* lppage.c - page formatting */
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <direct.h>
#include <tools.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "lpr.h"
#define ESC '\033'
BOOL fPageTop = TRUE; /* TRUE => printer at top of page */ BOOL fFirstFile = TRUE; /* TRUE => first file to be printed */
/* information for formated page */ BOOL fInit; /* TRUE => valid info in page */ int iPage; /* current page being processed */ int rowLine; /* row for next line */ int iLine; /* number of current line */ char szFFile[MAX_PATH]; /* full path of file being displayed */ char szFTime[50]; /* ascii timestamp for file */ char szUsr[MAX_PATH]; /* name of user */ char szCompany[] = COMPANY; char szConf[] = CONFIDENTIAL;
extern USHORT usCodePage;
/* Specifics about ctime */ #define cchDateMax 16
#define cchTimeMax 10
/* Maximum length in a short file name */ /* Shape of the banner */ #define crowBanner 30
#define ccolBanner 102
void BannerSz(szFName, cBanOut) char *szFName; int cBanOut; /* number to output; will be > 0 */ { #define CenterCol(sz) (col + ((ccolBanner - (strlen(sz) << 3)) >> 1))
#define cchFShort 12
#define cchPShort 28
#define cchUsrShort 12 /* length username block can be on banner */
int row; /* Position of the banner */ int col; char szDate[cchDateMax]; char szTime[cchTimeMax]; char szPath[MAX_PATH]; char szConfid[sizeof(szCompany) + sizeof(szConf)]; char szFNShort[cchFShort + 1]; /* To shorten the file name */ /* only up to 12 chars. */ char szUsrShort[cchUsrShort + 1];/* Need to shorten the username also! */ char szBuffer[30];
if (!fPostScript) { row = ((fLaser ? rowLJBanMax : rowMac) - crowBanner - 10)/2; col = ((fLaser ? colLJBanMax : colLPMax) - ccolBanner)/2; }
szFNShort[cchFShort] = '\0' ; strncpy(szFNShort, szFName, cchFShort); szUsrShort[cchUsrShort] = '\0' ; strncpy(szUsrShort, szUsr, cchUsrShort);
_getcwd(szPath, sizeof(szPath)); _strupr(szPath); _strupr(szFNShort);
SzDateSzTime(szDate, szTime);
if (fPostScript) {
int iPathLen = strlen (szFFile); while ((szFFile[iPathLen] != '\\') && (iPathLen>0)) { iPathLen--; }
OutLPR("\n", 0); /* The 'strings' we are sending out, need to use OutLPRPS just in case
* they contain \, (, or )... */
// Assign a jobname
OutLPR ("statusdict begin statusdict /jobname (PPR: ", 0); OutLPRPS (szUsr, 0); OutLPR (" - ", 0); OutLPRPS (szFNShort, 0); OutLPR (") put end \n", 0);
if( fHDuplex || fVDuplex ) { OutLPR( "statusdict begin ", 0 ); OutLPR( fHDuplex ? "true" : "false", 0 ); OutLPR( " settumble true setduplexmode end\n", 0); }
// Define some of the data we will be wanting access to
OutLPR ("/UserName (", 0); OutLPRPS (szUsr, 0); OutLPR (") def \n", 0); OutLPR ("/FileName (", 0); OutLPRPS (szFNShort ,0); OutLPR (") def \n", 0); OutLPR ("/PathName (", 0); OutLPRPS (szFFile, iPathLen); OutLPR (") def \n", 0); OutLPR ("/UserPath (", 0); OutLPRPS (szPath ,0); OutLPR (") def \n", 0); OutLPR ("/Date (", 0); OutLPRPS (szDate, 0); OutLPR (") def \n", 0); OutLPR ("/Time (", 0); OutLPRPS (szTime ,0); OutLPR (") def \n", 0); OutLPR ("/FTime (", 0); OutLPRPS (szFTime,0); OutLPR (") def \n", 0); OutLPR ("/Label ",0); OutLPR ((fLabel ? "true" : "false"), 0); OutLPR (" def \n", 0);
if (fConfidential) { OutLPR ("/MSConfidential true def\n", 0);
OutLPR ("/Stamp (", 0); if (szStamp && strlen(szStamp) > 0) { OutLPR (szStamp, 0); } else { strcpy(szConfid, szCompany); strcat(szConfid, " "); strcat(szConfid, szConf); OutLPR (szConfid, 0); } OutLPR (") def \n", 0); }
if (szStamp != NULL) { OutLPR ("/MSConfidential true def\n", 0); OutLPR ("/Stamp (", 0); OutLPRPS (szStamp, 0); OutLPR (") def \n", 0); }
// Width of 'gutter' in characters
sprintf (szBuffer, "/Gutter %d def \n", colGutter); OutLPR (szBuffer, 0);
// The total column width in characters
sprintf (szBuffer, "/ColWidth %d def \n", colWidth); OutLPR (szBuffer, 0);
// Number of character rows per page
sprintf (szBuffer, "/RowCount %d def \n", rowMac); OutLPR (szBuffer, 0);
// The character column text should start in
sprintf (szBuffer, "/ColText %d def \n", colText); OutLPR (szBuffer, 0);
// Number of columns per page
sprintf (szBuffer, "/Columns %d def\n", cCol); OutLPR (szBuffer, 0);
/* ... Ok, now lets get started! */
if (cBanOut > 0) OutLPR ("BannerPage\n", 0);
cBanOut--; /* print more banners if neccessary ?? */ while (cBanOut-- > 0) { OutLPR ("BannerPage % Extra Banners??\n", 0); }
} else { FillRectangle(' ', 0, 0, row + crowBanner, col + ccolBanner + 1); HorzLine('_', row, col + 1, col + ccolBanner); HorzLine('_', row + 5, col, col + ccolBanner); HorzLine('_', row + 16, col, col + ccolBanner); HorzLine('_', row + 29, col, col + ccolBanner); VertLine('|', col, row + 1, row + crowBanner); VertLine('|', col + ccolBanner, row + 1, row + crowBanner);
WriteSzCoord("User:", row + 2, col + 15); WriteSzCoord(szUsr, row + 2, col + 30); WriteSzCoord("File Name:", row + 3, col + 15); WriteSzCoord(szFNShort, row + 3, col + 30); WriteSzCoord("Directory:", row + 3, col + 58); WriteSzCoord(szPath, row + 3, col + 73); WriteSzCoord("Date Printed:", row + 4, col + 15); WriteSzCoord("Time Printed:", row + 4, col + 58); WriteSzCoord(szDate, row + 4, col + 30); WriteSzCoord(szTime, row + 4, col + 73);
block_flush(szUsrShort, row + 8, CenterCol(szUsrShort)); block_flush(szFNShort, row + 20, CenterCol(szFNShort));
if (fConfidential) { strcpy(szConfid, szCompany); strcat(szConfid, " "); strcat(szConfid, szConf); WriteSzCoord(szConfid, row+18, col + (ccolBanner-strlen(szConfid))/2); } if (szStamp != NULL) WriteSzCoord(szStamp, row+28, col + (ccolBanner-strlen(szStamp))/2);
/* move to top of page */ if (!fPageTop) OutLPR(fPostScript ? "showpage\n" : "\r\f", 0); if (fLaser) { if (fVDuplex || fHDuplex) OutLPR(SELECTFRONTPAGE,0); OutLPR(BEGINBANNER, 0); } if (fPostScript) OutLPR("beginbanner\n", 0);
OutRectangle(0, 0, row + crowBanner, col + ccolBanner + 1); cBanOut--;
/* print more banners if neccessary */ while (cBanOut-- > 0) { OutLPR(fPostScript ? "showpage\n" : "\r\f", 0); if (fPostScript) OutLPR("beginbanner\n", 0); OutRectangle(0, 0, row + crowBanner, col + ccolBanner + 1); } } /* End of PostScript check */
fPageTop = FALSE; }
void SzDateSzTime(szDate, szTime) /* fill sz's with date & time */ char *szDate, *szTime; { char *szt; char sz[26]; time_t tT;
time(&tT); szt = ctime(&tT); /* convert ctime format into Date & Time */ strcpy(sz, szt); sz[10] = sz[19] = sz[24] = '\0'; /* break into DAY:TIME:YEAR */
strcpy(szDate, &sz[0]); strcat(szDate, " "); strcat(szDate, &sz[20]); strcpy(szTime, &sz[11]); } /* SzDateSzTime */
void FlushPage() /* FlushPage - dump a completed page to the printer */ { if (!fInit) { if (!fPostScript) { if (!fPageTop) OutLPR("\r\f", 0); else if (!fLaser && fLabel) OutLPR("\n\n", 0); /* align printout on LP */ }
OutRectangle(0,0,rowMac,colMac); fPageTop = FALSE; } }
void InitPage() /* fill in the page image with a blanks (and frame, if needed) */ /* mark punch holes in to row for laserprinters in landscape mode, */ /* so that PlaceTop() can avoid these spots when placing strings */ { int iCol;
fInit = TRUE;
FillRectangle(' ', 0, 0, rowMac, colMac);
if (!fPostScript) if (fBorder) { /* Draw border around page */ HorzLine('_', 0 , 1, colMac - 1); HorzLine('_', rowMac - 1, 1, colMac - 1); VertLine('|', 0 , 1, rowMac); VertLine('|', colMac - 1, 1, rowMac);
/* Fill in column separators */ for (iCol = 0; iCol < cCol - 1; iCol++) VertLine('|', ColBeginIcol(iCol, colWidth) + colWidth, 1, rowMac-1);
/* mark punch holes */ if (fLabel && !fPortrait && (fPostScript || fLaser) ) { if (fLaser) { HorzLine('\0', 0, 11, 19); HorzLine('\0', 0, 83, 92); HorzLine('\0', 0, 154, 162); } else { HorzLine('\0', 0, 11, 19); HorzLine('\0', 0, 77, 86); HorzLine('\0', 0, 144, 152); } }
} }
void RestoreTopRow() /* replace the zero bytes put in by InitPage() with underscores */ { register char *pch;
for (pch = &page[0][0]; pch<&page[0][colMac-1]; pch++) if (*pch=='\0' || (*pch==' ' && (*(pch-1)=='_' || *(pch+1)=='_'))) *pch = '_'; }
void PlaceTop(szLabel, ichAim, ichMin, ichMax) char *szLabel; int ichAim, ichMin, ichMax; { int cchLab, cTry, dich, ichLim1, ichLim2; register int ich; register char *pch; BOOL fBackward;
cchLab = strlen(szLabel); dich = (fBackward = ichAim<=(colMac-cchLab)/2) ? -1 : 1;
for (cTry=0; cTry<2; cTry++) { if (fBackward) ichLim1 = (ichLim2=ichAim) + cchLab - 1; else ichLim2 = (ichLim1=ichAim+1) + cchLab - 1; for (pch= &page[0][ich=ichLim1]; ich<ichMax && ich>ichMin; pch += dich, ich += dich) { if (*pch != '_') { ichLim1 = ich + dich; ichLim2 = ich + (fBackward ? -cchLab : cchLab); } else { if (ich==ichLim2) /* found spot, write string */ { WriteSzCoord(szLabel, 0, min(ichLim1, ichLim2)); return; } } } /* if no spot found, try the other direction */ dich = -dich; fBackward = !fBackward; } }
void PlaceNumber(iCol) int iCol; { int ichAim, ichMin, ichMax, cchN; char szN[8];
sprintf(szN, " %d ", iPage + iCol + 1); ichMin = ColBeginIcol(iCol,colWidth); ichAim = ichMin + (colWidth - (cchN=strlen(szN)) )/2; ichMax = ichMin + colWidth - cchN - 1; PlaceTop(szN, ichAim, ichMin, ichMax); }
void LabelPage() /* place page labels on page */ { int col; char szT[11]; char * szHeader;
szHeader = szBanner ? szBanner : szFFile;
if (fLabel) { if (fPortrait) { /* move top line over if gutter is being used */ col = colGutter;
/* place in szFTime */ WriteSzCoord(szFTime, 0, col); col += strlen(szFTime)+2;
/* place in file name after szFTime */ WriteSzCoord(szHeader, 0, col); col += (strlen(szHeader)+2);
/* place page numbers on page */ sprintf(szT, "Page %d", iPage + 1); WriteSzCoord(szT, 0, col); col += (strlen(szT)+2);
/* place user name on page */ WriteSzCoord(szUsr, 0, col); col += (strlen(szUsr)+4);
if (fConfidential) { WriteSzCoord(szCompany, 0, col); col += (strlen(szCompany)+1); WriteSzCoord(szConf, 0, col); }
if (szStamp!=NULL) { WriteSzCoord(szStamp, 0, col); col += (strlen(szStamp)+4); } } else { int iCol;
if (fConfidential) { PlaceTop(szCompany, colMac/2-strlen(szCompany)-1, 0, colMac-1); PlaceTop(szConf, colMac/2, 0, colMac-1); }
if (szStamp!=NULL) PlaceTop(szStamp, colMac-strlen(szStamp)-1, 0, colMac-1);
/* place page numbers on columns */ for (iCol = 0; iCol < cCol; iCol++) PlaceNumber(iCol);
/* place in centered file name */ WriteSzCoord(szHeader, rowMac-1, (colMac - strlen (szHeader))/2);
/* place in right-justified szFTime */ WriteSzCoord(szFTime, rowMac-1, colMac - 2 - strlen(szFTime));
/* place in name in lower left hand corner */ WriteSzCoord(szUsr,rowMac-1,2); } } }
void AdvancePage() /* advance the counters to a succeeding page. Flush if necessary. */ { if (fBorder || fLabel) rowLine = (fPortrait ? 3 : 1); else rowLine = 0;
/* if we have moved to a new printer page, flush and reinit */ if ( fPostScript || ((iPage % cCol) == 0))
{ FlushPage(); InitPage(); if (!fPostScript) LabelPage(); } }
void XoutNonPrintSz(sz) /* replace non-printing characters in sz with dots; don't replace LF, CR, FF
or HT. */ register char *sz; { if (usCodePage != 0) { return; }
while (*sz != '\0') { if ( !isascii(*sz) || ( !isprint(*sz) && *sz != LF && *sz != CR && *sz != HT && *sz != FF && *sz != *sz != ' ')) { *sz = '.'; } sz++; } }
void LineOut(sz, fNewLine) /* LineOut - place a line of text into the page buffer. The line is broken
* into pieces that are at most colWidth long and are placed into separate * lines in the page. Lines that contain form-feeds are broken into pieces * also. Form-feeds cause advance to the next page. Handle paging. Handle * flushing of the internal buffer. * * sz character pointer to string for output. We modify this string * during the operation, but restore it at the end. * * fNewLine TRUE ==> this the start of a new input line (should number it) */ register char *sz; BOOL fNewLine; { register char *pch;
/* if there is a form feed, recurse to do the part before it */ while (*(pch = sz + strcspn(sz, "\f")) != '\0') { if (pch != sz) { *pch = '\0'; /* temporarily fix to NULL */ LineOut(sz, fNewLine); fNewLine = FALSE; /* Not a new line after a Form Feed */ *pch = FF; /* reset to form feed */ }
if (fPostScript) { OutLPR ("\f\n\0", 0); } else { AdvancePage(); } sz = pch + 1; /* point to first char after form feed */ }
if (fNewLine) iLine++;
/* if the current line is beyond end of page, advance to next page */ if (rowLine == rowPage) AdvancePage(); fInit = FALSE;
if (fNewLine && fNumber) { char szLN[cchLNMax + 1];
sprintf(szLN, LINUMFORMAT, iLine); if (fPostScript) { OutLPR (szLN, 0); } else { WriteSzCoord(szLN, rowLine, ColBeginIcol(iPage % cCol,colWidth)+colGutter); } }
/* if the line can fit, drop it in */ if (strlen(sz) <= (unsigned int)(colWidth - colText)) if (fPostScript) { OutLPR (sz, 0); OutLPR ("\n\000",0); } else WriteSzCoord(sz, rowLine++, ColBeginIcol(iPage % cCol,colWidth) + colText); else { /* drop in the first part and call LineOut for the remainder */ char ch = sz[colWidth - colText];
sz[colWidth - colText] = '\0'; if (fPostScript) { OutLPR (sz, 0); OutLPR ("\n\000",0); /*WriteSzCoord(sz, rowLine++, ColBeginIcol(0, colWidth) + colText);*/ } else WriteSzCoord(sz, rowLine++, ColBeginIcol(iPage % cCol,colWidth) + colText); sz[colWidth - colText] = ch;
LineOut(sz + colWidth - colText, FALSE ); } }
void RawOut(szBuf, cb) /* print line of raw output */ char * szBuf; int cb; { fPageTop = (szBuf[cb - 1] == FF); OutLPR(szBuf, cb); }
BOOL FilenamX(szSrc, szDst) /* copy a filename.ext part from source to dest if present.
return true if one is found */ char *szSrc, *szDst; { #define szSeps "\\/:"
register char *p, *p1;
p = szSrc-1; while (*(p += 1+strcspn(p1=p+1, szSeps)) != '\0') ; /* p1 points after last / or at bos */ strcpy(szDst, p1); return strlen(szDst) != 0; }
int FileOut(szGiven) /* FileOut - print out an entire file.
* * szGiven name of file to display. */ char *szGiven; { FILE *pfile; int cDots = 0; long lcbStartLPR = 0l; char rgbLine[cchLineMax]; char szFBase[MAX_PATH]; char rgchBuf[2];
/* open/secure input file */ if (!*szGiven || !strcmp(szGiven, "-")) { pfile = stdin; strcpy(szFFile, szBanner ? szBanner : "<stdin>"); strcpy(szFBase, szFFile); szFTime[0] = '\0'; szGiven = NULL; } else if ((pfile = fopen(szGiven, szROBin)) != NULL) { struct _stat st;
/* The file has been opened, now lets construct a string that
* tells us exactly what we opened... */ rootpath (szGiven, szFFile); _strupr(szFFile); FilenamX(szGiven, szFBase); if (_stat(szGiven, &st) == -1) Fatal("file status not obtainable : [%s]", szGiven, NULL); strcpy(szFTime, ctime(&st.st_mtime)); *(szFTime + strlen(szFTime) - 1) = '\0'; } else { Error("error opening input file %s", szGiven); return(FALSE); }
/* need to get user name to be printed in lower left corner of each */ /* page and on banner. */ QueryUserName(szUsr);
if (!fSilent) { // Print progress indicator
fprintf(stderr, "PRINTING %s ", szFBase); }
/* check to see if user forgot -r flag and this is a binary file */ if (!fRaw && pfile != stdin) { fread((char *)rgchBuf, sizeof(char), 2, pfile); if (rgchBuf[0] == ESC && strchr("&(*E", rgchBuf[1]) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "ppr: warning: file is binary; setting raw mode flag"); fRaw = TRUE; } if (fseek(pfile, 0L, SEEK_SET) == -1) fprintf(stderr, "ppr: seek failed"); /* reposition the file pointer to start of file */ }
if (fPostScript) { if (!fFirstFile) { OutLPR ("\034\n\000", 0); /* File Separator */ if (cBanner < 0) /* we at least need to set up the file stuff */ BannerSz (szBanner ? szBanner : szFBase, 0); } }
/* print banner(s) if any */ if (cBanner > 0) BannerSz(szBanner ? szBanner : szFBase, cBanner); else if (cBanner < 0 && fFirstFile) BannerSz(szBanner ? szBanner : szFBase, -cBanner); else if (cBanner==0 && fPostScript) BannerSz(szBanner ? szBanner : szFBase, 0);
fFirstFile = FALSE;
/* always start contents of file at top of page */ if (!fPageTop) { if (!fPostScript) OutLPR(fPostScript ? "showpage\n" : "\r\f", 0); fPageTop = TRUE; }
if (fLaser) { /* start output mode for laserjet */
if (fVDuplex || fHDuplex) /* always start output on front page */ OutLPR(SELECTFRONTPAGE,0);
if (fPortrait) OutLPR(BEGINPORTRAIT, 0); else OutLPR(aszSymSet[usSymSet], 0); }
if (fPostScript) { OutLPR (fPortrait ? (fPCondensed ? "QuadPage\n" : "Portrait\n") : "Landscape\n", 0); OutLPR ("PrintFile\n", 0); }
/* for PostScript we start the mode before each page */
lcbStartLPR = lcbOutLPR; cDots = 0; if (fRaw) { int cb;
/* read file and write directly to printer */ while ((cb = fread(rgbLine, 1, cchLineMax, pfile)) > 0) { RawOut(rgbLine, cb); if (!fSilent && cDots < (lcbOutLPR-lcbStartLPR) / 1024L) { for (; cDots < (lcbOutLPR-lcbStartLPR) / 1024L; cDots++) fputc('.', stderr); } } } else { /* initialize file information */ iLine = 0;
/* initialize page information */ iPage = -1; rowLine = rowPage; fInit = TRUE;
/* read and process each line */ while (fgetl(rgbLine, cchLineMax, pfile)) { LineOut(rgbLine, TRUE); if (!fSilent && cDots < (lcbOutLPR-lcbStartLPR) / 1024L) { for (; cDots < (lcbOutLPR-lcbStartLPR) / 1024L; cDots++) { fputc('.', stderr); } } }
/* flush out remainder if any */ FlushPage(); }
if (!fPageTop && (fForceFF || fPostScript) && (!fPostScript || !fRaw)) { if (!fPostScript) OutLPR(fPostScript ? "showpage\n" : "\r\f", 0); fPageTop = TRUE; }
if (!fSilent) /* finish PRINTING message with CRLF when done*/ fprintf(stderr, "%dk\n", (lcbOutLPR-lcbStartLPR)/1024);
if (fDelete && szGiven) { if (fSilent) _unlink(szGiven); else { fprintf(stderr, "DELETING %s...", szGiven); if (!_unlink(szGiven)) fprintf(stderr, "OK\n"); else fprintf(stderr, "FAILED: file not deleted\n"); } } return TRUE; }