Copyright (c) 1992-2001 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name: mqrcvr.cpp
Abstract: Receives file names from server and launches debugger
// Includes
#ifndef MQEXTDLL
#include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <objbase.h>
#define dprintf printf
#include "mqext.h"
// Unique include file for ActiveX MSMQ apps
#include <mqoai.h>
#include <mq.h>
#include <strsafe.h>
// Various defines
#define MAX_VAR 20
#define MAX_BUFFER 500
// GUID created with the tool "GUIDGEN"
static WCHAR strGuidMQTestType[] = L"{c30e0960-a2c0-11cf-9785-00608cb3e80c}"; //
// Prototypes
void PrintError(char *s, HRESULT hr); HRESULT Syntax();
char g_DebuggerName[MAX_PATH]; char g_SymCache[MAX_PATH]; char g_ServerMachine[MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH*4 + 1]; char g_FormatName[MAX_PATH] = {0}; char g_QueueName[100]; CHAR g_DumpPath[MAX_PATH + 1]; BOOL g_Retriage = FALSE; BOOL g_NoCustomer = FALSE; BOOL g_SendMail = FALSE;
ULONG g_MaxMemUsage = 50; ULONG g_PauseForNext = 1000; BOOL g_CreateQ = 0; BOOL g_bSend = FALSE;
// Some useful macros
#define RELEASE(punk) if (punk) { (punk)->Release(); (punk) = NULL; }
#define ADDREF(punk) ((punk) ? (punk)->AddRef() : 0)
#define PRINTERROR(s, hr) { PrintError(s, hr); goto Cleanup; }
BOOL GetArgs(int Argc, CHAR ** Argv) {
int i = 1; g_ServerMachine[0] = 0; g_QueueName[0] = 0; StringCchCopy(g_DebuggerName, sizeof(g_DebuggerName), "c:\\Debuggers\\ocakd.exe"); StringCchCopy(g_SymCache, sizeof(g_SymCache), "c:\\symcache"); g_bSend = FALSE; while (i<Argc) { if (!strcmp(Argv[i], "-create")) { ++i; g_CreateQ = TRUE; } else if (!strcmp(Argv[i],"-d")) { // Get sender format name
++i; if ((i < Argc) && (strlen(Argv[i]) < MAX_PATH)) { StringCchCopy(g_DebuggerName, sizeof(g_DebuggerName), Argv[i]); ++i; } } else if (!strcmp(Argv[i],"-f")) { // Get sender format name
++i; if ((i < Argc) && (strlen(Argv[i]) < MAX_PATH)) { StringCchCopy(g_FormatName, sizeof(g_FormatName), Argv[i]); ++i; } } else if (!strcmp(Argv[i], "-m")) { ++i; // get memory usage value
if (i<Argc) { g_MaxMemUsage = atoi(Argv[i]); ++i; } } else if (!strcmp(Argv[i], "-mail")) { ++i; g_SendMail = TRUE; } else if (!strcmp(Argv[i], "-nocust")) { ++i; g_NoCustomer = TRUE; } else if (!strcmp(Argv[i], "-p") || !strcmp(Argv[i], "-pause")) { ++i; // get memory usage value
if (i<Argc) { g_PauseForNext = atoi(Argv[i]); ++i; } } else if (!strcmp(Argv[i], "-q")) { ++i; // Get Queue name
if ((i < Argc) && (strlen(Argv[i]) < sizeof(g_QueueName))) { StringCchCopy(g_QueueName, sizeof(g_QueueName), Argv[i]); ++i; } } else if (!strcmp(Argv[i],"-retriage")) { // Get sender server machine name
++i; g_Retriage = TRUE; } else if (!strcmp(Argv[i],"-s")) { // Get sender server machine name
++i; if ((i < Argc) && (strlen(Argv[i]) < MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH*4)) { StringCchCopy(g_ServerMachine, sizeof(g_ServerMachine), Argv[i]); ++i; } } else if (!strcmp(Argv[i],"-send")) { // Get sender server machine name
++i; g_bSend = TRUE; } else if (!strcmp(Argv[i],"-y")) { ++i; if ((i < Argc) && (strlen(Argv[i]) < MAX_PATH)) { StringCchCopy(g_SymCache, sizeof(g_SymCache), Argv[i]); ++i; } } else { printf("Unkonwn argument %s\n", Argv[i]); return FALSE; } }
return (g_ServerMachine[0] && g_QueueName[0]) || g_FormatName[0] ; }
LaunchDebugger - Launches a debugger process Input : g_DumpPath has the dump file name to run debugger on fWait - Wait for process to finish Return: Succesful creation of process or the process exit code */ HRESULT LaunchDebugger(BOOL fWait) { STARTUPINFO StartupInfo; PROCESS_INFORMATION ProcessInfo; ULONG ExitCode; TCHAR CommandLine[2048]; HRESULT hr;
ZeroMemory(&StartupInfo,sizeof(STARTUPINFO)); StartupInfo.cb = sizeof(STARTUPINFO);
StringCbPrintf(CommandLine, sizeof(CommandLine), "%s -i srv*%s*\\\\symbols\\symbols -y srv*%s*\\\\symbols\\symbols -z %s " "-c \"!dbaddcrash %s %s %s -p %s;q\"", g_DebuggerName, g_SymCache, g_SymCache, g_DumpPath, g_Retriage ? ("-retriage") : (""), g_SendMail ? ("-mail") : (""), g_NoCustomer ? ("-nocust") : (""), g_DumpPath); dprintf("Executing: %s\n", CommandLine); if (!CreateProcess(g_DebuggerName, CommandLine, NULL, NULL, FALSE, CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE, // CREATE_NO_WINDOW,
NULL, NULL, &StartupInfo, &ProcessInfo)) { hr = GetLastError(); dprintf("Failed to launch debugger for %s, error %lx\n", g_DumpPath, hr); return hr; } else if (fWait) { // wait for process to finish
WaitForSingleObject(ProcessInfo.hProcess,INFINITE); GetExitCodeProcess( ProcessInfo.hProcess, (LPDWORD) &hr);
dprintf ("Debugger Exited with Exit code: %lx",hr); } else { hr = S_OK; } CloseHandle( ProcessInfo.hThread ); CloseHandle( ProcessInfo.hProcess); return hr; }
// This creates and opens up a MSMQ to send messages. Queue is created / opened on g_ServerMachine and Queue name
// is taken from g_QueueName.
// pwszQueueFormatName - Format name identyfying the queue to be opened
// pwszQueuePathName - Path name identyfying the queue to be opened, this isn't used when
// pwszQueueFormatName is present
// bSendQueue - Specifies whether Queue has send or receive access
// On success the queue handle is returned in pStartedQ. bCreated is set depending on whether the Queue was created
// Caller must CloseSendQ after its done sending messages.
***************************************************************************************************************/ HRESULT StartMessageQ( PWSTR pwszQueueFormatName, PWSTR pwszQueuePathName, BOOL bSendQueue, QUEUEHANDLE* pStartedQ, BOOL* bCreated) { HRESULT Hr = S_OK; QUEUEHANDLE hQueue; DWORD i;
if (!pwszQueueFormatName && !pwszQueuePathName ) { Hr = E_INVALIDARG; PRINTERROR("No queue connection string specified", Hr); }
if (g_CreateQ) { MQQUEUEPROPS QueueProps; QUEUEPROPID PropIDs[2]; MQPROPVARIANT PropVariants[2]; HRESULT hrProps[2]; ULONG FormatLength = 0; i = 0; if (pwszQueueFormatName) { FormatLength = sizeof(WCHAR) * (1 + wcslen(pwszQueueFormatName)); } else if (pwszQueuePathName) { PropIDs[i] = PROPID_Q_PATHNAME; PropVariants[i].vt = VT_LPWSTR; PropVariants[i].pwszVal = pwszQueuePathName; i++; } PropIDs[i] = PROPID_Q_LABEL; PropVariants[i].vt = VT_LPWSTR; PropVariants[i].pwszVal = L"MSMQ for dumpfiles"; i++;
QueueProps.aPropID = PropIDs; QueueProps.aPropVar = PropVariants; QueueProps.cProp = i; QueueProps.aStatus = hrProps; Hr = MQCreateQueue(NULL, &QueueProps, pwszQueueFormatName, &FormatLength);
if (FAILED(Hr)) { //
// API Fails, not because the queue exists
if (((LONG) Hr) != MQ_ERROR_QUEUE_EXISTS) PRINTERROR("Cannot create queue", Hr); }
Hr = MQOpenQueue(pwszQueueFormatName, bSendQueue ? MQ_SEND_ACCESS : MQ_RECEIVE_ACCESS, MQ_DENY_NONE, &hQueue); if (FAILED(Hr)) { PRINTERROR("MQOpenQueue failed", Hr); } if (FAILED(Hr)) { PRINTERROR("Cannot open queue", Hr); } *pStartedQ = (IMSMQQueue*) hQueue; if (g_CreateQ) { *bCreated = TRUE; } return S_OK;
Cleanup: return Hr; }
// SendMSMQMessage: Sends the message string to the queue
// hSendQ QUEUEHANDLE from MQOpenQueue
// pwszMessage WCHAR array of message body to be send
// pwszMessageLabel WCHAR array specifying message label
// Returns S_OK for success
*******************************************************************************************/ HRESULT SendMsmQMessage( QUEUEHANDLE hSendQ, PWCHAR pwszMessage, PWCHAR pwszMessageLabel ) { HRESULT Hr = S_OK; DWORD i; #define NUM_PROPS 4
if (!hSendQ) { Hr = E_INVALIDARG; PRINTERROR("Invalid Send Q handle", Hr); } i = 0;
PropIds[i] = PROPID_M_LABEL; PropVariants[i].vt = VT_LPWSTR; PropVariants[i].pwszVal = pwszMessageLabel; i++; PropIds[i] = PROPID_M_BODY; PropVariants[i].vt = VT_VECTOR|VT_UI1; PropVariants[i].caub.pElems = (LPBYTE) pwszMessage; PropVariants[i].caub.cElems = sizeof(WCHAR) * ( 1 + wcslen (pwszMessage) );
i++; PropIds[i] = PROPID_M_BODY_TYPE; PropVariants[i].vt = VT_UI4; PropVariants[i].ulVal = VT_LPWSTR;
PropIds[i] = PROPID_M_TIME_TO_BE_RECEIVED; PropVariants[i].vt = VT_UI4; PropVariants[i].ulVal = 60*5; i++;
MsgProps.cProp = NUM_PROPS; MsgProps.aPropID = PropIds; MsgProps.aPropVar = PropVariants; MsgProps.aStatus = hrProps;
Hr = MQSendMessage(hSendQ, &MsgProps, MQ_NO_TRANSACTION);
if (Hr == MQ_ERROR_PROPERTY) { dprintf("MQProperty errors\n"); for (i = 0; i < NUM_PROPS; i++) { dprintf("%lx: %8lx --> %08lx\n", i, PropIds[i], hrProps[i]); } }
if (FAILED(Hr)) { PRINTERROR("MQSendMessage failed", Hr); } #undef NUM_PROPS
Hr = S_OK; Cleanup: return Hr; }
// This reveives message from an already opened queue.
// hReceiveQ QUEUEHANDLE from MQOpenQueue
// pwszMessageBuff WCHAR array for receiving message body
// SizeofMessageBuff size of available memory in pwszMessageBuff
// pwszMessageLabelBuff WCHAR array for receiving label associated with message
// SizeofMessageLabelBuff size of available memory in pwszMessageLabelBuff
// Returns S_OK for success
HRESULT ReceiveMsmQMessage( QUEUEHANDLE hReceiveQ, PWCHAR pwszMessageBuff, ULONG SizeofMessageBuff, PWCHAR pwszMessageLabelBuff, ULONG SizeofMessageLabelBuff ) { HRESULT Hr = S_OK; #define NUM_RCV_PROPS 5
if (!hReceiveQ) { Hr = E_INVALIDARG; PRINTERROR("Invalid Receive Q handle", Hr); }
i = 0;
PropIds[i] = PROPID_M_LABEL_LEN; PropVariants[i].vt = VT_UI4; PropVariants[i].ulVal = SizeofMessageLabelBuff; i++; PropIds[i] = PROPID_M_LABEL; PropVariants[i].vt = VT_LPWSTR; PropVariants[i].pwszVal = pwszMessageLabelBuff; i++; PropIds[i] = PROPID_M_BODY_SIZE; PropVariants[i].vt = VT_UI4; i++; PropIds[i] = PROPID_M_BODY_TYPE; PropVariants[i].vt = VT_UI4; i++; PropIds[i] = PROPID_M_BODY; PropVariants[i].vt = VT_VECTOR|VT_UI1; PropVariants[i].caub.pElems = (LPBYTE) pwszMessageBuff; PropVariants[i].caub.cElems = SizeofMessageBuff;
MessageProps.aPropID = PropIds; MessageProps.aPropVar = PropVariants; MessageProps.aStatus = hrProps; MessageProps.cProp = i;
Hr = MQReceiveMessage(hReceiveQ, -1, MQ_ACTION_RECEIVE, &MessageProps, NULL, NULL, NULL, MQ_NO_TRANSACTION); if (Hr == MQ_ERROR_PROPERTY) { dprintf("MQProperty errors\n"); for (i = 0; i < NUM_RCV_PROPS; i++) { dprintf("%lx: %8lx --> %08lx\n", i, PropIds[i], hrProps[i]); } }
if (FAILED(Hr)) { PRINTERROR("MQReceiveMessage failed", Hr); }
Cleanup: return Hr;
// Close a MsmQ opened with MQOpenQueue
// hQueue QUEUEHANDLE from MQOpenQueue
// bDeleteQ If set TRUE , queue would be deleted
// Returns S_OK on success
/*****************************************************************************/ HRESULT CloseMessageQ( QUEUEHANDLE hQueue, BOOL bDeleteQ ) { HRESULT Hr = S_OK; if (!hQueue || FAILED(Hr = MQCloseQueue(hQueue))) { PRINTERROR("Cannot close queue", Hr); }
if (bDeleteQ) { // XXX - need a format name
// MQDeleteQueue();
} if (FAILED(Hr)) { PRINTERROR("Cannot delete queue", Hr); }
Cleanup: return Hr;
// Receiver Mode
// -------------
// The receiver side does the following:
// 1. Creates a queue on its given computer'
// of type "guidMQTestType".
// 2. Opens the queue
// 3. In a Loop
// Receives messages
// Prints message body and message label
// Launches debugger
// 4. Cleanup handles
// 5. Deletes the queue from the directory service
HRESULT Receiver() { QUEUEHANDLE pqReceive = NULL; BSTR bstrFormatName = NULL; BSTR bstrPathName = NULL; BSTR bstrServiceType = NULL; BSTR bstrLabel = NULL; BSTR bstrMsgLabel = NULL; VARIANT varIsTransactional, varIsWorldReadable, varBody, varBody2, varWantDestQueue, varWantBody, varReceiveTimeout; WCHAR wcsPathName[1000]; BOOL fQuit = FALSE; BOOL Created= FALSE; HRESULT hresult = NOERROR;
dprintf("\nReceiver for queue %s on machine %s\nLimit memusage to %ld%%\n", g_QueueName, g_ServerMachine, g_MaxMemUsage);
// Prepare properties to create a queue on local machine
if (g_FormatName[0]) { // access by formatname
// Set the FormatName
StringCbPrintfW(wcsPathName, sizeof(wcsPathName), L"%S", g_FormatName);
dprintf("Openeing q byt formatname: %ws\n", wcsPathName); bstrFormatName = SysAllocString(wcsPathName); if (bstrFormatName == NULL) { PRINTERROR("OOM: formatname", E_OUTOFMEMORY); } } else { // access by pathname
// Set the PathName
StringCbPrintfW(wcsPathName, sizeof(wcsPathName), L"%S\\%S", g_ServerMachine,g_QueueName);
dprintf("Openeing q %ws\n", wcsPathName); bstrPathName = SysAllocString(wcsPathName); if (bstrPathName == NULL) { PRINTERROR("OOM: pathname", E_OUTOFMEMORY); } }
hresult = StartMessageQ(bstrFormatName, bstrPathName, FALSE, &pqReceive, &Created); if (FAILED(hresult)) { PRINTERROR("Cannot start Q", hresult); } g_DumpPath[0] = 0;
// Main receiver loop
dprintf("\nWaiting for messages ...\n"); while (!fQuit) { WCHAR BufferMsg[1024], BufferLabel[100]; MEMORYSTATUS stat; ULONG nWaitCount; //
// Receive the message
hresult = ReceiveMsmQMessage(pqReceive,BufferMsg, sizeof(BufferMsg), BufferLabel, sizeof(BufferLabel));
if (FAILED(hresult)) { PRINTERROR("Receive message", hresult); }
dprintf("%ws : %ws\n", BufferLabel, BufferMsg);
// Check for end of app
if (_wcsicmp(BufferMsg, L"quit") == 0) { fQuit = TRUE; } else { // Launch the debugger
StringCbPrintfA(g_DumpPath, sizeof(g_DumpPath), "%ws", BufferMsg); if (LaunchDebugger(FALSE) == S_OK) { // done with this dump
g_DumpPath[0] = 0; } }
// wait for sometime before launching another process
stat.dwMemoryLoad = -1; nWaitCount = 0; while (stat.dwMemoryLoad > g_MaxMemUsage) { //
// Check CPU load and return when it's below our bound
GlobalMemoryStatus(&stat); nWaitCount++; if (stat.dwMemoryLoad > g_MaxMemUsage) { dprintf("Memory usage now is %ld%%, waiting (%ldms) for usage < %ld%%\r", stat.dwMemoryLoad, g_PauseForNext * nWaitCount, g_MaxMemUsage); if (nWaitCount > 100) { nWaitCount = 100; } } Sleep( g_PauseForNext * nWaitCount ); } dprintf("Memory usage now is %ld%%, waiting for message ...\r", stat.dwMemoryLoad);
} /* while (!fQuit) */
// fall through...
Cleanup: CloseMessageQ(pqReceive, Created); if (bstrPathName) SysFreeString(bstrPathName); if (bstrFormatName) SysFreeString(bstrFormatName); return hresult; }
// SendMessageText - generic API to send message on an MSMQ, It opens the queue, puts message in it
// and closes the queue.
// pwszMsmqFormat - Format name identifying the queue where message is to be sent
// pwszMesgLabel - Label for the message to be sent
// pwszMesgText - Message to be sent
// Reuturns S_OK on sucess
*************************************************************************************************/ HRESULT SendMessageText( PWCHAR pwszMsmqFormat, PWCHAR pwszMesgLabel, PWCHAR pwszMesgText ) { HRESULT Hr; BOOL Created = FALSE; QUEUEHANDLE hSendQ = NULL;
Hr = StartMessageQ(pwszMsmqFormat, NULL, TRUE, &hSendQ, &Created); if (FAILED(Hr)) { PRINTERROR("Cannot start Q", Hr); } SendMsmQMessage(hSendQ, pwszMesgText, pwszMesgLabel);
Cleanup: CloseMessageQ(hSendQ, Created); return Hr; }
void PrintError(char *s, HRESULT hr) { dprintf("Cleanup: %s (0x%X)\n", s, hr); }