// Function entry cache.
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 2000.
#include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include <ntimage.h>
#define NOEXTAPI
#include <wdbgexts.h>
#include <ntdbg.h>
#include "private.h"
#include "symbols.h"
#include "globals.h"
#include "fecache.hpp"
// FunctionEntryCache.
FunctionEntryCache::FunctionEntryCache(ULONG ImageDataSize, ULONG CacheDataSize, ULONG Machine) { m_ImageDataSize = ImageDataSize; m_CacheDataSize = CacheDataSize; m_Machine = Machine;
m_Entries = NULL; }
FunctionEntryCache::~FunctionEntryCache(void) { if (m_Entries != NULL) { MemFree(m_Entries); } }
BOOL FunctionEntryCache::Initialize(ULONG MaxEntries, ULONG ReplaceAt) { // Already initialized.
if (m_Entries != NULL) { return TRUE; } m_Entries = (FeCacheEntry*)MemAlloc(sizeof(FeCacheEntry) * MaxEntries); if (m_Entries == NULL) { return FALSE; }
m_MaxEntries = MaxEntries; m_ReplaceAt = ReplaceAt;
m_Used = 0; m_Next = 0;
return TRUE; }
FeCacheEntry* FunctionEntryCache::Find( HANDLE Process, ULONG64 CodeOffset, PREAD_PROCESS_MEMORY_ROUTINE64 ReadMemory, PGET_MODULE_BASE_ROUTINE64 GetModuleBase, PFUNCTION_TABLE_ACCESS_ROUTINE64 GetFunctionEntry ) { FeCacheEntry* FunctionEntry;
FE_DEBUG(("\nFunctionEntryCache::Find(ControlPc=%.8I64x, Machine=%X)\n", CodeOffset, m_Machine));
// Look for a static or dynamic function entry.
FunctionEntry = FindDirect( Process, CodeOffset, ReadMemory, GetModuleBase, GetFunctionEntry ); if (FunctionEntry == NULL) { return NULL; }
// The capability exists for more than one function entry
// to map to the same function. This permits a function to
// have discontiguous code segments described by separate
// function table entries. If the ending prologue address
// is not within the limits of the begining and ending
// address of the function table entry, then the prologue
// ending address is the address of the primary function
// table entry that accurately describes the ending prologue
// address.
FunctionEntry = SearchForPrimaryEntry(FunctionEntry, Process, ReadMemory, GetModuleBase, GetFunctionEntry);
#if DBG
if (tlsvar(DebugFunctionEntries)) { if (FunctionEntry == NULL) { dbPrint("FunctionEntryCache::Find returning NULL\n"); } else { if (FunctionEntry->Address) { dbPrint("FunctionEntryCache::Find returning " "FunctionEntry=%.8I64x %s\n", FunctionEntry->Address, FunctionEntry->Description); } else { dbPrint("FunctionEntryCache::Find returning " "FunctionEntry=%.8I64x %s\n", (ULONG64)(LONG64)(LONG_PTR)FunctionEntry, FunctionEntry->Description); } } } #endif
return FunctionEntry; }
FeCacheEntry* FunctionEntryCache::FindDirect( HANDLE Process, ULONG64 CodeOffset, PREAD_PROCESS_MEMORY_ROUTINE64 ReadMemory, PGET_MODULE_BASE_ROUTINE64 GetModuleBase, PFUNCTION_TABLE_ACCESS_ROUTINE64 GetFunctionEntry ) { FeCacheEntry* FunctionEntry; ULONG64 ModuleBase;
// Look for function entry in static function tables.
FunctionEntry = FindStatic( Process, CodeOffset, ReadMemory, GetModuleBase, GetFunctionEntry, &ModuleBase );
FE_DEBUG((" FindDirect: ControlPc=0x%I64x functionEntry=0x%p\n" " FindStatic %s\n", CodeOffset, FunctionEntry, FunctionEntry != NULL ? "succeeded" : "FAILED"));
if (FunctionEntry != NULL) { return FunctionEntry; }
// If not in static image range and no static function entry
// found use FunctionEntryCallback routine (if present) for
// dynamic function entry or some other source of pdata (e.g.
// saved pdata information for ROM images).
PPROCESS_ENTRY ProcessEntry = FindProcessEntry( Process ); if (ProcessEntry == NULL) { return NULL; }
PVOID RawEntry; if (!ModuleBase) { if (!IsImageMachineType64(m_Machine) && ProcessEntry->pFunctionEntryCallback32) { RawEntry = ProcessEntry->pFunctionEntryCallback32 (Process, (ULONG)CodeOffset, (PVOID)ProcessEntry->FunctionEntryUserContext); } else if (ProcessEntry->pFunctionEntryCallback64) { RawEntry = ProcessEntry->pFunctionEntryCallback64 (Process, CodeOffset, ProcessEntry->FunctionEntryUserContext); if (RawEntry != NULL) { FunctionEntry = FillTemporary(Process, RawEntry); FE_SET_DESC(FunctionEntry, "from FunctionEntryCallback64"); } }
if (FunctionEntry != NULL) { FE_DEBUG((" FindDirect: got dynamic entry\n")); } else if (GetFunctionEntry != NULL) { // VC 6 didn't supply a GetModuleBase callback so this code is
// to make stack walking backward compatible.
// If we don't have a function by now, use the old-style function
// entry callback and let VC give it to us. Note that MSDN
// documentation indicates that this callback should return
// a 3-field IMAGE_FUNCTION_ENTRY structure, but VC 6 actually
// returns the 5-field IMAGE_RUNTIME_FUNCTION_ENTRY. Since
// the purpose of this hack is to make VC 6 work just go with the
// way VC 6 does it rather than what MSDN says.
RawEntry = GetFunctionEntry(Process, CodeOffset); if (RawEntry != NULL) { FunctionEntry = FillTemporary(Process, RawEntry); FE_SET_DESC(FunctionEntry, "from GetFunctionEntry"); FE_DEBUG((" FindDirect: got user entry\n")); } } } else {
// Nothing has turned up a function entry but we do have a
// module base address. One possibility is that this is the
// kernel debugger and the pdata section is not paged in.
// The last ditch attempt for a function entry will be an
// internal dbghelp call to get the pdata entry from the
// debug info. This is not great because the data in the debug
// section is incomplete and potentially out of date, but in
// most cases it works and makes it possible to get user-mode
// stack traces in the kernel debugger.
PIMGHLP_RVA_FUNCTION_DATA RvaEntry = GetFunctionEntryFromDebugInfo( ProcessEntry, CodeOffset ); if (RvaEntry != NULL) { FeCacheData Data;
TranslateRvaDataToRawData(RvaEntry, ModuleBase, &Data); FunctionEntry = FillTemporary(Process, &Data); FE_SET_DESC(FunctionEntry, "from GetFunctionEntryFromDebugInfo"); FE_DEBUG((" FindDirect: got debug info entry\n")); } }
return FunctionEntry; }
FeCacheEntry* FunctionEntryCache::FindStatic( HANDLE Process, ULONG64 CodeOffset, PREAD_PROCESS_MEMORY_ROUTINE64 ReadMemory, PGET_MODULE_BASE_ROUTINE64 GetModuleBase, PFUNCTION_TABLE_ACCESS_ROUTINE64 GetFunctionEntry, PULONG64 ModuleBase ) { ULONG RelCodeOffset;
*ModuleBase = GetModuleBase( Process, CodeOffset ); if (CodeOffset - *ModuleBase > 0xffffffff) { return NULL; }
RelCodeOffset = (ULONG)(CodeOffset - *ModuleBase); FE_DEBUG((" FindStatic: ControlPc=0x%I64x ImageBase=0x%I64x\n" " biasedControlPc=0x%lx\n", CodeOffset, *ModuleBase, RelCodeOffset));
FeCacheEntry* FunctionEntry; ULONG Index;
// Check the array of recently fetched function entries
FunctionEntry = m_Entries; for (Index = 0; Index < m_Used; Index++) { if (FunctionEntry->Process == Process && FunctionEntry->ModuleBase == *ModuleBase && RelCodeOffset >= FunctionEntry->RelBegin && RelCodeOffset < FunctionEntry->RelEnd) {
FE_DEBUG((" FindStatic: cache hit - index=%ld\n", Index)); return FunctionEntry; }
FunctionEntry++; }
// If an image was found that included the specified code, then locate the
// function table for the image.
if (*ModuleBase == 0) { return NULL; } ULONG64 FunctionTable; ULONG SizeOfFunctionTable; FunctionTable = FunctionTableBase( Process, ReadMemory, *ModuleBase, &SizeOfFunctionTable ); if (FunctionTable == NULL) { return NULL; }
FE_DEBUG((" FindStatic: functionTable=0x%I64x " "sizeOfFunctionTable=%ld count:%ld\n", FunctionTable, SizeOfFunctionTable, SizeOfFunctionTable / m_ImageDataSize));
LONG High; LONG Low; LONG Middle;
// If a function table is located, then search the function table
// for a function table entry for the specified code offset.
Low = 0; High = (SizeOfFunctionTable / m_ImageDataSize) - 1;
// Perform binary search on the function table for a function table
// entry that subsumes the specified code offset.
while (High >= Low) {
// Compute next probe index and test entry. If the specified PC
// is greater than of equal to the beginning address and less
// than the ending address of the function table entry, then
// return the address of the function table entry. Otherwise,
// continue the search.
Middle = (Low + High) >> 1;
ULONG64 NextFunctionTableEntry = FunctionTable + Middle * m_ImageDataSize;
// Fetch the function entry and bail if there is an error reading it
FunctionEntry = ReadImage( Process, NextFunctionTableEntry, ReadMemory, GetModuleBase ); if (FunctionEntry == NULL) { FE_DEBUG((" FindStatic: ReadImage " "functionEntryAddress=0x%I64x FAILED\n", NextFunctionTableEntry)); return NULL; }
if (RelCodeOffset < FunctionEntry->RelBegin) { High = Middle - 1; } else if (RelCodeOffset >= FunctionEntry->RelEnd) { Low = Middle + 1; } else { return Promote( FunctionEntry ); } }
return NULL; }
FeCacheEntry* FunctionEntryCache::ReadImage( HANDLE Process, ULONG64 Address, PREAD_PROCESS_MEMORY_ROUTINE64 ReadMemory, PGET_MODULE_BASE_ROUTINE64 GetModuleBase ) { FeCacheEntry* FunctionEntry; ULONG Index;
// Check the array of recently fetched function entries.
FunctionEntry = m_Entries; for (Index = 0; Index < m_Used; Index++) { if (FunctionEntry->Process == Process && FunctionEntry->Address == Address ) { return FunctionEntry; }
FunctionEntry++; }
FeCacheData Data; DWORD Done;
if (!ReadMemory(Process, Address, &Data, m_ImageDataSize, &Done) || Done != m_ImageDataSize) { return NULL; } // If not in the cache, replace the entry that m_Next
// points to. m_Next cycles through the last part of the
// table and function entries we want to keep are promoted to the first
// part of the table so they don't get overwritten by new ones being read
// as part of the binary search through function entry tables.
if (m_Used < m_MaxEntries) { m_Used++; m_Next = m_Used; } else { m_Next++; if (m_Next >= m_MaxEntries) { m_Next = m_ReplaceAt + 1; } }
FunctionEntry = m_Entries + (m_Next - 1);
FunctionEntry->Data = Data; FunctionEntry->Address = Address; FunctionEntry->Process = Process; FunctionEntry->ModuleBase = GetModuleBase(Process, Address); FE_SET_DESC(FunctionEntry, "from target process");
// Translate after all other information is filled in so
// the translation routine can use it.
return FunctionEntry; }
void FunctionEntryCache::InvalidateProcessOrModule(HANDLE Process, ULONG64 Base) { FeCacheEntry* FunctionEntry; ULONG Index;
FunctionEntry = m_Entries; Index = 0; while (Index < m_Used) { if (FunctionEntry->Process == Process && (Base == 0 || FunctionEntry->ModuleBase == Base)) {
// Pull the last entry down into this slot
// to keep things packed. There's no need
// to update m_Next as this will open a
// new slot for use and m_Next will be reset
// when it is used.
*FunctionEntry = m_Entries[--m_Used]; } else { Index++; FunctionEntry++; } } }
FeCacheEntry* FunctionEntryCache::Promote(FeCacheEntry* Entry) { ULONG Index; ULONG Move;
Index = (ULONG)(Entry - m_Entries);
// Make sure it's promoted out of the temporary area.
if (Index >= m_ReplaceAt) { Move = Index - (m_ReplaceAt - 3); } else { Move = ( Index >= 3 ) ? 3 : 1; }
if (Index > Move) { FeCacheEntry Temp = *Entry; *Entry = m_Entries[Index - Move]; m_Entries[Index - Move] = Temp; Index -= Move; }
return m_Entries + Index; }
ULONG64 FunctionEntryCache::FunctionTableBase( HANDLE Process, PREAD_PROCESS_MEMORY_ROUTINE64 ReadMemory, ULONG64 Base, PULONG Size ) { ULONG64 NtHeaders; ULONG64 ExceptionDirectoryEntryAddress; IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY ExceptionData; IMAGE_DOS_HEADER DosHeaderData; DWORD Done;
// Read DOS header to calculate the address of the NT header.
if (!ReadMemory( Process, Base, &DosHeaderData, sizeof(DosHeaderData), &Done ) || Done != sizeof(DosHeaderData)) { return 0; } if (DosHeaderData.e_magic != IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE) { return 0; }
NtHeaders = Base + DosHeaderData.e_lfanew;
if (IsImageMachineType64(m_Machine)) { ExceptionDirectoryEntryAddress = NtHeaders + FIELD_OFFSET(IMAGE_NT_HEADERS64,OptionalHeader) + FIELD_OFFSET(IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64,DataDirectory) + IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXCEPTION * sizeof(IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY); } else { ExceptionDirectoryEntryAddress = NtHeaders + FIELD_OFFSET(IMAGE_NT_HEADERS32,OptionalHeader) + FIELD_OFFSET(IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER32,DataDirectory) + IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXCEPTION * sizeof(IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY); }
// Read NT header to get the image data directory.
if (!ReadMemory( Process, ExceptionDirectoryEntryAddress, &ExceptionData, sizeof(IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY), &Done ) || Done != sizeof(IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY)) { return 0; }
*Size = ExceptionData.Size; return Base + ExceptionData.VirtualAddress;
FeCacheEntry* FunctionEntryCache::SearchForPrimaryEntry( FeCacheEntry* CacheEntry, HANDLE Process, PREAD_PROCESS_MEMORY_ROUTINE64 ReadMemory, PGET_MODULE_BASE_ROUTINE64 GetModuleBase, PFUNCTION_TABLE_ACCESS_ROUTINE64 GetFunctionEntry ) { // Assume all entries are primary.
return CacheEntry; }
// Ia64FunctionEntryCache.
void Ia64FunctionEntryCache::TranslateRawData(FeCacheEntry* Entry) { Entry->RelBegin = Entry->Data.Ia64.BeginAddress & ~15; Entry->RelEnd = (Entry->Data.Ia64.EndAddress + 15) & ~15; }
void Ia64FunctionEntryCache::TranslateRvaDataToRawData (PIMGHLP_RVA_FUNCTION_DATA RvaData, ULONG64 ModuleBase, FeCacheData* Data) { Data->Ia64.BeginAddress = RvaData->rvaBeginAddress; Data->Ia64.EndAddress = RvaData->rvaEndAddress; Data->Ia64.UnwindInfoAddress = RvaData->rvaPrologEndAddress; }
#if DBG
void ShowRuntimeFunctionIa64( FeCacheEntry* FunctionEntry, PSTR Label ) { if (!tlsvar(DebugFunctionEntries)) { return; } if ( FunctionEntry ) { if (FunctionEntry->Address) { dbPrint(" 0x%I64x: %s\n", FunctionEntry->Address, Label ? Label : "" ); } else { dbPrint(" %s\n", Label ? Label : "" ); } dbPrint(" BeginAddress = 0x%x\n" " EndAddress = 0x%x\n" " UnwindInfoAddress = 0x%x\n", FunctionEntry->Data.Ia64.BeginAddress, FunctionEntry->Data.Ia64.EndAddress, FunctionEntry->Data.Ia64.UnwindInfoAddress ); } else { dbPrint(" FunctionEntry NULL: %s\n", Label ? Label : "" ); } }
#endif // #if DBG
// Amd64FunctionEntryCache.
void Amd64FunctionEntryCache::TranslateRawData(FeCacheEntry* Entry) { Entry->RelBegin = Entry->Data.Amd64.BeginAddress; Entry->RelEnd = Entry->Data.Amd64.EndAddress; }
void Amd64FunctionEntryCache::TranslateRvaDataToRawData (PIMGHLP_RVA_FUNCTION_DATA RvaData, ULONG64 ModuleBase, FeCacheData* Data) { Data->Amd64.BeginAddress = RvaData->rvaBeginAddress; Data->Amd64.EndAddress = RvaData->rvaEndAddress; Data->Amd64.UnwindInfoAddress = RvaData->rvaPrologEndAddress; }
// ArmFunctionEntryCache.
void ArmFunctionEntryCache::TranslateRawData(FeCacheEntry* Entry) { Entry->RelBegin = (ULONG) ((Entry->Data.Arm.BeginAddress & ~1) - Entry->ModuleBase); Entry->RelEnd = (ULONG) ((Entry->Data.Arm.EndAddress & ~1) - Entry->ModuleBase); }
void ArmFunctionEntryCache::TranslateRvaDataToRawData (PIMGHLP_RVA_FUNCTION_DATA RvaData, ULONG64 ModuleBase, FeCacheData* Data) { Data->Arm.BeginAddress = (ULONG)(ModuleBase + RvaData->rvaBeginAddress); Data->Arm.EndAddress = (ULONG)(ModuleBase + RvaData->rvaEndAddress); Data->Arm.ExceptionHandler = 0; Data->Arm.HandlerData = 0; Data->Arm.PrologEndAddress = (ULONG)(ModuleBase + RvaData->rvaPrologEndAddress); }
// Functions.
FunctionEntryCache* GetFeCache(ULONG Machine, BOOL Create) { FunctionEntryCache* Cache; switch(Machine) { case IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_AMD64: if (tlsvar(Amd64FunctionEntries) == NULL && Create) { tlsvar(Amd64FunctionEntries) = new Amd64FunctionEntryCache; if (tlsvar(Amd64FunctionEntries) == NULL) { return NULL; } } Cache = tlsvar(Amd64FunctionEntries); break; case IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_IA64: if (tlsvar(Ia64FunctionEntries) == NULL && Create) { tlsvar(Ia64FunctionEntries) = new Ia64FunctionEntryCache; if (tlsvar(Ia64FunctionEntries) == NULL) { return NULL; } } Cache = tlsvar(Ia64FunctionEntries); break; case IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_ARM: if (tlsvar(ArmFunctionEntries) == NULL && Create) { tlsvar(ArmFunctionEntries) = new ArmFunctionEntryCache; if (tlsvar(ArmFunctionEntries) == NULL) { return NULL; } } Cache = tlsvar(ArmFunctionEntries); break; default: return NULL; }
if (Cache && !Cache->Initialize(60, 40)) { return NULL; }
return Cache; }
void ClearFeCaches(void) { if (tlsvar(Ia64FunctionEntries)) { delete (Ia64FunctionEntryCache*)tlsvar(Ia64FunctionEntries); tlsvar(Ia64FunctionEntries) = NULL; } if (tlsvar(Amd64FunctionEntries)) { delete (Amd64FunctionEntryCache*)tlsvar(Amd64FunctionEntries); tlsvar(Amd64FunctionEntries) = NULL; } if (tlsvar(ArmFunctionEntries)) { delete (ArmFunctionEntryCache*)tlsvar(ArmFunctionEntries); tlsvar(ArmFunctionEntries) = NULL; } }