// list.c
// a VM growable array package
#include "mbrmake.h"
typedef struct _list { WORD cItems; } SLIST;
typedef struct _biglist { WORD cItems; VA vaNext; } BLIST;
typedef union _mixlist { SLIST sml; BLIST big; } GLIST;
// this are the two VM lock numbers for the list package
#define LIST_LOCK 10
#define LIST_LOCK2 11
// Beware! For the system to work properly this number must
// be small enough that the VM free lists won't overflow
// i.e. C_ITEMS_MAX * sizeof(biggest_thing_stored) <= C_FREE_LIST_MAX
#define C_ITEMS_MAX 16
#pragma intrinsic(memcpy)
#define cBlock 1
VA VaAddList(VA far *pvaList, LPV lpvData, WORD cbData, WORD grp) // add the given item to the list; create if necessary
// return the virtual address of the most recently added item
{ VA vaListNew; VA vaDirtyOnExit = vaNil;
WORD cbBlock, cItems, cAlloc;
GLIST far *lpList, *lpListNew;
#ifdef SWAP_INFO
iVMGrp = grp; #endif
#if cBlock != 1
if (cBlock == 0) cBlock = C_ITEMS_MAX; #endif
top: // for tail recursion...
// current list is empty -- create a new list with one thing in it
if (*pvaList == vaNil) { if (cBlock == C_ITEMS_MAX) { *pvaList = VaAllocGrpCb(grp, cbData*cBlock + sizeof(BLIST)); lpList = LpvFromVa(*pvaList, LIST_LOCK); lpList->big.vaNext = vaNil; lpList->big.cItems = 1; memcpy(((LPCH)lpList) + sizeof(BLIST), lpvData, cbData); if (vaDirtyOnExit) { DirtyVa(vaDirtyOnExit); UnlockW(LIST_LOCK+1); } DirtyVa(*pvaList); UnlockW(LIST_LOCK); return (PBYTE)*pvaList + sizeof(BLIST); } else { *pvaList = VaAllocGrpCb(grp, cbData*cBlock + sizeof(SLIST)); lpList = LpvFromVa(*pvaList, LIST_LOCK); lpList->sml.cItems = 1; memcpy(((LPCH)lpList) + sizeof(SLIST), lpvData, cbData); if (vaDirtyOnExit) { DirtyVa(vaDirtyOnExit); UnlockW(LIST_LOCK+1); } DirtyVa(*pvaList); UnlockW(LIST_LOCK); return (PBYTE)*pvaList + sizeof(SLIST); } }
lpList = LpvFromVa(*pvaList, LIST_LOCK); cItems = lpList->sml.cItems;
// if current list has extension blocks, recursively add to the
// tail of this list
if (cItems >= C_ITEMS_MAX) { vaDirtyOnExit = *pvaList; lpList->big.cItems++; DirtyVa(*pvaList); LpvFromVa(*pvaList, LIST_LOCK+1); // lock in mem so address stays good
pvaList = &lpList->big.vaNext; UnlockW(LIST_LOCK); goto top; }
cbBlock = cItems * cbData; cAlloc = cItems % cBlock; cAlloc = cItems - cAlloc + ( cAlloc ? cBlock : 0 );
// do we need to reallocate? If not do a fast insert
if (cItems < cAlloc) { if (cAlloc >= C_ITEMS_MAX) { memcpy(((LPCH)lpList) + cbBlock + sizeof(BLIST), lpvData, cbData); lpList->big.cItems++; DirtyVa(*pvaList); UnlockW(LIST_LOCK); return (PBYTE)*pvaList + cbBlock + sizeof(BLIST); } else { memcpy(((LPCH)lpList) + cbBlock + sizeof(SLIST), lpvData, cbData); lpList->sml.cItems++; DirtyVa(*pvaList); UnlockW(LIST_LOCK); return (PBYTE)*pvaList + cbBlock + sizeof(SLIST); } }
// test if the next block will fit without turning the current list into
// a chained list... allocate a new block & copy the old data
if (cItems + cBlock < C_ITEMS_MAX) { vaListNew = VaAllocGrpCb(grp, cbBlock + cbData*cBlock + sizeof(SLIST)); lpListNew = LpvFromVa(vaListNew, 0); memcpy((LPCH)lpListNew, lpList, cbBlock + sizeof(SLIST)); memcpy((LPCH)lpListNew + cbBlock + sizeof(SLIST), lpvData, cbData); lpListNew->sml.cItems++; DirtyVa(vaListNew); FreeGrpVa(grp, *pvaList, cbBlock + sizeof(SLIST)); *pvaList = vaListNew; if (vaDirtyOnExit) { DirtyVa(vaDirtyOnExit); UnlockW(LIST_LOCK+1); } UnlockW(LIST_LOCK); return (PBYTE)vaListNew + cbBlock + sizeof(SLIST); }
// this is the last item that will go into this block,
// allocate a new block c/w link field & copy the old data
// set the link field to 0 for now
#if cBlock != 1
cBlock = C_ITEMS_MAX - cItems; #endif
vaListNew = VaAllocGrpCb(grp, cbBlock + cbData*cBlock + sizeof(BLIST)); lpListNew = LpvFromVa(vaListNew, 0); memcpy(lpListNew + 1 , ((SLIST FAR *)lpList) + 1, cbBlock); memcpy(((LPCH)lpListNew) + cbBlock + sizeof(BLIST), lpvData, cbData); lpListNew->big.cItems = lpList->sml.cItems + 1; lpListNew->big.vaNext = vaNil; DirtyVa(vaListNew); FreeGrpVa(grp, *pvaList, cbBlock + sizeof(SLIST)); *pvaList = vaListNew; if (vaDirtyOnExit) { DirtyVa(vaDirtyOnExit); UnlockW(LIST_LOCK+1); } UnlockW(LIST_LOCK); return (PBYTE)vaListNew + cbBlock + sizeof(BLIST); }
WORD CItemsList(VA vaList) // return total number of items in array
{ if (vaList == vaNil) return 0;
#ifdef SWAP_INFO
iVMGrp = grpList; #endif
return ((SLIST FAR *)LpvFromVa(vaList, 0))->cItems; }
// to use the following iterator say something like
// vaPropList = cSYM.vaPropList;
// while (cprop = CItemsIterate(&vaProps, &vaPropList, cBlock)) {
// gPROP(vaProps);
// for (;--cprop >= 0; cPROP++) {
// cPROP.etc = ;
// }
// }
// The ENM_LIST, ENM_END, ENM_BREAK macros "do the right thing" with
// these lists.
WORD CItemsIterate(VA FAR *vaData, VA FAR *vaNext) // give number of elements in current block and pointer to next block
{ GLIST FAR *lpgList; WORD cItems, cAlloc;
if (*vaNext == vaNil) return 0;
#ifdef SWAP_INFO
iVMGrp = grpList; #endif
#if cBlock != 1
if (cBlock == 0) cBlock = C_ITEMS_MAX; #endif
lpgList = LpvFromVa(*vaNext, 0);
cItems = lpgList->sml.cItems;
if (cItems >= C_ITEMS_MAX) { *vaData = (PBYTE)*vaNext + sizeof(BLIST); *vaNext = lpgList->big.vaNext; return C_ITEMS_MAX; }
if (cBlock == 0) cAlloc = C_ITEMS_MAX; else { cAlloc = cItems % cBlock; cAlloc = cItems - cAlloc + ( cAlloc ? cBlock : 0 ); }
if (cAlloc >= C_ITEMS_MAX) *vaData = (PBYTE)*vaNext + sizeof(BLIST); else *vaData = (PBYTE)*vaNext + sizeof(SLIST);
*vaNext = 0; return cItems; }
VOID FreeList(VA vaList, WORD cbData) // free up all the memory associated with this list
{ (PBYTE)vaList + cbData; printf("FreeList is currently not working\n");
#if 0
GLIST FAR * lpgList; VA vaNextList;
if (vaList == vaNil) return;
top: // tail recursion
lpgList = LpvFromVa(vaList, 0);
if (lpgList->sml.cItems >= C_ITEMS_MAX) {
vaNextList = lpgList->big.vaNext; FreeVa(vaList, C_ITEMS_MAX * cbData + sizeof(BLIST));
vaList = vaNextList; goto top; // tail recursion
FreeVa(vaList, lpgList->sml.cItems * cbData + sizeof(SLIST)); return; #endif