Copyright (c) 2002 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This code performs file systme and string functions
#include "pch.h"
void EnsureTrailingChar( char *sz, char c ) { int i;
i = lstrlen(sz); if (!i) return;
if (sz[i - 1] == c) return;
sz[i] = c; sz[i + 1] = '\0'; }
void EnsureTrailingBackslash( char *sz ) { return EnsureTrailingChar(sz, '\\'); }
void EnsureTrailingSlash( char *sz ) { return EnsureTrailingChar(sz, '/'); }
void EnsureTrailingCR( char *sz ) { return EnsureTrailingChar(sz, '\n'); }
void pathcpy( LPSTR trg, LPCSTR path, LPCSTR node, DWORD trgsize ) { assert (trg && path && node);
CopyString(trg, path, trgsize); EnsureTrailingBackslash(trg); CatString(trg, node, trgsize); }
BOOL EnsurePathExists( const char *path, char *existing, DWORD existingsize, BOOL fNoFileName ) { CHAR dir[_MAX_PATH + 1]; LPSTR p; DWORD dw;
__try {
if (existing) *existing = 0;
// Make a copy of the string for editing.
CopyStrArray(dir, path); if (fNoFileName) EnsureTrailingBackslash(dir);
p = dir;
// If the second character in the path is "\", then this is a UNC
// path, and we should skip forward until we reach the 2nd \ in the path.
if ((*p == '\\') && (*(p+1) == '\\')) { p++; // Skip over the first \ in the name.
p++; // Skip over the second \ in the name.
// Skip until we hit the first "\" (\\Server\).
while (*p && *p != '\\') { p++; }
// Advance over it.
if (*p) { p++; }
// Skip until we hit the second "\" (\\Server\Share\).
while (*p && *p != '\\') { p++; }
// Advance over it also.
if (*p) { p++; }
} else // Not a UNC. See if it's <drive>:
if (*(p+1) == ':' ) {
p++; p++;
// If it exists, skip over the root specifier
if (*p && (*p == '\\')) { p++; } }
while( *p ) { if ( *p == '\\' ) { *p = 0; dw = GetFileAttributes(dir); // Nothing exists with this name. Try to make the directory name and error if unable to.
if ( dw == 0xffffffff ) { if ( !CreateDirectory(dir,NULL) ) { if( GetLastError() != ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS ) { return false; } } } else { if ( (dw & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) != FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY ) { // Something exists with this name, but it's not a directory... Error
return false; } else { if (existing) CopyString(existing, dir, existingsize); } }
*p = '\\'; } p++; } SetLastError(NO_ERROR);
} __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { SetLastError( GetExceptionCode() ); return false; }
return true; }
BOOL UndoPath( char *path, char *BasePath ) { CHAR dir[MAX_PATH + 1]; LPSTR p; DWORD dw;
dw = GetLastError();
__try { CopyStrArray(dir, path); for (p = dir + strlen(dir); p > dir; p--) { if (*p == '\\') { *p = 0; if (*BasePath && !_stricmp(dir, BasePath)) break; if (!RemoveDirectory(dir)) break; } } } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { SetLastError( GetExceptionCode() ); return false; }
return true; }