// Exec.C - Contains routines that have do to with execing programs
// Copyright (c) 1988-1991, Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
// Purpose:
// Contains routines that spawn programs ...
// Revision History:
// 04-Feb-2000 BTF Ported to Win64
// 15-Nov-1993 JdR Major speed improvements
// 15-Oct-1993 HV Use tchar.h instead of mbstring.h directly, change STR*() to _ftcs*()
// 10-May-1993 HV Add include file mbstring.h
// Change the str* functions to STR*
// 06-Oct-1992 GBS Removed extern for _pgmptr
// 10-Aug-1992 GBS Change file parsing in execLine to use splitpath
// 19-Aug-1992 SS Remove Quotes from cd argument.
// 08-Jun-1992 SS add IDE feedback support
// 08-Jun-1992 SS Port to DOSX32
// 16-May-1991 SB Created from routines that existed elsewhere
#include "precomp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#define SLASH '\\'
#define PUBLIC
#define QUOTE '\"'
extern BOOL processInline(char *, char **, STRINGLIST **, BOOL);
#ifdef _M_IX86
extern UCHAR fRunningUnderChicago; #else
#define fRunningUnderChicago FALSE
char * getComSpec(void); BOOL iterateCommand(char*, STRINGLIST*, UCHAR, UCHAR, char *, unsigned*); void removeQuotes(int, char **); void touch(char*, BOOL);
//buffer for path of .cmd/.bat
extern char * makeStr; extern char * shellName;
char szCmdLineBuf[MAXCMDLINELENGTH]; char *szNmakeProgName;
// buildArgumentVector -- builds an argument vector from a command line
// Scope:
// Local.
// Purpose:
// It builds an argument vector for a command line. This argument vector can
// be used by spawnvX routines. The algorithm is explained in the notes below.
// Input:
// argc -- The number of arguments created in the argument vector
// argv -- The actual argument vector created
// (Ignored if NULL)
// cmdline -- The command line whose vector is required
// Output:
// Returns the number of arguments and the argument vector as parameters
// Errors/Warnings:
// Assumes:
// That the behaviour of cmd.exe i.e. parses quotes but does not disturb them.
// Assumes that the SpawnVX routines will handle quotes as well as escaped
// chars.
// Modifies Globals:
// Uses Globals:
// Notes:
// Scan the cmdline from left to the end building the argument vector along
// the way. Whitespace delimits arguments except for the first argument for
// which the switch char '/' is also allowed. Backslash can be used to escape
// a char and so ignore the character following it. Parse the quotes along
// the way. If an argument begins with a double-quote then all characters till
// an unescaped double-quote are part of that argument. Likewise, if an
// unescaped Doublequote occurs within an argument then the above follows. If
// the end of the command line comes before the closing quote then the
// argument goes as far as that.
void buildArgumentVector( unsigned *argc, char **argv, char *cmdline ) { char *p; // current loc in cmdline
char *end; // end of command line
BOOL fFirstTime = TRUE; // true if 1st argument
// 11-May-1993 HV _mbschr() bug: return NULL
// end = _tcschr(p = cmdline, '\0');
// Work around:
end = p = cmdline; while (*end) end++;
for (*argc = 0; p < end; ++*argc) { p += _tcsspn(p, " \t"); // skip whitespace
if (p >= end) break; if (argv) *argv++ = p; if (*p == '\"') {
// If the word begins with double-quote, find the next
// occurrence of double-quote which is not preceded by backslash
// (same escape as C runtime), or end of string, whichever is
// first. From there, find the next whitespace character.
for (++p; p < end; p = _tcsinc(p)) { if (*p == '\\') ++p; // skip escaped character
else if (*p == '\"') break; } if (p >= end) continue; ++p; p = _tcspbrk(p, " \t"); } else {
// For the first word on the command line, accept the switch
// character and whitespace as terminators. Otherwise, just
// whitespace.
p = _tcspbrk(p, " \t\"/"); for (;p && p < end;p = _tcspbrk(p+1, " \t\"/")) { if (*p == '/' && !fFirstTime) continue; // after 1st word '/' is !terminator
else break; } if (p && *p == '\"') { for (p++;p < end;p++) { // inside quote so skip to next one
if (*p == '\"') break; } p = _tcspbrk(p, " \t"); // after quote go to first whitespace
} if (fFirstTime) { fFirstTime = FALSE;
// If switch char terminates the word, replace it with 0,
// re-allocate the word on the heap, restore the switch and set
// p just before the switch. It would be easier to shift
// everything right but then we have to worry about overflow.
if (p && *p == '/' && argv) { *p = '\0'; argv[-1] = makeString(argv[-1]); *p-- = '/'; } } } if (!p) p = end; // Now, p points to end of command line argument
if (argv) *p++ = '\0'; } if (argv) *argv = NULL; }
PUBLIC int doCommands( char *name, STRINGLIST *s, STRINGLIST *t, UCHAR buildFlags, char *pFirstDep ) { STRINGLIST *temp; int rc; temp = makeNewStrListElement(); temp->text = makeString(name); rc = doCommandsEx (temp, s, t, buildFlags, pFirstDep); free_stringlist(temp); return rc; }
PUBLIC int doCommandsEx( STRINGLIST *nameList, STRINGLIST *s, STRINGLIST *t, UCHAR buildFlags, char *pFirstDep ) { char *u, *v; UCHAR cFlags; unsigned status = 0; int retryCount = 0; char c; char *Cmd; char *pLine; BOOL fExpanded; char *pCmd; size_t cbLine;
#ifdef DEBUG_ALL
if (fDebug) { printf("* doCommands:"); DumpList(nameList); DumpList(s); DumpList(t); } #endif
#ifdef DEBUG_ALL
printf("DEBUG: doCommands 1\n"); #endif
++numCommands; if (ON(gFlags, F1_QUESTION_STATUS)) return(0);
if (ON(gFlags, F1_TOUCH_TARGETS)) { STRINGLIST *pName; for (pName = nameList; pName; pName = pName->next) { touch(pName->text, (USHORT) ON(buildFlags, F2_NO_EXECUTE)); } return(0); }
#ifdef DEBUG_ALL
printf("DEBUG: doCommands 2\n"); #endif
for (; s; s = s->next) { fExpanded = processInline(s->text, &Cmd, &t, ON(buildFlags, F2_DUMP_INLINE)); cFlags = 0; errorLevel = 0; u = Cmd; for (v = u; *v; v = _tcsinc(v)) { if (*v == ESCH) ++v; else if (*v == '$') { if (*++v == '$') continue; // commented out 15-Apr-93 by JonM. This code forces recursive nmake to be
// executed even if -n, but it's hosed (the -n is not passed to the recursive
// nmake), and the whole thing sounds like a bad idea anyway, so I'm going to
// turn it off.
// if (!_tcsncmp(v, "(MAKE)", 6)) {
// SET(cFlags, C_EXECUTE);
// break;
// }
} } #ifdef DEBUG_ALL
printf("DEBUG: doCommands 2.1\n"); #endif
for (c = *u; c == '!' || c == '-' || c == '@' || c == ESCH || WHITESPACE(c); u = _tcsinc(u), c = *u) { switch (c) { case ESCH: if (c = *++u, WHITESPACE(c)) c = ' '; // keep going
else c = ESCH; break;
case '!': SET(cFlags, C_ITERATE); break;
case '-': SET(cFlags, C_IGNORE); ++u; if (_istdigit(*u)) { char *pNumber = u;
errorLevel = _tcstoul(u, &u, 10); if (errno == ERANGE) { *u = '\0'; makeError(line, CONST_TOO_BIG, pNumber); } while(_istspace(*u)) u++; } else errorLevel = UINT_MAX; --u; break; case '@': if ( OFF(flags, F2_NO_EXECUTE)) { SET(cFlags, C_SILENT); } break; } if (c == ESCH) break; // stop parsing for cmd-line options
} #ifdef DEBUG_ALL
printf("DEBUG: doCommands 2.2\n"); #endif
if (ON(cFlags, C_ITERATE) && iterateCommand(u, t, buildFlags, cFlags, pFirstDep, &status) ) { // The macros used by the command have to be freed & so we do so
v = u;
#ifdef DEBUG_ALL
printf("DEBUG: doCommands 2.21\n"); #endif
if (_tcschr(u, '$')) u = expandMacros(u, &t);
#ifdef DEBUG_ALL
printf("DEBUG: doCommands 2.22\n"); #endif
if (v != u) FREE(u); if (OFF(buildFlags, F2_IGNORE_EXIT_CODES) && fOptionK && status && status > errorLevel) { break; } continue; } v = u;
#ifdef DEBUG_ALL
printf("DEBUG: doCommands 2.23\n"); #endif
if (!fExpanded && _tcschr(u, '$')) u = expandMacros(u, &t);
#ifdef DEBUG_ALL
printf("DEBUG: doCommands 2.24\n"); #endif
cbLine = _tcslen(u) + 1; pLine = (char *) rallocate (__max(cbLine, MAXCMDLINELENGTH)); _tcscpy(pLine, u);
// by this time $< has already been expanded.
// in order to allow processing of long commands that are due to
// batch-mode rules, use a buffer that may be larger than MAXCMDLINELENGTH
// Later we'll attempt to execute the long command directly, instead of
// passing it to the shell.
// Note: the macros expanded by ZFormat are not normally found in the
// command block of a batch-mode rule, so it should be safe to use
// max(cbLine, MAXCMDLINELENGTH) as a limit for ZFormat
if (ZFormat (pLine, __max(cbLine, MAXCMDLINELENGTH), u, pFirstDep)) makeError(0, COMMAND_TOO_LONG, u);
retry: status = execLine(pLine, (BOOL)(ON(buildFlags, F2_NO_EXECUTE) || (OFF(buildFlags,F2_NO_ECHO) && OFF(cFlags,C_SILENT))), (BOOL)((OFF(buildFlags, F2_NO_EXECUTE) ) || ON(cFlags, C_EXECUTE)), (BOOL)ON(cFlags, C_IGNORE), &pCmd); if (OFF(buildFlags, F2_IGNORE_EXIT_CODES)) { if (status == STATUS_PENDING) { // Hack for ntvdm problem returning correct error code.
if (retryCount < 10) { retryCount++; goto retry; } } if (status && status > errorLevel) { if (!fOptionK) makeError(0, BAD_RETURN_CODE, pCmd, status); } } if (v != u) FREE(u); FREE(Cmd); FREE(pLine); if (OFF(buildFlags, F2_IGNORE_EXIT_CODES) && fOptionK && status && status > errorLevel) { break; } }
#ifdef DEBUG_ALL
printf("DEBUG: doCommands 3\n"); #endif
if (OFF(buildFlags, F2_IGNORE_EXIT_CODES) && fOptionK && (status > errorLevel)) return(status); else return(0); }
// expandCommandLine -- expands %name% strings in the Command Line
// Purpose:
// The function expands '%name%' type strings in the Command Line. Its main
// job is to assist FEmulateCommand() in emulating set for OS/2.
// Modifies: buf -- The Command Line available globally
// Output:
// Returns -- the position of 'name=value' part in the Command Line.
// -- Null when no '=' is found so that FEmulateCommand() can pass the
// line to the shell to signal syntax error.
// Note:
// The shell does not give a syntax error for unmatched '%' and assumes it
// as just another character in this case. This behaviour is duplicated
// by expandCommandLine()
char * expandCommandLine( void ) { char *Buf; // Buffer for expanded string
char *pBuf; char *EnvBuf; // getenv returned string copy
char *posName, // position of 'name=string' in Buf or buf
*p, // points into buf
*pEnv; // points into Env
char ExpandName[MAXNAME]; // %name% string
char *pExpandName;
Buf = (char *)malloc(MAXCMDLINELENGTH); if (!Buf) { makeError(0, OUT_OF_MEMORY); return NULL; }
EnvBuf = (char *)malloc(MAXCMDLINELENGTH); if (!EnvBuf) { makeError(0, OUT_OF_MEMORY); free(Buf); return NULL; }
pBuf = Buf; _tcscpy(pBuf, "set"); p = szCmdLineBuf + 3; // go beyond 'set'
pBuf +=3; /* Skip whitespace */ for (;;p++) { if (!(WHITESPACE(*p))) break; // argc>1 � this will happen
else *pBuf++ = *p; }
if (!_tcschr(p, '=')) { free(EnvBuf); free(Buf); return(""); // Syntax error so pass to the shell
} else { posName = pBuf; // fixes position of Name in Buf
// Now we look for environment variables and expand if required
for (;*p != '=';p++) *pBuf++ = *p;
for (;*p;) { if (*p == '%') { pExpandName = &ExpandName[0]; while (*++p != '%' && *p) *pExpandName++ = *p; *pExpandName = '\0'; if (!*p++) { // unmatched %;so don't expand
*pBuf='\0'; // from the environment; like set
_tcscat(Buf, ExpandName); pBuf += _tcslen(ExpandName); break; // Done precessing quit #43290
} else { // matched %;so expand from the environment
EnvBuf[0] = '\0'; if ((pEnv = getenv(ExpandName)) != (char *)NULL) { *pBuf='\0';
// If the expanded command line is too long
// just say that we can't expand it!!! #43290
size_t len = _tcslen(pEnv) + _tcslen(Buf) + 1; if (len > MAXCMDLINELENGTH) { free(EnvBuf); free(Buf); return NULL; }
_tcscat(EnvBuf, pEnv); _tcscat(Buf,EnvBuf); pBuf += _tcslen(EnvBuf); } } } else *pBuf++ = *p++; } *pBuf = '\0'; _tcscpy(szCmdLineBuf, Buf); *posName = '\0'; posName = szCmdLineBuf + _tcslen(Buf); // Offset into buf
free(EnvBuf); free(Buf); return(posName); }
// expandEnvVars -- expands %name% strings in szArg
// Returns -- szNew: the resulting expanded string
// (szNew should be FREEd by the caller)
char * expandEnvVars( char *szArg ) { char *pchLeft = NULL; char *pchRight = NULL; char *pchStart = szArg;
char *szNew = makeString("");
while (*pchStart) { pchLeft = _tcschr(pchStart, '%'); if (pchLeft) { pchRight = _tcschr(pchLeft + 1, '%'); }
if (pchLeft && pchRight) { char *szEnv; *pchLeft = '\0'; *pchRight = '\0'; szNew = reallocString(szNew, pchStart); if (szEnv = getenv(pchLeft + 1)) { szNew = reallocString(szNew, szEnv); } else { // no matching env var was found
// append the %..% string literary
*pchLeft = '%'; szNew = reallocString(szNew, pchLeft); szNew = reallocString(szNew, "%"); } *pchLeft = '%'; *pchRight = '%'; pchStart = pchRight + 1; pchLeft = NULL; pchRight = NULL; } else { szNew = reallocString(szNew, pchStart); pchStart += _tcslen(pchStart); } } return szNew; }
// FEmulateCommand - look for certain commands and emulate them
// Emulate $(MAKE), cd, chdir, and <drive letter>:.
// Also emulates 'set'.
// RETURNS: TRUE if command emulated, FALSE if not.
// Note:
// In set emulation if a syntax error is discovered then it lets the
// shell handle it. It does this by returning FALSE.
BOOL FEmulateCommand( int argc, char **argv, int *pStatus ) { char *pArg0 = argv[0]; char *pArg1 = argv[1];
if (_istalpha(*pArg0) && pArg0[1] == ':' && !pArg0[2]) { // If "<drive letter>:" then change drives. Ignore everything after
// the drive letter, just like the shell does.
_chdrive(_totupper(*pArg0) - 'A' + 1); *pStatus = 0; return(TRUE); }
if (!_tcsicmp(pArg0, "set")) { char *pNameVal; // the "name=value" string
// If "set" then pass it to the shell and if "set string" then put it
// into the environment. Let the shell handle the syntax errors.
if (argc == 1) { return(FALSE); // pass it to the shell
// expandCommandLine cannot handle lines > MAXCMDLINELENGTH
// In that case szCmdLineBuf will be empty
if (!szCmdLineBuf[0]) return (FALSE);
pNameVal = expandCommandLine();
if (pNameVal == NULL) { // Expanded commad line too long
return FALSE; }
if (!*pNameVal) { // If there is a syntax error let the shell handle it
return(FALSE); }
if ((*pStatus = PutEnv(makeString(pNameVal))) == -1) { makeError(currentLine, OUT_OF_ENV_SPACE); } } else { // If "cd foo" or "chdir foo", do a chdir() else in protect mode this
// would be a no-op. Ignore everything after 1st arg, just like the
// shell does.
char *szArg;
if (!_tcsnicmp(pArg0, "cd", 2)) { pArg0 += 2; } else if (!_tcsnicmp(pArg0, "chdir", 5)) { pArg0 += 5; } else { return(FALSE); }
// At this point, a prefix of argv[0] matches cd or chdir and pArg0
// points to the next char. Check for a path separator in argv[0]
// (e.g., cd..\foo) or else use the next arg if present.
// if there are more than two arguments then let the shell handle it
if (argc > 2) { return(FALSE); }
// Remove quotes, if any from the argument
removeQuotes(argc, argv);
if (!*pArg0 && pArg1) { // Under certain circumstances the C RunTime does not help us
// e.g. 'd:', in this case let the shell do it ...
if (isalpha(*pArg1) && pArg1[1] == ':' && !pArg1[2]) { return(FALSE); }
szArg = expandEnvVars(pArg1); // [VS98 2251]
*pStatus = _chdir(szArg); FREE (szArg); } else if (*pArg0 == '.' || PATH_SEPARATOR(*pArg0)) { szArg = expandEnvVars(pArg0); // [VS98 2251]
*pStatus = _chdir(szArg); FREE (szArg); } else { // Unrecognized syntax--we can't emulate.
return(FALSE); } }
// If error, simulate a return code of 1.
if (*pStatus != 0) { *pStatus = 1; }
return(TRUE); }
#ifdef WIN95
int __cdecl cmpSzPsz( const void *sz, const void *psz ) { const char *sz1 = (char *) sz; const char *sz2 = *(char **) psz;
return(_tcsicmp(sz1, sz2)); }
BOOL FInternalCommand( const char *szName ) { const char * const *pszInternal;
static const char * const rgszInternal[] = { "BREAK", "CALL", "CD", "CHDIR", "CLS", "COPY", "CTTY", "DATE", "DEL", "DIR", "DIR.", "ECHO", "ECHO.", "ERASE", "EXIT", "FOR", "GOTO", "IF", "MD", "MKDIR", "PATH", "PAUSE", "PROMPT", "RD", "REM", "REN", "RENAME", "RMDIR", "SET", "SHIFT", "TIME", "TYPE", "VER", "VERIFY", "VOL" };
pszInternal = (const char * const *) bsearch(szName, rgszInternal, sizeof(rgszInternal) / sizeof(rgszInternal[0]), sizeof(rgszInternal[0]), &cmpSzPsz);
return(pszInternal != NULL); }
#endif // WIN95
// redirect -- handles redirection of input or output.
// arguments: dir - READ => input,
// WRITE => output,
// APPEND => append to end of the file.
// p - pointer to buffer that has the filename as
// well as the rest of the command string.
// return value FALSE => error (freopen fails)
// TRUE => normal return.
// the freopen() call sets up the redirection. the rest of the
// command string is then copied forward.
BOOL redirect( char *name, unsigned which ) { char *p; char c = '\0'; BOOL fStatus; char *mode; FILE *stream; FILE *newFile;
while (WHITESPACE(*name)) { name++; }
if (p = _tcspbrk(name, " \t<>\r")) { c = *p;
*p = '\0'; }
if (which == READ) { mode = "r"; stream = stdin; } else { stream = stdout;
if (which == WRITE) { mode = "w"; } else { mode = "a"; } }
newFile = freopen(name, mode, stream);
fStatus = (newFile != NULL);
if (fStatus && (which == APPEND)) { if (_lseek(_fileno(newFile), 0L, SEEK_END) == -1) return FALSE; }
while (*name) { *name++ = ' '; }
if (p) { *p = c; }
return(fStatus); }
BOOL FDoRedirection( char *p, int *oldIn, int *oldOut ) { BOOL in = FALSE; BOOL out = FALSE; BOOL fReturn = FALSE; char *q; unsigned which; char *save = NULL;
while (q = _tcspbrk(p, "<>|")) { switch (*q) { case '<': if (in) { fReturn = TRUE; break; }
if (!save) { save = makeString(p); }
*q++ = ' '; p = q; in = TRUE; *oldIn = _dup(_fileno(stdin));
if ((*oldIn == -1) || !redirect(q, READ)) { fReturn = TRUE; break; } break;
case '>': if (out) { fReturn = TRUE; break; }
if (!save) { save = makeString(p); }
*q++ = ' '; p = q; out = TRUE;
if (*q == '>') { *q++ = ' '; which = APPEND; } else { which = WRITE; }
*oldOut = _dup(_fileno(stdout));
if ((*oldOut == -1) || !redirect(q, which)) { fReturn = TRUE; break; } break;
case '|': fReturn = TRUE; break;
default : makeError(0, BUILD_INTERNAL); }
if (fReturn) { break; } }
if (fReturn) { if (save != NULL) { _tcscpy(p, save); FREE(save); }
if (in && (*oldIn != -1)) { if (_dup2(*oldIn, _fileno(stdin)) == -1) { makeError(0, BUILD_INTERNAL); }
*oldIn = -1; }
if (out && (*oldOut != -1)) { if (_dup2(*oldOut, _fileno(stdout)) == -1) { makeError(0, BUILD_INTERNAL); }
*oldOut = -1; }
return(fReturn); }
BOOL FSearchForExecutableExt( const char *szFilename, const char *szExt, BOOL fHasPath, char *szPath ) { char szFullName[_MAX_PATH] = {0};
strncat(szFullName, szFilename, sizeof(szFullName)-1); strncat(szFullName, szExt, sizeof(szFullName)-strlen(szFullName)-1); if (fHasPath) { if (_access(szFullName, 0) == 0) { szPath[0] = '\0'; strncat(szPath, szFullName, _MAX_PATH);
return(TRUE); }
return(FALSE); }
_searchenv(szFullName, "PATH", szPath);
return(szPath[0] != '\0'); }
BOOL FSearchForExecutable(char *szFullName, char *szPath, BOOL *fBat) { char szDrive[_MAX_DRIVE]; char szDir[_MAX_DIR]; char szFileName[_MAX_FNAME]; char szNoExt[_MAX_PATH]; BOOL fHasPath; char *szEndQuote; BOOL fHasQuotes = FALSE;
// Ignore any given extension. This is what COMMAND.COM does,
char *szToPass = szFullName;
if (*szFullName == QUOTE) { // get rid of any number of quotes at the beginning and at the end of the
// string. This allows handling names enclosed in multiple quotes that are
// accepted by the shell (DS 14300)
szEndQuote = _tcsdec(szFullName, szFullName + _tcslen(szFullName));
if (szEndQuote) { if (QUOTE == *szEndQuote) { while (QUOTE == *szToPass) szToPass ++; while (szEndQuote > szToPass) { char *szPrev = _tcsdec (szToPass, szEndQuote); if (szPrev) { if (QUOTE != *szPrev) break; } szEndQuote = szPrev; }
if (szEndQuote) { *szEndQuote = '\0'; fHasQuotes = TRUE; } } } }
_splitpath(szToPass, szDrive, szDir, szFileName, NULL); _makepath(szNoExt, szDrive, szDir, szFileName, NULL); fHasPath = (szDrive[0] != '\0') || (szDir[0] != '\0');
*fBat = FALSE;
// Search for .COM file
if (FSearchForExecutableExt(szNoExt, ".com", fHasPath, szPath)) { goto success; }
// Search for .EXE file
if (FSearchForExecutableExt(szNoExt, ".exe", fHasPath, szPath)) { goto success; }
// Search for .BAT file
if (FSearchForExecutableExt(szNoExt, ".bat", fHasPath, szPath)) { *fBat = TRUE;
goto success; }
success: if (fHasQuotes) { size_t size = _tcslen(szPath); memmove(szPath+1, szPath, size); *szPath = '"'; *(szPath + size + 1) = '"'; *(szPath + size + 2) = '\0'; *szEndQuote = '"'; } return TRUE;
// execLine -- execute a command line
// Scope: Global (build.c, rpn.c)
// Purpose:
// Parses the command line for redirection characters and redirects stdin and
// stdout if "<", ">", or ">>" are seen. If any of the following occur,
// restore the original stdin and stdout, pass the command to the shell, and
// invoke the shell:
// - the command line contains "|" (pipe)
// - a syntax error occurs in parsing the command line
// - an error occurs in redirection
// Otherwise, attempt to invoke the command directly, then restore the
// original stdin and stdout. If this invocation failed because of
// file-not-found then pass the command to the shell and invoke the shell.
// Input: line -- The command line to be executed
// echoCmd -- determines if the command line is to be echoed
// doCmd -- determines if the command is to be actually executed
// ignoreReturn -- determines if NMAKE is to ignore the return code on
// execution
// ppCmd -- if non-null then on error returns command executed
// Output: Returns ... return code from child process
// ... -1 if error occurs
// Notes:
// 1/ Quoted strings can have redir chars "<>" which will be skipped over.
// 2/ Unmatched quotes cause error; redir chars are replaced by space char.
// 3/ Dup stdin file handle then redirect it. If we have to use the shell,
// restore the original command line.
// 4/ Emulate certain commands such as "cd" to help prevent some makefiles
// from breaking when ported from DOS to OS/2.
// Algorithm for spawning commands:
// If we can't handle the syntax, let the shell do everything. Otherwise,
// first check to see if the command (without extension) is a DOS built-in &
// if it is, call the shell to execute it (this is how cmd.exe behaves)
// If it's not a built-in, we check to see if it has a .cmd or a .bat
// extension (depending on whether we're in DOS or OS/2). If it does, we
// call system() to execute it.
// If it has some other extension, we ignore the extension and go looking for
// a .cmd or .bat file. If we find it, we execute it with system().
// Otherwise, we try to spawn it (without extension). If the spawn fails,
// we issue an unknown program error.
int execLine( char *line, BOOL echoCmd, BOOL doCmd, BOOL ignoreReturn, char **ppCmd ) { char **argv; BOOL fUseShell; BOOL fLongCommand; int status; unsigned argc;
if (!shellName) { shellName = getComSpec(); }
switch (*line) { case '@': // Turn off echo if it was on. This handles the case where the "@"
// was in a macro.
line++; if (doCmd) echoCmd = 0; break;
case '-': ignoreReturn = TRUE; ++line; if (_istdigit(*line)) { char * pNumber = line; errorLevel = _tcstoul(line, &line, 10); if (errno == ERANGE) { *line = '\0'; makeError(0, CONST_TOO_BIG, pNumber); // Todo: replace 0 with line number
} while(_istspace(*line)) line++; } else errorLevel = UINT_MAX; break; }
// handle null command ...
if (!line[0]) return(0);
#if 0
// 10/10/96: disabled to allow execution of long
// commands that are produced by batch-mode rules
// copy command line into buffer
if (_tcslen(line) < MAXCMDLINELENGTH) _tcscpy(szCmdLineBuf, line); else makeError(0, COMMAND_TOO_LONG, line); #endif
fLongCommand = _tcslen(line) >= MAXCMDLINELENGTH; if (!fLongCommand) _tcscpy(szCmdLineBuf, line); else *szCmdLineBuf = '\0';
// Allocate a copy of the command line on the heap because in a
// recursive call to doMake(), argv pointers will be allocated from
// the static buffer which will then be trashed. For buildArg...().
pCmdLineCopy = makeString(line);
// If -n then echo command if not '$(MAKE)'
if (echoCmd) { printf("\t%s\n", pCmdLineCopy); fflush(stdout); }
// Build arg vector. This is a waste on Windows NT since we're probably
// going to use the shell, except we have to check for cd, $(MAKE),
// etc. so we take advantage of the parsing code.
buildArgumentVector(&argc, NULL, pCmdLineCopy);
if (argc == 0) { return(0); // for case when macro command is null
// allocate argv. Leave space for extra arguments
// (like "cmd", "/k", quotes) that may be added later
argv = (char **) rallocate((argc + 5) * sizeof (char *)); buildArgumentVector(&argc, argv, pCmdLineCopy);
// 11-May-1993 HV The _mbsicmp() does not like NULL pointer
// so I have to check before calling it.
if (argv[0] && makeStr && !_tcsicmp(argv[0], makeStr)) { if(!szNmakeProgName) { szNmakeProgName = _pgmptr; if( _tcspbrk( szNmakeProgName," " )) { // If the program name has an embedded space in it
// Let's put quotes around it
szNmakeProgName = (char *)rallocate(_tcslen(szNmakeProgName)+3); *szNmakeProgName = QUOTE; // First quote
*(szNmakeProgName+1) = '\0'; _tcscat( szNmakeProgName, _pgmptr ); // copy the full program name (self)
_tcscat( szNmakeProgName, "\""); // Final quote and \0
} } argv[0]=szNmakeProgName; }
if (!doCmd) { // don't execute command if doCmd false
// For -n, emulate if possible.
if (FEmulateCommand(argc, argv, &status)) { if (status && ppCmd) { *ppCmd = makeString(*argv); }
return(status); // return status
return(0); }
// Try emulating the command if appropriate. If not, and we should not
// use the shell, try spawning command directly.
// Check status when emulating
if (FEmulateCommand(argc, argv, &status)) { // Command has been emulated. Don't execute it again.
fUseShell = FALSE;
} else if (!fRunningUnderChicago && !fLongCommand) { // Use the shell for Windows NT unless the command is too long
fUseShell = TRUE;
#ifdef WIN95
} else if (fRunningUnderChicago && FInternalCommand(argv[0])) { // Under Windows 95 or MS-DOS, use the shell for internal commands
fUseShell = TRUE; #endif // WIN95
} else { int oldIn = -1; // Old stdin file handle
int oldOut = -1; // Old stdout file handle
// Under Windows 95 or MS-DOS, COMMAND.COM doesn't return child return
// codes. Try spawning the child application directly.
// This code is also now used if the line is too long to be handled by
// the NT command interpreter.
fUseShell = FDoRedirection(line, &oldIn, &oldOut);
if (!fUseShell) { char szPath[_MAX_PATH]; char szQuotedPath[_MAX_PATH]; BOOL fBat;
if (oldIn != -1 || oldOut != -1) { // If there was a redirection
// Need to re-build the argument vector without the
// redirection characters
FREE(pCmdLineCopy); pCmdLineCopy = makeString(line); buildArgumentVector(&argc, argv, pCmdLineCopy); }
if (!FSearchForExecutable(argv[0], szPath, &fBat)) { /* If not found, set up an error since COMMAND will
* return 0. This risks future incompatibility if new * COMMAND.COM internal commands are added. */ if (fRunningUnderChicago) { errno = ENOENT; status = -1; } else { fUseShell = TRUE; } } else if (fBat) { // If .bat extension, use COMMAND.COM.
// UNDONE: CreateProcess is supposed to handle this. Try it.
fUseShell = TRUE; } else { // Spawn command directly.
// DevStudio#8911, cannot use quotes in szPath
if (*szPath == QUOTE && *(szPath + _tcslen(szPath) - 1) == QUOTE) { // unquote the path.
size_t cb = _tcslen(szPath); memmove(szPath, szPath + 1, cb); *(szPath + cb - 2) = '\0'; } #if 0
{ int i; printf("Spawning \"%s\" directly\n", szPath); for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) { printf ( "Arg[%d] = \"%s\"\n", i, argv[i] ); } } #endif
// DS 14300: Use full path for argv[0]
// otherwise a shell command may be invoked
// instead of an intended executable with the
// same name. Enclosing quotes are needed if
// string has embedded spaces
argv[0] = szPath; if (_tcschr (argv[0], ' ')) { *szQuotedPath = QUOTE; _tcscpy (szQuotedPath+1, szPath); _tcscat (szQuotedPath, "\""); argv[0] = szQuotedPath; } status = (int)_spawnvp(P_WAIT, szPath, argv); // REVIEW:WIN64 cast
} }
if (oldIn != -1) { if (_dup2(oldIn, _fileno(stdin)) == -1) { makeError(0, BUILD_INTERNAL); }
_close(oldIn); }
if (oldOut != -1) { if (_dup2(oldOut, _fileno(stdout)) == -1) { makeError(0, BUILD_INTERNAL); }
_close(oldOut); } }
if (fUseShell) { int i; BOOL fExtraQuote = FALSE;
// copy command line into buffer
if (_tcslen(line) < MAXCMDLINELENGTH) _tcscpy(szCmdLineBuf, line); else makeError(0, COMMAND_TOO_LONG, line);
// Workaround for cmd bug (DevStudio #11253):
// IF argv[0] (before we rearrange with cmd.exe /c) is quoted AND
// any of the other argv[1...n] args have quotes AND
// running on NT
// THEN we add an extra quote before argv[0] and one after argv[n].
if ((*argv[0] == QUOTE) && (*(argv[0] + _tcslen(argv[0]) - 1) == QUOTE) && !fRunningUnderChicago) { for (i = argc - 1; i >= 1; i--) { if( _tcspbrk( argv[i],"\"" )) { fExtraQuote = TRUE; break; } } }
if (fExtraQuote) { argv[argc++] = "\""; argv[argc] = NULL; }
for (i = argc; i >= 0; i--) { argv[i+2] = argv[i]; }
argv[0] = shellName; argv[1] = fExtraQuote ? "/c \"" : "/c";
#if 0
printf("Shelling \"%s\"\n", szCmdLineBuf); for (i = 0; i < argc + 2; i++) { printf ( "Arg[%d] = \"%s\"\n", i, argv[i] ); } #endif
status = (int)_spawnvp(P_WAIT, argv[0], (const char * const *) argv); // REVIEW:WIN64 cast
// Check for errors spawning command (distinct from errors *returned*
// from a successfully spawned command).
if (status == -1) { if (ignoreReturn) { status = 0; } else { switch (errno) { case 0: // We (ie: nmake) didn't fail, but the spawned program did.
case ENOENT: makeError(0, CANT_FIND_PROGRAM, argv[0]); break;
case ENOMEM: makeError(0, EXEC_NO_MEM, fUseShell ? argv[2] : argv[0]); break;
default: // Done to flag possibly erroneous decision made here [SB]
makeError(0, SPAWN_FAILED_ERROR, _strerror(NULL)); } } }
if (status && ppCmd) { *ppCmd = makeString(fUseShell ? argv[2] : argv[0]); }
FREE(argv); FREE(pCmdLineCopy); return(status); }
// getComSpec()
// actions: Attempts to find system shell.
// First look for COMSPEC. If not found, look for COMMAND.COM or CMD.EXE
// in the current directory then the path. If not found, fatal error.
// It would make sense to give an error if COMSPEC is not defined but
// test suites are easier if no user-defined environment variables are
// required.
char * getComSpec() { char *szShell; char szPath[_MAX_PATH];
if ((szShell = getenv("COMSPEC")) != NULL) { return(szShell); }
if (fRunningUnderChicago) { szShell = "COMMAND.COM"; } else { szShell = "CMD.EXE"; }
_searchenv(szShell, "PATH", szPath);
if (szPath[0] == '\0') { makeError(0, NO_COMMAND_COM); }
return(makeString(szPath)); }
BOOL iterateCommand( char *u, STRINGLIST *t, UCHAR buildFlags, UCHAR cFlags, char *pFirstDep, unsigned *status ) { BOOL parens; char c = '\0'; char *v; STRINGLIST *p = NULL, *q; char *pLine; char *pCmd;
for (v = u; *v ; ++v) { parens = FALSE; if (*v == '$') { if (*(v+1) == '(') { ++v; parens = TRUE; } if (*(v+1) == '?') { if (parens && !(_tcschr("DFBR", *(v+2)) && *(v+3) == ')') && *(v+2) != ')') continue; p = dollarQuestion; c = '?'; break; } if (*++v == '*' && *(v+1) == '*') { if (parens && !(_tcschr("DFBR", *(v+2)) && *(v+3) == ')') && *(v+2) != ')') continue; p = dollarStarStar; c = '*'; break; } } }
if (!*v) { return(FALSE); }
v = u; q = p; while (p) { macros = t; if (c == '*') { p = dollarStarStar->next; dollarStarStar->next = NULL; } else { p = dollarQuestion->next; dollarQuestion->next = NULL; } u = expandMacros(v, ¯os);
expandExtmake(CmdLine, u, pFirstDep); pLine = CmdLine; *status = execLine(pLine, (BOOL)(ON(buildFlags, F2_NO_EXECUTE) || (OFF(buildFlags,F2_NO_ECHO) && OFF(cFlags,C_SILENT))), (BOOL)((OFF(buildFlags, F2_NO_EXECUTE) ) || ON(cFlags, C_EXECUTE)), (BOOL)ON(cFlags, C_IGNORE), &pCmd); if (OFF(buildFlags, F2_IGNORE_EXIT_CODES)) { if (*status && *status > errorLevel) if (!fOptionK) makeError(0, BAD_RETURN_CODE, pCmd, *status); }
if (c == '*') dollarStarStar = dollarStarStar->next = p; else dollarQuestion = dollarQuestion->next = p; FREE(u); if (OFF(buildFlags, F2_IGNORE_EXIT_CODES) && fOptionK && *status && *status > errorLevel) { break; } } if (c == '*') dollarStarStar = q; else dollarQuestion = q; return(TRUE); }
void removeQuotes( int argc, char **argv ) { char *t, *L_string;
for (; argc--; argv++) { L_string = *argv; for (t = L_string; *t;) { if (*t == SLASH || *t == ESCH) { if (t[1] == QUOTE) *(L_string)++ = *(t++); *(L_string++) = *(t++); continue; } if (*t == QUOTE) ++t; else { if (_istlead(* (unsigned char *)t)) *(L_string++) = *(t++); *(L_string++) = *(t++); } } *L_string = '\0'; } }
void touch( char *s, BOOL minusN ) { int fd; char c; FILE * L_file;
makeMessage(TOUCHING_TARGET, s); if (!minusN && ((L_file = FILEOPEN(s, "r+b")) != NULL)) { fd = _fileno(L_file); if (_read(fd, &c, 1) > 0) { if (_lseek(fd, 0L, SEEK_SET)!=-1) { _write(fd, &c, 1); } } _close(fd); } }