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@echo off REM ------------------------------------------------------------------ REM REM <<template_script.cmd>> REM <<purpose of this script>> REM REM Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. REM REM ------------------------------------------------------------------ perl -x "%~f0" %* goto :EOF #!perl use strict; use lib $ENV{RAZZLETOOLPATH} . "\\PostBuildScripts"; use lib $ENV{RAZZLETOOLPATH}; use File::Basename; use PbuildEnv; use ParseArgs; use Logmsg; use A2U;
BEGIN { # A2u is setting itself as the script_name $ENV{SCRIPT_NAME} = 'dbgver.cmd'; }
sub Usage { print<<USAGE; exit(1) } dbgver
Increments the build number by 1 for dbgver.h USAGE
# global switches/values set on the command line
parseargs('?' => \&Usage );
# Global Variables my( $LogFilename ); my( $TempDir ); my( $RazPath );
# call into the Main sub, too much indentation to make this # toplevel right now &Main();
sub Main { # /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ # Begin Main code section # /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ # Return when you want to exit on error # <Implement your code here>
$Logmsg::DEBUG = 0; # set to 1 to activate logging of dbgmsg's $LogFilename = $ENV{ "LOGFILE" }; if ( ! defined( $LogFilename ) ) { $TempDir = $ENV{ "TMP" }; $LogFilename = "$TempDir\\$0.log"; } $RazPath= $ENV{ "RazzleToolPath" };
timemsg( "Beginning ...", $LogFilename );
# Enter default names for $DbgVerFile # and EMVerFile #my( $DbgVerFile, $EmVerFile, @FileList, $ThisFile ); my( $DbgVerFile, @FileList, $ThisFile ); $DbgVerFile=".\\dbg-common\\dbgver.h"; #$EmVerFile=".\\dbg-common\\emver.h";
@FileList= ($DbgVerFile); # , $EmVerFile );
foreach $ThisFile (@FileList) {
logmsg( "Incrementing build number for $ThisFile", $LogFilename ); # Sync the dbgver.h file system( "sd revert $ThisFile" ); system( "sd sync -f $ThisFile" );
# Edit the dbgver.h file system( "sd edit $ThisFile" );
# Make a copy of it my ( $ThisFile_old ); $ThisFile_old = $ThisFile . "_old"; system( "copy $ThisFile $ThisFile_old" );
# Update the build number in it my ( $Line ); my ( $fh_in );
unless ( $fh_in = new IO::File $ThisFile_old, "r" ) { errmsg( "Failed to open $ThisFile_old for read" ); return; }
my( $fh_out ); unless ( $fh_out = new IO::File $ThisFile, "w" ) { errmsg( "Failed to open $ThisFile for write" ); return; }
my($IdentifyLine); $IdentifyLine="#define\\s+VER_PRODUCTBUILD\\s+(\\d+)";
while ( $Line = <$fh_in> ) { chomp( $Line ); if ( $Line =~ /$IdentifyLine/) { my ($match)=$1; logmsg("New build number is $1 + 1", $LogFilename ); $Line=~s/$match/$match+1/e; } print( $fh_out "$Line\n" ); } undef( $fh_in ); undef( $fh_out );
system( "del /f /q $ThisFile_old" );
} system( "sd submit $DbgVerFile" ); }