Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
<% var L_PASSPORTLOGIN_TEXT = "To use the Windows Online Crash Analysis Web site, sign in using your Microsoft Passport. To get a Passport, visit the <A class='clsALinkNormal' href='http://www.passport.com'>Microsoft Passport Web site</A>."; var L_PASSPORTSIGNIN_TEXT = "Passport sign-in"; var L_ONLINECRASH_TEXT = "Online Crash Analysis";
fnPrint( "<body bgcolor='#ffffff' topmargin='0' leftmargin='0' marginheight='0' marginwidth='0' tabindex='0'>" );
<!--#include file='NoScriptHeader.asp'-->
<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript"> if ( ToolBar_Supported ) { drawToolbar(); <% var L_PASSPORTSIGNOUT_TEXT = "Sign out of .NET Passport sites"; if ( Request.Cookies("OCAV3")("PPIN" ) == "1" ) Response.Write( "idICPMenuPane.insertAdjacentHTML(\"beforeEnd\", \"<Span style='position:absolute;top:0;right:5;height:20;width:100;'><center><span style='background-color:white'><A HREF='/logoutgif.asp?Signout=1'><IMG alt='' SRC='https://www.passportimages.com/" + fnGetBrowserLCID() + "/signout.gif' CLASS='PassportSignOut' BORDER='0' ALT='" + L_PASSPORTSIGNOUT_TEXT + "'></A></span></center></span>\" ) " ) %> } else { <% if ( Request.Cookies("OCAV3")("PPIN" ) == "1" ) Response.Write( "var g_AddSignoutLogo = \"<SPAN ALIGN=right><A HREF='/Logoutgif.asp?Signout=1'><IMG alt='' SRC='https://www.passportimages.com/" + fnGetBrowserLCID() + "/signout.gif' CLASS='PassportSignOut' BORDER='0' ALT='" + L_PASSPORTSIGNOUT_TEXT + "'></A></SPAN>\";" ); else Response.Write( "var g_AddSignoutLogo = \"\" " ); %>
drawDownlevelToolbar(); }
function fnPrintMenuOption( szOptionText, szOptionURL, szNameID ) { Response.Write("<table width='100%' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' border='0'>" ); Response.Write("<tr><td class='flyoutLink'>" ); Response.Write("<img alt='' src='/include/images/endnode.gif' border='0' WIDTH='11' HEIGHT='11'> " ); Response.Write("<a id='" + szNameID + "' name='" + szNameID + "' href='" + szOptionURL + "'>" + szOptionText + "</a>" ); Response.Write("</td></tr></table>"); }
function fnPrint ( szText ) { Response.Write( szText + "\n" ); }
var L_HOME_TEXT = "Home"; var L_SUBMITREPORT_TEXT = "Submit Report"; var L_STATUS_TEXT = "Status"; var L_PRIVACY_TEXT = "Privacy"; var L_FAQ_TEXT = "FAQ";
//fnPrint( "<table BORDER='0' cellpadding='10' cellspacing='0' height='73%'>");
fnPrint( "<table ID='tblMainBody' BORDER='0' cellpadding='10' cellspacing='0' height='100%'>");
fnPrint( "<tr valign='top'>" ); fnPrint( "<td class='flyoutMenu2' HEIGHT='100%'>" ); //this is the left column of the main table
//This is the inner table with the lighter background
fnPrint( "<table BORDER='0' height='100%' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' width='182'>" ); fnPrint( "<tr valign='top'>" ); fnPrint( "<td height='100%'>" );
// this is the Online crash header part of the menu
fnPrint( "<table width='100%' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' border='0'>" ); fnPrint( "<tr>" ); fnPrint( "<td class='sys-toppane-header'>" ); fnPrint( "<P CLASS='Flyouttext'>" + L_ONLINECRASH_TEXT + "</P>" ); fnPrint( "</td>" ); fnPrint( "</tr>" ); fnPrint( "</table>" ); // END TOP OF MENU HEADER
fnPrint( "<table width='100%' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' border='0' height='100%' VALIGN='top'>" ); fnPrint( "<tr>" ); fnPrint( "<td rowspan='2' height='100%' class='flyoutMenu' valign='top'>" );
fnPrintMenuOption( L_HOME_TEXT, "http://" + g_ThisServer + "/welcome.asp" );
//if ( fnIsBrowserIE() )
if( 0 ) fnPrintMenuOption( L_SUBMITREPORT_TEXT , "http://" + g_ThisServer + "/privacy.asp?t=1", "aSubmitLnk" ); fnPrintMenuOption( L_STATUS_TEXT , "https://" + g_ThisServer + "/secure/status.asp", "aStatusLnk" ); fnPrintMenuOption( L_PRIVACY_TEXT , "http://" + g_ThisServer + "/Privacy.asp?t=0", "aPrivacyLnk" ); fnPrintMenuOption( L_FAQ_TEXT , "http://" + g_ThisServer + "/FAQ.asp", "aFAQLnk" );
fnPrint( "</td>" ); fnPrint( "</tr>" ); fnPrint( "</table>" ); fnPrint( "</td>" ); fnPrint( "</tr>" ); fnPrint( "</table>" ); fnPrint( "</td>" ); fnPrint( "<td>" ); fnPrint( "<br>" );