#include <private.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <strsafe.h>
// Invokes symchk.exe to validate symbols
BOOL CheckSymbols(LPSTR SourceFileName, LPSTR TmpPath, LPSTR ExcludeFileName, BOOL DbgControl, // ErrMsg is MAX_SYM_ERR * sizeof(CHAR) in length
LPSTR ErrMsg, size_t ErrMsgLen) {
BOOL bReturn = TRUE; DWORD dwReturn; FILE *pfErrors;
INT iReturn;
TCHAR szBuf[ MAX_PATH*4 ]; TCHAR szTempPath[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR szTempFileName[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR *pChar;
UINT uiReturn;
// Find the temp dir
dwReturn = GetTempPath(MAX_PATH+1, szTempPath);
if (dwReturn == 0) { // GetTempPath failed, just use the current directory.
StringCbCopy(szTempPath,sizeof(szTempPath),"."); }
// Get a temp file to pipe output to
uiReturn= GetTempFileName(szTempPath, "BNP", 0, szTempFileName);
if (uiReturn == 0) { StringCbCopy(ErrMsg, ErrMsgLen, "Unable to get temporary file name"); return(FALSE); }
// Build the command line
StringCbPrintfA(szBuf, sizeof(szBuf), "symchk.exe %s /s %s /f ", SourceFileName, TmpPath);
// Optional flags
if ( DbgControl ) { StringCbCat( szBuf, sizeof(szBuf), " /t"); }
if ( ExcludeFileName != NULL ) { StringCbCat( szBuf, sizeof(szBuf), " /e "); StringCbCat( szBuf, sizeof(szBuf), ExcludeFileName ); }
// Redirect the output to a file
StringCbCat( szBuf, sizeof(szBuf), " > "); StringCbCat( szBuf, sizeof(szBuf), szTempFileName);
// From Oct 2001 MSDN:
// You must explicitly flush (using fflush or _flushall) or close any stream before calling system
// It doesn't specify if stdin, stderr, and stdout are included here, so call it just to
// be safe.
// Spawn off symchk.exe - this is a security risk since we don't specifically specify the path
// to symchk.exe. However, we can't guarentee that it exists nor that
// if we find it dynamically that the correct one will be used so I'm not
// certain that we can do this any differently.
iReturn = system(szBuf);
// Check for Error line in the output file
if (iReturn != 0) { bReturn = FALSE;
// symchk error return value
if (iReturn == 1) { // open the error file
pfErrors = fopen(szTempFileName, "r");
// if the file couldn't be opened
if (pfErrors == NULL) { StringCbCopy(ErrMsg, ErrMsgLen, "Can't open symchk error file");
// parse the error file
} else { if ( fgets( ErrMsg, ErrMsgLen, pfErrors ) == NULL) { if ( feof(pfErrors) || ferror(pfErrors) ) { StringCbCopy(ErrMsg, ErrMsgLen, "Can't read symchk error file"); } else { StringCbCopy(ErrMsg, ErrMsgLen, "Unexpected error"); } } else if ( (pChar = strchr(ErrMsg,'\n')) != NULL ) { // remove \n
pChar = '\0'; // message is too short to be meaningful
if (strlen(ErrMsg) <= 8) { StringCbCopy(ErrMsg, ErrMsgLen, "Unknown Error"); } } fclose(pfErrors); }
// system defined errors
} else if (errno == E2BIG || errno == ENOENT || errno == ENOMEM) {
pChar = strerror(errno); StringCbCopy(ErrMsg, ErrMsgLen, pChar);
// system defined errors intentionally ignored
} else if (errno == ENOEXEC) { // If we return FALSE, binplace is going to start returning up the call stack, so just print
// our own error message and pretend everything is fine by returning TRUE.
fprintf(stderr,"BINPLACE : error BNP2404: Unable to call symchk.exe, not checking symbols.\n"); bReturn = TRUE;
// unknown error
} else { StringCbPrintfA(ErrMsg, ErrMsgLen, "Unexpected error. SymChk returned 0x%x.",iReturn); } }
// cleanup the temp file and return
if ( DeleteFile(szTempFileName) == 0 ) { fprintf(stderr,"BINPLACE : warning BNP2440: Unable to delete temp file \"%s\". Error 0x%x\n.", szTempFileName, GetLastError()); }
return(bReturn); }