// Module list abstraction.
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 2001-2002.
#include "ntsdp.hpp"
// Note by olegk
// We using KLDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY64 in some places like
// GetModNameFromLoaderList) instead of LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY assuming that
// most important fields are the same in these structures.
// So I add some asserts for quick notification if anything will change
// (these are not fullproof checks just a basics)
C_ASSERT(&(((PLDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY64)0)->InLoadOrderLinks) == &(((PKLDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY64)0)->InLoadOrderLinks));
C_ASSERT(&(((PLDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY64)0)->DllBase) == &(((PKLDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY64)0)->DllBase));
C_ASSERT(&(((PLDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY64)0)->FullDllName) == &(((PKLDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY64)0)->FullDllName));
// Module list abstraction.
void ModuleInfo::ReadImageHeaderInfo(PMODULE_INFO_ENTRY Entry) { HRESULT Status; UCHAR SectorBuffer[ 1024 ]; PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS64 NtHeaders; ULONG Result;
if (Entry->ImageInfoValid) { return; }
// For live debugging of both user mode and kernel mode, we have
// to go load the checksum timestamp directly out of the image header
// because someone decided to overwrite these fields in the OS
// module list - Argh !
Entry->CheckSum = UNKNOWN_CHECKSUM; Entry->TimeDateStamp = UNKNOWN_TIMESTAMP;
Status = m_Target->ReadVirtual(m_Process, Entry->Base, SectorBuffer, sizeof(SectorBuffer), &Result); if (Status == S_OK && Result >= sizeof(SectorBuffer)) { NtHeaders = (PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS64)ImageNtHeader(SectorBuffer); if (NtHeaders != NULL) { switch (NtHeaders->OptionalHeader.Magic) { case IMAGE_NT_OPTIONAL_HDR32_MAGIC: Entry->CheckSum = ((PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS32)NtHeaders)-> OptionalHeader.CheckSum; Entry->Size = ((PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS32)NtHeaders)-> OptionalHeader.SizeOfImage; Entry->SizeOfCode = ((PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS32)NtHeaders)-> OptionalHeader.SizeOfCode; Entry->SizeOfData = ((PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS32)NtHeaders)-> OptionalHeader.SizeOfInitializedData; Entry->MajorImageVersion = ((PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS32)NtHeaders)-> OptionalHeader.MajorImageVersion; Entry->MinorImageVersion = ((PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS32)NtHeaders)-> OptionalHeader.MinorImageVersion; break; case IMAGE_NT_OPTIONAL_HDR64_MAGIC: Entry->CheckSum = NtHeaders->OptionalHeader.CheckSum; Entry->Size = NtHeaders->OptionalHeader.SizeOfImage; Entry->SizeOfCode = NtHeaders->OptionalHeader.SizeOfCode; Entry->SizeOfData = NtHeaders->OptionalHeader.SizeOfInitializedData; Entry->MajorImageVersion = NtHeaders->OptionalHeader.MajorImageVersion; Entry->MinorImageVersion = NtHeaders->OptionalHeader.MinorImageVersion; break; }
Entry->TimeDateStamp = NtHeaders->FileHeader.TimeDateStamp; Entry->MachineType = NtHeaders->FileHeader.Machine;
Entry->ImageInfoValid = 1; Entry->ImageVersionValid = 1; Entry->ImageMachineTypeValid = 1; } } }
void ModuleInfo::InitSource(ThreadInfo* Thread) { m_Thread = Thread; m_Process = m_Thread->m_Process; m_Target = m_Process->m_Target; m_Machine = m_Target->m_Machine;
m_InfoLevel = MODULE_INFO_ALL; } HRESULT NtModuleInfo::GetEntry(PMODULE_INFO_ENTRY Entry) { HRESULT Status; ULONG Result = 0; ULONG Length; ULONG64 Buffer;
if (m_Cur == m_Head) { return S_FALSE; }
Status = m_Target-> ReadLoaderEntry(m_Process, m_Machine, m_Cur, &LdrEntry); if (Status != S_OK) { ErrOut("Unable to read KLDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY at %s - %s\n", FormatAddr64(m_Cur), FormatStatusCode(Status)); return Status; }
m_Cur = LdrEntry.InLoadOrderLinks.Flink;
// Get the image path if possible, otherwise
// just use the image base name.
Entry->NamePtr = NULL; Entry->NameLength = 0;
if (m_InfoLevel > MODULE_INFO_BASE_SIZE) { Length = (ULONG)(ULONG_PTR)LdrEntry.FullDllName.Length; Buffer = LdrEntry.FullDllName.Buffer;
// In the NT4 dumps that we have the long name may
// point to valid memory but the memory content is
// rarely the correct name, so just don't bother
// trying to read the long name on NT4.
if (m_Target->m_SystemVersion >= NT_SVER_W2K && Length != 0 && Buffer != 0 && Length < (MAX_IMAGE_PATH * sizeof(WCHAR))) { Status = m_Target->ReadVirtual(m_Process, Buffer, Entry->Buffer, Length, &Result);
if (Status != S_OK || (Result < Length)) { // Make this a verbose message since it's possible the
// name is simply paged out.
VerbOut("Unable to read NT module Full Name " "string at %s - %s\n", FormatAddr64(Buffer), FormatStatusCode(Status)); Result = 0; } }
if (!Result) { Length = (ULONG)(ULONG_PTR)LdrEntry.BaseDllName.Length; Buffer = LdrEntry.BaseDllName.Buffer; if (Length != 0 && Buffer != 0 && Length < (MAX_IMAGE_PATH * sizeof(WCHAR))) { Status = m_Target->ReadVirtual(m_Process, Buffer, Entry->Buffer, Length, &Result); if (Status != S_OK || (Result < Length)) { WarnOut("Unable to read NT module Base Name " "string at %s - %s\n", FormatAddr64(Buffer), FormatStatusCode(Status)); Result = 0; } } }
if (!Result) { // We did not get any name - just return.
return S_OK; }
*(PWCHAR)(Entry->Buffer + Length) = UNICODE_NULL; Entry->NamePtr = &(Entry->Buffer[0]); Entry->UnicodeNamePtr = 1; Entry->NameLength = Length; } Entry->Base = LdrEntry.DllBase; Entry->Size = LdrEntry.SizeOfImage; Entry->CheckSum = LdrEntry.CheckSum; Entry->TimeDateStamp = LdrEntry.TimeDateStamp;
// Update the image information, such as timestamp and real image size,
// directly from the image header
if (m_InfoLevel > MODULE_INFO_BASE_SIZE) { ReadImageHeaderInfo(Entry); }
// For newer NT builds, we also have an alternate entry in the
// LdrDataTable to store image information in case the actual header
// is paged out. We do this for session space images only right now.
Status = m_Target->ReadVirtual(m_Process, LdrEntry.NonPagedDebugInfo, &di, sizeof(di), // Only read the base struct
if (Status != S_OK || (Result < sizeof(di))) { WarnOut("Unable to read NonPagedDebugInfo at %s - %s\n", FormatAddr64(LdrEntry.NonPagedDebugInfo), FormatStatusCode(Status)); return S_OK; }
Entry->TimeDateStamp = di.TimeDateStamp; Entry->CheckSum = di.CheckSum; Entry->Size = di.SizeOfImage; Entry->MachineType = di.Machine;
Entry->ImageInfoPartial = 1; Entry->ImageInfoValid = 1; Entry->ImageMachineTypeValid = 1;
if (di.Flags == 1) { Entry->DebugHeader = malloc(di.Size - sizeof(di));
if (Entry->DebugHeader) { Status = m_Target->ReadVirtual(m_Process, LdrEntry.NonPagedDebugInfo + sizeof(di), Entry->DebugHeader, di.Size - sizeof(di), &Result);
if (Status != S_OK || (Result < di.Size - sizeof(di))) { WarnOut("Unable to read NonPagedDebugInfo data at %s - %s\n", FormatAddr64(LdrEntry.NonPagedDebugInfo + sizeof(di)), FormatStatusCode(Status)); return S_OK; }
Entry->ImageDebugHeader = 1; Entry->SizeOfDebugHeader = di.Size - sizeof(di); } } }
return S_OK; }
HRESULT NtKernelModuleInfo::Initialize(ThreadInfo* Thread) { HRESULT Status; LIST_ENTRY64 List64;
InitSource(Thread); if ((m_Head = m_Target->m_KdDebuggerData.PsLoadedModuleList) == 0) { //
// This field is ALWAYS set in NT 5 targets.
// We will only fail here if someone changed the debugger code
// and did not "make up" this structure properly for NT 4 or
// dump targets..
ErrOut("Module List address is NULL - " "debugger not initialized properly.\n"); return E_FAIL; }
Status = m_Target->ReadListEntry(m_Process, m_Machine, m_Head, &List64); if (Status != S_OK) { // PsLoadedModuleList is a global kernel variable, so if
// it isn't around the kernel must not be mapped and
// we're in a very weird state.
ErrOut("Unable to read PsLoadedModuleList\n"); return S_FALSE; }
if (!List64.Flink) { ULONG64 LoaderBlock; IMAGE_NT_HEADERS64 ImageHdr; //
// In live debug sessions, the debugger connects before Mm creates
// the actual module list. If PsLoadedModuleList is
// uninitialized, try to load symbols from the loader
// block module list.
// If there is no loader block module list but we know
// the kernel base address and can read the image headers
// we fake a single entry for the kernel so that kernel
// symbols will load even without any module lists.
if (m_Target->m_KdDebuggerData.KeLoaderBlock && m_Target->ReadPointer(m_Process, m_Machine, m_Target->m_KdDebuggerData.KeLoaderBlock, &LoaderBlock) == S_OK && LoaderBlock && m_Target->ReadListEntry(m_Process, m_Machine, LoaderBlock, &List64) == S_OK && List64.Flink) { m_Head = LoaderBlock; } else if (m_Target->m_KdDebuggerData.KernBase && m_Target->ReadImageNtHeaders(m_Process, m_Target-> m_KdDebuggerData.KernBase, &ImageHdr) == S_OK) { m_Head = m_Target->m_KdDebuggerData.KernBase; List64.Flink = m_Target->m_KdDebuggerData.KernBase; } else { dprintf("No module list information. Delay kernel load.\n"); return S_FALSE; } } m_Cur = List64.Flink;
return S_OK; }
HRESULT NtKernelModuleInfo::GetEntry(PMODULE_INFO_ENTRY Entry) { HRESULT Status;
if (m_Head && m_Head == m_Target->m_KdDebuggerData.KernBase) { //
// We weren't able to locate any actual module list
// information but we do have a kernel base and valid
// image at that address. Fake up a kernel module entry.
wcscpy((PWSTR)Entry->Buffer, L"kd_ntoskrnl"); Entry->NamePtr = &(Entry->Buffer[0]); Entry->UnicodeNamePtr = 1; Entry->NameLength = wcslen((PWSTR)Entry->NamePtr) * sizeof(WCHAR); Entry->Base = m_Head; ReadImageHeaderInfo(Entry);
m_Head = 0; m_Cur = 0; Status = S_OK; } else { Status = NtModuleInfo::GetEntry(Entry); }
// We know that all kernel modules must be
// native modules so force the machine type
// if it isn't already set.
if (Status == S_OK && !Entry->ImageMachineTypeValid) { Entry->MachineType = m_Machine->m_ExecTypes[0]; Entry->ImageMachineTypeValid = 1; }
return Status; }
NtKernelModuleInfo g_NtKernelModuleIterator;
HRESULT NtUserModuleInfo::Initialize(ThreadInfo* Thread) { if (Thread) { InitSource(Thread); } return GetUserModuleListAddress(m_Thread, m_Machine, m_Peb, FALSE, &m_Head, &m_Cur) ? S_OK : S_FALSE; }
HRESULT NtUserModuleInfo::GetEntry(PMODULE_INFO_ENTRY Entry) { HRESULT Status = NtModuleInfo::GetEntry(Entry); if (Status == S_OK) { Entry->UserMode = TRUE; }
return Status; }
HRESULT NtTargetUserModuleInfo::Initialize(ThreadInfo* Thread) { m_Peb = 0; return NtUserModuleInfo::Initialize(Thread); }
NtTargetUserModuleInfo g_NtTargetUserModuleIterator;
HRESULT NtWow64UserModuleInfo::Initialize(ThreadInfo* Thread) { HRESULT Status; InitSource(Thread);
if (m_Target->m_Machine->m_NumExecTypes < 2) { return E_UNEXPECTED; }
m_Machine = MachineTypeInfo(m_Target, m_Target->m_Machine->m_ExecTypes[1]); if ((Status = GetPeb32(&m_Peb)) != S_OK) { return Status; } return NtUserModuleInfo::Initialize(NULL); }
HRESULT NtWow64UserModuleInfo::GetPeb32(PULONG64 Peb32) { ULONG64 Teb; ULONG64 Teb32; HRESULT Status;
if ((Status = m_Process->GetImplicitThreadDataTeb(m_Thread, &Teb)) == S_OK) { if ((Status = m_Target-> ReadPointer(m_Process, m_Machine, Teb, &Teb32)) == S_OK) { if (!Teb32) { return E_UNEXPECTED; }
ULONG RawPeb32; Status = m_Target-> ReadAllVirtual(m_Process, Teb32 + PEB_FROM_TEB32, &RawPeb32, sizeof(RawPeb32)); if (Status != S_OK) { ErrOut("Cannot read PEB32 from WOW64 TEB32 %s - %s\n", FormatAddr64(Teb32), FormatStatusCode(Status)); return Status; }
*Peb32 = EXTEND64(RawPeb32); } }
return Status; }
NtWow64UserModuleInfo g_NtWow64UserModuleIterator;
HRESULT DebuggerModuleInfo::Initialize(ThreadInfo* Thread) { InitSource(Thread); m_Image = m_Process->m_ImageHead; return S_OK; }
HRESULT DebuggerModuleInfo::GetEntry(PMODULE_INFO_ENTRY Entry) { if (m_Image == NULL) { return S_FALSE; }
Entry->NamePtr = m_Image->m_ImagePath; Entry->UnicodeNamePtr = 0; Entry->NameLength = strlen(Entry->NamePtr); Entry->ModuleName = m_Image->m_ModuleName; Entry->File = m_Image->m_File; Entry->Base = m_Image->m_BaseOfImage; Entry->Size = m_Image->m_SizeOfImage; Entry->CheckSum = m_Image->m_CheckSum; Entry->TimeDateStamp = m_Image->m_TimeDateStamp; Entry->MachineType = m_Image->GetMachineType();
Entry->ImageInfoValid = TRUE; Entry->ImageMachineTypeValid = Entry->MachineType != IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_UNKNOWN ? TRUE : FALSE; Entry->UserMode = m_Image->m_UserMode;
m_Image = m_Image->m_Next;
return S_OK; }
DebuggerModuleInfo g_DebuggerModuleIterator;
void UnloadedModuleInfo::InitSource(ThreadInfo* Thread) { m_Thread = Thread; m_Process = m_Thread->m_Process; m_Target = m_Process->m_Target; m_Machine = m_Target->m_Machine; } HRESULT NtKernelUnloadedModuleInfo::Initialize(ThreadInfo* Thread) { // Make sure that the kernel dump size doesn't exceed
// the generic size limit.
if (m_Target->m_KdDebuggerData.MmUnloadedDrivers == 0 || m_Target->m_KdDebuggerData.MmLastUnloadedDriver == 0) { return E_FAIL; }
// If this is the initial module load we need to be
// careful because much of the system isn't initialized
// yet. Some versions of the OS can crash when scanning
// the unloaded module list, plus at this point we can
// safely assume there are no unloaded modules, so just
// don't enumerate anything.
if (g_EngStatus & ENG_STATUS_AT_INITIAL_MODULE_LOAD) { return E_FAIL; } HRESULT Status; ULONG Read;
if ((Status = m_Target->ReadPointer(m_Process, m_Machine, m_Target-> m_KdDebuggerData.MmUnloadedDrivers, &m_Base)) != S_OK || (Status = m_Target->ReadVirtual(m_Process, m_Target-> m_KdDebuggerData.MmLastUnloadedDriver, &m_Index, sizeof(m_Index), &Read)) != S_OK) { return Status; } if (Read != sizeof(m_Index)) { return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_READ_FAULT); }
m_Count = 0; return S_OK; }
HRESULT NtKernelUnloadedModuleInfo::GetEntry(PSTR Name, PDEBUG_MODULE_PARAMETERS Params) { if (m_Count == MI_UNLOADED_DRIVERS) { return S_FALSE; }
if (m_Index == 0) { m_Index = MI_UNLOADED_DRIVERS - 1; } else { m_Index--; }
ULONG64 Offset; ULONG Read; HRESULT Status; ULONG64 WideName; ULONG NameLen;
ZeroMemory(Params, sizeof(*Params)); Params->Flags |= DEBUG_MODULE_UNLOADED;
if (m_Target->m_Machine->m_Ptr64) { UNLOADED_DRIVERS64 Entry;
Offset = m_Base + m_Index * sizeof(Entry); if ((Status = m_Target-> ReadAllVirtual(m_Process, Offset, &Entry, sizeof(Entry))) != S_OK) { return Status; }
if (Entry.Name.Buffer == 0) { m_Count = MI_UNLOADED_DRIVERS; return S_FALSE; }
Params->Base = Entry.StartAddress; Params->Size = (ULONG)(Entry.EndAddress - Entry.StartAddress); Params->TimeDateStamp = FileTimeToTimeDateStamp(Entry.CurrentTime.QuadPart); WideName = Entry.Name.Buffer; NameLen = Entry.Name.Length; } else { UNLOADED_DRIVERS32 Entry;
Offset = m_Base + m_Index * sizeof(Entry); if ((Status = m_Target-> ReadAllVirtual(m_Process, Offset, &Entry, sizeof(Entry))) != S_OK) { return Status; }
if (Entry.Name.Buffer == 0) { m_Count = MI_UNLOADED_DRIVERS; return S_FALSE; }
Params->Base = EXTEND64(Entry.StartAddress); Params->Size = Entry.EndAddress - Entry.StartAddress; Params->TimeDateStamp = FileTimeToTimeDateStamp(Entry.CurrentTime.QuadPart); WideName = EXTEND64(Entry.Name.Buffer); NameLen = Entry.Name.Length; }
if (Name != NULL) { //
// This size restriction is in force for minidumps only.
// For kernel dumps, just truncate the name for now ...
if ((Status = m_Target-> ReadVirtual(m_Process, WideName, WideBuf, NameLen, &Read)) != S_OK) { return Status; }
WideBuf[NameLen / sizeof(WCHAR)] = 0; if (WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, WideBuf, NameLen / sizeof(WCHAR) + 1, Name, MAX_UNLOADED_NAME_LENGTH / sizeof(WCHAR) + 1, NULL, NULL) == 0) { return WIN32_LAST_STATUS(); }
m_Count++; return S_OK; }
NtKernelUnloadedModuleInfo g_NtKernelUnloadedModuleIterator;
HRESULT NtUserUnloadedModuleInfo::Initialize(ThreadInfo* Thread) { HRESULT Status; InitSource(Thread);
if ((Status = m_Target-> GetUnloadedModuleListHead(m_Process, &m_Base)) != S_OK) { return Status; }
m_Index = 0; return S_OK; }
HRESULT NtUserUnloadedModuleInfo::GetEntry(PSTR Name, PDEBUG_MODULE_PARAMETERS Params) { if (m_Index >= RTL_UNLOAD_EVENT_TRACE_NUMBER) { return S_FALSE; }
// Make sure that the RTL record size doesn't exceed
// the generic size limit.
C_ASSERT(DIMA(Entry32.ImageName) <= MAX_INFO_UNLOADED_NAME); ZeroMemory(Params, sizeof(*Params)); Params->Flags |= DEBUG_MODULE_UNLOADED | DEBUG_MODULE_USER_MODE;
if (m_Machine->m_Ptr64) { Offset = m_Base + m_Index * sizeof(Entry64); if ((Status = m_Target-> ReadAllVirtual(m_Process, Offset, &Entry64, sizeof(Entry64))) != S_OK) { return Status; }
if (Entry64.BaseAddress == 0) { m_Index = RTL_UNLOAD_EVENT_TRACE_NUMBER; return S_FALSE; }
Params->Base = Entry64.BaseAddress; Params->Size = (ULONG)Entry64.SizeOfImage; Params->TimeDateStamp = Entry64.TimeDateStamp; Params->Checksum = Entry64.CheckSum; NameArray = Entry64.ImageName; } else { Offset = m_Base + m_Index * sizeof(Entry32); if ((Status = m_Target-> ReadAllVirtual(m_Process, Offset, &Entry32, sizeof(Entry32))) != S_OK) { return Status; }
if (Entry32.BaseAddress == 0) { m_Index = RTL_UNLOAD_EVENT_TRACE_NUMBER; return S_FALSE; }
Params->Base = EXTEND64(Entry32.BaseAddress); Params->Size = (ULONG)Entry32.SizeOfImage; Params->TimeDateStamp = Entry32.TimeDateStamp; Params->Checksum = Entry32.CheckSum; NameArray = Entry32.ImageName; }
if (Name != NULL) { NameArray[DIMA(Entry32.ImageName) - 1] = 0; if (WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, NameArray, -1, Name, MAX_INFO_UNLOADED_NAME, NULL, NULL) == 0) { return WIN32_LAST_STATUS(); }
m_Index++; return S_OK; }
NtUserUnloadedModuleInfo g_NtUserUnloadedModuleIterator;
HRESULT ToolHelpModuleInfo::Initialize(ThreadInfo* Thread) { InitSource(Thread);
m_Snap = g_Kernel32Calls. CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPMODULE, m_Process->m_SystemId); if (m_Snap == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { m_Snap = NULL; ErrOut("Can't create snapshot\n"); return WIN32_LAST_STATUS(); }
m_First = TRUE; m_LastId = 0; return S_OK; }
HRESULT ToolHelpModuleInfo::GetEntry(PMODULE_INFO_ENTRY Entry) { if (m_Snap == NULL) { return S_FALSE; } BOOL Succ; MODULEENTRY32 Mod;
Mod.dwSize = sizeof(Mod); if (m_First) { Succ = g_Kernel32Calls.Module32First(m_Snap, &Mod); m_First = FALSE; } else { // Win9x seems to require that this module ID be saved
// between calls so stick it back in to keep Win9x happy.
Mod.th32ModuleID = m_LastId; Succ = g_Kernel32Calls.Module32Next(m_Snap, &Mod); } if (!Succ) { CloseHandle(m_Snap); m_Snap = NULL; return S_FALSE; }
m_LastId = Mod.th32ModuleID; CopyString(Entry->Buffer, Mod.szModule, DIMA(Entry->Buffer)); Entry->NamePtr = Entry->Buffer; Entry->UnicodeNamePtr = 0; Entry->NameLength = strlen(Entry->NamePtr); Entry->Base = EXTEND64((ULONG_PTR)Mod.modBaseAddr); Entry->Size = Mod.modBaseSize; // Toolhelp only enumerates user-mode modules.
Entry->UserMode = TRUE;
// Update the image informaion, such as timestamp and real image size,
// Directly from the image header
return S_OK; }
ToolHelpModuleInfo g_ToolHelpModuleIterator;
// Functions.
BOOL GetUserModuleListAddress( ThreadInfo* Thread, MachineInfo* Machine, ULONG64 Peb, BOOL Quiet, PULONG64 OrderModuleListStart, PULONG64 FirstEntry ) { ULONG64 PebLdrOffset; ULONG64 ModuleListOffset; ULONG64 PebLdr = 0;
*OrderModuleListStart = 0; *FirstEntry = 0;
if (!Thread || !Machine) { return FALSE; } //
// Triage dumps have no user mode information.
// User-mode minidumps don't have a loader list.
if (IS_KERNEL_TRIAGE_DUMP(Machine->m_Target) || IS_USER_MINI_DUMP(Machine->m_Target)) { return FALSE; }
if (Machine->m_Ptr64) { PebLdrOffset = PEBLDR_FROM_PEB64; ModuleListOffset = MODULE_LIST_FROM_PEBLDR64; } else { PebLdrOffset = PEBLDR_FROM_PEB32; ModuleListOffset = MODULE_LIST_FROM_PEBLDR32; }
if (!Peb) { if (Thread->m_Process->m_Target-> GetImplicitProcessDataPeb(Thread, &Peb) != S_OK) { if (!Quiet) { ErrOut("Unable to get PEB pointer\n"); } return FALSE; } if (!Peb) { // This is a common error as the idle and system process has no
// user address space. So only print the error if we really
// expected to find a user mode address space:
// The Idle and system process have a NULL parent client id - all
// other threads have a valid ID.
ULONG64 Pcid;
if ((Thread->m_Process->m_Target-> GetImplicitProcessDataParentCID(Thread, &Pcid) != S_OK) || Pcid) { if (!Quiet) { ErrOut("PEB address is NULL !\n"); } }
return FALSE; } }
// Read address the PEB Ldr data from the PEB structure
Peb += PebLdrOffset;
if ( (Machine->m_Target-> ReadPointer(Thread->m_Process, Machine, Peb, &PebLdr) != S_OK) || (PebLdr == 0) ) { if (!Quiet) { ErrOut("PEB is paged out (Peb = %s). " "Type \".hh dbgerr001\" for details\n", FormatMachineAddr64(Machine, Peb)); } return FALSE; }
// Read address of the user mode module list from the PEB Ldr Data.
PebLdr += ModuleListOffset; *OrderModuleListStart = PebLdr;
if ( (Machine->m_Target-> ReadPointer(Thread->m_Process, Machine, PebLdr, FirstEntry) != S_OK) || (*FirstEntry == 0) ) { if (!Quiet) { ErrOut("UserMode Module List Address is NULL (Addr= %s)\n", FormatMachineAddr64(Machine, PebLdr)); ErrOut("This is usually caused by being in the wrong process\n"); ErrOut("context or by paging\n"); } return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
BOOL GetModNameFromLoaderList( ThreadInfo* Thread, MachineInfo* Machine, ULONG64 Peb, ULONG64 ModuleBase, PSTR NameBuffer, ULONG BufferSize, BOOL FullPath ) { ULONG64 ModList; ULONG64 List; HRESULT Status; KLDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY64 Entry; WCHAR UnicodeBuffer[MAX_IMAGE_PATH]; ULONG Read;
if (!GetUserModuleListAddress(Thread, Machine, Peb, TRUE, &ModList, &List)) { return FALSE; }
while (List != ModList) { Status = Machine->m_Target-> ReadLoaderEntry(Thread->m_Process, Machine, List, &Entry); if (Status != S_OK) { ErrOut("Unable to read LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY at %s - %s\n", FormatMachineAddr64(Machine, List), FormatStatusCode(Status)); return FALSE; }
List = Entry.InLoadOrderLinks.Flink;
if (Entry.DllBase == ModuleBase) { UNICODE_STRING64 Name; //
// We found a matching entry. Try to get the name.
if (FullPath) { Name = Entry.FullDllName; } else { Name = Entry.BaseDllName; } if (Name.Length == 0 || Name.Buffer == 0 || Name.Length >= sizeof(UnicodeBuffer) - sizeof(WCHAR)) { return FALSE; } Status = Machine->m_Target-> ReadVirtual(Thread->m_Process, Name.Buffer, UnicodeBuffer, Name.Length, &Read); if (Status != S_OK || Read < Name.Length) { ErrOut("Unable to read name string at %s - %s\n", FormatMachineAddr64(Machine, Name.Buffer), FormatStatusCode(Status)); return FALSE; }
UnicodeBuffer[Name.Length / sizeof(WCHAR)] = UNICODE_NULL;
if (!WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, UnicodeBuffer, Name.Length / sizeof(WCHAR) + 1, NameBuffer, BufferSize, NULL, NULL)) { ErrOut("Unable to convert Unicode string %ls to ANSI\n", UnicodeBuffer); return FALSE; }
return TRUE; } }
return FALSE; }