// CopyFAPI.cxx
// This program provides a very simple wrapper of the CopyFileEx API
// (and the PrivCopyFileEx in NT5) with no extra functionality.
#define UNICODE
#define _UNICODE
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <process.h>
#include <winbasep.h>
// PromptForNotSupported
// When the PrivCopyFileEx callback function is called to inform the caller
// that something couldn't be copied, this routine is used to prompt the
// user of this utility to see if we should continue.
DWORD PromptForNotSupported( LPWSTR pwszPrompt ) { WCHAR wc = 'z'; HANDLE hKeyboard = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; ULONG KeyboardModeNew, KeyboardModeOld;
hKeyboard = CreateFile( (LPWSTR)L"CONIN$", GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL ); if( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hKeyboard && !IsDebuggerPresent() && GetConsoleMode( hKeyboard, &KeyboardModeOld ) ) { KeyboardModeNew = KeyboardModeOld & ~(ENABLE_LINE_INPUT | ENABLE_PROCESSED_INPUT | ENABLE_ECHO_INPUT); SetConsoleMode( hKeyboard, KeyboardModeNew ); }
while( TRUE ) { for( int i = 0; i < sizeof(rgPromptResponse)/sizeof(rgPromptResponse[0]); i++ ) { if( wc == rgPromptResponse[i].wc ) return( rgPromptResponse[i].dwProgress ); }
wprintf( L"%s (cOntinue, cAncel, Stop, Quiet, Not handled) ", pwszPrompt ); wc = getwchar(); wprintf( L"\r" ); wprintf( L" \r" ); }
SetConsoleMode( hKeyboard, KeyboardModeOld ); CloseHandle( hKeyboard );
return( PROGRESS_CONTINUE ); // Should never execute
// CopyFileProgressRoutine
// This is the callback function given to CopyFileEx (if so desired by
// the user). It displays the progress information, and prompts the
// user for permission to continue if something (e.g. ACLs) can't be
// copied.
DWORD WINAPI CopyFileProgressRoutine( LARGE_INTEGER TotalFileSize, LARGE_INTEGER TotalBytesTransferred, LARGE_INTEGER StreamSize, LARGE_INTEGER StreamBytesTransferred, DWORD dwStreamNumber, DWORD dwCallbackReason, HANDLE hSourceFile, HANDLE hDestinationFile, LPVOID lpData OPTIONAL ) { wprintf( L"Progress: %7I64i, %7I64i, %7I64i, %7I64i, %7d\n", TotalFileSize.QuadPart, TotalBytesTransferred.QuadPart, StreamSize, StreamBytesTransferred, dwStreamNumber );
switch( dwCallbackReason ) { case PRIVCALLBACK_STREAMS_NOT_SUPPORTED: return( PromptForNotSupported( L"Streams not supported" ));
case PRIVCALLBACK_SECURITY_INFORMATION_NOT_SUPPORTED: return( PromptForNotSupported( L"Security info not supported" ));
case PRIVCALLBACK_COMPRESSION_NOT_SUPPORTED: return( PromptForNotSupported( L"Compression not supported" ));
case PRIVCALLBACK_COMPRESSION_FAILED: return( PromptForNotSupported( L"Compression failed" ));
case PRIVCALLBACK_ENCRYPTION_NOT_SUPPORTED: return( PromptForNotSupported( L"Encryption not supported" ));
case PRIVCALLBACK_CANT_ENCRYPT_SYSTEM_FILE: return( PromptForNotSupported( L"Can't encrypt a system file" ));
case PRIVCALLBACK_ENCRYPTION_FAILED: return( PromptForNotSupported( L"Encryption failed" ));
case PRIVCALLBACK_EAS_NOT_SUPPORTED: return( PromptForNotSupported( L"EAs not supported" ));
case PRIVCALLBACK_SPARSE_NOT_SUPPORTED: return( PromptForNotSupported( L"Sparse not supported" ));
case PRIVCALLBACK_SPARSE_FAILED: return( PromptForNotSupported( L"Sparse failed" ));
case PRIVCALLBACK_DACL_ACCESS_DENIED: return( PromptForNotSupported( L"DACL access denied" ));
case PRIVCALLBACK_OWNER_GROUP_ACCESS_DENIED: return( PromptForNotSupported( L"Owner/group access denied" ));
case PRIVCALLBACK_OWNER_GROUP_FAILED: return( PromptForNotSupported( L"Owner/group failed" ));
case PRIVCALLBACK_SACL_ACCESS_DENIED: return( PromptForNotSupported( L"SACL access denied" ));
case CALLBACK_CHUNK_FINISHED: case CALLBACK_STREAM_SWITCH: return( PROGRESS_CONTINUE ); default: return( PromptForNotSupported( L"<Unknown>" )); }
void Usage() { printf( "\n Purpose: Call the CopyFile API\n" " Usage: CopyFAPI [options] <source> <dest>\n" " Options: -f COPY_FILE_FAIL_IF_EXISTS\n" " -r COPY_FILE_RESTARTABLE\n" " -e COPY_FILE_ALLOW_DECRYPTED_DESTINATION\n" " -m PRIVCOPY_FILE_METADATA\n" " -s PRIVCOPY_FILE_SACL\n" " -u PRIVCOPY_FILE_SUPERSEDE\n" " -o PRIVCOPY_FILE_OWNER_GROUP\n" " -d PRIVCOPY_FILE_DIRECTORY\n" " -b PRIVCOPY_FILE_BACKUP_SEMANTICS\n" " -c Use the callback function\n" " Note: Since this simply calls the CopyFile API,\n" " you must specify the file path (not just\n" " the parent directory), and wildcards\n" " are not allowed\n" ); }
typedef BOOL (__stdcall *PFNMoveFileIdentityW)( LPCWSTR lpOldFileName, LPCWSTR lpNewFileName, DWORD dwFlags );
typedef BOOL (__stdcall *PFNPrivCopyFileExW)( LPCWSTR lpExistingFileName, LPCWSTR lpNewFileName, LPPROGRESS_ROUTINE lpProgressRoutine OPTIONAL, LPVOID lpData OPTIONAL, LPBOOL pbCancel OPTIONAL, DWORD dwCopyFlags );
// wmain
// User parameters are mapped to CopyFileEx parameters, then the API
// is called.
extern "C" void __cdecl wmain( int cArgs, WCHAR *rgpwszArgs[] ) { LONG iArgs; DWORD dwCopyFileFlags = 0; BOOL fUseCallback = FALSE;
cArgs--; iArgs = 1; while( cArgs > 0 ) { if( L'-' != rgpwszArgs[iArgs][0] && L'/' != rgpwszArgs[iArgs][0] ) { break; }
WCHAR wcUpper = towupper( rgpwszArgs[iArgs][1] ); switch( wcUpper ) { case 'F': dwCopyFileFlags |= COPY_FILE_FAIL_IF_EXISTS; break;
case 'R': dwCopyFileFlags |= COPY_FILE_RESTARTABLE; break;
case 'E': dwCopyFileFlags |= COPY_FILE_ALLOW_DECRYPTED_DESTINATION; break;
case 'M': dwCopyFileFlags |= PRIVCOPY_FILE_METADATA; break;
case 'S': dwCopyFileFlags |= PRIVCOPY_FILE_SACL; break;
case 'U': dwCopyFileFlags |= PRIVCOPY_FILE_SUPERSEDE; break;
case 'O': dwCopyFileFlags |= PRIVCOPY_FILE_OWNER_GROUP; break;
case 'D': dwCopyFileFlags |= PRIVCOPY_FILE_DIRECTORY; break;
case 'B': dwCopyFileFlags |= PRIVCOPY_FILE_BACKUP_SEMANTICS; break;
case 'C': fUseCallback = TRUE; break; case 'X': dwCopyFileFlags |= 0x80; break;
case 'P': dwCopyFileFlags |= 0x100; break;
default: wprintf( L"Invalid option: %c\n", wcUpper ); Usage(); exit(0); }
iArgs++; cArgs--; }
if( cArgs != 2 ) { Usage(); exit(0); }
if( fUseCallback ) wprintf( L" cbTotal cbCur cbStm cbStmCur StmNum\n" );
try { if( PRIVCOPY_FILE_VALID_FLAGS & dwCopyFileFlags ) { // We need to call the private API
PFNPrivCopyFileExW pfnPrivCopyFileExW; pfnPrivCopyFileExW = (PFNPrivCopyFileExW) GetProcAddress( GetModuleHandle(L"kernel32.dll"), "PrivCopyFileExW" ); if( NULL == pfnPrivCopyFileExW ) throw L"Couldn't get PrivCopyFileExW export";
if( !pfnPrivCopyFileExW( rgpwszArgs[iArgs], rgpwszArgs[iArgs+1], fUseCallback ? CopyFileProgressRoutine : NULL, NULL, NULL, dwCopyFileFlags )) throw L"PrivCopyFileEx failed"; else wprintf( L"Succeeded\n" ); } else { // We can use the public API
if( !CopyFileExW( rgpwszArgs[iArgs], rgpwszArgs[iArgs+1], fUseCallback ? CopyFileProgressRoutine : NULL, NULL, NULL, dwCopyFileFlags )) throw L"CopyFileEx failed"; else wprintf( L"Succeeded\n" ); } } catch( const WCHAR *pwszError ) { wprintf( L"Error: %s (%lu)\n", pwszError, GetLastError() ); }