Copyright (c) 2001 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
!handle using the debug engine handle query interface.
#include "precomp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
char * AccessMask[] = { "Delete", "ReadControl", "WriteDac", "WriteOwner", "Synch", "", "", "", "Sacl", "MaxAllowed", "", "", "GenericAll", "GenericExec", "GenericWrite", "GenericRead"};
char * TokenRights[] = {"AssignPrimary", "Duplicate", "Impersonate", "Query", "QuerySource", "AdjustPriv", "AdjustGroup", "AdjustDef"};
char * KeyRights[] = { "QueryValue", "SetValue", "CreateSubKey", "EnumSubKey", "Notify", "CreateLink", "", "" };
char * EventRights[] = {"QueryState", "ModifyState" };
char * MutantRights[]={ "QueryState" };
char * SemaphoreRights[] = { "QueryState", "ModifyState" };
char * TimerRights[] = {"QueryState", "ModifyState" };
char * ProfileRights[]={"Control"};
char * ProcessRights[]={"Terminate", "CreateThread", "", "VMOp", "VMRead", "VMWrite", "DupHandle", "CreateProcess", "SetQuota", "SetInfo", "QueryInfo", "SetPort" };
char * ThreadRights[] ={"Terminate", "Suspend", "Alert", "GetContext", "SetContext", "SetInfo", "QueryInfo", "SetToken", "Impersonate", "DirectImpersonate" };
char * SectionRights[]={"Query", "MapWrite", "MapRead", "MapExecute", "Extend"};
char * FileRights[] = { "Read/List", "Write/Add", "Append/SubDir/CreatePipe", "ReadEA", "WriteEA", "Execute/Traverse", "DelChild", "ReadAttr", "WriteAttr"};
char * PortRights[] = { "Connect" };
char * DirRights[] = { "Query", "Traverse", "Create", "CreateSubdir" };
char * SymLinkRights[]={"Query" };
char * WinstaRights[]={ "EnumDesktops", "ReadAttr", "Clipboard", "CreateDesktop", "WriteAttr", "GlobalAtom", "ExitWindows", "", "Enumerate", "ReadScreen" };
char * DesktopRights[]={"ReadObjects", "CreateWindow", "CreateMenu", "HookControl", "JournalRecord", "JournalPlayback", "Enumerate", "WriteObjects", "SwitchDesktop" };
char * CompletionRights[] = { "Query", "Modify" };
char * ChannelRights[] = { "ReadMessage", "WriteMessage", "Query", "SetInfo" };
char * JobRights[] = { "AssignProcess", "SetAttr", "Query", "Terminate", "SetSecAttr" };
char * DebugObjectRights[] = { "ReadEvent", "ProcessAssign", "SetInformation", "QueryInformation" };
char * KeyedEventRights[] = { "Wait", "Wake" };
#define GHI_TYPE 0x00000001
#define GHI_BASIC 0x00000002
#define GHI_NAME 0x00000004
#define GHI_SPECIFIC 0x00000008
#define GHI_VERBOSE 0x00000010
#define GHI_NOLOOKUP 0x00000020
#define GHI_SILENT 0x00000100
#define TYPE_NONE 0
#define TYPE_EVENT 1
#define TYPE_SECTION 2
#define TYPE_FILE 3
#define TYPE_PORT 4
#define TYPE_LINK 6
#define TYPE_MUTANT 7
#define TYPE_WINSTA 8
#define TYPE_SEM 9
#define TYPE_KEY 10
#define TYPE_TOKEN 11
#define TYPE_PROCESS 12
#define TYPE_THREAD 13
#define TYPE_DESKTOP 14
#define TYPE_COMPLETE 15
#define TYPE_CHANNEL 16
#define TYPE_TIMER 17
#define TYPE_JOB 18
#define TYPE_WPORT 19
#define TYPE_MAX 22
typedef struct _TYPEINFO { PSTR Name; char * * AccessRights; DWORD NumberRights; } TYPEINFO, * PTYPEINFO;
TYPEINFO g_TypeNames[TYPE_MAX] = { { "None", NULL, 0 }, { "Event", EventRights, 2 }, { "Section", SectionRights, 5 }, { "File", FileRights, 9 }, { "Port", PortRights, 1 }, { "Directory", DirRights, 4 }, { "SymbolicLink", SymLinkRights, 1 }, { "Mutant", MutantRights, 2 }, { "WindowStation", WinstaRights, 10 }, { "Semaphore", SemaphoreRights, 2 }, { "Key", KeyRights, 6 }, { "Token", TokenRights, 8 }, { "Process", ProcessRights, 12 }, { "Thread", ThreadRights, 10 }, { "Desktop", DesktopRights, 10 }, { "IoCompletion", CompletionRights, 2 }, { "Channel", ChannelRights, 4}, { "Timer", TimerRights, 2 }, { "Job", JobRights, 5 }, { "WaitablePort", PortRights, 1 }, { "DebugObject", DebugObjectRights, 4 }, { "KeyedEvent", KeyedEventRights, 2 } };
void DisplayFlags( DWORD Flags, DWORD FlagLimit, char *flagset[], PSTR Buffer) { char * offset; DWORD mask, test, i; DWORD scratch;
if (!Flags) { strcpy(Buffer, "None"); return; }
mask = 0; offset = Buffer; test = 1; for (i = 0 ; i < FlagLimit ; i++ ) { if (Flags & test) { scratch = strlen(flagset[i]); memcpy(offset, flagset[i], scratch + 1); offset += scratch; mask |= test; if (Flags & (~mask)) { *offset++ = ','; } } test <<= 1; } }
DWORD GetObjectTypeIndex( LPCSTR TypeName ) { DWORD i;
for ( i = 1 ; i < TYPE_MAX ; i++ ) { if (_stricmp( g_TypeNames[i].Name, TypeName ) == 0 ) { return( i ); } }
return( (DWORD) -1 ); }
DWORD GetHandleInfo( ULONG64 hThere, DWORD Flags, DWORD * Type) { HRESULT Status; DWORD SuccessCount = 0; DWORD i; CHAR Buffer[1024]; CHAR szBuf[256];
if ( (Flags & GHI_SILENT) == 0) { dprintf("Handle %p\n", hThere ); }
*Type = 0;
if (Flags & (GHI_TYPE | GHI_NAME)) { if (g_ExtData-> ReadHandleData(hThere, DEBUG_HANDLE_DATA_TYPE_TYPE_NAME, Buffer, sizeof(Buffer), NULL) == S_OK) { // We were able to get a type, so count this
// as success even if we can't identify the type name.
if (Flags & GHI_TYPE) { SuccessCount++; }
for (i = 1; i < TYPE_MAX ; i++) { if (strcmp(Buffer, g_TypeNames[i].Name) == 0) { *Type = i; break; } } } else { strcpy(Buffer, "<Error retrieving type>"); }
if (Flags & GHI_TYPE) { if ((Flags & GHI_SILENT) == 0) { dprintf(" Type \t%s\n", Buffer); } } }
if (g_ExtData-> ReadHandleData(hThere, DEBUG_HANDLE_DATA_TYPE_BASIC, &Basic, sizeof(Basic), NULL) == S_OK) { dprintf(" Attributes \t%#x\n", Basic.Attributes ); dprintf(" GrantedAccess\t%#x:\n", Basic.GrantedAccess ); DisplayFlags( Basic.GrantedAccess >> 16, 16, AccessMask, szBuf); dprintf(" %s\n", szBuf); DisplayFlags( Basic.GrantedAccess & 0xFFFF, g_TypeNames[ *Type ].NumberRights, g_TypeNames[ *Type ].AccessRights, szBuf); dprintf(" %s\n", szBuf); dprintf(" HandleCount \t%d\n", Basic.HandleCount ); dprintf(" PointerCount \t%d\n", Basic.PointerCount ); SuccessCount++; } else { dprintf("unable to query object information\n"); } }
if ((Flags & GHI_NAME) && *Type != TYPE_FILE) { if (g_ExtData-> ReadHandleData(hThere, DEBUG_HANDLE_DATA_TYPE_OBJECT_NAME, Buffer, sizeof(Buffer), NULL) == S_OK) { dprintf(" Name \t%s\n", Buffer[0] ? Buffer : "<none>" ); SuccessCount++; } else { dprintf("unable to query object information\n"); } }
if ( Flags & GHI_SPECIFIC ) { dprintf(" No object specific information available\n"); }
return( SuccessCount ); }
Routine Description:
This function is called as an NTSD extension to mimic the !handle kd command. This will walk through the debuggee's handle table and duplicate the handle into the ntsd process, then call NtQueryobjectInfo to find out what it is.
Called as:
!handle [handle [flags [Type]]]
If the handle is 0 or -1, all handles are scanned. If the handle is not zero, that particular handle is examined. The flags are as follows (corresponding to secexts.c): 1 - Get type information (default) 2 - Get basic information 4 - Get name information 8 - Get object specific info (where available)
If Type is specified, only object of that type are scanned. Type is a standard NT type name, e.g. Event, Semaphore, etc. Case sensitive, of course.
!handle -- dumps the types of all the handles, and a summary table !handle 0 0 -- dumps a summary table of all the open handles !handle 0 f -- dumps everything we can find about a handle. !handle 0 f Event -- dumps everything we can find about open events
--*/ DECLARE_API( handle ) { ULONG64 hThere; DWORD Type; DWORD Mask; DWORD HandleCount; DWORD Total; DWORD TypeCounts[TYPE_MAX]; DWORD Handle; DWORD Hits; DWORD Matches; DWORD ObjectType; ULONG SessionType; ULONG SessionQual;
// This particular implementation is only used for
// dump debug sessions as more information can be
// retrieved on live sessions via the NtQuery APIs.
// If this isn't a dump session let the !handle
// search continue on.
if (g_ExtControl == NULL || g_ExtControl-> GetDebuggeeType(&SessionType, &SessionQual) != S_OK) { SessionType = DEBUG_CLASS_USER_WINDOWS; SessionQual = DEBUG_USER_WINDOWS_PROCESS; } if (SessionType == DEBUG_CLASS_USER_WINDOWS && SessionQual == DEBUG_USER_WINDOWS_PROCESS) { ExtRelease(); return DEBUG_EXTENSION_CONTINUE_SEARCH; }
while (*args == ' ') { args++; }
if ( strcmp( args, "-?" ) == 0 ) { ExtRelease(); return DEBUG_EXTENSION_CONTINUE_SEARCH; }
hThere = GetExpression( args );
while (*args && (*args != ' ') ) { args++; } while (*args == ' ') { args++; }
if (*args) { Mask = (DWORD)GetExpression( args ); }
while (*args && (*args != ' ') ) { args++; } while (*args == ' ') { args++; }
if (*args) { Type = GetObjectTypeIndex( (LPSTR)args ); if (Type == (DWORD) -1) { dprintf("Unknown type '%s'\n", args ); goto Exit; } }
// if they specified 0, they just want the summary. Make sure nothing
// sneaks out.
if ( Mask == 0 ) { Mask = GHI_SILENT; }
if (g_ExtData-> ReadHandleData(0, DEBUG_HANDLE_DATA_TYPE_HANDLE_COUNT, &HandleCount, sizeof(HandleCount), NULL) != S_OK) { dprintf("Unable to read handle information\n"); goto Exit; }
// hThere of 0 indicates all handles.
if ((hThere == 0) || (hThere == (ULONG64)(LONG_PTR)INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)) { Hits = 0; Handle = 0; Matches = 0; ZeroMemory( TypeCounts, sizeof(TypeCounts) );
while ( Hits < HandleCount ) { if (CheckControlC()) { break; } if ( Type ) { if (GetHandleInfo( Handle, GHI_TYPE | GHI_SILENT, &ObjectType ) ) { Hits++; if ( ObjectType == Type ) { GetHandleInfo( Handle, Mask, &ObjectType ); Matches ++; } } } else { if (GetHandleInfo( Handle, GHI_TYPE | GHI_SILENT, &ObjectType) ) { Hits++; TypeCounts[ ObjectType ] ++;
GetHandleInfo( Handle, Mask, &ObjectType ); } }
Handle += 4; }
if ( Type == 0 ) { dprintf( "%d Handles\n", Hits ); dprintf( "Type \tCount\n"); for (Type = 0; Type < TYPE_MAX ; Type++ ) { if (TypeCounts[Type]) { dprintf("%-15s\t%d\n", g_TypeNames[Type].Name, TypeCounts[Type]); } } } else { dprintf("%d handles of type %s\n", Matches, g_TypeNames[Type].Name ); } } else { GetHandleInfo( hThere, Mask, &Type ); }
Exit: EXIT_API(); return S_OK; }