#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <assert.h>
#define IGNORE_IF_SPLIT 130
#define ERROR_IF_SPLIT 131
#define ERROR_IF_NOT_SPLIT 132
#define DONT_STORE_FILES 203
#define STORE_FILE 204
#define STORE_PTR 205
#define DEL 210
#define ADD_STORE 206
#define ADD_DONT_STORE 207
#define QUERY 221
#define MAX_VERSION 20
#define MAX_PRODUCT 120
#define MAX_COMMENT 346
#define MAX_ID 10
#define MAX_DATE 8
#define MAX_TIME 8
#define MAX_UNUSED 0
// Define some constants for lengths in the transaction record
// in order to define the maximum length of the record that will
// be written to the master file.
#define TRANS_EOL 1
#define TRANS_ADD_DEL 3
#define TRANS_FILE_PTR 4
// Define some constants for determining what happened when an NT
// file was stored
#define FILE_STORED 1
#define FILE_SKIPPED 2
#define FILE_ERRORED 3
// Define some flag values for determing whether or not to add the file
// pointer to refs.ptr and file.ptr.
typedef struct _TRANSACTION { LPTSTR szId; // Id for this transaction
// This always refers to the transaction file that
// is being deleted or added
LPTSTR szDelId; // Id for a delete transaction
// This is just appended to the master file, there is
// no file created for it.
DWORD TransState; // State of this transaction
DWORD FileOrPtr; // Are we storing files or pointers?
LPTSTR szProduct; // Name of the product being added
LPTSTR szVersion; // Version of the product
LPTSTR szComment; // Description
LPTSTR szTransFileName; // Full Path and name of the Transaction file
/* ++
Description of the fields in COM_ARGS
szSrcDir Directory where source files exist
szFileName File name(s) to store in the symbols server. This may contain wild card characters
Recurse Recurse into subdirectories
szRootDir Root Directory of the symbols server
szSymbolsDir Symbols Directory under the root of the symbols server
szSrcPath Path to the files. If this is not NULL, then store a pointer to the files instead of the files. Typically, this is the same as szSrcDir. The difference is that szSrcPath is the path that the debugger will use to find the symbol file. Thus, it needs to be a network share, whereas szSrcDir can be a local path.
szId Reference string for this transaction. This must be unique for each transaction.
szAdminDir Admin directory under the root of the symbols server
szProduct Name of the product szVersion Version of the product szComment Text description ... optional szMasterFileName The full path and name of the master file. This contains the master transaction record for each transaction. szServerFileName The full path and name of the file that contains a list of all the transactions that are currently stored in the server. szTransFileName The full path and name of the file that contains a list of all the files added by this transaction. This only gets initialized during GetCommandLineArgs if symstore is only supposed to store the transaction file and not store any files on the symbol server. szShareName This is used with the /x option. It is a prefix of szFileName. It is the part of szFileName that may change later when the files are added to the server. TransState Is this TRANSACTION_ADD or TRANSACTION_DEL StoreFlags Possible values: STORE or DONT_STORE AppendStoreFile When storing to a file instead of adding the files to the symbol server, open the file with append.
-- */ typedef struct _COMMAND_ARGS { LPTSTR szSrcDir; LPTSTR szFileName; BOOL StorePtrs; BOOL Recurse; LPTSTR szRootDir; LPTSTR szSymbolsDir; LPTSTR szSrcPath; LPTSTR szId; LPTSTR szAdminDir; LPTSTR szProduct; LPTSTR szVersion; LPTSTR szComment; LPTSTR szUnused; LPTSTR szMasterFileName; LPTSTR szServerFileName; LPTSTR szTransFileName; LPTSTR szShareName; DWORD ShareNameLength; DWORD TransState; DWORD StoreFlags; BOOL AppendStoreFile; FILE *pStoreFromFile; BOOL AppendIDToFile; BOOL VerboseOutput; DWORD Filter; BOOL CorruptBinaries; } COM_ARGS, *PCOM_ARGS;
typedef struct _FILE_COUNTS { DWORD NumPassedFiles; DWORD NumIgnoredFiles; DWORD NumFailedFiles; } FILE_COUNTS, *PFILE_COUNTS;
BOOL StoreDbg( LPTSTR szDestDir, LPTSTR szFileName, LPTSTR szPtrFileName, USHORT *rc_flag );
BOOL StorePdb( LPTSTR szDestDir, LPTSTR szFileName, LPTSTR szPtrFileName, // If this is NULL, then the file is stored.
// If this is not NULL, then a pointer to
// the file is stored.
USHORT *rc_flag
BOOL DeleteAllFilesInDirectory( LPTSTR szDir );
ULONG GetMaxLineOfRefsPtrFile( VOID );
typedef struct _LIST { LIST_ELEM *List; // Pointers to the file names
DWORD dNumFiles; } LIST, *P_LIST;
P_LIST GetList( LPTSTR szFileName );
BOOL InList( LPTSTR szFileName, P_LIST pExcludeList );
BOOL StoreNtFile( LPTSTR szDestDir, LPTSTR szFileName, LPTSTR szPtrFileName, USHORT *rc );
DWORD StoreFromFile( FILE *pStoreFromFile, LPTSTR szDestDir, PFILE_COUNTS pFileCounts );
BOOL MyCopyFile( LPCTSTR lpExistingFileName, LPCTSTR lpNewFileName );
_TCHAR * _tcsistr( _TCHAR *s1, _TCHAR *s2 );
void MyEnsureTrailingChar( char *sz, char c );
void MyEnsureTrailingBackslash( char *sz );
void MyEnsureTrailingSlash( char *sz );
void MyEnsureTrailingCR( char *sz );
// returns TRUE if Filename matches the regexp /.*~\d+\..{0,3}/
BOOL DoesThisLookLikeAShortFilenameHack(char *Filename);
// from sharedutils.c
DWORD PrivateGetFullPathName(LPCTSTR lpFilename, DWORD nBufferLength, LPTSTR lpBuffer, LPTSTR *lpFilePart);
extern HANDLE hTransFile; extern DWORD StoreFlags; extern PCOM_ARGS pArgs; extern PTRANSACTION pTrans; extern LONG lMaxTrans; // Maximum number of characters in a transaction record
extern BOOL PubPriPriority;
BOOL FileExists(IN LPCSTR FileName, OUT PWIN32_FIND_DATA FindData);