Copyright (c) 1999-2002 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
#include "precomp.hxx"
#pragma hdrstop
//Current Help Id for Open, Merge, Save and Open project dialog box
WORD g_CurHelpId;
// Number of dialog/message boxes currently open
int g_nBoxCount;
BOOL g_fNoPopups;
HWND MDIGetActive( HWND hwndParent, BOOL *lpbMaximized ) /*++
Routine Description:
Create the command window.
hwndParent - The parent window to the command window. In an MDI document, this is usually the handle to the MDI client window: g_hwndMDIClient
Return Value:
The return value is the handle to the active MDI child window.
NULL if no MDI window has been created.
--*/ { Assert(IsWindow(hwndParent)); return (HWND)SendMessage(hwndParent, WM_MDIGETACTIVE, 0, (LPARAM)lpbMaximized ); }
/*** hGetBoxParent
** ** Synopsis: ** hwnd = hGetBoxParent() ** ** Entry: ** none ** ** Returns: ** ** Description: ** Gets a suitable parent window handle for an ** invocation of a message or dialog box. ** Helper function to util.c functions so declared ** near. ** */
HWND hGetBoxParent() { HWND hCurWnd; int i = 0;
hCurWnd = GetFocus(); if (hCurWnd) { while (GetWindowLong(hCurWnd, GWL_STYLE) & WS_CHILD) { hCurWnd = GetParent(hCurWnd); Dbg((++i < 100)); } } else { hCurWnd = g_hwndFrame; }
return hCurWnd; }
PURPOSE: General purpose message box routine which takes a pointer to the message text. Provides program title as caption.
int MsgBox( HWND hwndParent, PTSTR szText, UINT wType ) /*++
Routine Description:
Generial purpose message box routine which takes a pointer to a message text and prvoides the program title for the caption of the message box.
hwndParament - Supplies the parent window handle for the message box szText - Supplies a pointer to the message box text. wType - Supplies the message box type (to specify buttons)
Return Value:
Returns the message box return code
{ int MsgBoxRet = IDOK;
if (g_fNoPopups) { //
// log the string to the command win in case testing
// or when the remote server is running
CmdLogFmt (_T("%s\r\n"), szText); } else { // If windbg is minimized we need to restore
// it so that the message box shows up.
if (hwndParent == g_hwndFrame && IsIconic(hwndParent)) { ShowWindow(hwndParent, SW_RESTORE); } g_nBoxCount++; MsgBoxRet = MessageBox(hwndParent, szText, g_MainTitleText, wType); g_nBoxCount--; }
return MsgBoxRet; } /* MsgBox() */
/*** ErrorBox
** ** Returns: ** FALSE ** ** Description: ** Display an error message box with an "Error" title, an OK ** button and a Exclamation Icon. First parameter is a ** reference string in the ressource file. The string ** can contain printf formatting chars, the arguments ** follow from the second parameter onwards. ** */
BOOL ErrorBox( HWND hwnd, UINT type, int wErrorFormat, ... ) { TCHAR szErrorFormat[MAX_MSG_TXT]; TCHAR szErrorText[MAX_VAR_MSG_TXT]; // size is as big as considered necessary
va_list vargs;
// load format string from resource file
Dbg(LoadString(g_hInst, wErrorFormat, (PTSTR)szErrorFormat, MAX_MSG_TXT));
va_start(vargs, wErrorFormat); _vstprintf(szErrorText, szErrorFormat, vargs); va_end(vargs);
if (hwnd == NULL) { hwnd = g_hwndFrame; }
if (type == 0) { type = MB_TASKMODAL; }
MsgBox(g_hwndFrame, (PTSTR)szErrorText, type | MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION); return FALSE; //Keep it always FALSE please
/*** InformationBox
** ** Description: ** Display an information message box with an "Information" ** title, an OK button and an Information Icon. ** */
void InformationBox( WORD wDescript ... ) { TCHAR szFormat[MAX_MSG_TXT]; TCHAR szText[MAX_VAR_MSG_TXT]; // size is as big as considered necessary
va_list vargs;
// load format string from resource file
Dbg(LoadString(g_hInst, wDescript, (PTSTR)szFormat, MAX_MSG_TXT));
// set up szText from passed parameters
va_start(vargs, wDescript); _vstprintf(szText, szFormat, vargs); va_end(vargs);
return; }
/*** QuestionBox
** ** Synopsis: ** int = QuestionBox(wCaptionId, wMsgFormat, wType, ...) ** ** Entry: ** ** Returns: ** The result of the message box call ** ** Description: ** Display an query box with combination of YES, NO and ** CANCEL buttons and a question mark Icon. ** See ErrorBox for discussion. ** */
int CDECL QuestionBox( WORD wMsgFormat, UINT wType, ... ) { TCHAR szMsgFormat[MAX_MSG_TXT]; TCHAR szMsgText[MAX_VAR_MSG_TXT]; va_list vargs;
//Load format string from resource file
Dbg(LoadString(g_hInst, wMsgFormat, (PTSTR)szMsgFormat, MAX_MSG_TXT));
//Set up szMsgText from passed parameters
va_start(vargs, wType); _vstprintf(szMsgText, szMsgFormat, vargs); va_end(vargs);
return MsgBox(g_hwndFrame, szMsgText, wType | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_TASKMODAL); } /* QuestionBox() */
FUNCTION: QuestionBox2
PURPOSE: Display an query box with combination of YES, NO and CANCEL buttons and a question mark Icon. The type and the parent window are adjustable.
RETURNS: MessageBox result
****************************************************************************/ int CDECL QuestionBox2( HWND hwnd, WORD wMsgFormat, UINT wType, ... ) { TCHAR szMsgFormat[MAX_MSG_TXT]; TCHAR szMsgText[MAX_VAR_MSG_TXT]; va_list vargs;
//Load format string from resource file
Dbg(LoadString(g_hInst, wMsgFormat, (PTSTR)szMsgFormat, MAX_MSG_TXT));
//Set up szMsgText from passed parameters
va_start(vargs, wType); _vstprintf(szMsgText, szMsgFormat, vargs); va_end(vargs);
return MsgBox(hwnd, szMsgText, wType | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); } /* QuestionBox2() */
/*** ShowAssert
** ** Synopsis: ** void = ShowAssert(szCond, iLine, szFile) ** ** Entry: ** szCond - tokenized form of the failed condition ** iLine - Line number for the assertion ** szFile - File for the assertion ** ** Returns: ** void ** ** Description: ** Prepare and display a Message Box with szCondition, iLine and ** szFile as fields. ** */ void ShowAssert( PTSTR condition, UINT line, PTSTR file ) { TCHAR text[MAX_VAR_MSG_TXT];
//Build line, show assertion and exit program
_stprintf(text, _T("- Line:%u, File:%Fs, Condition:%Fs"), (WPARAM) line, file, condition);
PTSTR szAssertFile = _T("assert.wbg"); HANDLE hFile = NULL;
hFile = CreateFile(szAssertFile, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL ); if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hFile) { // Write the text out to the file
DWORD dwBytesWritten = 0; Assert(WriteFile(hFile, text, _tcslen(text), &dwBytesWritten, NULL)); Assert(_tcslen(text) == dwBytesWritten); CloseHandle(hFile); }
int Action = MessageBox(GetDesktopWindow(), text, "Assertion Failure", MB_ABORTRETRYIGNORE); if (Action == IDABORT) { exit(3); } else if (Action == IDRETRY) { DebugBreak(); } } // ShowAssert()
/*** StartDialog
** ** Synopsis: ** int = StartDialog(rcDlgNb, dlgProc, lParam) ** ** Entry: ** rcDlgNb - Resource number of dialog to be openned ** dlgProc - Filter procedure for the dialog ** lParam - Data passed into the dlg proc via LPARAM ** ** Returns: ** Result of the dialog box call ** ** Description: ** Loads and execute the dialog box 'rcDlgNb' (resource ** file string number) associated with the dialog ** function 'dlgProc' ** */
int StartDialog( int rcDlgNb, DLGPROC dlgProc, LPARAM lParam ) { LRESULT result;
//Execute Dialog Box
g_nBoxCount++; result = DialogBoxParam(g_hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(rcDlgNb), hGetBoxParent(), dlgProc, lParam ); Assert(result != (LRESULT)-1); g_nBoxCount--;
return (int)result; }
void ProcessNonDlgMessage(LPMSG Msg) { #if 0
{ DebugPrint("NonDlg msg %X for %p, args %X %X\n", Msg->message, Msg->hwnd, Msg->wParam, Msg->lParam); } #endif
// If a keyboard message is for the MDI , let the MDI client
// take care of it. Otherwise, check to see if it's a normal
// accelerator key (like F3 = find next). Otherwise, just handle
// the message as usual.
if (!TranslateMDISysAccel(g_hwndMDIClient, Msg) && !TranslateAccelerator(g_hwndFrame, g_hMainAccTable, Msg)) { //
// If this is a right-button-down over a child window,
// automatically activate the window's contex menu.
if (Msg->message == WM_RBUTTONDOWN && IsChild(g_hwndMDIClient, Msg->hwnd)) { HMENU Menu; PCOMMONWIN_DATA CmnWin; POINT ScreenPt; POINT Pt = {LOWORD(Msg->lParam), HIWORD(Msg->lParam)}; ClientToScreen(Msg->hwnd, &Pt); ScreenPt = Pt; ScreenToClient(g_hwndMDIClient, &Pt); HWND Win = ChildWindowFromPointEx(g_hwndMDIClient, Pt, CWP_SKIPINVISIBLE); if (Win != NULL && (CmnWin = GetCommonWinData(Win)) != NULL && (Menu = CmnWin->GetContextMenu()) != NULL) { UINT Item = TrackPopupMenu(Menu, TPM_LEFTALIGN | TPM_TOPALIGN | TPM_NONOTIFY | TPM_RETURNCMD | TPM_RIGHTBUTTON, ScreenPt.x, ScreenPt.y, 0, Msg->hwnd, NULL); if (Item) { CmnWin->OnContextMenuSelection(Item); } return; } } TranslateMessage(Msg); DispatchMessage(Msg); } }
void ProcessPendingMessages(void) { MSG Msg; // Process all available messages.
while (PeekMessage(&Msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_NOREMOVE)) { if (!GetMessage(&Msg, NULL, 0, 0)) { g_Exit = TRUE; break; }
if (g_FindDialog == NULL || !IsDialogMessage(g_FindDialog, &Msg)) { ProcessNonDlgMessage(&Msg); } } }
PURPOSE: Opens a Dialog box with a title and accepting a printf style for text. It's for DEBUGGING USE ONLY
****************************************************************************/ int InfoBox( PTSTR text, ... ) { TCHAR buffer[MAX_MSG_TXT]; va_list vargs;
va_start(vargs, text); _vstprintf(buffer, text, vargs); va_end(vargs); return MsgBox(GetActiveWindow(), buffer, MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION | MB_TASKMODAL); }
void ExitDebugger(PDEBUG_CLIENT Client, ULONG Code) { if (Client != NULL) { if (g_RemoteClient) { // Disconnect from server.
Client->EndSession(DEBUG_END_DISCONNECT); } else { Client->EndSession(DEBUG_END_PASSIVE); // Force servers to get cleaned up.
Client->EndSession(DEBUG_END_REENTRANT); } }
ExitProcess(Code); }
// XXX drewb - Is this functionality present in other utilities?
// FatalErrorBox is close. Probably can combine something here.
void ErrorExit(PDEBUG_CLIENT Client, PCSTR Format, ...) { char Message[1024]; va_list Args;
va_start(Args, Format); _vsnprintf(Message, sizeof(Message), Format, Args); va_end(Args);
// XXX drewb - Could put up message box.
ExitDebugger(Client, E_FAIL); }
LPSTR FormatAddr64( ULONG64 addr ) /*++
Routine Description:
Format a 64 bit address, showing the high bits or not according to various flags.
An array of static string buffers is used, returning a different buffer for each successive call so that it may be used multiple times in the same printf.
addr - Supplies the value to format
Return Value:
A pointer to the string buffer containing the formatted number
--*/ { static CHAR strings[MAX_FORMAT_STRINGS][20]; static int next = 0; LPSTR string;
string = strings[next]; ++next; if (next >= MAX_FORMAT_STRINGS) { next = 0; } if (g_Ptr64) { sprintf(string, "%08x`%08x", (ULONG)(addr>>32), (ULONG)addr); } else { sprintf(string, "%08x", (ULONG)addr); } return string; }
static BOOL FAddToSearchPath = FALSE; static BOOL FAddToRootMap = FALSE;
** AppendFilter ** ** Description: ** Append a filter to an existing filters string. ** */
BOOL AppendFilter( WORD filterTextId, int filterExtId, PTSTR filterString, int *len, int maxLen ) { int size; TCHAR Tmp[MAX_MSG_TXT];
// Append filter text
Dbg(LoadString(g_hInst, filterTextId, Tmp, MAX_MSG_TXT)); size = _tcslen(Tmp) + 1; if (*len + size > maxLen) { return FALSE; } memmove(filterString + *len, Tmp, size); *len += size;
// Append filter extension
Dbg(LoadString(g_hInst, filterExtId, Tmp, MAX_MSG_TXT)); size = _tcslen(Tmp) + 1; if (*len + size > maxLen) { return FALSE; } memmove(filterString + *len, Tmp, size); *len += size;
return TRUE; }
** InitFilterString ** ** Description: ** Initialize file filters for file dialog boxes. */
void InitFilterString( WORD titleId, PTSTR filter, int maxLen ) { int len = 0;
switch (titleId) { case DLG_Browse_CrashDump_Title: AppendFilter(TYP_File_DUMP, DEF_Ext_DUMP, filter, &len, maxLen); break;
case DLG_Browse_Executable_Title: AppendFilter(TYP_File_EXE, DEF_Ext_EXE, filter, &len, maxLen); break;
case DLG_Browse_LogFile_Title: AppendFilter(TYP_File_LOG, DEF_Ext_LOG, filter, &len, maxLen); break;
case DLG_Open_Filebox_Title: case DLG_Browse_Filebox_Title: case DLG_Browse_Source_Path_Title: AppendFilter(TYP_File_SOURCE, DEF_Ext_SOURCE, filter, &len, maxLen); AppendFilter(TYP_File_INCLUDE, DEF_Ext_INCLUDE, filter, &len, maxLen); AppendFilter(TYP_File_ASMSRC, DEF_Ext_ASMSRC, filter, &len, maxLen); AppendFilter(TYP_File_INC, DEF_Ext_INC, filter, &len, maxLen); AppendFilter(TYP_File_RC, DEF_Ext_RC, filter, &len, maxLen); AppendFilter(TYP_File_DLG, DEF_Ext_DLG, filter, &len, maxLen); AppendFilter(TYP_File_DEF, DEF_Ext_DEF, filter, &len, maxLen); AppendFilter(TYP_File_MAK, DEF_Ext_MAK, filter, &len, maxLen); break;
case DLG_Browse_DbugDll_Title: AppendFilter(TYP_File_DLL, DEF_Ext_DLL, filter, &len, maxLen); break;
case DLG_Browse_Symbol_Path_Title: AppendFilter(TYP_File_Symbols, DEF_Ext_Symbols, filter, &len, maxLen); AppendFilter(TYP_File_EXE, DEF_Ext_EXE, filter, &len, maxLen); AppendFilter(TYP_File_DLL, DEF_Ext_DLL, filter, &len, maxLen); break; case DLG_Browse_Image_Path_Title: AppendFilter(TYP_File_EXE, DEF_Ext_EXE, filter, &len, maxLen); AppendFilter(TYP_File_DLL, DEF_Ext_DLL, filter, &len, maxLen); break; case DLG_Write_Text_File_Title: AppendFilter(TYP_File_TXT, DEF_Ext_TXT, filter, &len, maxLen); break;
case DLG_Open_Workspace_File_Title: case DLG_Save_Workspace_File_Title: AppendFilter(TYP_File_Workspace, DEF_Ext_Workspace, filter, &len, maxLen); break;
default: Assert(FALSE); break; }
AppendFilter(TYP_File_ALL, DEF_Ext_ALL, filter, &len, maxLen); filter[len] = _T('\0'); }
BOOL StartFileDlg( HWND hwnd, int titleId, int defExtId, int helpId, int templateId, PTSTR InitialDir, PTSTR fileName, DWORD* pFlags, LPOFNHOOKPROC lpfnHook )
Routine Description:
This function is used by windbg to open the set of common file handling dialog boxes.
hwnd - Supplies the wnd to hook the dialog box to
titleId - Supplies the string resource of the title
defExtId - Supplies The default extension resource string
helpId - Supplies the help number for the dialog box
templateId - Supplies the dialog resource number if non-zero
fileName - Supplies the default file name
pFiles - Supplies a pointer to flags
lpfnHook - Supplies the address of a hook procedure for the dialog
Return Value:
The result of the dialog box call (usually TRUE for OK and FALSE for cancel)
{ #define filtersMaxSize 350
OPENFILENAME_NT4 OpenFileName = {0}; TCHAR title[MAX_MSG_TXT]; TCHAR defExt[MAX_MSG_TXT]; BOOL result; TCHAR filters[filtersMaxSize]; LPOFNHOOKPROC lpDlgHook = NULL; HCURSOR hSaveCursor; TCHAR files[_MAX_PATH + 8]; TCHAR szExt[_MAX_EXT + 8]; TCHAR szBase[_MAX_PATH + 8]; int indx; TCHAR fname[_MAX_FNAME]; TCHAR ext[_MAX_EXT]; PTSTR LocalInitialDir = NULL;
if (InitialDir == NULL || !InitialDir[0]) { DWORD retval = GetCurrentDirectory(NULL, NULL); InitialDir = (PTSTR)calloc(retval, sizeof(TCHAR) ); if (InitialDir == NULL) { return FALSE; } GetCurrentDirectory(retval, InitialDir); LocalInitialDir = InitialDir; }
if (DLG_Browse_Filebox_Title == titleId) { _tsplitpath( fileName, NULL, NULL, fname, ext ); _tmakepath( files, NULL, NULL, fname, ext ); } else { _tcscpy(files, fileName); }
// Set the Hour glass cursor
hSaveCursor = SetCursor(LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_WAIT));
InitFilterString((WORD)titleId, (PTSTR)filters, (int)filtersMaxSize); Dbg(LoadString(g_hInst, titleId, (PTSTR)title, MAX_MSG_TXT)); Dbg(LoadString(g_hInst, defExtId, (PTSTR)defExt, MAX_MSG_TXT)); if (templateId) { //
// Build dialog box Name
*pFlags |= OFN_ENABLETEMPLATE; OpenFileName.lpTemplateName = MAKEINTRESOURCE(templateId); } else { *pFlags |= OFN_EXPLORER; }
// Make instance for _T('dlgProc')
if (lpfnHook) { lpDlgHook = lpfnHook;
*pFlags |= OFN_ENABLEHOOK; }
g_CurHelpId = (WORD) helpId; OpenFileName.lStructSize = sizeof(OpenFileName); OpenFileName.hwndOwner = hwnd; OpenFileName.hInstance = g_hInst; OpenFileName.lpstrFilter = (PTSTR)filters; OpenFileName.lpstrCustomFilter = NULL; OpenFileName.nMaxCustFilter = 0; OpenFileName.nFilterIndex = 1; OpenFileName.lpstrFile = files; OpenFileName.nMaxFile = _MAX_PATH; OpenFileName.lpstrFileTitle = NULL; OpenFileName.lpstrInitialDir = InitialDir; OpenFileName.lpstrTitle = (PTSTR)title; OpenFileName.Flags = *pFlags; OpenFileName.lpstrDefExt = (PTSTR)NULL; OpenFileName.lCustData = 0L; OpenFileName.lpfnHook = lpDlgHook;
switch (titleId) { case DLG_Open_Filebox_Title: _tcscat(OpenFileName.lpstrFile, defExt); // fall thru
case DLG_Browse_Executable_Title: case DLG_Browse_CrashDump_Title: case DLG_Browse_Symbol_Path_Title: case DLG_Browse_Source_Path_Title: case DLG_Browse_Image_Path_Title: case DLG_Open_Workspace_File_Title: result = GetOpenFileName((LPOPENFILENAME)&OpenFileName); break;
case DLG_Browse_LogFile_Title: if (fileName) { _tcscpy(OpenFileName.lpstrFile, fileName); } else { *OpenFileName.lpstrFile = 0; } result = GetOpenFileName((LPOPENFILENAME)&OpenFileName); break;
case DLG_Browse_DbugDll_Title: *(OpenFileName.lpstrFile) = _T('\0'); result = GetOpenFileName((LPOPENFILENAME)&OpenFileName); break;
case DLG_Browse_Filebox_Title: _tsplitpath (files, (PTSTR)NULL, (PTSTR)NULL, (PTSTR)szBase, szExt); indx = matchExt (szExt, filters);
if (indx != -1) { OpenFileName.nFilterIndex = indx; }
_tcscat(title, szBase); if (*szExt) { _tcscat(title, szExt); }
FAddToSearchPath = FALSE; FAddToRootMap = FALSE;
result = GetOpenFileName((LPOPENFILENAME)&OpenFileName);
// Check to see if the use said to add a file to the browse path.
// If so then add it to the front of the path
/*if (FAddToSearchPath)
{ AddToSearchPath(OpenFileName.lpstrFile); } else if (FAddToRootMap) { RootSetMapped(fileName, OpenFileName.lpstrFile); }*/ break;
case DLG_Write_Text_File_Title: case DLG_Save_Workspace_File_Title: OpenFileName.lpstrDefExt = defExt; *(OpenFileName.lpstrFile) = _T('\0'); _tcscat(OpenFileName.lpstrFile, defExt); result = GetSaveFileName((LPOPENFILENAME)&OpenFileName); break; default: Assert(FALSE); free(LocalInitialDir); return FALSE; }
if (result && titleId == DLG_Open_Filebox_Title) { KNOWN_EXT ExtType = RecognizeExtension(OpenFileName.lpstrFile); if (ExtType != KNOWN_EXT_COUNT) { if (QuestionBox(STR_May_Not_Be_Source, MB_YESNO) != IDYES) { result = 0; } } } if (result) { _tcscpy(fileName, OpenFileName.lpstrFile); switch(titleId) { case DLG_Open_Filebox_Title: AddFileToMru(FILE_USE_SOURCE, fileName); break; case DLG_Browse_Symbol_Path_Title: case DLG_Browse_Source_Path_Title: case DLG_Browse_Image_Path_Title: // Return only the path.
if (OpenFileName.nFileOffset > 0) { fileName[OpenFileName.nFileOffset - 1] = 0; } break; }
// Get the output of flags
*pFlags = OpenFileName.Flags; }
//Restore cursor
free(LocalInitialDir); return result; } /* StartFileDlg() */
/*** matchExt
** ** Synopsis: ** int = matchExt (queryExtension, sourceList) ** ** Entry: ** ** Returns: 1-based index of pairwise substring for which the second ** element (i.e., the extension list), contains the target ** extension. If there is no match, we return -1. ** ** Description: ** Searches extension lists for the Open/Save/Browse common ** dialogs to try to match a filter to the input filename's ** extension. ** (Open File, Save File, Merge File and Open Project) ** ** Implementation note: Our thinking looks like this: ** ** We are given a sequence of null-terminated strings which ** are text/extension pairs. We return the pairwise 1-based ** index of the first pair for which the second element has an ** exact match for the target extension. (Everything, by the ** way, is compared without case sensitivity.) We picture the ** source sequence, then, to be an array whose elements are pairs ** of strings (we will call the pairs 'left' and 'right'). ** ** Just to complicate things, we allow the '.right' pair elements to ** be strings like "*.c;*.cpp;*.cxx", where we our query might be ** any one of the three (minus the leading asterisk). Fortunately, ** _tcstok() will break things apart for us (see the 'delims[]' array ** in the code for the delimiters we have chosen). ** ** Assuming there is a match in there somewhere, our invariant ** for locating the first one will be: ** ** Exists(k): ** ForAll(i) : 0 <= i < k ** : queryExtension \not IS_IN source[i].right ** \and ** queryExtension IS_IN source[k].right ** ** where we define IS_IN to be a membership predicate (using _tcstok() ** and _tcsicmp() in the implementation, eh?): ** ** x IS_IN y ** <=> ** Exists (t:token) : (t \in y) \and (x == t). ** ** The guard for our main loop, then, comes from the search for the ** queryExtension within the tokens inside successive '.right' elements. ** We choose to continue as long as there is no current token in the ** pair's right side that contains the query. ** ** (We have the pragmatic concern that the value may not be there, so we ** augment the loop guard with the condition that we have not yet ** exhausted the source. This is straightforward to add to the ** invariant, but it causes a lot of clutter that does help our ** comprehension at all, so we just stick it in the guard without ** formal justification.) */
int matchExt( PTSTR queryExtension, PTSTR sourceList ) { int answer; int idxPair = 1; // a 1-based index!
PTSTR tokenMatch = 0;
TCHAR delims[] = _T("*,; ") ; // Given a typical string: "*.c;*.cpp;*.cxx",
// _tcstok() would produce three tokens:
// ".c", ".cpp", and ".cxx".
while (*sourceList != 0 && tokenMatch == 0) { while (*sourceList != _T('\0')) { sourceList++; } // skip first string of pair
sourceList++; // and increment beyond NULL
if (*sourceList != _T('\0')) { PTSTR work = _tcsdup (sourceList); // copy to poke holes in
tokenMatch = _tcstok (work, delims);
while (tokenMatch && _tcsicmp (tokenMatch, queryExtension)) { tokenMatch = _tcstok (0, delims); }
free (work); }
if (tokenMatch == 0) // no match: need to move to next pair
{ while (*sourceList != _T('\0')) { sourceList++; } // skip second string of pair
sourceList++; // and increment beyond NULL
idxPair++; } }
answer = (tokenMatch != 0) ? idxPair : (-1);
return (answer); }
/*** DlgFile
** ** Synopsis: ** bool = DlgFile(hDlg, message, wParam, lParam) ** ** Entry: ** ** Returns: ** ** Description: ** Processes messages for file dialog boxes ** Those dialogs are not called directly but are called ** by the DlgFile function which contains all basic ** elements for Dialogs Files Operations Handling. ** (Open File, Save File, Merge File and Open Project) ** ** See OFNHookProc */
{ switch (uMsg) { case WM_NOTIFY: { LPOFNOTIFY lpon = (LPOFNOTIFY) lParam;
// Determine what happened/why we are being notified
switch (lpon->hdr.code) { case CDN_HELP: // Help button pushed
Dbg(HtmlHelp(hDlg,g_HelpFileName, HH_HELP_CONTEXT, g_CurHelpId)); break; } } break; } return FALSE; } /* DlgFile() */
UINT_PTR APIENTRY GetOpenFileNameHookProc( HWND hDlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam )
Routine Description:
This routine is handle the Add Directory To radio buttons in the browser source file dialog box.
hDlg - Supplies the handle to current dialog msg - Supplies the message to be processed wParam - Supplies info about the message lParam - Supplies info about the message
Return Value:
TRUE if we replaced default processing of the message, FALSE otherwise
--*/ { /*
switch( msg ) { case WM_INITDIALOG: return TRUE;
switch(lpon->hdr.code) { case CDN_FILEOK: FAddToSearchPath = (IsDlgButtonChecked( hDlg, IDC_CHECK_ADD_SRC_ROOT_MAPPING) == BST_CHECKED); return 0; } } } return DlgFile(hDlg, msg, wParam, lParam); */ return 0; } /* GetOpenFileNameHookProc() */
void Internal_Activate( HWND hwndPrev, HWND hwndCur, HWND hwndNew, int nPosition ) /*++
Routine Description:
Places a window in the specified Z order position.
hwndPrev - Window prior to hwndCur. Can be NULL. hwndCur - Currently active window, topmost in Z order. Can be NULL.
hwndNew - The window to be placed in the new Z order.
nPosition - Where the window is to be place in the Z order. 1 - topmost 2 - 2nd place (behind topmost) 3 - 3rd place, etc....
Return Value:
--*/ { // Sanity check. Make sure the programmer
// specified a 1, 2, or 3. We are strict in order to
// keep it readable.
Assert(1 <= nPosition && nPosition <= 3); Assert(hwndNew);
switch (nPosition) { case 1: // Make it topmost
SendMessage(g_hwndMDIClient, WM_MDIACTIVATE, (WPARAM) hwndNew, 0); break;
case 2: // Try to place it 2nd in Z order
if (NULL == hwndCur) { // We don't have a topmost window,
// so make this one the topmost window
SendMessage(g_hwndMDIClient, WM_MDIACTIVATE, (WPARAM) hwndNew, 0); } else { // Place it in 2nd
SetWindowPos(hwndNew, hwndCur, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOACTIVATE);
// Give the topmost most focus again and activate UI visual clues.
SendMessage(g_hwndMDIClient, WM_MDIACTIVATE, (WPARAM) hwndCur, 0); } break;
case 3: // Try to place it 3rd in Z order
if (NULL == hwndCur) { // We don't have a topmost window,
// so make this one the topmost window
SendMessage(g_hwndMDIClient, WM_MDIACTIVATE, (WPARAM) hwndNew, 0); } else { // Is there a window 2nd in the Z order?
if (NULL == hwndPrev) { // No window 2nd in Z order. Then simply place it after the
// topmost window.
hwndPrev = hwndCur; }
// Place it
SetWindowPos(hwndNew, hwndPrev, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOACTIVATE);
// Give the topmost most focus again and activate UI visual clues.
SendMessage(g_hwndMDIClient, WM_MDIACTIVATE, (WPARAM) hwndCur, 0); } break;
default: // Sanity check, the programmer missed a case
Assert(0); } }
void ReorderChildren( HWND hwndPrev, HWND hwndCur, HWND hwndNew, BOOL bUserActivated ) { PCOMMONWIN_DATA pCur_WinData = NULL; PCOMMONWIN_DATA pNew_WinData = NULL; PCOMMONWIN_DATA pPrev_WinData = NULL;
if (hwndCur) { pCur_WinData = GetCommonWinData(hwndCur); }
pNew_WinData = GetCommonWinData(hwndNew); Assert(pNew_WinData); if (!pNew_WinData) { return; }
if (hwndPrev) { pPrev_WinData = GetCommonWinData(hwndPrev); }
// Handle the case where the window activation
// was requested by the debugger itself and not the
// user.
switch (pNew_WinData->m_enumType) { default: Internal_Activate(hwndPrev, hwndCur, hwndNew, bUserActivated ? 2 : 1); break;
case DISASM_WINDOW: case DOC_WINDOW: if (GetSrcMode_StatusBar()) { // Src mode
if (pCur_WinData != NULL && (DISASM_WINDOW == pCur_WinData->m_enumType || DOC_WINDOW == pCur_WinData->m_enumType)) { // We can take the place of another doc/asm wind
// Place 1st in z-order
Internal_Activate(hwndPrev, hwndCur, hwndNew, 1); } else { if (pPrev_WinData != NULL && (DOC_WINDOW == pPrev_WinData->m_enumType || DISASM_WINDOW == pPrev_WinData->m_enumType)) { // Don't have a window in 2nd place, or if we do it
// is a src or asm window, and we can hide it.
// Place 2nd in Z-order
Internal_Activate(hwndPrev, hwndCur, hwndNew, 2); } else { // Place 3rd in Z-order
Internal_Activate(hwndPrev, hwndCur, hwndNew, 3); } } } else { WIN_TYPES Type = pCur_WinData != NULL ? pCur_WinData->m_enumType : MINVAL_WINDOW; // Asm mode
// Which is currently the topmost window.
switch (Type) { case DOC_WINDOW: // Place 1st in z-order
Internal_Activate(hwndPrev, hwndCur, hwndNew, 1); break;
case DISASM_WINDOW: if (DOC_WINDOW == pNew_WinData->m_enumType) { if (pPrev_WinData == NULL || DOC_WINDOW != pPrev_WinData->m_enumType) { // We have a window in second place that isn't a doc
// window (locals, watch, ...).
Internal_Activate(hwndPrev, hwndCur, hwndNew, 3); } else { // Either don't have any windows in second place, or
// we have a window in second place that is a doc
// window. We can take its place.
// Place 2nd in z-order
Internal_Activate(hwndPrev, hwndCur, hwndNew, 2); } } else { // Should never happen. The case of disasm being activated
// when it is currently active should ahve already been
// taken care of.
Dbg(0); } break;
default: if ((pPrev_WinData != NULL && DISASM_WINDOW == pPrev_WinData->m_enumType) && DOC_WINDOW == pNew_WinData->m_enumType) { // window (locals, watch, ...).
Internal_Activate(hwndPrev, hwndCur, hwndNew, 3); } else { // Place 2nd in z-order
Internal_Activate(hwndPrev, hwndCur, hwndNew, 2); } break; } } break; } }
void ActivateMDIChild( HWND hwndNew, BOOL bUserActivated ) /*++
Routine Description: Used to activate a specified window. Automatically uses the hwndActive variable to determine the currently active window.
Arguments: hwndNew - The window to be placed in the new Z order. bUserActivated - Indicates whether this action was initiated by the user or by windbg. The value is to determine the Z order of any windows that are opened. --*/ { if (hwndNew == NULL) { Assert(hwndNew); return; }
HWND hwndPrev = NULL;
HWND hwndCur = MDIGetActive(g_hwndMDIClient, NULL);
if (!hwndCur || bUserActivated || hwndCur == hwndNew) { // Nothing else was open. So we make this one the
// topmost window.
// Or the user requested that this window be made
// the topmost window, and we obey.
// Or we are re-activating the current window.
Internal_Activate(NULL, hwndCur, hwndNew, 1); return; }
// See is we have 3 or more windows open
hwndPrev = GetNextWindow(hwndCur, GW_HWNDNEXT);
ReorderChildren(hwndPrev, hwndCur, hwndNew, bUserActivated); }
void AppendTextToAnEditControl( HWND hwnd, PTSTR pszNewText ) { Assert(hwnd); Assert(pszNewText);
CHARRANGE chrrgCurrent = {0}; CHARRANGE chrrgAppend = {0};
// Get the current selection
SendMessage(hwnd, EM_EXGETSEL, 0, (LPARAM) &chrrgCurrent);
// Set the selection to the very end of the edit control
chrrgAppend.cpMin = chrrgAppend.cpMax = GetWindowTextLength(hwnd); SendMessage(hwnd, EM_EXSETSEL, 0, (LPARAM) &chrrgCurrent); // Append the text
SendMessage(hwnd, EM_REPLACESEL, FALSE, (LPARAM) pszNewText);
// Restore previous selection
SendMessage(hwnd, EM_EXSETSEL, 0, (LPARAM) &chrrgCurrent); }
VOID CopyToClipboard( PSTR str, BOOL ExpandLf ) { if (!str) { return; }
ULONG Len = strlen(str) + 1;
if (ExpandLf) { // Rather than bother to count the actual number
// of linefeeds that need to be expanded, just
// allocate twice as much memory as necessary. There's
// only one thing on the clipboard at a time and
// the things copied here are relatively small so this
// isn't a problem.
Len *= 2; } HANDLE Mem = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE, Len); if (Mem == NULL) { return; }
PSTR Text = (PSTR)GlobalLock(Mem); if (Text == NULL) { GlobalFree(Mem); return; }
if (ExpandLf) { PSTR Rd, Wr;
Rd = str; Wr = Text; while (*Rd) { if (*Rd == '\n') { *Wr++ = '\r'; } *Wr++ = *Rd++; } *Wr = 0; } else { strcpy(Text, str); }
if (OpenClipboard(NULL)) { EmptyClipboard(); if (SetClipboardData(CF_TEXT, Mem) == NULL) { GlobalFree(Mem); }
CloseClipboard(); } }
void SetAllocString(PSTR* Str, PSTR New) { if (*Str != NULL) { free(*Str); } *Str = New; }
BOOL DupAllocString(PSTR* Str, PSTR New) { PSTR NewStr = (PSTR)malloc(strlen(New) + 1); if (NewStr == NULL) { return FALSE; }
strcpy(NewStr, New); SetAllocString(Str, NewStr); return TRUE; }
BOOL PrintAllocString(PSTR* Str, int Len, PCSTR Format, ...) { PSTR NewStr = (PSTR)malloc(Len); if (NewStr == NULL) { return FALSE; } va_list Args;
va_start(Args, Format); if (_vsnprintf(NewStr, Len, Format, Args) < 1) { NewStr[Len - 1] = 0; } va_end(Args);
SetAllocString(Str, NewStr); return TRUE; }
HMENU CreateContextMenuFromToolbarButtons(ULONG NumButtons, TBBUTTON* Buttons, ULONG IdBias) { ULONG i; HMENU Menu;
Menu = CreatePopupMenu(); if (Menu == NULL) { return Menu; }
for (i = 0; i < NumButtons; i++) { MENUITEMINFO Item;
ZeroMemory(&Item, sizeof(Item)); Item.cbSize = sizeof(Item); Item.fMask = MIIM_TYPE; if (Buttons->fsStyle & BTNS_SEP) { Item.fType = MFT_SEPARATOR; } else { Item.fMask |= MIIM_ID; Item.fType = MFT_STRING; Item.wID = (WORD)(Buttons->idCommand + IdBias); Item.dwTypeData = (LPSTR)Buttons->iString; } if (!InsertMenuItem(Menu, i, TRUE, &Item)) { DestroyMenu(Menu); return NULL; }
Buttons++; }
DrawMenuBar(g_hwndFrame); return Menu; }
HWND AddButtonBand(HWND Bar, PTSTR Text, PTSTR SizingText, UINT Id) { HWND Button; HDC Dc; RECT Rect; Button = CreateWindowEx(0, "BUTTON", Text, WS_VISIBLE | WS_CHILD, 0, 0, 0, 0, Bar, (HMENU)(UINT_PTR)Id, g_hInst, NULL); if (Button == NULL) { return NULL; }
Rect.left = 0; Rect.top = 0; SendMessage(Button, WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM)g_Fonts[FONT_VARIABLE].Font, 0); Dc = GetDC(Button); if (Dc != NULL) { SIZE Size; GetTextExtentPoint32(Dc, SizingText, strlen(SizingText), &Size); Rect.right = Size.cx; Rect.bottom = Size.cy; ReleaseDC(Button, Dc); } else { Rect.right = strlen(Text) * g_Fonts[FONT_FIXED].Metrics.tmAveCharWidth; Rect.bottom = g_Fonts[FONT_FIXED].Metrics.tmHeight; }
REBARBANDINFO BandInfo; BandInfo.cbSize = sizeof(BandInfo); BandInfo.fMask = RBBIM_STYLE | RBBIM_CHILD | RBBIM_CHILDSIZE; BandInfo.fStyle = RBBS_FIXEDSIZE; BandInfo.hwndChild = Button; BandInfo.cxMinChild = Rect.right - Rect.left + 4 * GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXEDGE); BandInfo.cyMinChild = Rect.bottom - Rect.top + 2 * GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYEDGE); SendMessage(Bar, RB_INSERTBAND, -1, (LPARAM)&BandInfo);
return Button; }
KNOWN_EXT RecognizeExtension(PTSTR Path) { PSTR Scan;
// Find the extension.
Scan = Path + strlen(Path); for (;;) { if (Scan == Path) { return KNOWN_EXT_COUNT; }
if (*--Scan == '.') { Scan++; break; } }
if (!_stricmp(Scan, "dmp") || !_stricmp(Scan, "mdmp")) { return EXT_DUMP; } else if (!_stricmp(Scan, "exe")) { return EXT_EXE; }