Copyright (c) 1992-2001 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name: mqrcvr.cpp
Abstract: Receives file names from server and launches debugger
// Includes
#include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <objbase.h>
#include <tchar.h>
// Unique include file for ActiveX MSMQ apps
#include <mqoai.h>
// Various defines
#define MAX_VAR 20
#define MAX_BUFFER 500
extern char g_ServerMachine[MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH*4 + 1]; extern char g_FormatName[MAX_PATH]; extern CHAR g_DumpPath[MAX_PATH + 1]; extern BOOL g_SendMail;
extern BOOL g_CreateQ; extern BOOL g_bSend;
// Prototypes
HRESULT Syntax();
HRESULT Receiver();
HRESULT LaunchDebugger(BOOL fWait);
HRESULT SendMessageText( PWCHAR pwszMsmqFormat, PWCHAR pwszMesgLabel, PWCHAR pwszMesgText );
BOOL GetArgs(int Argc, CHAR ** Argv);
int __cdecl CheckForUnprocessedDumps() { // This check s if any dumps was left unprocessed when this
// process exited (abnormally)
if (g_DumpPath[0]) { // we have an unprocessed dump.
// try and launch debugger on it
printf("Found unprocessed dump\n"); if (LaunchDebugger(FALSE) == S_OK) { g_DumpPath[0] = 0; } }
return 0; }
void SendLoop() { WCHAR Msg[100]={0}, Label[100]={0}, Format[100]={0}; CHAR Buffer[100]={0}; DWORD MsgId = 0;
_snwprintf(Format, sizeof(Format)/sizeof(Format[0]), L"%S", g_FormatName); Format[sizeof(Format)/sizeof(Format[0]) - 1] = 0; while (Buffer[0] != 'q') { printf("Enter label : "); if (!scanf("%50s", Buffer)) { Buffer[0] =0; } _snwprintf(Label, sizeof(Label)/sizeof(Label[0]), L"%02ld: %S", MsgId, Buffer); Label[sizeof(Label)/sizeof(Label[0]) -1] = 0; printf("Message %02ld : ", MsgId++); if (!scanf("%50s", Buffer)) { Buffer[0] =0; } _snwprintf(Msg, sizeof(Msg) / sizeof(Msg[0]), L"%S", Buffer); Msg[sizeof(Msg) / sizeof(Msg[0]) -1] = 0; SendMessageText(Format, Label, Msg ); }
} //-----------------------------------------------------
int __cdecl main(int argc, char * * argv) { DWORD dwNumChars; HRESULT hresult = NOERROR;
hresult = OleInitialize(NULL); if (FAILED(hresult)) { printf("Cannot init OLE", hresult); goto Cleanup; }
// Retrieve machine name
dwNumChars = MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH + 1; GetComputerNameA(g_ServerMachine, &dwNumChars);
if (GetArgs(argc, argv)) { g_DumpPath[0] = 0; _onexit( CheckForUnprocessedDumps ); if (!g_bSend) { hresult = Receiver(); } else { SendLoop(); }
} else { hresult = Syntax(); }
// fall through...
Cleanup: return(int)hresult; }
HRESULT Syntax() { printf("\n"); printf("Syntax: mqrcvr.exe -d <debugger> \n" " -f <formatname> \n" " -m <memoryusage> \n" " -mail\n" " -p <miliseconds>\n" " -q <queue>\n" " -retriage\n" " -s <server> \n" " -y <local symbol cache> \n"); return E_INVALIDARG; }