// Extension DLL support.
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997-2002.
#include "ntsdp.hpp"
#include <time.h>
* _NT_DEBUG_OPTIONS support. Each option in g_EnvDbgOptionNames must have a * corresponding OPTION_* define, in the same order. */ DWORD g_EnvDbgOptions; char* g_EnvDbgOptionNames[OPTION_COUNT] = { "NOEXTWARNING", "NOVERSIONCHECK", };
EXTDLL *g_ExtDlls; LPTSTR g_BaseExtensionSearchPath = NULL;
ULONG64 g_ExtThread;
ULONG g_ExtGetExpressionRemainderIndex; BOOL g_ExtGetExpressionSuccess;
WOW64EXTSPROC g_Wow64exts; EXTDLL* g_Wow64ExtDll;
WMI_FORMAT_TRACE_DATA g_WmiFormatTraceData; EXTDLL* g_WmiExtDll;
DEBUG_SCOPE g_ExtThreadSavedScope; BOOL g_ExtThreadScopeSaved;
// Functions prototyped specifically for compatibility with extension
// callback prototypes.
VOID WDBGAPIV ExtOutput64( PCSTR lpFormat, ... );
VOID WDBGAPIV ExtOutput32( PCSTR lpFormat, ... );
ULONG64 ExtGetExpression( PCSTR CommandString );
ULONG ExtGetExpression32( PCSTR CommandString );
void ExtGetSymbol( ULONG64 Offset, PCHAR Buffer, PULONG64 Displacement );
void ExtGetSymbol32( ULONG Offset, PCHAR Buffer, PULONG Displacement );
DWORD ExtDisasm( PULONG64 lpOffset, PCSTR lpBuffer, ULONG fShowEA );
DWORD ExtDisasm32( PULONG lpOffset, PCSTR lpBuffer, ULONG fShowEA );
BOOL ExtReadVirtualMemory( IN ULONG64 Address, OUT PUCHAR Buffer, IN ULONG Length, OUT PULONG BytesRead );
BOOL ExtReadVirtualMemory32( IN ULONG Address, OUT PUCHAR Buffer, IN ULONG Length, OUT PULONG BytesRead );
ULONG ExtWriteVirtualMemory( IN ULONG64 Address, IN LPCVOID Buffer, IN ULONG Length, OUT PULONG BytesWritten );
ULONG ExtWriteVirtualMemory32( IN ULONG Address, IN LPCVOID Buffer, IN ULONG Length, OUT PULONG BytesWritten );
BOOL ExtGetThreadContext(DWORD Processor, PVOID Context, DWORD SizeOfContext); BOOL ExtSetThreadContext(DWORD Processor, PVOID Context, DWORD SizeOfContext);
BOOL ExtIoctl( USHORT IoctlType, LPVOID lpvData, DWORD cbSize );
BOOL ExtIoctl32( USHORT IoctlType, LPVOID lpvData, DWORD cbSize );
DWORD ExtCallStack( DWORD64 FramePointer, DWORD64 StackPointer, DWORD64 ProgramCounter, PEXTSTACKTRACE64 StackFrames, DWORD Frames );
DWORD ExtCallStack32( DWORD FramePointer, DWORD StackPointer, DWORD ProgramCounter, PEXTSTACKTRACE32 StackFrames, DWORD Frames );
BOOL ExtReadPhysicalMemory( ULONGLONG Address, PVOID Buffer, ULONG Length, PULONG BytesRead );
BOOL ExtWritePhysicalMemory( ULONGLONG Address, LPCVOID Buffer, ULONG Length, PULONG BytesWritten );
WINDBG_EXTENSION_APIS64 g_WindbgExtensions64 = { sizeof(g_WindbgExtensions64), ExtOutput64, ExtGetExpression, ExtGetSymbol, ExtDisasm, CheckUserInterrupt, (PWINDBG_READ_PROCESS_MEMORY_ROUTINE64)ExtReadVirtualMemory, ExtWriteVirtualMemory, (PWINDBG_GET_THREAD_CONTEXT_ROUTINE)ExtGetThreadContext, (PWINDBG_SET_THREAD_CONTEXT_ROUTINE)ExtSetThreadContext, (PWINDBG_IOCTL_ROUTINE)ExtIoctl, ExtCallStack };
WINDBG_EXTENSION_APIS32 g_WindbgExtensions32 = { sizeof(g_WindbgExtensions32), ExtOutput32, ExtGetExpression32, ExtGetSymbol32, ExtDisasm32, CheckUserInterrupt, (PWINDBG_READ_PROCESS_MEMORY_ROUTINE32)ExtReadVirtualMemory32, ExtWriteVirtualMemory32, (PWINDBG_GET_THREAD_CONTEXT_ROUTINE)ExtGetThreadContext, (PWINDBG_SET_THREAD_CONTEXT_ROUTINE)ExtSetThreadContext, (PWINDBG_IOCTL_ROUTINE)ExtIoctl32, ExtCallStack32 };
WINDBG_OLDKD_EXTENSION_APIS g_KdExtensions = { sizeof(g_KdExtensions), ExtOutput32, ExtGetExpression32, ExtGetSymbol32, ExtDisasm32, CheckUserInterrupt, (PWINDBG_READ_PROCESS_MEMORY_ROUTINE32)ExtReadVirtualMemory32, ExtWriteVirtualMemory32, (PWINDBG_OLDKD_READ_PHYSICAL_MEMORY)ExtReadPhysicalMemory, (PWINDBG_OLDKD_WRITE_PHYSICAL_MEMORY)ExtWritePhysicalMemory };
// Callback functions for extensions.
VOID WDBGAPIV ExtOutput64( PCSTR lpFormat, ... ) { va_list Args; va_start(Args, lpFormat); MaskOutVa(DEBUG_OUTPUT_NORMAL, lpFormat, Args, TRUE); va_end(Args);
// Make sure output for long-running extensions appears regularly.
TimedFlushCallbacks(); }
VOID WDBGAPIV ExtOutput32( PCSTR lpFormat, ... ) { va_list Args; va_start(Args, lpFormat); MaskOutVa(DEBUG_OUTPUT_NORMAL, lpFormat, Args, FALSE); va_end(Args);
// Make sure output for long-running extensions appears regularly.
TimedFlushCallbacks(); }
ULONG64 ExtGetExpression( PCSTR CommandString ) { g_ExtGetExpressionSuccess = FALSE;
if (CommandString == NULL) { return 0; }
ULONG64 ReturnValue; PSTR SaveCommand = g_CurCmd; PSTR SaveStart = g_CommandStart;
if (IS_USER_TARGET(g_Target)) { if ( strcmp(CommandString, "WOW_BIG_BDE_HACK") == 0 ) { return( (ULONG_PTR)(&segtable[0]) ); }
// this is because the kdexts MUST include the address-of operator
// on all getexpression calls for windbg/c expression evaluators
if (*CommandString == '&') { CommandString++; } }
g_CurCmd = (PSTR)CommandString; g_CommandStart = (PSTR)CommandString; g_DisableErrorPrint++;
EvalExpression* RelChain = g_EvalReleaseChain; g_EvalReleaseChain = NULL;
__try { // ntsd/windbg extensions always use the MASM-style
// expression evaluator for compatibility.
EvalExpression* Eval = GetEvaluator(DEBUG_EXPR_MASM, FALSE); ReturnValue = Eval->EvalCurNum(); ReleaseEvaluator(Eval); g_ExtGetExpressionSuccess = TRUE; } __except(CommandExceptionFilter(GetExceptionInformation())) { ReturnValue = 0; } g_ExtGetExpressionRemainderIndex = (ULONG)(g_CurCmd - g_CommandStart); g_EvalReleaseChain = RelChain; g_DisableErrorPrint--; g_CurCmd = SaveCommand; g_CommandStart = SaveStart;
// Make sure output for long-running extensions appears regularly.
return ReturnValue; }
ULONG ExtGetExpression32( LPCSTR CommandString ) { return (ULONG)ExtGetExpression(CommandString); }
void ExtGetSymbol ( ULONG64 offset, PCHAR pchBuffer, PULONG64 pDisplacement ) { // No way to know how much space we're given, so
// just assume 256, which many extensions pass in
GetSymbol(offset, pchBuffer, 256, pDisplacement);
// Make sure output for long-running extensions appears regularly.
TimedFlushCallbacks(); }
void ExtGetSymbol32( ULONG offset, PCHAR pchBuffer, PULONG pDisplacement ) { ULONG64 Displacement;
// No way to know how much space we're given, so
// just assume 256, which many extensions pass in
GetSymbol(EXTEND64(offset), pchBuffer, 256, &Displacement); *pDisplacement = (ULONG)Displacement;
// Make sure output for long-running extensions appears regularly.
TimedFlushCallbacks(); }
DWORD ExtDisasm( ULONG64 *lpOffset, PCSTR lpBuffer, ULONG fShowEA ) { if (!IS_CUR_MACHINE_ACCESSIBLE()) { ErrOut("ExtDisasm called before debugger initialized\n"); return FALSE; }
ADDR tempAddr; BOOL ret;
Type(tempAddr) = ADDR_FLAT | FLAT_COMPUTED; Off(tempAddr) = Flat(tempAddr) = *lpOffset; ret = g_Machine-> Disassemble(g_Process, &tempAddr, (PSTR)lpBuffer, (BOOL) fShowEA); *lpOffset = Flat(tempAddr); return ret; }
DWORD ExtDisasm32( ULONG *lpOffset, PCSTR lpBuffer, ULONG fShowEA ) { ULONG64 Offset = EXTEND64(*lpOffset); DWORD rval = ExtDisasm(&Offset, lpBuffer, fShowEA); *lpOffset = (ULONG)Offset; return rval; }
BOOL ExtGetThreadContext(DWORD Processor, PVOID Context, DWORD SizeOfContext) { if (!IS_CUR_MACHINE_ACCESSIBLE()) { return FALSE; }
// This get may be getting the context of the thread
// currently cached by the register code. Make sure
// the cache is flushed.
g_Target->m_Machine-> InitializeContextFlags(&TargetContext, g_Target->m_SystemVersion); if (g_Target->GetContext(IS_KERNEL_TARGET(g_Target) ? VIRTUAL_THREAD_HANDLE(Processor) : Processor, &TargetContext) == S_OK && g_Machine->ConvertContextTo(&TargetContext, g_Target->m_SystemVersion, SizeOfContext, Context) == S_OK) { return TRUE; }
return FALSE; }
BOOL ExtSetThreadContext(DWORD Processor, PVOID Context, DWORD SizeOfContext) { if (!IS_CUR_MACHINE_ACCESSIBLE()) { return FALSE; }
BOOL Status;
// This set may be setting the context of the thread
// currently cached by the register code. Make sure
// the cache is invalidated.
CROSS_PLATFORM_CONTEXT TargetContext; if (g_Machine-> ConvertContextFrom(&TargetContext, g_Target->m_SystemVersion, SizeOfContext, Context) == S_OK && g_Target->SetContext(IS_KERNEL_TARGET(g_Target) ? VIRTUAL_THREAD_HANDLE(Processor) : Processor, &TargetContext) == S_OK) { Status = TRUE; } else { Status = FALSE; }
// Reset the current thread.
return Status; }
BOOL ExtReadVirtualMemory( IN ULONG64 pBufSrc, OUT PUCHAR pBufDest, IN ULONG count, OUT PULONG pcTotalBytesRead ) { // Make sure output for long-running extensions appears regularly.
ULONG BytesTemp; return g_Target-> ReadVirtual(g_Process, pBufSrc, pBufDest, count, pcTotalBytesRead != NULL ? pcTotalBytesRead : &BytesTemp) == S_OK; }
BOOL ExtReadVirtualMemory32( IN ULONG pBufSrc, OUT PUCHAR pBufDest, IN ULONG count, OUT PULONG pcTotalBytesRead ) { // Make sure output for long-running extensions appears regularly.
ULONG BytesTemp; return g_Target-> ReadVirtual(g_Process, EXTEND64(pBufSrc), pBufDest, count, pcTotalBytesRead != NULL ? pcTotalBytesRead : &BytesTemp) == S_OK; }
DWORD ExtWriteVirtualMemory( IN ULONG64 addr, IN LPCVOID buffer, IN ULONG count, OUT PULONG pcBytesWritten ) { ULONG BytesTemp;
return (g_Target->WriteVirtual(g_Process, addr, (PVOID)buffer, count, pcBytesWritten != NULL ? pcBytesWritten : &BytesTemp) == S_OK); }
ULONG ExtWriteVirtualMemory32 ( IN ULONG addr, IN LPCVOID buffer, IN ULONG count, OUT PULONG pcBytesWritten ) { ULONG BytesTemp; return (g_Target->WriteVirtual(g_Process, EXTEND64(addr), (PVOID)buffer, count, pcBytesWritten != NULL ? pcBytesWritten : &BytesTemp) == S_OK); }
BOOL ExtReadPhysicalMemory( ULONGLONG pBufSrc, PVOID pBufDest, ULONG count, PULONG TotalBytesRead ) { // Make sure output for long-running extensions appears regularly.
if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT(TotalBytesRead)) { *TotalBytesRead = 0; }
ULONG BytesTemp; return g_Target->ReadPhysical(pBufSrc, pBufDest, count, PHYS_FLAG_DEFAULT, TotalBytesRead != NULL ? TotalBytesRead : &BytesTemp) == S_OK; }
BOOL ExtWritePhysicalMemory ( ULONGLONG pBufDest, LPCVOID pBufSrc, ULONG count, PULONG TotalBytesWritten ) { if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT(TotalBytesWritten)) { *TotalBytesWritten = 0; }
ULONG BytesTemp; return g_Target->WritePhysical(pBufDest, (PVOID)pBufSrc, count, PHYS_FLAG_DEFAULT, TotalBytesWritten != NULL ? TotalBytesWritten : &BytesTemp) == S_OK; }
BOOL ExtReadPhysicalMemoryWithFlags( ULONGLONG pBufSrc, PVOID pBufDest, ULONG count, ULONG Flags, PULONG TotalBytesRead ) { // Make sure output for long-running extensions appears regularly.
if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT(TotalBytesRead)) { *TotalBytesRead = 0; }
ULONG BytesTemp; return g_Target->ReadPhysical(pBufSrc, pBufDest, count, Flags, TotalBytesRead != NULL ? TotalBytesRead : &BytesTemp) == S_OK; }
BOOL ExtWritePhysicalMemoryWithFlags( ULONGLONG pBufDest, LPCVOID pBufSrc, ULONG count, ULONG Flags, PULONG TotalBytesWritten ) { if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT(TotalBytesWritten)) { *TotalBytesWritten = 0; }
ULONG BytesTemp; return g_Target->WritePhysical(pBufDest, (PVOID)pBufSrc, count, Flags, TotalBytesWritten != NULL ? TotalBytesWritten : &BytesTemp) == S_OK; }
DWORD ExtCallStack( DWORD64 FramePointer, DWORD64 StackPointer, DWORD64 ProgramCounter, PEXTSTACKTRACE64 ExtStackFrames, DWORD Frames ) { PDEBUG_STACK_FRAME StackFrames; DWORD FrameCount; DWORD i;
StackFrames = (PDEBUG_STACK_FRAME) malloc( sizeof(StackFrames[0]) * Frames ); if (!StackFrames) { return 0; }
ULONG PtrDef = (!ProgramCounter ? STACK_INSTR_DEFAULT : 0) | (!StackPointer ? STACK_STACK_DEFAULT : 0) | (!FramePointer ? STACK_FRAME_DEFAULT : 0);
FrameCount = StackTrace( NULL, FramePointer, StackPointer, ProgramCounter, PtrDef, StackFrames, Frames, g_ExtThread, 0, FALSE );
for (i = 0; i < FrameCount; i++) { ExtStackFrames[i].FramePointer = StackFrames[i].FrameOffset; ExtStackFrames[i].ProgramCounter = StackFrames[i].InstructionOffset; ExtStackFrames[i].ReturnAddress = StackFrames[i].ReturnOffset; ExtStackFrames[i].Args[0] = StackFrames[i].Params[0]; ExtStackFrames[i].Args[1] = StackFrames[i].Params[1]; ExtStackFrames[i].Args[2] = StackFrames[i].Params[2]; ExtStackFrames[i].Args[3] = StackFrames[i].Params[3]; }
free( StackFrames );
if (g_ExtThreadScopeSaved) { PopScope(&g_ExtThreadSavedScope); g_ExtThreadScopeSaved = FALSE; }
g_ExtThread = 0;
return FrameCount; }
DWORD ExtCallStack32( DWORD FramePointer, DWORD StackPointer, DWORD ProgramCounter, PEXTSTACKTRACE32 ExtStackFrames, DWORD Frames ) { PDEBUG_STACK_FRAME StackFrames; DWORD FrameCount; DWORD i;
StackFrames = (PDEBUG_STACK_FRAME) malloc( sizeof(StackFrames[0]) * Frames ); if (!StackFrames) { return 0; }
ULONG PtrDef = (!ProgramCounter ? STACK_INSTR_DEFAULT : 0) | (!StackPointer ? STACK_STACK_DEFAULT : 0) | (!FramePointer ? STACK_FRAME_DEFAULT : 0);
FrameCount = StackTrace(NULL, EXTEND64(FramePointer), EXTEND64(StackPointer), EXTEND64(ProgramCounter), PtrDef, StackFrames, Frames, g_ExtThread, 0, FALSE);
for (i=0; i<FrameCount; i++) { ExtStackFrames[i].FramePointer = (ULONG)StackFrames[i].FrameOffset; ExtStackFrames[i].ProgramCounter = (ULONG)StackFrames[i].InstructionOffset; ExtStackFrames[i].ReturnAddress = (ULONG)StackFrames[i].ReturnOffset; ExtStackFrames[i].Args[0] = (ULONG)StackFrames[i].Params[0]; ExtStackFrames[i].Args[1] = (ULONG)StackFrames[i].Params[1]; ExtStackFrames[i].Args[2] = (ULONG)StackFrames[i].Params[2]; ExtStackFrames[i].Args[3] = (ULONG)StackFrames[i].Params[3]; }
free( StackFrames ); if (g_ExtThreadScopeSaved) { PopScope(&g_ExtThreadSavedScope); g_ExtThreadScopeSaved = FALSE; }
g_ExtThread = 0;
return FrameCount; }
// Make sure output for long-running extensions appears regularly.
if (!g_Target) { return FALSE; }
switch( IoctlType ) { case IG_KD_CONTEXT: if (!g_Target) { return FALSE; } pi = (PPROCESSORINFO) lpvData; pi->Processor = (USHORT)CURRENT_PROC; pi->NumberProcessors = (USHORT) g_Target->m_NumProcessors; return TRUE;
case IG_READ_CONTROL_SPACE: // KSPECIAL_REGISTER content is kept in control space
// so accessing control space may touch data that's
// cached in the current machine KSPECIAL_REGISTERS.
// Flush the current machine to maintain consistency.
if (IS_CUR_MACHINE_ACCESSIBLE()) { g_Target->FlushRegContext(); }
prc = (PREADCONTROLSPACE64)lpvData; Status = g_Target->ReadControl( prc->Processor, prc->Address, prc->Buf, prc->BufLen, &cb ); prc->BufLen = cb; return Status == S_OK;
case IG_WRITE_CONTROL_SPACE: // KSPECIAL_REGISTER content is kept in control space
// so accessing control space may touch data that's
// cached in the current machine KSPECIAL_REGISTERS.
// Flush the current machine to maintain consistency.
if (IS_CUR_MACHINE_ACCESSIBLE()) { g_Target->FlushRegContext(); }
prc = (PREADCONTROLSPACE64)lpvData; Status = g_Target->WriteControl( prc->Processor, prc->Address, prc->Buf, prc->BufLen, &cb ); prc->BufLen = cb; return Status == S_OK;
case IG_READ_IO_SPACE: is = (PIOSPACE64)lpvData; Status = g_Target->ReadIo( Isa, 0, 1, is->Address, &is->Data, is->Length, &cb ); return Status == S_OK;
case IG_WRITE_IO_SPACE: is = (PIOSPACE64)lpvData; Status = g_Target->WriteIo( Isa, 0, 1, is->Address, &is->Data, is->Length, &cb ); return Status == S_OK;
case IG_READ_IO_SPACE_EX: isex = (PIOSPACE_EX64)lpvData; Status = g_Target->ReadIo( isex->InterfaceType, isex->BusNumber, isex->AddressSpace, isex->Address, &isex->Data, isex->Length, &cb ); return Status == S_OK;
case IG_WRITE_IO_SPACE_EX: isex = (PIOSPACE_EX64)lpvData; Status = g_Target->WriteIo( isex->InterfaceType, isex->BusNumber, isex->AddressSpace, isex->Address, &isex->Data, isex->Length, &cb ); return Status == S_OK;
case IG_READ_PHYSICAL: phy = (PPHYSICAL)lpvData; Bool = ExtReadPhysicalMemory( phy->Address, phy->Buf, phy->BufLen, &cb ); phy->BufLen = cb; return Bool;
case IG_WRITE_PHYSICAL: phy = (PPHYSICAL)lpvData; Bool = ExtWritePhysicalMemory( phy->Address, phy->Buf, phy->BufLen, &cb ); phy->BufLen = cb; return Bool;
case IG_READ_PHYSICAL_WITH_FLAGS: phyf = (PPHYSICAL_WITH_FLAGS)lpvData; Bool = ExtReadPhysicalMemoryWithFlags( phyf->Address, phyf->Buf, phyf->BufLen, phyf->Flags, &cb ); phyf->BufLen = cb; return Bool;
case IG_WRITE_PHYSICAL_WITH_FLAGS: phyf = (PPHYSICAL_WITH_FLAGS)lpvData; Bool = ExtWritePhysicalMemoryWithFlags( phyf->Address, phyf->Buf, phyf->BufLen, phyf->Flags, &cb ); phyf->BufLen = cb; return Bool;
case IG_LOWMEM_CHECK: Status = g_Target->CheckLowMemory(); return Status == S_OK;
case IG_SEARCH_MEMORY: psr = (PSEARCHMEMORY)lpvData; Status = g_Target->SearchVirtual(g_Process, psr->SearchAddress, psr->SearchLength, psr->Pattern, psr->PatternLength, 1, &psr->FoundAddress); return Status == S_OK;
case IG_SET_THREAD: Bool = FALSE; if (IS_KERNEL_TARGET(g_Target)) { // Turn off engine notifications since this setthread is temporary
g_EngNotify++; PushScope(&g_ExtThreadSavedScope); g_ExtThread = *(PULONG64)lpvData; Bool = SetScopeContextFromThreadData(g_ExtThread, FALSE) == S_OK; g_ExtThreadScopeSaved = TRUE; g_EngNotify--; } return Bool;
case IG_READ_MSR: msr = (PREAD_WRITE_MSR)lpvData; Status = g_Target->ReadMsr(msr->Msr, (PULONG64)&msr->Value); return Status == S_OK;
case IG_WRITE_MSR: msr = (PREAD_WRITE_MSR)lpvData; Status = g_Target->WriteMsr(msr->Msr, msr->Value); return Status == S_OK;
case IG_GET_KERNEL_VERSION: if (!g_Target) { return FALSE; } *((PDBGKD_GET_VERSION64)lpvData) = g_Target->m_KdVersion; return TRUE;
case IG_GET_BUS_DATA: busdata = (PBUSDATA)lpvData; Status = g_Target->ReadBusData( busdata->BusDataType, busdata->BusNumber, busdata->SlotNumber, busdata->Offset, busdata->Buffer, busdata->Length, &cb ); busdata->Length = cb; return Status == S_OK;
case IG_SET_BUS_DATA: busdata = (PBUSDATA)lpvData; Status = g_Target->WriteBusData( busdata->BusDataType, busdata->BusNumber, busdata->SlotNumber, busdata->Offset, busdata->Buffer, busdata->Length, &cb ); busdata->Length = cb; return Status == S_OK;
case IG_GET_CURRENT_THREAD: if (!g_Target) { return FALSE; } pct = (PGET_CURRENT_THREAD_ADDRESS) lpvData; return g_Target-> GetThreadInfoDataOffset(NULL, VIRTUAL_THREAD_HANDLE(pct->Processor), &pct->Address) == S_OK;
case IG_GET_CURRENT_PROCESS: if (!g_Target) { return FALSE; } pcp = (PGET_CURRENT_PROCESS_ADDRESS) lpvData; return g_Target-> GetProcessInfoDataOffset(NULL, pcp->Processor, pcp->CurrentThread, &pcp->Address) == S_OK;
case IG_GET_DEBUGGER_DATA: if (!IS_KERNEL_TARGET(g_Target) || !g_Target || ((PDBGKD_DEBUG_DATA_HEADER64)lpvData)->OwnerTag != KDBG_TAG) { return FALSE; }
// Don't refresh if asking for the kernel header.
memcpy(lpvData, &g_Target->m_KdDebuggerData, min(sizeof(g_Target->m_KdDebuggerData), cbSize)); return TRUE;
case IG_RELOAD_SYMBOLS: PCSTR ArgsRet; return g_Target->Reload(g_Thread, (PCHAR)lpvData, &ArgsRet) == S_OK;
case IG_GET_SET_SYMPATH: PGET_SET_SYMPATH pgs; pgs = (PGET_SET_SYMPATH)lpvData; ChangeSymPath((PCHAR)pgs->Args, FALSE, (PCHAR)pgs->Result, pgs->Length); return TRUE;
case IG_IS_PTR64: if (!g_Target) { return FALSE; } *((PBOOL)lpvData) = g_Target->m_Machine->m_Ptr64; return TRUE;
case IG_DUMP_SYMBOL_INFO: if (!g_Process) { return FALSE; } pSym = (PSYM_DUMP_PARAM) lpvData; SymbolTypeDump(g_Process->m_SymHandle, g_Process->m_ImageHead, pSym, (PULONG)&Status); return (BOOL)(ULONG)Status;
case IG_GET_TYPE_SIZE: if (!g_Process) { return FALSE; } pSym = (PSYM_DUMP_PARAM) lpvData; return SymbolTypeDump(g_Process->m_SymHandle, g_Process->m_ImageHead, pSym, (PULONG)&Status);
case IG_GET_TEB_ADDRESS: if (!g_Target) { return FALSE; } PGET_TEB_ADDRESS pTeb; pTeb = (PGET_TEB_ADDRESS) lpvData; return g_Target-> GetThreadInfoTeb(g_Thread, CURRENT_PROC, 0, &pTeb->Address) == S_OK;
case IG_GET_PEB_ADDRESS: if (!g_Target) { return FALSE; } PGET_PEB_ADDRESS pPeb; pPeb = (PGET_PEB_ADDRESS) lpvData; return g_Target-> GetProcessInfoPeb(g_Thread, CURRENT_PROC, pPeb->CurrentThread, &pPeb->Address) == S_OK;
case IG_GET_CURRENT_PROCESS_HANDLE: if (!g_Process) { return FALSE; } *(PHANDLE)lpvData = OS_HANDLE(g_Process->m_SysHandle); return TRUE;
case IG_GET_INPUT_LINE: PGET_INPUT_LINE Gil; Gil = (PGET_INPUT_LINE)lpvData; Gil->InputSize = GetInput(Gil->Prompt, Gil->Buffer, Gil->BufferSize, GETIN_LOG_INPUT_LINE); return TRUE;
case IG_GET_EXPRESSION_EX: PGET_EXPRESSION_EX Gee; Gee = (PGET_EXPRESSION_EX)lpvData; Gee->Value = ExtGetExpression(Gee->Expression); Gee->Remainder = Gee->Expression + g_ExtGetExpressionRemainderIndex; return g_ExtGetExpressionSuccess;
case IG_TRANSLATE_VIRTUAL_TO_PHYSICAL: if (!IS_CUR_MACHINE_ACCESSIBLE()) { return FALSE; } PTRANSLATE_VIRTUAL_TO_PHYSICAL Tvtp; Tvtp = (PTRANSLATE_VIRTUAL_TO_PHYSICAL)lpvData; ULONG Levels, PfIndex; return g_Machine-> GetVirtualTranslationPhysicalOffsets(g_Thread, Tvtp->Virtual, NULL, 0, &Levels, &PfIndex, &Tvtp->Physical) == S_OK;
case IG_GET_CACHE_SIZE: if (!g_Process) { return FALSE; } PULONG64 pCacheSize;
pCacheSize = (PULONG64)lpvData; if (IS_KERNEL_TARGET(g_Target)) { *pCacheSize = g_Process->m_VirtualCache.m_MaxSize; return TRUE; } return FALSE;
PPOINTER_SEARCH_PHYSICAL Psp; Psp = (PPOINTER_SEARCH_PHYSICAL)lpvData; return g_Target->PointerSearchPhysical(Psp->Offset, Psp->Length, Psp->PointerMin, Psp->PointerMax, Psp->Flags, Psp->MatchOffsets, Psp->MatchOffsetsSize, &Psp->MatchOffsetsCount) == S_OK;
case IG_GET_COR_DATA_ACCESS: if (cbSize != sizeof(void*) || !g_Process || g_Process->LoadCorDebugDll() != S_OK) { return FALSE; }
*(ICorDataAccess**)lpvData = g_Process->m_CorAccess; return TRUE;
default: ErrOut( "\n*** Bad IOCTL request from an extension [%d]\n\n", IoctlType ); return FALSE; }
BOOL ExtIoctl32( USHORT IoctlType, LPVOID lpvData, DWORD cbSize ) /*++
Routine Description:
This is the extension Ioctl routine for backward compatibility with old extension dlls. This routine is frozen, and new ioctl support should not be added to it.
Return Value:
// Make sure output for long-running extensions appears regularly.
switch( IoctlType ) { case IG_READ_CONTROL_SPACE: // KSPECIAL_REGISTER content is kept in control space
// so accessing control space may touch data that's
// cached in the current machine KSPECIAL_REGISTERS.
// Flush the current machine to maintain consistency.
if (IS_CUR_MACHINE_ACCESSIBLE()) { g_Target->FlushRegContext(); }
prc = (PREADCONTROLSPACE)lpvData; Status = g_Target->ReadControl( prc->Processor, prc->Address, prc->Buf, prc->BufLen, &cb ); prc->BufLen = cb; return Status == S_OK;
case IG_WRITE_CONTROL_SPACE: // KSPECIAL_REGISTER content is kept in control space
// so accessing control space may touch data that's
// cached in the current machine KSPECIAL_REGISTERS.
// Flush the current machine to maintain consistency.
if (IS_CUR_MACHINE_ACCESSIBLE()) { g_Target->FlushRegContext(); }
prc = (PREADCONTROLSPACE)lpvData; Status = g_Target->WriteControl( prc->Processor, prc->Address, prc->Buf, prc->BufLen, &cb ); prc->BufLen = cb; return Status == S_OK;
case IG_READ_IO_SPACE: is = (PIOSPACE32)lpvData; Status = g_Target->ReadIo( Isa, 0, 1, is->Address, &is->Data, is->Length, &cb ); return Status == S_OK;
case IG_WRITE_IO_SPACE: is = (PIOSPACE32)lpvData; Status = g_Target->WriteIo( Isa, 0, 1, is->Address, &is->Data, is->Length, &cb ); return Status == S_OK;
case IG_READ_IO_SPACE_EX: isex = (PIOSPACE_EX32)lpvData; Status = g_Target->ReadIo( isex->InterfaceType, isex->BusNumber, isex->AddressSpace, isex->Address, &isex->Data, isex->Length, &cb ); return Status == S_OK;
case IG_WRITE_IO_SPACE_EX: isex = (PIOSPACE_EX32)lpvData; Status = g_Target->WriteIo( isex->InterfaceType, isex->BusNumber, isex->AddressSpace, isex->Address, &isex->Data, isex->Length, &cb ); return Status == S_OK;
case IG_SET_THREAD: if (IS_KERNEL_TARGET(g_Target)) { g_EngNotify++; // Turn off engine notifications since this setthread is temporary
g_ExtThread = EXTEND64(*(PULONG)lpvData); PushScope(&g_ExtThreadSavedScope); SetScopeContextFromThreadData(g_ExtThread, FALSE); g_ExtThreadScopeSaved = TRUE; g_EngNotify--; return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; }
case IG_GET_KERNEL_VERSION: if (!g_Target) { return FALSE; }
// Convert to 32 bit
pv32 = (PDBGKD_GET_VERSION32)lpvData;
pv32->MajorVersion = g_Target->m_KdVersion.MajorVersion; pv32->MinorVersion = g_Target->m_KdVersion.MinorVersion; pv32->ProtocolVersion = g_Target->m_KdVersion.ProtocolVersion; pv32->Flags = g_Target->m_KdVersion.Flags;
pv32->KernBase = (ULONG)g_Target->m_KdVersion.KernBase; pv32->PsLoadedModuleList = (ULONG)g_Target->m_KdVersion.PsLoadedModuleList; pv32->MachineType = g_Target->m_KdVersion.MachineType; pv32->DebuggerDataList = (ULONG)g_Target->m_KdVersion.DebuggerDataList;
pv32->ThCallbackStack = g_Target->m_KdDebuggerData.ThCallbackStack; pv32->NextCallback = g_Target->m_KdDebuggerData.NextCallback; pv32->FramePointer = g_Target->m_KdDebuggerData.FramePointer;
pv32->KiCallUserMode = (ULONG)g_Target->m_KdDebuggerData.KiCallUserMode; pv32->KeUserCallbackDispatcher = (ULONG)g_Target->m_KdDebuggerData.KeUserCallbackDispatcher; pv32->BreakpointWithStatus = (ULONG)g_Target->m_KdDebuggerData.BreakpointWithStatus; return TRUE;
case IG_GET_DEBUGGER_DATA: if (!IS_KERNEL_TARGET(g_Target) || !g_Target || ((PDBGKD_DEBUG_DATA_HEADER32)lpvData)->OwnerTag != KDBG_TAG) { return FALSE; }
// Don't refresh if asking for the kernel header.
pdbg32 = (PKDDEBUGGER_DATA32)lpvData;
pdbg32->Header.List.Flink = (ULONG)g_Target->m_KdDebuggerData.Header.List.Flink; pdbg32->Header.List.Blink = (ULONG)g_Target->m_KdDebuggerData.Header.List.Blink; pdbg32->Header.OwnerTag = KDBG_TAG; pdbg32->Header.Size = sizeof(KDDEBUGGER_DATA32);
#undef UIP
#undef CP
#define UIP(f) pdbg32->f = (ULONG)(g_Target->m_KdDebuggerData.f)
#define CP(f) pdbg32->f = (g_Target->m_KdDebuggerData.f)
UIP(KernBase); UIP(BreakpointWithStatus); UIP(SavedContext); CP(ThCallbackStack); CP(NextCallback); CP(FramePointer); CP(PaeEnabled); UIP(KiCallUserMode); UIP(KeUserCallbackDispatcher); UIP(PsLoadedModuleList); UIP(PsActiveProcessHead); UIP(PspCidTable); UIP(ExpSystemResourcesList); UIP(ExpPagedPoolDescriptor); UIP(ExpNumberOfPagedPools); UIP(KeTimeIncrement); UIP(KeBugCheckCallbackListHead); UIP(KiBugcheckData); UIP(IopErrorLogListHead); UIP(ObpRootDirectoryObject); UIP(ObpTypeObjectType); UIP(MmSystemCacheStart); UIP(MmSystemCacheEnd); UIP(MmSystemCacheWs); UIP(MmPfnDatabase); UIP(MmSystemPtesStart); UIP(MmSystemPtesEnd); UIP(MmSubsectionBase); UIP(MmNumberOfPagingFiles); UIP(MmLowestPhysicalPage); UIP(MmHighestPhysicalPage); UIP(MmNumberOfPhysicalPages); UIP(MmMaximumNonPagedPoolInBytes); UIP(MmNonPagedSystemStart); UIP(MmNonPagedPoolStart); UIP(MmNonPagedPoolEnd); UIP(MmPagedPoolStart); UIP(MmPagedPoolEnd); UIP(MmPagedPoolInformation); UIP(MmPageSize); UIP(MmSizeOfPagedPoolInBytes); UIP(MmTotalCommitLimit); UIP(MmTotalCommittedPages); UIP(MmSharedCommit); UIP(MmDriverCommit); UIP(MmProcessCommit); UIP(MmPagedPoolCommit); UIP(MmExtendedCommit); UIP(MmZeroedPageListHead); UIP(MmFreePageListHead); UIP(MmStandbyPageListHead); UIP(MmModifiedPageListHead); UIP(MmModifiedNoWritePageListHead); UIP(MmAvailablePages); UIP(MmResidentAvailablePages); UIP(PoolTrackTable); UIP(NonPagedPoolDescriptor); UIP(MmHighestUserAddress); UIP(MmSystemRangeStart); UIP(MmUserProbeAddress); UIP(KdPrintCircularBuffer); UIP(KdPrintCircularBufferEnd); UIP(KdPrintWritePointer); UIP(KdPrintRolloverCount); UIP(MmLoadedUserImageList); //
// The 32 bit structure should not be changed
return TRUE;
// 32 and 64 bits. Avoid duplicating all the code.
return ExtIoctl(IoctlType, lpvData, cbSize);
default: ErrOut( "\n*** Bad IOCTL32 request from an extension [%d]\n\n", IoctlType ); return FALSE; }
// Extension management.
DebugClient* FindExtClient(void) { DebugClient* Client;
// Try to find the most appropriate client for
// executing an extension command on. The first
// choice is the session client, then any local
// primary client, then any primary client.
if (!(Client = FindClient(g_SessionThread, CLIENT_PRIMARY, 0)) && !(Client = FindClient(0, CLIENT_PRIMARY, CLIENT_REMOTE)) && !(Client = FindClient(0, CLIENT_PRIMARY, 0))) { Client = g_Clients; }
return Client; }
LONG ExtensionExceptionFilter(struct _EXCEPTION_POINTERS *ExceptionInfo, PCSTR Module, PCSTR Func) { // Any references to objects will be leaked.
// There's not much the engine can do about this, although
// it would be possible to record old refcounts and
// try to restore them.
if (Module != NULL && Func != NULL) { ErrOut("%08x Exception in %s.%s debugger extension.\n", ExceptionInfo->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode, Module, Func ); } else { ErrOut("%08x Exception in debugger client %s callback.\n", ExceptionInfo->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode, Func ); }
ErrOut(" PC: %s VA: %s R/W: %x Parameter: %s\n", FormatAddr64((ULONG_PTR)ExceptionInfo->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionAddress), FormatAddr64(ExceptionInfo->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionInformation[1]), ExceptionInfo->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionInformation[0], FormatAddr64(ExceptionInfo->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionInformation[2]) );
BOOL CallExtension(DebugClient* Client, EXTDLL *Ext, PSTR Func, PCSTR Args, HRESULT* ExtStatus) { FARPROC Routine; ADDR TempAddr;
if (IS_KERNEL_TARGET(g_Target)) { _strlwr(Func); }
Routine = GetProcAddress(Ext->Dll, Func); if (Routine == NULL) { return FALSE; }
if (!(g_EnvDbgOptions & OPTION_NOVERSIONCHECK) && Ext->CheckVersionRoutine) { Ext->CheckVersionRoutine(); }
if (IS_KERNEL_TARGET(g_Target) && !strcmp(Func, "version")) { //
// This is a bit of a hack to avoid a problem with the
// extension version checking. Extension version checking
// comes before the KD connection is established so there's
// no register context. If the version checking fails it
// prints out version information, which tries to call
// version extensions, which will get here when there's
// no register context.
// To work around this, just pass zero to the version extension
// function since it presumably doesn't care about the
// address.
ADDRFLAT(&TempAddr, 0); } else if (IS_CONTEXT_POSSIBLE(g_Target)) { g_Machine->GetPC(&TempAddr); } else { if (!IS_LOCAL_KERNEL_TARGET(g_Target)) { WarnOut("Extension called without current PC\n"); }
ADDRFLAT(&TempAddr, 0); }
*ExtStatus = S_OK;
__try { HANDLE ProcHandle, ThreadHandle;
if (g_Process) { ProcHandle = OS_HANDLE(g_Process->m_SysHandle); } else { ProcHandle = NULL; } if (g_Thread) { ThreadHandle = OS_HANDLE(g_Thread->m_Handle); } else { ThreadHandle = NULL; }
switch(Ext->ExtensionType) { case NTSD_EXTENSION_TYPE: //
// NOTE:
// Eventhough this type should receive an NTSD_EXTENSION_API
// structure, ntsdexts.dll (and possibly others) depend on
// receiving the WinDBG version of the extensions, because they
// check the size of the structure, and actually use some of the
// newer exports. This works because the WinDBG extension API was
// a superset of the NTSD version.
((PNTSD_EXTENSION_ROUTINE)Routine) (ProcHandle, ThreadHandle, (ULONG)Flat(TempAddr), g_Target->m_Machine->m_Ptr64 ? (PNTSD_EXTENSION_APIS)&g_WindbgExtensions64 : (PNTSD_EXTENSION_APIS)&g_WindbgExtensions32, (PSTR)Args ); break;
case DEBUG_EXTENSION_TYPE: if (Client == NULL) { Client = FindExtClient(); } if (Client == NULL) { ErrOut("Unable to call client-style extension " "without a client\n"); } else { *ExtStatus = ((PDEBUG_EXTENSION_CALL)Routine) ((PDEBUG_CLIENT)(IDebugClientN *)Client, Args); } break;
// Support Windbg type extensions for ntsd too
if (Ext->ApiVersion.Revision < 6 ) { ((PWINDBG_EXTENSION_ROUTINE32)Routine) ( ProcHandle, ThreadHandle, (ULONG)Flat(TempAddr), CURRENT_PROC, Args ); } else { ((PWINDBG_EXTENSION_ROUTINE64)Routine) ( ProcHandle, ThreadHandle, Flat(TempAddr), CURRENT_PROC, Args ); } break;
case WINDBG_OLDKD_EXTENSION_TYPE: ((PWINDBG_OLDKD_EXTENSION_ROUTINE)Routine) ( (ULONG)Flat(TempAddr), &g_KdExtensions, Args ); break; } } __except(ExtensionExceptionFilter(GetExceptionInformation(), Ext->Name, Func)) { ; }
return TRUE; }
void LinkExtensionDll(EXTDLL* Ext) { // Put user-loaded DLLs before default DLLs.
if (Ext->UserLoaded) { Ext->Next = g_ExtDlls; g_ExtDlls = Ext; } else { EXTDLL* Prev; EXTDLL* Cur;
Prev = NULL; for (Cur = g_ExtDlls; Cur != NULL; Cur = Cur->Next) { if (!Cur->UserLoaded) { break; }
Prev = Cur; }
Ext->Next = Cur; if (Prev == NULL) { g_ExtDlls = Ext; } else { Prev->Next = Ext; } } }
EXTDLL * AddExtensionDll(char *Name, BOOL UserLoaded, TargetInfo* Target, char **End) { EXTDLL *Ext; ULONG Len; char *Last;
while (*Name == ' ' || *Name == '\t') { Name++; } if (*Name == 0) { ErrOut("No extension DLL name provided\n"); return NULL; }
Len = strlen(Name); if (End != NULL) { *End = Name + Len; }
Last = Name + (Len - 1); while (Last >= Name && (*Last == ' ' || *Last == '\t')) { Last--; } Len = (ULONG)((Last + 1) - Name);
// See if it's already in the list.
for (Ext = g_ExtDlls; Ext != NULL; Ext = Ext->Next) { if ((!Target || Target == Ext->Target) && strlen(Ext->Name) == Len && !_memicmp(Name, Ext->Name, Len)) { return Ext; } }
Ext = (EXTDLL *)malloc(sizeof(EXTDLL) + Len); if (Ext == NULL) { ErrOut("Unable to allocate memory for extension DLL\n"); return NULL; }
ZeroMemory(Ext, sizeof(EXTDLL) + Len); memcpy(Ext->Name, Name, Len + 1); Ext->UserLoaded = UserLoaded; Ext->Target = Target;
NotifyChangeEngineState(DEBUG_CES_EXTENSIONS, 0, TRUE); return Ext; }
PCTSTR BuildExtensionSearchPath(TargetInfo* Target) { DWORD Size; DWORD TotalSize; CHAR ExeDir[MAX_PATH]; int ExeRootLen; PSTR OsDirPath; CHAR OsDirTail[32]; BOOL PriPaths = FALSE; BOOL WinPaths = FALSE; PSTR NewPath;
// If we are not connected, don't build a path, since we have to pick
// up extensions based on the OS version.
if (Target && Target->m_ActualSystemVersion == SVER_INVALID) { return NULL; }
// If we already have a search path, do not rebuild it.
if (Target) { if (Target->m_ExtensionSearchPath) { return Target->m_ExtensionSearchPath; } } else { if (g_BaseExtensionSearchPath) { return g_BaseExtensionSearchPath; } }
// Get the directory the debugger executable is in.
// -8 because we assume we're adding \w2kfre to the path.
if (!GetEngineDirectory(ExeDir, MAX_PATH - 8)) { // Error. Using the current directory.
ExeRootLen = 1; } else { if (ExeDir[0] == '\\' && ExeDir[1] == '\\') { PSTR ExeRootEnd;
// UNC path root.
ExeRootEnd = strchr(ExeDir + 2, '\\'); if (ExeRootEnd != NULL) { ExeRootEnd = strchr(ExeRootEnd + 1, '\\'); } if (ExeRootEnd == NULL) { ExeRootLen = strlen(ExeDir); } else { ExeRootLen = (int)(ExeRootEnd - ExeDir); } } else { // Drive letter and colon root.
ExeRootLen = 2; } }
// Calc how much space we will need to use.
// Leave extra room for the current directory, path, and directory of
// where debugger extensions are located.
TotalSize = GetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", NULL, 0) + GetEnvironmentVariable("_NT_DEBUGGER_EXTENSION_PATH", NULL, 0) + MAX_PATH * 4;
NewPath = (LPTSTR)calloc(TotalSize, sizeof(TCHAR)); if (!NewPath) { return NULL; } *NewPath = 0;
// 1 - User specified search path
if (GetEnvironmentVariable("_NT_DEBUGGER_EXTENSION_PATH", NewPath, TotalSize - 2)) { CatString(NewPath, ";", TotalSize); }
// Generate default path for the exe dir
// Skip root as it is already taken from ExeDir.
OsDirPath = ExeDir + ExeRootLen; if (*OsDirPath == '\\') { OsDirPath++; }
// Figure out whether we need NT6, or NT5/NT4 free or checked extensions
if (!Target) { OsDirPath = ""; OsDirTail[0] = 0; } else if (Target->m_ActualSystemVersion > BIG_SVER_START && Target->m_ActualSystemVersion < BIG_SVER_END) { OsDirPath = "DbgExt"; strcpy(OsDirTail, "BIG"); } else if (Target->m_ActualSystemVersion > XBOX_SVER_START && Target->m_ActualSystemVersion < XBOX_SVER_END) { OsDirPath = "DbgExt"; strcpy(OsDirTail, "XBox"); } else if (Target->m_ActualSystemVersion > NTBD_SVER_START && Target->m_ActualSystemVersion < NTBD_SVER_END) { OsDirPath = "DbgExt"; strcpy(OsDirTail, "NtBd"); } else if (Target->m_ActualSystemVersion > EFI_SVER_START && Target->m_ActualSystemVersion < EFI_SVER_END) { OsDirPath = "DbgExt"; strcpy(OsDirTail, "EFI"); } else if (Target->m_ActualSystemVersion > W9X_SVER_START && Target->m_ActualSystemVersion < W9X_SVER_END) { strcpy(OsDirTail, "Win9X"); WinPaths = TRUE; } else if (Target->m_ActualSystemVersion > WCE_SVER_START && Target->m_ActualSystemVersion < WCE_SVER_END) { strcpy(OsDirTail, "WinCE"); WinPaths = TRUE; } else { // Treat everything else as an NT system. Use
// the translated system version now rather than
// the actual system version.
PriPaths = TRUE; WinPaths = TRUE;
if (Target->m_SystemVersion > NT_SVER_W2K) { strcpy(OsDirTail, "WINXP"); } else { if (Target->m_SystemVersion <= NT_SVER_NT4) { strcpy(OsDirTail, "NT4"); } else { strcpy(OsDirTail, "W2K"); }
if (0xC == Target->m_CheckedBuild) { strcat(OsDirTail, "Chk"); } else { strcat(OsDirTail, "Fre"); } } }
// 2 - OS specific subdirectories from where we launched the debugger.
// 3 - pri subdirectory from where we launched the debugger.
// 4 - Directory from where we launched the debugger.
Size = strlen(NewPath); End = NewPath + Size; memcpy(End, ExeDir, ExeRootLen); End += ExeRootLen; TotalSize -= Size + ExeRootLen; if (*OsDirPath) { if (TotalSize) { *End++ = '\\'; TotalSize--; } CopyString(End, OsDirPath, TotalSize); Size = strlen(End); End += Size; TotalSize -= Size; } if (WinPaths) { PrintString(End, TotalSize, "\\winext;%s", ExeDir); Size = strlen(End); End += Size; TotalSize -= Size; } if (*OsDirTail) { PrintString(End, TotalSize, "\\%s;%s", OsDirTail, ExeDir); Size = strlen(End); End += Size; TotalSize -= Size; } if (PriPaths) { PrintString(End, TotalSize, "\\pri;%s", ExeDir); Size = strlen(End); End += Size; TotalSize -= Size; }
if (*--End == ':') { *++End = '\\'; } else { TotalSize--; }
if (TotalSize > 1) { *++End = ';'; *++End = 0; TotalSize -= 2; }
// 4 - Copy environment path
GetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", End, TotalSize);
if (Target) { Target->m_ExtensionSearchPath = NewPath; } else { g_BaseExtensionSearchPath = NewPath; } return NewPath; }
BOOL IsAbsolutePath(PCTSTR Path)
Routine Description:
Is this path an absolute path? Does not guarentee that the path exists. The method is:
"\\<anything>" is an absolute path
"{char}:\<anything>" is an absolute path
anything else is not --*/
{ BOOL Ret;
if ( (Path [0] == '\\' && Path [1] == '\\') || (isalpha ( Path [0] ) && Path [1] == ':' && Path [ 2 ] == '\\') ) { Ret = TRUE; } else { Ret = FALSE; }
return Ret; }
void FreeExtensionLibrary(EXTDLL* Ext) { FreeLibrary(Ext->Dll); Ext->Dll = NULL;
if (Ext == g_Wow64ExtDll) { g_Wow64exts = NULL; g_Wow64ExtDll = NULL; }
if (Ext == g_WmiExtDll) { g_WmiFormatTraceData = NULL; g_WmiExtDll = NULL; } }
BOOL LoadExtensionDll(TargetInfo* Target, EXTDLL *Ext) { BOOL Found; CHAR ExtPath[_MAX_PATH];
if (Ext->Dll != NULL) { // Extension is already loaded.
return TRUE; }
// Do not allow extensions to be loaded via arbitrary UNC
// paths when in secure mode.
if ((g_SymOptions & SYMOPT_SECURE) && ((IS_SLASH(Ext->Name[0]) && IS_SLASH(Ext->Name[1])) || IsUrlPathComponent(Ext->Name))) { ErrOut("SECURE: UNC paths not allowed for extension DLLs - %s\n", Ext->Name); return FALSE; }
// If we are not allowing network paths, verify that the extension will
// not be loaded from a network path.
NetCheck = NetworkPathCheck(BuildExtensionSearchPath(Target));
// Check full path of the extension.
if (NetCheck != ERROR_FILE_OFFLINE) { CHAR Drive [ _MAX_DRIVE + 1]; CHAR Dir [ _MAX_DIR + 1]; CHAR Path [ _MAX_PATH + 1];
*Drive = '\000'; *Dir = '\000'; _splitpath (Ext->Name, Drive, Dir, NULL, NULL); _makepath (Path, Drive, Dir, NULL, NULL);
NetCheck = NetworkPathCheck (Path); }
if (NetCheck == ERROR_FILE_OFFLINE) { ErrOut("ERROR: extension search path contains " "network references.\n"); return FALSE; } }
Found = SearchPath(BuildExtensionSearchPath(Target), Ext->Name, ".dll", DIMA(ExtPath), ExtPath, NULL);
if ( Found ) { Ext->Dll = LoadLibrary(ExtPath); } else if (IsAbsolutePath(Ext->Name)) { Ext->Dll = LoadLibrary(Ext->Name); }
if (Ext->Dll == NULL) { HRESULT Status = WIN32_LAST_STATUS();
ErrOut("The call to LoadLibrary(%s) failed, %s\n \"%s\"\n" "Please check your debugger configuration " "and/or network access.\n", Ext->Name, FormatStatusCode(Status), FormatStatus(Status)); return FALSE; }
PCSTR ExtPathTail = PathTail(Ext->Name);
if (!_stricmp(ExtPathTail, "wow64exts.dll") || !_stricmp(ExtPathTail, "wow64exts")) { g_Wow64exts = (WOW64EXTSPROC)GetProcAddress(Ext->Dll,"Wow64extsfn"); DBG_ASSERT(g_Wow64exts); g_Wow64ExtDll = Ext; }
if (!_stricmp(ExtPathTail, "wmitrace.dll") || !_stricmp(ExtPathTail, "wmitrace")) { g_WmiFormatTraceData = (WMI_FORMAT_TRACE_DATA) GetProcAddress(Ext->Dll, "WmiFormatTraceData"); g_WmiExtDll = Ext; }
if (!g_QuietMode) { VerbOut("Loaded %s extension DLL\n", Ext->Name); }
// Now that the extension is loaded, refresh it.
Ext->Uninit = NULL;
EngExt = (PDEBUG_EXTENSION_INITIALIZE) GetProcAddress(Ext->Dll, "DebugExtensionInitialize"); if (EngExt != NULL) { ULONG Version, Flags; HRESULT Status;
// This is an engine extension. Initialize it.
Status = EngExt(&Version, &Flags); if (Status != S_OK) { ErrOut("%s!DebugExtensionInitialize failed with 0x%08lX\n", Ext->Name, Status); goto EH_Free; }
Ext->ApiVersion.MajorVersion = HIWORD(Version); Ext->ApiVersion.MinorVersion = LOWORD(Version); Ext->ApiVersion.Revision = 0;
Ext->Notify = (PDEBUG_EXTENSION_NOTIFY) GetProcAddress(Ext->Dll, "DebugExtensionNotify"); Ext->Uninit = (PDEBUG_EXTENSION_UNINITIALIZE) GetProcAddress(Ext->Dll, "DebugExtensionUninitialize");
Ext->ExtensionType = DEBUG_EXTENSION_TYPE; Ext->Init = NULL; Ext->ApiVersionRoutine = NULL; Ext->CheckVersionRoutine = NULL;
goto VersionCheck; }
Ext->Init = (PWINDBG_EXTENSION_DLL_INIT64) GetProcAddress(Ext->Dll, "WinDbgExtensionDllInit"); // Windbg Api
if (Ext->Init != NULL) { Ext->ExtensionType = WINDBG_EXTENSION_TYPE; Ext->ApiVersionRoutine = (PWINDBG_EXTENSION_API_VERSION) GetProcAddress(Ext->Dll, "ExtensionApiVersion"); if (Ext->ApiVersionRoutine == NULL) { ErrOut("%s is not a valid windbg extension DLL\n", Ext->Name); goto EH_Free; } Ext->CheckVersionRoutine = (PWINDBG_CHECK_VERSION) GetProcAddress(Ext->Dll, "CheckVersion");
Ext->ApiVersion = *(Ext->ApiVersionRoutine());
if (Ext->ApiVersion.Revision >= 6) { (Ext->Init)(&g_WindbgExtensions64, Target ? (USHORT)Target->m_CheckedBuild : 0, Target ? (USHORT)Target->m_BuildNumber : 0); } else { (Ext->Init)((PWINDBG_EXTENSION_APIS64)&g_WindbgExtensions32, Target ? (USHORT)Target->m_CheckedBuild : 0, Target ? (USHORT)Target->m_BuildNumber : 0); } } else if (g_SymOptions & SYMOPT_SECURE) { ErrOut("SECURE: Cannot determine extension DLL type - %s\n", Ext->Name); goto EH_Free; } else { Ext->ApiVersion.Revision = EXT_API_VERSION_NUMBER; Ext->ApiVersionRoutine = NULL; Ext->CheckVersionRoutine = NULL; if (GetProcAddress(Ext->Dll, "NtsdExtensionDllInit")) { Ext->ExtensionType = NTSD_EXTENSION_TYPE; } else { Ext->ExtensionType = IS_KERNEL_TARGET(g_Target) ? WINDBG_OLDKD_EXTENSION_TYPE : NTSD_EXTENSION_TYPE; } }
#if 0
// Temporarily remove this print statements.
if (!(g_EnvDbgOptions & OPTION_NOVERSIONCHECK)) { if (Ext->ApiVersion.Revision < 6) { dprintf("%s uses the old 32 bit extension API and may not be fully\n", Ext->Name); dprintf("compatible with current systems.\n"); } else if (Ext->ApiVersion.Revision < EXT_API_VERSION_NUMBER) { dprintf("%s uses an earlier version of the extension API than that\n", Ext->Name); dprintf("supported by this debugger, and should work properly, but there\n"); dprintf("may be unexpected incompatibilities.\n"); } else if (Ext->ApiVersion.Revision > EXT_API_VERSION_NUMBER) { dprintf("%s uses a later version of the extension API than that\n", Ext->Name); dprintf("supported by this debugger, and might not function correctly.\n"); dprintf("You should use the debugger from the SDK or DDK which was used\n"); dprintf("to build the extension library.\n"); } } #endif
// If the extension has a notification routine send
// notifications appropriate to the current state.
if (Ext->Notify != NULL) { __try { if (IS_MACHINE_SET(g_Target)) { Ext->Notify(DEBUG_NOTIFY_SESSION_ACTIVE, 0); } if (IS_CUR_MACHINE_ACCESSIBLE()) { Ext->Notify(DEBUG_NOTIFY_SESSION_ACCESSIBLE, 0); } } __except(ExtensionExceptionFilter(GetExceptionInformation(), Ext->Name, "DebugExtensionNotify")) { // Empty.
} }
return TRUE;
EH_Free: FreeExtensionLibrary(Ext); return FALSE; }
void UnlinkExtensionDll(EXTDLL* Match) { EXTDLL *Ext; EXTDLL *Prev;
Prev = NULL; for (Ext = g_ExtDlls; Ext != NULL; Ext = Ext->Next) { if (Match == Ext) { break; }
Prev = Ext; }
if (Ext == NULL) { ErrOut("! Extension DLL list inconsistency !\n"); } else if (Prev == NULL) { g_ExtDlls = Ext->Next; } else { Prev->Next = Ext->Next; } }
void DeferExtensionDll(EXTDLL *Ext, BOOL Verbose) { if (Ext->Dll == NULL) { // Already deferred.
return; }
Ext->Init = NULL; Ext->Notify = NULL; Ext->ApiVersionRoutine = NULL; Ext->CheckVersionRoutine = NULL;
if (Ext->Uninit != NULL) { Ext->Uninit(); Ext->Uninit = NULL; }
if (Ext->Dll != NULL) { if (Verbose) { dprintf("Unloading %s extension DLL\n", Ext->Name); } else if (!g_QuietMode) { VerbOut("Unloading %s extension DLL\n", Ext->Name); }
FreeExtensionLibrary(Ext); } }
void UnloadExtensionDll(EXTDLL *Ext, BOOL Verbose) { UnlinkExtensionDll(Ext); DeferExtensionDll(Ext, Verbose); free(Ext); NotifyChangeEngineState(DEBUG_CES_EXTENSIONS, 0, TRUE); }
void MoveExtensionToHead(EXTDLL* Ext) { UnlinkExtensionDll(Ext); LinkExtensionDll(Ext); }
void UnloadTargetExtensionDlls(TargetInfo* Target) { EXTDLL* Ext;
for (;;) { for (Ext = g_ExtDlls; Ext != NULL; Ext = Ext->Next) { if (Ext->Target == Target) { UnloadExtensionDll(Ext, FALSE); // Force a loop around as the list has
// changed.
break; } }
if (!Ext) { return; } } }
void DeferAllExtensionDlls(void) { EXTDLL* Ext;
for (Ext = g_ExtDlls; Ext != NULL; Ext = Ext->Next) { DeferExtensionDll(Ext, FALSE); } }
BOOL CallAnyExtension(DebugClient* Client, EXTDLL* Ext, PSTR Function, PCSTR Arguments, BOOL ModuleSpecified, BOOL ShowWarnings, HRESULT* ExtStatus) { if (Ext == NULL) { Ext = g_ExtDlls; }
// Walk through the list of extension DLLs and attempt to
// call the given extension function on them.
while (Ext != NULL) { //
// hack : only dbghelp extensions or analyzebugcheck
// will work on minidump files right now.
// Let all the extensions run on minidumps since there is more data
// in the dumps now.
// char Name[_MAX_FNAME + 1];
// _splitpath(Ext->Name, NULL, NULL, Name, NULL);
// if (!IS_KERNEL_TRIAGE_DUMP(g_Target) ||
// !_stricmp(Name, "dbghelp") ||
// !_stricmp(Name, "dbgtstext") || // used by the test team
// !_stricmp(Name, "dt_exts") || // used by the test team
// !_stricmp(Name, "ext"))
{ if ((!Ext->Target || Ext->Target == g_Target) && LoadExtensionDll(g_Target, Ext)) { BOOL DidCall;
DidCall = CallExtension(Client, Ext, Function, Arguments, ExtStatus); if (DidCall && *ExtStatus != DEBUG_EXTENSION_CONTINUE_SEARCH) { return TRUE; }
if (!DidCall && ModuleSpecified) { // If a DLL was explicitly specified then the
// missing function is an error.
if (ShowWarnings && !(g_EnvDbgOptions & OPTION_NOEXTWARNING)) { MaskOut(DEBUG_OUTPUT_EXTENSION_WARNING, "%s has no %s export\n", Ext->Name, Function); }
return FALSE; } } }
Ext = Ext->Next; }
if (ShowWarnings && !(g_EnvDbgOptions & OPTION_NOEXTWARNING)) { MaskOut(DEBUG_OUTPUT_EXTENSION_WARNING, "No export %s found\n", Function); }
return FALSE; }
void OutputModuleIdInfo(HMODULE Mod, PSTR ModFile, LPEXT_API_VERSION ApiVer) { WCHAR FileBuf[MAX_IMAGE_PATH]; char *File; time_t TimeStamp; char *TimeStr; char VerStr[64];
if (Mod == NULL) { Mod = GetModuleHandle(ModFile); }
if (MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, ModFile, -1, FileBuf, DIMA(FileBuf)) && GetFileStringFileInfo(FileBuf, "ProductVersion", VerStr, sizeof(VerStr))) { dprintf("image %s, ", VerStr); }
if (ApiVer != NULL) { dprintf("API %d.%d.%d, ", ApiVer->MajorVersion, ApiVer->MinorVersion, ApiVer->Revision); }
TimeStamp = GetTimestampForLoadedLibrary(Mod); TimeStr = ctime(&TimeStamp); // Delete newline.
TimeStr[strlen(TimeStr) - 1] = 0;
if (GetModuleFileName(Mod, (PSTR)FileBuf, DIMA(FileBuf) - 1) == 0) { File = "Unable to get filename"; } else { File = (PSTR)FileBuf; }
dprintf("built %s\n [path: %s]\n", TimeStr, File); }
void OutputExtensions(DebugClient* Client, BOOL Versions) { if ((g_Target && g_Target->m_ExtensionSearchPath) || (!g_Target && g_BaseExtensionSearchPath)) { dprintf("Extension DLL search Path:\n %s\n", g_Target ? g_Target->m_ExtensionSearchPath : g_BaseExtensionSearchPath); } else { dprintf("Default extension DLLs are not loaded until " "after initial connection\n"); if (g_ExtDlls == NULL) { return; } }
dprintf("Extension DLL chain:\n"); if (g_ExtDlls == NULL) { dprintf(" <Empty>\n"); return; }
for (Ext = g_ExtDlls; Ext != NULL; Ext = Ext->Next) { if (Ext->Target && Ext->Target != g_Target) { continue; }
if (Versions & (Ext->Dll == NULL)) { LoadExtensionDll(g_Target, Ext); }
dprintf(" %s: ", Ext->Name); if (Ext->Dll != NULL) { LPEXT_API_VERSION ApiVer;
if ((Ext->ExtensionType == DEBUG_EXTENSION_TYPE) || (Ext->ApiVersionRoutine != NULL)) { ApiVer = &Ext->ApiVersion; } else { ApiVer = NULL; }
OutputModuleIdInfo(Ext->Dll, Ext->Name, ApiVer);
if (Versions) { HRESULT ExtStatus;
CallExtension(Client, Ext, "version", "", &ExtStatus); } } else { dprintf("(Not loaded)\n"); } } }
void NotifyExtensions(ULONG Notify, ULONG64 Argument) { EXTDLL *Ext;
// This routine deliberately does not provoke
// a DLL load.
for (Ext = g_ExtDlls; Ext != NULL; Ext = Ext->Next) { if ((!Ext->Target || Ext->Target == g_Target) && Ext->Notify != NULL) { __try { Ext->Notify(Notify, Argument); } __except(ExtensionExceptionFilter(GetExceptionInformation(), Ext->Name, "DebugExtensionNotify")) { // Empty.
} } } }
// Built-in extension commands.
VOID ParseBangCmd(DebugClient* Client, BOOL BuiltInOnly) { PSTR Cmd, Scan; PSTR ModName; PSTR FnName; EXTDLL* Ext; char CmdCopy[MAX_COMMAND]; char Save; PSTR FnArgs;
// Shell escape always consumes the entire string.
if (*g_CurCmd == '!') { g_CurCmd++; DotShell(NULL, Client); *g_CurCmd = 0; return; }
// Make a copy of the command string so that modifications
// do not change the actual command string the debugger is processing.
CopyString(CmdCopy, g_CurCmd, DIMA(CmdCopy));
// Syntax is [path-without-spaces]module.function argument-string.
ModName = CmdCopy; FnName = NULL;
Cmd = CmdCopy; while (*Cmd != ' ' && *Cmd != '\t' && *Cmd && *Cmd != ';' && *Cmd != '"') { Cmd++; }
Scan = Cmd; if (*Cmd && *Cmd != ';' && *Cmd != '"') { *Cmd = 0; Cmd++; }
while (*Scan != '.' && Scan != ModName) { Scan--; }
if (*Scan == '.' && !BuiltInOnly) { *Scan = 0; Scan++; FnName = Scan; } else { FnName = ModName; ModName = NULL; }
if ((FnArgs = BufferStringValue(&Cmd, STRV_ESCAPED_CHARACTERS | STRV_ALLOW_EMPTY_STRING, NULL, &Save)) == NULL) { ErrOut("Syntax error in extension string\n"); return; }
// Update the real command string pointer to account for
// the characters parsed in the copy.
g_CurCmd += Cmd - CmdCopy;
// ModName -> Name of module
// FnName -> Name of command to process
// FnArgs -> argument to command
if (ModName != NULL) { Ext = AddExtensionDll(ModName, TRUE, NULL, NULL); if (Ext == NULL) { return; } } else { Ext = g_ExtDlls; }
if (!_stricmp(FnName, "load")) { if (ModName == NULL) { Ext = AddExtensionDll(FnArgs, TRUE, NULL, NULL); if (Ext == NULL) { return; } } LoadExtensionDll(g_Target, Ext); return; } else if (!_stricmp(FnName, "setdll")) { if (ModName == NULL) { Ext = AddExtensionDll(FnArgs, TRUE, NULL, NULL); if (Ext == NULL) { return; } } MoveExtensionToHead(Ext); if (ModName != NULL && Ext->Dll == NULL) { dprintf("Added %s to extension DLL chain\n", Ext->Name); } return; } else if (!_stricmp(FnName, "unload")) { if (ModName == NULL) { if (*FnArgs == '\0') { Ext = g_ExtDlls; } else { Ext = AddExtensionDll(FnArgs, TRUE, NULL, NULL); } if (Ext == NULL) { return; } } if (Ext != NULL) { UnloadExtensionDll(Ext, TRUE); } return; } else if (!_stricmp(FnName, "unloadall")) { g_EngNotify++; while (g_ExtDlls != NULL) { UnloadExtensionDll(g_ExtDlls, TRUE); } g_EngNotify--; NotifyChangeEngineState(DEBUG_CES_EXTENSIONS, 0, TRUE); return; }
if (BuiltInOnly) { error(SYNTAX); }
HRESULT ExtStatus;
CallAnyExtension(Client, Ext, FnName, FnArgs, ModName != NULL, TRUE, &ExtStatus); }
void ReadDebugOptions (BOOL fQuiet, char * pszOptionsStr) /*++
Routine Description:
Parses an options string (see g_EnvDbgOptionNames) and maps it to OPTION_ flags (in g_EnvDbgOptions).
fQuiet - If TRUE, do not print option settings. pszOptionsStr - Options string; if NULL, get it from _NT_DEBUG_OPTIONS
Return Value:
None --*/ { BOOL fInit; char ** ppszOption; char * psz; DWORD dwMask; int iOptionCount;
fInit = (pszOptionsStr == NULL); if (fInit) { g_EnvDbgOptions = 0; pszOptionsStr = getenv("_NT_DEBUG_OPTIONS"); } if (pszOptionsStr == NULL) { if (!fQuiet) { dprintf("_NT_DEBUG_OPTIONS is not defined\n"); } return; } psz = pszOptionsStr; while (*psz != '\0') { *psz = (char)toupper(*psz); psz++; } ppszOption = g_EnvDbgOptionNames; for (iOptionCount = 0; iOptionCount < OPTION_COUNT; iOptionCount++, ppszOption++) { if ((strstr(pszOptionsStr, *ppszOption) == NULL)) { continue; } dwMask = (1 << iOptionCount); if (fInit) { g_EnvDbgOptions |= dwMask; } else { g_EnvDbgOptions ^= dwMask; } } if (!fQuiet) { dprintf("Debug Options:"); if (g_EnvDbgOptions == 0) { dprintf(" <none>\n"); } else { dwMask = g_EnvDbgOptions; ppszOption = g_EnvDbgOptionNames; while (dwMask != 0) { if (dwMask & 0x1) { dprintf(" %s", *ppszOption); } dwMask >>= 1; ppszOption++; } dprintf("\n"); } } }
// LoadWow64ExtsIfNeeded
VOID LoadWow64ExtsIfNeeded(ULONG64 Process) { LONG_PTR Wow64Info; NTSTATUS Status; EXTDLL * Extension;
// wx86 only runs on NT.
if (g_DebuggerPlatformId != VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) { return; }
// if New process is a Wx86 process, load in the wx86 extensions
// dll. This will stay loaded until ntsd exits.
Status = g_NtDllCalls.NtQueryInformationProcess(OS_HANDLE(Process), ProcessWow64Information, &Wow64Info, sizeof(Wow64Info), NULL );
if (NT_SUCCESS(Status) && Wow64Info) { Extension = AddExtensionDll("wow64exts", FALSE, g_Target, NULL);
// Force load it so we get the entry point the debugger needs
LoadExtensionDll(g_Target, Extension); } }