// Abstraction of processor-specific information.
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1999-2002.
#ifndef __MACHINE_HPP__
#define __MACHINE_HPP__
// These context information states are intended to be shared among
// processors so they may not all apply to each processor. The important
// thing is that they are ordered from less information to more.
// Each state includes all the information from the states that precede it.
// More states can be inserted anywhere as new processors require them.
#define MCTX_NONE 0 // No context information.
#define MCTX_PC 1 // Program counter.
#define MCTX_DR67_REPORT 2 // X86: DR6,7 control report.
#define MCTX_REPORT 3 // Control report.
#define MCTX_CONTEXT 4 // Kernel protocol context information.
#define MCTX_FULL 5 // All possible information.
#define MCTX_DIRTY 6 // Dirty context, implies full information.
// Constant offset value returned from GetNextOffset to indicate the
// trace flag should be used.
#define OFFSET_TRACE ((ULONG64)(LONG64)-1)
// Distinguished error code for GetVirtualTranslationPhysicalOffsets
// to indicate that all translations were successful but
// the page was not present. In this case the LastVal value
// will contain the page file offset and PfIndex will contain
// the page file number.
// Translation could not complete and a page file location
// for the data could not be determined.
// Segment register access.
// Processors which do not support segment registers return
// zero for the segment register number.
enum { // Descriptor table pseudo-segments. The GDT does
// not have a specific register number.
// These pseudo-segments should be first so that
// index zero is not used for a normal segreg.
// Generic segments.
#define FORM_VM86 0x00000001
#define FORM_CODE 0x00000002
#define FORM_SEGREG 0x00000004
#define X86_FORM_VM86(Efl) \
(X86_IS_VM86(Efl) ? FORM_VM86 : 0)
#define X86_RPL_MASK 3
#define MPTE_FLAG_VALID 0x00000001
#define PAGE_ALIGN(Machine, Addr) \
((Addr) & ~((ULONG64)((Machine)->m_PageSize - 1))) #define NEXT_PAGE(Machine, Addr) \
(((Addr) + (Machine)->m_PageSize) & \ ~((ULONG64)((Machine)->m_PageSize - 1)))
typedef struct _ADDR_RANGE { ULONG64 Base; ULONG Size; } ADDR_RANGE, *PADDR_RANGE;
// InsertBreakpointInstruction flags. These
// are processor specific.
#define IBI_DEFAULT 0x00000000
// The low six bits on IA64 indicate which predicate
// register to use in the break instruction.
#define IBI_IA64_PRED_MASK 0x0000003f
// Abstract interface for machine information. All possible
// machine-specific implementations of this interface exist at
// all times. The effective implementation is selected when
// SetEffMachine is called. For generic access the abstract
// interface should be used. In machine-specific code the
// specific implementation classes can be used.
// IMPORTANT: Be very careful when using machine-specific header files
// such as nt<plat>.h. The machine implementation class is
// compiled for all platforms so the nt<plat>.h file will be the
// one for the build platform, not necessarily the platform
// of the machine implementation. ntdbg.h contains many cross-platform
// types and definitions that can be used to avoid problems.
extern BOOL g_PrefixSymbols; extern BOOL g_ContextChanged;
struct RegisterGroup { // Counted automatically.
ULONG NumberRegs; // Regs is assumed to be non-NULL in all groups.
// SubRegs and AllExtraDesc may be NULL in any group.
REGDEF* Regs; REGSUBDEF* SubRegs; REGALLDESC* AllExtraDesc; };
// Trace modes used by SetTraceMode/GetTraceMode functions
// These enumerants are abstract values but currently
// only IA64 actually has different page directories
// so set them up to match the IA64 mapping for convenience.
// For machines which only support a single page directory
// take it from the kernel slot. All will be updated so
// this is an arbitrary choice.
// All directories bit mask.
#define PAGE_DIR_ALL ((1 << PAGE_DIR_COUNT) - 1)
// Flags for GetPrefixedSymbolOffset.
#define GETPREF_VERBOSE 0x00000001
struct CvRegMap { CV_HREG_e CvReg; ULONG Machine; };
class MachineInfo { public: MachineInfo(TargetInfo* Target); virtual ~MachineInfo(void);
TargetInfo* m_Target; // Descriptive information.
PCSTR m_FullName; PCSTR m_AbbrevName; ULONG m_PageSize; ULONG m_PageShift; ULONG m_NumExecTypes; // First entry must be the actual processor type.
PULONG m_ExecTypes; BOOL m_Ptr64; ULONG m_RetRegIndex; // Automatically counted from regs in base initialization.
ULONG m_NumRegs; ULONG m_NumGroups; RegisterGroup* m_Groups[MAX_REGISTER_GROUPS]; ULONG m_AllMask; // Collected automatically from groups.
ULONG m_AllMaskBits; ULONG m_MaxDataBreakpoints; PCSTR m_SymPrefix; // Computed automatically.
ULONG m_SymPrefixLen;
// Size of the canonical context kept in the MachineInfo.
ULONG m_SizeCanonicalContext; // System version of the canonical context. Can be compared
// against a system version to see if the target provides
// canonical contexts or not.
ULONG m_SverCanonicalContext;
// Context could be kept per-thread
// so that several can be around at once for a cache.
// That would also make the save/restore stuff unnecessary.
// Segment register descriptors. These will only
// be valid on processors that support them, otherwise
// they will be marked invalid.
DESCRIPTOR64 m_SegRegDesc[SEGREG_COUNT]; // Holds the current page directory offsets.
ULONG64 m_PageDirectories[PAGE_DIR_COUNT]; BOOL m_Translating; BOOL m_ContextIsReadOnly;
USHORT m_MainCodeSeg;
ULONG m_CvRegMapSize; CvRegMap* m_CvRegMap; virtual HRESULT Initialize(void); virtual HRESULT InitializeForProcessor(void);
virtual void GetSystemTypeInfo(PSYSTEM_TYPE_INFO Info) = 0; virtual void GetDefaultKdData(PKDDEBUGGER_DATA64 KdData) = 0; ULONG CvRegToMachine(CV_HREG_e CvReg); virtual void InitializeContext (ULONG64 Pc, PDBGKD_ANY_CONTROL_REPORT ControlReport) = 0; HRESULT GetContextState(ULONG State); HRESULT SetContext(void); // Base implementations use Get/SetThreadContext for
// any request.
virtual HRESULT UdGetContextState(ULONG State); virtual HRESULT UdSetContext(void); virtual HRESULT KdGetContextState(ULONG State) = 0; virtual HRESULT KdSetContext(void) = 0; // Base implementation sets ContextState to NONE.
virtual void InvalidateContext(void); // Context conversion is version-based rather than size-based
// as the size is ambiguous in certain cases. For example,
// ALPHA_CONTEXT and ALPHA_NT5_CONTEXT are the same size
// so additional information is necessary to distinguish them.
virtual HRESULT ConvertContextFrom(PCROSS_PLATFORM_CONTEXT Context, ULONG FromSver, ULONG FromSize, PVOID From) = 0; virtual HRESULT ConvertContextTo(PCROSS_PLATFORM_CONTEXT Context, ULONG ToSver, ULONG ToSize, PVOID To) = 0; virtual void InitializeContextFlags(PCROSS_PLATFORM_CONTEXT Context, ULONG Version) = 0; virtual HRESULT GetContextFromThreadStack(ULONG64 ThreadBase, PCROSS_PLATFORM_CONTEXT Context, ULONG64 Stack) = 0; virtual HRESULT GetContextFromFiber(ProcessInfo* Process, ULONG64 FiberBase, PCROSS_PLATFORM_CONTEXT Context, BOOL Verbose) = 0; virtual HRESULT GetContextFromTrapFrame(ULONG64 TrapBase, PCROSS_PLATFORM_CONTEXT Context, BOOL Verbose) = 0; // Base implementation fails for platforms that don't
// have task segments.
virtual HRESULT GetContextFromTaskSegment(ULONG64 TssBase, PCROSS_PLATFORM_CONTEXT Context, BOOL Verbose); virtual void GetScopeFrameFromContext(PCROSS_PLATFORM_CONTEXT Context, PDEBUG_STACK_FRAME ScopeFrame) = 0; // Base implementation zeros addresses.
virtual void GetStackDefaultsFromContext(PCROSS_PLATFORM_CONTEXT Context, LPADDRESS64 Instr, LPADDRESS64 Stack, LPADDRESS64 Frame); virtual HRESULT GetScopeFrameRegister(ULONG Reg, PDEBUG_STACK_FRAME ScopeFrame, PULONG64 Value) = 0; virtual HRESULT SetScopeFrameRegister(ULONG Reg, PDEBUG_STACK_FRAME ScopeFrame, ULONG64 Value) = 0; // Base implementation does nothing.
virtual void SanitizeMemoryContext(PCROSS_PLATFORM_CONTEXT Context);
// Base implementations return E_NOTIMPL.
virtual HRESULT GetExdiContext(IUnknown* Exdi, PEXDI_CONTEXT Context, EXDI_CONTEXT_TYPE CtxType); virtual HRESULT SetExdiContext(IUnknown* Exdi, PEXDI_CONTEXT Context, EXDI_CONTEXT_TYPE CtxType); virtual void ConvertExdiContextFromContext(PCROSS_PLATFORM_CONTEXT Context, PEXDI_CONTEXT ExdiContext, EXDI_CONTEXT_TYPE CtxType); virtual void ConvertExdiContextToContext(PEXDI_CONTEXT ExdiContext, EXDI_CONTEXT_TYPE CtxType, PCROSS_PLATFORM_CONTEXT Context); virtual void ConvertExdiContextToSegDescs(PEXDI_CONTEXT ExdiContext, EXDI_CONTEXT_TYPE CtxType, ULONG Start, ULONG Count, PDESCRIPTOR64 Descs); virtual void ConvertExdiContextFromSpecial (PCROSS_PLATFORM_KSPECIAL_REGISTERS Special, PEXDI_CONTEXT ExdiContext, EXDI_CONTEXT_TYPE CtxType); virtual void ConvertExdiContextToSpecial (PEXDI_CONTEXT ExdiContext, EXDI_CONTEXT_TYPE CtxType, PCROSS_PLATFORM_KSPECIAL_REGISTERS Special); virtual int GetType(ULONG Reg) = 0; virtual HRESULT GetVal(ULONG Reg, REGVAL* Val) = 0; virtual HRESULT SetVal(ULONG Reg, REGVAL* Val) = 0;
virtual void GetPC(PADDR Address) = 0; virtual void SetPC(PADDR Address) = 0; virtual void GetFP(PADDR Address) = 0; virtual void GetSP(PADDR Address) = 0; virtual ULONG64 GetArgReg(void) = 0; virtual ULONG64 GetRetReg(void) = 0; // Base implementations return zero and FALSE.
virtual ULONG GetSegRegNum(ULONG SegReg); virtual HRESULT GetSegRegDescriptor(ULONG SegReg, PDESCRIPTOR64 Desc);
virtual void OutputAll(ULONG Mask, ULONG OutMask) = 0; virtual HRESULT SetAndOutputTrapFrame(ULONG64 TrapBase, PCROSS_PLATFORM_CONTEXT Context) = 0; // Base implementation fails for platforms that don't
// have task segments.
virtual HRESULT SetAndOutputTaskSegment(ULONG64 TssBase, PCROSS_PLATFORM_CONTEXT Context, BOOL Extended);
virtual TRACEMODE GetTraceMode(void) = 0; virtual void SetTraceMode(TRACEMODE Mode) = 0;
// Returns true if trace mode appropriate to specified execution status
// DEBUG_STATUS_STEP_BRANCH...) supported by the machine.
virtual BOOL IsStepStatusSupported(ULONG Status) = 0;
void QuietSetTraceMode(TRACEMODE Mode) { BOOL ContextChangedOrg = g_ContextChanged; SetTraceMode(Mode); g_ContextChanged = ContextChangedOrg; }
// Base implementation does nothing.
virtual void KdUpdateControlSet (PDBGKD_ANY_CONTROL_SET ControlSet);
virtual ULONG ExecutingMachine(void) = 0;
virtual HRESULT SetPageDirectory(ThreadInfo* Thread, ULONG Idx, ULONG64 PageDir, PULONG NextIdx) = 0; HRESULT SetDefaultPageDirectories(ThreadInfo* Thread, ULONG Mask); virtual HRESULT GetVirtualTranslationPhysicalOffsets (ThreadInfo* Thread, ULONG64 Virt, PULONG64 Offsets, ULONG OffsetsSize, PULONG Levels, PULONG PfIndex, PULONG64 LastVal) = 0; virtual HRESULT GetBaseTranslationVirtualOffset(PULONG64 Offset) = 0; virtual void DecodePte(ULONG64 Pte, PULONG64 PageFrameNumber, PULONG Flags) = 0;
virtual void Assemble(ProcessInfo* Process, PADDR Addr, PSTR Input) = 0; virtual BOOL Disassemble(ProcessInfo* Process, PADDR Addr, PSTR Buffer, BOOL EffAddr) = 0;
// Creates new Breakpoint object compatible with specific machine
virtual HRESULT NewBreakpoint(DebugClient* Client, ULONG Type, ULONG Id, Breakpoint** RetBp);
virtual BOOL IsBreakpointInstruction(ProcessInfo* Process, PADDR Addr) = 0; virtual HRESULT InsertBreakpointInstruction(PUSER_DEBUG_SERVICES Services, ULONG64 Process, ULONG64 Offset, ULONG Flags, PUCHAR SaveInstr, PULONG64 ChangeStart, PULONG ChangeLen) = 0; virtual HRESULT RemoveBreakpointInstruction(PUSER_DEBUG_SERVICES Services, ULONG64 Process, ULONG64 Offset, PUCHAR SaveInstr, PULONG64 ChangeStart, PULONG ChangeLen) = 0; virtual void AdjustPCPastBreakpointInstruction(PADDR Addr, ULONG BreakType) = 0; // Base implementations do nothing for platforms which
// do not support data breakpoints.
virtual void InsertThreadDataBreakpoints(void); virtual void RemoveThreadDataBreakpoints(void); // Base implementation returns EXCEPTION_BRAKEPOINT_ANY
virtual ULONG IsBreakpointOrStepException(PEXCEPTION_RECORD64 Record, ULONG FirstChance, PADDR BpAddr, PADDR RelAddr);
virtual BOOL IsCallDisasm(PCSTR Disasm) = 0; virtual BOOL IsReturnDisasm(PCSTR Disasm) = 0; virtual BOOL IsSystemCallDisasm(PCSTR Disasm) = 0; virtual BOOL IsDelayInstruction(PADDR Addr) = 0; virtual void GetEffectiveAddr(PADDR Addr, PULONG Size) = 0; // Some processors, such as IA64, have instructions which
// switch between instruction sets, thus the machine type
// of the next offset may be different from the current machine.
// If the NextAddr is OFFSET_TRACE the NextMachine is ignored.
virtual void GetNextOffset(ProcessInfo* Process, BOOL StepOver, PADDR NextAddr, PULONG NextMachine) = 0; // Base implementation returns the value from StackWalk.
virtual void GetRetAddr(PADDR Addr); // Base implementation does nothing for machines which
// do not have symbol prefixing.
virtual BOOL GetPrefixedSymbolOffset(ProcessInfo* Process, ULONG64 SymOffset, ULONG Flags, PULONG64 PrefixedSymOffset);
virtual void IncrementBySmallestInstruction(PADDR Addr) = 0; virtual void DecrementBySmallestInstruction(PADDR Addr) = 0;
// Output function entry information for the given entry.
virtual void OutputFunctionEntry(PVOID RawEntry) = 0; // Base implementation returns E_UNEXPECTED.
virtual HRESULT ReadDynamicFunctionTable(ProcessInfo* Process, ULONG64 Table, PULONG64 NextTable, PULONG64 MinAddress, PULONG64 MaxAddress, PULONG64 BaseAddress, PULONG64 TableData, PULONG TableSize, PWSTR OutOfProcessDll, PCROSS_PLATFORM_DYNAMIC_FUNCTION_TABLE RawTable); // Base implementation returns NULL.
virtual PVOID FindDynamicFunctionEntry(PCROSS_PLATFORM_DYNAMIC_FUNCTION_TABLE Table, ULONG64 Address, PVOID TableData, ULONG TableSize); // Base implementation returns E_UNEXPECTED.
virtual HRESULT GetUnwindInfoBounds(ProcessInfo* Process, ULONG64 TableBase, PVOID RawTableEntries, ULONG EntryIndex, PULONG64 Start, PULONG Size);
virtual HRESULT ReadKernelProcessorId (ULONG Processor, PDEBUG_PROCESSOR_IDENTIFICATION_ALL Id) = 0; // Base implementation discards page directory entries.
virtual void FlushPerExecutionCaches(void);
// Base implementation does nothing.
virtual HRESULT GetAlternateTriageDumpDataRanges(ULONG64 PrcbBase, ULONG64 ThreadBase, PADDR_RANGE Ranges); // Stack output functions
virtual void PrintStackFrameAddressesTitle(ULONG Flags); virtual void PrintStackFrameAddresses(ULONG Flags, PDEBUG_STACK_FRAME StackFrame); virtual void PrintStackArgumentsTitle(ULONG Flags); virtual void PrintStackArguments(ULONG Flags, PDEBUG_STACK_FRAME StackFrame); virtual void PrintStackCallSiteTitle(ULONG Flags); virtual void PrintStackCallSite(ULONG Flags, PDEBUG_STACK_FRAME StackFrame, PSYMBOL_INFO SiteSymbol, PSTR SymName, DWORD64 Displacement); virtual void PrintStackNonvolatileRegisters (ULONG Flags, PDEBUG_STACK_FRAME StackFrame, PCROSS_PLATFORM_CONTEXT Context, ULONG FrameNum); virtual void PrintStackFrameMemoryUsage(PDEBUG_STACK_FRAME CurFrame, PDEBUG_STACK_FRAME PrevFrame);
// Helpers for convenient value access.
// Note that the basic methods here do not get the register
// type as is done in the generic code. All of these methods
// assume that the proper call is being made for the register.
// The Get/SetReg methods also only operate on real registers, not
// subregisters. Use the Get/SetSubReg methods when dealing
// with subregisters.
// Alternately, FullGet/SetVal perform all the necessary
// work for typing and subregisters.
USHORT GetReg16(ULONG Reg) { REGVAL RegVal; RegVal.I64 = 0; GetVal(Reg, &RegVal); return RegVal.I16; } ULONG GetReg32(ULONG Reg) { REGVAL RegVal; RegVal.I64 = 0; GetVal(Reg, &RegVal); return RegVal.I32; } void SetReg32(ULONG Reg, ULONG Val) { REGVAL RegVal; RegVal.Type = REGVAL_INT32; RegVal.I64 = (ULONG64)Val; SetVal(Reg, &RegVal); } ULONG64 GetReg64(ULONG Reg) { REGVAL RegVal; RegVal.I64 = 0; GetVal(Reg, &RegVal); return RegVal.I64; } HRESULT SetReg64(ULONG Reg, ULONG64 Val) { REGVAL RegVal; RegVal.Type = REGVAL_INT64; RegVal.I64 = Val; RegVal.Nat = FALSE; return SetVal(Reg, &RegVal); } ULONG GetSubReg32(ULONG SubReg) { REGVAL RegVal; REGSUBDEF* SubDef = RegSubDefFromIndex(SubReg);
if (!SubDef) { return 0; }
RegVal.I64 = 0; GetVal(SubDef->FullReg, &RegVal); return (ULONG)((RegVal.I64 >> SubDef->Shift) & SubDef->Mask); }
HRESULT FullGetVal(ULONG Reg, REGVAL* Val); ULONG FullGetVal32(ULONG Reg) { REGVAL RegVal; RegVal.I64 = 0; FullGetVal(Reg, &RegVal); return RegVal.I32; } ULONG64 FullGetVal64(ULONG Reg) { REGVAL RegVal; RegVal.I64 = 0; FullGetVal(Reg, &RegVal); return RegVal.I64; } HRESULT FullSetVal(ULONG Reg, REGVAL* Val); HRESULT FullSetVal32(ULONG Reg, ULONG Val) { REGVAL RegVal; ZeroMemory(&RegVal, sizeof(RegVal)); RegVal.Type = GetType(Reg); RegVal.I32 = Val; return FullSetVal(Reg, &RegVal); } HRESULT FullSetVal64(ULONG Reg, ULONG64 Val) { REGVAL RegVal; ZeroMemory(&RegVal, sizeof(RegVal)); RegVal.Type = GetType(Reg); RegVal.I64 = Val; return FullSetVal(Reg, &RegVal); } // Helper function to initialize an ADDR given a flat
// offset from a known segment or segment register.
void FormAddr(ULONG SegOrReg, ULONG64 Off, ULONG Flags, PADDR Address);
REGSUBDEF* RegSubDefFromIndex(ULONG Index); REGDEF* RegDefFromIndex(ULONG Index); REGDEF* RegDefFromCount(ULONG Count); ULONG RegCountFromIndex(ULONG Index); ContextSave* PushContext(PCROSS_PLATFORM_CONTEXT Context); void PopContext(ContextSave* Save); protected: TRACEMODE m_TraceMode;
// Common helpers for disassembly.
PCHAR m_Buf, m_BufStart; void BufferHex(ULONG64 Value, ULONG Length, BOOL Signed); void BufferInt(ULONG64 Value, ULONG MinLength, BOOL Signed); void BufferBlanks(ULONG BufferPos); void BufferString(PCSTR String);
void PrintMultiPtrTitle(const CHAR* Title, USHORT PtrNum); };
extern ULONG g_PossibleProcessorTypes[MACHIDX_COUNT];
MachineInfo* NewMachineInfo(ULONG Index, ULONG BaseMachineType, TargetInfo* Target); MachineIndex MachineTypeIndex(ULONG Machine);
// g_AllMachines has a NULL at MACHIDX_COUNT to handle errors.
#define MachineTypeInfo(Target, Machine) \
void CacheReportInstructions(ULONG64 Pc, ULONG Count, PUCHAR Stream);
BOOL IsImageMachineType64(DWORD MachineType);
extern CHAR g_F0[], g_F1[], g_F2[], g_F3[], g_F4[], g_F5[]; extern CHAR g_F6[], g_F7[], g_F8[], g_F9[], g_F10[], g_F11[]; extern CHAR g_F12[], g_F13[], g_F14[], g_F15[], g_F16[], g_F17[]; extern CHAR g_F18[], g_F19[], g_F20[], g_F21[], g_F22[], g_F23[]; extern CHAR g_F24[], g_F25[], g_F26[], g_F27[], g_F28[], g_F29[]; extern CHAR g_F30[], g_F31[];
extern CHAR g_R0[], g_R1[], g_R2[], g_R3[], g_R4[], g_R5[]; extern CHAR g_R6[], g_R7[], g_R8[], g_R9[], g_R10[], g_R11[]; extern CHAR g_R12[], g_R13[], g_R14[], g_R15[], g_R16[], g_R17[]; extern CHAR g_R18[], g_R19[], g_R20[], g_R21[], g_R22[], g_R23[]; extern CHAR g_R24[], g_R25[], g_R26[], g_R27[], g_R28[], g_R29[]; extern CHAR g_R30[], g_R31[];
#endif // #ifndef __MACHINE_HPP__