Copyright (c) 1991 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This file contains the parse logic for the Win32 Message Compiler (MC)
Steve Wood (stevewo) 22-Aug-1991
Revision History:
#include "mc.h"
WCHAR * wszMessageType = L"DWORD"; // Init to a known state
BOOL McParseFile( void ) { unsigned int t; BOOL FirstMessageDefinition = TRUE; PNAME_INFO p;
if (!McOpenInputFile()) { fprintf( stderr, "MC: Unable to open %s for input\n", MessageFileName ); return( FALSE ); }
fprintf( stderr, "MC: Compiling %s\n", MessageFileName ); while ((t = McGetToken( TRUE )) != MCTOK_END_OF_FILE) { switch (t) { case MCTOK_MSGIDTYPE_KEYWORD: if ((t = McGetToken( FALSE )) == MCTOK_EQUAL) { if ((t = McGetToken( FALSE )) == MCTOK_NAME) { wszMessageType = MessageIdTypeName = McMakeString( TokenCharValue ); } else { McInputErrorW( L"Symbol name must follow %s=", TRUE, TokenKeyword->Name ); return( FALSE ); } } else { McInputErrorW( L"Equal sign must follow %s", TRUE, TokenKeyword->Name ); return( FALSE ); } break;
case MCTOK_MSGTYPEDEF_KEYWORD: if ((t = McGetToken( FALSE )) == MCTOK_EQUAL) { if ((t = McGetToken( FALSE )) == MCTOK_NAME) { MessageIdTypeMacro = McMakeString( TokenCharValue ); } else { McInputErrorW( L"Symbol name must follow %s=", TRUE, TokenKeyword->Name ); return( FALSE ); } } else { McInputErrorW( L"Equal sign must follow %s", TRUE, TokenKeyword->Name ); return( FALSE ); } break;
case MCTOK_OUTBASE_KEYWORD: if ((t = McGetToken( FALSE )) == MCTOK_EQUAL) { if ((t = McGetToken( FALSE )) == MCTOK_NUMBER) { if (TokenNumericValue == 16) { GenerateDecimalMessageValues = FALSE; } else if (TokenNumericValue == 10) { GenerateDecimalMessageValues = TRUE; } else { McInputErrorW( L"Illegal value for %s=", TRUE, TokenKeyword->Name ); } } else { McInputErrorW( L"Number must follow %s=", TRUE, TokenKeyword->Name ); return( FALSE ); } } else { McInputErrorW( L"Equal sign must follow %s", TRUE, TokenKeyword->Name ); return( FALSE ); } break;
case MCTOK_SEVNAMES_KEYWORD: if ((t = McGetToken( FALSE )) == MCTOK_EQUAL) { if ((t = McGetToken( FALSE )) == MCTOK_LEFT_PAREN) { if (!McParseNameList( &SeverityNames, FALSE, 0x3L )) { return( FALSE ); } } else { McInputErrorW( L"Left parenthesis name must follow %s=", TRUE, TokenKeyword->Name ); return( FALSE ); } } else { McInputErrorW( L"Equal sign must follow %s", TRUE, TokenKeyword->Name ); return( FALSE ); } break;
case MCTOK_FACILITYNAMES_KEYWORD: if ((t = McGetToken( FALSE )) == MCTOK_EQUAL) { if ((t = McGetToken( FALSE )) == MCTOK_LEFT_PAREN) { if (!McParseNameList( &FacilityNames, FALSE, 0xFFFL )) { return( FALSE ); } } else { McInputErrorW( L"Left parenthesis name must follow %s=", TRUE, TokenKeyword->Name ); return( FALSE ); } } else { McInputErrorW( L"Equal sign must follow %s", TRUE, TokenKeyword->Name ); return( FALSE ); } break;
case MCTOK_LANGNAMES_KEYWORD: if ((t = McGetToken( FALSE )) == MCTOK_EQUAL) { if ((t = McGetToken( FALSE )) == MCTOK_LEFT_PAREN) { if (!McParseNameList( &LanguageNames, TRUE, 0xFFFFL )) { return( FALSE ); } } else { McInputErrorW( L"Left parenthesis name must follow %s=", TRUE, TokenKeyword->Name ); return( FALSE ); } } else { McInputErrorW( L"Equal sign must follow %s", TRUE, TokenKeyword->Name ); return( FALSE ); } break;
case MCTOK_MESSAGEID_KEYWORD: McUnGetToken(); if (FirstMessageDefinition) { FirstMessageDefinition = FALSE; McFlushComments(); if (OleOutput) { fputs( "//\r\n" "// Values are 32 bit values layed out as follows:\r\n" "//\r\n" "// 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1\r\n" "// 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0\r\n" "// +-+-+-+-+-+---------------------+-------------------------------+\r\n" "// |S|R|C|N|r| Facility | Code |\r\n" "// +-+-+-+-+-+---------------------+-------------------------------+\r\n" "//\r\n" "// where\r\n" "//\r\n" "// S - Severity - indicates success/fail\r\n" "//\r\n" "// 0 - Success\r\n" "// 1 - Fail (COERROR)\r\n" "//\r\n" "// R - reserved portion of the facility code, corresponds to NT's\r\n" "// second severity bit.\r\n" "//\r\n" "// C - reserved portion of the facility code, corresponds to NT's\r\n" "// C field.\r\n" "//\r\n" "// N - reserved portion of the facility code. Used to indicate a\r\n" "// mapped NT status value.\r\n" "//\r\n" "// r - reserved portion of the facility code. Reserved for internal\r\n" "// use. Used to indicate HRESULT values that are not status\r\n" "// values, but are instead message ids for display strings.\r\n" "//\r\n" "// Facility - is the facility code\r\n" "//\r\n" "// Code - is the facility's status code\r\n" "//\r\n", HeaderFile ); } else { fputs( "//\r\n" "// Values are 32 bit values layed out as follows:\r\n" "//\r\n" "// 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1\r\n" "// 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0\r\n" "// +---+-+-+-----------------------+-------------------------------+\r\n" "// |Sev|C|R| Facility | Code |\r\n" "// +---+-+-+-----------------------+-------------------------------+\r\n" "//\r\n" "// where\r\n" "//\r\n" "// Sev - is the severity code\r\n" "//\r\n" "// 00 - Success\r\n" "// 01 - Informational\r\n" "// 10 - Warning\r\n" "// 11 - Error\r\n" "//\r\n" "// C - is the Customer code flag\r\n" "//\r\n" "// R - is a reserved bit\r\n" "//\r\n" "// Facility - is the facility code\r\n" "//\r\n" "// Code - is the facility's status code\r\n" "//\r\n", HeaderFile ); }
fputs( "//\r\n" "// Define the facility codes\r\n" "//\r\n", HeaderFile );
p = FacilityNames; while( p ) { if (p->Value) { fprintf( HeaderFile, GenerateDecimalSevAndFacValues ? "#define %-32ws %ld\r\n" : "#define %-32ws 0x%lX\r\n", p->Value, p->Id ); }
p = p->Next; } fputs( "\r\n" "\r\n" "//\r\n" "// Define the severity codes\r\n" "//\r\n", HeaderFile );
p = SeverityNames; while( p ) { if (p->Value) { fprintf( HeaderFile, GenerateDecimalSevAndFacValues ? "#define %-32ws %ld\r\n" : "#define %-32ws 0x%lX\r\n", p->Value, p->Id ); }
p = p->Next; }
fputs( "\r\n" "\r\n", HeaderFile );
if (GenerateDebugFile) { fputs( "//\n" "// This file maps message Id values in to a text string that contains\n" "// the symbolic name used for the message Id. Useful for debugging\n" "// output.\n" "//\n\n" "struct {\n", DebugFile );
fprintf( DebugFile, " %ws MessageId;\n" " char *SymbolicName;\n" "} %sSymbolicNames[] = {\n", wszMessageType, MessageFileNameNoExt ); } }
if (!McParseMessageDefinition()) { return( FALSE ); } break;
default: McInputErrorW( L"Invalid message file token - '%s'", TRUE, TokenCharValue ); return( FALSE ); break; } }
if (GenerateDebugFile) { fprintf( DebugFile, " (%ws) 0xFFFFFFFF, NULL\n};\n", wszMessageType ); }
McFlushComments(); return( TRUE ); }
BOOL McParseMessageDefinition( void ) { unsigned int t; PMESSAGE_INFO MessageInfo; BOOL MessageIdSeen; PMESSAGE_INFO MessageInfoTemp, *pp;
MessageInfo = malloc( sizeof( *MessageInfo ) ); if (!MessageInfo) { McInputErrorA( "Out of memory parsing memory definitions.", TRUE, NULL ); return( FALSE ); } MessageInfo->Next = NULL; MessageInfo->Id = 0; MessageInfo->Method = MSG_PLUS_ONE; MessageInfo->SymbolicName = NULL; MessageInfo->EndOfLineComment = NULL; MessageInfo->MessageText = NULL; MessageIdSeen = FALSE;
while ((t = McGetToken( TRUE )) != MCTOK_END_OF_FILE) { switch (t) { case MCTOK_MESSAGEID_KEYWORD: if (MessageIdSeen) { McInputErrorA( "Invalid message definition - text missing.", TRUE, NULL ); free(MessageInfo); return( FALSE ); }
MessageIdSeen = TRUE; if ((t = McGetToken( FALSE )) == MCTOK_EQUAL) { if ((t = McGetToken( FALSE )) == MCTOK_NUMBER) { MessageInfo->Id = TokenNumericValue; MessageInfo->Method = MSG_ABSOLUTE; } else if (t == MCTOK_PLUS) { if ((t = McGetToken( FALSE )) == MCTOK_NUMBER) { MessageInfo->Id = TokenNumericValue; MessageInfo->Method = MSG_PLUS_VALUE; } else { McInputErrorW( L"Number must follow %s=+", TRUE, TokenKeyword->Name ); free(MessageInfo); return( FALSE ); } } else { McUnGetToken(); } } else { McInputErrorW( L"Equal sign must follow %s", TRUE, TokenKeyword->Name ); free(MessageInfo); return( FALSE ); } break;
case MCTOK_SEVERITY_KEYWORD: if ((t = McGetToken( FALSE )) == MCTOK_EQUAL) { if (!McParseName( SeverityNames, &CurrentSeverityName )) { free(MessageInfo); return( FALSE ); } } else { McInputErrorW( L"Equal sign must follow %s", TRUE, TokenKeyword->Name ); free(MessageInfo); return( FALSE ); } break;
case MCTOK_FACILITY_KEYWORD: if ((t = McGetToken( FALSE )) == MCTOK_EQUAL) { if (!McParseName( FacilityNames, &CurrentFacilityName )) { free(MessageInfo); return( FALSE ); } } else { McInputErrorW( L"Equal sign must follow %s", TRUE, TokenKeyword->Name ); free(MessageInfo); return( FALSE ); } break;
case MCTOK_SYMBOLNAME_KEYWORD: if ((t = McGetToken( FALSE )) == MCTOK_EQUAL) { if ((t = McGetToken( FALSE )) == MCTOK_NAME) { MessageInfo->SymbolicName = McMakeString( TokenCharValue ); } else { McInputErrorW( L"Symbol name must follow %s=+", TRUE, TokenKeyword->Name ); free(MessageInfo); return( FALSE ); } } else { McInputErrorW( L"Equal sign must follow %s", TRUE, TokenKeyword->Name ); free(MessageInfo); return( FALSE ); } break;
case MCTOK_END_OF_LINE_COMMENT: MessageInfo->EndOfLineComment = McMakeString( TokenCharValue ); break;
if (MessageInfo->Method == MSG_PLUS_ONE) { MessageInfo->Id = CurrentFacilityName->LastId + 1; } else if (MessageInfo->Method == MSG_PLUS_VALUE) { MessageInfo->Id = CurrentFacilityName->LastId + MessageInfo->Id; }
if (MessageInfo->Id > 0xFFFFL) { McInputErrorA( "Message Id value (%lx) too large", TRUE, (PVOID)UlongToPtr(MessageInfo->Id) ); free(MessageInfo); return( FALSE ); }
MessageInfo->Id |= (CurrentSeverityName->Id << 30) | CustomerMsgIdBit | (CurrentFacilityName->Id << 16);
fprintf( HeaderFile, "//\r\n" ); if (MessageInfo->SymbolicName) { fprintf( HeaderFile, "// MessageId: %ws\r\n", MessageInfo->SymbolicName ); } else { fprintf( HeaderFile, "// MessageId: 0x%08lXL (No symbolic name defined)\r\n", MessageInfo->Id ); }
fprintf( HeaderFile, "//\r\n" ); fprintf( HeaderFile, "// MessageText:\r\n" ); fprintf( HeaderFile, "//\r\n" );
if (McParseMessageText( MessageInfo )) { fprintf( HeaderFile, "//\r\n" ); if (MessageInfo->SymbolicName) { if (GenerateDebugFile) { fprintf( DebugFile, " (%ws) %ws, \"%ws\",\n", wszMessageType, MessageInfo->SymbolicName, MessageInfo->SymbolicName ); }
if (MessageIdTypeMacro != NULL) { fprintf( HeaderFile, GenerateDecimalMessageValues ? "#define %-32ws %ws(%ldL)" : "#define %-32ws %ws(0x%08lXL)", MessageInfo->SymbolicName, MessageIdTypeMacro, MessageInfo->Id ); } else { if (MessageIdTypeName != NULL) { fprintf( HeaderFile, GenerateDecimalMessageValues ? "#define %-32ws ((%ws)%ldL)" : "#define %-32ws ((%ws)0x%08lXL)", MessageInfo->SymbolicName, wszMessageType, MessageInfo->Id ); } else { fprintf( HeaderFile, GenerateDecimalMessageValues ? "#define %-32ws %ldL" : "#define %-32ws 0x%08lXL", MessageInfo->SymbolicName, MessageInfo->Id ); } } }
if (MessageInfo->EndOfLineComment) { fprintf( HeaderFile, " %ws", MessageInfo->EndOfLineComment ); } else { fprintf( HeaderFile, "\r\n" ); } fprintf( HeaderFile, "\r\n" );
// Scan the existing messages to see if this message
// exists in the message file.
// If it does, generate and error for the user. Otherwise
// insert new message in list in ascending Id order.
pp = &Messages; while (MessageInfoTemp = *pp) { if (MessageInfoTemp->Id == MessageInfo->Id) { if (MessageInfo->SymbolicName && MessageInfoTemp->SymbolicName) { fprintf( stderr, "%s(%d) : error : Duplicate message ID - 0x%x (%ws and %ws)\n", MessageFileName, MessageFileLineNumber, MessageInfo->Id, MessageInfoTemp->SymbolicName, MessageInfo->SymbolicName ); } else { McInputErrorA( "Duplicate message ID - 0x%lx", TRUE, (PVOID)UlongToPtr(MessageInfo->Id) ); } } else { if (MessageInfoTemp->Id > MessageInfo->Id) { break; } }
pp = &MessageInfoTemp->Next; }
MessageInfo->Next = *pp; *pp = MessageInfo;
CurrentMessage = MessageInfo; CurrentFacilityName->LastId = MessageInfo->Id & 0xFFFF; return( TRUE ); } else { free(MessageInfo); return( FALSE ); }
default: McInputErrorW( L"Invalid message definition token - '%s'", TRUE, TokenCharValue ); free(MessageInfo); return( FALSE ); } }
free(MessageInfo); return( FALSE ); }
WCHAR MessageTextBuffer[ 32767 ];
BOOL McParseMessageText( PMESSAGE_INFO MessageInfo ) { PLANGUAGE_INFO MessageText, *pp; WCHAR *src, *dst; unsigned int t, n; BOOL FirstLanguageProcessed;
pp = &MessageInfo->MessageText;
FirstLanguageProcessed = FALSE; while ((t = McGetToken( TRUE )) != MCTOK_END_OF_FILE) { if (t == MCTOK_LANGUAGE_KEYWORD) { if ((t = McGetToken( FALSE )) == MCTOK_EQUAL) { if (!McParseName( LanguageNames, &CurrentLanguageName )) { return( FALSE ); } GetCPInfo(CurrentLanguageName->CodePage, &CPInfo); } else { McInputErrorW( L"Equal sign must follow %s", TRUE, TokenKeyword->Name ); return( FALSE ); } } else { McUnGetToken(); break; }
MessageText = malloc( sizeof( *MessageText ) ); MessageText->Next = NULL; MessageText->Id = CurrentLanguageName->Id; MessageText->Length = 0; MessageText->Text = NULL;
dst = MessageTextBuffer; *MessageTextBuffer = L'\0'; while (src = McGetLine()) { n = wcslen( MessageTextBuffer ); // If the message buffer is complete, see if this is a '.' record.
if (((n == 0) || *(MessageTextBuffer+n-1) == L'\n') && !wcscmp( src, L".\r\n" )) { if (MessageText->Length == 0) { if (MessageInfo->SymbolicName) { wcscpy( dst, MessageInfo->SymbolicName ); } else { swprintf( dst, L"No symbolic name defined for0x%08lXL", MessageInfo->Id ); }
wcscat( dst, L"\r\n" ); if (!FirstLanguageProcessed) { fprintf( HeaderFile, "// %ws", dst ); }
n = wcslen( dst ); dst += n; MessageText->Length += n; }
McSkipLine(); break; } else if (!_wcsnicmp( src, L"LanguageId=", 11 ) || !_wcsnicmp( src, L"MessageId=", 10 )) { McInputErrorA( "Unterminated message definition", TRUE, NULL ); return( FALSE ); }
if (!FirstLanguageProcessed) { // To write DBCS comments to the header file.
// fprintf() does not work correctly with Unicode
// to write DBCS characters. Convert Unicode to
// MultiByte and use the Ansi string instead...
char * pch;
int len = WideCharToMultiByte(CurrentLanguageName->CodePage, 0, // No flags
src, // The buffer to convert
-1, // It's zero terminated
NULL, 0, // Tell us how much to allocate
NULL, // No default char
NULL); // No used default char
pch = malloc(len + 1);
WideCharToMultiByte(CurrentLanguageName->CodePage, 0, src, -1, pch, // The buffer to fill in
len, // How big it is
fprintf( HeaderFile, "// %s", pch ); free(pch); }
n = wcslen( src ); if (MessageText->Length + n > sizeof( MessageTextBuffer )) { McInputErrorA( "Message text too long (> %ld)", TRUE, (PVOID)UlongToPtr((ULONG)sizeof( MessageTextBuffer )) ); return( FALSE ); }
wcscpy( dst, src ); dst += n; MessageText->Length += n;
if (MaxMessageLength != 0 && (MessageText->Length > (ULONG)MaxMessageLength)) { McInputErrorA( "Message text larger than size specified by -m %d", TRUE, (PVOID)IntToPtr(MaxMessageLength) ); } } *dst = L'\0';
// Add NULL terminator if requested
if (NULLTerminate) { MessageText->Length -= 2; MessageTextBuffer[MessageText->Length] = L'\0'; } n = (((USHORT)MessageText->Length) + 1) * sizeof( WCHAR ); MessageText->Text = malloc( n ); memcpy( MessageText->Text, MessageTextBuffer, n ); if (UnicodeOutput) MessageText->Length = n - sizeof( WCHAR ); else MessageText->Length = WideCharToMultiByte( CurrentLanguageName->CodePage, 0, MessageTextBuffer, MessageText->Length, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL ); *pp = MessageText; pp = &MessageText->Next; FirstLanguageProcessed = TRUE; }
return( TRUE ); }
BOOL McParseNameList( PNAME_INFO *NameListHead, BOOL ValueRequired, ULONG MaximumValue ) { unsigned int t; PNAME_INFO p = NULL; WCHAR *Name; ULONG Id; PVOID Value;
Name = NULL; Id = 0;
while ((t = McGetToken( FALSE )) != MCTOK_END_OF_FILE) { if (t == MCTOK_RIGHT_PAREN) { return( TRUE ); }
if (t == MCTOK_NAME) { Name = McMakeString( TokenCharValue ); Id = 0; Value = NULL; if ((t = McGetToken( FALSE )) == MCTOK_EQUAL) { if ((t = McGetToken( FALSE )) == MCTOK_NUMBER) { Id = TokenNumericValue; if ((t = McGetToken( FALSE )) == MCTOK_COLON) { if ((t = McGetToken( FALSE )) == MCTOK_NAME) { Value = McMakeString( TokenCharValue ); } else { McInputErrorA( "File name must follow =%ld:", TRUE, (PVOID)UlongToPtr(Id) ); return( FALSE ); } } else { if (ValueRequired) { McInputErrorA( "Colon must follow =%ld", TRUE, (PVOID)UlongToPtr(Id) ); return( FALSE ); }
McUnGetToken(); } } else { McInputErrorW( L"Number must follow %s=", TRUE, Name ); return( FALSE ); } } else { McInputErrorW( L"Equal sign name must follow %s", TRUE, Name ); return( FALSE ); }
if (Id > MaximumValue) { McInputErrorA( "Value is too large (> %lx)", TRUE, (PVOID)UlongToPtr(MaximumValue) ); return( FALSE ); }
p = McAddName( NameListHead, Name, Id, Value ); free( Name ); } else if (t == MCTOK_COLON && p) { if ((t = McGetToken( FALSE )) == MCTOK_NUMBER) { p->CodePage = (USHORT)TokenNumericValue; if (!IsValidCodePage(TokenNumericValue)) { McInputErrorW( L"CodePage %d is invalid", TRUE, (PVOID)UlongToPtr(TokenNumericValue) ); return( FALSE ); } if (VerboseOutput) { fprintf( stderr, "Using CodePage %d for Language %04x\n", TokenNumericValue, Id); } } else { McInputErrorW( L"CodePage must follow %s=:", TRUE, Name ); return( FALSE ); } } }
return( FALSE ); }
BOOL McParseName( PNAME_INFO NameListHead, PNAME_INFO *Result ) { unsigned int t; PNAME_INFO p;
if ((t = McGetToken( FALSE )) == MCTOK_NAME) { p = McFindName( NameListHead, TokenCharValue ); if (p != NULL) { *Result = p; return( TRUE ); } else { McInputErrorW( L"Invalid name - %s", TRUE, TokenCharValue ); } } else { McInputErrorW( L"Missing name after %s=", TRUE, TokenKeyword->Name ); }
return( FALSE ); }