// OcarptMain.cpp : Implementation of COcarptMain
//#define UNICODE
//#define _UNICODE
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "Ocarpt.h"
#include "OcarptMain.h"
#include <direct.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <commdlg.h>
#include <Wincrypt.h>
#include <io.h>
#include "Compress.h"
#define MAX_RETRIES 5
#define MAX_RETRY_COUNT 10
#include <strsafe.h>
TCHAR * COcarptMain::_approvedDomains[] = { _T("ocatest"), _T("oca.microsoft.com"), _T("oca.microsoft.de"), _T("oca.microsoft.fr"), _T("ocadeviis"), _T("redbgitwb10"), _T("redbgitwb11"), _T("ocajapan.rte.microsoft.com")};
TCHAR g_LastResponseURL[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR g_LastUploadedFile[MAX_PATH];
EnumUploadStatus g_UploadStatus; ULONG g_UploadFailureCode;
typedef struct _UPLOAD_CONTEXT { WCHAR SourceFile[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR DestFile[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR Language[50]; WCHAR OptionCode[20]; BOOL ConvertToMini; COcarptMain *Caller; POCA_UPLOADFILE pUploadFile; } UPLOAD_CONTEXT, *PUPLOAD_CONTEXT;
* * Main proc to do file upload to server. This is started in a new thread. * ***********************************************************************************/ DWORD WINAPI UploadThreadStart( LPVOID pCtxt ) { PUPLOAD_CONTEXT pParams = (PUPLOAD_CONTEXT) pCtxt; ULONG ReturnCode = 100; HINTERNET hInet = NULL; DWORD dwUrlLength = 0; WCHAR wszServerName[MAX_PATH]; BOOL bRet; DWORD dwLastError; HANDLE hSourceFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; wchar_t ConvSourceFile[MAX_PATH]; BOOL Converted = FALSE; wchar_t RemoteFileName[MAX_PATH]; BOOL bIsCab = FALSE; DWORD ErrorCode = 0; BOOL UploadSuccess = FALSE; DWORD NumRetries = 0; DWORD dwFileSize; HANDLE hFile = NULL; HINTERNET hRequest = NULL; HINTERNET hSession = NULL; HINTERNET hConnect = NULL; DWORD ResLength = 255; DWORD index = 0; static const wchar_t *pszAccept[] = {L"*.*", 0}; DWORD ResponseCode = 0; // New Strings for temporary directory fix.
wchar_t TempPath[MAX_PATH]; wchar_t TempCabName[MAX_PATH]; wchar_t TempDumpName[MAX_PATH]; wchar_t ResponseURL[255]; GUID guidNewGuid; wchar_t *szGuidRaw = NULL; BOOL bConvertToMini = pParams->ConvertToMini; HRESULT hResult = S_OK; BOOL bSecure = TRUE;
// ::MessageBoxW(NULL,L"UploadCalled",NULL,MB_OK);
if ( (!pParams->SourceFile) || (!pParams->DestFile) || (!pParams->Language) || (!pParams->OptionCode) || (!pParams->Caller) ) { // ::MessageBoxW(NULL,L"Failed Param Check",NULL,MB_OK);
return S_OK; }
if (!pParams->Caller->CreateTempDir(TempPath)) { goto ExitUploadThread; }
//Get a guid
hResult = CoCreateGuid(&guidNewGuid); if (FAILED(hResult)) { //-------------What do we send here....
ErrorCode = GetLastError(); ReturnCode = ErrorCode; goto ExitUploadThread; } else { if (UuidToStringW(&guidNewGuid, &szGuidRaw) != RPC_S_OK) { ErrorCode = GetLastError(); ReturnCode = ErrorCode; goto ExitUploadThread; } }
// build the tempfile name
if (StringCbPrintfW(TempDumpName,sizeof TempDumpName, L"%s\\%sOCARPT.dmp", TempPath, szGuidRaw + 19) != S_OK) { goto ExitUploadThread; }
// build the cabfile name
if (StringCbPrintfW(TempCabName,sizeof TempCabName, L"%s\\%sOCARPT.Cab", TempPath, szGuidRaw + 19) != S_OK) { goto ExitUploadThread; } // Determine if we need to convert the selected file.
pParams->Caller->GetFileHandle(pParams->SourceFile, &hSourceFile); if (hSourceFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { goto ExitUploadThread; } dwFileSize=GetFileSize(hSourceFile,NULL); CloseHandle(hSourceFile); g_UploadStatus = UploadCopyingFile;
if (bConvertToMini) { // We need to convert this file.
BSTR Destination, Source;
Source = pParams->SourceFile; if (!pParams->Caller->ConvertFullDumpInternal(&Source,&Destination) ) { ReturnCode = 3; goto ExitUploadThread; } else { Converted = TRUE; if (CopyFileW(Destination,TempDumpName,FALSE)) { SetFileAttributesW(TempDumpName,FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL); if (StringCbCopyW(ConvSourceFile,sizeof ConvSourceFile,TempDumpName) != S_OK) { ErrorCode = GetLastError(); ReturnCode = ErrorCode; goto ExitUploadThread; } SysFreeString(Destination); }
} } else { // ****** copy the file to cab to the temp path
if (dwFileSize < 1000000 && CopyFileW(pParams->SourceFile, TempDumpName,FALSE)) { SetFileAttributesW(TempDumpName,FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL); // Place the location of the file into the string we use
// for the file upload process.
if (StringCbCopyW(ConvSourceFile,sizeof ConvSourceFile,TempDumpName)!= S_OK) { ErrorCode = GetLastError(); ReturnCode = ErrorCode; goto ExitUploadThread; } } else { // We are unable to copy the file, use the file from original location
if (StringCbCopyW(ConvSourceFile,sizeof ConvSourceFile, pParams->SourceFile)!= S_OK) { ErrorCode = GetLastError(); ReturnCode = ErrorCode; goto ExitUploadThread; } } } if (dwFileSize > 10000000) { // ::MessageBoxW(NULL,L"File is too big ",NULL,MB_OK);
// goto ExitUploadThread;
LPWSTR wszExt = wcsstr(ConvSourceFile, L".cab");
if (wszExt == NULL || wcscmp(wszExt, L".cab")) { g_UploadStatus = UploadCompressingFile; if (Compress(TempCabName,ConvSourceFile,NULL)) { if (StringCbCopyW(ConvSourceFile,sizeof ConvSourceFile, TempCabName) != S_OK) { ErrorCode = GetLastError(); ReturnCode = ErrorCode; goto ExitUploadThread; } } else { // we failed to compress file
ErrorCode = GetLastError(); ReturnCode = ErrorCode; goto ExitUploadThread; } } else { if (!CopyFileW(ConvSourceFile, TempCabName,FALSE)) { ReturnCode = ErrorCode = GetLastError(); goto ExitUploadThread; }
if (StringCbCopyW(ConvSourceFile,sizeof ConvSourceFile, TempCabName) != S_OK) { ReturnCode = ErrorCode = GetLastError(); goto ExitUploadThread;
} // Now build the output file name.
wchar_t * TempString; TempString = PathFindFileNameW(ConvSourceFile); if (StringCbPrintfW(RemoteFileName,sizeof RemoteFileName, L"/OCA/M_%s", TempString) != S_OK) { ErrorCode = GetLastError(); ReturnCode = ErrorCode; goto ExitUploadThread; }
if (szGuidRaw) { RpcStringFreeW(&szGuidRaw); } pParams->Caller->GetFileHandle(ConvSourceFile,&hFile); if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { ErrorCode = GetLastError(); goto ExitUploadThread; } else { dwFileSize = GetFileSize (hFile, NULL); CloseHandle(hFile); hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; }
g_UploadStatus = UploadConnecting; if ((ErrorCode = pParams->pUploadFile->InitializeSession(pParams->OptionCode, (LPWSTR) ConvSourceFile)) != S_OK) { ReturnCode = ErrorCode; goto ExitUploadThread; }
char TEMPString[MAX_PATH]; wcstombs(TEMPString, wszServerName,MAX_PATH);
while ((NumRetries < MAX_RETRIES) && (!UploadSuccess)) {
ErrorCode = 0;
if ((ErrorCode = pParams->pUploadFile->SendFile(RemoteFileName, bSecure)) != S_OK) { goto EndRetry; } if (ErrorCode == E_ABORT) { goto ExitUploadThread; } if (ErrorCode == ERROR_SUCCESS) { UploadSuccess = TRUE; }
if (!UploadSuccess) { ++NumRetries; bSecure = FALSE; } } if (UploadSuccess) {
// So far so good... Now lets call the isapi.
StringCbCopyW(wszServerName,sizeof(wszServerName), pParams->pUploadFile->GetServerName()); pParams->pUploadFile->UnInitialize();
ResponseURL[0] = 0; StringCbCopyW(ResponseURL, sizeof(ResponseURL), L"Getting Server Response"); pParams->pUploadFile->SetUploadResult(UploadGettingResponse, ResponseURL); if ( pParams->Caller->GetResponseURL( (wchar_t *)wszServerName, PathFindFileNameW(RemoteFileName), (dwFileSize > 70000), ResponseURL) == 0) { pParams->pUploadFile->SetUploadResult(UploadSucceded, ResponseURL); StringCbCopyW(g_LastResponseURL, sizeof(g_LastResponseURL), ResponseURL);
// Cleanup and return
// Clean up
if (hFile!= INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) CloseHandle (hFile);
// Try to delete the cab. If for some reason we can't that ok.
pParams->Caller->DeleteTempDir(TempPath, TempDumpName, TempCabName);
g_UploadStatus = UploadSucceded; return S_OK;
} else {
// what here
pParams->pUploadFile->SetUploadResult(UploadSucceded, L"Unable to get valid response from server"); } } else { ReturnCode = ErrorCode; }
ExitUploadThread: // Clean up
if (hFile!= INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) CloseHandle (hFile);
pParams->Caller->DeleteTempDir(TempPath, TempDumpName, TempCabName); g_UploadStatus = UploadFailure; g_UploadFailureCode = ErrorCode; return S_OK; }
// COcarptMain
BOOL COcarptMain::ValidMiniDump(LPCTSTR FileName) { BOOL ReturnValue = false; HANDLE hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; DWORD dwBytesRead = 0; char buff[10]; DWORD dwSize = 0;
if (hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { dwSize = GetFileSize(hFile, NULL); if( (dwSize >= 65536) && (dwSize < 1000000) ) { ZeroMemory(buff, sizeof buff); if (ReadFile(hFile, buff, 10, &dwBytesRead, NULL)) { if(strncmp(buff,"PAGEDUMP ",8)==0) ReturnValue = true; } } CloseHandle(hFile); } return ReturnValue; } BOOL COcarptMain::ValidMiniDump(BSTR FileName) { BOOL ReturnValue = false; HANDLE hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; DWORD dwBytesRead = 0; char buff[10]; DWORD dwSize;
GetFileHandle(FileName,&hFile); if (hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { dwSize = GetFileSize(hFile, NULL); if( ( dwSize >= 65536) && (dwSize < 1000000) ) { ZeroMemory (buff, sizeof buff); if (ReadFile(hFile, buff, 10, &dwBytesRead, NULL)) { if(strncmp(buff,"PAGEDUMP ",8)==0) ReturnValue = true; } } CloseHandle(hFile); } return ReturnValue; }
Function: CreateTempDirectory Arguments: [out] wchar_t *TempPath
Return Values: True = Temp directory was created False = An error occured building the temp directory.
*/ BOOL COcarptMain::CreateTempDir(wchar_t *TempDirectory) {
// int DriveNum;
wchar_t lpWindowsDir[MAX_PATH]; BOOL Status = FALSE; wchar_t TempFile[MAX_PATH * 2]; BOOL Done=FALSE; int Retries = 0; wchar_t *src; wchar_t *dest;
if (!GetWindowsDirectoryW(lpWindowsDir, MAX_PATH)) { // ?
return Status; } // now strip out the drive letter
src = lpWindowsDir; dest = TempDirectory;
while (*src != _T('\\')) { *dest = *src; ++ src; ++ dest; } *dest = _T('\\'); ++dest; *dest = _T('\0');
// tack on the directory name we wish to create
// in this case ocatemp.
if (StringCbCatW(TempDirectory,MAX_PATH *2, L"OcaTemp\0") != S_OK) { goto ERRORS; } // Check to see if this directory exists.
if (PathIsDirectoryW(TempDirectory) ) { // Yes. Then use the existing path
if (StringCbCopyW(TempFile,sizeof TempFile,TempDirectory) != S_OK) { goto ERRORS; } if (StringCbCatW(TempFile,sizeof TempFile,L"\\Mini.dmp") != S_OK) { goto ERRORS; } // First check to see if the file already exists
if (PathFileExistsW(TempFile)) { Done = FALSE; Retries = 0; // The file exists attempt to delete it.
while (!Done) { if (DeleteFileW(TempFile)) { Done = TRUE; } else { ++ Retries; Sleep(1000); } if (Retries > 5) { Done = TRUE; } } if (PathFileExistsW(TempFile)) { return Status; } }
if (StringCbCopyW(TempFile,sizeof TempFile,TempDirectory) != S_OK) { Status = FALSE; goto ERRORS; } if (StringCbCatW(TempFile,sizeof TempFile,L"\\Mini.cab") != S_OK) { Status = FALSE; goto ERRORS; } // Now check to see if the cab already exists
if (PathFileExistsW(TempFile)) { Done =FALSE; Retries = 0; // The file exists attempt to delete it.
while (!Done) { if (DeleteFileW(TempFile)) { Done = TRUE; } else { ++ Retries; Sleep(1000); } if (Retries > 5) { Done = TRUE; } } if (PathFileExistsW(TempFile)) { return Status; } } Status = TRUE; } else { // No create it.
if (! CreateDirectoryW(TempDirectory,NULL) ) { return Status; } Status = TRUE;
} ERRORS: // return the path to the calling function.
return Status;
Function: DeleteTempDir Arguments: [in] wchar_t *TempPath -- directory to delete [in] wchar_t *FileName -- Dump file to delete [in] wchar_t *CabName -- CabFile to delete
Return Values: True = Cleanup Succeeded False = An error occured deleteing a file or directory
*/ BOOL COcarptMain::DeleteTempDir(wchar_t *TempDirectory,wchar_t *FileName,wchar_t *CabName) {
if (PathFileExistsW(FileName)) { if (!DeleteFileW(FileName)) { return FALSE; } }
if (PathFileExistsW(CabName)) { if (!DeleteFileW(CabName)) { return FALSE; } } if (PathIsDirectoryW(TempDirectory)) {
if (!RemoveDirectoryW(TempDirectory)) {
return FALSE; } } return TRUE; }
void COcarptMain::GetFileHandle(wchar_t *FileName, HANDLE *hFile) {
*hFile = CreateFileW(FileName, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); } BOOL COcarptMain::FindMiniDumps( BSTR *FileLists) { CComBSTR FileList; TCHAR strTMP[255]; LONG lResult; BOOL blnResult; FILETIME FileTime; FILETIME LocalFileTime; //Get an instance of the ATL Registry wrapper class
CRegKey objRegistry; TCHAR szPath[_MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szValue[_MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwLen = _MAX_PATH;
// There is no sense attempting to locate the mini dump path since Win9x and NT4 don't generate them.
DWORD dwVersion = GetVersion(); DWORD dwWindowsMajorVersion = (DWORD)(LOBYTE(LOWORD(dwVersion))); BOOL bWin9x = FALSE; BOOL bNT4 = FALSE; BOOL NoFiles = FALSE; SYSTEMTIME Systime; BOOL FoundFirst = FALSE; BOOL Status = TRUE;
if (dwVersion < 0x80000000) { if (dwWindowsMajorVersion == 4) bNT4 = TRUE; }
if (bNT4) { // clear the string
*FileLists = FileList.Detach(); return FALSE; }
//Open The CrashControl section in the registry
lResult = objRegistry.Open(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, _T("SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\CrashControl"));
if (lResult == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
//Get the Minidump path
lResult = objRegistry.QueryValue(szValue, _T("MinidumpDir"), &dwLen); if (lResult == ERROR_SUCCESS){ if(szValue[0] == _T('%')){
/* If the first character is '%' then this is an
environment variable which must be translated */
//Find The Position of the Last '%'
int i = 0; for(i = 1;i < (int)_tcslen(szValue); i++) { if(szValue[i] == _T('%')) { break; } }
//Extract the environment variable for the path
TCHAR szEnvStr[MAX_PATH]; ZeroMemory( szEnvStr, sizeof szEnvStr); _tcsncpy(szEnvStr,szValue, (i+ 1));
// ::MessageBox(NULL, szEnvStr, "szEnvStr",MB_OK);
//Extract the remainder of the path
TCHAR szPathRemainder[MAX_PATH]; ZeroMemory(szPathRemainder, sizeof szPathRemainder); _tcsncpy(szPathRemainder,szValue +(i + 1), (_tcslen(szValue)-(i+ 1)));
//Join the path and filename together
ZeroMemory(szPath,sizeof szPath); blnResult = ExpandEnvironmentStrings(szEnvStr,szPath,dwLen); if (StringCbCat(szPath,sizeof szPath,szPathRemainder) != S_OK) { *FileLists = FileList.Detach(); objRegistry.Close(); return FALSE; } } else{ if (StringCbCopy(szPath,sizeof szPath,szValue) != S_OK) { *FileLists = FileList.Detach(); objRegistry.Close(); return FALSE; } } } else // Query Value Failed
{ *FileLists = FileList.Detach(); objRegistry.Close(); return FALSE;
} objRegistry.Close(); } else //Reg Open Failed
{ *FileLists = FileList.Detach(); return FALSE;
/* Next search the minidump directory and build a string with javaScript code
This javascript code will have an eval applied to it so the browser can use the Array named _FileList. The date in file list needs to be mm/dd/yyyy so the time_t from the finddata_t struct is converted to a tm struct by calling localtime on it. The tm struct is then passed to a private function to extract and concatenate the mm dd and yyyy.*/ //::MessageBox(NULL, szPath, "Looking for Minidumps",MB_OK);
if (PathIsDirectory(szPath)) {
if (_tcslen(szPath) > 1) { if (szPath[_tcslen(szPath)-1] != _T('\\')) if (StringCbCat(szPath,sizeof szPath,_T("\\")) == S_OK) { if (StringCbCopy (SearchPath,sizeof SearchPath, szPath) == S_OK) { if(StringCbCat(SearchPath,sizeof SearchPath, _T("*.dmp")) == S_OK) { Status = TRUE; } else Status = FALSE; } else Status = FALSE; } else Status = FALSE; }
if (Status) { // ::MessageBox(NULL, SearchPath, "Search Path",MB_OK);
hFindFile = FindFirstFile(SearchPath, &FindData); /* Find first .dmp file in current directory */ if( hFindFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) {
*FileLists = FileList.Detach(); return FALSE;
} else { if (StringCbCopy(FilePath,sizeof FilePath, szPath) == S_OK) { if (StringCbCat(FilePath, sizeof FilePath, FindData.cFileName) == S_OK) { if ( !(FindData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) { //::MessageBox(NULL, FilePath, "Validating file",MB_OK);
if(ValidMiniDump(FilePath)) {
FileList = _T("2:"); FileList += FilePath; FileList += _T(",");
//GetFileTime(FindData.cFileName, &FileTime,NULL,NULL);
FileTime = FindData.ftLastWriteTime;
FileTimeToLocalFileTime(&FileTime, &LocalFileTime); FileTimeToSystemTime(&LocalFileTime, &Systime);
GetDateFormat (LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, DATE_SHORTDATE, &Systime, NULL, strTMP, 255); // FormatMiniDate(&Systime, strTMP);
FileList += strTMP; FileList += _T(";"); FoundFirst = TRUE; } } while(FindNextFile(hFindFile,&FindData)) { if ( !(FindData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) { if (StringCbCopy(FilePath,sizeof FilePath, szPath) == S_OK) { if (StringCbCat(FilePath,sizeof FilePath, FindData.cFileName)== S_OK) {
if(ValidMiniDump(FilePath)) { if (!FoundFirst) { FileList = _T("2:"); FoundFirst = TRUE; } FileList += FilePath; FileList += _T(",");
FileTime = FindData.ftLastWriteTime; FileTimeToLocalFileTime(&FileTime, &LocalFileTime); FileTimeToSystemTime(&LocalFileTime, &Systime); GetDateFormat (LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, DATE_SHORTDATE, &Systime, NULL, strTMP, 255); FileList += strTMP; FileList += _T(";"); } // end validate dump
} // end string cat
} //end string copy
}// end file attributes
} // end while
} } FindClose( hFindFile ); } // end valid file handle
}// end if status
} // end path is directory
else { // ::MessageBox(NULL, szPath, "Path not found",MB_OK);
*FileLists = FileList.Detach(); return FALSE; }
if (!FoundFirst) { *FileLists = FileList.Detach(); return FALSE; }
*FileLists = FileList.Detach(); return TRUE;
BOOL COcarptMain::FindFullDumps( BSTR *FileLists) { CComBSTR FileList; LONG lResult; BOOL blnResult;
//Get an instance of the ATL Registry wrapper class
CRegKey objRegistry; TCHAR szFileName[MAX_PATH];
ZeroMemory(szFileName,sizeof szFileName);
DWORD dwVersion = GetVersion(); DWORD dwWindowsMajorVersion = (DWORD)(LOBYTE(LOWORD(dwVersion))); BOOL bWin9x = FALSE; BOOL bNT4 = FALSE;
if (dwVersion < 0x80000000) { bWin9x = FALSE; if (dwWindowsMajorVersion == 4) bNT4 = TRUE; } else { bWin9x = TRUE; bNT4 = FALSE; }
if (bWin9x || bNT4) {
FileList = _T(""); return FALSE; } //Open The CrashControl section in the registry
lResult = objRegistry.Open(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, _T("SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\CrashControl"));
if (lResult == ERROR_SUCCESS) { TCHAR szValue[_MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwLen = _MAX_PATH;
//Get the name of the full dump file
lResult = objRegistry.QueryValue(szValue, _T("DumpFile"), &dwLen);
if (lResult == ERROR_SUCCESS){ /* If the first character is '%' then this is an
environment variable which must be translated */ if(szValue[0] == _T('%')){
//Find The Position of the Last '%'
for(int i = 1;i < sizeof(szValue); i++){ if(szValue[i] == '%'){break;} }
//Extract the environment variable for the path
TCHAR szEnvStr[MAX_PATH]; ZeroMemory(szEnvStr, sizeof szEnvStr); _tcsncpy(szEnvStr,szValue, (i+ 1));
//Extract the remainder of the path
TCHAR szFileNameRemainder[MAX_PATH]; ZeroMemory(szFileNameRemainder, sizeof szFileNameRemainder); _tcsncpy(szFileNameRemainder,szValue +(i + 1), (_tcslen(szValue)-(i+ 1)));
//Translate the environment variable
blnResult = ExpandEnvironmentStrings(szEnvStr,szFileName,dwLen);
//Join the path and filename together
if (StringCbCat(szFileName,sizeof szFileName,szFileNameRemainder) != S_OK) { FileList = _T(""); objRegistry.Close(); *FileLists = FileList.Detach(); return FALSE; } } else{ if (StringCbCopy(szFileName,sizeof szFileName,szValue) != S_OK) { FileList = _T(""); objRegistry.Close(); *FileLists = FileList.Detach(); return FALSE; } }
FILETIME ftCreate, ftLastAccess, ftLastWrite; // SYSTEMTIME st;
HANDLE fileHandle;
if (fileHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { FileList = _T(""); objRegistry.Close(); *FileLists = FileList.Detach(); return FALSE; } blnResult = GetFileTime(fileHandle, &ftCreate, &ftLastAccess, &ftLastWrite);
FileList = _T("3:");
//Convert File time to a mm/dd/yyyy format
wchar_t LocaleTime[255]; FileTimeToLocalFileTime(&ftCreate, &LocalFileTime); FileTimeToSystemTime(&LocalFileTime, &SysTime);
GetDateFormatW (LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, DATE_SHORTDATE, &SysTime, NULL, LocaleTime, 255);
FileList += szFileName; FileList += _T(","); FileList += LocaleTime; FileList += _T(";"); CloseHandle(fileHandle);
} else //QueryValue failed
{ FileList = _T(""); objRegistry.Close(); *FileLists = FileList.Detach(); return FALSE;
} objRegistry.Close(); } else //Key Open Failed
{ FileList = _T(""); objRegistry.Close(); *FileLists = FileList.Detach(); return FALSE;
*FileLists = FileList.Detach();
return TRUE;
} void COcarptMain::FormatDate(tm *pTimeStruct, CComBSTR &strDate) { strDate = L""; char BUFFER[5];
if(pTimeStruct->tm_mon+1 < 10){ _itoa((pTimeStruct->tm_mon +1),BUFFER,10); strDate += L"0"; strDate += BUFFER; } else{ _itoa((pTimeStruct->tm_mon +1),BUFFER,10); strDate += BUFFER; }
strDate += L"/";
if(pTimeStruct->tm_mday < 10){ _itoa((pTimeStruct->tm_mday),BUFFER,10); strDate += L"0"; strDate += BUFFER; } else{ _itoa((pTimeStruct->tm_mday),BUFFER,10); strDate += BUFFER; }
strDate += L"/";
_itoa((pTimeStruct->tm_year +1900),BUFFER,10); strDate += BUFFER; }
Function: Arguments:
Return Values:
*/ void COcarptMain::FormatDate(SYSTEMTIME *pTimeStruct, CComBSTR &strDate) { strDate = L""; char BUFFER[5];
//We want local time not GMT.
SYSTEMTIME *pLocalTime = pTimeStruct; FILETIME FileTime, LocalFileTime;
SystemTimeToFileTime(pTimeStruct, &FileTime); FileTimeToLocalFileTime(&FileTime, &LocalFileTime); FileTimeToSystemTime(&LocalFileTime, pLocalTime);
if(pTimeStruct->wMonth < 10){ _itoa((pLocalTime->wMonth),BUFFER,10); strDate += L"0"; strDate += BUFFER; } else{ _itoa((pLocalTime->wMonth),BUFFER,10); strDate += BUFFER; }
strDate += L"/";
if(pTimeStruct->wDay < 10){ _itoa((pLocalTime->wDay),BUFFER,10); strDate += L"0"; strDate += BUFFER; } else{ _itoa((pLocalTime->wDay),BUFFER,10); strDate += BUFFER; }
strDate += L"/";
_itoa((pLocalTime->wYear),BUFFER,10); strDate += BUFFER; }
Function: Arguments:
Return Values:
*/ void COcarptMain::FormatMiniDate(SYSTEMTIME *pTimeStruct, CComBSTR &strDate) {
TCHAR Temp[255];
//We want local time not GMT.
SYSTEMTIME *pLocalTime = pTimeStruct; FILETIME FileTime, LocalFileTime;
SystemTimeToFileTime(pTimeStruct, &FileTime); FileTimeToLocalFileTime(&FileTime, &LocalFileTime); FileTimeToSystemTime(&LocalFileTime, pLocalTime);
GetDateFormat (LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, DATE_SHORTDATE, pLocalTime,NULL,Temp,255); strDate +=Temp;
Function: Arguments:
Return Values:
*/ BOOL COcarptMain::ConvertFullDumpInternal (BSTR *Source, BSTR *Destination) { int ReturnCode = 0; PROCESS_INFORMATION ProcessInfo; STARTUPINFOW StartupInfoW; HANDLE hMiniFile; wchar_t TempPathW[MAX_PATH]; wchar_t Stringbuff[50]; DWORD dwBytesRead = 0; HANDLE hFile; WORD * BuildNum; CComBSTR Dest = L""; DWORD BuildNumber = 0; DWORD RetryCount = 0; wchar_t Windir[MAX_PATH];
ZeroMemory(TempPathW,sizeof TempPathW); ZeroMemory(Windir, MAX_PATH *2); GetTempPathW(MAX_PATH, TempPathW);
HANDLE hDir; // Validate the Temp Path
if ( (hDir = CreateFileW(TempPathW, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL|FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS, NULL)) == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { if (StringCbCopyW(TempPathW,sizeof TempPathW, L"\0") != S_OK) { return FALSE; } if (!GetWindowsDirectoryW(TempPathW,MAX_PATH)) { //CloseHandle(hDir);
return FALSE; } } PathAppendW(TempPathW, L"mini000000-00.dmp"); GetFileHandle(TempPathW,&hMiniFile); if (hMiniFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { RetryCount = 0; while ( (GetLastError() == ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION) && (RetryCount < MAX_RETRY_COUNT)) { ++ RetryCount; Sleep(1000); // Sleep for 1 second
GetFileHandle(TempPathW,&hMiniFile); } } if ((GetLastError() == ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION) && (RetryCount >= MAX_RETRY_COUNT)) { if (hDir != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { CloseHandle(hDir); } return FALSE; // Well nothing we can do here return conversion failure.
} if ( (hMiniFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) ) // Yes it does So we need to delete it.
{ CloseHandle(hMiniFile); DeleteFileW(TempPathW); }
CComBSTR strCommand = L"";
/* // open the full dump file and get the build number.
// We don't need this any more
if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { if (hDir != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { CloseHandle(hDir); return FALSE; } } // Get the build number.
if (ReadFile(hFile,Stringbuff,24,&dwBytesRead,NULL)) { CloseHandle(hFile); BuildNum = (WORD*) (Stringbuff + 12); BuildNumber = _wtol ( BuildNum); }
else { if (hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { CloseHandle (hFile); } if (hDir != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) CloseHandle (hDir); return FALSE; } */ // Get the Windows Directory
if (!GetWindowsDirectoryW(Windir, MAX_PATH)) { // we can't continue
if (hDir != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) CloseHandle (hDir); return FALSE; }
strCommand += Windir; strCommand += L"\\Downloaded Program Files\\"; strCommand += L"dumpconv.exe -i \""; strCommand += *Source; strCommand += L"\" -o "; strCommand += L"\"" ; strCommand += TempPathW; strCommand += "\"";
ZeroMemory(&StartupInfoW,sizeof(STARTUPINFOW)); StartupInfoW.cb = sizeof (STARTUPINFOW); ReturnCode = CreateProcessW(NULL, strCommand, NULL, NULL, FALSE, CREATE_NO_WINDOW, NULL, NULL, &StartupInfoW, &ProcessInfo);
if (ReturnCode) { CloseHandle(ProcessInfo.hThread); CloseHandle(ProcessInfo.hProcess); HANDLE hFile2 = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; Sleep(2000); for(short i = 0; i < 30; i++) { hFile2 = CreateFileW(TempPathW, GENERIC_READ, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL);
if (hFile2 != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { Dest += TempPathW; CloseHandle(hFile2); if (hDir != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) CloseHandle(hDir); *Destination = Dest.Detach(); return TRUE; } Sleep(1000); } }
if (hDir != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) CloseHandle(hDir); return FALSE; }
DWORD COcarptMain::GetResponseURL(wchar_t *HostName, wchar_t *RemoteFileName, BOOL fFullDump, wchar_t *ResponseURL) { wchar_t IsapiUrl[255]; wchar_t ConnectString [255]; HINTERNET hInet = NULL; HINTERNET hRedirUrl = NULL; wchar_t* pUploadUrl = NULL; DWORD dwUrlLength = 0; URL_COMPONENTSW urlComponents; BOOL bRet; DWORD dwLastError; HANDLE hSourceFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; wchar_t ConvSourceFile[MAX_PATH]; BOOL Converted = FALSE; BOOL bIsCab = FALSE; DWORD ErrorCode = 0; BOOL UploadSuccess = FALSE; DWORD NumRetries = 0; DWORD dwBytesRead; DWORD dwBytesWritten; BYTE *pBuffer; HANDLE hFile; DWORD ResLength = 255; DWORD index = 0; static const wchar_t *pszAccept[] = {L"*.*", 0}; DWORD ResponseCode = 0; wchar_t *temp; wchar_t NewState; WCHAR wszProxyServer[100], wszByPass[100];
//wsprintfW (IsapiUrl, L"https://%s/isapi/oca_extension.dll?id=%s&Type=5",HostName, RemoteFileName);
if (StringCbPrintfW(IsapiUrl,sizeof IsapiUrl, L"/isapi/oca_extension.dll?id=%s&Type=%ld", RemoteFileName, (fFullDump ? 7 : 5)) != S_OK) { return 1; } // ::MessageBoxW(NULL,L"Getting the isapi response",IsapiUrl,MB_OK);
// Get the URL returned from the MS Corporate IIS redir.dll isapi URL redirector
dwUrlLength = 512; pUploadUrl = (wchar_t*)malloc(dwUrlLength); if(!pUploadUrl) {
//ReturnCode->intVal = GetLastError();
ErrorCode = GetLastError(); goto exitGetResonseURL; }
ZeroMemory(pUploadUrl, dwUrlLength);
ErrorCode = m_pUploadFile->GetUrlPageData(IsapiUrl, pUploadUrl, dwUrlLength); if(ErrorCode != ERROR_SUCCESS) { dwLastError = GetLastError(); // If last error was due to insufficient buffer size, create a new one the correct size.
if(dwLastError == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) { if (pUploadUrl) { free(pUploadUrl); pUploadUrl = NULL; } pUploadUrl = (wchar_t*)malloc(dwUrlLength); if(!pUploadUrl) { ErrorCode = GetLastError(); goto exitGetResonseURL; } } else { goto exitGetResonseURL; }
// Parse the returned url and swap the type value for the state value.
if (StringCbCopyW(ResponseURL,MAX_PATH * 2, pUploadUrl) != S_OK) { ErrorCode = GetLastError(); goto exitGetResonseURL; } temp = ResponseURL; temp += (wcslen(ResponseURL)-1); //::MessageBoxW(NULL,temp,L"New State Value",MB_OK);
while (*temp != L'=') -- temp; // ok Temp + 1 is our new state value.
NewState = *(temp+1); //::MessageBoxW(NULL,temp,L"New State Value",MB_OK);
//::MessageBoxW(NULL,temp,L"New State Value",MB_OK);
// Now back up till the next =
-- temp; // Skip the current =
while (*temp != L'=') -- temp; //::MessageBoxW(NULL,temp,L"New State Value",MB_OK);
if ( (*(temp - 1) == L'D') || (*(temp -1) == L'd')) // We have an ID field and have to go back further.
{ // first terminate the string after the Guid.
while (*temp != '&') ++temp; *temp = L'\0'; // ::MessageBoxW(NULL,temp,L"New State Value",MB_OK);
// now go back 2 = signs.
while (*temp != L'=') -- temp; --temp; // ::MessageBoxW(NULL,temp,L"New State Value",MB_OK);
while (*temp != L'=') -- temp; *(temp+1) = NewState; // ::MessageBoxW(NULL,temp,L"New State Value",MB_OK);
} else { //::MessageBoxW(NULL,temp,L"New State Value else case (no id field)",MB_OK);
*(temp+1) = NewState; *(temp+2) = L'\0'; // Null terminate the string after the state. (we don't wan't the type value
// ::MessageBoxW(NULL,temp,L"New State Value",MB_OK);
// ::MessageBoxW(NULL,L"Returning URL to web page.",ResponseURL,MB_OK);
ErrorCode = 0; exitGetResonseURL:
if (pUploadUrl) free(pUploadUrl); return ErrorCode;; }
STDMETHODIMP COcarptMain::Upload( BSTR *SourceFile, BSTR *DestFile, BSTR *Language, BSTR *OptionCode, int ConvertToMini, VARIANT *ReturnCode) { HRESULT hResult = S_OK; HANDLE hThread; DWORD dwThreadId; static UPLOAD_CONTEXT UploadCtxt = {0};
ReturnCode->vt = VT_INT; ReturnCode->intVal = 0;
// ::MessageBoxW(NULL,L"UploadCalled",NULL,MB_OK);
if ( (!SourceFile) || (!DestFile) || (!Language) || (!OptionCode)) { // ::MessageBoxW(NULL,L"Failed Param Check",NULL,MB_OK);
ReturnCode->intVal = 100; } if (!InApprovedDomain()) { // ::MessageBoxW(NULL,L"Failed Domain Check",NULL,MB_OK);
return E_FAIL; } if (m_pUploadFile == NULL) { OcaUpldCreate(&m_pUploadFile); } if (m_pUploadFile == NULL) { ReturnCode->intVal = 100; return E_FAIL; }
if (m_pUploadFile->IsUploadInProgress()) { ReturnCode->intVal = 100; return S_OK; }
g_UploadStatus = UploadStarted;
StringCbCopyW(UploadCtxt.DestFile, sizeof(UploadCtxt.DestFile), *DestFile); StringCbCopyW(UploadCtxt.Language, sizeof(UploadCtxt.Language), *Language); StringCbCopyW(UploadCtxt.OptionCode, sizeof(UploadCtxt.OptionCode), *OptionCode); StringCbCopyW(UploadCtxt.SourceFile, sizeof(UploadCtxt.SourceFile), *SourceFile); UploadCtxt.pUploadFile = m_pUploadFile; UploadCtxt.Caller = this; UploadCtxt.ConvertToMini = ConvertToMini;
hThread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, &UploadThreadStart, (PVOID) &UploadCtxt, 0, &dwThreadId); // hThread = NULL;
// UploadThreadStart((LPVOID) &UploadCtxt);
if (hThread) { WaitForSingleObject(hThread, 400); CloseHandle(hThread); } else { ReturnCode->intVal = 100; g_UploadStatus = UploadFailure; } return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP COcarptMain::Search(VARIANT *pvFileList) { CComBSTR FileList; FileList="";
if (!InApprovedDomain()) { return E_FAIL; } if (!FindMiniDumps(&FileList)) { //::MessageBoxW(NULL, L"No MiniDumps Found", L"No mini's",MB_OK);
FindFullDumps(&FileList); } pvFileList->vt = VT_BSTR; pvFileList->bstrVal = FileList.Detach(); return S_OK;
STDMETHODIMP COcarptMain::Browse(BSTR *pbstrTitle, BSTR *Lang, VARIANT *Path) { HWND hParent = NULL; // char *WindowTitle;
CComBSTR WindowText = *pbstrTitle; WindowText += " - Microsoft Internet Explorer"; // determine the language and Load the resource strings.
wchar_t String1[200]; wchar_t String2[200];
static wchar_t szFilterW[400];
if (!InApprovedDomain()) { return E_FAIL; }
LoadStringW(::_Module.GetModuleInstance(), IDS_STRING_ENU_DMPFILE, String1, 200); LoadStringW(::_Module.GetModuleInstance(), IDS_STRING_ENU_ALLFILES, String2, 200); // Build the buffer;
wchar_t Pattern1[] = L"*.dmp"; wchar_t Pattern2[] = L"*.*"; wchar_t * src; wchar_t *dest;
src = String1; dest = szFilterW;
while (*src != L'\0') { *dest = *src; src ++; dest ++; } src = Pattern1; *dest = L'\0'; ++dest; while (*src != L'\0') { *dest = *src; src ++; dest ++; } *dest = L'\0'; ++dest; src = String2; while (*src != L'\0') { *dest = *src; src ++; dest ++; } src = Pattern2; *dest = L'\0'; ++dest; while (*src != L'\0') { *dest = *src; src ++; dest ++; } *dest = L'\0'; ++dest; *dest = L'\0';
BOOL Return = FALSE; char szFileName[MAX_PATH] = "\0"; char szDefaultPath[MAX_PATH] = "\0";
wchar_t szFileNameW [MAX_PATH] = L"\0"; wchar_t szDefaultPathW[MAX_PATH] = L"\0";
BOOL bNT4 = FALSE; DWORD dwVersion = GetVersion(); DWORD dwWindowsMajorVersion = (DWORD)(LOBYTE(LOWORD(dwVersion))); if (dwVersion < 0x80000000) { if (dwWindowsMajorVersion == 4) bNT4 = TRUE; }
CComBSTR RetrievedName = L"";
hParent = FindWindowExW(NULL,NULL,L"IEFrame",WindowText); OPENFILENAMEW ofnw; if (!GetWindowsDirectoryW(szDefaultPathW,MAX_PATH)) { Path->vt = VT_BSTR; Path->bstrVal = L""; return S_OK; } if (bNT4) { ofnw.lStructSize = sizeof(OPENFILENAME); } else { ofnw.lStructSize = sizeof (OPENFILENAMEW); } ofnw.lpstrFilter = szFilterW; ofnw.lpstrInitialDir = szDefaultPathW; ofnw.lpstrFile = szFileNameW; ofnw.hInstance = NULL; ofnw.hwndOwner = hParent; ofnw.lCustData = NULL; ofnw.Flags = 0; // | OFN_ALLOWMULTISELECT | OFN_EXPLORER ; // - enable to allow multiple selection
ofnw.lpstrDefExt = L"dmp"; ofnw.lpstrCustomFilter = NULL; ofnw.nMaxFile = MAX_PATH; ofnw.lpstrFileTitle = NULL; ofnw.lpstrTitle = NULL; ofnw.nFileOffset = 0; ofnw.nFileExtension = 0; ofnw.lpfnHook = NULL; ofnw.lpTemplateName = NULL; if (!GetOpenFileNameW(&ofnw) ) { Path->vt = VT_BSTR; Path->bstrVal = RetrievedName.Detach(); return S_OK; } else { RetrievedName = ofnw.lpstrFile;
LPWSTR szDir, szNextFile;
szDir = ofnw.lpstrFile;
szNextFile = wcslen(szDir) + szDir; ++szNextFile; if (*szNextFile) { RetrievedName.Append(L"\\"); RetrievedName.Append(szNextFile); szNextFile = wcslen(szNextFile) + szNextFile; ++szNextFile; } while (*szNextFile) { RetrievedName.Append(L";"); RetrievedName.Append(szDir); RetrievedName.Append(L"\\"); RetrievedName.Append(szNextFile); szNextFile = wcslen(szNextFile) + szNextFile; ++szNextFile; } #endif
Path->vt = VT_BSTR; Path->bstrVal = RetrievedName.Detach(); } return S_OK;; }
STDMETHODIMP COcarptMain::ValidateDump( BSTR *FileName, VARIANT *Result) {
BOOL ReturnValue = false; HANDLE hFile;
wchar_t TempFileName[MAX_PATH];
if (!InApprovedDomain()) { return E_FAIL; } //wcscpy(TempFileName,*FileName);
if (StringCbPrintfW(TempFileName,sizeof TempFileName, L"\"%s\"",*FileName) != S_OK) { return E_FAIL; }
GetFileHandle(TempFileName, &hFile);
if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { Result->vt = VT_INT; Result->intVal = 1; return S_OK; }
DWORD dwSize; dwSize = GetFileSize(hFile, NULL); DWORD dwBytesRead; BYTE buff[40]; WORD *BuildNum;
if ( dwSize < 65536 ) { CloseHandle(hFile); Result->vt = VT_INT; Result->intVal = 1; return S_OK; }
if( (dwSize >= 65536) && (dwSize <= 500000) ) { ZeroMemory(buff,sizeof buff); if (ReadFile(hFile, buff, 24, &dwBytesRead, NULL)) { if (strncmp ((const char *)buff,"PAGEDU64 ",8)== 0) { Result->vt = VT_INT; Result->intVal = 0; } else { if(strncmp((const char *)buff,"PAGEDUMP ",8)==0) {
Result->vt = VT_INT; Result->intVal = 0; } else { Result->vt = VT_INT; Result->intVal = 1; } } CloseHandle(hFile); } else { CloseHandle(hFile); Result->vt = VT_INT; Result->intVal = 1; } } else { ZeroMemory(buff,sizeof buff); if (ReadFile(hFile, buff, 24, &dwBytesRead, NULL)) { CloseHandle(hFile); if (strncmp ((const char *)buff,"PAGEDU64 ",8)== 0) { Result->vt = VT_INT; Result->intVal = 0; } else { if(strncmp((const char *)buff,"PAGEDUMP ",8)!=0) { Result->vt = VT_INT; Result->intVal = 1; }
else { BSTR Destination; if(ConvertFullDumpInternal(FileName, &Destination)) { // Validate the converted dump
HANDLE hMiniDump; BYTE Stringbuff[256]; //WORD * BuildNum;
if (ValidMiniDump(Destination)) { // add code here to get the OS Build
GetFileHandle(Destination, &hMiniDump); if (hMiniDump != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { if (ReadFile(hMiniDump,Stringbuff,24,&dwBytesRead,NULL)) {
// BuildNum = (WORD*) (Stringbuff + 12);
Result->vt = VT_INT; Result->intVal = 0; } else { // file read failed
Result->vt = VT_INT; Result->intVal = 1; } CloseHandle(hMiniDump); } else { Result->vt = VT_INT; Result->intVal = 2; } } else { Result->vt = VT_INT; Result->intVal = 2; } SysFreeString(Destination); } else { Result->vt = VT_INT; Result->intVal = 2; } }
} // end else
}// end if
else { CloseHandle(hFile); Result->vt = VT_INT; Result->intVal = 1; }
} // end else
return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP COcarptMain::RetrieveFileContents(BSTR *FileName, VARIANT *pvContents) { CComBSTR Error = L""; CComBSTR HexString = L""; DWORD dwBytesRead; wchar_t LineBuffer [255]; // Buffer for hex portion of string
wchar_t AsciiBuffer [255]; // Buffer for Ascii portion of string
BYTE* nonhexbuffer = NULL; // Raw file buffer.
BYTE * src = NULL; // Pointer into Raw File Buffer
wchar_t * dest = NULL; // Pointer into Hex string
wchar_t * dest2 = NULL; // Pointer into Ascii string
dest = LineBuffer; dest2 = AsciiBuffer; wchar_t *Temp2; // Used to copy Ascii string into hex string
wchar_t HexDigit[4]; // Used to convert the character read to hex
BYTE Temp ; // Pointer into the buffer read from the file
char Temp3; // Used to convert the character read to a Unicode Character
DWORD TotalCount = 0; // Number of bytes processed from the file buffer
DWORD BytesPerLine = 16; // Number of hex bytes displayed per line
DWORD ByteCount = 0; // Number of hex bytes processed
HANDLE hFile; BSTR Destination;
wchar_t PathName[MAX_PATH];
if (!InApprovedDomain()) { return E_FAIL; }
// Convert from a bstr to a wchar_t
if (StringCbPrintfW(PathName,sizeof PathName,L"\"%s\"",*FileName) != S_OK) { goto ERRORS;
} GetFileHandle(PathName, &hFile); //::MessageBoxW(NULL,PathName, L"Loading File",MB_OK);
if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { //::MessageBoxW(NULL,PathName,L"Failed to get the File handle",NULL);
pvContents->vt = VT_BSTR; pvContents->bstrVal = Error.Detach(); return S_OK; }
DWORD FileSize = GetFileSize(hFile,NULL); // Size of file in bytes
if (FileSize > 1000000) { // Ok We have to convert it
if( !ConvertFullDumpInternal(FileName, &Destination)) { pvContents->vt = VT_BSTR; pvContents->bstrVal = Error.Detach(); return S_OK; }
GetFileHandle(Destination, &hFile); if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { pvContents->vt = VT_BSTR; pvContents->bstrVal = Error.Detach(); return S_OK; } FileSize = GetFileSize(hFile,NULL); if ( FileSize > 80000) { pvContents->vt = VT_BSTR; pvContents->bstrVal = Error.Detach(); return S_OK; } } if ( (nonhexbuffer = (BYTE*) malloc (FileSize)) == NULL) { CloseHandle(hFile); pvContents->vt = VT_BSTR; pvContents->bstrVal = Error.Detach(); return S_OK; }
ZeroMemory(nonhexbuffer,sizeof nonhexbuffer); if (ReadFile(hFile, nonhexbuffer, FileSize, &dwBytesRead, NULL)) { if (dwBytesRead < 10) // make sure we got something
{ if (nonhexbuffer) free(nonhexbuffer); CloseHandle (hFile); pvContents->vt = VT_BSTR; pvContents->bstrVal = Error.Detach(); return S_OK; } } else { if (nonhexbuffer) free(nonhexbuffer); CloseHandle (hFile); pvContents->vt = VT_BSTR; pvContents->bstrVal = Error.Detach(); return S_OK; }
// clear the buffers
ZeroMemory(LineBuffer,255); ZeroMemory(AsciiBuffer,255); src = nonhexbuffer; while (TotalCount <= dwBytesRead) { while (ByteCount < BytesPerLine) { Temp = *src;
if (StringCbCopyW ( HexDigit,sizeof HexDigit, L"\0") != S_OK) { goto ERRORS; } _itow(Temp,HexDigit,16);
if (Temp < 16 ) { *dest = L'0'; ++dest; *dest = HexDigit[0]; ++dest; } else { *dest = HexDigit[0]; ++dest; *dest = HexDigit[1]; ++dest; } if ( (Temp< 32) || (Temp >126)) *dest2 = L'.'; else { Temp3 = (char) Temp; mbtowc (dest2, &Temp3,1); }
if (ByteCount == 7 ) { *dest = L' '; ++dest; }
++dest2; ++TotalCount; ++ ByteCount; ++ src;
} ByteCount = 0;
// Add 5 spaces to the hex string
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { *dest = L' '; ++dest; }
// Combine the strings
Temp2 = AsciiBuffer; while( Temp2 != dest2) { *dest = *Temp2; ++dest; ++Temp2;
} // add CR-LF combination
*dest = L'\r'; ++dest;
*dest = L'\n'; ++dest; // Null terminate the string
*dest = L'\0'; *dest = L'\0';
// Add the complete strings to the Bstr to be returned.
HexString += LineBuffer;
// Clear buffers
if (StringCbCopyW(AsciiBuffer,sizeof AsciiBuffer,L"\0") != S_OK) { // Major problem here jump to errors
goto ERRORS; } if (StringCbCopyW(LineBuffer,sizeof LineBuffer,L"\0") != S_OK) { // same as above
goto ERRORS; } // Reset the pointers
dest = LineBuffer; dest2 = AsciiBuffer;
} ERRORS: if (nonhexbuffer) free (nonhexbuffer); pvContents->vt = VT_BSTR; pvContents->bstrVal = HexString.Detach(); return S_OK;
STDMETHODIMP COcarptMain::GetUploadStatus(VARIANT *PercentDone) { ULONG Done = -1;
Sleep(200); switch (g_UploadStatus) { case UploadNotStarted: Done = 0; break; case UploadStarted: Done = 1; break; case UploadCompressingFile: Done = g_CompressedPercentage; break;
case UploadGettingResponse: Done = 0; break; case UploadCopyingFile: case UploadConnecting: case UploadTransferInProgress: Done = 1; if (m_pUploadFile != NULL) { Done = m_pUploadFile->GetPercentComplete(); } break; case UploadSucceded: Done = 200; break; case UploadFailure: Done = 300; break; default: Done = 100; } PercentDone->vt = VT_INT; PercentDone->intVal = Done; return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP COcarptMain::GetUploadResult(VARIANT *UploadResult) {
WCHAR wszUploadRes[MAX_PATH]; CComBSTR Result = L"";
switch (g_UploadStatus) { case UploadCompressingFile: Result = _T("Compressing ..."); break; case UploadCopyingFile: Result = _T("Preparing files to report ..."); break;
case UploadConnecting: case UploadTransferInProgress: if (m_pUploadFile && m_pUploadFile->GetUploadResult(wszUploadRes, sizeof(wszUploadRes))) { Result = wszUploadRes; } else { Result = _T("Transfering to server ..."); } break; case UploadGettingResponse: Result = _T("Getting Response from server"); break; case UploadSucceded: m_pUploadFile->GetUploadResult(wszUploadRes, sizeof(wszUploadRes)); Result = wszUploadRes; break; default: StringCbPrintf(wszUploadRes, sizeof(wszUploadRes), _T("Cannot get upload result - error %lx"), g_UploadFailureCode); Result = wszUploadRes; break; } UploadResult->vt = VT_BSTR; UploadResult->bstrVal = Result.Detach(); return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP COcarptMain::CancelUpload(VARIANT *ReturnCode) { ULONG res=0; if (g_UploadStatus == UploadCompressingFile) { g_CancelCompression = TRUE; } if (m_pUploadFile != NULL && m_pUploadFile->IsUploadInProgress()) { res = m_pUploadFile->Cancel(); } ReturnCode->vt = VT_INT; ReturnCode->intVal = res; return S_OK; }