#include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "pdb.h"
#include "dbghelp.h"
#include "cvinfo.h"
#include "cvexefmt.h"
#include "share.h"
#include "winbase.h"
#include "symutil_c.h"
BOOL PDBPrivateStripped(PDB *ppdb, DBI *pdbi ) { AGE age; BOOL PrivateStripped; GSI *pgsi; BOOL valid;
age = pdbi->QueryAge();
if (age == 0) {
// If the age is 0, then check for types to determine if this is
// a private pdb or not. PDB 5.0 and earlier may have types and no
// globals if the age is 0.
PrivateStripped= PDBTypesStripped(ppdb, pdbi) && PDBLinesStripped(ppdb, pdbi);
} else { // Otherwise, use globals to determine if the private info is
// stripped or not. No globals means that private is stripped.
__try { valid = pdbi->OpenGlobals(&pgsi); } __except( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { valid= FALSE; }
if ( !valid ) { return FALSE; }
// Now, see if there are any globals in the pdb.
valid=TRUE; __try { PrivateStripped= ((pgsi->NextSym(NULL)) == NULL); } __except( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { valid= FALSE; }
GSIClose(pgsi); if ( !valid ) { return FALSE; } } return (PrivateStripped); }
BOOL PDBLinesStripped( PDB *ppdb, DBI *pdbi ) { // Return values:
// FALSE - Private Information has NOT been stripped
// TRUE - Private Information has been stripped
Mod *pmod; Mod *prevmod; long cb;
pmod = NULL; prevmod=NULL; while (DBIQueryNextMod(pdbi, pmod, &pmod) && pmod) { if (prevmod != NULL) ModClose(prevmod);
// Check that Source line info is removed
ModQueryLines(pmod, NULL, &cb);
if (cb != 0) { ModClose(pmod); return FALSE; }
// Check that local symbols are removed
ModQuerySymbols(pmod, NULL, &cb);
if (cb != 0) { ModClose(pmod); return FALSE; } prevmod=pmod; } if (pmod != NULL) ModClose(pmod); if (prevmod != NULL) ModClose(prevmod);
return (TRUE); }
BOOL PDBTypesStripped( PDB *ppdb, DBI *pdbi ) { // Return values:
// FALSE - Private Information has NOT been stripped
// TRUE - Private Information has been stripped
unsigned itsm; TPI *ptpi; TI tiMin; TI tiMac;
// Check that types are removed
for ( itsm = 0; itsm < 256; itsm++) { ptpi = 0; if (DBIQueryTypeServer(pdbi, (ITSM) itsm, &ptpi)) { continue; } if (!ptpi) {
PDBOpenTpi(ppdb, pdbRead, &ptpi); tiMin = TypesQueryTiMinEx(ptpi); tiMac = TypesQueryTiMacEx(ptpi); if (tiMin < tiMac) { TypesClose(ptpi); return FALSE; } } } TypesClose(ptpi); return (TRUE); }
BOOL DBGPrivateStripped( PCHAR DebugData, ULONG DebugSize )
OMFSignature *CvDebugData, *NewStartCvSig, *NewEndCvSig; OMFDirEntry *CvDebugDirEntry; OMFDirHeader *CvDebugDirHead; unsigned int i, j; BOOL RC = TRUE;
// All the NT4 DBG's are coming returning FALSE. Make this return TRUE until
// we figure out exactly how to do it.
return (TRUE);
if (DebugSize == 0) return (TRUE);
__try { CvDebugDirHead = NULL; CvDebugDirEntry = NULL; CvDebugData = (OMFSignature *)DebugData;
if ((((*(PULONG)(CvDebugData->Signature)) == '90BN') || ((*(PULONG)(CvDebugData->Signature)) == '80BN') || ((*(PULONG)(CvDebugData->Signature)) == '11BN')) && ((CvDebugDirHead = (OMFDirHeader *)((PUCHAR) CvDebugData + CvDebugData->filepos)) != NULL) && ((CvDebugDirEntry = (OMFDirEntry *)((PUCHAR) CvDebugDirHead + CvDebugDirHead->cbDirHeader)) != NULL)) {
// Walk the directory. Keep what we want, zero out the rest.
for (i=0, j=0; i < CvDebugDirHead->cDir; i++) { switch (CvDebugDirEntry[i].SubSection) { case sstSegMap: case sstSegName: case sstOffsetMap16: case sstOffsetMap32: case sstModule: case SSTMODULE: case SSTPUBLIC: case sstPublic: case sstPublicSym: case sstGlobalPub: break;
default: // If we find any other subsections, the dbg has private symbols
RC = FALSE; break; } }
return(RC); }
if (*phFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { CloseHandle(*phFile); return(NULL); }
hFileMap = CreateFileMapping( *phFile, NULL, PAGE_READONLY, 0, 0, NULL );
if ( !hFileMap) { CloseHandle(*phFile); CloseHandle(hFileMap); return(NULL); }
pDbgHeader = (PIMAGE_SEPARATE_DEBUG_HEADER) MapViewOfFile( hFileMap, FILE_MAP_READ, 0, // high
0, // low
0 // whole file
); CloseHandle(hFileMap);
if ( !pDbgHeader ) { UnmapFile((LPCVOID)pDbgHeader, *phFile); return(NULL); }
return (pDbgHeader); }
BOOL UnmapFile( LPCVOID phFileMap, HANDLE hFile ) { if ((PHANDLE)phFileMap != NULL) { UnmapViewOfFile( phFileMap ); } if (hFile) { CloseHandle(hFile); } return(TRUE); }
IMAGE_DEBUG_DIRECTORY UNALIGNED * GetDebugDirectoryInDbg( PIMAGE_SEPARATE_DEBUG_HEADER pDbgHeader, ULONG *NumberOfDebugDirectories ) /* Dbg is already mapped and a pointer to the base is
passed in. Returns a pointer to the Debug directories */ { IMAGE_DEBUG_DIRECTORY UNALIGNED *pDebugDirectory = NULL;
pDebugDirectory = (PIMAGE_DEBUG_DIRECTORY) ((PCHAR)pDbgHeader + sizeof(IMAGE_SEPARATE_DEBUG_HEADER) + pDbgHeader->NumberOfSections * sizeof(IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER) + pDbgHeader->ExportedNamesSize);
if (!pDebugDirectory) { return(NULL); }
(*NumberOfDebugDirectories) = pDbgHeader->DebugDirectorySize / sizeof(IMAGE_DEBUG_DIRECTORY); return (pDebugDirectory);