// sdapi.idl - interface definition file for SDAPI interfaces. // Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// vim: set et ts=4 sw=4:
The Source Depot client API.
-- SUMMARY ------------------------------------------------------------
The SDAPI object manages the connection to a Source Depot server, and is controlled through the ISDClientApi interface. The SDAPI object communicates with the caller primarily through the ISDClientUser interface.
If NULL is passed for the ISDClientUser interface, the default implementation is used, which is the same as used by the SD.EXE client program. The SDAPI uses QueryInterface on the ISDClientUser pointer, to check for and acquire other callback interfaces.
Many server commands support the "structured" mode, where data is returned through the ISDClientUser::OutputStructured callback. The data is presented through the ISDVars interface in a semi-structured format retrievable via the GetVar, GetVarX, GetVarXY, and GetVarByIndex methods.
Notes: - The SDAPI object finds and reads the SD.INI file only once, when the SDAPI object is created. It looks for the SD.INI file by starting from the current directory and walking up the parent chain (same as SD.EXE does). - The SDAPI object can be used by any thread, however only one thread at a time should access the object. The SDAPI object protects itself from multithreaded concurrent access. However, some methods return pointers to volatile internal data, which could cause the caller to crash if one thread makes a call that updates internal data while another thread dereferences a pointer it received.
-- BASIC FLOW (error checking omitted for readability) ----------------
#include "initguid.h" #include "sdapi.h"
MyClientUser ui; // implements ISDClientUser ISDClientApi papi;
CreateSDAPIObject( CLSID_SDAPI, &papi );
// SetPort() is optional, but must happen before the Init()
papi->Init( &ui );
// for example, this runs "opened -l ..."
#if defined( ONEWAY )
papi->Run( "opened -l ...", &ui, FALSE );
#elif defined( ANOTHERWAY )
papi->SetArg( "-l" ); papi->SetArg( "..." ); papi->Run( "opened", &ui, FALSE );
int argc = 2; const char *argv[] = { "-l", "..." }; papi->SetArgv( argc, argv ); papi->Run( "opened", &ui, FALSE );
// release
papi->Final(); papi->Release(); papi = 0;
-- ISDClientApi -------------------------------------------------------
API for running commands against the SD server.
Init() - Connect to server and prepare to run commands. NOTE: S_FALSE means a warning (non-fatal error) was encountered.
SetArg() - Set a command argument (an arg for Run()). SetArgv() - Set command arguments (args for Run()). Run() - Run a single command. NOTE: S_FALSE means one or more warnings (non-fatal errors) were encountered.
Break() - Break connection with the server. Final() - Gracefully disconnect from the server. IsDropped() - Check if connection is no longer serviceable.
LoadIniFile() - Read settings from an ini file (same format as SD.INI).
Clone() - Create a new SDAPI object, cloning the settings from this SDAPI object.
SetPort() SetUser() SetPassword() SetClient() SetHost() SetAuth() - Override the port, user, password, client, host, or authentication package settings, overriding all defaults. The SetPort(), SetUser(), SetPassword(), or SetAuth() methods must be called before Init() in order to take effect. The SetClient() or SetHost() methods must be called before Run() to take effect.
DefinePort() DefineUser() DefinePassword() DefineClient() DefineHost() DefineAuth() - Writes the port, user, password, client, host, or authentication package settings into the registry (to take permanent effect); then calls SetPort(), etc. (to take immediate effect). NOTE: S_FALSE means a warning (non-fatal error) was encountered.
GetPort() GetUser() GetPassword() GetClient() GetHost() GetAuth() - Get the port, user, password, client, host, or authentication package settings, as determined by defaults or by the corresponding set value (the current Windows logon credentials are not exposed by GetUser() or GetPassword()).
GetDiff() GetFileEditor() GetFormEditor() GetMerge() GetPager() - Get the name of the user's external diff tool, file editor, form editor, merge tool, or pagination tool, as specified by the SDDIFF, SDUDIFF, SDEDITOR, SDUEDITOR, SDFORMEDITOR, SDMERGE, and SDPAGER variables.
GetVersion() - Get version information for the SDAPI and the server to which it is currently connected. GetErrorString()- When any of the methods returns an error, call this to retrieve a text message corresponding to the error. Also call this to retrieve the text message corresponding to the warning, when the Init, Run, or DefineXxx methods return S_FALSE.
-- ISDClientUtilities -------------------------------------------------
API for ancillary functions.
CheckMarkers() - During 'resolve', the ISDResolveUser methods may call this to check that the merged file has no conflict markers remaining.
Resolve3() - Invokes the 3-way text file resolve operation, using the indicated input files. The command is performed entirely on the client, and does not connect to the server. This is identical to the 'sd resolve3' command.
Diff() - Compare two files.
DetectType() - Detect type of file, the same way that 'sd add' detects the type of a file.
Set() - Sets variables similar to how 'sd set' does. This updates the registry without affecting the current settings of the SDAPI object.
QuerySettings() - Queries variables similar to how 'sd set' does. This returns the current settings of the SDAPI object, unless fMachine or pszService are used.
-- ISDClientUser ------------------------------------------------------
Callback interface through which the SDAPI returns the results of a command. See sample file SDClientUser.cpp for more information.
OutputInfo() OutputText() OutputBinary() OutputStructured() OutputWarning() OutputError() - Called to return the results of the command.
Finished() - Called when the command is completed.
-- ISDInputUser -------------------------------------------------------
Callback interface through which the SDAPI asks for input.
InputData() - Called to provide data to 'change -i', etc.
Prompt() PromptYesNo() ErrorPause() - Called to display a message and prompt the user for a response.
-- ISDActionUser ------------------------------------------------------
Callback interface which can override the default behavior for various user actions.
Diff() - Called by 'diff' (but not 'diff2'). Also called by 'resolve' in response to user actions.
EditForm() - Called to edit a user form (such as 'branch', 'change', 'client', 'label', etc).
EditFile() Merge() - Called by 'resolve' in response to user actions.
-- ISDResolveUser -----------------------------------------------------
Callback interface which can override default behavior for the 'resolve' command.
AutoResolve() - Called by 'resolve' to allow the SDAPI caller to intercept or override autoresolve decisions.
Resolve() - Called by 'resolve' to allow the SDAPI caller to intercept or override the interactive resolve.
-- ISDVars and ISDVars2 -----------------------------------------------
Methods for retrieving tabular data returned via OutputStructured.
ISDVars and ISDVars2 are conceptually identical, but ISDVars returns strings in a C/C++ friendly manner, and ISDVars2 returns ISDVar objects that are more C#/Java/VB friendly.
GetVar() - Get value of named variable. GetVarX() - Get values normally shown indented by '...'. GetVarXY() - Get values normally indented by '... ...'. GetVarByIndex() - Get variable name and value by index.
-- ISDVar -------------------------------------------------------------
Methods for retrieving data from a field in the data object returned via OutputStructured.
GetName() - Get name of the field. GetByteString() - Get string of bytes. GetByteCount() - Get count of bytes in the byte string. IsUnicode() - Whether the field's value is a Unicode string. GetUnicodeString() - Get Unicode string (length is GetByteCount()/2). GetVariant() - Fill a VARIANT with a BSTR containing the field's value. If the field's value is not already in Unicode, it is converted from the specified codepage.
import "unknwn.idl"; import "wtypes.idl";
cpp_quote("#ifndef DeclareInterfaceUtil") cpp_quote("#define DeclareInterfaceUtil(iface)") cpp_quote("#endif") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("#ifndef IMPL") cpp_quote("#define IMPL") cpp_quote("#endif") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("#undef SetPort // winspool.h defines this") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("#ifdef __cplusplus") cpp_quote(" interface ISDVar;") cpp_quote(" interface ISDVars;") cpp_quote(" interface ISDVars2;") cpp_quote(" interface ISDSpecForm;") cpp_quote(" interface ISDActionUser;") cpp_quote(" interface ISDInputUser;") cpp_quote(" interface ISDResolveUser;") cpp_quote(" interface ISDClientUser;") cpp_quote(" interface ISDClientApi;") cpp_quote(" interface ISDClientUtilities;") cpp_quote("#else") cpp_quote(" typedef interface ISDVar ISDVar;") cpp_quote(" typedef interface ISDVars ISDVars;") cpp_quote(" typedef interface ISDVars2 ISDVars2;") cpp_quote(" typedef interface ISDSpecForm ISDSpecForm;") cpp_quote(" typedef interface ISDActionUser ISDActionUser;") cpp_quote(" typedef interface ISDInputUser ISDInputUser;") cpp_quote(" typedef interface ISDResolveUser ISDResolveUser;") cpp_quote(" typedef interface ISDClientUser ISDClientUser;") cpp_quote(" typedef interface ISDClientApi ISDClientApi;") cpp_quote(" typedef interface ISDClientUtilities ISDClientUtilities;") cpp_quote("#endif")
// Source Depot Textual Type enum { SDTT_NONTEXT, SDTT_TEXT, SDTT_UNICODE, };
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ISDVar
[ object, uuid(054D6A99-6FD1-4AE5-AF57-D44A7C62ECE7), pointer_default(unique), local ]
interface ISDVar : IUnknown { import "objidl.idl"; import "oaidl.idl";
HRESULT GetName( [out, retval, string] const char** ppszVar); HRESULT GetByteString( [out, retval, string] const char** ppszValue); HRESULT GetByteCount( [out, retval] ULONG* pcbValue); HRESULT IsUnicode( [out, retval] BOOL* pfUnicode); HRESULT GetUnicodeString( [out, retval, string] const WCHAR** ppwzValue); HRESULT GetVariant( [out] VARIANT* pvarValue, [in] DWORD dwCodepage); }
cpp_quote("#define DeclareISDVarMembers(IPURE) \\") cpp_quote(" STDMETHOD(GetName)(THIS_ const char** ppszVar) IPURE; \\") cpp_quote(" STDMETHOD(GetByteString)(THIS_ const char** ppszValue) IPURE; \\") cpp_quote(" STDMETHOD(GetByteCount)(THIS_ ULONG* pcbValue) IPURE; \\") cpp_quote(" STDMETHOD(IsUnicode)(THIS_ BOOL* pfUnicode) IPURE; \\") cpp_quote(" STDMETHOD(GetUnicodeString)(THIS_ const WCHAR** ppwzValue) IPURE; \\") cpp_quote(" STDMETHOD(GetVariant)(THIS_ VARIANT* pvarValue, DWORD dwCodepage) IPURE; \\") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("DeclareInterfaceUtil(ISDVar)") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("#ifndef __building_SDAPI_DLL") cpp_quote("// {054D6A99-6FD1-4AE5-AF57-D44A7C62ECE7}") cpp_quote("DEFINE_GUID(IID_ISDVar, 0x54d6a99, 0x6fd1, 0x4ae5, 0xaf, 0x57, 0xd4, 0x4a, 0x7c, 0x62, 0xec, 0xe7);") cpp_quote("#endif")
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ISDVars
[ object, uuid(44897D02-B326-43B9-803A-CE72B4FF7C26), pointer_default(unique), local ]
interface ISDVars : IUnknown { import "objidl.idl"; import "oaidl.idl";
HRESULT GetVar( [in, string] const char* pszVar, [out] const char** ppszValue, [out] ULONG* pcbValue, [out] BOOL* pfIsUnicode); HRESULT GetVarX( [in, string] const char* pszVar, [in] int x, [out] const char** ppszValue, [out] ULONG* pcbValue, [out] BOOL* pfIsUnicode); HRESULT GetVarXY( [in, string] const char* pszVar, [in] int x, [in] int y, [out] const char** ppszValue, [out] ULONG* pcbValue, [out] BOOL* pfIsUnicode); HRESULT GetVarByIndex( [in] int i, [out, string] const char** ppszVar, [out] const char** ppszValue, [out] ULONG* pcbValue, [out] BOOL* pfIsUnicode); }
cpp_quote("#define DeclareISDVarsMembers(IPURE) \\") cpp_quote(" STDMETHOD(GetVar)(THIS_ const char* pszVar, const char** ppszValue, ULONG* pcbValue, BOOL* pfIsUnicode) IPURE; \\") cpp_quote(" STDMETHOD(GetVarX)(THIS_ const char* pszVar, int x, const char** ppszValue, ULONG* pcbValue, BOOL* pfIsUnicode) IPURE; \\") cpp_quote(" STDMETHOD(GetVarXY)(THIS_ const char* pszVar, int x, int y, const char** ppszValue, ULONG* pcbValue, BOOL* pfIsUnicode) IPURE; \\") cpp_quote(" STDMETHOD(GetVarByIndex)(THIS_ int i, const char** ppszVar, const char** ppszValue, ULONG* pcbValue, BOOL* pfIsUnicode) IPURE; \\") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("DeclareInterfaceUtil(ISDVars)") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("#ifndef __building_SDAPI_DLL") cpp_quote("// {44897D02-B326-43B9-803A-CE72B4FF7C26}") cpp_quote("DEFINE_GUID(IID_ISDVars, 0x44897d02, 0xb326, 0x43b9, 0x80, 0x3a, 0xce, 0x72, 0xb4, 0xff, 0x7c, 0x26);") cpp_quote("#endif")
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ISDVars2
[ object, uuid(8E6B2697-EB34-4D23-8144-5844B0B5DBE3), pointer_default(unique), local ]
interface ISDVars2 : IUnknown { import "objidl.idl"; import "oaidl.idl";
HRESULT GetVar( [in, string] const char* pszVar, [out, retval] ISDVar** ppVar); HRESULT GetVarX( [in, string] const char* pszVar, [in] int x, [out, retval] ISDVar** ppVar); HRESULT GetVarXY( [in, string] const char* pszVar, [in] int x, [in] int y, [out, retval] ISDVar** ppVar); HRESULT GetVarByIndex( [in] int i, [out, retval] ISDVar** ppVar); }
cpp_quote("#define DeclareISDVars2Members(IPURE) \\") cpp_quote(" STDMETHOD(GetVar)(THIS_ const char* pszVar, ISDVar** ppVar) IPURE; \\") cpp_quote(" STDMETHOD(GetVarX)(THIS_ const char* pszVar, int x, ISDVar** ppVar) IPURE; \\") cpp_quote(" STDMETHOD(GetVarXY)(THIS_ const char* pszVar, int x, int y, ISDVar** ppVar) IPURE; \\") cpp_quote(" STDMETHOD(GetVarByIndex)(THIS_ int i, ISDVar** ppVar) IPURE; \\") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("DeclareInterfaceUtil(ISDVars2)") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("#ifndef __building_SDAPI_DLL") cpp_quote("// {8E6B2697-EB34-4D23-8144-5844B0B5DBE3}") cpp_quote("DEFINE_GUID(IID_ISDVars2, 0x8e6b2697, 0xeb34, 0x4d23, 0x81, 0x44, 0x58, 0x44, 0xb0, 0xb5, 0xdb, 0xe3);") cpp_quote("#endif")
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ISDSpecForm
[ object, uuid(F01E61AE-FB1B-461C-A020-EB50412F1CC2), pointer_default(unique), local ]
interface ISDSpecForm : IUnknown { import "objidl.idl"; import "oaidl.idl";
HRESULT GetSchema( [out, retval] ISDVars** ppVars); HRESULT ParseSpec( [in] VARIANT* pvarSpec); HRESULT FormatSpec( [out] VARIANT* pvarSpec); HRESULT GetValue( [in, string] const char* pszName, [out] VARIANT* pvarValue); HRESULT SetValue( [in, string] const char* pszName, [in] VARIANT* pvarValue); }
cpp_quote("#define DeclareISDSpecFormMembers(IPURE) \\") cpp_quote(" STDMETHOD(GetSchema)(THIS_ ISDVars** ppVars) IPURE; \\") cpp_quote(" STDMETHOD(ParseSpec)(THIS_ VARIANT* pvarSpec) IPURE; \\") cpp_quote(" STDMETHOD(FormatSpec)(THIS_ VARIANT* pvarSpec) IPURE; \\") cpp_quote(" STDMETHOD(GetValue)(THIS_ const char* pszName, VARIANT* pvarValue) IPURE; \\") cpp_quote(" STDMETHOD(SetValue)(THIS_ const char* pszName, VARIANT* pvarValue) IPURE; \\") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("DeclareInterfaceUtil(ISDSpecForm)") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("#ifndef __building_SDAPI_DLL") cpp_quote("// {F01E61AE-FB1B-461C-A020-EB50412F1CC2}") cpp_quote("DEFINE_GUID(IID_ISDSpecForm, 0xf01e61ae, 0xfb1b, 0x461c, 0xa0, 0x20, 0xeb, 0x50, 0x41, 0x2f, 0x1c, 0xc2);") cpp_quote("#endif")
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ISDActionUser
[ object, uuid(21D212A9-C2B9-4441-B9A3-DFBA59821BCC), pointer_default(unique), local ]
interface ISDActionUser : IUnknown { import "objidl.idl"; import "oaidl.idl";
HRESULT Diff( [in, string] const char* pszDiffCmd, [in, string] const char* pszLeft, [in, string] const char* pszRight, [in] DWORD eTextual, [in, string] const char* pszFlags, [in, string] const char* pszPaginateCmd); HRESULT EditForm( [in, string] const char* pszEditCmd, [in, string] const char* pszFile); HRESULT EditFile( [in, string] const char* pszEditCmd, [in, string] const char* pszFile, [in] DWORD eTextual); HRESULT Merge( [in, string] const char* pszMergeCmd, [in, string] const char* pszBase, [in, string] const char* pszTheirs, [in, string] const char* pszYours, [in, string] const char* pszResult, [in] DWORD eTextual); }
cpp_quote("#define DeclareISDActionUserMembers(IPURE) \\") cpp_quote(" STDMETHOD(Diff)(THIS_ const char* pszDiffCmd, const char* pszLeft, const char* pszRight, DWORD eTextual, const char* pszFlags, const char* pszPaginateCmd) IPURE; \\") cpp_quote(" STDMETHOD(EditForm)(THIS_ const char* pszEditCmd, const char* pszFile) IPURE; \\") cpp_quote(" STDMETHOD(EditFile)(THIS_ const char* pszEditCmd, const char* pszFile, DWORD eTextual) IPURE; \\") cpp_quote(" STDMETHOD(Merge)(THIS_ const char* pszMergeCmd, const char* pszBase, const char* pszTheirs, const char* pszYours, const char* pszResult, DWORD eTextual) IPURE; \\") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("DeclareInterfaceUtil(ISDActionUser)") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("#ifndef __building_SDAPI_DLL") cpp_quote("// {21D212A9-C2B9-4441-B9A3-DFBA59821BCC}") cpp_quote("DEFINE_GUID(IID_ISDActionUser, 0x21d212a9, 0xc2b9, 0x4441, 0xb9, 0xa3, 0xdf, 0xba, 0x59, 0x82, 0x1b, 0xcc);") cpp_quote("#endif")
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ISDInputUser
[ object, uuid(3696BCC4-FDEB-49F9-9CED-12F4338C2669), pointer_default(unique), local ]
interface ISDInputUser : IUnknown { import "objidl.idl"; import "oaidl.idl";
HRESULT InputData( [in, out] VARIANT* pvarInput); HRESULT Prompt( [in, string] const char* pszPrompt, [in, out] VARIANT* pvarResponse, [in] BOOL fPassword); HRESULT PromptYesNo( [in, string] const char* pszPrompt); HRESULT ErrorPause( [in, string] const char* pszError); }
cpp_quote("#define DeclareISDInputUserMembers(IPURE) \\") cpp_quote(" STDMETHOD(InputData)(THIS_ VARIANT* pvarInput) IPURE; \\") cpp_quote(" STDMETHOD(Prompt)(THIS_ const char* pszPrompt, VARIANT* pvarResponse, BOOL fPassword) IPURE; \\") cpp_quote(" STDMETHOD(PromptYesNo)(THIS_ const char* pszPrompt) IPURE; \\") cpp_quote(" STDMETHOD(ErrorPause)(THIS_ const char* pszError) IPURE; \\") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("DeclareInterfaceUtil(ISDInputUser)") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("#ifndef __building_SDAPI_DLL") cpp_quote("// {3696BCC4-FDEB-49F9-9CED-12F4338C2669}") cpp_quote("DEFINE_GUID(IID_ISDInputUser, 0x3696bcc4, 0xfdeb, 0x49f9, 0x9c, 0xed, 0x12, 0xf4, 0x33, 0x8c, 0x26, 0x69);") cpp_quote("#endif")
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ISDResolveUser
[ object, uuid(F0051E40-DB07-4D12-92B5-832C55947039), pointer_default(unique), local ]
interface ISDResolveUser : IUnknown { import "objidl.idl"; import "oaidl.idl";
HRESULT AutoResolve( [in] ISDVars* pVars, [in, out] DWORD* pdwMergeHint); HRESULT Resolve( [in] ISDVars* pVars, [in, out] DWORD* pdwMergeHint, [in, string] const char* pszDiffFlags); }
cpp_quote("#define DeclareISDResolveUserMembers(IPURE) \\") cpp_quote(" STDMETHOD(AutoResolve)(THIS_ ISDVars* pVars, DWORD* pdwMergeHint) IPURE; \\") cpp_quote(" STDMETHOD(Resolve)(THIS_ ISDVars* pVars, DWORD* pdwMergeHint, const char* pszDiffFlags) IPURE; \\") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("DeclareInterfaceUtil(ISDResolveUser)") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("#ifndef __building_SDAPI_DLL") cpp_quote("// {F0051E40-DB07-4D12-92B5-832C55947039}") cpp_quote("DEFINE_GUID(IID_ISDResolveUser, 0xf0051e40, 0xdb07, 0x4d12, 0x92, 0xb5, 0x83, 0x2c, 0x55, 0x94, 0x70, 0x39);") cpp_quote("#endif")
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ISDClientUser
[ object, uuid(1D0087D5-C8EB-42A0-AFC8-DFA8B453A9B9), pointer_default(unique), local ]
interface ISDClientUser : IUnknown { import "objidl.idl"; import "oaidl.idl";
HRESULT OutputText( [in, string, size_is(cchText)] const char* pszText, [in] int cchText); HRESULT OutputBinary( [in, string, size_is(cbData)] const unsigned char* pbData, [in] int cbData); HRESULT OutputInfo( [in] int cIndent, [in, string] const char* pszInfo); HRESULT OutputWarning( [in] int cIndent, [in, string] const char* pszWarning, [in] BOOL fEmptyReason); HRESULT OutputError( [in, string] const char* pszError); HRESULT OutputStructured( [in] ISDVars* pVars); HRESULT Finished(); }
cpp_quote("#define DeclareISDClientUserMembers(IPURE) \\") cpp_quote(" STDMETHOD(OutputText)(THIS_ const char* pszText, int cchText) IPURE; \\") cpp_quote(" STDMETHOD(OutputBinary)(THIS_ const unsigned char* pbData, int cbData) IPURE; \\") cpp_quote(" STDMETHOD(OutputInfo)(THIS_ int cIndent, const char* pszInfo) IPURE; \\") cpp_quote(" STDMETHOD(OutputWarning)(THIS_ int cIndent, const char* pszWarning, BOOL fEmptyReason) IPURE; \\") cpp_quote(" STDMETHOD(OutputError)(THIS_ const char* pszError) IPURE; \\") cpp_quote(" STDMETHOD(OutputStructured)(THIS_ ISDVars* pVars) IPURE; \\") cpp_quote(" STDMETHOD(Finished)(THIS) IPURE; \\") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("DeclareInterfaceUtil(ISDClientUser)") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("#ifndef __building_SDAPI_DLL") cpp_quote("// {1D0087D5-C8EB-42A0-AFC8-DFA8B453A9B9}") cpp_quote("DEFINE_GUID(IID_ISDClientUser, 0x1D0087D5, 0xc8eb, 0x42a0, 0xaf, 0xc8, 0xdf, 0xa8, 0xb4, 0x53, 0xa9, 0xb9);") cpp_quote("#endif")
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ISDClientApi
typedef struct _SDVERINFO { DWORD dwSize; DWORD nApiMajor; DWORD nApiMinor; DWORD nApiBuild; DWORD nApiDot; DWORD nSrvMajor; DWORD nSrvMinor; DWORD nSrvBuild; DWORD nSrvDot; } SDVERINFO;
[ object, uuid(A81BB025-1174-4BC7-930E-C3158CF87237), pointer_default(unique), local ]
interface ISDClientApi : IUnknown { import "objidl.idl"; import "oaidl.idl";
HRESULT Init( [in] ISDClientUser* pUI); HRESULT GetVersion( [out] SDVERINFO* pver); HRESULT SetArg( [in, string] const char* pszArg); HRESULT SetArgv( [in] int cArgs, [in, string, size_is(cArgs)] const char** ppArgv); HRESULT Run( [in, string] const char* pszFunc, [in] ISDClientUser* pUI, [in] BOOL fStructured); HRESULT Final(); HRESULT IsDropped( [out, retval] BOOL* pfDropped); HRESULT GetErrorString( [out, retval, string] const char** ppsz); HRESULT SetPort( [in, string] const char* pszPort); HRESULT SetUser( [in, string] const char* pszUser); HRESULT SetPassword( [in, string] const char* pszPassword); HRESULT SetClient( [in, string] const char* pszClient); HRESULT SetHost( [in, string] const char* pszHost); HRESULT SetAuth( [in, string] const char* pszAuth); HRESULT DefinePort( [in, string] const char* pszPort); HRESULT DefineUser( [in, string] const char* pszUser); HRESULT DefinePassword( [in, string] const char* pszPassword); HRESULT DefineClient( [in, string] const char* pszClient); HRESULT DefineHost( [in, string] const char* pszHost); HRESULT DefineAuth( [in, string] const char* pszAuth); HRESULT GetPort( [out, retval, string] const char** ppszPort); HRESULT GetUser( [out, retval, string] const char** ppszUser); HRESULT GetPassword( [out, retval, string] const char** ppszPassword); HRESULT GetClient( [out, retval, string] const char** ppszClient); HRESULT GetHost( [out, retval, string] const char** ppszHost); HRESULT GetAuth( [out, retval, string] const char** ppszAuth); HRESULT GetDiff( [in] DWORD eTextual, [out, retval, string] const char** ppszDiffCmd); HRESULT GetFileEditor( [in] DWORD eTextual, [out, retval, string] const char** ppszEditorCmd); HRESULT GetFormEditor( [out, retval, string] const char** ppszEditorCmd); HRESULT GetMerge( [out, retval, string] const char** ppszMergeCmd); HRESULT GetPager( [out, retval, string] const char** ppszPagerCmd); HRESULT LoadIniFile( [in, string] const char* pszPath, [in] BOOL fReset); HRESULT Break(); HRESULT Clone( [in] REFIID riid, [out, retval, iid_is(riid)] void** ppvObject); }
cpp_quote("#define DeclareISDClientApiMembers(IPURE) \\") cpp_quote(" STDMETHOD(Init)(THIS_ ISDClientUser* pUI) IPURE; \\") cpp_quote(" STDMETHOD(GetVersion)(THIS_ SDVERINFO* pver) IPURE; \\") cpp_quote(" STDMETHOD(SetArg)(THIS_ const char* pszArg) IPURE; \\") cpp_quote(" STDMETHOD(SetArgv)(THIS_ int cArgs, const char** ppArgv) IPURE; \\") cpp_quote(" STDMETHOD(Run)(THIS_ const char* pszFunc, ISDClientUser* pUI, BOOL fStructured) IPURE; \\") cpp_quote(" STDMETHOD(Final)(THIS) IPURE; \\") cpp_quote(" STDMETHOD(IsDropped)(THIS_ BOOL* pfDropped) IPURE; \\") cpp_quote(" STDMETHOD(GetErrorString)(THIS_ const char** ppsz) IPURE; \\") cpp_quote(" STDMETHOD(SetPort)(THIS_ const char* pszPort) IPURE; \\") cpp_quote(" STDMETHOD(SetUser)(THIS_ const char* pszUser) IPURE; \\") cpp_quote(" STDMETHOD(SetPassword)(THIS_ const char* pszPassword) IPURE; \\") cpp_quote(" STDMETHOD(SetClient)(THIS_ const char* pszClient) IPURE; \\") cpp_quote(" STDMETHOD(SetHost)(THIS_ const char* pszHost) IPURE; \\") cpp_quote(" STDMETHOD(SetAuth)(THIS_ const char* pszAuth) IPURE; \\") cpp_quote(" STDMETHOD(DefinePort)(THIS_ const char* pszPort) IPURE; \\") cpp_quote(" STDMETHOD(DefineUser)(THIS_ const char* pszUser) IPURE; \\") cpp_quote(" STDMETHOD(DefinePassword)(THIS_ const char* pszPassword) IPURE; \\") cpp_quote(" STDMETHOD(DefineClient)(THIS_ const char* pszClient) IPURE; \\") cpp_quote(" STDMETHOD(DefineHost)(THIS_ const char* pszHost) IPURE; \\") cpp_quote(" STDMETHOD(DefineAuth)(THIS_ const char* pszAuth) IPURE; \\") cpp_quote(" STDMETHOD(GetPort)(THIS_ const char** ppszPort) IPURE; \\") cpp_quote(" STDMETHOD(GetUser)(THIS_ const char** ppszUser) IPURE; \\") cpp_quote(" STDMETHOD(GetPassword)(THIS_ const char** ppszPassword) IPURE; \\") cpp_quote(" STDMETHOD(GetClient)(THIS_ const char** ppszClient) IPURE; \\") cpp_quote(" STDMETHOD(GetHost)(THIS_ const char** ppszHost) IPURE; \\") cpp_quote(" STDMETHOD(GetAuth)(THIS_ const char** ppszAuth) IPURE; \\") cpp_quote(" STDMETHOD(GetDiff)(THIS_ DWORD eTextual, const char** ppszDiffCmd) IPURE; \\") cpp_quote(" STDMETHOD(GetFileEditor)(THIS_ DWORD eTextual, const char** ppszEditorCmd) IPURE; \\") cpp_quote(" STDMETHOD(GetFormEditor)(THIS_ const char** ppszEditorCmd) IPURE; \\") cpp_quote(" STDMETHOD(GetMerge)(THIS_ const char** ppszMergeCmd) IPURE; \\") cpp_quote(" STDMETHOD(GetPager)(THIS_ const char** ppszPagerCmd) IPURE; \\") cpp_quote(" STDMETHOD(LoadIniFile)(THIS_ const char* pszPath, BOOL fReset) IPURE; \\") cpp_quote(" STDMETHOD(Break)(THIS) IPURE; \\") cpp_quote(" STDMETHOD(Clone)(THIS_ REFIID riid, void** ppvObject) IPURE; \\") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("DeclareInterfaceUtil(ISDClientApi)") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("#ifndef __building_SDAPI_DLL") cpp_quote("// {A81BB025-1174-4BC7-930E-C3158CF87237}") cpp_quote("DEFINE_GUID(IID_ISDClientApi, 0xa81bb025, 0x1174, 0x4bc7, 0x93, 0x0e, 0xc3, 0x15, 0x8c, 0xf8, 0x72, 0x37);") cpp_quote("#endif")
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ISDClientUtilities
[ object, uuid(EFC0F46D-C483-4A70-A7EE-A261D9592ED2), pointer_default(unique), local ]
interface ISDClientUtilities : IUnknown { import "objidl.idl"; import "oaidl.idl";
HRESULT CheckMarkers( [in] ISDVars* pVars, [out, retval] BOOL* pfHasMarkers); HRESULT Resolve3( [in] ISDClientUser* pUI, [in, string] const char* aflags, [in, string] const char* dflags, [in, string] const char* pszBase, [in, string] const char* pszTheirs, [in, string] const char* pszYours, [in, string] const char* pszResult); HRESULT Diff( [in, string] const char* pszLeft, [in, string] const char* pszRight, [in, string] const char* pszFlags, [in] DWORD eForceTextual, [out, retval] ISDVars** ppVars); HRESULT DetectType( [in, string] const char* pszFile, [out] DWORD* peTextual, [out] const char** ppszType, [in] BOOL fServer); HRESULT Set( [in] const char* pszVar, [in] const char* pszValue, [in] BOOL fMachine, [in] const char* pszService); HRESULT QuerySettings( [in] const char* pszVar, [in] const char* pszService, [out, retval] ISDVars** ppVars); }
cpp_quote("#define DeclareISDClientUtilitiesMembers(IPURE) \\") cpp_quote(" STDMETHOD(CheckMarkers)(THIS_ ISDVars* pVars, BOOL* pfHasMarkers) IPURE; \\") cpp_quote(" STDMETHOD(Resolve3)(THIS_ ISDClientUser* pUI, const char* aflags, const char* dflags, const char* pszBase, const char* pszTheirs, const char* pszYours, const char* pszResult) IPURE; \\") cpp_quote(" STDMETHOD(Diff)(THIS_ const char* pszLeft, const char* pszRight, const char* pszFlags, DWORD eForceTextual, ISDVars** ppVars) IPURE; \\") cpp_quote(" STDMETHOD(DetectType)(THIS_ const char* pszFile, DWORD* peTextual, const char** ppszType, BOOL fServer) IPURE; \\") cpp_quote(" STDMETHOD(Set)(THIS_ const char* pszVar, const char* pszValue, BOOL fMachine, const char* pszService) IPURE; \\") cpp_quote(" STDMETHOD(QuerySettings)(THIS_ const char* pszVar, const char* pszService, ISDVars** ppVars) IPURE; \\") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("DeclareInterfaceUtil(ISDClientUtilities)") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("#ifndef __building_SDAPI_DLL") cpp_quote("// {EFC0F46D-C483-4A70-A7EE-A261D9592ED2}") cpp_quote("DEFINE_GUID(IID_ISDClientUtilities, 0xefc0f46d, 0xc483, 0x4a70, 0xa7, 0xee, 0xa2, 0x61, 0xd9, 0x59, 0x2e, 0xd2);") cpp_quote("#endif")
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CreateSDAPIObject
cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("STDAPI CreateSDAPIObject(REFCLSID clsid, void** ppvObj);")
[ uuid(27A2571D-DDA1-4F58-B960-DE1023344C1C), version(1.6), helpstring("Source Depot API Object") ] coclass SDAPI { interface ISDClientApi; };
cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("// {27A2571D-DDA1-4F58-B960-DE1023344C1C}") cpp_quote("DEFINE_GUID(CLSID_SDAPI, 0x27a2571d, 0xdda1, 0x4f58, 0xb9, 0x60, 0xde, 0x10, 0x23, 0x34, 0x4c, 0x1c);")