#include <stdio.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include "list.h"
// ReaderThread - Reads from the file
// This thread is woken up by clearing SemReader,
// then vReaderFlag instructs the thread on the course of
// action to take. When displaying gets to close to the end
// of the buffer pool, vReadFlag is set and this thread is
// started.
#if _MSC_FULL_VER >= 13008827
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable:4715) // Not all control paths return (due to infinite loop)
DWORD ReaderThread ( DWORD dwParameter ) { unsigned rc, code, curPri = 0; UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(dwParameter);
for (; ;) {
// go into 'boosted' pririoty until we start
// working on 'non-critical' read ahead. (Ie, far away).
if (curPri != vReadPriBoost) { SetThreadPriority( GetCurrentThread(), vReadPriBoost ); curPri = vReadPriBoost; } WaitForSingleObject(vSemReader, WAITFOREVER); ResetEvent(vSemReader); code = vReaderFlag; for (; ;) {
// Due to this loop, a new command may have arrived
// which takes presidence over the automated command
rc = WaitForSingleObject (vSemReader, DONTWAIT); if (rc == 0) // New command has arrived
switch (code) { case F_NEXT: // NEXT FILE
NewFile (); ReadDirect (vDirOffset);
// Hack... adjust priority to make first screen look
// fast. (Ie, reader thread will have lower priority
// at first; eventhough the display is really close
// to the end of the buffer)
SetThreadPriority( GetCurrentThread(), vReadPriNormal );
break; case F_HOME: // HOME of FILE
vTopLine = 0L; ReadDirect (0L); break; case F_DIRECT: ReadDirect (vDirOffset); break; case F_DOWN: ReadNext (); break; case F_UP: ReadPrev (); break; case F_END: break; case F_SYNC: ResetEvent(vSemMoreData); SetEvent(vSemSync); WaitForSingleObject(vSemReader, WAITFOREVER); ResetEvent(vSemReader);
ResetEvent(vSemSync); // Reset trigger for
// Next use.
code = vReaderFlag; continue; // Execute Syncronized command
case F_CHECK: // No command.
break; default: ckdebug (1, "Bad Reader Flag"); } // Command has been processed.
// Now check to see if read ahead is low, if so set
// command and loop.
if (vpTail->offset - vpCur->offset < vThreshold && vpTail->flag != F_EOF) { code = F_DOWN; // Too close to ending
continue; } if (vpCur->offset - vpHead->offset < vThreshold && vpHead->offset != vpFlCur->SlimeTOF) { code = F_UP; // Too close to begining
continue; }
// Not critical, read ahead logic. The current file
// Normal priority (below display thread) for this
if (curPri != vReadPriNormal) { SetThreadPriority( GetCurrentThread(), vReadPriNormal ); curPri = vReadPriNormal; }
if (vCntBlks == vMaxBlks) // All blks in use for
break; // this one file?
if (vpTail->flag != F_EOF) { code = F_DOWN; continue; } if (vpHead->offset != vpFlCur->SlimeTOF) { code = F_UP; continue; }
if (vFhandle != 0) { // Must have whole file read in
CloseHandle (vFhandle); // Close the file, and set flag
vFhandle = 0; if (!(vStatCode & S_INSEARCH)) { ScrLock (1); Update_head (); vDate [ST_MEMORY] = 'M'; dis_str ((Uchar)(vWidth - ST_ADJUST), 0, vDate); ScrUnLock (); } } break; // Nothing to do. Wait
} } return(0); }
#if _MSC_FULL_VER >= 13008827
#pragma warning(pop)
// WARNING: Microsoft Confidential!!!
void NewFile () { char s [60]; char h, c; SYSTEMTIME SystemTime; FILETIME LocalFileTime; WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA fd;
long *pLine; HANDLE TempHandle;
struct Block **pBlk, **pBlkCache;
if (vFhandle) CloseHandle (vFhandle);
vFType = 0; vCurOffset = 0L;
// WARNING: Microsoft Confidential!!!
strcpy (s, "Listing "); strcpy (s+8, vpFname);
// Design change per DougHo.. open files in read-only deny-none mode.
if (vFhandle == (HANDLE)(-1)) { if (vpFlCur->prev == NULL && vpFlCur->next == NULL) { // Only one file specified?
printf ("Could not open file '%Fs': %s", (CFP) vpFlCur->fname, GetErrorCode( GetLastError() ));
CleanUp(); ExitProcess(0); } vFhandle = 0; // Error. Set externals to "safe"
vFSize = (unsigned)-1L; // settings. Flag error by setting
vNLine = 1; // file_size = -1
vLastLine = NOLASTLINE; vDirOffset = vTopLine = 0L; SetLoffset(0L);
memset (vprgLineTable, 0, sizeof (long *) * MAXTPAGE); vprgLineTable[0] = (LFP) alloc_page (); if (!vprgLineTable[0]) { return; } vprgLineTable[0][0] = 0L; // 1st line always starts @ 0
strncpy (vDate, GetErrorCode( GetLastError() ), 20); vDate[20] = 0; return ; }
vFSize = GetFileSize(vFhandle, NULL);
if (!GetFileAttributesEx( vpFlCur->fname, GetFileExInfoStandard, &fd )) { ckerr( GetLastError(), "GetFileAttributesEx" ); }
FileTimeToLocalFileTime( &(fd.ftLastWriteTime), &LocalFileTime ); FileTimeToSystemTime( &LocalFileTime, &SystemTime ); h = (char)SystemTime.wHour; c = 'a'; if (h >= 12) { c = 'p'; // pm
if (h > 12) // convert 13-23 --> 1pm-11pm
h -= 12; } if (h == 0) // convert 0 --> 12am
h = 12;
sprintf (vDate, "%c%c %c%c%c%c %2d/%02d/%02d %2d:%02d%c", // File is in memory
// Search is set for mult files
vStatCode & S_MFILE ? '*' : ' ', // File is in memory
vFType & 0x8000 ? 'N' : ' ', // Network
fd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL ? 'R' : ' ', // Readonly
fd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN ? 'H' : ' ', // Hidden
fd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM ? 'S' : ' ', // System
' ', // Vio
SystemTime.wMonth, SystemTime.wDay, SystemTime.wYear, h, SystemTime.wMinute, c);
pBlkCache = &vpBCache; if (CompareFileTime( &fd.ftLastWriteTime, &vpFlCur->FileTime ) != 0) { vpFlCur->NLine = 1L; // Something has changed.
vpFlCur->LastLine = NOLASTLINE; // Scrap the old info, and
vpFlCur->HighTop = -1; // start over
vpFlCur->TopLine = 0L; vpFlCur->Loffset = vpFlCur->SlimeTOF;
FreePages (vpFlCur); memset (vpFlCur->prgLineTable, 0, sizeof (long *) * MAXTPAGE); vpFlCur->FileTime = fd.ftLastWriteTime; pBlkCache = &vpBFree; // Move blks to free list, not cache list
// Restore last known information
vTopLine = vpFlCur->TopLine; SetLoffset(vpFlCur->Loffset); vLastLine = vpFlCur->LastLine; vNLine = vpFlCur->NLine; vOffTop = 0; if (vpFlCur->Wrap) vWrap = vpFlCur->Wrap;
memcpy (vprgLineTable, vpFlCur->prgLineTable, sizeof (long *) * MAXTPAGE);
if (vLastLine == NOLASTLINE) { pLine = vprgLineTable [vNLine/PLINES] + vNLine % PLINES; }
if (vprgLineTable[0] == NULL) { vprgLineTable[0] = (LFP) alloc_page (); if (!vprgLineTable[0]) { return; } vprgLineTable[0][0] = vpFlCur->SlimeTOF; }
vDirOffset = vprgLineTable[vTopLine/PLINES][vTopLine%PLINES]; vDirOffset -= vDirOffset % ((long)BLOCKSIZE);
// Adjust buffers..
// Move cur buffers to other list
// Move cache buffers to other list
// Scan other list for cache blks, and move to cache (or free) list
if (vpHead) { vpTail->next = vpBOther; // move them into the other
vpBOther = vpHead; // list
vpHead = NULL; }
pBlk = &vpBCache; while (*pBlk) MoveBlk (pBlk, &vpBOther) ;
pBlk = &vpBOther; while (*pBlk) { if ((*pBlk)->pFile == vpFlCur) MoveBlk (pBlk, pBlkCache); else pBlk = &(*pBlk)->next; } }
// ReadDirect - Moves to the direct position in the file
// First check to see if start of buffers have direct position file,
// if so then do nothing. If not, clear all buffers and start
// reading blocks.
void ReadDirect ( long offset ) { WaitForSingleObject(vSemBrief, WAITFOREVER); ResetEvent(vSemBrief);
if (vpHead) { vpTail->next = vpBCache; // move them into the cache
vpBCache = vpHead; // list
vpTail = vpHead = vpCur = alloc_block (offset); vpHead->next = vpTail->prev = NULL; vCntBlks = 1;
// Freeing is complete, now read in the first block.
// and process lines.
ReadBlock (vpHead, offset);
// maybe it fixes the bug
vpBlockTop = vpHead;
if (GetLoffset() <= vpHead->offset) add_more_lines (vpHead, NULL);
SetEvent (vSemBrief); SetEvent (vSemMoreData); // Signal another BLK read
// ReadNext - To read further into file
void ReadNext () { struct Block *pt; long offset;
if (vpTail->flag == F_EOF) { // No next to get, Trip
SetEvent (vSemMoreData); // moredata just in case
return; // t1 has blocked on it
// No next to get, Trip
} offset = vpTail->offset+BLOCKSIZE;
// Get a block
if (vCntBlks == vMaxBlks) { WaitForSingleObject(vSemBrief, WAITFOREVER); ResetEvent(vSemBrief); if (vpHead == vpCur) { SetEvent (vSemBrief); if ((GetLoffset() > vpTail->offset) && (GetLoffset() <= (vpTail->offset + BLOCKSIZE))) { offset = GetLoffset(); } ReadDirect (offset); return; } pt = vpHead; vpHead = vpHead->next; vpHead->prev = NULL; SetEvent (vSemBrief); } else pt = alloc_block (offset);
pt->next = NULL;
// Before linking record into chain, or signaling MoreData
// line info is processed
ReadBlock (pt, offset); if (GetLoffset() <= pt->offset) add_more_lines (pt, vpTail);
WaitForSingleObject(vSemBrief, WAITFOREVER); ResetEvent(vSemBrief); // Link in new
vpTail->next = pt; // block, then
pt->prev = vpTail; // signal
vpTail = pt; SetEvent (vSemBrief); SetEvent (vSemMoreData); // Signal another BLK read
void add_more_lines ( struct Block *cur, struct Block *prev ) { char *pData; long *pLine; Uchar LineLen; Uchar c; unsigned LineIndex; unsigned DataIndex; enum{ CT_ANK, CT_LEAD, CT_TRAIL } charType = CT_ANK; BOOL fLastBlock; static UINT cp = 0; long xNLine;
// doesn't work w/ tabs... it should count the line len
// with a different param, and figure in the TABs
if (vLastLine != NOLASTLINE) return;
if (vNLine/PLINES >= MAXTPAGE) { puts("Sorry, This file is too big for LIST to handle - MAXTPAGE limit exceeded\n"); CleanUp(); ExitProcess(0); }
// Find starting data position
if (GetLoffset() < cur->offset) { DataIndex = (unsigned)(BLOCKSIZE - (GetLoffset() - prev->offset)); pData = prev->Data + BLOCKSIZE - DataIndex; fLastBlock = FALSE; } else { DataIndex = cur->size; // Use cur->size, in case EOF
pData = cur->Data; fLastBlock = TRUE; }
// Get starting line length table position
LineIndex = (unsigned)(vNLine % PLINES); pLine = vprgLineTable [vNLine / PLINES] + LineIndex; LineLen = 0;
if (cp==0) { cp = GetConsoleCP(); }
// Look for lines in the file
for (; ;) { c = *(pData++);
switch (cp) { case 932: if( charType != CT_LEAD ) charType = IsDBCSLeadByte(c) ? CT_LEAD : CT_ANK; else charType = CT_TRAIL; break; default: break; }
if (--DataIndex == 0) { if (fLastBlock) break; // Last block to scan?
DataIndex = cur->size; // No, move onto next
pData = cur->Data; // Block of data
fLastBlock = TRUE; }
if ((c == '\n') || (c == '\r') || (LineLen == vWrap) || ((LineLen == vWrap-1) && (charType != CT_LEAD) && IsDBCSLeadByte(*pData)) ) { // Got a line. Check for CR/LF sequence, then record
// it's length.
if ( (c == '\n' && *pData == '\r') || (c == '\r' && *pData == '\n')) { LineLen++; pData++; if (--DataIndex == 0) { if (fLastBlock) break; DataIndex = cur->size; pData = cur->Data; fLastBlock = TRUE; } }
SetLoffset(GetLoffset() + LineLen); *(pLine++) = GetLoffset(); LineLen = 0; vNLine++; if (++LineIndex >= PLINES) { // Overflowed table
LineIndex = 0; vprgLineTable[vNLine / PLINES] = pLine = (LFP) alloc_page(); } } }
// Was last line just processed?
// ... 0 len lines past EOF
if (cur->flag & F_EOF) { if (LineLen) { SetLoffset(GetLoffset() + LineLen); *(pLine++) = GetLoffset(); vNLine++; LineIndex++; }
vLastLine = vNLine-1; xNLine = vNLine; for (c=0; c<MAXLINES; c++) { xNLine++; if (++LineIndex >= PLINES) { LineIndex = 0; vprgLineTable[xNLine / PLINES] = pLine = (LFP) alloc_page(); } *(pLine++) = GetLoffset(); }
// Free the memory we don't need
} }
// ReadPrev - To read backwards into file
void ReadPrev () { struct Block *pt; long offset;
if (vpHead->offset == 0L) { // No next to get, Trip
SetEvent (vSemMoreData); // moredata just in case
return; // t1 has blocked on it
} if (vpHead->offset == 0L) { // No next to get, Trip
return; // t1 has blocked on it
} offset = vpHead->offset-BLOCKSIZE;
// Get a block
if (vCntBlks == vMaxBlks) { WaitForSingleObject(vSemBrief, WAITFOREVER); ResetEvent(vSemBrief); if (vpHead == vpCur) { SetEvent (vSemBrief); ReadDirect (offset); return; } pt = vpTail; vpTail = vpTail->prev; vpTail->next = NULL; SetEvent (vSemBrief); } else pt = alloc_block (offset);
pt->prev = NULL;
ReadBlock (pt, offset); WaitForSingleObject(vSemBrief, WAITFOREVER); ResetEvent(vSemBrief); // Link in new
vpHead->prev = pt; // block, then
pt->next = vpHead; // signal
vpHead = pt; SetEvent (vSemBrief); SetEvent (vSemMoreData); // Signal another BLK read
// ReadBlock - Read in one block
void ReadBlock ( struct Block *pt, long offset ) { long l; DWORD dwSize;
if (pt->offset == offset) return;
pt->offset = offset;
if (vFhandle == 0) { // No file?
pt->size = 1; pt->flag = F_EOF; pt->Data[0] = '\n'; return; }
if (offset != vCurOffset) { l = SetFilePointer( vFhandle, offset, NULL, FILE_BEGIN ); if (l == -1) { ckerr (GetLastError(), "SetFilePointer"); } } if( !ReadFile (vFhandle, pt->Data, BLOCKSIZE, &dwSize, NULL) ) { ckerr ( GetLastError(), "ReadFile" ); } pt->size = (USHORT) dwSize; if (pt->size != BLOCKSIZE) { pt->Data[pt->size++] = '\n'; memset (pt->Data + pt->size, 0, BLOCKSIZE-pt->size); pt->flag = F_EOF; vCurOffset += pt->size; } else { pt->flag = 0; vCurOffset += BLOCKSIZE; } }
void SyncReader () { vReaderFlag = F_SYNC; SetEvent (vSemReader); WaitForSingleObject(vSemSync, WAITFOREVER); ResetEvent(vSemSync); }
// These functions are used for the call to HexEdit()
NTSTATUS fncRead ( HANDLE h, ULONGLONG loc, PUCHAR data, DWORD len ) { DWORD l, br; DWORD High = (DWORD)(loc >> 32);
l = SetFilePointer (h, (DWORD)loc, &High, FILE_BEGIN); if (l == -1) return GetLastError();
if (!ReadFile (h, data, len, &br, NULL)) return GetLastError();
return (br != len ? ERROR_READ_FAULT : 0); }
NTSTATUS fncWrite ( HANDLE h, ULONGLONG loc, PUCHAR data, DWORD len ) { DWORD l, bw; DWORD High = (DWORD)(loc >> 32);
l = SetFilePointer (h, (DWORD)loc, &High, FILE_BEGIN); if (l == -1) return GetLastError();
if (!WriteFile (h, data, len, &bw, NULL)) return GetLastError();
return (bw != len ? ERROR_WRITE_FAULT : 0); }
long CurrentLineOffset;
long GetLoffset() { return(CurrentLineOffset); }
void SetLoffset(long l) { CurrentLineOffset = l; return; }