// DbgRpc transports.
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 2000-2002.
#include "pch.hpp"
#include <ws2tcpip.h>
// Crypto hashing requires a crypto provider to be available
// (this may not always be the case on Win9x or NT4) so just go with Base64.
#define HashPassword(Password, Buffer) Base64HashPassword(Password, Buffer)
#ifdef _WIN32_WCE
#ifndef NT_NATIVE
BOOL CryptoHashPassword(PCSTR Password, PUCHAR Buffer) { BOOL Status = FALSE; HCRYPTPROV Prov; HCRYPTHASH Hash; ULONG HashSize;
if (!CryptAcquireContext(&Prov, NULL, MS_DEF_PROV, PROV_RSA_FULL, CRYPT_VERIFYCONTEXT)) { goto EH_Fail; } if (!CryptCreateHash(Prov, CALG_MD5, NULL, 0, &Hash)) { goto EH_Prov; } if (!CryptHashData(Hash, (PBYTE)Password, strlen(Password), 0)) { goto EH_Hash; } ZeroMemory(Buffer, MAX_PASSWORD_BUFFER); HashSize = MAX_PASSWORD_BUFFER; if (!CryptGetHashParam(Hash, HP_HASHVAL, Buffer, &HashSize, 0)) { goto EH_Hash; } Status = TRUE;
EH_Hash: CryptDestroyHash(Hash); EH_Prov: CryptReleaseContext(Prov, 0); EH_Fail: if (!Status) { DRPC_ERR(("Unable to hash password, %d\n", GetLastError())); } return Status; }
#endif // #ifndef NT_NATIVE
UCHAR g_Base64Table[64] = { 'A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M','N','O','P', 'Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z','a','b','c','d','e','f', 'g','h','i','j','k','l','m','n','o','p','q','r','s','t','u','v', 'w','x','y','z','0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','+','/' };
BOOL Base64HashPassword(PCSTR Password, PUCHAR Buffer) { ULONG Len = strlen(Password); if ((Len * 4 + 2) / 3 > MAX_PASSWORD_BUFFER) { DRPC_ERR(("Unable to hash password\n")); return FALSE; } ZeroMemory(Buffer, MAX_PASSWORD_BUFFER);
ULONG Collect; while (Len >= 3) { //
// Collect three characters and turn them
// into four output bytes.
Collect = *Password++; Collect = (Collect << 8) | *Password++; Collect = (Collect << 8) | *Password++;
*Buffer++ = g_Base64Table[(Collect >> 18) & 0x3f]; *Buffer++ = g_Base64Table[(Collect >> 12) & 0x3f]; *Buffer++ = g_Base64Table[(Collect >> 6) & 0x3f]; *Buffer++ = g_Base64Table[(Collect >> 0) & 0x3f];
Len -= 3; }
switch(Len) { case 2: Collect = *Password++; Collect = (Collect << 8) | *Password++; Collect <<= 8; *Buffer++ = g_Base64Table[(Collect >> 18) & 0x3f]; *Buffer++ = g_Base64Table[(Collect >> 12) & 0x3f]; *Buffer++ = g_Base64Table[(Collect >> 6) & 0x3f]; *Buffer++ = '='; break; case 1: Collect = *Password++; Collect <<= 16; *Buffer++ = g_Base64Table[(Collect >> 18) & 0x3f]; *Buffer++ = g_Base64Table[(Collect >> 12) & 0x3f]; *Buffer++ = '='; *Buffer++ = '='; break; } return TRUE; }
// DbgRpcTransport.
PCSTR g_DbgRpcTransportNames[TRANS_COUNT] = { "tcp", "npipe", "ssl", "spipe", "1394", "com", };
DbgRpcTransport::~DbgRpcTransport(void) { // Nothing to do.
ULONG DbgRpcTransport::GetNumberParameters(void) { return 3; }
void DbgRpcTransport::GetParameter(ULONG Index, PSTR Name, ULONG NameSize, PSTR Value, ULONG ValueSize) { switch(Index) { case 0: if (m_ServerName[0]) { CopyString(Name, "Server", NameSize); CopyString(Value, m_ServerName, ValueSize); } break; case 1: if (m_PasswordGiven) { CopyString(Name, "Password", NameSize); CopyString(Value, "*", ValueSize); } break; case 2: if (m_Hidden) { CopyString(Name, "Hidden", NameSize); } break; } }
void DbgRpcTransport::ResetParameters(void) { m_PasswordGiven = FALSE; m_Hidden = FALSE; m_ServerName[0] = 0; m_ClientConnect = FALSE; m_ClientConnectAttempts = 0; }
BOOL DbgRpcTransport::SetParameter(PCSTR Name, PCSTR Value) { if (!_stricmp(Name, "Password")) { if (Value == NULL) { DbgRpcError("Remoting password was not specified correctly\n"); return FALSE; }
if (!HashPassword(Value, m_HashedPassword)) { return FALSE; } m_PasswordGiven = TRUE; } else if (!_stricmp(Name, "Hidden")) { m_Hidden = TRUE; } else { return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
void DbgRpcTransport::CloneData(DbgRpcTransport* Trans) { strcpy(Trans->m_ServerName, m_ServerName); Trans->m_PasswordGiven = m_PasswordGiven; Trans->m_Hidden = m_Hidden; memcpy(Trans->m_HashedPassword, m_HashedPassword, sizeof(m_HashedPassword)); Trans->m_ClientConnect = m_ClientConnect; Trans->m_ClientConnectAttempts = m_ClientConnectAttempts; }
// DbgRpcTcpTransport.
#ifndef NT_NATIVE
DbgRpcTcpTransport::DbgRpcTcpTransport(void) { m_Name = g_DbgRpcTransportNames[TRANS_TCP]; m_Sock = INVALID_SOCKET; ZeroMemory(&m_OlRead, sizeof(m_OlRead)); ZeroMemory(&m_OlWrite, sizeof(m_OlWrite)); }
DbgRpcTcpTransport::~DbgRpcTcpTransport(void) { if (m_Sock != INVALID_SOCKET) { shutdown(m_Sock, 2); closesocket(m_Sock); m_Sock = INVALID_SOCKET; } #ifndef SYNC_SOCKETS
if (m_OlRead.hEvent != NULL) { WSACloseEvent(m_OlRead.hEvent); ZeroMemory(&m_OlRead, sizeof(m_OlRead)); } if (m_OlWrite.hEvent != NULL) { WSACloseEvent(m_OlWrite.hEvent); ZeroMemory(&m_OlWrite, sizeof(m_OlWrite)); } #endif
ULONG DbgRpcTcpTransport::GetNumberParameters(void) { return 4 + DbgRpcTransport::GetNumberParameters(); }
void DbgRpcTcpTransport::GetParameter(ULONG Index, PSTR Name, ULONG NameSize, PSTR Value, ULONG ValueSize) { switch(Index) { case 0: if (SS_PORT(&m_Addr)) { CopyString(Name, "Port", NameSize); PrintString(Value, ValueSize, "%d", ntohs(SS_PORT(&m_Addr))); if (m_TopPort) { ULONG Used = strlen(Value); PrintString(Value + Used, ValueSize - Used, ":%d", m_TopPort); } } break; case 1: if (m_AddrLength == sizeof(SOCKADDR_IN6)) { CopyString(Name, "IpVersion", NameSize); Value[0] = '6'; Value[1] = 0; } break; case 2: if (m_ClientConnectName[0]) { CopyString(Name, "CliCon", NameSize); CopyString(Value, m_ClientConnectName, ValueSize); } break; case 3: if (m_ClientConnectAttempts) { CopyString(Name, "CliConLim", NameSize); PrintString(Value, ValueSize, "%d", m_ClientConnectAttempts); } break; default: DbgRpcTransport::GetParameter(Index - 4, Name, NameSize, Value, ValueSize); break; } }
void DbgRpcTcpTransport::ResetParameters(void) { ZeroMemory(&m_Addr, sizeof(m_Addr)); m_Addr.ss_family = AF_INET; m_AddrLength = sizeof(SOCKADDR_IN); m_TopPort = 0; m_ClientConnectName[0] = 0; // ClientConnectAddr parameters are taken from m_Addr
// when clicon is used.
DbgRpcTransport::ResetParameters(); }
BOOL DbgRpcTcpTransport::SetParameter(PCSTR Name, PCSTR Value) { if (!_stricmp(Name, "ipversion")) { ULONG Version;
if (Value == NULL || sscanf(Value, "%d", &Version) != 1) { DbgRpcError("TCP parameters: " "the IP version was not specified correctly\n"); return FALSE; }
switch(Version) { case 4: m_Addr.ss_family = AF_INET; m_AddrLength = sizeof(SOCKADDR_IN); break; case 6: m_Addr.ss_family = AF_INET6; m_AddrLength = sizeof(SOCKADDR_IN6); break; default: DbgRpcError("TCP parameters: IP version must " "be 4 or 6\n"); return FALSE; } } else if (!_stricmp(Name, "port")) { if (Value == NULL) { DbgRpcError("TCP parameters: " "the port number was not specified correctly\n"); return FALSE; }
// Allow a range of ports to be specified if so desired.
switch(sscanf(Value, "%i:%i", &Port, &m_TopPort)) { case 0: Port = 0; // Fall through.
case 1: m_TopPort = 0; break; }
if (Port > 0xffff || m_TopPort > 0xffff) { DbgRpcError("TCP parameters: port numbers are " "limited to 16 bits\n"); return FALSE; } SS_PORT(&m_Addr) = htons((USHORT)Port); } else if (!_stricmp(Name, "server")) { if (Value == NULL) { DbgRpcError("TCP parameters: " "the server name was not specified correctly\n"); return FALSE; }
if (InitIpAddress(Value, 0, &m_Addr, &m_AddrLength) != S_OK) { DbgRpcError("TCP parameters: " "the specified server (%s) does not exist\n", Value); return FALSE; }
if (!CopyString(m_ServerName, Value, DIMA(m_ServerName))) { return FALSE; } } else if (!_stricmp(Name, "clicon")) { if (Value == NULL) { DbgRpcError("TCP parameters: " "the client name was not specified correctly\n"); return FALSE; }
m_ClientConnectAddr = m_Addr; if (InitIpAddress(Value, 0, &m_ClientConnectAddr, &m_ClientConnectAddrLength) != S_OK) { DbgRpcError("TCP parameters: " "the specified server (%s) does not exist\n", Value); return FALSE; }
if (!CopyString(m_ClientConnectName, Value, DIMA(m_ClientConnectName))) { return FALSE; }
m_ClientConnect = TRUE; // A client-connect server will only do one
// connection outward and cannot receive connections
// so there's no point in advertising it.
m_Hidden = TRUE; // Normally the debugger creates two separate clients.
m_ClientConnectAttempts = 2; } else if (!_stricmp(Name, "cliconlim")) { if (Value == NULL || sscanf(Value, "%i", &m_ClientConnectAttempts) != 1) { DbgRpcError("TCP parameters: the client connect limit " "was not specified correctly\n"); return FALSE; } } else { if (!DbgRpcTransport::SetParameter(Name, Value)) { DbgRpcError("TCP parameters: %s is not a valid parameter\n", Name); return FALSE; } }
return TRUE; }
DbgRpcTransport* DbgRpcTcpTransport::Clone(void) { DbgRpcTcpTransport* Trans = new DbgRpcTcpTransport; if (Trans != NULL) { DbgRpcTransport::CloneData(Trans); Trans->m_Addr = m_Addr; Trans->m_AddrLength = m_AddrLength; Trans->m_TopPort = m_TopPort; memcpy(Trans->m_ClientConnectName, m_ClientConnectName, sizeof(Trans->m_ClientConnectName)); Trans->m_ClientConnectAddr = m_ClientConnectAddr; Trans->m_ClientConnectAddrLength = m_ClientConnectAddrLength; } return Trans; }
HRESULT DbgRpcTcpTransport::CreateServer(void) { if (m_ClientConnectName[0]) { // If the server is going to initiate connection
// to the client there's nothing to do here.
return S_OK; } else { return CreateServerSocket(); } }
HRESULT DbgRpcTcpTransport::AcceptConnection(DbgRpcTransport** ClientTrans, PSTR Identity, ULONG IdentitySize) { HRESULT Status; DbgRpcTcpTransport* Trans; if (!(Trans = new DbgRpcTcpTransport)) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
if (m_ClientConnectName[0]) { //
// The server needs to initiate connection
// to the client instead of accepting.
Trans->m_Addr = m_ClientConnectAddr; Trans->m_AddrLength = m_ClientConnectAddrLength;
Status = Trans->ConnectSocket(); } else { Status = Trans->AcceptSocketConnection(m_Sock); }
if (Status != S_OK) { delete Trans; return Status; }
GetAddressIdentity(&Trans->m_Addr, Trans->m_AddrLength, Identity, IdentitySize); *ClientTrans = Trans; return S_OK; }
HRESULT DbgRpcTcpTransport::ConnectServer(void) { HRESULT Status; if (m_ClientConnectName[0]) { //
// We need to keep the server socket open
// to allow multiple connects. There's no
// good way to keep it associated with other
// data on the client, though, as from the
// client's point of view it's just doing multiple
// separate connections. For now just keep
// a global around.
static SOCKET s_ServSock = INVALID_SOCKET;
if (s_ServSock == INVALID_SOCKET) { if ((Status = CreateServerSocket()) != S_OK) { LeaveCriticalSection(&g_DbgRpcLock); return Status; }
s_ServSock = m_Sock; } LeaveCriticalSection(&g_DbgRpcLock);
return AcceptSocketConnection(s_ServSock); } else { return ConnectSocket(); } }
ULONG DbgRpcTcpTransport::Read(ULONG Seq, PVOID Buffer, ULONG Len) { ULONG Done;
Done = 0; while (Len > 0) { #ifndef SYNC_SOCKETS
if (!WSAResetEvent(m_OlRead.hEvent)) { break; }
WSABUF SockBuf; ULONG SockDone; ULONG SockFlags;
SockBuf.buf = (PSTR)Buffer; SockBuf.len = Len; SockFlags = 0; if (WSARecv(m_Sock, &SockBuf, 1, &SockDone, &SockFlags, &m_OlRead, NULL) == SOCKET_ERROR) { if (WSAGetLastError() == WSA_IO_PENDING) { if (!WSAGetOverlappedResult(m_Sock, &m_OlRead, &SockDone, TRUE, &SockFlags)) { break; } } else { break; } } #else
int SockDone;
SockDone = recv(m_Sock, (PSTR)Buffer, Len, 0); #endif
if (SockDone == 0) { // Socket connection was broken.
break; }
Buffer = (PVOID)((PUCHAR)Buffer + SockDone); Len -= SockDone; Done += SockDone; }
return Done; }
ULONG DbgRpcTcpTransport::Write(ULONG Seq, PVOID Buffer, ULONG Len) { ULONG Done;
Done = 0; while (Len > 0) { #ifndef SYNC_SOCKETS
if (!WSAResetEvent(m_OlWrite.hEvent)) { break; }
WSABUF SockBuf; ULONG SockDone; ULONG SockFlags;
SockBuf.buf = (PSTR)Buffer; SockBuf.len = Len; SockFlags = 0; if (WSASend(m_Sock, &SockBuf, 1, &SockDone, SockFlags, &m_OlWrite, NULL) == SOCKET_ERROR) { if (WSAGetLastError() == WSA_IO_PENDING) { if (!WSAGetOverlappedResult(m_Sock, &m_OlWrite, &SockDone, TRUE, &SockFlags)) { break; } } else { break; } } #else
int SockDone;
SockDone = send(m_Sock, (PSTR)Buffer, Len, 0); if (SockDone <= 0) { break; } #endif
Buffer = (PVOID)((PUCHAR)Buffer + SockDone); Len -= SockDone; Done += SockDone; }
return Done; }
HRESULT DbgRpcTcpTransport::InitOl(void) { #ifndef SYNC_SOCKETS
m_OlRead.hEvent = WSACreateEvent(); if (m_OlRead.hEvent == NULL) { return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(WSAGetLastError()); } m_OlWrite.hEvent = WSACreateEvent(); if (m_OlWrite.hEvent == NULL) { WSACloseEvent(m_OlRead.hEvent); m_OlRead.hEvent = NULL; return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(WSAGetLastError()); } #endif
return S_OK; }
void DbgRpcTcpTransport::GetAddressIdentity(PSOCKADDR_STORAGE Addr, int AddrLength, PSTR Identity, ULONG IdentitySize) { if (Addr->ss_family == AF_INET || Addr->ss_family == AF_INET6) { CopyString(Identity, "tcp ", IdentitySize);
struct hostent* Host = #if 0
// This lookup is really slow and doesn't seem to work
// very often so just don't bother.
gethostbyaddr((PCSTR)Addr, AddrLength, Addr->ss_family); #else
NULL; #endif
if (Host != NULL) { CatString(Identity, Host->h_name, IdentitySize); CatString(Identity, " ", IdentitySize); }
int IdLen = strlen(Identity); char ServerAndPort[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN + 19]; DWORD SapLen = sizeof(ServerAndPort); if (WSAAddressToStringA((struct sockaddr *)Addr, AddrLength, NULL, ServerAndPort, &SapLen) == SOCKET_ERROR) { PrintString(Identity + IdLen, IdentitySize - IdLen, "<Addr Failure>, port %d", ntohs(SS_PORT(&m_Addr))); } else { CatString(Identity, ServerAndPort, IdentitySize); } } else { PrintString(Identity, IdentitySize, "tcp family %d, bytes %d", Addr->ss_family, AddrLength); } }
HRESULT DbgRpcTcpTransport::CreateServerSocket(void) { HRESULT Status;
// We must create our sockets overlapped so that
// we can control waiting for I/O completion.
// If we leave the waiting to Winsock by using
// synchronous sockets it uses an alertable wait
// which can cause our event notification APCs to
// be received in the middle of reading packets.
m_Sock = WSASocket(m_Addr.ss_family, SOCK_STREAM, 0, NULL, 0, WSA_FLAG_OVERLAPPED); if (m_Sock == INVALID_SOCKET) { Status = WIN32_STATUS(WSAGetLastError()); goto EH_Fail; }
for (;;) { if (bind(m_Sock, (struct sockaddr *)&m_Addr, m_AddrLength) != SOCKET_ERROR) { break; }
ULONG Port = ntohs(SS_PORT(&m_Addr)); Status = WIN32_STATUS(WSAGetLastError()); if (Status == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(WSAEADDRINUSE) && m_TopPort > Port) { // The user has given a range of ports and
// we haven't checked them all yet, so go
// around again.
SS_PORT(&m_Addr) = htons((USHORT)(Port + 1)); } else { goto EH_Sock; } }
// Retrieve the port actually used in case port
// zero was used to let TCP pick a port.
Len = sizeof(Name); if (getsockname(m_Sock, (struct sockaddr *)&Name, &Len) != 0) { Status = WIN32_STATUS(WSAGetLastError()); goto EH_Sock; }
// Copy just the port as we do not want
// to update the rest of the address.
SS_PORT(&m_Addr) = SS_PORT(&Name); // Turn off linger-on-close.
int On; On = TRUE; setsockopt(m_Sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_DONTLINGER, (char *)&On, sizeof(On));
if (listen(m_Sock, SOMAXCONN) == SOCKET_ERROR) { Status = WIN32_STATUS(WSAGetLastError()); goto EH_Sock; }
return S_OK;
EH_Sock: closesocket(m_Sock); m_Sock = INVALID_SOCKET; EH_Fail: return Status; }
HRESULT DbgRpcTcpTransport::AcceptSocketConnection(SOCKET ServSock) { DRPC(("%X: Waiting to accept connection on socket %p\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), ServSock)); m_AddrLength = sizeof(m_Addr); m_Sock = accept(ServSock, (struct sockaddr *)&m_Addr, &m_AddrLength); if (m_Sock == INVALID_SOCKET) { DRPC(("%X: Accept failed, %X\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), WSAGetLastError())); return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(WSAGetLastError()); }
HRESULT Status = InitOl(); if (Status != S_OK) { DRPC(("%X: InitOl failed, %X\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), Status)); return Status; } int On = TRUE; setsockopt(m_Sock, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, (PSTR)&On, sizeof(On));
DRPC(("%X: Accept connection on socket %p\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), m_Sock));
return S_OK; }
HRESULT DbgRpcTcpTransport::ConnectSocket(void) { //
// We must create our sockets overlapped so that
// we can control waiting for I/O completion.
// If we leave the waiting to Winsock by using
// synchronous sockets it uses an alertable wait
// which can cause our event notification APCs to
// be received in the middle of reading packets.
m_Sock = WSASocket(m_Addr.ss_family, SOCK_STREAM, 0, NULL, 0, WSA_FLAG_OVERLAPPED); if (m_Sock != INVALID_SOCKET) { if (connect(m_Sock, (struct sockaddr *)&m_Addr, m_AddrLength) == SOCKET_ERROR || InitOl() != S_OK) { closesocket(m_Sock); m_Sock = INVALID_SOCKET; } else { int On = TRUE; setsockopt(m_Sock, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, (PSTR)&On, sizeof(On));
DRPC(("%X: Connect on socket %p\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), m_Sock)); } }
#endif // #ifndef NT_NATIVE
// DbgRpcNamedPipeTransport.
#ifndef _WIN32_WCE
DbgRpcNamedPipeTransport::~DbgRpcNamedPipeTransport(void) { if (m_Handle != NULL) { CloseHandle(m_Handle); m_Handle = NULL; } if (m_ReadOlap.hEvent != NULL) { CloseHandle(m_ReadOlap.hEvent); } if (m_WriteOlap.hEvent != NULL) { CloseHandle(m_WriteOlap.hEvent); } }
ULONG DbgRpcNamedPipeTransport::GetNumberParameters(void) { return 1 + DbgRpcTransport::GetNumberParameters(); }
void DbgRpcNamedPipeTransport::GetParameter(ULONG Index, PSTR Name, ULONG NameSize, PSTR Value, ULONG ValueSize) { switch(Index) { case 0: if (m_Pipe[0]) { CopyString(Name, "Pipe", NameSize); CopyString(Value, m_Pipe, ValueSize); } break; default: DbgRpcTransport::GetParameter(Index - 1, Name, NameSize, Value, ValueSize); break; } }
void DbgRpcNamedPipeTransport::ResetParameters(void) { m_Pipe[0] = 0; m_Handle = NULL;
DbgRpcTransport::ResetParameters(); }
BOOL DbgRpcNamedPipeTransport::SetParameter(PCSTR Name, PCSTR Value) { if (!_stricmp(Name, "server")) { if (Value == NULL) { DbgRpcError("NPIPE parameters: " "the server name was not specified correctly\n"); return FALSE; }
// Skip leading \\ if they were given.
if (Value[0] == '\\' && Value[1] == '\\') { Value += 2; } if (!CopyString(m_ServerName, Value, DIMA(m_ServerName))) { return FALSE; } } else if (!_stricmp(Name, "pipe")) { if (Value == NULL) { DbgRpcError("NPIPE parameters: " "the pipe name was not specified correctly\n"); return FALSE; }
// Use the value as a printf format string so that
// users can create unique names using the process and
// thread IDs in their own format.
PrintString(m_Pipe, DIMA(m_Pipe), Value, GetCurrentProcessId(), GetCurrentThreadId()); } else { if (!DbgRpcTransport::SetParameter(Name, Value)) { DbgRpcError("NPIPE parameters: %s is not a valid parameter\n", Name); return FALSE; } }
return TRUE; }
DbgRpcTransport* DbgRpcNamedPipeTransport::Clone(void) { DbgRpcNamedPipeTransport* Trans = new DbgRpcNamedPipeTransport; if (Trans != NULL) { DbgRpcTransport::CloneData(Trans); strcpy(Trans->m_Pipe, m_Pipe); } return Trans; }
HRESULT DbgRpcNamedPipeTransport::CreateServer(void) { HANDLE Pipe; char PipeName[MAX_PARAM_VALUE + 16]; #ifndef NT_NATIVE
strcpy(PipeName, "\\\\.\\pipe\\"); #else
strcpy(PipeName, "\\Device\\NamedPipe\\"); #endif
strcat(PipeName, m_Pipe);
// Check and see if this pipe already exists.
// This might mess up whoever created the pipe if
// there is one but it's better than creating a
// duplicate pipe and having clients get messed up.
#ifndef NT_NATIVE
Pipe = CreateFile(PipeName, FILE_READ_DATA | FILE_WRITE_DATA, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL); #else
Pipe = NtNativeCreateFileA(PipeName, FILE_READ_DATA | FILE_WRITE_DATA, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL, FALSE); #endif
if (Pipe != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { // Pipe is already in use.
DRPC_ERR(("%X: Pipe %s is already in use\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), PipeName)); CloseHandle(Pipe); return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS); } return S_OK; }
HRESULT DbgRpcNamedPipeTransport::AcceptConnection(DbgRpcTransport** ClientTrans, PSTR Identity, ULONG IdentitySize) { DbgRpcNamedPipeTransport* Trans = new DbgRpcNamedPipeTransport; if (Trans == NULL) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
char PipeName[MAX_PARAM_VALUE + 16]; #ifndef NT_NATIVE
strcpy(PipeName, "\\\\.\\pipe\\"); #else
strcpy(PipeName, "\\Device\\NamedPipe\\"); #endif
strcat(PipeName, m_Pipe);
#ifndef NT_NATIVE
if (Trans->m_Handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { Trans->m_Handle = NULL; delete Trans; return WIN32_LAST_STATUS(); }
if ((Status = CreateOverlappedPair(&Trans->m_ReadOlap, &Trans->m_WriteOlap)) != S_OK) { delete Trans; return Status; } DRPC(("%X: Waiting to accept connection on pipe %s\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), m_Pipe));
if (!ConnectNamedPipe(Trans->m_Handle, &Trans->m_ReadOlap)) { if (GetLastError() == ERROR_PIPE_CONNECTED) { goto Connected; } else if (GetLastError() == ERROR_IO_PENDING) { DWORD Unused; if (GetOverlappedResult(Trans->m_Handle, &Trans->m_ReadOlap, &Unused, TRUE)) { goto Connected; } } DRPC(("%X: Accept failed, %d\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), GetLastError())); delete Trans; return WIN32_LAST_STATUS(); }
Connected: DRPC(("%X: Accept connection on pipe %s\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), m_Pipe));
*ClientTrans = Trans; PrintString(Identity, IdentitySize, "npipe %s", m_Pipe); return S_OK; }
HRESULT DbgRpcNamedPipeTransport::ConnectServer(void) { HRESULT Status; char PipeName[2 * MAX_PARAM_VALUE + 16]; sprintf(PipeName, "\\\\%s\\pipe\\%s", m_ServerName, m_Pipe);
if ((Status = CreateOverlappedPair(&m_ReadOlap, &m_WriteOlap)) != S_OK) { return Status; } for (;;) { m_Handle = CreateFile(PipeName, FILE_READ_DATA | FILE_WRITE_DATA, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, NULL); if (m_Handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { break; } m_Handle = NULL;
if (GetLastError() != ERROR_PIPE_BUSY) { return WIN32_LAST_STATUS(); }
if (!WaitNamedPipe(PipeName, NMPWAIT_WAIT_FOREVER)) { return WIN32_LAST_STATUS(); } }
DRPC(("%X: Connect on pipe %s\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), m_Pipe)); return S_OK; }
ULONG DbgRpcNamedPipeTransport::Read(ULONG Seq, PVOID Buffer, ULONG Len) { ULONG Done = 0; ULONG Ret;
while (Len > 0) { if (!ReadFile(m_Handle, Buffer, Len, &Ret, &m_ReadOlap)) { if (GetLastError() != ERROR_IO_PENDING || !GetOverlappedResult(m_Handle, &m_ReadOlap, &Ret, TRUE)) { break; } }
Buffer = (PVOID)((PUCHAR)Buffer + Ret); Len -= Ret; Done += Ret; }
return Done; }
ULONG DbgRpcNamedPipeTransport::Write(ULONG Seq, PVOID Buffer, ULONG Len) { ULONG Done = 0; ULONG Ret;
while (Len > 0) { if (!WriteFile(m_Handle, Buffer, Len, &Ret, &m_WriteOlap)) { if (GetLastError() != ERROR_IO_PENDING || !GetOverlappedResult(m_Handle, &m_WriteOlap, &Ret, TRUE)) { break; } }
Buffer = (PVOID)((PUCHAR)Buffer + Ret); Len -= Ret; Done += Ret; }
return Done; }
#endif // #ifndef _WIN32_WCE
// DbgRpc1394Transport.
#ifndef _WIN32_WCE
#define TRANS1394_SYMLINK "Instance"
DbgRpc1394Transport::~DbgRpc1394Transport(void) { if (m_Handle != NULL) { CloseHandle(m_Handle); m_Handle = NULL; } }
ULONG DbgRpc1394Transport::GetNumberParameters(void) { return 1 + DbgRpcTransport::GetNumberParameters(); }
void DbgRpc1394Transport::GetParameter(ULONG Index, PSTR Name, ULONG NameSize, PSTR Value, ULONG ValueSize) { switch(Index) { case 0: if (m_AcceptChannel != 0) { CopyString(Name, "Channel", NameSize); PrintString(Value, ValueSize, "%d", m_AcceptChannel); } break; default: DbgRpcTransport::GetParameter(Index - 1, Name, NameSize, Value, ValueSize); break; } }
void DbgRpc1394Transport::ResetParameters(void) { m_AcceptChannel = 0; m_StreamChannel = 0; m_Handle = NULL;
DbgRpcTransport::ResetParameters(); }
BOOL DbgRpc1394Transport::SetParameter(PCSTR Name, PCSTR Value) { if (!_stricmp(Name, "Channel")) { if (Value == NULL) { DbgRpcError("1394 parameters: " "the channel was not specified correctly\n"); return FALSE; }
m_AcceptChannel = atol(Value); } else { if (!DbgRpcTransport::SetParameter(Name, Value)) { DbgRpcError("1394 parameters: %s is not a valid parameter\n", Name); return FALSE; } }
return TRUE; }
DbgRpcTransport* DbgRpc1394Transport::Clone(void) { DbgRpc1394Transport* Trans = new DbgRpc1394Transport; if (Trans != NULL) { DbgRpcTransport::CloneData(Trans); Trans->m_AcceptChannel = m_AcceptChannel; } return Trans; }
HRESULT DbgRpc1394Transport::CreateServer(void) { char Name[64]; m_StreamChannel = m_AcceptChannel; return Create1394Channel(TRANS1394_SYMLINK, m_AcceptChannel, Name, DIMA(Name), &m_Handle); }
#define DBGRPC_1394_CONNECT '4931'
struct DbgRpc1394Connect { ULONG Signature; ULONG Flags; ULONG StreamChannel; ULONG Reserved[5]; }; HRESULT DbgRpc1394Transport::AcceptConnection(DbgRpcTransport** ClientTrans, PSTR Identity, ULONG IdentitySize) { DbgRpc1394Transport* Trans = new DbgRpc1394Transport; if (Trans == NULL) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
DbgRpcTransport::CloneData(Trans); DRPC(("%X: Waiting to accept connection on channel %d\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), m_AcceptChannel));
DbgRpc1394Connect Conn, CheckConn; ULONG Done;
ZeroMemory(&CheckConn, sizeof(CheckConn)); CheckConn.Signature = DBGRPC_1394_CONNECT; if (!ReadFile(m_Handle, &Conn, sizeof(Conn), &Done, NULL) || Done != sizeof(Conn)) { DRPC(("%X: Accept failed, %d\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), GetLastError())); delete Trans; return WIN32_LAST_STATUS(); } if (memcmp(&Conn, &CheckConn, sizeof(Conn)) != 0) { DRPC(("%X: Accept information invalid\n", GetCurrentThreadId())); delete Trans; return E_FAIL; }
char StreamName[64]; HRESULT Status;
Conn.StreamChannel = m_StreamChannel + 1; if ((Status = Open1394Channel(TRANS1394_SYMLINK, Conn.StreamChannel, StreamName, DIMA(StreamName), &Trans->m_Handle)) != S_OK) { DRPC(("%X: Accept failed, 0x%X\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), Status)); delete Trans; return Status; }
if (!WriteFile(m_Handle, &Conn, sizeof(Conn), &Done, NULL) || Done != sizeof(Conn)) { DRPC(("%X: Accept failed, %d\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), GetLastError())); delete Trans; return WIN32_LAST_STATUS(); } Trans->m_AcceptChannel = m_AcceptChannel; Trans->m_StreamChannel = Conn.StreamChannel; m_StreamChannel++; DRPC(("%X: Accept connection on channel %d, route to channel %d\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), m_AcceptChannel, Conn.StreamChannel));
*ClientTrans = Trans; PrintString(Identity, IdentitySize, "1394 %d", m_AcceptChannel); return S_OK; }
HRESULT DbgRpc1394Transport::ConnectServer(void) { char Name[64]; HRESULT Status; HANDLE Handle; ULONG Done;
if ((Status = Create1394Channel(TRANS1394_SYMLINK, m_AcceptChannel, Name, DIMA(Name), &Handle)) != S_OK) { return Status; }
DbgRpc1394Connect Conn, CheckConn;
ZeroMemory(&Conn, sizeof(Conn)); Conn.Signature = DBGRPC_1394_CONNECT; CheckConn = Conn;
if (!WriteFile(Handle, &Conn, sizeof(Conn), &Done, NULL) || Done != sizeof(Conn)) { CloseHandle(Handle); return WIN32_LAST_STATUS(); } if (!ReadFile(Handle, &Conn, sizeof(Conn), &Done, NULL) || Done != sizeof(Conn)) { CloseHandle(Handle); return WIN32_LAST_STATUS(); } CloseHandle(Handle);
CheckConn.StreamChannel = Conn.StreamChannel; if (memcmp(&Conn, &CheckConn, sizeof(Conn)) != 0) { return E_FAIL; }
if ((Status = Open1394Channel(TRANS1394_SYMLINK, Conn.StreamChannel, Name, DIMA(Name), &m_Handle)) != S_OK) { return Status; }
m_StreamChannel = Conn.StreamChannel; DRPC(("%X: Connect on channel %d, route to channel %d\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), m_AcceptChannel, m_StreamChannel)); return S_OK; }
ULONG DbgRpc1394Transport::Read(ULONG Seq, PVOID Buffer, ULONG Len) { ULONG Done = 0; ULONG Ret;
while (Len > 0) { if (!ReadFile(m_Handle, Buffer, Len, &Ret, NULL)) { break; }
Buffer = (PVOID)((PUCHAR)Buffer + Ret); Len -= Ret; Done += Ret; }
return Done; }
ULONG DbgRpc1394Transport::Write(ULONG Seq, PVOID Buffer, ULONG Len) { ULONG Done = 0; ULONG Ret;
while (Len > 0) { if (!WriteFile(m_Handle, Buffer, Len, &Ret, NULL)) { break; }
Buffer = (PVOID)((PUCHAR)Buffer + Ret); Len -= Ret; Done += Ret; }
return Done; }
#endif // #ifndef _WIN32_WCE
// DbgRpcComTransport.
#ifndef _WIN32_WCE
DbgRpcComTransport::~DbgRpcComTransport(void) { if (m_Handle != NULL) { CloseHandle(m_Handle); } if (m_ReadOlap.hEvent != NULL) { CloseHandle(m_ReadOlap.hEvent); } if (m_WriteOlap.hEvent != NULL) { CloseHandle(m_WriteOlap.hEvent); } }
ULONG DbgRpcComTransport::GetNumberParameters(void) { return 3 + DbgRpcTransport::GetNumberParameters(); }
void DbgRpcComTransport::GetParameter(ULONG Index, PSTR Name, ULONG NameSize, PSTR Value, ULONG ValueSize) { switch(Index) { case 0: if (m_PortName[0]) { CopyString(Name, "Port", NameSize); CopyString(Value, m_PortName, ValueSize); } break; case 1: if (m_BaudRate) { CopyString(Name, "Baud", NameSize); PrintString(Value, ValueSize, "%d", m_BaudRate); } break; case 2: if (m_AcceptChannel) { CopyString(Name, "Channel", NameSize); PrintString(Value, ValueSize, "%d", m_AcceptChannel); } break; default: DbgRpcTransport::GetParameter(Index - 1, Name, NameSize, Value, ValueSize); break; } }
void DbgRpcComTransport::ResetParameters(void) { m_PortName[0] = 0; m_BaudRate = 0; m_AcceptChannel = 0; m_StreamChannel = 0; m_Handle = NULL; m_PortType = COM_PORT_STANDARD;
DbgRpcTransport::ResetParameters(); }
BOOL DbgRpcComTransport::SetParameter(PCSTR Name, PCSTR Value) { if (!_stricmp(Name, "Port")) { if (Value == NULL) { DbgRpcError("COM parameters: " "the port was not specified correctly\n"); return FALSE; }
if (!SetComPortName(Value, m_PortName, DIMA(m_PortName))) { return FALSE; } } else if (!_stricmp(Name, "Baud")) { if (Value == NULL) { DbgRpcError("COM parameters: " "the baud rate was not specified correctly\n"); return FALSE; }
m_BaudRate = atol(Value); } else if (!_stricmp(Name, "Channel")) { ULONG ValChan;
if (Value == NULL || (ValChan = atol(Value)) > 0xfe) { DbgRpcError("COM parameters: " "the channel was not specified correctly\n"); return FALSE; }
m_AcceptChannel = (UCHAR)ValChan; } else { if (!DbgRpcTransport::SetParameter(Name, Value)) { DbgRpcError("COM parameters: %s is not a valid parameter\n", Name); return FALSE; } }
return TRUE; }
DbgRpcTransport* DbgRpcComTransport::Clone(void) { DbgRpcComTransport* Trans = new DbgRpcComTransport; if (Trans != NULL) { DbgRpcTransport::CloneData(Trans); strcpy(Trans->m_PortName, m_PortName); Trans->m_BaudRate = m_BaudRate; Trans->m_AcceptChannel = m_AcceptChannel; Trans->m_PortType = m_PortType; // The serial port can only be opened once so
// just dup the handle for the new transport.
if (!DuplicateHandle(GetCurrentProcess(), m_Handle, GetCurrentProcess(), &Trans->m_Handle, 0, FALSE, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS)) { delete Trans; Trans = NULL; } } return Trans; }
HRESULT DbgRpcComTransport::CreateServer(void) { HRESULT Status;
if ((Status = InitializeChannels()) != S_OK) { return Status; } if ((Status = CreateOverlappedPair(&m_ReadOlap, &m_WriteOlap)) != S_OK) { return Status; }
m_StreamChannel = m_AcceptChannel;
COM_PORT_PARAMS ComParams; ZeroMemory(&ComParams, sizeof(ComParams)); ComParams.Type = m_PortType; ComParams.PortName = m_PortName; ComParams.BaudRate = m_BaudRate; return OpenComPort(&ComParams, &m_Handle, &m_BaudRate); }
struct DbgRpcComConnect { ULONG Signature; ULONG Flags; ULONG StreamChannel; ULONG Reserved[5]; }; HRESULT DbgRpcComTransport::AcceptConnection(DbgRpcTransport** ClientTrans, PSTR Identity, ULONG IdentitySize) { // Check for channel number overflow.
if (m_StreamChannel == 0xff) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } DbgRpcComTransport* Trans = new DbgRpcComTransport; if (Trans == NULL) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
DbgRpcTransport::CloneData(Trans); DRPC(("%X: Waiting to accept connection on port %s baud %d channel %d\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), m_PortName, m_BaudRate, m_AcceptChannel));
DbgRpcComConnect Conn, CheckConn;
ZeroMemory(&CheckConn, sizeof(CheckConn)); CheckConn.Signature = DBGRPC_COM_CONNECT; if (ChanRead(m_AcceptChannel, &Conn, sizeof(Conn)) != sizeof(Conn)) { DRPC(("%X: Accept failed, %d\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), GetLastError())); delete Trans; return WIN32_LAST_STATUS(); } if (memcmp(&Conn, &CheckConn, sizeof(Conn)) != 0) { DRPC(("%X: Accept information invalid\n", GetCurrentThreadId())); delete Trans; return E_FAIL; }
Conn.StreamChannel = m_StreamChannel + 1; if (ChanWrite(m_AcceptChannel, &Conn, sizeof(Conn)) != sizeof(Conn)) { DRPC(("%X: Accept failed, %d\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), GetLastError())); delete Trans; return WIN32_LAST_STATUS(); }
// Duplicate the handle so that every transport instance
// has its own to close.
if (!DuplicateHandle(GetCurrentProcess(), m_Handle, GetCurrentProcess(), &Trans->m_Handle, 0, FALSE, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS)) { DRPC(("%X: Accept failed, %d\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), GetLastError())); delete Trans; return WIN32_LAST_STATUS(); }
HRESULT Status; if ((Status = CreateOverlappedPair(&Trans->m_ReadOlap, &Trans->m_WriteOlap)) != S_OK) { DRPC(("%X: Accept failed, 0x%X\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), Status)); delete Trans; return Status; }
strcpy(Trans->m_PortName, m_PortName); Trans->m_BaudRate = m_BaudRate; Trans->m_AcceptChannel = m_AcceptChannel; Trans->m_StreamChannel = (UCHAR)Conn.StreamChannel; Trans->m_PortType = m_PortType; m_StreamChannel++; DRPC(("%X: Accept connection on channel %d, route to channel %d\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), m_AcceptChannel, Conn.StreamChannel));
*ClientTrans = Trans; PrintString(Identity, IdentitySize, "COM %s@%d chan %d", m_PortName, m_BaudRate, m_AcceptChannel); return S_OK; }
HRESULT DbgRpcComTransport::ConnectServer(void) { HRESULT Status;
if ((Status = InitializeChannels()) != S_OK) { return Status; } if ((Status = CreateOverlappedPair(&m_ReadOlap, &m_WriteOlap)) != S_OK) { return Status; }
// If this is a clone it'll already have a handle.
// Otherwise this is the first connecting transport
// so it needs to really open the COM port.
if (m_Handle == NULL) { COM_PORT_PARAMS ComParams; ZeroMemory(&ComParams, sizeof(ComParams)); ComParams.Type = m_PortType; ComParams.PortName = m_PortName; ComParams.BaudRate = m_BaudRate; if ((Status = OpenComPort(&ComParams, &m_Handle, &m_BaudRate)) != S_OK) { return Status; } }
DbgRpcComConnect Conn, CheckConn;
ZeroMemory(&Conn, sizeof(Conn)); Conn.Signature = DBGRPC_COM_CONNECT; CheckConn = Conn;
if (ChanWrite(m_AcceptChannel, &Conn, sizeof(Conn)) != sizeof(Conn)) { CloseHandle(m_Handle); m_Handle = NULL; return WIN32_LAST_STATUS(); } if (ChanRead(m_AcceptChannel, &Conn, sizeof(Conn)) != sizeof(Conn)) { CloseHandle(m_Handle); m_Handle = NULL; return WIN32_LAST_STATUS(); } CheckConn.StreamChannel = Conn.StreamChannel; if (memcmp(&Conn, &CheckConn, sizeof(Conn)) != 0) { CloseHandle(m_Handle); m_Handle = NULL; return E_FAIL; }
m_StreamChannel = (UCHAR)Conn.StreamChannel; DRPC(("%X: Connect on channel %d, route to channel %d\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), m_AcceptChannel, m_StreamChannel)); return S_OK; }
#if 0
#define DCOM(Args) g_NtDllCalls.DbgPrint Args
#define DCOM(Args)
#define DBGRPC_COM_FAILURE 0xffff
#define DBGRPC_COM_HEAD_SIG 0xdc
#define DBGRPC_COM_TAIL_SIG 0xcd
// In order to avoid overflowing the serial port when
// used at boot time, restrict the maximum size of
// a single chunk of data written. This must be
// less than 0xffff.
#ifdef NT_NATIVE
#define DBGRPC_COM_MAX_CHUNK (16 - sizeof(DbgRpcComStream))
#define DBGRPC_COM_MAX_CHUNK 0xfffe
struct DbgRpcComStream { UCHAR Signature; UCHAR Channel; USHORT Len; };
struct DbgRpcComQueue { DbgRpcComQueue* Next; PUCHAR Data; UCHAR Channel; USHORT Len; };
BOOL DbgRpcComTransport::s_ChanInitialized; CRITICAL_SECTION DbgRpcComTransport::s_QueueLock; HANDLE DbgRpcComTransport::s_QueueChangedEvent; LONG DbgRpcComTransport::s_PortReadOwned; CRITICAL_SECTION DbgRpcComTransport::s_PortWriteLock; CRITICAL_SECTION DbgRpcComTransport::s_WriteAckLock; HANDLE DbgRpcComTransport::s_WriteAckEvent; DbgRpcComQueue* DbgRpcComTransport::s_QueueHead; DbgRpcComQueue* DbgRpcComTransport::s_QueueTail;
ULONG DbgRpcComTransport::Read(ULONG Seq, PVOID Buffer, ULONG Len) { ULONG Done = 0;
while (Len > 0) { USHORT Chunk = (USHORT)min(Len, DBGRPC_COM_MAX_CHUNK); USHORT ChunkDone = ChanRead(m_StreamChannel, Buffer, Chunk);
Done += ChunkDone; Buffer = (PUCHAR)Buffer + ChunkDone; Len -= ChunkDone; if (ChunkDone < Chunk) { break; } }
return Done; }
ULONG DbgRpcComTransport::Write(ULONG Seq, PVOID Buffer, ULONG Len) { ULONG Done = 0;
while (Len > 0) { USHORT Chunk = (USHORT)min(Len, DBGRPC_COM_MAX_CHUNK); USHORT ChunkDone = ChanWrite(m_StreamChannel, Buffer, Chunk);
Done += ChunkDone; Buffer = (PUCHAR)Buffer + ChunkDone; Len -= ChunkDone; if (ChunkDone < Chunk) { break; } }
return Done; }
USHORT DbgRpcComTransport::ScanQueue(UCHAR Chan, PVOID Buffer, USHORT Len) { USHORT Done = 0; EnterCriticalSection(&s_QueueLock); DbgRpcComQueue* Ent; DbgRpcComQueue* Next; DbgRpcComQueue* Prev;
Prev = NULL; for (Ent = s_QueueHead; Ent != NULL && Len > 0; Ent = Next) { Next = Ent->Next; DCOM(("%03X: Queue entry %p->%p %d,%d\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), Ent, Next, Ent->Channel, Ent->Len)); if (Ent->Channel == Chan) { // Found some input for this channel.
if (Len < Ent->Len) { DCOM(("%03X: Eat %d, leave %d\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), Len, Ent->Len - Len)); memcpy(Buffer, Ent->Data, Len); Ent->Data += Len; Ent->Len -= Len; Done += Len; Len = 0; } else { DCOM(("%03X: Eat all %d\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), Len)); memcpy(Buffer, Ent->Data, Ent->Len); Buffer = (PVOID)((PUCHAR)Buffer + Ent->Len); Done += Ent->Len; Len -= Ent->Len;
// Remove used-up entry from list.
if (Prev == NULL) { s_QueueHead = Ent->Next; } else { Prev->Next = Ent->Next; } if (s_QueueTail == Ent) { s_QueueTail = Prev; } free(Ent); continue; } }
Prev = Ent; } LeaveCriticalSection(&s_QueueLock); return Done; }
USHORT DbgRpcComTransport::ScanPort(UCHAR Chan, PVOID Buffer, USHORT Len, BOOL ScanForAck, UCHAR AckChan) { DbgRpcComStream Stream; ULONG ReadDone; USHORT Ret = 0;
if (ScanForAck) { DCOM(("%03X: Waiting to read header (ack chan %d)\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), AckChan)); } else { DCOM(("%03X: Waiting to read header\n", GetCurrentThreadId())); }
Rescan: for (;;) { if (!ComPortRead(m_Handle, m_PortType, m_Timeout, &Stream, sizeof(Stream), &ReadDone, &m_ReadOlap) || ReadDone != sizeof(Stream)) { return DBGRPC_COM_FAILURE; }
// If a write ack came through release the waiting writer.
if (Stream.Signature == DBGRPC_COM_TAIL_SIG && Stream.Len == DBGRPC_COM_FAILURE) { DCOM(("%03X: Read write ack for chan %d\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), Stream.Channel)); if (ScanForAck) { if (AckChan == Stream.Channel) { return (USHORT)ReadDone; } else { DCOM(("%03X: Read mismatched write ack, " "read chan %d waiting for chan %d\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), Stream.Channel, AckChan)); return DBGRPC_COM_FAILURE; } } SetEvent(s_WriteAckEvent); } else if (Stream.Signature != DBGRPC_COM_HEAD_SIG || Stream.Len == DBGRPC_COM_FAILURE) { return DBGRPC_COM_FAILURE; } else { break; } }
DCOM(("%03X: Read %d,%d\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), Stream.Channel, Stream.Len)); // If the data available is for this channel
// read it directly into the buffer.
if (!ScanForAck && Stream.Channel == Chan) { Ret = min(Stream.Len, Len); DCOM(("%03X: Read direct body %d\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), Ret)); if (!ComPortRead(m_Handle, m_PortType, m_Timeout, Buffer, Ret, &ReadDone, &m_ReadOlap) || ReadDone != Ret) { return DBGRPC_COM_FAILURE; }
Stream.Len -= Ret; }
// If the data is for another channel or there's
// more than we need queue the remainder for
// later use.
if (Stream.Len > 0) { DbgRpcComQueue* Ent = (DbgRpcComQueue*)malloc(sizeof(*Ent) + Stream.Len); if (Ent == NULL) { return DBGRPC_COM_FAILURE; }
Ent->Next = NULL; Ent->Channel = Stream.Channel; Ent->Len = Stream.Len; Ent->Data = (PUCHAR)Ent + sizeof(*Ent);
DCOM(("%03X: Read queue body %d\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), Ent->Len));
if (!ComPortRead(m_Handle, m_PortType, m_Timeout, Ent->Data, Ent->Len, &ReadDone, &m_ReadOlap) || ReadDone != Ent->Len) { free(Ent); return DBGRPC_COM_FAILURE; }
DCOM(("%03X: Queue add %p %d,%d\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), Ent, Ent->Channel, Ent->Len)); EnterCriticalSection(&s_QueueLock);
if (s_QueueHead == NULL) { s_QueueHead = Ent; } else { s_QueueTail->Next = Ent; } s_QueueTail = Ent; LeaveCriticalSection(&s_QueueLock); }
// Acknowledge full receipt of the data.
Stream.Signature = DBGRPC_COM_TAIL_SIG; Stream.Channel = Stream.Channel; Stream.Len = DBGRPC_COM_FAILURE; EnterCriticalSection(&s_PortWriteLock); if (!ComPortWrite(m_Handle, m_PortType, &Stream, sizeof(Stream), &ReadDone, &m_ReadOlap)) { ReadDone = 0; } else { DCOM(("%03X: Wrote write ack for chan %d\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), Stream.Channel)); }
LeaveCriticalSection(&s_PortWriteLock); if (ReadDone != sizeof(Stream)) { return DBGRPC_COM_FAILURE; }
// Don't exit if we're waiting for an ack as
// we haven't received it yet.
if (ScanForAck) { SetEvent(s_QueueChangedEvent); goto Rescan; } return Ret; }
USHORT DbgRpcComTransport::ChanRead(UCHAR Chan, PVOID Buffer, USHORT InLen) { USHORT Done = 0; USHORT Len = InLen; // The virtual channels require that all reads and writes
// be complete. A partial read or write will not match
// its channel header and will throw everything off.
DCOM(("%03X:ChanRead %d,%d\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), Chan, Len)); while (Len > 0) { USHORT Queued; // First check and see if input for this channel
// is already present in the queue.
Queued = ScanQueue(Chan, Buffer, Len); Done += Queued; Buffer = (PVOID)((PUCHAR)Buffer + Queued); Len -= Queued;
if (Queued > 0) { DCOM(("%03X: Scan pass 1 gets %d from queue\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), Queued)); } if (Len == 0) { break; }
// There wasn't enough queued input so try and
// read some more from the port.
if (InterlockedExchange(&s_PortReadOwned, TRUE) == TRUE) { // Somebody else owns the port so we can't
// read it. Just wait for the queue to change
// so we can check for data again.
// Set things to wait.
// There's a chance that the queue changed just before
// the event was reset and therefore that event set
// has been lost. Time out of this wait to ensure
// that nothing ever gets hung up indefinitely here.
if (WaitForSingleObject(s_QueueChangedEvent, 250) == WAIT_FAILED) { DCOM(("%03X: Change wait failed\n", GetCurrentThreadId())); return 0; }
continue; } // We now own the port. The queue may have changed
// during the time we were acquiring ownership, though,
// so check it again.
Queued = ScanQueue(Chan, Buffer, Len); Done += Queued; Buffer = (PVOID)((PUCHAR)Buffer + Queued); Len -= Queued;
if (Queued > 0) { DCOM(("%03X: Scan pass 2 gets %d from queue\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), Queued)); } if (Len > 0) { // Still need more input and we're now the
// owner of the port, so read.
USHORT Port = ScanPort(Chan, Buffer, Len, FALSE, 0); if (Port == DBGRPC_COM_FAILURE) { // Critical error, fail immediately.
InterlockedExchange(&s_PortReadOwned, FALSE); SetEvent(s_QueueChangedEvent); DCOM(("%03X: Critical failure\n", GetCurrentThreadId())); return 0; } Done += Port; Buffer = (PVOID)((PUCHAR)Buffer + Port); Len -= Port;
if (Port > 0) { DCOM(("%03X: Scan %d from port\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), Port)); } } InterlockedExchange(&s_PortReadOwned, FALSE); SetEvent(s_QueueChangedEvent); }
DCOM(("%03X: ChanRead %d,%d returns %d\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), Chan, InLen, Done)); return Done; }
USHORT DbgRpcComTransport::ChanWrite(UCHAR Chan, PVOID Buffer, USHORT InLen) { USHORT Len = InLen; DCOM(("%03X:ChanWrite %d,%d\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), Chan, Len));
ULONG Done; DbgRpcComStream Stream;
// The virtual channels require that all reads and writes
// be complete. A partial read or write will not match
// its channel header and will throw everything off.
Stream.Signature = DBGRPC_COM_HEAD_SIG; Stream.Channel = Chan; Stream.Len = Len;
// The write ack lock restricts things to a single
// unacknowledged write. The port write lock
// ensures that the multiple pieces of a write
// are sequential in the stream.
EnterCriticalSection(&s_WriteAckLock); EnterCriticalSection(&s_PortWriteLock);
if (!ComPortWrite(m_Handle, m_PortType, &Stream, sizeof(Stream), &Done, &m_WriteOlap) || Done != sizeof(Stream) || !ComPortWrite(m_Handle, m_PortType, Buffer, Len, &Done, &m_WriteOlap) || Done != Len) { Done = 0; } LeaveCriticalSection(&s_PortWriteLock);
// Wait for data ack. This prevents too much data from
// being written to the serial port at once by limiting
// the amount of outstanding data to a single chunk's worth.
for (;;) { if (InterlockedExchange(&s_PortReadOwned, TRUE) == TRUE) { HANDLE Waits[2]; ULONG Wait;
// Somebody else owns the port so wait for their signal.
// Also wait for a port ownership change as we may
// need to switch to a direct port read.
Waits[0] = s_WriteAckEvent; Waits[1] = s_QueueChangedEvent; // Set things to wait.
ResetEvent(s_QueueChangedEvent); Wait = WaitForMultipleObjects(2, Waits, FALSE, 250); if (Wait == WAIT_OBJECT_0) { break; } else if (Wait == WAIT_FAILED) { DCOM(("%03X: Write ack wait failed, %d\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), GetLastError())); Done = 0; break; } } else { USHORT AckDone; // We now own the port so directly read the ack.
// However, before we do we need to make one last
// check and see if somebody else read our ack
// in the time leading up to us acquiring port
// ownership.
if (WaitForSingleObject(s_WriteAckEvent, 0) != WAIT_OBJECT_0) { AckDone = ScanPort(Chan, &Stream, sizeof(Stream), TRUE, Chan); if (AckDone == DBGRPC_COM_FAILURE) { DCOM(("%03X: Failed scan for write ack\n", GetCurrentThreadId())); Done = 0; } } InterlockedExchange(&s_PortReadOwned, FALSE); SetEvent(s_QueueChangedEvent); break; } } LeaveCriticalSection(&s_WriteAckLock); DCOM(("%03X: ChanWrite %d,%d returns %d\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), Chan, InLen, Done)); return (USHORT)Done; }
HRESULT DbgRpcComTransport::InitializeChannels(void) { if (s_ChanInitialized) { return S_OK; }
if ((s_QueueChangedEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL)) == NULL) { return WIN32_LAST_STATUS(); }
if ((s_WriteAckEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL)) == NULL) { return WIN32_LAST_STATUS(); }
__try { InitializeCriticalSection(&s_QueueLock); InitializeCriticalSection(&s_PortWriteLock); InitializeCriticalSection(&s_WriteAckLock); } __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
s_ChanInitialized = TRUE; return S_OK; }
#endif // #ifndef _WIN32_WCE
// Transport functions.
DbgRpcTransport* DbgRpcNewTransport(ULONG Trans) { switch(Trans) { #ifdef _WIN32_WCE
case TRANS_TCP: return new DbgRpcTcpTransport; #else
#ifndef NT_NATIVE
case TRANS_TCP: return new DbgRpcTcpTransport; case TRANS_SSL: return new DbgRpcSecureChannelTransport(Trans, TRANS_TCP); case TRANS_SPIPE: return new DbgRpcSecureChannelTransport(Trans, TRANS_NPIPE); #endif
case TRANS_NPIPE: return new DbgRpcNamedPipeTransport; case TRANS_1394: return new DbgRpc1394Transport; case TRANS_COM: return new DbgRpcComTransport; #endif // #ifdef _WIN32_WCE
default: return NULL; } }
DbgRpcTransport* DbgRpcCreateTransport(PCSTR Options) { ULONG Trans = ParameterStringParser:: GetParser(Options, TRANS_COUNT, g_DbgRpcTransportNames); return DbgRpcNewTransport(Trans); }
DbgRpcTransport* DbgRpcInitializeTransport(PCSTR Options) { DbgRpcTransport* Trans = DbgRpcCreateTransport(Options); if (Trans != NULL) { // Clean out any old parameter state.
if (!Trans->ParseParameters(Options)) { delete Trans; return NULL; } }
return Trans; }