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<table ID='tblMainBody' BORDER='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'> <tr> <td colspan="2"> <p class='clsPTitle'>Solution Request Queue Information</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"> <% //Response.Write("Qy: " + Request.QueryString() + "<BR>" ) var g_DBConn //db Connection object var iBucket = Request.QueryString("iBucket") var NumBugs = 0 var BugList = new String() var Mode = new String( Request.QueryString( "Mode" ) ) var RejectID = String( Request.QueryString("RejectID") ) var SolutionType = new String( Request.QueryString( "SolutionType" ) ) //Response.Write("RejectID: " + RejectID + "<BR>" ) if( Mode.toString() == "user" ) { //Try to get a list of bug numbers associated with this request. try { g_DBConn = GetDBConnection ( Application("CRASHDB3") ) var rsBugs = g_DBConn.Execute( "DBGPortal_GetBugIDSFromIBucket " + iBucket )
while( !rsBugs.eof ) { BugList += rsBugs("BugID") + "," NumBugs++ rsBugs.MoveNext } if( NumBugs == 0 ) { Response.Write( "<p>ERROR: Could not find any Raid Bugs associated with iBucket=" + iBucket + "<br>" ) Response.Write( "Cannot continue.</p>" ) Response.End } else { BugList = BugList.substr(0,BugList.length-1) var BugArray = BugList.split(",") if( NumBugs > 1 ) { Response.Write("<p>ATTENTION: This bucket is associated with more than one Raid Bug. It is strongly recommended that you create a solution for this bucket that addresses each of its associated bugs. The bugs are listed in the Create Solution interface.</p>" ) } } } catch( err ) { Response.Write("<p>Could not get a list of bugs that are associated with this iBucket.<br>" + err.description + "</p>" ) }
var rsBucketID = g_DBConn.Execute( "DBGPortal_GetBucketIDByIBucket " + iBucket ) var BucketID = rsBucketID("BucketName" ) } else //This is for kernel mode { BucketID = iBucket BugList = "" } %> </td> </tr> <tr> <% if( RejectID != "undefined" && !isNaN( RejectID ) ) { %> <td> <p>Reason for rejecting this request:</p> <textarea id="Reason" name="Reason" style='margin-left:16px' cols='50' rows='4' id=textarea1 name=textarea1></textarea> </td> <% } else { %> <td><p><b>Bucket String:</b></p></td> <td> <p><%=BucketID%></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p><b>Bugs assigned to this iBucket:</b></p> </td> <td> <p><%=BugList%></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <%}%> <td> <input style='margin-left:16px;display:none' id='LinkButton' type='button' class='clsButton' value='Link to SolutionID' OnClick='fnLinkBucket()' > <input style='margin-left:16px;display:none' id='RejectButton' type='button' class='clsButton' value='Reject Request' OnClick='fnReject()'> </td> <td> <input style='margin-left:16px' id='CancelButton' type='button' class='clsButton' value='Cancel' OnClick='fnClose()'> </td> </tr>
</table> <hr>
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var SolutionID = 0
try {
<% if( RejectID != "undefined" && !isNaN( RejectID ) ) Response.Write( "document.all.RejectButton.style.display='block'\n" ) else { if( Mode.toString() == "user" ) Response.Write( "window.parent.frames('sepLeftNav').window.location = \"SEP_LeftNav.asp?Val=0&State=1&Mode=user\"'\n" ) else Response.Write("fnUpdate()\n" ) } %> } catch ( err ) {
function fnUpdate() { try { SolutionID = window.parent.frames('sepLeftNav').document.all.SolutionID.value if ( SolutionID != "0" ) { LinkButton.value="Link to SolutionID " + SolutionID LinkButton.style.display = 'block' } else LinkButton.style.display = 'none' } catch( err ) { alert("Could not get a SolutionID to link this bucket to. . . try refreshing the site . . . " + err.description ) } }
function fnClose() { window.parent.sepInnerBodyFrame.rows="0, *"
function fnLinkBucket() { window.location = "SEP_GoLinkSolutionToBucket.asp?SolutionType=<%=SolutionType%>&BucketID=<%=Server.URLEncode(BucketID)%>&SolutionID=" + SolutionID }
function fnReject() { window.location = "SEP_GoRejectSolutionRequest.asp?RejectID=<%=RejectID%>&Reason=" + document.all.Reason.value }