActualSize,CheckSize); } } } n = fscanf(CheckFile,"%s %x %x",CheckName,&CheckSum,&CheckSize); } }
FILE * OpenCheckFile() { FILE *CheckFile;
GlobalCheckFile = (FILE *)-1; CheckFileName = malloc(strlen(RootOfTree)+strlen(CHECK_NAME)+1); if ( !CheckFileName ) { return (FILE *)-1; }
strcpy(CheckFileName,RootOfTree); strcat(CheckFileName,CHECK_NAME);
if ( fVerbose ) { fprintf(stdout,"checkrel: check name %s\n",CheckFileName); }
CheckFile = fopen(CheckFileName,fGenerateCheck ? "wt" : "rt");
if ( !CheckFile ) { fprintf(stderr,"checkrel: open %s failed %d\n",CheckFileName,errno); } GlobalCheckFile = CheckFile; return CheckFile; }
BOOL ComputeEntry( FILE *CheckFile, LPSTR FileName, DWORD FileLength ) { char PathName[MAX_PATH]; DWORD CheckSum; DWORD LineLength;
strcpy(PathName,RootOfTree); strcat(PathName,"\\"); strcat(PathName,FileName);
CheckSum = CheckSumFile(NULL,PathName,FileLength,FileName);
if ( CheckSum ) { LineLength = sprintf(OutputLine,"%s %x %x\n",FileName,CheckSum,FileLength); if ( fVerbose ) { fprintf(stdout,"%s",OutputLine); } fwrite(OutputLine,1,LineLength,CheckFile); } return TRUE; }
DWORD CheckSumFile( FILE *InputHandle, LPSTR PathName, DWORD FileLength, LPSTR FileName )
FILE *FileHandle; DWORD Sum; signed char *pb; LPDWORD pul; PVOID Base; DWORD cbread, cbreadtotal;
if ( InputHandle ){ FileHandle = InputHandle; } else { FileHandle = fopen(PathName,"rb"); if ( !FileHandle ) { fprintf(stderr,"checkrel: failed to open file %s %d\n",PathName,errno); return 0; }
if ( ThreadCount ) { PWORK_ITEM Item; HANDLE Win32FileHandle; HANDLE MappingHandle;
// Queue the generate request to a worker thread
Item = LocalAlloc(LMEM_ZEROINIT,sizeof(*Item));
if (!Item) { goto bail; } Win32FileHandle = (HANDLE)_get_osfhandle(_fileno(FileHandle)); MappingHandle = CreateFileMapping( Win32FileHandle, NULL, PAGE_READONLY, 0, 0, NULL ); if ( !MappingHandle ) { fprintf(stderr,"checkrel: failed to map file %s %d\n",PathName,GetLastError()); fclose(FileHandle); return 0; } Base = MapViewOfFile( MappingHandle, FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0, 0 ); CloseHandle(MappingHandle); if ( !Base ) { fprintf(stderr,"checkrel: failed to map view of file %s %d\n",PathName,GetLastError()); fclose(FileHandle); return 0; } fclose(FileHandle);
Item->ItemType = ITEM_TYPE_GENERATE; Item->Base = Base; Item->FileLength = FileLength; strcpy(&Item->FileName[0],FileName); WaitForSingleObject(ThreadListMutex,INFINITE); InsertTailList(&WorkList,&Item->ItemLinks); ReleaseSemaphore(ThreadListSemaphore,1,NULL); ReleaseMutex(ThreadListMutex); return 0; } bail:; #endif
Base = ReadBuffer;
// Read the file in large blocks and compute the checksum.
Sum = 0; cbreadtotal = 0; while (cbread = fread(ReadBuffer, 1, READ_BUFFER_SIZE, FileHandle)) { cbreadtotal += cbread; pb = Base;
// Make sure the last byte of the buffer is zero in case a
// partial buffer was read with an odd number of bytes in the
// buffer.
((PBYTE)ReadBuffer)[cbread] = 0;
// Compute the checksum using the same algorithm used for
// tcp/ip network packets. This is a word checksum with all
// carries folded back into the sum.
Sum = (DWORD)CheckSum(Sum, (LPWORD)ReadBuffer, (cbread + 1) >> 1); } #else
{ HANDLE Win32FileHandle; HANDLE MappingHandle;
Win32FileHandle = (HANDLE)_get_osfhandle(_fileno(FileHandle)); MappingHandle = CreateFileMapping( Win32FileHandle, NULL, PAGE_READONLY, 0, 0, NULL ); if ( !MappingHandle ) { fprintf(stderr,"checkrel: failed to map file %s %d\n",PathName,GetLastError()); fclose(FileHandle); return 0; } Base = MapViewOfFile( MappingHandle, FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0, 0 ); CloseHandle(MappingHandle); if ( !Base ) { fprintf(stderr,"checkrel: failed to map view of file %s %d\n",PathName,GetLastError()); fclose(FileHandle); return 0; } Sum = (DWORD)CheckSum(0,Base,(FileLength+1) >> 1); UnmapViewOfFile(Base); } #endif
if (Sum == 0) { Sum = FileLength; }
return(Sum); }
DWORD PortFindFirstFile( LPSTR FindPattern, LPSTR FindName, LPBOOL IsDir, LPDWORD FindSize ) { HANDLE FindHandle; WIN32_FIND_DATA FindFileData;
FindHandle = FindFirstFile(FindPattern,&FindFileData); if ( FindHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { strcpy(FindName,FindFileData.cFileName); *FindSize = FindFileData.nFileSizeLow; *IsDir = FindFileData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY; } return (DWORD)FindHandle; }
BOOL PortFindNextFile( DWORD FindHandle, LPSTR FindName, LPBOOL IsDir, LPDWORD FindSize ) { BOOL b; WIN32_FIND_DATA FindFileData;
b = FindNextFile((HANDLE)FindHandle,&FindFileData); if ( b ) { strcpy(FindName,FindFileData.cFileName); *FindSize = FindFileData.nFileSizeLow; *IsDir = FindFileData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY; } return b; }
VOID PortFindClose( DWORD FindHandle ) { FindClose((HANDLE)FindHandle); } #else
DWORD PortFindFirstFile( LPSTR FindPattern, LPSTR FindName, LPBOOL IsDir, LPDWORD FindSize ) { struct find_t *FindHandle; int error;
FindHandle = malloc(sizeof(*FindHandle));
error = _dos_findfirst(FindPattern,_A_RDONLY | _A_NORMAL | _A_DIR, FindHandle); if ( error ) { free(FindHandle); return -1; } strcpy(FindName,FindHandle->name); *FindSize = FindHandle->size; *IsDir = FindHandle->attrib & 0x10; return (DWORD)FindHandle; }
BOOL PortFindNextFile( DWORD FindHandle, LPSTR FindName, LPBOOL IsDir, LPDWORD FindSize ) { BOOL b; int error; struct find_t *xxFindHandle;
xxFindHandle = (struct find_t *)FindHandle; error = _dos_findnext( xxFindHandle ); if ( error ) { return FALSE; } strcpy(FindName,xxFindHandle->name); *FindSize = xxFindHandle->size; *IsDir = FindHandle->attrib & 0x10; return TRUE; }
VOID PortFindClose( DWORD FindHandle ) { free((int *)FindHandle); }
WORD CheckSum( DWORD PartialSum, LPWORD Source, DWORD Length )
register unsigned long t = PartialSum; register unsigned long r;
while(Length--) { t += *Source++; }
while (r = (t & 0xFFFF0000) { t &= 0x0000FFFF; t += (r >> 16); }
return t; }