#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <direct.h>
#define MALLOC(x,y) (x *)malloc(sizeof(x) * (y))
#define Empty 0
#define Not_Empty 1
BOOL Verbose = FALSE; BOOL Execute = FALSE; BOOL Remove = FALSE; BOOL SubDir = FALSE;
void Usage(char *Message); void VerboseUsage(char *Message); BOOL CheckIfEmpty(char *Directory, BOOL PrintIt);
void Usage(char *Message) { fprintf (stderr, "Usage: %s [/d] [/e] [/v] [directory ...]\n", Message); exit(1); }
void VerboseUsage(char *Message) { fprintf (stderr, "%s: Looking for empty SubDirectories\n\n", Message); fprintf (stderr, "%s%s%s%s%s%s%s", "A directory is treated as empty if it has no file or directory in it. In any\n", "case, a directory is not empty if it has file.\n", "Available switches are:\n", " /d: directory is also listed empty if it only has SubDirectory in it\n", " /e: acutally perform deletions of empty directories\n", " /v: Verbose\n", " /?: prints this message\n"); exit(1); }
BOOL CheckIfEmpty(char *Directory, BOOL PrintIt) { HANDLE DirHandle; WIN32_FIND_DATA FindData; WIN32_FIND_DATA *fp; BOOL IsEmpty; char Buffer[MAX_PATH];
IsEmpty = TRUE;
fp = &FindData;
// Make one pass to find out if directory is empty
sprintf(Buffer, "%s\\*.*", Directory);
DirHandle = FindFirstFile(Buffer, fp);
do {
// We want to skip "." and ".." Once the control enters this scope,
// the file found is not "." or ".."
if (strcmp(fp->cFileName, ".") && strcmp(fp->cFileName, "..")) { if (fp->dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { if (!SubDir) // If -d is not given on cmd line,
{ IsEmpty = FALSE; // We found a directory so we're not empty unless -d is specified
} else { IsEmpty = FALSE; // We found a file so we're not empty.
} }
} while (FindNextFile(DirHandle, fp));
// Make another pass to call CheckIfEmpty recursively
sprintf(Buffer, "%s\\*.*", Directory);
DirHandle = FindFirstFile(Buffer, fp);
do {
// We want to skip "." and ".." Once the control enters this scope,
// the file found is not "." or ".."
if (strcmp(fp->cFileName, ".") && strcmp(fp->cFileName, "..")) { if (fp->dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { //
// Recursively call CheckIfEmpty on each subdirectory.
sprintf(Buffer, "%s\\%s", Directory, fp->cFileName);
if (SubDir) { IsEmpty = (CheckIfEmpty( Buffer, !IsEmpty) && IsEmpty);
} else { Remove = CheckIfEmpty( Buffer, TRUE); } //
// If in execute mode try to remove subdirectory, if it's empty it will be removed
if (Execute && Remove) { _rmdir( Buffer); } } }
} while (FindNextFile(DirHandle, fp));
if (IsEmpty && PrintIt) { if (Execute) { fprintf(stdout, "empty directory %s deleted\n", Directory); } else { fprintf(stdout, "%s empty\n", Directory); }
} else if (Verbose) { fprintf(stdout, "%s non-empty\n", Directory); } return (IsEmpty); }
void _cdecl main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char c; char *prog = argv[0]; char curdir[MAX_PATH]; argc--; argv++;
// Parse cmd line arguments for switches or flags. Switches are not
// case-sensitive
while (argc > 0 && (**argv == '-' || **argv == '/')) { while (c = *++argv[0]) { _tolower(c);
switch (c) { case 'v': Verbose = TRUE; break; case 'd': SubDir = TRUE; //
// Always try to remove the directory if using /d
Remove = TRUE; break; case 'e': Execute = TRUE; break; case '?': VerboseUsage(prog); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "%s: Invalid switch \"%c\"\n", prog, c); Usage(prog); break; } }
argc--; argv++; }
if (argc < 1) // No path given in cmd line. Assume 'dot'
{ CheckIfEmpty(".", TRUE); }
while (*argv) // Check all the directories specified on
// the cmd line.
{ CheckIfEmpty(argv[0], TRUE); argv++; } }