// System methods for targets.
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 2001-2002.
#include "ntsdp.hpp"
#include <common.ver>
ULONG g_UserIdFragmented[LAYER_COUNT]; ULONG g_HighestUserId[LAYER_COUNT];
TargetInfo* g_Target; ProcessInfo* g_Process; ThreadInfo* g_Thread; MachineInfo* g_Machine;
char* g_SuiteMaskNames[] = { "SmallBusiness", "Enterprise", "BackOffice", "CommunicationServer", "TerminalServer", "SmallBusinessRestricted", "EmbeddedNT", "DataCenter", "SingleUserTS", "Personal", "Blade", "EmbeddedRestricted", };
PCSTR g_NtSverNames[] = { "Windows NT 4", "Windows 2000 RC3", "Windows 2000", "Windows XP", "Windows Server 2003", "Longhorn", }; PCSTR g_W9xSverNames[] = { "Windows 95", "Windows 98", "Windows 98 SE", "Windows ME", }; PCSTR g_XBoxSverNames[] = { "XBox", }; PCSTR g_BigSverNames[] = { "BIG KD Emulation", }; PCSTR g_ExdiSverNames[] = { "eXDI Device", }; PCSTR g_NtBdSverNames[] = { "Windows Boot Debugger", }; PCSTR g_EfiSverNames[] = { "EFI KD Emulation", }; PCSTR g_WceSverNames[] = { "Windows CE", };
// TargetInfo system methods.
void TargetInfo::ResetSystemInfo(void) { m_NumProcesses = 0; m_ProcessHead = NULL; m_CurrentProcess = NULL; m_AllProcessFlags = 0; m_TotalNumberThreads = 0; m_MaxThreadsInProcess = 0; m_SystemId = 0; m_Exited = FALSE; m_DeferContinueEvent = FALSE; m_BreakInTimeout = FALSE; m_ProcessesAdded = FALSE; ZeroMemory(&m_TypeInfo, sizeof(m_TypeInfo)); m_SystemVersion = 0; m_ActualSystemVersion = 0; m_BuildNumber = 0; m_CheckedBuild = 0; m_PlatformId = 0; m_ServicePackString[0] = 0; m_ServicePackNumber = 0; m_BuildLabName[0] = 0; m_ProductType = INVALID_PRODUCT_TYPE; m_SuiteMask = 0; m_NumProcessors = 0; m_MachineType = IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_UNKNOWN; ZeroMemory(&m_Machines, sizeof(m_Machines)); m_Machine = NULL; ZeroMemory(&m_FirstProcessorId, sizeof(m_FirstProcessorId)); m_MachinesInitialized = FALSE; m_EffMachineType = IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_UNKNOWN; m_EffMachineIndex = MACHIDX_COUNT; m_EffMachine = NULL; m_RegContextThread = NULL; m_RegContextProcessor = -1; m_SystemRangeStart = 0; m_SystemCallVirtualAddress = 0; ZeroMemory(&m_KdDebuggerData, sizeof(m_KdDebuggerData)); ZeroMemory(&m_KdVersion, sizeof(m_KdVersion)); m_KdDebuggerDataOffset = 0; m_KdApi64 = FALSE;
// The physical cache is suspended by default.
InvalidateMemoryCaches(FALSE); m_ExtensionSearchPath = NULL; ResetImplicitData(); }
void TargetInfo::DeleteSystemInfo(void) { ULONG i;
while (m_ProcessHead) { delete m_ProcessHead; }
for (i = 0; i < MACHIDX_COUNT; i++) { delete m_Machines[i]; m_Machines[i] = NULL; } free(m_ExtensionSearchPath); m_ExtensionSearchPath = NULL; }
HRESULT TargetInfo::ReadKdDataBlock(ProcessInfo* Process) { HRESULT Status; ULONG Size; KDDEBUGGER_DATA32 LocalData32; KDDEBUGGER_DATA64 LocalData64;
if (IS_KERNEL_TRIAGE_DUMP(this) && !((KernelTriageDumpTargetInfo*)this)->m_HasDebuggerData) { // This dump may have a data block offset in the header
// but the actual data block content is not present so
// don't attempt to read it. This is a normal occurrence
// in older dumps so there's no error message.
return S_FALSE; } if (!m_KdDebuggerDataOffset) { // NT4 doesn't have a data block so don't display a warning.
if (m_SystemVersion > NT_SVER_NT4) { ErrOut("KdDebuggerDataBlock not available!\n"); }
// Get the size of the KDDEBUGGER_DATA block.
if (m_KdApi64) { DBGKD_DEBUG_DATA_HEADER64 Header; Status = ReadAllVirtual(Process, m_KdDebuggerDataOffset, &Header, sizeof(Header)); Size = Header.Size; } else { DBGKD_DEBUG_DATA_HEADER32 Header; Status = ReadAllVirtual(Process, m_KdDebuggerDataOffset, &Header, sizeof(Header)); Size = Header.Size; } if (Status != S_OK || !Size) { ErrOut("*************************************" "*************************************\n"); if (IS_DUMP_TARGET(this)) { ErrOut("THIS DUMP FILE IS PARTIALLY CORRUPT.\n" "KdDebuggerDataBlock is not present or unreadable.\n"); } else { ErrOut("Unable to read debugger data block header\n"); } ErrOut("*************************************" "*************************************\n"); return Status != S_OK ? Status : E_FAIL; }
// Only read as much of the data block as we can hold in the debugger.
if (Size > sizeof(KDDEBUGGER_DATA64)) { Size = sizeof(KDDEBUGGER_DATA64); }
// Now read the data
if (m_KdApi64) { if ((Status = ReadAllVirtual(Process, m_KdDebuggerDataOffset, &LocalData64, Size)) != S_OK) { ErrOut("KdDebuggerDataBlock could not be read\n"); return Status; }
if (m_Machine->m_Ptr64) { memcpy(&m_KdDebuggerData, &LocalData64, Size); } else { //
// Sign extended for X86
// Extend the header so it doesn't get whacked
ListEntry32To64((PLIST_ENTRY32)(&LocalData64.Header.List), &(m_KdDebuggerData.Header.List));
m_KdDebuggerData.Header.OwnerTag = LocalData64.Header.OwnerTag; m_KdDebuggerData.Header.Size = LocalData64.Header.Size;
// Sign extend all the 32 bits values to 64 bit
#define UIP(f) if (FIELD_OFFSET(KDDEBUGGER_DATA64, f) < Size) \
{ \ m_KdDebuggerData.f = \ (ULONG64)(LONG64)(LONG)(LocalData64.f); \ }
#define CPBIT(f) m_KdDebuggerData.f = LocalData64.f;
#define CP(f) if (FIELD_OFFSET(KDDEBUGGER_DATA64, f) < Size) \
{ \ m_KdDebuggerData.f = LocalData64.f; \ }
UIP(KernBase); UIP(BreakpointWithStatus); UIP(SavedContext); CP(ThCallbackStack); CP(NextCallback); CP(FramePointer); CPBIT(PaeEnabled); UIP(KiCallUserMode); UIP(KeUserCallbackDispatcher); UIP(PsLoadedModuleList); UIP(PsActiveProcessHead); UIP(PspCidTable); UIP(ExpSystemResourcesList); UIP(ExpPagedPoolDescriptor); UIP(ExpNumberOfPagedPools); UIP(KeTimeIncrement); UIP(KeBugCheckCallbackListHead); UIP(KiBugcheckData); UIP(IopErrorLogListHead); UIP(ObpRootDirectoryObject); UIP(ObpTypeObjectType); UIP(MmSystemCacheStart); UIP(MmSystemCacheEnd); UIP(MmSystemCacheWs); UIP(MmPfnDatabase); UIP(MmSystemPtesStart); UIP(MmSystemPtesEnd); UIP(MmSubsectionBase); UIP(MmNumberOfPagingFiles); UIP(MmLowestPhysicalPage); UIP(MmHighestPhysicalPage); UIP(MmNumberOfPhysicalPages); UIP(MmMaximumNonPagedPoolInBytes); UIP(MmNonPagedSystemStart); UIP(MmNonPagedPoolStart); UIP(MmNonPagedPoolEnd); UIP(MmPagedPoolStart); UIP(MmPagedPoolEnd); UIP(MmPagedPoolInformation); CP(MmPageSize); UIP(MmSizeOfPagedPoolInBytes); UIP(MmTotalCommitLimit); UIP(MmTotalCommittedPages); UIP(MmSharedCommit); UIP(MmDriverCommit); UIP(MmProcessCommit); UIP(MmPagedPoolCommit); UIP(MmExtendedCommit); UIP(MmZeroedPageListHead); UIP(MmFreePageListHead); UIP(MmStandbyPageListHead); UIP(MmModifiedPageListHead); UIP(MmModifiedNoWritePageListHead); UIP(MmAvailablePages); UIP(MmResidentAvailablePages); UIP(PoolTrackTable); UIP(NonPagedPoolDescriptor); UIP(MmHighestUserAddress); UIP(MmSystemRangeStart); UIP(MmUserProbeAddress); UIP(KdPrintCircularBuffer); UIP(KdPrintCircularBufferEnd); UIP(KdPrintWritePointer); UIP(KdPrintRolloverCount); UIP(MmLoadedUserImageList);
// NT 5.1 additions
UIP(NtBuildLab); UIP(KiNormalSystemCall);
// NT 5.0 QFE additions
UIP(KiProcessorBlock); UIP(MmUnloadedDrivers); UIP(MmLastUnloadedDriver); UIP(MmTriageActionTaken); UIP(MmSpecialPoolTag); UIP(KernelVerifier); UIP(MmVerifierData); UIP(MmAllocatedNonPagedPool); UIP(MmPeakCommitment); UIP(MmTotalCommitLimitMaximum); UIP(CmNtCSDVersion);
// NT 5.1 additions
UIP(MmPhysicalMemoryBlock); UIP(MmSessionBase); UIP(MmSessionSize); UIP(MmSystemParentTablePage);
// Server additions
UIP(MmVirtualTranslationBase); CP(OffsetKThreadNextProcessor); CP(OffsetKThreadTeb); CP(OffsetKThreadKernelStack); CP(OffsetKThreadInitialStack);
CP(OffsetKThreadApcProcess); CP(OffsetKThreadState); CP(OffsetKThreadBStore); CP(OffsetKThreadBStoreLimit);
CP(SizeEProcess); CP(OffsetEprocessPeb); CP(OffsetEprocessParentCID); CP(OffsetEprocessDirectoryTableBase);
CP(SizePrcb); CP(OffsetPrcbDpcRoutine); CP(OffsetPrcbCurrentThread); CP(OffsetPrcbMhz);
CP(OffsetPrcbCpuType); CP(OffsetPrcbVendorString); CP(OffsetPrcbProcStateContext); CP(OffsetPrcbNumber);
UIP(KdPrintCircularBufferPtr); UIP(KdPrintBufferSize);
CP(SizePcr); CP(OffsetPcrSelfPcr); CP(OffsetPcrCurrentPrcb); CP(OffsetPcrContainedPrcb);
CP(OffsetPcrInitialBStore); CP(OffsetPcrBStoreLimit); CP(OffsetPcrInitialStack); CP(OffsetPcrStackLimit);
CP(OffsetPrcbPcrPage); CP(OffsetPrcbProcStateSpecialReg); CP(GdtR0Code); CP(GdtR0Data);
CP(GdtR0Pcr); CP(GdtR3Code); CP(GdtR3Data); CP(GdtR3Teb);
CP(GdtLdt); CP(GdtTss); CP(Gdt64R3CmCode); CP(Gdt64R3CmTeb);
UIP(IopNumTriageDumpDataBlocks); UIP(IopTriageDumpDataBlocks); } } else { if (Size != sizeof(LocalData32)) { ErrOut("Someone changed the definition of KDDEBUGGER_DATA32 - " "please fix\n"); return E_FAIL; }
if ((Status = ReadAllVirtual(Process, m_KdDebuggerDataOffset, &LocalData32, sizeof(LocalData32))) != S_OK) { ErrOut("KdDebuggerDataBlock could not be read\n"); return Status; }
// Convert all the 32 bits fields to 64 bit
#undef UIP
#undef CP
#define UIP(f) m_KdDebuggerData.f = EXTEND64(LocalData32.f)
#define CP(f) m_KdDebuggerData.f = (LocalData32.f)
// Extend the header so it doesn't get whacked
ListEntry32To64((PLIST_ENTRY32)(&LocalData32.Header.List), &(m_KdDebuggerData.Header.List)); m_KdDebuggerData.Header.OwnerTag = LocalData32.Header.OwnerTag; m_KdDebuggerData.Header.Size = LocalData32.Header.Size; UIP(KernBase); UIP(BreakpointWithStatus); UIP(SavedContext); CP(ThCallbackStack); CP(NextCallback); CP(FramePointer); CP(PaeEnabled); UIP(KiCallUserMode); UIP(KeUserCallbackDispatcher); UIP(PsLoadedModuleList); UIP(PsActiveProcessHead); UIP(PspCidTable); UIP(ExpSystemResourcesList); UIP(ExpPagedPoolDescriptor); UIP(ExpNumberOfPagedPools); UIP(KeTimeIncrement); UIP(KeBugCheckCallbackListHead); UIP(KiBugcheckData); UIP(IopErrorLogListHead); UIP(ObpRootDirectoryObject); UIP(ObpTypeObjectType); UIP(MmSystemCacheStart); UIP(MmSystemCacheEnd); UIP(MmSystemCacheWs); UIP(MmPfnDatabase); UIP(MmSystemPtesStart); UIP(MmSystemPtesEnd); UIP(MmSubsectionBase); UIP(MmNumberOfPagingFiles); UIP(MmLowestPhysicalPage); UIP(MmHighestPhysicalPage); UIP(MmNumberOfPhysicalPages); UIP(MmMaximumNonPagedPoolInBytes); UIP(MmNonPagedSystemStart); UIP(MmNonPagedPoolStart); UIP(MmNonPagedPoolEnd); UIP(MmPagedPoolStart); UIP(MmPagedPoolEnd); UIP(MmPagedPoolInformation); CP(MmPageSize); UIP(MmSizeOfPagedPoolInBytes); UIP(MmTotalCommitLimit); UIP(MmTotalCommittedPages); UIP(MmSharedCommit); UIP(MmDriverCommit); UIP(MmProcessCommit); UIP(MmPagedPoolCommit); UIP(MmExtendedCommit); UIP(MmZeroedPageListHead); UIP(MmFreePageListHead); UIP(MmStandbyPageListHead); UIP(MmModifiedPageListHead); UIP(MmModifiedNoWritePageListHead); UIP(MmAvailablePages); UIP(MmResidentAvailablePages); UIP(PoolTrackTable); UIP(NonPagedPoolDescriptor); UIP(MmHighestUserAddress); UIP(MmSystemRangeStart); UIP(MmUserProbeAddress); UIP(KdPrintCircularBuffer); UIP(KdPrintCircularBufferEnd); UIP(KdPrintWritePointer); UIP(KdPrintRolloverCount); UIP(MmLoadedUserImageList); //
// The 32 bit structure should not be changed
// Sanity check the data.
if (m_KdDebuggerData.Header.OwnerTag != KDBG_TAG) { dprintf("\nKdDebuggerData.Header.OwnerTag is wrong!!!\n"); }
// Update any fields that weren't set from defaults
// based on the system version information.
KdOut("ReadKdDataBlock %08lx\n", Status); KdOut("KernBase %s\n", FormatAddr64(m_KdDebuggerData.KernBase)); KdOut("BreakpointWithStatus %s\n", FormatAddr64(m_KdDebuggerData.BreakpointWithStatus)); KdOut("SavedContext %s\n", FormatAddr64(m_KdDebuggerData.SavedContext)); KdOut("ThCallbackStack %08lx\n", m_KdDebuggerData.ThCallbackStack); KdOut("NextCallback %08lx\n", m_KdDebuggerData.NextCallback); KdOut("FramePointer %08lx\n", m_KdDebuggerData.FramePointer); KdOut("PaeEnabled %08lx\n", m_KdDebuggerData.PaeEnabled); KdOut("KiCallUserMode %s\n", FormatAddr64(m_KdDebuggerData.KiCallUserMode)); KdOut("KeUserCallbackDispatcher %s\n", FormatAddr64(m_KdDebuggerData.KeUserCallbackDispatcher)); KdOut("PsLoadedModuleList %s\n", FormatAddr64(m_KdDebuggerData.PsLoadedModuleList)); KdOut("PsActiveProcessHead %s\n", FormatAddr64(m_KdDebuggerData.PsActiveProcessHead)); KdOut("MmPageSize %s\n", FormatAddr64(m_KdDebuggerData.MmPageSize)); KdOut("MmLoadedUserImageList %s\n", FormatAddr64(m_KdDebuggerData.MmLoadedUserImageList)); KdOut("MmSystemRangeStart %s\n", FormatAddr64(m_KdDebuggerData.MmSystemRangeStart)); KdOut("KiProcessorBlock %s\n", FormatAddr64(m_KdDebuggerData.KiProcessorBlock));
return S_OK; }
HRESULT TargetInfo::QueryKernelInfo(ThreadInfo* Thread, BOOL LoadImage) { ULONG Result; BOOL ReadDataBlock = FALSE;
if (!Thread) { return E_INVALIDARG; } if (IS_USER_TARGET(this)) { return E_UNEXPECTED; }
ProcessInfo* Process = Thread->m_Process;
// If we know where the data block is go ahead
// and read it in. If the read fails it may
// be due to a bogus data block address.
// In that case just fall into the symbol loading
// as we may be able to get the proper data
// block offset from symbols and read it later.
if (m_KdDebuggerDataOffset) { if (ReadKdDataBlock(Process) == S_OK) { ReadDataBlock = TRUE; } }
// Load kernel symbols.
if (LoadImage) { // Remove any previous kernel image if we know where
// the kernel image is supposed to be.
if (m_KdDebuggerData.KernBase) { Process->DeleteImageByBase(m_KdDebuggerData.KernBase); }
// Reload the kernel. Reload may be calling QueryKernelInfo
// so this may be a recursive call to Reload. It's restricted
// to just reloading the kernel, though, so we cannot recurse again.
PCSTR ArgsRet; if (Reload(Thread, KERNEL_MODULE_NAME, &ArgsRet) == E_INVALIDARG) { // The most likely cause of this is missing paths.
// We don't necessarily need a path to load
// the kernel, so try again and ignore path problems.
Reload(Thread, "-P "KERNEL_MODULE_NAME, &ArgsRet); } }
// If we haven't already loaded the data block we can now try
// and find the data block using symbols.
if (!ReadDataBlock) { if (!GetOffsetFromSym(Process, "nt!KdDebuggerDataBlock", &m_KdDebuggerDataOffset, NULL)) { m_KdDebuggerDataOffset = 0; } if (ReadKdDataBlock(Process) == S_OK) { ReadDataBlock = TRUE; } }
// The KD version and KdDebuggerData blocks should agree.
if (ReadDataBlock && (m_KdVersion.KernBase != m_KdDebuggerData.KernBase || m_KdVersion.PsLoadedModuleList != m_KdDebuggerData.PsLoadedModuleList)) { ErrOut("Debugger can not determine kernel base address\n"); } if (m_MachineType == IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_IA64) { //
// Try to determine the kernel base virtual mapping address
// for IA64. This should be done as early as possible
// to enable later virtual translations to work.
if (!IS_KERNEL_TRIAGE_DUMP(this)) { if (!m_KdDebuggerData.MmSystemParentTablePage) { GetOffsetFromSym(Process, "nt!MmSystemParentTablePage", &m_KdDebuggerData.MmSystemParentTablePage, NULL); }
if (m_KdDebuggerData.MmSystemParentTablePage) { ULONG64 SysPtp;
if (ReadAllVirtual(Process, m_KdDebuggerData.MmSystemParentTablePage, &SysPtp, sizeof(SysPtp)) == S_OK) { ((Ia64MachineInfo*)m_Machines[MACHIDX_IA64])-> SetKernelPageDirectory(SysPtp << IA64_VALID_PFN_SHIFT); } } }
// Get the system call address from the debugger data block
// Added around build 2204.
// Default to symbols otherwise.
m_SystemCallVirtualAddress = 0;
if (m_KdDebuggerData.KiNormalSystemCall) { if (ReadPointer(Process, m_Machine, m_KdDebuggerData.KiNormalSystemCall, &m_SystemCallVirtualAddress) != S_OK) { m_SystemCallVirtualAddress = 0; } }
if (!m_SystemCallVirtualAddress) { GetOffsetFromSym(Process, "nt!KiNormalSystemCall", &m_SystemCallVirtualAddress, NULL); }
if (!m_SystemCallVirtualAddress) { GetOffsetFromSym(Process, "nt!.KiNormalSystemCall", &m_SystemCallVirtualAddress, NULL); }
if (!m_SystemCallVirtualAddress) { WarnOut("Could not get KiNormalSystemCall address\n"); } }
// Now that we have symbols and a data block look
// for any missing data block entries and try to
// resolve them from symbols.
if (!IS_KERNEL_TRIAGE_DUMP(this)) { if (!m_KdDebuggerData.CmNtCSDVersion) { GetOffsetFromSym(Process, "nt!CmNtCSDVersion", &m_KdDebuggerData.CmNtCSDVersion, NULL); }
// Do an initial check for the CSD version.
// This may need to be updated later if this
// is early in boot and the CSD version hasn't
// been read from the registry yet.
if (m_KdDebuggerData.CmNtCSDVersion) { ULONG CmNtCSDVersion; if (ReadAllVirtual(Process, m_KdDebuggerData.CmNtCSDVersion, &CmNtCSDVersion, sizeof(CmNtCSDVersion)) == S_OK) { SetNtCsdVersion(m_BuildNumber, CmNtCSDVersion); } }
if (m_KdDebuggerData.MmUnloadedDrivers == 0) { GetOffsetFromSym(Process, "nt!MmUnloadedDrivers", &m_KdDebuggerData.MmUnloadedDrivers, NULL); }
if (m_KdDebuggerData.MmLastUnloadedDriver == 0) { GetOffsetFromSym(Process, "nt!MmLastUnloadedDriver", &m_KdDebuggerData.MmLastUnloadedDriver, NULL); }
if (m_KdDebuggerData.KiProcessorBlock == 0) { GetOffsetFromSym(Process, "nt!KiProcessorBlock", &m_KdDebuggerData.KiProcessorBlock, NULL); }
if (m_KdDebuggerData.MmPhysicalMemoryBlock == 0) { GetOffsetFromSym(Process, "nt!MmPhysicalMemoryBlock", &m_KdDebuggerData.MmPhysicalMemoryBlock, NULL); }
if (m_KdDebuggerData.KeLoaderBlock == 0) { GetOffsetFromSym(Process, "nt!KeLoaderBlock", &m_KdDebuggerData.KeLoaderBlock, NULL); }
if (m_KdDebuggerData.IopNumTriageDumpDataBlocks == 0) { GetOffsetFromSym(Process, "nt!IopNumTriageDumpDataBlocks", &m_KdDebuggerData.IopNumTriageDumpDataBlocks, NULL); } if (m_KdDebuggerData.IopTriageDumpDataBlocks == 0) { GetOffsetFromSym(Process, "nt!IopTriageDumpDataBlocks", &m_KdDebuggerData.IopTriageDumpDataBlocks, NULL); } }
// Try to get the start of system memory.
// This may be zero because we are looking at an NT 4 system, so try
// looking it up using symbols.
if (!m_KdDebuggerData.MmSystemRangeStart) { GetOffsetFromSym(Process, "nt!MmSystemRangeStart", &m_KdDebuggerData.MmSystemRangeStart, NULL); }
if (m_KdDebuggerData.MmSystemRangeStart) { if (ReadPointer(Process, m_Machine, m_KdDebuggerData.MmSystemRangeStart, &m_SystemRangeStart) != S_OK) { m_SystemRangeStart = 0; } }
// If we did not have symbols, at least pick a default value.
if (!m_SystemRangeStart) { switch(m_MachineType) { case IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_IA64: m_SystemRangeStart = 0xE000000000000000; break; default: m_SystemRangeStart = 0xFFFFFFFF80000000; break; } }
if (m_KdDebuggerData.KernBase < m_SystemRangeStart) { ErrOut("KdDebuggerData.KernBase < SystemRangeStart\n"); }
// Read build lab information if possible.
m_BuildLabName[0] = 0; Result = 0; if (m_KdDebuggerData.NtBuildLab) { ULONG PreLen;
strcpy(m_BuildLabName, "Built by: "); PreLen = strlen(m_BuildLabName); if (ReadVirtual(Process, m_KdDebuggerData.NtBuildLab, m_BuildLabName + PreLen, sizeof(m_BuildLabName) - PreLen - 1, &Result) == S_OK && Result >= 2) { Result += PreLen; } }
DBG_ASSERT(Result < sizeof(m_BuildLabName)); m_BuildLabName[Result] = 0;
if (GetProductInfo(&m_ProductType, &m_SuiteMask) != S_OK) { m_ProductType = INVALID_PRODUCT_TYPE; m_SuiteMask = 0; } return S_OK; }
void TargetInfo::SetNtCsdVersion(ULONG Build, ULONG CsdVersion) { m_ServicePackNumber = CsdVersion;
if (CsdVersion == 0) { m_ServicePackString[0] = 0; return; }
PSTR Str = m_ServicePackString; *Str = 0;
if (CsdVersion & 0xFFFF) { sprintf(Str, "Service Pack %u", (CsdVersion & 0xFF00) >> 8); Str += strlen(Str); if (CsdVersion & 0xFF) { *Str++ = 'A' + (char)(CsdVersion & 0xFF) - 1; *Str = 0; } }
if (CsdVersion & 0xFFFF0000) { // Prior to 2600 the upper word has two fields for
// the release. For XPSPs it's just a release number.
if (Build >= 2600) { sprintf(Str, ".%u", CsdVersion >> 16); } else { if (CsdVersion & 0xFFFF) { strcpy(Str, ", "); Str += strlen(Str); } sprintf(Str, "RC %u", (CsdVersion >> 24) & 0xFF); Str += strlen(Str); if (CsdVersion & 0x00FF0000) { sprintf(Str, ".%u", (CsdVersion >> 16) & 0xFF); Str += strlen(Str); } } } }
void TargetInfo::SetKernel32BuildString(ProcessInfo* Process) { m_BuildLabName[0] = 0; ImageInfo* Image = Process-> FindImageByName("kernel32", 8, INAME_MODULE, FALSE); if (!Image) { return; } //
// Try and look up the build lab information from kernel32.
char Item[64]; ULONG PreLen; sprintf(Item, "\\StringFileInfo\\%04x%04x\\FileVersion", VER_VERSION_TRANSLATION); strcpy(m_BuildLabName, "kernel32.dll version: "); PreLen = strlen(m_BuildLabName); if (FAILED(GetImageVersionInformation (Process, Image->m_ImagePath, Image->m_BaseOfImage, Item, m_BuildLabName + PreLen, sizeof(m_BuildLabName) - PreLen, NULL))) { m_BuildLabName[0] = 0; } }
HRESULT TargetInfo::CreateVirtualProcess(ULONG Threads) { HRESULT Status; ProcessInfo* Process; ULONG Id; // Create the virtual process. Add the system ID
// to the fake process ID base to keep each system's
// fake processes separate from each other.
if ((Status = Process->CreateVirtualThreads(0, Threads)) != S_OK) { delete Process; }
return Status; }
ProcessInfo* TargetInfo::FindProcessByUserId(ULONG Id) { ProcessInfo* Process; ForTargetProcesses(this) { if (Process->m_UserId == Id) { return Process; } } return NULL; }
ProcessInfo* TargetInfo::FindProcessBySystemId(ULONG Id) { ProcessInfo* Process; ForTargetProcesses(this) { if (Process->m_SystemId == Id) { return Process; } } return NULL; }
ProcessInfo* TargetInfo::FindProcessByHandle(ULONG64 Handle) { ProcessInfo* Process; ForTargetProcesses(this) { if (Process->m_SysHandle == Handle) { return Process; } } return NULL; }
void TargetInfo::InsertProcess(ProcessInfo* Process) { ProcessInfo* Cur; ProcessInfo* Prev;
Prev = NULL; for (Cur = m_ProcessHead; Cur; Cur = Cur->m_Next) { if (Cur->m_UserId > Process->m_UserId) { break; }
Prev = Cur; } Process->m_Next = Cur; if (!Prev) { m_ProcessHead = Process; } else { Prev->m_Next = Process; }
m_NumProcesses++; Process->m_Target = this; if (!m_CurrentProcess) { m_CurrentProcess = Process; }
m_TotalNumberThreads += Process->m_NumThreads; if (Process->m_NumThreads > m_MaxThreadsInProcess) { m_MaxThreadsInProcess = Process->m_NumThreads; } m_AllProcessFlags |= Process->m_Flags; }
void TargetInfo::RemoveProcess(ProcessInfo* Process) { ProcessInfo* Cur; ProcessInfo* Prev;
Prev = NULL; for (Cur = m_ProcessHead; Cur; Cur = Cur->m_Next) { if (Cur == Process) { break; }
Prev = Cur; }
if (!Cur) { return; } if (!Prev) { m_ProcessHead = Process->m_Next; } else { Prev->m_Next = Process->m_Next; }
m_NumProcesses--; Process->m_Target = NULL; if (m_CurrentProcess == Process) { m_CurrentProcess = m_ProcessHead; }
ResetAllProcessInfo(); }
void TargetInfo::ResetAllProcessInfo(void) { ProcessInfo* Process; m_TotalNumberThreads = 0; m_AllProcessFlags = 0; m_MaxThreadsInProcess = 0; ForTargetProcesses(this) { m_TotalNumberThreads += Process->m_NumThreads; m_AllProcessFlags |= Process->m_Flags; if (Process->m_NumThreads > m_MaxThreadsInProcess) { m_MaxThreadsInProcess = Process->m_NumThreads; } } }
void TargetInfo::AddThreadToAllProcessInfo(ProcessInfo* Process, ThreadInfo* Thread) { m_TotalNumberThreads++; if (Process->m_NumThreads > m_MaxThreadsInProcess) { m_MaxThreadsInProcess = Process->m_NumThreads; } }
BOOL TargetInfo::DeleteExitedInfos(void) { ProcessInfo* Process; ProcessInfo* ProcessNext; BOOL DeletedSomething = FALSE;
for (Process = m_ProcessHead; Process; Process = ProcessNext) { ProcessNext = Process->m_Next; if (Process->m_Exited) { delete Process; DeletedSomething = TRUE; } else { if (Process->DeleteExitedInfos()) { DeletedSomething = TRUE; } } }
return DeletedSomething; }
void TargetInfo::InvalidateMemoryCaches(BOOL VirtOnly) { ProcessInfo* Process;
ForTargetProcesses(this) { Process->m_VirtualCache.Empty(); }
if (!VirtOnly) { m_PhysicalCache.Empty(); } }
void TargetInfo::SetSystemVersionAndBuild(ULONG Build, ULONG PlatformId) { switch(PlatformId) { case VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT: m_ActualSystemVersion = NtBuildToSystemVersion(Build); m_SystemVersion = m_ActualSystemVersion; break;
case VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS: // Win9x puts the major and minor versions in the high word
// of the build number so mask them off.
Build &= 0xffff; m_ActualSystemVersion = Win9xBuildToSystemVersion(Build); // Win98SE was the first Win9x version to support
// the extended registers thread context flag.
if (m_ActualSystemVersion >= W9X_SVER_W98SE) { m_SystemVersion = NT_SVER_W2K; } else { m_SystemVersion = NT_SVER_NT4; } break;
case VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_CE: m_ActualSystemVersion = WinCeBuildToSystemVersion(Build); m_SystemVersion = NT_SVER_NT4; break; }
m_BuildNumber = Build; }
HRESULT TargetInfo::InitializeForProcessor(void) { HRESULT Status; ULONG i;
// Get the base processor ID for determing what
// kind of features a processor supports. The
// assumption is that the processors in a machine
// will be similar enough that retrieving this
// for one processor is sufficient.
// If this fails we continue on without a processor ID.
if (!IS_DUMP_TARGET(this)) { GetProcessorId(0, &m_FirstProcessorId); }
// Initialize with whatever processor ID information we have.
for (i = 0; i < MACHIDX_COUNT; i++) { if ((Status = m_Machines[i]->InitializeForProcessor()) != S_OK) { return Status; } }
return Status; }
HRESULT TargetInfo::InitializeMachines(ULONG MachineType) { HRESULT Status; ULONG i;
if (MachineTypeIndex(MachineType) == MACHIDX_COUNT) { return E_INVALIDARG; } if (m_KdApi64 != (m_SystemVersion > NT_SVER_NT4)) { WarnOut("Debug API version does not match system version\n"); }
if (IsImageMachineType64(MachineType) && !m_KdApi64) { WarnOut("64-bit machine not using 64-bit API\n"); }
// First create the initial machine instances and perform
// basic initialization.
for (i = 0; i < MACHIDX_COUNT; i++) { m_Machines[i] = NewMachineInfo(i, MachineType, this); if (m_Machines[i] == NULL) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
if ((Status = m_Machines[i]->Initialize()) != S_OK) { return Status; } }
m_MachineType = MachineType; m_Machine = MachineTypeInfo(this, MachineType);
m_Machine->GetSystemTypeInfo(&m_TypeInfo); if (IS_KERNEL_TARGET(this)) { m_Machine->GetDefaultKdData(&m_KdDebuggerData); }
SetEffMachine(m_MachineType, FALSE); // X86 prefers registers to be displayed at the prompt unless
// we're on a kernel connection where it would force a context
// load all the time.
if (MachineType == IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386 && (IS_DUMP_TARGET(this) || IS_USER_TARGET(this))) { g_OciOutputRegs = TRUE; }
m_MachinesInitialized = TRUE;
return S_OK; }
void TargetInfo::SetEffMachine(ULONG Machine, BOOL Notify) { BOOL Changed = m_EffMachineType != Machine; if (Changed && m_EffMachineType != IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_UNKNOWN && m_EffMachineType != m_MachineType) { // If the previous machine was not the target machine
// it may be an emulated machine that uses the
// target machine's context. In that case we need to
// make sure that any dirty registers it has get flushed
// so that if the new effective machine is the target
// machine it'll show changes due to changes through
// the emulated machine.
if (m_EffMachine->SetContext() != S_OK) { // Error already displayed.
return; } }
m_EffMachineType = Machine; m_EffMachineIndex = MachineTypeIndex(Machine); DBG_ASSERT(m_EffMachineIndex <= MACHIDX_COUNT); m_EffMachine = m_Machines[m_EffMachineIndex];
if (g_Target == this) { g_Machine = m_EffMachine; if (Changed && Notify) { NotifyChangeEngineState(DEBUG_CES_EFFECTIVE_PROCESSOR, m_EffMachineType, TRUE); } } }
void TargetInfo::ChangeRegContext(ThreadInfo* Thread) { if (Thread && Thread->m_Process->m_Target != this) { ErrOut("ChangeRegContext to invalid thread\n"); return; } if (Thread != m_RegContextThread) { ULONG i; // Flush any old thread context.
// We need to be careful when flushing context to
// NT4 boxes at the initial module load because the
// system is in a very fragile state and writing
// back the context generally causes a bugcheck 50.
if (m_RegContextThread != NULL && m_RegContextThread->m_Handle != NULL && (IS_USER_TARGET(this) || m_ActualSystemVersion != NT_SVER_NT4 || g_LastEventType != DEBUG_EVENT_LOAD_MODULE)) { HRESULT Hr;
// If we're flushing register context we need to make
// sure that all machines involved are flushed so
// that context information actually gets sent to
// the target.
// First flush the secondary machines to accumulate
// context in the primary machine.
Hr = S_OK; for (i = 0; i < MACHIDX_COUNT; i++) { if (m_Machines[i] != m_Machine) { Hr = m_Machines[i]->SetContext(); if (Hr != S_OK) { break; } } } // Now flush the primary machine.
if (Hr == S_OK) { Hr = m_Machine->SetContext(); } if (Hr != S_OK) { ErrOut("MachineInfo::SetContext failed - Thread: %N " "Handle: %I64x Id: %x - Error == 0x%X\n", m_RegContextThread, m_RegContextThread->m_Handle, m_RegContextThread->m_SystemId, Hr); } } m_RegContextThread = Thread; if (m_RegContextThread != NULL) { m_RegContextProcessor = VIRTUAL_THREAD_INDEX(m_RegContextThread->m_Handle);
// We've now selected a new source of processor data so
// all machines, both emulated and direct, must be invalidated.
for (i = 0; i < MACHIDX_COUNT; i++) { m_Machines[i]->InvalidateContext(); } } else { m_RegContextProcessor = -1; } g_LastSelector = -1; } }
void TargetInfo::FlushRegContext(void) { ThreadInfo* CurThread = m_RegContextThread; ChangeRegContext(NULL); ChangeRegContext(CurThread); }
BOOL TargetInfo::AnySystemProcesses(BOOL LocalOnly) { ULONG Flags = m_AllProcessFlags; // There isn't any way to really know that a particular
// system is local or remote so just always assume
// local to be conservative.
if (IS_LIVE_USER_TARGET(this)) { Flags |= ((LiveUserTargetInfo*)this)->m_AllPendingFlags; } return (Flags & ENG_PROC_SYSTEM) != 0; }
void TargetInfo::OutputProcessesAndThreads(PSTR Title) { ProcessInfo* Process; ThreadInfo* Thread; ImageInfo* Image;
// Kernel mode only has a virtual process and threads right
// now so it isn't particularly interesting.
if (IS_KERNEL_TARGET(this)) { return; } VerbOut("OUTPUT_PROCESS: %s\n", Title); Process = m_ProcessHead; while (Process) { VerbOut("id: %x Handle: %I64x index: %d\n", Process->m_SystemId, Process->m_SysHandle, Process->m_UserId); Thread = Process->m_ThreadHead; while (Thread) { VerbOut(" id: %x hThread: %I64x index: %d addr: %s\n", Thread->m_SystemId, Thread->m_Handle, Thread->m_UserId, FormatAddr64(Thread->m_StartOffset)); Thread = Thread->m_Next; } Image = Process->m_ImageHead; while (Image) { VerbOut(" hFile: %I64x base: %s\n", (ULONG64)((ULONG_PTR)Image->m_File), FormatAddr64(Image->m_BaseOfImage)); Image = Image->m_Next; } Process = Process->m_Next; } }
void TargetInfo::OutputProcessInfo(ProcessInfo* Match) { ProcessInfo* Process;
Process = m_ProcessHead; while (Process) { if (Match == NULL || Match == Process) { char CurMark; PSTR DebugKind; if (Process == g_Process) { CurMark = '.'; } else if (Process == g_EventProcess) { CurMark = '#'; } else { CurMark = ' '; }
DebugKind = "child"; if (Process->m_Exited) { DebugKind = "exited"; } else if (Process->m_Flags & ENG_PROC_ATTACHED) { DebugKind = (Process->m_Flags & ENG_PROC_SYSTEM) ? "system" : "attach"; } else if (Process->m_Flags & ENG_PROC_CREATED) { DebugKind = "create"; } else if (Process->m_Flags & ENG_PROC_EXAMINED) { DebugKind = "examine"; } dprintf("%c%3ld\tid: %lx\t%s\tname: %s\n", CurMark, Process->m_UserId, Process->m_SystemId, DebugKind, Process->GetExecutableImageName()); } Process = Process->m_Next; } }
void TargetInfo::OutputVersion(void) { BOOL MpMachine;
if (IS_USER_TARGET(this)) { dprintf("%s ", SystemVersionName(m_ActualSystemVersion)); } else { dprintf("%s Kernel ", SystemVersionName(m_ActualSystemVersion)); }
dprintf("Version %u", m_BuildNumber);
// Service packs do not necessarily revise the kernel so
// the CSD version is actually read from the registry.
// This means there's a time during boot when the CSD
// version isn't set. If the debugger connects then it
// won't think this is a service pack build. In order
// to get around this poll for updates.
if (IS_CONN_KERNEL_TARGET(this) && !m_ServicePackString[0] && m_KdDebuggerData.CmNtCSDVersion) { ULONG CmNtCSDVersion; if (ReadAllVirtual(m_ProcessHead, m_KdDebuggerData.CmNtCSDVersion, &CmNtCSDVersion, sizeof(CmNtCSDVersion)) == S_OK) { SetNtCsdVersion(m_BuildNumber, CmNtCSDVersion); } }
// Win9x seems to set the CSD string to a space which isn't
// very interesting so ignore it.
if (m_ServicePackString[0] && strcmp(m_ServicePackString, " ") != 0) { dprintf(" (%s)", m_ServicePackString); }
MpMachine = IS_LIVE_KERNEL_TARGET(this) ? ((m_KdVersion.Flags & DBGKD_VERS_FLAG_MP) != 0) : (m_NumProcessors > 1);
dprintf(" %s ", MpMachine ? "MP" : "UP");
if (MpMachine) { dprintf("(%d procs) ", m_NumProcessors); }
dprintf("%s %s\n", m_CheckedBuild == 0xC ? "Checked" : "Free", m_Machine != NULL ? m_Machine->m_FullName : "");
if (m_ProductType != INVALID_PRODUCT_TYPE) { dprintf("Product: "); switch(m_ProductType) { case NtProductWinNt: dprintf("WinNt"); break; case NtProductLanManNt: dprintf("LanManNt"); break; case NtProductServer: dprintf("Server"); break; default: dprintf("<%x>", m_ProductType); break; }
if (m_SuiteMask) { ULONG i; dprintf(", suite:"); for (i = 0; i < MaxSuiteType; i++) { if (m_SuiteMask & (1 << i)) { if (i < DIMA(g_SuiteMaskNames)) { dprintf(" %s", g_SuiteMaskNames[i]); } else { dprintf(" <%x>", (1 << i)); } } } }
dprintf("\n"); } if (m_BuildLabName[0]) { dprintf("%s\n", m_BuildLabName); }
if (IS_KERNEL_TARGET(this)) { dprintf("Kernel base = 0x%s PsLoadedModuleList = 0x%s\n", FormatAddr64(m_KdDebuggerData.KernBase), FormatAddr64(m_KdDebuggerData.PsLoadedModuleList)); }
OutputTime(); }
void TargetInfo::OutputTime(void) { ULONG64 TimeDateN = GetCurrentTimeDateN(); if (TimeDateN) { dprintf("Debug session time: %s\n", TimeToStr(FileTimeToTimeDateStamp(TimeDateN))); }
ULONG64 UpTimeN = GetCurrentSystemUpTimeN(); if (UpTimeN) { dprintf("System Uptime: %s\n", DurationToStr(UpTimeN)); } else { dprintf("System Uptime: not available\n"); }
if (IS_USER_TARGET(this)) { ULONG64 UpTimeProcessN;
// In the startup time output we often don't have
// a process, but some targets don't require one so
// let the target decide.
UpTimeProcessN = GetProcessUpTimeN(g_Process); if (UpTimeProcessN) { dprintf("Process Uptime: %s\n", DurationToStr(UpTimeProcessN)); } else { dprintf("Process Uptime: not available\n"); } } }
void TargetInfo::AddSpecificExtensions(void) { // Only notify once for all the adds in this function;
g_EngNotify++; //
// Now that we have determined the type of architecture,
// we can load the right debugger extensions
if (m_ActualSystemVersion > BIG_SVER_START && m_ActualSystemVersion < BIG_SVER_END) { goto Refresh; }
if (m_ActualSystemVersion > XBOX_SVER_START && m_ActualSystemVersion < XBOX_SVER_END) { AddExtensionDll("kdextx86", FALSE, this, NULL); goto Refresh; }
if (m_ActualSystemVersion > NTBD_SVER_START && m_ActualSystemVersion < NTBD_SVER_END) { goto Refresh; }
if (IS_KERNEL_TARGET(this)) { //
// Assume kernel mode is NT at this point.
if (m_MachineType == IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_IA64) { //
// We rely on force loading of extensions at the end of this
// routine in order to get the entry point the debugger needs.
AddExtensionDll("wow64exts", FALSE, this, NULL); }
if (m_MachineType == IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386 && m_SystemVersion > NT_SVER_START && m_SystemVersion <= NT_SVER_W2K) { AddExtensionDll("kdextx86", FALSE, this, NULL); } else { //
// For all new architectures and new X86 builds, load
// kdexts
AddExtensionDll("kdexts", FALSE, this, NULL); }
// Extensions that work on all versions of the OS for kernel mode
// Many of these are messages about legacy extensions.
AddExtensionDll("kext", FALSE, this, NULL); } else { //
// User mode only extensions.
if (m_ActualSystemVersion > NT_SVER_START && m_ActualSystemVersion < NT_SVER_END) { AddExtensionDll("ntsdexts", FALSE, this, NULL); } AddExtensionDll("uext", FALSE, this, NULL); }
if (m_ActualSystemVersion > NT_SVER_W2K && m_ActualSystemVersion < NT_SVER_END) { AddExtensionDll("exts", FALSE, this, NULL); }
// Load ext.dll for all versions
AddExtensionDll("ext", FALSE, NULL, NULL);
// Always load the Dbghelp extensions last so they are first on the list
AddExtensionDll("dbghelp", FALSE, NULL, NULL);
for (Ext = g_ExtDlls; Ext != NULL; Ext = Ext->Next) { LoadExtensionDll(this, Ext); }
g_EngNotify--; NotifyChangeEngineState(DEBUG_CES_EXTENSIONS, 0, TRUE); }
void TargetInfo::PrepareForExecution(void) { ProcessInfo* Process;
ForTargetProcesses(this) { Process->PrepareForExecution(); } ResetImplicitData(); FlushSelectorCache(); m_PhysicalCache.Empty();
for (ULONG i = 0; i < MACHIDX_COUNT; i++) { m_Machines[i]->FlushPerExecutionCaches(); } }
// LiveKernelTargetInfo.
void LiveKernelTargetInfo::ResetSystemInfo(void) { m_KdMaxPacketType = 0; m_KdMaxStateChange = 0; m_KdMaxManipulate = 0; TargetInfo::ResetSystemInfo(); }
HRESULT LiveKernelTargetInfo::InitFromKdVersion(void) { HRESULT Status; BOOL Ptr64; if ((Status = GetTargetKdVersion(&m_KdVersion)) != S_OK) { ErrOut("Debugger can't get KD version information, %s\n", FormatStatusCode(Status)); ZeroMemory(&m_KdVersion, sizeof(m_KdVersion)); return Status; }
if (DBGKD_MAJOR_TYPE(m_KdVersion.MajorVersion) >= DBGKD_MAJOR_COUNT) { ErrOut("KD version has unknown kernel type\n"); ZeroMemory(&m_KdVersion, sizeof(m_KdVersion)); return E_INVALIDARG; }
if (MachineTypeIndex(m_KdVersion.MachineType) == MACHIDX_COUNT) { ErrOut("KD version has unknown processor architecture\n"); ZeroMemory(&m_KdVersion, sizeof(m_KdVersion)); return E_INVALIDARG; }
Ptr64 = ((m_KdVersion.Flags & DBGKD_VERS_FLAG_PTR64) == DBGKD_VERS_FLAG_PTR64);
// Reloads cause the version to be retrieved but
// we don't want to completely reinitialize machines
// in that case as some settings can be lost. Only
// reinitialize if there's a need to do so.
BOOL MustInitializeMachines = m_MachineType != m_KdVersion.MachineType || m_Machine == NULL; m_MachineType = m_KdVersion.MachineType; m_BuildNumber = m_KdVersion.MinorVersion; m_CheckedBuild = m_KdVersion.MajorVersion & 0xFF;
// Determine the OS running.
switch(DBGKD_MAJOR_TYPE(m_KdVersion.MajorVersion)) { case DBGKD_MAJOR_NT: case DBGKD_MAJOR_TNT: m_PlatformId = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT; m_ActualSystemVersion = NtBuildToSystemVersion(m_BuildNumber); m_SystemVersion = m_ActualSystemVersion; break;
case DBGKD_MAJOR_XBOX: m_PlatformId = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT; m_ActualSystemVersion = XBOX_SVER_1; m_SystemVersion = NT_SVER_W2K; break;
case DBGKD_MAJOR_BIG: m_PlatformId = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT; m_ActualSystemVersion = BIG_SVER_1; m_SystemVersion = NT_SVER_W2K; break;
case DBGKD_MAJOR_EXDI: m_PlatformId = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT; m_ActualSystemVersion = EXDI_SVER_1; m_SystemVersion = NT_SVER_W2K; break;
case DBGKD_MAJOR_NTBD: // Special mode for the NT boot debugger where
// the full system hasn't started yet.
m_PlatformId = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT; m_ActualSystemVersion = NTBD_SVER_XP; m_SystemVersion = NtBuildToSystemVersion(m_BuildNumber); break; case DBGKD_MAJOR_EFI: m_PlatformId = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT; m_ActualSystemVersion = EFI_SVER_1; m_SystemVersion = NT_SVER_XP; break; }
// Pre-XP kernels didn't set these values so default them appropriately.
m_KdMaxPacketType = m_KdVersion.MaxPacketType; if (m_SystemVersion < NT_SVER_XP || m_KdMaxPacketType == 0 || m_KdMaxPacketType > PACKET_TYPE_MAX) { m_KdMaxPacketType = PACKET_TYPE_KD_CONTROL_REQUEST + 1; } m_KdMaxStateChange = m_KdVersion.MaxStateChange + DbgKdMinimumStateChange; if (m_SystemVersion < NT_SVER_XP || m_KdMaxStateChange == DbgKdMinimumStateChange || m_KdMaxStateChange > DbgKdMaximumStateChange) { m_KdMaxStateChange = DbgKdLoadSymbolsStateChange + 1; }
m_KdMaxManipulate = m_KdVersion.MaxManipulate + DbgKdMinimumManipulate; if (m_SystemVersion < NT_SVER_XP || m_KdMaxManipulate == DbgKdMinimumManipulate || m_KdMaxManipulate > DbgKdMaximumManipulate) { m_KdMaxManipulate = DbgKdCheckLowMemoryApi + 1; }
if (MustInitializeMachines) { InitializeMachines(m_MachineType); }
m_KdDebuggerData.PsLoadedModuleList = m_KdVersion.PsLoadedModuleList; m_KdDebuggerData.KernBase = m_KdVersion.KernBase;
if (!m_KdVersion.DebuggerDataList) { // The debugger data list is always NULL early in boot
// so don't warn repeatedly. Also, NT4 didn't have
// a loader block so don't warn at all.
if (m_SystemVersion > NT_SVER_NT4 && (g_EngErr & ENG_ERR_DEBUGGER_DATA) == 0) { ErrOut("Debugger data list address is NULL\n"); } } // Using NULL for the process disables connected KD's
// PTE translation. The non-paged list data does not require
// it and a virtual translation causes all kinds of side
// effects that are undesirable at this point in initialization.
else if (ReadPointer(NULL, m_Machine, m_KdVersion.DebuggerDataList, &m_KdDebuggerDataOffset) != S_OK) { ErrOut("Unable to read head of debugger data list\n"); m_KdDebuggerDataOffset = 0; }
KdOut("Target MajorVersion %08lx\n", m_KdVersion.MajorVersion); KdOut("Target MinorVersion %08lx\n", m_KdVersion.MinorVersion); KdOut("Target ProtocolVersion %08lx\n", m_KdVersion.ProtocolVersion); KdOut("Target Flags %08lx\n", m_KdVersion.Flags); KdOut("Target MachineType %08lx\n", m_KdVersion.MachineType); KdOut("Target MaxPacketType %x\n", m_KdVersion.MaxPacketType); KdOut("Target MaxStateChange %x\n", m_KdVersion.MaxStateChange); KdOut("Target MaxManipulate %x\n", m_KdVersion.MaxManipulate); KdOut("Target KernBase %s\n", FormatAddr64(m_KdVersion.KernBase)); KdOut("Target PsLoadedModuleList %s\n", FormatAddr64(m_KdVersion.PsLoadedModuleList)); KdOut("Target DebuggerDataList %s\n", FormatAddr64(m_KdVersion.DebuggerDataList));
dprintf("Connected to %s %d %s target, ptr64 %s\n", SystemVersionName(m_ActualSystemVersion), m_BuildNumber, m_Machine->m_FullName, m_Machine->m_Ptr64 ? "TRUE" : "FALSE");
return S_OK; }
// ConnLiveKernelTargetInfo.
void ConnLiveKernelTargetInfo::ResetSystemInfo(void) { m_SwitchProcessor = 0; LiveKernelTargetInfo::ResetSystemInfo(); }
// LiveUserTargetInfo.
void LiveUserTargetInfo::DeleteSystemInfo(void) { DiscardPendingProcesses(); TargetInfo::DeleteSystemInfo(); } HRESULT LiveUserTargetInfo::SetServices(PUSER_DEBUG_SERVICES Services, BOOL Remote) { HRESULT Status; if ((Status = Services->Initialize(&m_ServiceFlags)) != S_OK) { return Status; }
m_Services = Services; if (Remote) { char MachName[MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH + 1]; char TransId[DBGRPC_MAX_IDENTITY]; m_Local = FALSE; if (FAILED(Services-> GetConnectionInfo(MachName, sizeof(MachName), NULL, 0, TransId, sizeof(TransId)))) { strcpy(m_ProcessServer, "<Remote>"); } else { PrintString(m_ProcessServer, DIMA(m_ProcessServer), "%s (%s)", MachName, TransId); } }
return S_OK; }
HRESULT LiveUserTargetInfo::InitFromServices(void) { HRESULT Status; ULONG Machine; if ((Status = m_Services-> GetTargetInfo(&Machine, &m_NumProcessors, &m_PlatformId, &m_BuildNumber, &m_CheckedBuild, m_ServicePackString, sizeof(m_ServicePackString), m_BuildLabName, sizeof(m_BuildLabName), &m_ProductType, &m_SuiteMask)) != S_OK) { ErrOut("Unable to retrieve target machine information\n"); return Status; }
SetSystemVersionAndBuild(m_BuildNumber, m_PlatformId); m_KdApi64 = m_SystemVersion > NT_SVER_NT4;
// User mode can retrieve processor information at any time
// so we can immediately call InitializeForProcessor.
if ((Status = InitializeMachines(Machine)) != S_OK || (Status = InitializeForProcessor()) != S_OK) { ErrOut("Unable to initialize target machine information\n"); }
return Status; }
// Generic layer support.
void SetLayersFromTarget(TargetInfo* Target) { g_Target = Target; g_Process = NULL; g_Thread = NULL; g_Machine = NULL; if (g_Target) { g_Machine = g_Target->m_EffMachine; g_Process = g_Target->m_CurrentProcess; if (g_Process) { g_Thread = g_Process->m_CurrentThread; } } }
void SetLayersFromProcess(ProcessInfo* Process) { g_Process = Process; g_Target = NULL; g_Thread = NULL; g_Machine = NULL; if (g_Process) { g_Target = g_Process->m_Target; g_Machine = g_Target->m_EffMachine; g_Thread = g_Process->m_CurrentThread; } }
void SetLayersFromThread(ThreadInfo* Thread) { g_Thread = Thread; g_Target = NULL; g_Process = NULL; g_Machine = NULL; if (g_Thread) { g_Process = g_Thread->m_Process; g_Target = g_Process->m_Target; g_Machine = g_Target->m_EffMachine; } }
void SetToAnyLayers(BOOL SetPrompt) { if (!g_Target) { SetLayersFromTarget(g_TargetHead); } else if (!g_Process) { SetLayersFromProcess(g_Target->m_ProcessHead); } else if (!g_Thread) { SetLayersFromThread(g_Process->m_ThreadHead); } if (SetPrompt && g_Thread) { SetPromptThread(g_Thread, SPT_DEFAULT_OCI_FLAGS); } }
ULONG FindNextUserId(LAYER Layer) { //
// It is very common for many layers to be created
// without any being deleted. Optimize this case
// with a simple incremental ID.
if (g_UserIdFragmented[Layer] == 0) { ULONG Id = g_HighestUserId[Layer]++; return Id; } ULONG UserId = 0; TargetInfo* Target; ProcessInfo* Process; ThreadInfo* Thread;
// Find the lowest unused ID across all layers.
// Every layer is given a unique ID to make identification
// simple and unambiguous.
for (;;) { BOOL Match = FALSE; ForTargets() { if (Layer == LAYER_TARGET) { if (Target->m_UserId == UserId) { Match = TRUE; break; } } else { ForTargetProcesses(Target) { if (Layer == LAYER_PROCESS) { if (Process->m_UserId == UserId) { Match = TRUE; break; } } else { ForProcessThreads(Process) { if (Thread->m_UserId == UserId) { Match = TRUE; break; } } if (Match) { break; } } }
if (Match) { break; } } }
if (Match) { // There was a match so try the next ID.
UserId++; } else { // No match, use the ID.
break; } }
return UserId; }
// Functions.
TargetInfo* FindTargetByUserId(ULONG Id) { TargetInfo* Target;
ForAllLayersToTarget() { if (Target->m_UserId == Id) { return Target; } } return NULL; }
TargetInfo* FindTargetBySystemId(ULONG SysId) { TargetInfo* Target;
ForAllLayersToTarget() { if (Target->m_SystemId == SysId) { return Target; } }
return NULL; }
TargetInfo* FindTargetByServer(ULONG64 Server) { TargetInfo* Target; ForAllLayersToTarget() { if (IS_LIVE_USER_TARGET(Target)) { LiveUserTargetInfo* UserTarget = (LiveUserTargetInfo*)Target; if ((UserTarget->m_Local && Server == 0) || (!UserTarget->m_Local && (ULONG64)UserTarget->m_Services == Server)) { return Target; } } } return NULL; }
void SuspendAllThreads(void) { TargetInfo* Target;
ForAllLayersToTarget() { Target->SuspendThreads(); } }
BOOL ResumeAllThreads(void) { TargetInfo* Target; BOOL Error = FALSE;
ForAllLayersToTarget() { if (!Target->ResumeThreads()) { Error = TRUE; } }
if (Error) { ErrOut("No active threads to run in event process %d\n", g_EventProcess->m_UserId); return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
BOOL DeleteAllExitedInfos(void) { TargetInfo* Target; TargetInfo* TargetNext; BOOL DeletedSomething = FALSE;
for (Target = g_TargetHead; Target; Target = TargetNext) { TargetNext = Target->m_Next;
if (Target->m_Exited) { delete Target; DeletedSomething = TRUE; } else { if (Target->DeleteExitedInfos()) { DeletedSomething = TRUE; Target->OutputProcessesAndThreads("*** exit cleanup ***"); } } }
return DeletedSomething; }
BOOL AnyActiveProcesses(BOOL FinalOnly) { TargetInfo* Target;
ForAllLayersToTarget() { if (Target->m_ProcessHead || (!FinalOnly && IS_LIVE_USER_TARGET(Target) && ((LiveUserTargetInfo*)Target)->m_ProcessPending)) { return TRUE; } }
return FALSE; }
BOOL AnySystemProcesses(BOOL LocalOnly) { TargetInfo* Target;
ForAllLayersToTarget() { if (Target->AnySystemProcesses(LocalOnly)) { return TRUE; } }
return FALSE; }
ULONG AllProcessFlags(void) { TargetInfo* Target; ULONG Flags;
Flags = 0; ForAllLayersToTarget() { Flags |= Target->m_AllProcessFlags; } return Flags; }
BOOL AnyLiveUserTargets(void) { TargetInfo* Target;
ForAllLayersToTarget() { if (IS_LIVE_USER_TARGET(Target)) { return TRUE; } }
return FALSE; }
void InvalidateAllMemoryCaches(void) { TargetInfo* Target;
ForAllLayersToTarget() { Target->InvalidateMemoryCaches(FALSE); } }
HANDLE GloballyUniqueProcessHandle(TargetInfo* Target, ULONG64 FullHandle) { HANDLE Unique; ProcessInfo* Process; //
// With multiple systems it's possible for processes
// from different systems to have the same process handle.
// dbghelp's module list uses only the basic process handle
// as an identifier so we have to avoid collisions between
// process handles among all systems. This is a very difficult
// problem in general so we just go for a simple solution
// that should work most of the time:
// We primarily care about NT and NT process handles are currently
// always relatively small integers. Put the system ID in
// the topmost 8 bits to give each system its own ID space.
// This can break at any time, but at the moment it doesn't
// seem like the underlying assumptions will be invalidated
// for a long time.
Unique = (HANDLE)(ULONG_PTR) ((Target->m_UserId << 24) | ((ULONG)FullHandle & 0xffffff));
// Check for uniqueness to make sure.
ForAllLayersToProcess() { if (Process->m_SymHandle == Unique) { ErrOut("ERROR: Ambiguous symbol process handle: %I64x\n", (ULONG64)(ULONG_PTR)Unique); return Unique; } }
return Unique; }
ULONG NtBuildToSystemVersion(ULONG Build) { if (Build > 3499) { return NT_SVER_NET_SERVER; } else if (Build > 2195) { return NT_SVER_XP; } else if (Build > 2183) { return NT_SVER_W2K; } else if (Build > 1381) { return NT_SVER_W2K_RC3; } else { return NT_SVER_NT4; } }
// Taken from http://kbinternal/kb/articles/q158/2/38.htm
// Release Version File dates
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Windows 95 retail, OEM 4.00.950 7/11/95
// Windows 95 retail SP1 4.00.950A 7/11/95
// OEM Service Release 1 4.00.950A 7/11/95
// OEM Service Release 2 4.00.1111* (4.00.950B) 8/24/96
// OEM Service Release 2.1 4.03.1212-1214* (4.00.950B) 8/24/96-8/27/97
// OEM Service Release 2.5 4.03.1214* (4.00.950C) 8/24/96-11/18/97
// Windows 98 retail, OEM 4.10.1998 5/11/98
// Windows 98 Second Edition 4.10.2222A 4/23/99
ULONG Win9xBuildToSystemVersion(ULONG Build) { if (Build > 2222) { return W9X_SVER_WME; } else if (Build > 1998) { return W9X_SVER_W98SE; } else if (Build > 950) { return W9X_SVER_W98; } else { return W9X_SVER_W95; } }
ULONG WinCeBuildToSystemVersion(ULONG Build) { return WCE_SVER_CE; }
PCSTR SystemVersionName(ULONG Sver) { if (Sver > NT_SVER_START && Sver < NT_SVER_END) { return g_NtSverNames[Sver - NT_SVER_START - 1]; } else if (Sver > W9X_SVER_START && Sver < W9X_SVER_END) { return g_W9xSverNames[Sver - W9X_SVER_START - 1]; } else if (Sver > XBOX_SVER_START && Sver < XBOX_SVER_END) { return g_XBoxSverNames[Sver - XBOX_SVER_START - 1]; } else if (Sver > BIG_SVER_START && Sver < BIG_SVER_END) { return g_BigSverNames[Sver - BIG_SVER_START - 1]; } else if (Sver > EXDI_SVER_START && Sver < EXDI_SVER_END) { return g_ExdiSverNames[Sver - EXDI_SVER_START - 1]; } else if (Sver > NTBD_SVER_START && Sver < NTBD_SVER_END) { return g_NtBdSverNames[Sver - NTBD_SVER_START - 1]; } else if (Sver > EFI_SVER_START && Sver < EFI_SVER_END) { return g_EfiSverNames[Sver - EFI_SVER_START - 1]; } else if (Sver > WCE_SVER_START && Sver < WCE_SVER_END) { return g_WceSverNames[Sver - WCE_SVER_START - 1]; }
return "Unknown System"; }
void ParseSystemCommands(void) { TargetInfo* Target; char Ch; ULONG UserId; if (!g_Target) { error(BADSYSTEM); } Ch = PeekChar();
Target = g_Target; g_CurCmd++; if (Ch == 0 || Ch == ';') { Target = NULL; g_CurCmd--; } else if (Ch == '.') { // Use the current target.
} else if (Ch == '#') { Target = g_EventTarget; } else if (Ch == '*') { Target = NULL; } else if (Ch == '[') { g_CurCmd--; UserId = (ULONG)GetTermExpression("System ID missing from"); Target = FindTargetByUserId(UserId); if (Target == NULL) { error(BADSYSTEM); } } else if (Ch >= '0' && Ch <= '9') { UserId = 0; do { UserId = UserId * 10 + Ch - '0'; Ch = *g_CurCmd++; } while (Ch >= '0' && Ch <= '9'); g_CurCmd--; Target = FindTargetByUserId(UserId); if (Target == NULL) { error(BADSYSTEM); } } else { g_CurCmd--; } Ch = PeekChar(); if (Ch == '\0' || Ch == ';') { TargetInfo* Cur;
for (Cur = g_TargetHead; Cur; Cur = Cur->m_Next) { if (Target && Cur != Target) { continue; }
if (Cur == g_Target) { Ch = '.'; } else if (Cur == g_EventTarget) { Ch = '#'; } else { Ch = ' '; } dprintf("%c%3d ", Ch, Cur->m_UserId);
char Buf[2 * MAX_PATH]; Cur->GetDescription(Buf, sizeof(Buf), NULL); dprintf("%s\n", Buf); } } else { g_CurCmd++; if (tolower(Ch) == 's') { if (Target == NULL) { error(BADSYSTEM); } if (Target == g_Target) { return; } if (Target->m_CurrentProcess == NULL) { Target->m_CurrentProcess = Target->m_ProcessHead; if (Target->m_CurrentProcess == NULL) { error(BADSYSTEM); } } if (Target->m_CurrentProcess->m_CurrentThread == NULL) { Target->m_CurrentProcess->m_CurrentThread = Target->m_CurrentProcess->m_ThreadHead; if (Target->m_CurrentProcess->m_CurrentThread == NULL) { error(BADSYSTEM); } } Target->SwitchToTarget(g_Target); } else { g_CurCmd--; } } }