* %Z% %M% %I% %D% %Q% * * Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1983 * * This Module contains Proprietary Information of Microsoft * Corporation and AT&T, and should be treated as Confidential. */
/*** diff - differential file comparison
* * MODIFICATION HISTORY * M000 18 Apr 83 andyp * - 3.0 upgrade. No changes. * M001 22 Mar 84 vich * - Don't try to unlink NULL. Trying to do so doesn't break anything, * but it makes kernel debugging a pain due to faults in user mode. * M002 ?? * - added the MSDOS flag. * M006 31 Mar 86 craigwi * - for the MSDOS version, fixed -b feature so that it ignores all \r * M010 15 Dec 86 craigwi * - after printing the result, diff aborts with status = 2 if any error * occurred on stdout. * M013 21 Mar 88 jangr * - added -s flag to return SLM specific error statuses: * 10 files identical * 11 files different * 12 other errors * 13 write error * M017 27 Oct 88 alanba * - changed messages to not specify using the -h option and giving * a clear error message if being executed from within SLM. */ /*
* Uses an algorithm due to Harold Stone, which finds * a pair of longest identical subsequences in the two * files. * * The major goal is to generate the match vector J. * J[i] is the index of the line in file1 corresponding * to line i file0. J[i] = 0 if there is no * such line in file1. * * Lines are hashed so as to work in core. All potential * matches are located by sorting the lines of each file * on the hash (called value). In particular, this * collects the equivalence classes in file1 together. * Subroutine equiv replaces the value of each line in * file0 by the index of the first element of its * matching equivalence in (the reordered) file1. * To save space equiv squeezes file1 into a single * array member in which the equivalence classes * are simply concatenated, except that their first * members are flagged by changing sign. * * Next the indices that point into member are unsorted into * array class according to the original order of file0. * * The cleverness lies in routine stone. This marches * through the lines of file0, developing a vector klist * of "k-candidates". At step i a k-candidate is a matched * pair of lines x,y (x in file0 y in file1) such that * there is a common subsequence of lenght k * between the first i lines of file0 and the first y * lines of file1, but there is no such subsequence for * any smaller y. x is the earliest possible mate to y * that occurs in such a subsequence. * * Whenever any of the members of the equivalence class of * lines in file1 matable to a line in file0 has serial number * less than the y of some k-candidate, that k-candidate * with the smallest such y is replaced. The new * k-candidate is chained (via pred) to the current * k-1 candidate so that the actual subsequence can * be recovered. When a member has serial number greater * that the y of all k-candidates, the klist is extended. * At the end, the longest subsequence is pulled out * and placed in the array J by unravel. * * With J in hand, the matches there recorded are * checked against reality to assure that no spurious * matches have crept in due to hashing. If they have, * they are broken, and "jackpot " is recorded--a harmless * matter except that a true match for a spuriously * mated line may now be unnecessarily reported as a change. * * Much of the complexity of the program comes simply * from trying to minimize core utilization and * maximize the range of doable problems by dynamically * allocating what is needed and reusing what is not. * The core requirements for problems larger than somewhat * are (in words) 2*length(file0) + length(file1) + * 3*(number of k-candidates installed), typically about * 6n words for files of length n. */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <io.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <excpt.h>
#include <process.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#ifdef _OS2_SUBSYS_
#include <os2.h>
#include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include <windows.h>
* Signal subtypes for XCPT_SIGNAL */ #define XCPT_SIGNAL 0xC0010003
#define isslash(c) (c=='/'||c=='\\')
#define DIFFH "diffh.exe"
#ifndef _MAX_PATH
#if defined(LFNMAX) && defined(LPNMAX)
#define _MAX_PATH (LFNMAX + LPNMAX + 1)
#define _MAX_PATH (80)
#ifndef _HEAP_MAXREQ
#define _HEAP_MAXREQ ((~(unsigned int) 0) - (unsigned) 32)
#define HALFLONG 16
#define low(x) (x&((1L<<HALFLONG)-1))
#define high(x) (x>>HALFLONG)
struct cand **clist; /* merely a free storage pot for candidates */ int clistcnt = 0; /* number of arrays of struct cand in clist */ unsigned clen = 0; /* total number of struct cand in all clist arrays */
Number of struct cand in one clist array (the largest power of 2 smaller than (64k / sizeof(struct cand)) is 2^13. Thus, these gross hacks to make the array references more efficient, and still permit huge files. */ #define CLISTSEG (0x2000)
#define CLISTDIV(x) ((x) >> 13)
#define CLISTMOD(x) ((x) & (CLISTSEG - 1))
#define CLIST(x) (clist[CLISTDIV(x)][CLISTMOD(x)])
PVOID input[2];
char *inputfile[2]; int inputfilesize[2]; char *inputfilep[2]; int inputfileleft[2];
#define EndOfFile(x) (inputfileleft[x] <= 0)
#define GetChar(x) ((char)((inputfileleft[x]--) ? \
(*(inputfilep[x])++) : \ EOF))
#define SEARCH(c1,k1,y1) (CLIST(c1[k1]).y < y1) ? (k1+1) : search(c1,k1,y1)
#if 0
char GetChar( int x );
char GetChar( int x ) { if ( inputfileleft[x]-- ) { return *(inputfilep[x])++; } else { return EOF; } }
struct cand { int x; int y; unsigned pred; } cand; struct line { int serial; int value; } *file[2], line;
typedef struct _FILEMAP *PFILEMAP; typedef struct _FILEMAP { HANDLE FileHandle; HANDLE MapHandle; DWORD Access; DWORD Create; DWORD Share; PVOID Base; DWORD Offset; DWORD Size; DWORD Allocated; } FILEMAP;
PVOID Open( const char *FileName, const char *Mode, DWORD Size );
int Close ( PVOID Map );
/* fn prototypes gen'd from cl -Zg */
DECLSPEC_NORETURN void done(void); char *talloc(unsigned n); char *ralloc(char *p,unsigned n); void myfree( char *p ); void noroom(void); int __cdecl sortcmp(void const *first, void const *second); void unsort(struct line *f,unsigned l,int *b); void filename(char * *pa1,char * *pa2); void prepare(int i,char *arg); void prune(void); void equiv(struct line *a,int n,struct line *b,int m,int *c); int stone(int *a,unsigned n,int *b,unsigned *c); unsigned newcand(int x,int y,unsigned pred); int search(unsigned *c,int k,int y); void unravel(unsigned p); void check(char * *argv); char * skipline(int f); void output(char * *argv); void change(int a,int b,int c,int d); void range(int a,int b,char *separator); void fetch(char * *f,int a,int b, int lb,char *s); int readhash( int f); void mesg(char *s,char *t); void SetOutputFile (char *FileName);
unsigned len[2]; struct line *sfile[2]; /*shortened by pruning common prefix and suffix*/ unsigned slen[2];
unsigned int pref, suff; /*length of prefix and suffix*/ int *class; /*will be overlaid on file[0]*/ int *member; /*will be overlaid on file[1]*/ unsigned *klist; /*will be overlaid on file[0] after class*/ int *J; /*will be overlaid on class*/ char * *ixold; /*will be overlaid on klist*/ char * *ixnew; /*will be overlaid on file[1]*/ int opt; /* -1,0,1 = -e,normal,-f */ int status = 2; /*abnormal status; set to 0/1 just before successful exit */ int anychange = 0; char *empty = ""; int bflag; int slmFlag; FILE* OutputFile;
char *tempfile; /*used when comparing against std input*/
#ifndef MSDOS
char *dummy; /*used in resetting storage search ptr*/ #endif
void done() { if (tempfile != NULL) _unlink(tempfile);
if (OutputFile && OutputFile != stdout) { fclose(OutputFile); } exit(10*slmFlag + status); }
#define MALLOC(n) talloc(n)
#define REALLOC(p,n) ralloc(p,n)
#define FREE(p) myfree(p)
// #define DEBUG_MALLOC
#define FREE_SIG 0x00FEDCBA
char * talloc( unsigned n ) {
PMEMBLOCK mem; char DbgB[128];
//sprintf(DbgB, "MALLOC size %d -> ", n );
//OutputDebugString( DbgB );
mem = malloc( n + sizeof(MEMBLOCK)+1 );
if ( !mem ) { noroom(); }
mem->Sig = MALLOC_SIG;
//sprintf(DbgB, "%lX\n", mem );
//OutputDebugString( DbgB );
return (char *)((PBYTE)mem + sizeof(MEMBLOCK));
register char *p;
p = malloc(++n); if (p == NULL) { noroom(); }
return p; #endif
char * ralloc( char *p, unsigned n ) { #ifdef DEBUG_MALLOC
PMEMBLOCK mem; char DbgB[128];
mem = (PMEMBLOCK)((PBYTE)p - sizeof(MEMBLOCK));
//sprintf(DbgB, "REALLOC: %lX, %d -> ", mem, n );
//OutputDebugString( DbgB );
if ( mem->Sig != MALLOC_SIG ) { sprintf(DbgB, "REALLOC ERROR: Reallocating %lX\n", mem ); OutputDebugString( DbgB ); } mem->Sig = FREE_SIG; mem = (PMEMBLOCK)realloc(mem, n + sizeof(MEMBLOCK)+1); if (!mem) { noroom(); }
mem->Sig = MALLOC_SIG;
//sprintf(DbgB, "%lX\n", mem );
//OutputDebugString( DbgB );
return (char *)((PBYTE)mem + sizeof(MEMBLOCK));
void *pv = realloc(p, ++n); if (!pv) { noroom(); } return(pv);
void myfree( char *p ) {
PMEMBLOCK mem; char DbgB[128];
mem = (PMEMBLOCK)((PBYTE)p - sizeof(MEMBLOCK));
//sprintf(DbgB, "FREE: %lX -> ", mem );
//OutputDebugString( DbgB);
if ( mem->Sig != MALLOC_SIG ) { sprintf(DbgB, "\n\tFREE ERROR: FREEING %lX\n", mem ); OutputDebugString( DbgB ); } mem->Sig = FREE_SIG; free(mem);
//sprintf(DbgB, "Ok\n", mem );
//OutputDebugString( DbgB);
if (p) { free(p); } #endif
void noroom() {
if (slmFlag == 1) { mesg("file too big; do delfile filename/addfile filename, or",empty); mesg("reduce the size of the file.",empty); done(); } mesg("files too big",empty); /* end M017 */ done(); }
int __cdecl sortcmp( const void *first, const void *second ) { struct line *one = (struct line *)first; struct line *two = (struct line *)second;
if (one->value < two->value) return -1; else if (one->value > two->value) return 1; else if (one->serial < two->serial) return -1; else if (one->serial > two->serial) return 1; else return 0; }
void unsort( struct line *f, unsigned l, int *b ) { register int *a; register unsigned int i; a = (int *)MALLOC((l+1)*sizeof(int)); if (a) { memset(a, 0, (l+1)*sizeof(int)); for (i=1;i<=l;i++) a[f[i].serial] = f[i].value; for (i=1;i<=l;i++) b[i] = a[i]; FREE((char *)a); } }
void filename( char **pa1, char **pa2 ) {
register char *a1, *b1, *a2; char buf[BUFSIZ]; struct _stat stbuf; int i, f;
a1 = *pa1; a2 = *pa2;
if (_stat(a1,&stbuf)!=-1 && ((stbuf.st_mode&S_IFMT)==S_IFDIR)) { b1 = *pa1 = MALLOC((unsigned) _MAX_PATH); while (*b1++ = *a1++) ; if (isslash(b1[-2])) b1--; else b1[-1] = '/'; a1 = b1; if ( a2[1] == ':' ) { a2 += 2; } while (*a1++ = *a2++) if (*a2 && !isslash(*a2) && isslash(a2[-1])) /*M002*/ a1 = b1; } else if (a1[0]=='-'&&a1[1]==0&&tempfile==NULL) { /* the signal handling in original source
** ** signal(SIGINT,done); ** #ifndef MSDOS ** signal(SIGHUP,done); ** signal(SIGPIPE,done); ** signal(SIGTERM,done); ** #endif */
if ((*pa1 = tempfile = _tempnam(getenv("TEMP"), "d")) == NULL) { mesg("cannot create temporary file", ""); done(); } if ((f = _open(tempfile,O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, 0600)) < 0) { mesg("cannot create ",tempfile); done(); }
while ((i=_read(0,buf,BUFSIZ))>0) _write(f,buf,i); _close(f); } }
void prepare( int i, char *arg ) {
#define CHUNKSIZE 100
register struct line *p; register unsigned j; register int h; char *c; PVOID f; unsigned int MaxSize;
f = Open(arg,"r", 0);
if (!f) { mesg("cannot open ", arg); done(); }
input[i] = f;
inputfile[i] = ((PFILEMAP)f)->Base; inputfilesize[i] = ((PFILEMAP)f)->Size;
inputfilep[i] = inputfile[i]; inputfileleft[i] = inputfilesize[i];
// Lets assume that lines are 30 characters on average
MaxSize = inputfilesize[i] / 30; p = (struct line *)MALLOC((3+MaxSize)*sizeof(line)); for (j=0; h=readhash(i);) { j++; if ( j >= MaxSize ) { MaxSize += CHUNKSIZE; p = (struct line *)REALLOC((char *)p,(MaxSize+3)*sizeof(line)); } p[j].value = h; } p = (struct line *)REALLOC((char *)p,(j+3+1)*sizeof(line));
len[i] = j; file[i] = p; //Close(input[i]);
void prune() { register unsigned int i,j; for (pref=0;pref<len[0]&&pref<len[1]&& file[0][pref+1].value==file[1][pref+1].value; pref++ ) ; for (suff=0;suff<len[0]-pref&&suff<len[1]-pref&& file[0][len[0]-suff].value==file[1][len[1]-suff].value; suff++) ; for (j=0;j<2;j++) { sfile[j] = file[j]+pref; slen[j] = len[j]-pref-suff; for (i=0;i<=slen[j];i++) sfile[j][i].serial = i; } }
void equiv( struct line *a, int n, struct line *b, int m, int *c ) { register int i, j; i = j = 1; while (i<=n && j<=m) { if (a[i].value <b[j].value) a[i++].value = 0; else if (a[i].value == b[j].value) a[i++].value = j; else j++; } while (i <= n) a[i++].value = 0; b[m+1].value = 0; j = 0; while (++j <= m) { c[j] = -b[j].serial; while (b[j+1].value == b[j].value) { j++; c[j] = b[j].serial; } } c[j] = -1; }
char **args;
void __cdecl main( int argc, char **argv ) {
register int k;
args = argv;
OutputFile = stdout; // Init to default
argc--; argv++;
while (argc > 0 && argv[0][0]=='-') {
for (k=1; (!Skip) && argv[0][k]; k++) {
switch (argv[0][k]) {
case 'e': opt = -1; break;
case 'f': opt = 1; break;
case 'b': bflag = 1; break;
case 'h': _execvp(DIFFH, args); mesg("cannot run diffh",empty); done();
case 's': slmFlag = 1; break;
case 'o': //
// Dirty hack: Redirection is not working, so if
// this flag is present, output goes to
// file.
argc--; argv++; if (argc < 3) { mesg("arg count",empty); done(); } SetOutputFile(argv[0]); Skip = TRUE; break; } } argc--; argv++; }
if (argc!=2) { mesg("arg count",empty); done(); }
#ifndef MSDOS
dummy = malloc(1); #endif
_setmode(_fileno(OutputFile), O_BINARY); _setmode(_fileno(stdin),O_TEXT); filename(&argv[0], &argv[1]); filename(&argv[1], &argv[0]); prepare(0, argv[0]); prepare(1, argv[1]); prune(); qsort((char *) (sfile[0] + 1), slen[0], sizeof(struct line), sortcmp); qsort((char *) (sfile[1] + 1), slen[1], sizeof(struct line), sortcmp);
member = (int *)file[1]; equiv(sfile[0], slen[0], sfile[1], slen[1], member); member = (int *)REALLOC((char *)member,(slen[1]+2)*sizeof(int));
class = (int *)file[0]; unsort(sfile[0], slen[0], class); class = (int *)REALLOC((char *)class,(slen[0]+2)*sizeof(int)); klist = (unsigned *)MALLOC((slen[0]+2)*sizeof(int)); clist = (struct cand **)MALLOC(sizeof(struct cand *)); clist[0] = (struct cand *) MALLOC(sizeof(struct cand)); clistcnt = 1; k = stone(class, slen[0], member, klist); FREE((char *)member); FREE((char *)class);
J = (int *)MALLOC((len[0]+2)*sizeof(int));
unravel(klist[k]); for (k = 0; k < clistcnt; ++k) FREE((char *)(clist[k])); FREE((char *)clist); FREE((char *)klist);
ixold = (char **)MALLOC((len[0]+2)*sizeof(char *)); ixnew = (char **)MALLOC((len[1]+2)*sizeof(char *)); check(argv); output(argv); status = anychange; Close(input[0]); Close(input[1]);
done(); }
stone( int *a, unsigned n, int *b, unsigned *c ) { register int i, k,y; int j, l; unsigned oldc, tc; int oldl; k = 0; c[0] = newcand(0,0,0); for (i=1; i<=(int)n; i++) { j = a[i]; if (j==0) continue; y = -b[j]; oldl = 0; oldc = c[0]; do { if (y <= CLIST(oldc).y) continue; l = SEARCH(c, k, y); if (l!=oldl+1) oldc = c[l-1]; if (l<=k) { if (CLIST(c[l]).y <= y) continue; tc = c[l]; c[l] = newcand(i,y,oldc); oldc = tc; oldl = l; } else { c[l] = newcand(i,y,oldc); k++; break; } } while ((y=b[++j]) > 0); } return(k); }
unsigned newcand( int x, int y, unsigned pred ) { register struct cand *q;
++clen; if ((int)CLISTDIV(clen) > (clistcnt - 1)) { // printf("diff: surpassing segment boundry..\n");
clist = (struct cand **) REALLOC((char *) clist, ++clistcnt * sizeof(struct cand *)); clist[clistcnt-1] = (struct cand *) MALLOC(sizeof(struct cand)); } clist[clistcnt-1] = (struct cand *) REALLOC((char *)(clist[clistcnt-1]), (1 + CLISTMOD(clen)) * sizeof(struct cand)); q = &CLIST(clen - 1); q->x = x; q->y = y; q->pred = pred; return(clen-1); }
search( unsigned *c, int k, int y ) { register int i, j; int l; int t; //if(CLIST(c[k]).y<y) /*quick look for typical case*/
// return(k+1);
i = 0; j = k+1; while ((l=(i+j)/2) > i) { t = CLIST(c[l]).y; if (t > y) j = l; else if (t < y) i = l; else return(l); } return(l+1); }
void unravel( unsigned p ) { register unsigned int i; register struct cand *q;
for (i=0; i<=len[0]; i++) J[i] = i<=pref ? i: i>len[0]-suff ? i+len[1]-len[0]: 0;
for (q=&CLIST(p);q->y!=0;q=&CLIST(q->pred)) {
J[q->x+pref] = q->y+pref; } }
/* check does double duty:
1. ferret out any fortuitous correspondences due to confounding by hashing (which result in "jackpot") 2. collect random access indexes to the two files */
void check( char **argv ) { register unsigned int i, j; int jackpot; char c,d; //input[0] = fopen(argv[0],"r");
//input[1] = fopen(argv[1],"r");
inputfilep[0] = inputfile[0]; inputfilep[1] = inputfile[1];
inputfileleft[0] = inputfilesize[0]; inputfileleft[1] = inputfilesize[1];
j = 1; ixold[0] = ixnew[0] = 0L; ixold[0] = inputfilep[0]; ixnew[0] = inputfilep[1]; //ixold[1] = inputfilep[0];
//ixnew[1] = inputfilep[1];
jackpot = 0; for (i=1;i<=len[0];i++) { if (J[i]==0) { ixold[i] = skipline(0); continue; } while (j<(unsigned)J[i]) { ixnew[j] = skipline(1); j++; } for (;;) { c = GetChar(0); d = GetChar(1); if (bflag && isspace(c) && isspace(d)) { do { if (c=='\n') break; } while (isspace(c=GetChar(0))); do { if (d=='\n') break; } while (isspace(d=GetChar(1))); } if (c!=d) { jackpot++; J[i] = 0; if (c!='\n') skipline(0); if (d!='\n') skipline(1); break; } if (c=='\n') break; } ixold[i] = inputfilep[0]; ixnew[j] = inputfilep[1]; j++; } for (;j<=len[1];j++) { ixnew[j] = skipline(1); } //fclose(input[0]);
if(jackpot) mesg("jackpot",empty); */ }
char * skipline( int f ) { while (GetChar(f) != '\n' ) ;
return inputfilep[f]; }
void output( char **argv ) { int m; register int i0, i1, j1; int j0;
input[0] = Open(argv[0],"r", 0); input[1] = Open(argv[1],"r", 0); m = len[0]; J[0] = 0; J[m+1] = len[1]+1; if (opt!=-1) for (i0=1;i0<=m;i0=i1+1) { while (i0<=m&&J[i0]==J[i0-1]+1) i0++; j0 = J[i0-1]+1; i1 = i0-1; while (i1<m&&J[i1+1]==0) i1++; j1 = J[i1+1]-1; J[i1] = j1; change(i0,i1,j0,j1); } else for (i0=m;i0>=1;i0=i1-1) { while (i0>=1&&J[i0]==J[i0+1]-1&&J[i0]!=0) i0--; j0 = J[i0+1]-1; i1 = i0+1; while (i1>1&&J[i1-1]==0) i1--; j1 = J[i1-1]+1; J[i1] = j1; change(i1,i0,j1,j0); } if (m==0) change(1,0,1,len[1]); }
void change( int a, int b, int c, int d ) { if (a>b&&c>d) return; anychange = 1; if (opt!=1) { range(a,b,","); putc(a>b?'a':c>d?'d':'c', OutputFile); if (opt!=-1) range(c,d,","); } else { putc(a>b?'a':c>d?'d':'c', OutputFile); range(a,b," "); } putc('\r',OutputFile); putc('\n',OutputFile); if (opt==0) { fetch(ixold,a,b,0,"< "); if (a<=b&&c<=d) fputs("---\r\n", OutputFile); } fetch(ixnew,c,d,1,opt==0?"> ":empty); if (opt!=0&&c<=d) fputs(".",OutputFile); }
void range( int a, int b, char *separator ) { fprintf(OutputFile,"%d", a>b?b:a); if (a<b) fprintf(OutputFile,"%s%d", separator, b); }
void fetch( char **f, int a, int b, int lb, char *s ) { register int i, j; register int nc; register char c; char *p;
for (i=a;i<=b;i++) { p = f[i-1]; nc = (int)(f[i]-f[i-1]); fputs(s, OutputFile); for (j=0;j<nc;j++) { c = *p++; if (c == '\n' ) { //putc( '\r', OutputFile );
putc( '\n', OutputFile ); if ( p >= f[i] ) break; } else { putc(c, OutputFile); } }
} }
/* hashing has the effect of
* arranging line in 7-bit bytes and then * summing 1-s complement in 16-bit hunks */
readhash( int f ) { register unsigned shift; register char t; register int space; long sum = 1L;
space = 0; if (!bflag) for (shift=0;(t=GetChar(f))!='\n';shift+=7) { if (t==(char)EOF && EndOfFile(f) ) return(0); sum += (long)t << (shift%=HALFLONG); } else for (shift=0;;) { switch (t=GetChar(f)) { case '\t': case ' ': case '\r': space++; continue; default: if ( t==(char)EOF && EndOfFile(f) ) { return(0); } if (space) { shift += 7; space = 0; } sum += (long)t << (shift%=HALFLONG); shift += 7; continue; case '\n': break; } break; } sum = low(sum) + high(sum); return((short)low(sum) + (short)high(sum)); }
void mesg( char *s, char *t ) { fprintf(stderr,"diff: %s%s\n",s,t); }
void SetOutputFile ( char *FileName ) { OutputFile = fopen(FileName, "ab"); if (!OutputFile) { mesg("Unable to open: ", FileName); done(); }
PVOID Open( const char *FileName, const char *Mode, DWORD Size ) { PFILEMAP FileMap = NULL;
FileMap = (PFILEMAP)malloc(sizeof(FILEMAP));
if ( FileMap ) {
FileMap->Access = 0; FileMap->Share = FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE;
while ( *Mode ) {
switch ( *Mode ) {
case 'r': FileMap->Access |= GENERIC_READ; FileMap->Create = OPEN_EXISTING; break;
case 'w': FileMap->Access |= GENERIC_WRITE; FileMap->Create = CREATE_ALWAYS; break;
case 'a': FileMap->Access += GENERIC_WRITE; FileMap->Create = OPEN_ALWAYS; break;
case '+': FileMap->Access |= (GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE); break;
default: break; }
Mode++; }
FileMap->FileHandle = CreateFile( FileName, FileMap->Access, FileMap->Share, NULL, FileMap->Create, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL );
if ( FileMap->FileHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) {
FileMap->Size = GetFileSize( FileMap->FileHandle, NULL ); FileMap->Allocated = (FileMap->Access == GENERIC_READ) ? FileMap->Size : Size;
FileMap->MapHandle = CreateFileMapping( FileMap->FileHandle, NULL, (FileMap->Access & GENERIC_WRITE) ? PAGE_READWRITE : PAGE_READONLY, 0, (FileMap->Access == GENERIC_READ) ? 0 : (DWORD)Size, NULL );
if ( FileMap->MapHandle ) {
FileMap->Base = MapViewOfFile( FileMap->MapHandle, (FileMap->Access & GENERIC_WRITE) ? FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS : FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0, (FileMap->Access == GENERIC_READ) ? 0 : Size );
if ( FileMap->Base ) {
if ( FileMap->Create == OPEN_ALWAYS ) { FileMap->Offset = FileMap->Size; } goto Done; }
CloseHandle( FileMap->MapHandle ); }
CloseHandle( FileMap->FileHandle ); }
free( FileMap ); FileMap = NULL; }
Done: return (PVOID)FileMap; }
int Close ( PVOID Map ) { PFILEMAP FileMap = (PFILEMAP)Map;
UnmapViewOfFile( FileMap->Base ); CloseHandle( FileMap->MapHandle );
if ( FileMap->Access & GENERIC_WRITE ) {
SetFilePointer( FileMap->FileHandle, FileMap->Size, 0, FILE_BEGIN );
SetEndOfFile( FileMap->FileHandle ); }
CloseHandle( FileMap->FileHandle );
free( FileMap );
return 0; }