Copyright(c) 1999-2002 Microsoft Corporation
#include "pch.cpp"
#include "platform.h"
// Win32LiveSystemProvider.
Win32LiveSystemProvider::Win32LiveSystemProvider(ULONG PlatformId, ULONG BuildNumber) { m_PlatformId = PlatformId; m_BuildNumber = BuildNumber; m_PsApi = NULL; m_EnumProcessModules = NULL; m_GetModuleFileNameExW = NULL; m_Kernel32 = NULL; m_OpenThread = NULL; m_Thread32First = NULL; m_Thread32Next = NULL; m_Module32First = NULL; m_Module32Next = NULL; m_Module32FirstW = NULL; m_Module32NextW = NULL; m_CreateToolhelp32Snapshot = NULL; m_GetLongPathNameA = NULL; m_GetLongPathNameW = NULL; m_GetProcessTimes = NULL; }
Win32LiveSystemProvider::~Win32LiveSystemProvider(void) { if (m_PsApi) { FreeLibrary(m_PsApi); } if (m_Kernel32) { FreeLibrary(m_Kernel32); } }
HRESULT Win32LiveSystemProvider::Initialize(void) { m_PsApi = LoadLibrary("psapi.dll"); if (m_PsApi) { m_EnumProcessModules = (ENUM_PROCESS_MODULES) GetProcAddress(m_PsApi, "EnumProcessModules"); m_GetModuleFileNameExW = (GET_MODULE_FILE_NAME_EX_W) GetProcAddress(m_PsApi, "GetModuleFileNameExW"); } m_Kernel32 = LoadLibrary("kernel32.dll"); if (m_Kernel32) { m_OpenThread = (OPEN_THREAD) GetProcAddress(m_Kernel32, "OpenThread"); m_Thread32First = (THREAD32_FIRST) GetProcAddress(m_Kernel32, "Thread32First"); m_Thread32Next = (THREAD32_NEXT) GetProcAddress(m_Kernel32, "Thread32Next"); m_Module32First = (MODULE32_FIRST) GetProcAddress(m_Kernel32, "Module32First"); m_Module32Next = (MODULE32_NEXT) GetProcAddress(m_Kernel32, "Module32Next"); m_Module32FirstW = (MODULE32_FIRST) GetProcAddress(m_Kernel32, "Module32FirstW"); m_Module32NextW = (MODULE32_NEXT) GetProcAddress(m_Kernel32, "Module32NextW"); m_CreateToolhelp32Snapshot = (CREATE_TOOLHELP32_SNAPSHOT) GetProcAddress(m_Kernel32, "CreateToolhelp32Snapshot"); m_GetLongPathNameA = (GET_LONG_PATH_NAME_A) GetProcAddress(m_Kernel32, "GetLongPathNameA"); m_GetLongPathNameW = (GET_LONG_PATH_NAME_W) GetProcAddress(m_Kernel32, "GetLongPathNameW"); m_GetProcessTimes = (GET_PROCESS_TIMES) GetProcAddress(m_Kernel32, "GetProcessTimes"); } return S_OK; }
void Win32LiveSystemProvider::Release(void) { delete this; }
HRESULT Win32LiveSystemProvider::GetCurrentTimeDate(OUT PULONG TimeDate) { FILETIME FileTime; GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(&FileTime); *TimeDate = FileTimeToTimeDate(&FileTime); return S_OK; }
HRESULT Win32LiveSystemProvider::GetCpuType(OUT PULONG Type, OUT PBOOL BackingStore) { SYSTEM_INFO SysInfo; GetSystemInfo(&SysInfo); *Type = GenProcArchToImageMachine(SysInfo.wProcessorArchitecture); if (*Type == IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_UNKNOWN) { return E_INVALIDARG; }
*BackingStore = TRUE; #else
*BackingStore = FALSE; #endif
return S_OK; }
#if defined(i386)
BOOL X86CpuId( IN ULONG32 SubFunction, OUT PULONG32 EaxRegister, OPTIONAL OUT PULONG32 EbxRegister, OPTIONAL OUT PULONG32 EcxRegister, OPTIONAL OUT PULONG32 EdxRegister OPTIONAL ) { BOOL Succ; ULONG32 _Eax; ULONG32 _Ebx; ULONG32 _Ecx; ULONG32 _Edx;
__try { __asm { mov eax, SubFunction
__emit 0x0F __emit 0xA2 ;; CPUID
mov _Eax, eax mov _Ebx, ebx mov _Ecx, ecx mov _Edx, edx }
if ( EaxRegister ) { *EaxRegister = _Eax; }
if ( EbxRegister ) { *EbxRegister = _Ebx; }
if ( EcxRegister ) { *EcxRegister = _Ecx; }
if ( EdxRegister ) { *EdxRegister = _Edx; }
Succ = TRUE; }
Succ = FALSE; }
return Succ; }
VOID GetCpuInformation( PCPU_INFORMATION Cpu ) { BOOL Succ;
// Get the VendorID
Succ = X86CpuId ( CPUID_VENDOR_ID, NULL, &Cpu->X86CpuInfo.VendorId [0], &Cpu->X86CpuInfo.VendorId [2], &Cpu->X86CpuInfo.VendorId [1] );
if ( !Succ ) {
// CPUID is not supported on this processor.
ZeroMemory (&Cpu->X86CpuInfo, sizeof (Cpu->X86CpuInfo)); }
// Get the feature information.
Succ = X86CpuId ( CPUID_VERSION_FEATURES, &Cpu->X86CpuInfo.VersionInformation, NULL, NULL, &Cpu->X86CpuInfo.FeatureInformation );
if ( !Succ ) { Cpu->X86CpuInfo.VersionInformation = 0; Cpu->X86CpuInfo.FeatureInformation = 0; }
// Get the AMD specific information if this is an AMD processor.
if ( Cpu->X86CpuInfo.VendorId [0] == AMD_VENDOR_ID_0 && Cpu->X86CpuInfo.VendorId [1] == AMD_VENDOR_ID_1 && Cpu->X86CpuInfo.VendorId [2] == AMD_VENDOR_ID_2 ) {
Succ = X86CpuId ( CPUID_AMD_EXTENDED_FEATURES, NULL, NULL, NULL, &Cpu->X86CpuInfo.AMDExtendedCpuFeatures );
if ( !Succ ) { Cpu->X86CpuInfo.AMDExtendedCpuFeatures = 0; } } }
#else // #if defined(i386)
VOID GetCpuInformation( PCPU_INFORMATION Cpu )
Routine Description:
Get CPU information for non-X86 platform using the IsProcessorFeaturePresent() API call.
Cpu - A buffer where the processor feature information will be copied. Note: we copy the processor features as a set of bits or'd together. Also, we only allow for the first 128 processor feature flags.
Return Value:
for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_COUNT (Cpu->OtherCpuInfo.ProcessorFeatures); i++) {
Cpu->OtherCpuInfo.ProcessorFeatures[i] = 0; for (j = 0; j < 64; j++) { if (IsProcessorFeaturePresent ( j + i * 64 )) { Cpu->OtherCpuInfo.ProcessorFeatures[i] |= 1 << j; } } } }
#endif // #if defined(i386)
HRESULT Win32LiveSystemProvider::GetCpuInfo(OUT PUSHORT Architecture, OUT PUSHORT Level, OUT PUSHORT Revision, OUT PUCHAR NumberOfProcessors, OUT PCPU_INFORMATION Info) { SYSTEM_INFO SysInfo; GetSystemInfo(&SysInfo);
*Architecture = SysInfo.wProcessorArchitecture; *Level = SysInfo.wProcessorLevel; *Revision = SysInfo.wProcessorRevision; *NumberOfProcessors = (UCHAR)SysInfo.dwNumberOfProcessors; GetCpuInformation(Info);
return S_OK; }
void Win32LiveSystemProvider::GetContextSizes(OUT PULONG Size, OUT PULONG RegScanOffset, OUT PULONG RegScanCount) { *Size = sizeof(CONTEXT); #ifdef _X86_
// X86 has two sizes of context.
switch(m_PlatformId) { case VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT: if (m_BuildNumber < NT_BUILD_WIN2K) { *Size = FIELD_OFFSET(CONTEXT, ExtendedRegisters); } break; case VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS: if (m_BuildNumber <= 1998) { *Size = FIELD_OFFSET(CONTEXT, ExtendedRegisters); } break; default: *Size = FIELD_OFFSET(CONTEXT, ExtendedRegisters); break; } #endif
// Default reg scan.
*RegScanOffset = -1; *RegScanCount = -1; }
void Win32LiveSystemProvider::GetPointerSize(OUT PULONG Size) { *Size = sizeof(PVOID); }
void Win32LiveSystemProvider::GetPageSize(OUT PULONG Size) { *Size = PAGE_SIZE; }
void Win32LiveSystemProvider::GetFunctionTableSizes(OUT PULONG TableSize, OUT PULONG EntrySize) { #if defined(_IA64_) || defined(_AMD64_)
*TableSize = sizeof(DYNAMIC_FUNCTION_TABLE); *EntrySize = sizeof(RUNTIME_FUNCTION); #else
*TableSize = 0; *EntrySize = 0; #endif
void Win32LiveSystemProvider::GetInstructionWindowSize(OUT PULONG Size) { // Default window.
*Size = -1; }
HRESULT Win32LiveSystemProvider::GetOsInfo(OUT PULONG PlatformId, OUT PULONG Major, OUT PULONG Minor, OUT PULONG BuildNumber, OUT PUSHORT ProductType, OUT PUSHORT SuiteMask) { OSVERSIONINFOEXA OsInfo;
// Try first with the EX struct.
OsInfo.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OsInfo);
if (!GetVersionExA((LPOSVERSIONINFO)&OsInfo)) { // EX struct didn't work, try with the basic struct.
ZeroMemory(&OsInfo, sizeof(OsInfo)); OsInfo.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFOA); if (!GetVersionExA((LPOSVERSIONINFO)&OsInfo)) { return WIN32_LAST_STATUS(); } }
*PlatformId = OsInfo.dwPlatformId; *Major = OsInfo.dwMajorVersion; *Minor = OsInfo.dwMinorVersion; *BuildNumber = OsInfo.dwBuildNumber; *ProductType = OsInfo.wProductType; *SuiteMask = OsInfo.wSuiteMask;
return S_OK; }
HRESULT Win32LiveSystemProvider::GetOsCsdString(OUT PWSTR Buffer, IN ULONG BufferChars) { OSVERSIONINFOW OsInfoW;
// Try first with the Unicode struct.
OsInfoW.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OsInfoW); if (GetVersionExW(&OsInfoW)) { // Got it.
GenStrCopyNW(Buffer, OsInfoW.szCSDVersion, BufferChars); return S_OK; } OSVERSIONINFOA OsInfoA; // Unicode struct didn't work, try with the ANSI struct.
OsInfoA.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OsInfoA); if (!GetVersionExA(&OsInfoA)) { return WIN32_LAST_STATUS(); } if (!MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, OsInfoA.szCSDVersion, -1, Buffer, BufferChars)) { return WIN32_LAST_STATUS(); }
return S_OK; }
HRESULT Win32LiveSystemProvider::OpenMapping(IN PCWSTR FilePath, OUT PULONG Size, OUT PWSTR LongPath, IN ULONG LongPathChars, OUT PVOID* ViewRet) { HRESULT Status; HANDLE File; HANDLE Mapping; PVOID View; DWORD Chars;
// The module may be loaded with a short name. Open
// the mapping with the name given, but also determine
// the long name if possible. This is done here as
// the ANSI/Unicode issues are already being handled here.
// We're on an OS that doesn't support Unicode
// file operations. Convert to ANSI and see if
// that helps.
CHAR FilePathA [ MAX_PATH + 10 ];
if (WideCharToMultiByte (CP_ACP, 0, FilePath, -1, FilePathA, sizeof (FilePathA), 0, 0 ) > 0) {
File = CreateFileA(FilePathA, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL); if (File != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { if (!m_GetLongPathNameA) { Chars = 0; } else { Chars = m_GetLongPathNameA(FilePathA, FilePathA, ARRAY_COUNT(FilePathA)); } if (Chars == 0 || Chars >= ARRAY_COUNT(FilePathA) || MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, FilePathA, -1, LongPath, LongPathChars) == 0) { // Couldn't get the long path, just use the
// given path.
GenStrCopyNW(LongPath, FilePath, LongPathChars); } } } }
if ( File == NULL || File == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { return WIN32_LAST_STATUS(); } } else { if (!m_GetLongPathNameW) { Chars = 0; } else { Chars = m_GetLongPathNameW(FilePath, LongPath, LongPathChars); } if (Chars == 0 || Chars >= LongPathChars) { // Couldn't get the long path, just use the given path.
GenStrCopyNW(LongPath, FilePath, LongPathChars); } }
*Size = GetFileSize(File, NULL); if (*Size == -1) { ::CloseHandle( File ); return WIN32_LAST_STATUS(); } Mapping = CreateFileMapping(File, NULL, PAGE_READONLY, 0, 0, NULL); if (!Mapping) { ::CloseHandle(File); return WIN32_LAST_STATUS(); }
View = MapViewOfFile(Mapping, FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0, 0);
if (!View) { Status = WIN32_LAST_STATUS(); } else { Status = S_OK; }
::CloseHandle(Mapping); ::CloseHandle(File);
*ViewRet = View; return Status; } void Win32LiveSystemProvider::CloseMapping(PVOID Mapping) { UnmapViewOfFile(Mapping); }
HRESULT Win32LiveSystemProvider::GetImageHeaderInfo(IN HANDLE Process, IN PCWSTR FilePath, IN ULONG64 ImageBase, OUT PULONG Size, OUT PULONG CheckSum, OUT PULONG TimeDateStamp) { UCHAR HeaderBuffer[512]; PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS NtHeaders; IMAGE_NT_HEADERS64 Generic; SIZE_T Done;
if (!ReadProcessMemory(Process, (PVOID)(ULONG_PTR)ImageBase, HeaderBuffer, sizeof(HeaderBuffer), &Done)) { return WIN32_LAST_STATUS(); } if (Done < sizeof(HeaderBuffer)) { return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_READ_FAULT); } NtHeaders = GenImageNtHeader(HeaderBuffer, &Generic); if (!NtHeaders) { return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INVALID_DLL); }
*Size = Generic.OptionalHeader.SizeOfImage; *CheckSum = Generic.OptionalHeader.CheckSum; *TimeDateStamp = Generic.FileHeader.TimeDateStamp;
return S_OK; }
HRESULT Win32LiveSystemProvider::GetImageVersionInfo(IN HANDLE Process, IN PCWSTR FilePath, IN ULONG64 ImageBase, OUT VS_FIXEDFILEINFO* Info) { HRESULT Status; BOOL Succ; ULONG Unused; ULONG Size; UINT VerSize; PVOID VersionBlock; PVOID VersionData; CHAR FilePathA [ MAX_PATH + 10 ]; BOOL UseAnsi = FALSE;
// Get the version information.
Size = GetFileVersionInfoSizeW (FilePath, &Unused);
if (Size == 0 && GetLastError() == ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED) {
// We're on an OS that doesn't support Unicode
// file operations. Convert to ANSI and see if
// that helps.
if (!WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, FilePath, -1, FilePathA, sizeof (FilePathA), 0, 0 )) { return WIN32_LAST_STATUS(); }
Size = GetFileVersionInfoSizeA(FilePathA, &Unused); UseAnsi = TRUE; } if (!Size) { return WIN32_LAST_STATUS(); } VersionBlock = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, Size); if (!VersionBlock) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
if (UseAnsi) { Succ = GetFileVersionInfoA(FilePathA, 0, Size, VersionBlock); } else { Succ = GetFileVersionInfoW(FilePath, 0, Size, VersionBlock); }
if (Succ) { //
// Get the VS_FIXEDFILEINFO from the image.
Succ = VerQueryValue(VersionBlock, "\\", &VersionData, &VerSize);
if ( Succ && (VerSize == sizeof (VS_FIXEDFILEINFO)) ) { CopyMemory(Info, VersionData, sizeof(*Info)); } else { Succ = FALSE; } }
if (Succ) { Status = S_OK; } else { Status = WIN32_LAST_STATUS(); } HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, VersionBlock); return Status; }
HRESULT Win32LiveSystemProvider::GetImageDebugRecord(IN HANDLE Process, IN PCWSTR FilePath, IN ULONG64 ImageBase, IN ULONG RecordType, OUT OPTIONAL PVOID Data, IN OUT PULONG DataLen) { // We can rely on the default processing.
HRESULT Win32LiveSystemProvider::EnumImageDataSections(IN HANDLE Process, IN PCWSTR FilePath, IN ULONG64 ImageBase, IN MiniDumpProviderCallbacks* Callback) { // We can rely on the default processing.
HRESULT Win32LiveSystemProvider::OpenThread(IN ULONG DesiredAccess, IN BOOL InheritHandle, IN ULONG ThreadId, OUT PHANDLE Handle) { if (!m_OpenThread) { return E_NOTIMPL; }
*Handle = m_OpenThread(DesiredAccess, InheritHandle, ThreadId); return *Handle ? S_OK : WIN32_LAST_STATUS(); }
void Win32LiveSystemProvider::CloseThread(IN HANDLE Handle) { ::CloseHandle(Handle); }
ULONG Win32LiveSystemProvider::GetCurrentThreadId(void) { return ::GetCurrentThreadId(); }
ULONG Win32LiveSystemProvider::SuspendThread(IN HANDLE Thread) { return ::SuspendThread(Thread); }
ULONG Win32LiveSystemProvider::ResumeThread(IN HANDLE Thread) { return ::ResumeThread(Thread); }
HRESULT Win32LiveSystemProvider::GetThreadContext(IN HANDLE Thread, OUT PVOID Context, IN ULONG ContextSize, OUT PULONG64 CurrentPc, OUT PULONG64 CurrentStack, OUT PULONG64 CurrentStore) { CONTEXT StackContext; BOOL Succ;
if (ContextSize > sizeof(StackContext)) { return E_INVALIDARG; } // Always call GetThreadContext on the CONTEXT structure
// on the stack as CONTEXTs have strict alignment requirements
// and the raw buffer coming in may not obey them.
StackContext.ContextFlags = ALL_REGISTERS; Succ = ::GetThreadContext(Thread, &StackContext);
if (Succ) { memcpy(Context, &StackContext, ContextSize); *CurrentPc = PROGRAM_COUNTER(&StackContext); *CurrentStack = STACK_POINTER(&StackContext); #ifdef DUMP_BACKING_STORE
*CurrentStore = BSTORE_POINTER(&StackContext); #endif
return S_OK; } else { return WIN32_LAST_STATUS(); } }
HRESULT Win32LiveSystemProvider::GetProcessTimes(IN HANDLE Process, OUT LPFILETIME Create, OUT LPFILETIME User, OUT LPFILETIME Kernel) { if (!m_GetProcessTimes) { return E_NOTIMPL; }
FILETIME Exit; if (!m_GetProcessTimes(Process, Create, &Exit, User, Kernel)) { return WIN32_LAST_STATUS(); }
return S_OK; }
HRESULT Win32LiveSystemProvider::ReadVirtual(IN HANDLE Process, IN ULONG64 Offset, OUT PVOID Buffer, IN ULONG Request, OUT PULONG Done) { // ReadProcessMemory will fail if any part of the
// region to read does not have read access. This
// routine attempts to read the largest valid prefix
// so it has to break up reads on page boundaries.
HRESULT Status = S_OK; SIZE_T TotalBytesRead = 0; SIZE_T Read; ULONG ReadSize;
while (Request > 0) { // Calculate bytes to read and don't let read cross
// a page boundary.
ReadSize = PAGE_SIZE - (ULONG)(Offset & (PAGE_SIZE - 1)); ReadSize = min(Request, ReadSize);
if (!ReadProcessMemory(Process, (PVOID)(ULONG_PTR)Offset, Buffer, ReadSize, &Read)) { if (TotalBytesRead == 0) { // If we haven't read anything indicate failure.
Status = WIN32_LAST_STATUS(); } break; }
TotalBytesRead += Read; Offset += Read; Buffer = (PVOID)((PUCHAR)Buffer + Read); Request -= (ULONG)Read; }
*Done = (ULONG)TotalBytesRead; return Status; }
HRESULT Win32LiveSystemProvider::ReadAllVirtual(IN HANDLE Process, IN ULONG64 Offset, OUT PVOID Buffer, IN ULONG Request) { HRESULT Status; ULONG Done;
if ((Status = ReadVirtual(Process, Offset, Buffer, Request, &Done)) != S_OK) { return Status; } if (Done != Request) { return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_READ_FAULT); } return S_OK; }
HRESULT Win32LiveSystemProvider::QueryVirtual(IN HANDLE Process, IN ULONG64 Offset, OUT PULONG64 Base, OUT PULONG64 Size, OUT PULONG Protect, OUT PULONG State, OUT PULONG Type) { MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION Info; if (!VirtualQueryEx(Process, (PVOID)(ULONG_PTR)Offset, &Info, sizeof(Info))) { return WIN32_LAST_STATUS(); }
*Base = (LONG_PTR)Info.BaseAddress; *Size = Info.RegionSize; *Protect = Info.Protect; *State = Info.State; *Type = Info.Type; return S_OK; }
HRESULT Win32LiveSystemProvider::StartProcessEnum(IN HANDLE Process, IN ULONG ProcessId) { ULONG SnapFlags;
if (!m_CreateToolhelp32Snapshot) { return E_NOTIMPL; } //
// Toolhelp on older NT builds uses an in-process enumeration
// of modules so don't use it to keep everything out of process.
// On other platforms it's the only option.
SnapFlags = TH32CS_SNAPTHREAD; if (m_PlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) { if (m_BuildNumber >= NT_BUILD_TH_MODULES) { m_AnsiModules = FALSE; SnapFlags |= TH32CS_SNAPMODULE | TH32CS_SNAPMODULE32; } } else { m_AnsiModules = TRUE; SnapFlags |= TH32CS_SNAPMODULE; } m_ThSnap = m_CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(SnapFlags, ProcessId); if (m_ThSnap == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { return WIN32_LAST_STATUS(); }
m_ProcessHandle = Process; m_ProcessId = ProcessId; m_ThreadIndex = 0; m_ModuleIndex = 0; return S_OK; }
HRESULT Win32LiveSystemProvider::EnumThreads(OUT PULONG ThreadId) { HRESULT Status; THREADENTRY32 ThreadInfo; ThreadInfo.dwSize = sizeof(ThreadInfo); if (m_ThreadIndex == 0) { Status = ProcessThread32First(m_ThSnap, m_ProcessId, &ThreadInfo); } else { Status = ProcessThread32Next(m_ThSnap, m_ProcessId, &ThreadInfo); }
if (Status == S_OK) { *ThreadId = ThreadInfo.th32ThreadID; m_ThreadIndex++; return S_OK; } else { return S_FALSE; } }
HRESULT Win32LiveSystemProvider::EnumModules(OUT PULONG64 Base, OUT PWSTR Path, IN ULONG PathChars) { BOOL Succ; if (m_AnsiModules) { if (!m_Module32First || !m_Module32Next) { return E_NOTIMPL; }
ModuleInfo.dwSize = sizeof(ModuleInfo); if (m_ModuleIndex == 0) { Succ = m_Module32First(m_ThSnap, &ModuleInfo); } else { // Win9x seems to require that this module ID be saved
// between calls so stick it back in to keep Win9x happy.
ModuleInfo.th32ModuleID = m_LastModuleId; Succ = m_Module32Next(m_ThSnap, &ModuleInfo); }
if (Succ) { m_ModuleIndex++; *Base = (LONG_PTR)ModuleInfo.modBaseAddr; m_LastModuleId = ModuleInfo.th32ModuleID; if (!MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, ModuleInfo.szExePath, -1, Path, PathChars)) { return WIN32_LAST_STATUS(); } return S_OK; } else { return S_FALSE; }
} else { if (!m_Module32FirstW || !m_Module32NextW) { return E_NOTIMPL; }
ModuleInfo.dwSize = sizeof(ModuleInfo); if (m_ModuleIndex == 0) { Succ = m_Module32FirstW(m_ThSnap, &ModuleInfo); } else { Succ = m_Module32NextW(m_ThSnap, &ModuleInfo); }
if (Succ) { m_ModuleIndex++; *Base = (LONG_PTR)ModuleInfo.modBaseAddr; //
// The basic LdrQueryProcessModule API that toolhelp uses
// always returns ANSI strings for module paths. This
// means that even if you use the wide toolhelp calls
// you still lose Unicode information because the original
// Unicode path was converted to ANSI and then back to Unicode.
// To avoid this problem, always try and look up the true
// Unicode path first. This doesn't work for 32-bit modules
// in WOW64, though, so if there's a failure just use the
// incoming string.
if (!m_GetModuleFileNameExW || !m_GetModuleFileNameExW(m_ProcessHandle, ModuleInfo.hModule, Path, PathChars)) { GenStrCopyNW(Path, ModuleInfo.szExePath, PathChars); } return S_OK; } else { return S_FALSE; }
} }
HRESULT Win32LiveSystemProvider::EnumFunctionTables(OUT PULONG64 MinAddress, OUT PULONG64 MaxAddress, OUT PULONG64 BaseAddress, OUT PULONG EntryCount, OUT PVOID RawTable, IN ULONG RawTableSize, OUT PVOID* RawEntryHandle) { // Basic Win32 doesn't have function tables.
return S_FALSE; }
HRESULT Win32LiveSystemProvider::EnumFunctionTableEntries(IN PVOID RawTable, IN ULONG RawTableSize, IN PVOID RawEntryHandle, OUT PVOID RawEntries, IN ULONG RawEntriesSize) { // Basic Win32 doesn't have function tables.
return E_NOTIMPL; }
HRESULT Win32LiveSystemProvider::EnumFunctionTableEntryMemory(IN ULONG64 TableBase, IN PVOID RawEntries, IN ULONG Index, OUT PULONG64 Start, OUT PULONG Size) { // Basic Win32 doesn't have function tables.
return E_NOTIMPL; }
HRESULT Win32LiveSystemProvider::EnumUnloadedModules(OUT PWSTR Path, IN ULONG PathChars, OUT PULONG64 BaseOfModule, OUT PULONG SizeOfModule, OUT PULONG CheckSum, OUT PULONG TimeDateStamp) { // Basic Win32 doesn't have unloaded modules.
return S_FALSE; }
void Win32LiveSystemProvider::FinishProcessEnum(void) { ::CloseHandle(m_ThSnap); }
HRESULT Win32LiveSystemProvider::StartHandleEnum(IN HANDLE Process, IN ULONG ProcessId, OUT PULONG Count) { // Basic Win32 doesn't have handle data queries.
*Count = 0; return S_OK; }
HRESULT Win32LiveSystemProvider::EnumHandles(OUT PULONG64 Handle, OUT PULONG Attributes, OUT PULONG GrantedAccess, OUT PULONG HandleCount, OUT PULONG PointerCount, OUT PWSTR TypeName, IN ULONG TypeNameChars, OUT PWSTR ObjectName, IN ULONG ObjectNameChars) { // Basic Win32 doesn't have handle data queries.
return S_FALSE; }
void Win32LiveSystemProvider::FinishHandleEnum(void) { // Basic Win32 doesn't have handle data queries.
HRESULT Win32LiveSystemProvider::EnumPebMemory(IN HANDLE Process, IN ULONG64 PebOffset, IN ULONG PebSize, IN MiniDumpProviderCallbacks* Callback) { // Basic Win32 doesn't have a defined PEB.
return S_OK; }
HRESULT Win32LiveSystemProvider::EnumTebMemory(IN HANDLE Process, IN HANDLE Thread, IN ULONG64 TebOffset, IN ULONG TebSize, IN MiniDumpProviderCallbacks* Callback) { // Basic Win32 doesn't have a defined TEB beyond
// the TIB. The TIB can reference fiber data but
// that's NT-specific.
return S_OK; }
HRESULT Win32LiveSystemProvider::GetCorDataAccess(IN PWSTR AccessDllName, IN struct ICorDataAccessServices* Services, OUT struct ICorDataAccess** Access) { HRESULT Status; m_CorDll = ::LoadLibraryW(AccessDllName); if (!m_CorDll) { char DllPathA[MAX_PATH];
if (GetLastError() == ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED || !WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, AccessDllName, -1, DllPathA, sizeof(DllPathA), 0, 0) || !(m_CorDll = ::LoadLibraryA(DllPathA))) { return WIN32_LAST_STATUS(); } }
PFN_CreateCorDataAccess Entry = (PFN_CreateCorDataAccess) GetProcAddress(m_CorDll, "CreateCorDataAccess"); if (!Entry) { Status = WIN32_LAST_STATUS(); FreeLibrary(m_CorDll); return Status; }
if ((Status = Entry(__uuidof(ICorDataAccess), Services, (void**)Access)) != S_OK) { FreeLibrary(m_CorDll); }
return Status; }
void Win32LiveSystemProvider::ReleaseCorDataAccess(IN struct ICorDataAccess* Access) { Access->Release(); ::FreeLibrary(m_CorDll); }
HRESULT Win32LiveSystemProvider::ProcessThread32Next(IN HANDLE Snapshot, IN ULONG ProcessId, OUT THREADENTRY32* ThreadInfo) { BOOL Succ;
if (!m_Thread32Next) { return E_NOTIMPL; } //
// NB: Toolhelp says nothing about the order of the threads will be
// returned in (i.e., if they are grouped by process or not). If they
// are groupled by process -- which they emperically seem to be -- there
// is a more efficient algorithm than simple brute force.
do { ThreadInfo->dwSize = sizeof (*ThreadInfo); Succ = m_Thread32Next(Snapshot, ThreadInfo); } while (Succ && ThreadInfo->th32OwnerProcessID != ProcessId);
return Succ ? S_OK : WIN32_LAST_STATUS(); }
HRESULT Win32LiveSystemProvider::ProcessThread32First(IN HANDLE Snapshot, IN ULONG ProcessId, OUT THREADENTRY32* ThreadInfo) { HRESULT Status; BOOL Succ;
if (!m_Thread32First) { return E_NOTIMPL; } ThreadInfo->dwSize = sizeof (*ThreadInfo); Succ = m_Thread32First(Snapshot, ThreadInfo); Status = Succ ? S_OK : WIN32_LAST_STATUS(); if (Succ && ThreadInfo->th32OwnerProcessID != ProcessId) { Status = ProcessThread32Next (Snapshot, ProcessId, ThreadInfo); }
return Status; }
HRESULT Win32LiveSystemProvider::TibGetThreadInfo(IN HANDLE Process, IN ULONG64 TibBase, OUT PULONG64 StackBase, OUT PULONG64 StackLimit, OUT PULONG64 StoreBase, OUT PULONG64 StoreLimit) { #ifdef _WIN32_WCE
return E_NOTIMPL; #else
TEB Teb; HRESULT Status;
#if defined (DUMP_BACKING_STORE)
if ((Status = ReadAllVirtual(Process, TibBase, &Teb, sizeof(Teb))) != S_OK) { return Status; }
*StoreBase = BSTORE_BASE(&Teb); *StoreLimit = BSTORE_LIMIT(&Teb); #else
if ((Status = ReadAllVirtual(Process, TibBase, &Teb, sizeof(Teb.NtTib))) != S_OK) { return Status; }
*StoreBase = 0; *StoreLimit = 0; #endif
*StackBase = (LONG_PTR)Teb.NtTib.StackBase; *StackLimit = (LONG_PTR)Teb.NtTib.StackLimit; return S_OK; #endif // #ifdef _WIN32_WCE
HRESULT MiniDumpCreateLiveSystemProvider (OUT MiniDumpSystemProvider** Prov) { HRESULT Status; OSVERSIONINFO OsInfo; Win32LiveSystemProvider* Obj;
OsInfo.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OsInfo); if (!GetVersionEx(&OsInfo)) { return WIN32_LAST_STATUS(); }
switch(OsInfo.dwPlatformId) { case VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT: Obj = NewNtWin32LiveSystemProvider(OsInfo.dwBuildNumber); break; case VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS: Obj = NewWin9xWin32LiveSystemProvider(OsInfo.dwBuildNumber); break; case VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_CE: Obj = NewWinCeWin32LiveSystemProvider(OsInfo.dwBuildNumber); break; default: return E_INVALIDARG; } if (!Obj) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
if ((Status = Obj->Initialize()) != S_OK) { Obj->Release(); return Status; } *Prov = (MiniDumpSystemProvider*)Obj; return S_OK; }
// Win32FileOutputProvider.
class Win32FileOutputProvider { public: Win32FileOutputProvider(HANDLE Handle); virtual void Release(void); virtual HRESULT SupportsStreaming(void); virtual HRESULT Start(IN ULONG64 MaxSize); virtual HRESULT Seek(IN ULONG How, IN LONG64 Amount, OUT OPTIONAL PULONG64 NewOffset); virtual HRESULT WriteAll(IN PVOID Buffer, IN ULONG Request); virtual void Finish(void);
protected: HANDLE m_Handle; };
Win32FileOutputProvider::Win32FileOutputProvider(HANDLE Handle) { m_Handle = Handle; }
void Win32FileOutputProvider::Release(void) { delete this; }
HRESULT Win32FileOutputProvider::SupportsStreaming(void) { return S_OK; }
HRESULT Win32FileOutputProvider::Start(IN ULONG64 MaxSize) { // Nothing to do.
return S_OK; }
HRESULT Win32FileOutputProvider::Seek(IN ULONG How, IN LONG64 Amount, OUT OPTIONAL PULONG64 NewOffset) { ULONG Ret; LONG High;
High = (LONG)(Amount >> 32); Ret = SetFilePointer(m_Handle, (LONG)Amount, &High, How); if (Ret == INVALID_SET_FILE_POINTER && GetLastError()) { return WIN32_LAST_STATUS(); }
if (NewOffset) { *NewOffset = ((ULONG64)High << 32) | Ret; }
return S_OK; }
HRESULT Win32FileOutputProvider::WriteAll(IN PVOID Buffer, IN ULONG Request) { ULONG Done; if (!WriteFile(m_Handle, Buffer, Request, &Done, NULL)) { return WIN32_LAST_STATUS(); } if (Done != Request) { return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_WRITE_FAULT); }
return S_OK; }
void Win32FileOutputProvider::Finish(void) { // Nothing to do.
HRESULT MiniDumpCreateFileOutputProvider (IN HANDLE FileHandle, OUT MiniDumpOutputProvider** Prov) { Win32FileOutputProvider* Obj = new Win32FileOutputProvider(FileHandle); if (!Obj) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } *Prov = (MiniDumpOutputProvider*)Obj; return S_OK; }
// Win32LiveAllocationProvider.
class Win32LiveAllocationProvider : public MiniDumpAllocationProvider { public: virtual void Release(void); virtual PVOID Alloc(ULONG Size); virtual PVOID Realloc(PVOID Mem, ULONG NewSize); virtual void Free(PVOID Mem); };
void Win32LiveAllocationProvider::Release(void) { delete this; }
PVOID Win32LiveAllocationProvider::Alloc(ULONG Size) { return HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, Size); }
PVOID Win32LiveAllocationProvider::Realloc(PVOID Mem, ULONG NewSize) { return HeapReAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, Mem, NewSize); }
void Win32LiveAllocationProvider::Free(PVOID Mem) { if (Mem) { HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, Mem); } }
HRESULT MiniDumpCreateLiveAllocationProvider (OUT MiniDumpAllocationProvider** Prov) { Win32LiveAllocationProvider* Obj = new Win32LiveAllocationProvider; if (!Obj) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } *Prov = (MiniDumpAllocationProvider*)Obj; return S_OK; }