* tscroll.c * * standard table class. * * scrolling and selection routines * * see table.h for interface description * * This implementation currently only supports TM_SINGLE, not TM_MANY * modes of selection. */
#include "windows.h"
#include "commdlg.h"
#include "gutils.h"
#include "table.h"
#include "tpriv.h"
VOID gtab_extendsel( HWND hwnd, lpTable ptab, long startrow, long startcell, BOOL bNotify );
/* handle a vscroll message */ void gtab_msg_vscroll(HWND hwnd, lpTable ptab, int opcode, int pos) { long change;
switch(opcode) { case SB_THUMBPOSITION: case SB_THUMBTRACK: change = (pos * ptab->scrollscale) - ptab->toprow; break;
case SB_LINEUP: change = -1; break;
case SB_LINEDOWN: change = 1; break;
case SB_PAGEUP: change = - (ptab->nlines - 3); if (change>=0) change = -1; // consider nlines <=3!
case SB_PAGEDOWN: change = (ptab->nlines - 3); if (change<=0) change = 1; // consider nlines <=3!
default: return; } gtab_dovscroll(hwnd, ptab, change); }
/* handle a hscroll message */ void gtab_msg_hscroll(HWND hwnd, lpTable ptab, int opcode, int pos) { int change;
switch(opcode) { case SB_THUMBPOSITION: case SB_THUMBTRACK: change = pos - ptab->scroll_dx; break;
case SB_LINEUP: change = -(ptab->avewidth); break;
case SB_LINEDOWN: change = ptab->avewidth; break;
case SB_PAGEUP: change = - (ptab->winwidth * 2 / 3); break;
case SB_PAGEDOWN: change = (ptab->winwidth * 2 / 3); break;
default: return; } gtab_dohscroll(hwnd, ptab, change); }
* set new vertical scroll pos, * adjust linedata array * set line win-relative start posns & clip top/bottom posns * revise display. */ void gtab_dovscroll(HWND hwnd, lpTable ptab, long change) { int cury, i; long ncopy; lpCellPos cp; LineData ldtemp; RECT rc, rcpaint; long range; long newtop; int newpos; BOOL fWasVisible = FALSE;
if (ptab->selvisible) { fWasVisible = TRUE; ptab->selvisible = FALSE; gtab_invertsel(hwnd, ptab, NULL); }
range = ptab->hdr.nrows - (ptab->nlines - 1); newtop = ptab->toprow + change; if (range < 0) { range = 0; } if (newtop > range) { change = range - ptab->toprow; } else if (newtop < 0) { change = -(ptab->toprow); } ptab->toprow += change;
newpos = (int) (newtop / ptab->scrollscale); SetScrollPos(hwnd, SB_VERT, newpos, TRUE);
if (ptab->hdr.sendscroll) { gtab_sendtq(hwnd, TQ_SCROLL, ptab->toprow); }
/* adjust data ptrs rather than invalidate, to retain the
* data we know is still valid */ if (abs(change) >= ptab->nlines) { gtab_invallines(hwnd, ptab, ptab->hdr.fixedrows, ptab->nlines - ptab->hdr.fixedrows); InvalidateRect(hwnd, NULL, FALSE); change = 0; } else if (change < 0) { /* copy data down */ ncopy = (ptab->nlines - ptab->hdr.fixedrows) - abs(change); for (i = ptab->nlines - 1; i >= (ptab->hdr.fixedrows + abs(change)); i--) { ldtemp = ptab->pdata[i - abs(change)]; ptab->pdata[i - abs(change)] = ptab->pdata[i]; ptab->pdata[i] = ldtemp; } gtab_invallines(hwnd, ptab, ptab->hdr.fixedrows, (int) abs(change)); } else if (change > 0) { ncopy = (ptab->nlines - ptab->hdr.fixedrows) - change; for (i = ptab->hdr.fixedrows; i < (ncopy + ptab->hdr.fixedrows); i++) { ldtemp = ptab->pdata[i + change]; ptab->pdata[i + change] = ptab->pdata[i]; ptab->pdata[i] = ldtemp; } gtab_invallines(hwnd, ptab, (int) ncopy + ptab->hdr.fixedrows, (int) change); }
/* scroll window */ GetClientRect(hwnd, &rc); rcpaint = rc; if (change > 0) { rc.top += (int) (change + ptab->hdr.fixedrows) * ptab->rowheight; rcpaint.top = (ptab->hdr.fixedrows * ptab->rowheight); rcpaint.top += rc.bottom - rc.top; } else if (change < 0) { rc.top += (ptab->hdr.fixedrows * ptab->rowheight); rc.bottom += (int) (change * ptab->rowheight); rcpaint.bottom -= rc.bottom - rc.top; }
/* loop through each line setting relative posn and clipping */
/* set up all rows - the fixed/moveable difference for
* rows is made at fetch-time during painting, when we remember * which absolute row nr to ask for, for a given screen line */ cury = 0; for (i = 0; i < ptab->nlines; i++) { cp = &ptab->pdata[i].linepos; cp->start = cury; cp->clipstart = cury; cp->clipend = cury + cp->size; cury += cp->size; }
/* now move and repaint the window */ if (change != 0) { if (rc.top < rc.bottom) { ScrollWindow(hwnd, 0, (int) -(change * ptab->rowheight), &rc, NULL); }
// don't repaint the fixed rows
rc.top = 0; rc.bottom = ptab->hdr.fixedrows * ptab->rowheight; ValidateRect(hwnd, &rc);
/* force repaint now, not just post message for later,
* since we want to repaint that line before the next * scroll down occurs */ ValidateRect(hwnd, &rcpaint); RedrawWindow(hwnd, &rcpaint, NULL, RDW_NOERASE | RDW_INVALIDATE | RDW_INTERNALPAINT);
if (fWasVisible) { gtab_invertsel(hwnd, ptab, NULL); ptab->selvisible = TRUE; } }
* set new horizontal scroll pos, * set col win-relative start posns & clip left/right posns * revise display. */ void gtab_dohscroll(HWND hwnd, lpTable ptab, long change) { int curx, i; int moveable; lpCellPos cp; int newdx, range;
/* check that the new scroll pos is still within the valid range */ range = ptab->rowwidth - ptab->winwidth; newdx = ptab->scroll_dx + (int) change; if (range < 0) { range = 0; } if (newdx > range) { change = range - ptab->scroll_dx; } else if (newdx < 0) { change = -(ptab->scroll_dx); } ptab->scroll_dx += (int) change;
SetScrollPos(hwnd, SB_HORZ, ptab->scroll_dx, TRUE); if (ptab->hdr.fixedcols > 0) { RECT rc; GetClientRect(hwnd, &rc); rc.left = ptab->pcellpos[ptab->hdr.fixedcols - 1].clipend; InvalidateRect(hwnd, &rc, FALSE); } else { InvalidateRect(hwnd, NULL, FALSE); }
/* loop through each col setting relative posn and clipping */ /* clip off 1 pixel left and right (we added 2 on to size for this) */
/* first set up fixed columns */ curx = 0; for (i = 0; i < ptab->hdr.fixedcols; i++) { cp = &ptab->pcellpos[i]; cp->start = curx + 1; cp->clipstart = cp->start; cp->clipend = cp->start + cp->size - 2; curx += cp->size; }
/* now moveable columns. remember start of moveable cols */ moveable = curx; curx = - ptab->scroll_dx; /* rel. pos of col */ for (i = ptab->hdr.fixedcols; i < ptab->hdr.ncols; i++) { cp = &ptab->pcellpos[i]; cp->start = curx + moveable + 1; cp->clipstart = max(moveable+1, cp->start); cp->clipend = cp->start + cp->size - 2; curx += cp->size; } }
* convert screen line nr to table row nr */ long gtab_linetorow(HWND hwnd, lpTable ptab, int line) { if (line < ptab->hdr.fixedrows) { return(line); }
return (line + ptab->toprow); }
* convert table row nr to screen line nr or -1 if not on screen */ int gtab_rowtoline(HWND hwnd, lpTable ptab, long row) { if (row < ptab->hdr.fixedrows) { return( (int) row); }
row -= ptab->toprow; if ((row >= ptab->hdr.fixedrows) && (row < ptab->nlines)) { return ( (int) row); } return(-1); }
* check if a given location is within the current selection. * Returns true if it is inside the current selection, or false if * either there is no selection, or the row, cell passed is outside it. */ BOOL gtab_insideselection( lpTable ptab, long row, long cell) { long startrow, endrow; long startcell, endcell;
if (0 == ptab->select.nrows) { // no selection
return FALSE; }
// selection maintains anchor point as startrow,
// so the selection can extend forwards or backwards from there.
// need to convert to forward only for comparison
startrow = ptab->select.startrow; if (ptab->select.nrows < 0) { endrow = startrow; startrow += ptab->select.nrows + 1; } else { endrow = startrow + ptab->select.nrows - 1; } if ((row < startrow) || (row > endrow)) { return FALSE; }
// if we are in row-select mode, then that's it - its inside
if (ptab->hdr.selectmode & TM_ROW) { return TRUE; }
// same calculation for cells
startcell = ptab->select.startcell; if (ptab->select.ncells < 0) { endcell = startcell; startcell += ptab->select.ncells + 1; } else { endcell = startcell + ptab->select.ncells - 1; } if ((cell < startcell) || (cell > endcell)) { return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
* replace old selection with new. Notify owner if bNotify. Change * display to reflect new display. */ void gtab_select( HWND hwnd, lpTable ptab, long row, long col, long nrows, long ncells, BOOL bNotify) {
/* if in ROW mode, force col and ncells to reflect the entire row. */ if (ptab->hdr.selectmode & TM_ROW) { col = 0; ncells = ptab->hdr.ncols; }
/* clear existing sel if valid and visible */ if ((ptab->select.nrows != 0) && (ptab->selvisible == TRUE)) {
/* only clear sel if it is different from the new one */ if ((ptab->select.startrow != row) || (ptab->select.startcell != col) || (ptab->select.nrows != nrows) || (ptab->select.ncells != ncells)) {
gtab_invertsel(hwnd, ptab, NULL); ptab->selvisible = FALSE; } }
/* set select fields and send TQ_SELECT */ if (row < ptab->hdr.nrows) { ptab->select.startrow = row; ptab->select.startcell = col; ptab->select.nrows = nrows; ptab->select.ncells = ncells; } else { ptab->select.nrows = 0; ptab->select.startrow = 0; ptab->select.startcell = 0; ptab->select.ncells = 0; }
if (bNotify) { gtab_sendtq(hwnd, TQ_SELECT, (LPARAM) &ptab->select); }
/* paint in selection */ if (nrows != 0) { if (!ptab->selvisible) { gtab_invertsel(hwnd, ptab, NULL); ptab->selvisible = TRUE; } } else { if (ptab->selvisible) { gtab_invertsel(hwnd, ptab, NULL); ptab->selvisible = FALSE; } ptab->selvisible = FALSE; } }
* convert window y co-ord to a line nr */ int gtab_ytoline(HWND hwnd, lpTable ptab, int y) { return(y / ptab->rowheight); }
* convert window x co-ord to a cell nr */ int gtab_xtocol(HWND hwnd, lpTable ptab, int x) { int i; lpCellPos ppos;
for (i = 0; i < ptab->hdr.ncols; i++) { ppos = &ptab->pcellpos[i]; if (ppos->clipstart < ppos->clipend) { if ( (x >= ppos->clipstart) && (x < ppos->clipend)) { return(i); } } } return(-1); }
* check if x co-ord is 'near' (+- 2 pixels) the right border of given cell */ BOOL gtab_isborder(HWND hwnd, lpTable ptab, long x, long col) {
if (abs(ptab->pcellpos[col].clipend - x) < 2) { return(TRUE); } else { return(FALSE); } }
* set selection and send 'TQ_ENTER' event to owner */ void gtab_enter(HWND hwnd, lpTable ptab, long row, long col, long nrows, long ncells) { /* clear existing sel if valid and visible */ if ((ptab->select.nrows != 0) && (ptab->selvisible == TRUE)) {
/* only clear sel if it is different from the new one */ if ((ptab->select.startrow != row) || (ptab->select.startcell != col) || (ptab->select.nrows != nrows) || (ptab->select.ncells != ncells)) { gtab_invertsel(hwnd, ptab, NULL); ptab->selvisible = FALSE; } }
/* set select fields and send TQ_ENTER */ if (row < ptab->hdr.nrows) { ptab->select.startrow = row; ptab->select.startcell = col; ptab->select.nrows = nrows; ptab->select.ncells = ncells; } else { ptab->select.nrows = 0; ptab->select.startrow = 0; ptab->select.startcell = 0; ptab->select.ncells = 0; }
/* paint in selection */ if (nrows != 0) { if (!ptab->selvisible) { gtab_invertsel(hwnd, ptab, NULL); ptab->selvisible = TRUE; } /* do this at end because it could cause a layout-change */ gtab_sendtq(hwnd, TQ_ENTER, (LPARAM) &ptab->select); } else { if (ptab->selvisible) { gtab_invertsel(hwnd, ptab, NULL); } ptab->selvisible = FALSE; } }
* start re-sizing a column */ void gtab_trackcol(HWND hwnd, lpTable ptab, long col, long x) {
/* ensure we see the mouse-up */ SetCapture(hwnd); ptab->trackmode = TRACK_COLUMN; #ifdef WIN32
ptab->tracknr = col; ptab->trackline1 = x; #else
// maximum 32767 columns is a reasonable limit!
ptab->tracknr = (int) (col & 0x7fff); ptab->trackline1 = (int) (x & 0x7fff); #endif
/* if line at other side of cell is visible, draw that too */ if (ptab->pcellpos[col].start >= ptab->pcellpos[col].clipstart) { ptab->trackline2 = ptab->pcellpos[col].start; } else { ptab->trackline2 = -1; } gtab_drawvertline(hwnd, ptab); }
* called on right-click events. Select the cell clicked on, and if * valid, send on to owner for any context-menu type operation */ void gtab_rightclick(HWND hwnd, lpTable ptab, int x, int y) { long cell, ncells; long row; HWND hOwner;
/* find which col, row he selected */ cell = gtab_xtocol(hwnd, ptab, x); if (cell == -1) { return; } row = gtab_linetorow(hwnd, ptab, gtab_ytoline(hwnd, ptab, y));
/* is he selecting a disabled fixed area ? */ if ( (row < ptab->hdr.fixedrows) || (cell < ptab->hdr.fixedcols)) { if (ptab->hdr.fixedselectable == FALSE) { return; } }
// ignore if beyond data
if ((row >= ptab->hdr.nrows) || (cell >= ptab->hdr.ncols)) { return; }
/* is this within the already-selected area? */ if (!gtab_insideselection(ptab, row, cell)) { // no selection, or clicked outside the selection - make new selection
// before sending the right-click
// if shift is down, extend selection
if (GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) & 0x8000) { gtab_extendsel(hwnd, ptab, row, cell, TRUE); } else { /* record and paint new selection */
if (ptab->hdr.selectmode & TM_ROW) { cell = 0; ncells = ptab->hdr.ncols; } else { ncells = 1; } gtab_select(hwnd, ptab, row, cell, 1, ncells, TRUE); } }
// now we have sent the selection, pass the message onto him
hOwner = (HANDLE) GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, WW_OWNER); SendMessage(hOwner, WM_RBUTTONDOWN, 0, MAKELONG( (short)x, (short)y)); }
* called on mouse-down events. decide what to start tracking. */ void gtab_press(HWND hwnd, lpTable ptab, int x, int y) { long cell, ncells; long row;
if (ptab->trackmode != TRACK_NONE) { return; }
/* has he grabbed a cell-edge to resize ? */ cell = gtab_xtocol(hwnd, ptab, x); if (cell == -1) { return; } if (gtab_isborder(hwnd, ptab, x, cell)) { gtab_trackcol(hwnd, ptab, cell, x); return; } if ( (cell > 0) && gtab_isborder(hwnd, ptab, x, cell-1)) { gtab_trackcol(hwnd, ptab, cell, x); return; }
/* find which line he selected */ row = gtab_linetorow(hwnd, ptab, gtab_ytoline(hwnd, ptab, y));
/* is he selecting a disabled fixed area ? */ if ( (row < ptab->hdr.fixedrows) || (cell < ptab->hdr.fixedcols)) { if (ptab->hdr.fixedselectable == FALSE) { return; } }
// ignore if beyond data
if ((row >= ptab->hdr.nrows) || (cell >= ptab->hdr.ncols)) { return; }
/* ok, start cell selection */ ptab->trackmode = TRACK_CELL; SetCapture(hwnd);
/* record and paint new selection */
if (ptab->hdr.selectmode & TM_ROW) { cell = 0; ncells = ptab->hdr.ncols; } else { ncells = 1; }
* if the shift key is down, then extend the selection to this * new anchor point, rather than create a new selection */ if (GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) & 0x8000) { gtab_extendsel(hwnd, ptab, row, cell, FALSE); } else { gtab_select(hwnd, ptab, row, cell, 1, ncells, FALSE); } return; }
* called on mouse-up. complete any tracking that was happening */ void gtab_release(HWND hwnd, lpTable ptab, int x, int y) { lpCellPos ppos; lpProps pprop; long row, cell; int cx;
switch(ptab->trackmode) {
case TRACK_NONE: return;
case TRACK_COLUMN: /* erase marker lines */ gtab_drawvertline(hwnd, ptab); ReleaseCapture(); ptab->trackmode = TRACK_NONE;
/* adjust cell width */ ppos = &ptab->pcellpos[ptab->tracknr]; cx = ptab->trackline1 - ppos->start; pprop = &ptab->pcolhdr[ptab->tracknr].props; pprop->valid |= P_WIDTH; pprop->width = cx; gtab_calcwidths(hwnd, ptab); gtab_setsize(hwnd, ptab); InvalidateRect(hwnd, NULL, FALSE); return;
case TRACK_CELL: row = gtab_linetorow(hwnd, ptab, gtab_ytoline(hwnd, ptab, y)); cell = gtab_xtocol(hwnd, ptab, x);
ReleaseCapture(); ptab->trackmode = TRACK_NONE;
// ignore if before or beyond data
if ( (row < ptab->hdr.fixedrows) || (cell < ptab->hdr.fixedcols)) { if (ptab->hdr.fixedselectable == FALSE) { gtab_select( hwnd, ptab, ptab->select.startrow, ptab->select.startcell, ptab->select.nrows, ptab->select.ncells, TRUE);
return; } }
if ((row >= ptab->hdr.nrows) || (cell >= ptab->hdr.ncols)) { gtab_select( hwnd, ptab, ptab->select.startrow, ptab->select.startcell, ptab->select.nrows, ptab->select.ncells, TRUE); return; }
* Extend to this new selection end point * we used to only do this if shift key pressed, but that * is not a good UI. */ gtab_extendsel(hwnd, ptab, row, cell, TRUE); return; } }
/* called on mouse-move. if tracking - adjust position, if not,
* set correct cursor */ void gtab_move(HWND hwnd, lpTable ptab, int x, int y) { BOOL fOK; int line; long row; int col; lpCellPos ppos;
switch(ptab->trackmode) {
case TRACK_NONE: col = gtab_xtocol(hwnd, ptab, x); if (col == -1) { SetCursor(hNormCurs); return; } if (gtab_isborder(hwnd, ptab, x, col)) { SetCursor(hVertCurs); return; } if ( (col > 0) && gtab_isborder(hwnd, ptab, x, col-1)) { SetCursor(hVertCurs); return; } SetCursor(hNormCurs); return;
case TRACK_CELL: line = gtab_ytoline(hwnd, ptab, y);
// we used to only allow drag to extend
// the selection if the shift key was down.
// this doesn't seem to work as a UI - you expect
// to drag and extend.
/* if extending selection then
* allow scrolling by dragging off window */ if (line < 0) { gtab_dovscroll(hwnd, ptab, -1); line = gtab_ytoline(hwnd, ptab, y); } else if (line >= ptab->nlines) { gtab_dovscroll(hwnd, ptab, 1); line = gtab_ytoline(hwnd, ptab, y); }
row = gtab_linetorow(hwnd, ptab, line); col = gtab_xtocol(hwnd, ptab, x);
// ignore if before or beyond data
if ( (row < ptab->hdr.fixedrows) || (col < ptab->hdr.fixedcols)) { if (ptab->hdr.fixedselectable == FALSE) { return; } }
if ((row >= ptab->hdr.nrows) || (col >= ptab->hdr.ncols)) { return; }
* extend to this new selection end point */ gtab_extendsel(hwnd, ptab, row, col, FALSE); return;
case TRACK_COLUMN: /* check that new x is still visible/valid */ ppos = &ptab->pcellpos[ptab->tracknr]; fOK = FALSE;
if (ptab->tracknr < ptab->hdr.fixedcols) { if ((x > ppos->start) && (x < ptab->winwidth)) { fOK = TRUE; } } else { if ((x > ppos->clipstart) && (x < ptab->winwidth)) { fOK = TRUE; } } if (fOK == TRUE) { gtab_drawvertline(hwnd, ptab); ptab->trackline1 = x; gtab_drawvertline(hwnd, ptab); } return; } }
/* dbl-click - send an TQ_ENTER event to the owner (if valid) */ void gtab_dblclick(HWND hwnd, lpTable ptab, int x, int y) { int cell, line; long row;
line = gtab_ytoline(hwnd, ptab, y); cell = gtab_xtocol(hwnd, ptab, x); if ( (line < ptab->hdr.fixedrows) || (cell < ptab->hdr.fixedcols) ) { if (!ptab->hdr.fixedselectable) { return; } } row = gtab_linetorow(hwnd, ptab, line);
if (ptab->hdr.selectmode & TM_ROW) { gtab_enter(hwnd, ptab, row, 0, 1, ptab->hdr.ncols); } else { gtab_enter(hwnd, ptab, row, cell, 1, 1); } }
* move selection area to visible part of window. argument bToBottom * indicates whether to move the line onto the bottom or the top of the * window if not visible - this affects the smoothness of scrolling * line-by-line. */ void gtab_showsel(HWND hwnd, lpTable ptab, BOOL bToBottom) { int line; long change;
line = gtab_rowtoline(hwnd, ptab, ptab->select.startrow);
/* move up if last line or not at all visible */ if ( (line < 0) || line == (ptab->nlines - 1)) { change = ptab->select.startrow - ptab->toprow; if (bToBottom) { /* change to bottom of window. subtract 2 not 1
* since nlines includes one line that is only * partly visible */ change -= (ptab->nlines - 2); } change -= ptab->hdr.fixedrows; gtab_dovscroll(hwnd, ptab, change); } /* add support for TM_CELL here! */ }
* scroll the window so that if possible, the selected row is in the * middle 60% of the screen so that context around it is visible. */ void gtab_showsel_middle(HWND hwnd, lpTable ptab, long dyRowsFromTop) { int line = ptab->select.startrow; long change = 0; int mid_top, mid_end; BOOL fScroll = FALSE;
if (dyRowsFromTop >= 0) { fScroll = TRUE; change = (ptab->select.startrow - dyRowsFromTop) - ptab->toprow; change -= ptab->hdr.fixedrows; }
/* is this within the middle 60 % ? */ mid_top = ptab->toprow + (ptab->nlines * 20 / 100); mid_end = ptab->toprow + (ptab->nlines * 80 / 100); if ((line < mid_top + change) || (line > mid_end + change)) { /* no - scroll so that selected line is at
* the 20% mark */ fScroll = TRUE; change = (ptab->select.startrow - mid_top); change -= ptab->hdr.fixedrows; }
if (fScroll) { gtab_dovscroll(hwnd, ptab, change); }
/* again - need code here for TM_CELL mode to ensure that
* active cell is horizontally scrolled correctly */ }
* extend the selection to set the new anchor point as startrow, startcell. * * nrows and ncells will then be set to include the end row of the previous * selection. nrows, ncells < 0 indicate left and up. -1 and +1 both indicate * just one cell or row selected. */ VOID gtab_extendsel( HWND hwnd, lpTable ptab, long startrow, long startcell, BOOL bNotify ) { long endrow, endcell, nrows, ncells;
* if no current selection, then just select the new anchor point */ if (ptab->select.nrows == 0) { gtab_select(hwnd, ptab, startrow, startcell, 1, (ptab->hdr.selectmode & TM_ROW) ? ptab->hdr.ncols:1, bNotify); return; }
if (startrow >= ptab->hdr.nrows) { startrow = ptab->hdr.nrows -1; } else if (startrow < 0) { startrow = 0; } if (startcell >= ptab->hdr.ncols) { startcell = ptab->hdr.ncols-1; } else if (startcell < 0) { startcell = 0; }
/* calculate the row just beyond the selection
* this is one above for upwards sels, and one below for * downard-extending sels. Then adjust down or up one * to be the actual (inclusive) last row. */ endrow = ptab->select.startrow + ptab->select.nrows; if (ptab->select.nrows < 0) { endrow++; } else { endrow--; }
if (endrow >= ptab->hdr.nrows) { endrow = ptab->hdr.nrows-1; } nrows = endrow - startrow;
if (nrows >= 0) { // convert from exclusive to inclusive
nrows++; } else { // convert from exclusive to inclusive
nrows--; }
/* same calculation for cells */ endcell = ptab->select.startcell + ptab->select.ncells; if (ptab->select.ncells < 0) { endcell++; } else { endcell--; } ncells = endcell - startcell; if (ncells >= 0) { ncells++; } else { ncells--; } gtab_select(hwnd, ptab, startrow, startcell, nrows, ncells, bNotify); }
/* move the selection a specified nr of rows or cells
* if no selection, select first visible unit * * if bExtend is true and there is a current selection, then extend it rather than * replace it. Note that (startrow, startcell) will always be set to the newly * selected position - this is the anchor point. nrows or ncells may be negative * if the selection extends upwards above the anchor. nrows == -1 is the same * as nrows == 1, meaning only the current row is visible. Similarly * (in TM_CELL mode), ncells may be negative. * * Move the selection (ie anchor point) to make it visible. bToBottom * indicates whether it should be moved to the bottom or the top * of the window. */ VOID gtab_changesel( HWND hwnd, lpTable ptab, long rowincr, int cellincr, BOOL bToBottom, BOOL bExtend ) { long row, col, ncols;
/* is there a selection ? */ if (ptab->select.nrows == 0) {
/* no selection - force a selection
* at the first visible unit */ if (ptab->hdr.fixedselectable) { row = 0; col = 0; } else { row = gtab_linetorow(hwnd, ptab, ptab->hdr.fixedrows); /* should really check for first visible cell */ col = ptab->hdr.fixedcols; } ncols = 1; if (ptab->hdr.selectmode & TM_ROW) { col = 0; ncols = ptab->hdr.ncols; } gtab_select(hwnd, ptab, row, col, 1, ncols, TRUE);
} else { /* move the anchor point by rowincr, cellincr */ row = ptab->select.startrow + rowincr; col = ptab->select.startcell + cellincr;
* ensure that new anchor point is in a valid position */
while (col >= ptab->hdr.ncols) { col -= ptab->hdr.ncols; row++; } while (col < 0) { col += ptab->hdr.ncols; row--; } if (row < 0) { row = 0; } if (row >= ptab->hdr.nrows) { row = ptab->hdr.nrows-1; } /* check we haven't moved into non-selectable region */ if ((row < ptab->hdr.fixedrows) && (!ptab->hdr.fixedselectable)) { row = ptab->hdr.fixedrows; }
if (bExtend) { gtab_extendsel(hwnd, ptab, row, col, TRUE); } else { gtab_select( hwnd, ptab, row, col, 1, (ptab->hdr.selectmode & TM_ROW) ? ptab->hdr.ncols : 1, TRUE); } }
/* ensure selection visible */ gtab_showsel(hwnd, ptab, bToBottom); }
* set the topmost selectable unit in window as the selection * * if bExtend is TRUE, then extend the selection to include this, rather * than replacing the existing selection. Note that (startrow, startcell) * is always the anchor point - ie most recently selected end, and the * (nrows, ncells) can be + or - to extend the selection downwards or upwards. */ void gtab_selhome(HWND hwnd, lpTable ptab, BOOL bExtend) { long startrow, startcell, ncells;
if (ptab->hdr.selectmode & TM_ROW) { ncells = ptab->hdr.ncols; } else { ncells = 1; } startcell = 0;
if (ptab->hdr.fixedselectable) { startrow = gtab_linetorow(hwnd, ptab, 0); } else { startrow = gtab_linetorow(hwnd, ptab, ptab->hdr.fixedrows); if (!(ptab->hdr.selectmode & TM_ROW)) { startcell = ptab->hdr.fixedcols; } }
if (bExtend) { gtab_extendsel(hwnd, ptab, startrow, startcell, TRUE); } else { gtab_select(hwnd, ptab, startrow, startcell, 1, ncells, TRUE); } }
/* handle key-down events - scroll windows and/or move selection */ int gtab_key(HWND hwnd, lpTable ptab, int vkey) { long startrow, ncells, startcell; BOOL bControl = FALSE; BOOL bShift = FALSE;
if (GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) & 0x8000) { bControl = TRUE; } if (GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) & 0x8000) { /* ignore shift key here if TM_MANY -multiple selection flag- is
* not selected */ if (ptab->hdr.selectmode & TM_MANY) { bShift = TRUE; } }
switch(vkey) {
case VK_UP: if (bControl) { /* control-uparrow scrolls window without selection.
* the selection is de-selected (to avoid surprises * moving back to it). */ gtab_select(hwnd, ptab, 0, 0, 0, 0, TRUE); gtab_dovscroll(hwnd, ptab, -1); } else { /* uparrow moves selection up one line */ gtab_changesel(hwnd, ptab, -1, 0, FALSE, bShift); } return(0);
case VK_DOWN: if (bControl) { /* control downarrow scrolls window without
* a selection. */ gtab_select(hwnd, ptab, 0, 0, 0, 0, TRUE); gtab_dovscroll(hwnd, ptab, 1); } else { /* the normal gtab_changesel behaviour is
* that if the selected line is not visible now, * we scroll it to the top of the window. This is fine * in most cases but causes unacceptable jumps when * repeatedly scrolling down with the down key. * * Thus we now have an argument to changesel to say * that in this case, if you need to move the line onto * the window, move it to the bottom and not the top */ gtab_changesel(hwnd, ptab, 1, 0, TRUE, bShift); } return(0);
case VK_LEFT: /* if cell-selection mode, move left one cell.
* otherwise the whole row is selected - scroll * the line left a little */
if (ptab->hdr.selectmode & TM_ROW) { if (bControl) { /* ctrl-left moves to start of line */ gtab_dohscroll(hwnd, ptab, -(ptab->scroll_dx)); } else { gtab_dohscroll(hwnd, ptab, -(ptab->avewidth)); } } else { gtab_changesel(hwnd, ptab, 0, -1, FALSE, bShift); } return(0);
case VK_RIGHT: /* if cell-selection mode, move right one cell.
* otherwise the whole row is selected - scroll * the line right a little */ if (ptab->hdr.selectmode & TM_ROW) { if (bControl) { /* control-right moves to right end of line */ gtab_dohscroll(hwnd, ptab, ptab->rowwidth - ptab->winwidth); } else { gtab_dohscroll(hwnd, ptab, ptab->avewidth); } } else { gtab_changesel(hwnd, ptab, 0, 1, TRUE, bShift); } return(0);
case VK_HOME: if (bControl) { /* control-home == top of file */ gtab_dovscroll(hwnd, ptab, -(ptab->toprow)); } /* top of window */ gtab_selhome(hwnd, ptab, bShift); gtab_showsel(hwnd, ptab, FALSE);
case VK_END: if (bControl) { /* control-end -> end of file */ startrow = ptab->hdr.nrows-1; } else { startrow = gtab_linetorow(hwnd, ptab, ptab->nlines - 1); if (startrow >= ptab->hdr.nrows) { startrow = ptab->hdr.nrows-1; } }
startcell = 0; ncells = ptab->hdr.ncols; if (!(ptab->hdr.selectmode & TM_ROW)) { startcell = ptab->hdr.ncols-1; ncells = 1; }
if (bShift) { gtab_extendsel(hwnd, ptab, startrow, startcell, TRUE); } else { gtab_select(hwnd, ptab, startrow, startcell, 1, ncells, TRUE); }
/* we have selected the bottom line. We don't want to
* move it up into the window, since the intended * effect is to select the lowest line. This doesn't * apply to the ctrl-end behaviour (move to bottom of * buffer. */ if (bControl) { /* move the selection to make it visible - but move it
* to the bottom and not to the top of the window */ gtab_showsel(hwnd, ptab, TRUE); } return(0);
case VK_RETURN: if (ptab->select.nrows != 0) { gtab_showsel(hwnd, ptab, FALSE); gtab_enter(hwnd, ptab, ptab->select.startrow, ptab->select.startcell, ptab->select.nrows, ptab->select.ncells); } return(0);
case VK_SPACE: /* toggle the selection */ if (ptab->select.nrows == 0) { /* no selection - make one */ gtab_changesel(hwnd, ptab, 0, 0, TRUE, FALSE); } else { /* there is a selection - deselect it */ gtab_select(hwnd, ptab, 0, 0, 0, 0, TRUE); } return(0);
case VK_PRIOR: /* page up */
if (ptab->nlines > 3) { gtab_dovscroll(hwnd, ptab, -(ptab->nlines - 3)); } gtab_selhome(hwnd, ptab, bShift); return(0);
case VK_NEXT: /* page down */
/* scroll down one page */ if (ptab->nlines > 3) { gtab_dovscroll(hwnd, ptab, (ptab->nlines - 3)); }
/* select new bottom line */ startrow = gtab_linetorow(hwnd, ptab, ptab->nlines - 1); if (startrow >= ptab->hdr.nrows) { startrow = ptab->hdr.nrows-1; } startcell = 0; ncells = ptab->hdr.ncols; if (!(ptab->hdr.selectmode & TM_ROW)) { startcell = ptab->hdr.ncols-1; ncells = 1; }
/* select bottom line, but don't call showsel
* since we don't want to adjust it's position - we * want it to remain at the bottom of the window */ if (bShift) { gtab_extendsel(hwnd, ptab, startrow, startcell, TRUE); } else { gtab_select(hwnd, ptab, startrow, startcell, 1, ncells, TRUE); } return(0);
default: return(1); } }
int gtab_mousewheel(HWND hwnd, lpTable ptab, DWORD fwKeys, int zDelta) { static ULONG uScrollLines = 0;
if (fwKeys & MK_MBUTTON) { return 1; }
if (uScrollLines == 0) { SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETWHEELSCROLLLINES, 0, &uScrollLines, FALSE); if (uScrollLines == 0) { uScrollLines = 3; } }
zDelta /= -WHEEL_DELTA;
if (fwKeys & MK_CONTROL) { //
// Left-Right scroll
if (ptab->hdr.selectmode & TM_ROW) { if (fwKeys & MK_SHIFT) { zDelta = (zDelta > 0) ? ptab->rowwidth : -ptab->rowwidth; } gtab_dohscroll(hwnd, ptab, ptab->avewidth * zDelta); return 0; } return 1; }
if (fwKeys & MK_SHIFT) { //
// Page scroll
if (ptab->nlines > 3) { zDelta *= ptab->nlines - 3; } } else { if (uScrollLines) { zDelta *= uScrollLines; zDelta = min(zDelta, ptab->nlines - 3); } }
gtab_dovscroll(hwnd, ptab, zDelta);
return 0; }