#include "stdafx.h"
#include "Compress.h"
char cCabName [MAX_PATH]; char CabPath[256]; ULONG g_CompressedPercentage=0; BOOL g_CancelCompression = FALSE;
* Memory allocation function */ FNFCIALLOC(mem_alloc) { return malloc(cb); }
* Memory free function */ FNFCIFREE(mem_free) { free(memory); }
* File i/o functions */ FNFCIOPEN(fci_open) { int result;
result = _open(pszFile, oflag, pmode);
if (result == -1) *err = errno;
return result; }
FNFCIREAD(fci_read) { unsigned int result;
result = (unsigned int) _read((int)hf, memory, cb);
if (result != cb) *err = errno;
return result; }
FNFCIWRITE(fci_write) { unsigned int result;
result = (unsigned int) _write((int)hf, memory, cb);
if (result != cb) *err = errno;
return result; }
FNFCICLOSE(fci_close) { int result;
result = _close((int)hf);
if (result != 0) *err = errno;
return result; }
FNFCISEEK(fci_seek) { long result;
result = _lseek((int)hf, dist, seektype);
if (result == -1) *err = errno;
return result; }
FNFCIDELETE(fci_delete) { int result;
result = remove(pszFile);
if (result != 0) *err = errno;
return result; }
* File placed function called when a file has been committed * to a cabinet */ FNFCIFILEPLACED(file_placed) { /*printf(
" placed file '%s' (size %d) on cabinet '%s'\n", pszFile, cbFile, pccab->szCab );
if (fContinuation) printf(" (Above file is a later segment of a continued file)\n"); */ return 0; }
* Function to obtain temporary files */ FNFCIGETTEMPFILE(get_temp_file) { char *psz;
psz = _tempnam("","xx"); // Get a name
if ((psz != NULL) && (strlen(psz) < (unsigned)cbTempName)) { strcpy(pszTempName,psz); // Copy to caller's buffer
free(psz); // Free temporary name buffer
return TRUE; // Success
} //** Failed
if (psz) { free(psz); }
return FALSE; }
* Progress function */ FNFCISTATUS(progress) { client_state *cs;
cs = (client_state *) pv;
if (typeStatus == statusFile) { cs->total_compressed_size += cb1; cs->total_uncompressed_size += cb2;
* Compressing a block into a folder * * cb2 = uncompressed size of block */ /* printf(
"Compressing: %9ld -> %9ld \r", cs->total_uncompressed_size, cs->total_compressed_size ); fflush(stdout); */ g_CompressedPercentage = get_percentage(cs->total_uncompressed_size,cs->start_uncompressed_size);
} else if (typeStatus == statusFolder) { int percentage;
* Adding a folder to a cabinet * * cb1 = amount of folder copied to cabinet so far * cb2 = total size of folder */ percentage = get_percentage(cb1, cb2);
cs->start_uncompressed_size = cb2; // printf("Copying folder to cabinet: %d%% \r", percentage);
fflush(stdout); }
if (g_CancelCompression) { // Abort the compression
return -1; } return 0; }
void store_cab_name(char *cabname, int iCab) { sprintf(cabname, cCabName, iCab); }
FNFCIGETNEXTCABINET(get_next_cabinet) { /*
* Cabinet counter has been incremented already by FCI */
* Store next cabinet name */ store_cab_name(pccab->szCab, pccab->iCab);
* You could change the disk name here too, if you wanted */
return TRUE; }
FNFCIGETOPENINFO(get_open_info) { BY_HANDLE_FILE_INFORMATION finfo; FILETIME filetime; HANDLE handle; DWORD attrs; int hf; client_state *cs;
cs = (client_state *) pv;
* Need a Win32 type handle to get file date/time * using the Win32 APIs, even though the handle we * will be returning is of the type compatible with * _open */ handle = CreateFileA( pszName, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL | FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN, NULL );
if (handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { return -1; }
if (GetFileInformationByHandle(handle, &finfo) == FALSE) { CloseHandle(handle); return -1; } cs->start_uncompressed_size = finfo.nFileSizeLow;
FileTimeToLocalFileTime( &finfo.ftLastWriteTime, &filetime );
FileTimeToDosDateTime( &filetime, pdate, ptime );
attrs = GetFileAttributesA(pszName);
if (attrs == 0xFFFFFFFF) { /* failure */ *pattribs = 0; } else { /*
* Mask out all other bits except these four, since other * bits are used by the cabinet format to indicate a * special meaning. */ *pattribs = (int) (attrs & (_A_RDONLY | _A_SYSTEM | _A_HIDDEN | _A_ARCH)); }
* Return handle using _open */ hf = _open( pszName, _O_RDONLY | _O_BINARY );
if (hf == -1) return -1; // abort on error
return hf; }
void set_cab_parameters(PCCAB cab_parms) { memset(cab_parms, 0, sizeof(CCAB));
cab_parms->cb = MEDIA_SIZE; cab_parms->cbFolderThresh = FOLDER_THRESHOLD;
* Don't reserve space for any extensions */ cab_parms->cbReserveCFHeader = 0; cab_parms->cbReserveCFFolder = 0; cab_parms->cbReserveCFData = 0;
* We use this to create the cabinet name */ cab_parms->iCab = 1;
* If you want to use disk names, use this to * count disks */ cab_parms->iDisk = 0;
* Choose your own number */ cab_parms->setID = 12345;
* Only important if CABs are spanning multiple * disks, in which case you will want to use a * real disk name. * * Can be left as an empty string. */ strcpy(cab_parms->szDisk, "");
/* where to store the created CAB files */ strcpy(cab_parms->szCabPath, CabPath);
/* store name of first CAB file */ store_cab_name(cab_parms->szCab, cab_parms->iCab); }
BOOL Compress (wchar_t *CabName, wchar_t *fileName, DWORD *UploadTime) { HFCI hfci; ERF erf; CCAB cab_parameters; int i; client_state cs; char FileName [MAX_PATH];
int num_files = 1;
g_CompressedPercentage = 0; g_CancelCompression = FALSE; UnicodeToAnsi1(fileName,FileName); UnicodeToAnsi1(CabName,cCabName); /*
* Initialise our internal state */ cs.total_compressed_size = 0; cs.total_uncompressed_size = 0; cs.start_uncompressed_size = 0; set_cab_parameters(&cab_parameters);
hfci = FCICreate( &erf, file_placed, mem_alloc, mem_free, fci_open, fci_read, fci_write, fci_close, fci_seek, fci_delete, get_temp_file, &cab_parameters, &cs );
if (hfci == NULL) { //printf("FCICreate() failed: code %d [%s]\n",
// erf.erfOper, return_fci_error_string(erf.erfOper)
return FALSE; }
for (i = 0; i < num_files; i++) { char stripped_name[256];
* Don't store the path name in the cabinet file! */ strip_path(FileName, stripped_name);
if (FALSE == FCIAddFile( hfci, FileName, /* file to add */ stripped_name, /* file name in cabinet file */ FALSE, /* file is not executable */ get_next_cabinet, progress, get_open_info, COMPRESSION_TYPE)) { // printf("FCIAddFile() failed: code %d [%s]\n",
// erf.erfOper, return_fci_error_string(erf.erfOper)
// );
(void) FCIDestroy(hfci);
return FALSE; } }
* This will automatically flush the folder first */ if (FALSE == FCIFlushCabinet( hfci, FALSE, get_next_cabinet, progress)) { // printf("FCIFlushCabinet() failed: code %d [%s]\n",
// erf.erfOper, return_fci_error_string(erf.erfOper)
// );
(void) FCIDestroy(hfci);
return FALSE; }
if (FCIDestroy(hfci) != TRUE) { // printf("FCIDestroy() failed: code %d [%s]\n",
// erf.erfOper, return_fci_error_string(erf.erfOper)
// );
return FALSE; }
//printf(" \r");
// ***************** Add Upload Estimate Here ******************
return TRUE; }
void strip_path(char *filename, char *stripped_name) { char *p;
p = strrchr(filename, '\\');
if (p == NULL) strcpy(stripped_name, filename); else strcpy(stripped_name, p+1); }
int get_percentage(unsigned long a, unsigned long b) { while (a > 10000000) { a >>= 3; b >>= 3; }
if (b == 0) return 0;
return ((a*100)/b); }
char *return_fci_error_string(FCIERROR err) { switch (err) { case FCIERR_NONE: return "No error";
case FCIERR_OPEN_SRC: return "Failure opening file to be stored in cabinet";
case FCIERR_READ_SRC: return "Failure reading file to be stored in cabinet";
case FCIERR_ALLOC_FAIL: return "Insufficient memory in FCI";
case FCIERR_TEMP_FILE: return "Could not create a temporary file";
case FCIERR_BAD_COMPR_TYPE: return "Unknown compression type";
case FCIERR_CAB_FILE: return "Could not create cabinet file";
case FCIERR_USER_ABORT: return "Client requested abort";
case FCIERR_MCI_FAIL: return "Failure compressing data";
default: return "Unknown error"; } } void UnicodeToAnsi1(wchar_t * pszW, LPSTR ppszA) {
ULONG cbAnsi, cCharacters; DWORD dwError;
// If input is null then just return the same.
// return;// NOERROR;
cCharacters = wcslen(pszW)+1; // Determine number of bytes to be allocated for ANSI string. An
// ANSI string can have at most 2 bytes per character (for Double
// Byte Character Strings.)
cbAnsi = cCharacters*2;
// Use of the OLE allocator is not required because the resultant
// ANSI string will never be passed to another COM component. You
// can use your own allocator.
/// *ppszA = (LPSTR) CoTaskMemAlloc(cbAnsi);
// if (NULL == *ppszA)
// return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
// Convert to ANSI.
if (0 == WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, pszW, cCharacters, ppszA, cbAnsi, NULL, NULL)) { dwError = GetLastError(); return;// HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwError);
//MessageBoxW(NULL,pszW,L"String conversion function recieved",MB_OK);
// MessageBox(NULL,*ppszA,"String Convert Function is returning.",MB_OK);
return;// NOERROR;