#include <nt.h>
#include <ntddft.h>
#include <ntdddisk.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <process.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define SECTOR_SIZE 512
#define COMPARE_BUFFER_SIZE 0x4000
BYTE PrimaryBuffer[COMPARE_BUFFER_SIZE]; BYTE SecondaryBuffer[COMPARE_BUFFER_SIZE]; BYTE OutputBuffer[1024];
void DumpMiscompare( IN PBYTE PrimarySector, IN PBYTE SecondarySector ) { BYTE ch; int i, j, offset;
i = 0;
while( i < SECTOR_SIZE && PrimarySector[i] == SecondarySector[i] ) {
i++; }
offset = i & ~7;
while( offset < SECTOR_SIZE ) {
printf( "%03X: ", offset );
// display primary as hex.
for( j = offset; j < offset + 8; j++ ) {
if( j < i ) {
printf( " " );
} else {
printf( " %02X", PrimarySector[j] ); } }
printf( " " );
// display primary as character.
for( j = offset; j < offset + 8; j++ ) {
if( j < i ) {
printf( " " );
} else {
ch = PrimarySector[j]; if( !isprint(ch) ) {
ch = '.'; }
printf( "%c", ch ); } }
printf( " -- " );
// Display secondary as hex.
for( j = offset; j < offset + 8; j++ ) {
if( j < i ) {
printf( " " );
} else {
printf( " %02X", SecondarySector[j] ); } }
printf( " " );
// display primary as character.
for( j = offset; j < offset + 8; j++ ) {
if( j < i ) {
printf( " " );
} else {
ch = SecondarySector[j]; if( !isprint(ch) ) {
ch = '.'; }
printf( "%c", ch ); } }
printf( "\n" ); offset += 8; }
// Add a blank line.
printf( "\n" ); }
BOOL ReadSectors( IN HANDLE VolumeHandle, IN ULONG SectorNumber, IN ULONG NumberOfSectors, IN PBYTE Buffer, IN BOOL Secondary ) { FT_SPECIAL_READ SpecialReadBuffer; ULONG BytesRead;
SpecialReadBuffer.ByteOffset = RtlEnlargedIntegerMultiply( SectorNumber, SECTOR_SIZE ); SpecialReadBuffer.Length = NumberOfSectors * SECTOR_SIZE;
// Issue the IOCTL
return( DeviceIoControl( VolumeHandle, Secondary ? FT_SECONDARY_READ : FT_PRIMARY_READ, &SpecialReadBuffer, sizeof( SpecialReadBuffer ), Buffer, NumberOfSectors * SECTOR_SIZE, &BytesRead, NULL ) && BytesRead == NumberOfSectors * SECTOR_SIZE ); }
VOID ShowUsage() { printf( "usage: parcomp DosDriveName: [-d] [-b:StartingSector] [-e:EndingSector]\n" ); exit(4); }
int __cdecl main( int argc, char **argv ) { PARTITION_INFORMATION PartitionInfo; BYTE DriveNameBuffer[32]; HANDLE VolumeHandle; LARGE_INTEGER BigSectorsOnVolume; ULONG SectorsOnVolume, SectorOffset, SectorsToRead, i, Errors; LONG k; BOOL PrimaryRead, SecondaryRead, DumpErrors = FALSE; ULONG BytesTransferred; ULONG StartSector = 0, EndSector = 0;
if( argc < 2 ) {
ShowUsage(); }
memset( DriveNameBuffer, 0, sizeof( DriveNameBuffer ) ); strcat( DriveNameBuffer, "\\\\.\\" ); strcat( DriveNameBuffer, argv[1] );
for( k = 2; k < argc; k++ ) {
if( argv[k][0] == '-' || argv[k][0] == '/' ) {
switch (argv[k][1]) {
case 'd':
// Display miscompares.
DumpErrors = TRUE; break;
case 'b':
// Specify beginning sector number.
if (sscanf( argv[k]+2, ":%x", &StartSector ) != 1) ShowUsage(); break;
case 'e':
// Specify beginning sector number.
if (sscanf( argv[k]+2, ":%x", &EndSector ) != 1) ShowUsage(); break;
ShowUsage(); break; } } else {
ShowUsage(); } }
// Open the volume with the DOS name.
VolumeHandle = CreateFile( DriveNameBuffer, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0 );
if( VolumeHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) {
printf( "Unable to open %s [Error %d]\n", argv[1], GetLastError() ); exit(4); }
// GetFile information.
if( !DeviceIoControl( VolumeHandle, IOCTL_DISK_GET_PARTITION_INFO, NULL, 0, &PartitionInfo, sizeof( PartitionInfo ), &BytesTransferred, NULL ) ) {
printf( "Unable to get volume size [Error %d].\n", GetLastError() ); CloseHandle( VolumeHandle ); exit(4); }
if( !(PartitionInfo.PartitionType & VALID_NTFT) ) {
printf( "%s is not a Fault-Tolerant volume.\n", argv[1] ); exit(4); }
BigSectorsOnVolume = RtlExtendedLargeIntegerDivide( PartitionInfo.PartitionLength, SECTOR_SIZE, NULL ); SectorsOnVolume = BigSectorsOnVolume.LowPart;
if( EndSector == 0 ) {
EndSector = SectorsOnVolume; }
sprintf( OutputBuffer, "Sectors on volume = %x\n", SectorsOnVolume ); printf( OutputBuffer ); OutputDebugString( OutputBuffer );
sprintf( OutputBuffer, "Starting Sector = %x\n", StartSector ); printf( OutputBuffer ); OutputDebugString( OutputBuffer );
sprintf( OutputBuffer, "Ending Sector = %x\n", EndSector ); printf( OutputBuffer ); OutputDebugString( OutputBuffer );
SectorsToRead = 0; Errors = 0;
printf( "Sectors read %8x\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b", StartSector );
for( SectorOffset = StartSector; SectorOffset < EndSector; SectorOffset += SectorsToRead ) {
SectorsToRead = __min( COMPARE_BUFFER_SIZE / SECTOR_SIZE, EndSector - SectorOffset );
// zero out the buffers.
memset( PrimaryBuffer, 0, COMPARE_BUFFER_SIZE ); memset( SecondaryBuffer, 0, COMPARE_BUFFER_SIZE );
// Read the primary:
PrimaryRead = ReadSectors( VolumeHandle, SectorOffset, SectorsToRead, PrimaryBuffer, FALSE );
// Read the secondary:
SecondaryRead = ReadSectors( VolumeHandle, SectorOffset, SectorsToRead, SecondaryBuffer, TRUE );
if( PrimaryRead && SecondaryRead ) {
for( i = 0; i < SectorsToRead; i++ ) {
if( memcmp( PrimaryBuffer + SECTOR_SIZE * i, SecondaryBuffer + SECTOR_SIZE * i, SECTOR_SIZE ) ) {
sprintf( OutputBuffer, "\rPrimary and Secondary miscompare at sector %x\n", SectorOffset + i ); printf( OutputBuffer ); OutputDebugString( OutputBuffer );
if( DumpErrors ) {
DumpMiscompare( PrimaryBuffer + SECTOR_SIZE * i, SecondaryBuffer + SECTOR_SIZE * i ); }
printf( "Sectors read %8x\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b", SectorOffset ); Errors++; } }
} else if( PrimaryRead ) {
sprintf( OutputBuffer, "\rSecondary read failed at sector %x, length %x (Error %d)\n", SectorOffset, SectorsToRead, GetLastError() ); printf( OutputBuffer ); OutputDebugString( OutputBuffer ); printf( "Sectors read %8x\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b", SectorOffset );
} else if( SecondaryRead ) {
sprintf( OutputBuffer, "\rPrimary read failed at sector %x, length %x (Error %d)\n", SectorOffset, SectorsToRead, GetLastError() ); printf( OutputBuffer ); OutputDebugString( OutputBuffer ); printf( "Sectors read %8x\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b", SectorOffset );
} else {
sprintf( OutputBuffer, "\rPrimary and Secondary reads failed at sector %x, length %x (Error %d)\n", SectorOffset, SectorsToRead, GetLastError() ); printf( OutputBuffer ); OutputDebugString( OutputBuffer ); printf( "Sectors read %8x\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b", SectorOffset ); } printf( "%8x\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b", SectorOffset ); }
printf( "%8x\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b", SectorOffset ); printf( "\n%x Errors\n", Errors ); CloseHandle( VolumeHandle ); return( 0 ); }