#include <assert.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include "profiler.h"
#include "view.h"
#include "thread.h"
#include "dump.h"
#include "except.h"
#include "memory.h"
#include "clevel.h"
#include "cap.h"
extern BOOL g_bIsWin9X; CAPFILTER g_execFilter; pfnExContinue g_pfnExContinue = 0;
BOOL HookUnchainableExceptionFilter(VOID) { BOOL bResult; pfnRtlAddVectoredExceptionHandler pfnAddExceptionHandler = 0; PVOID pvResult; HANDLE hTemp; DWORD dwExceptionHandler; DWORD dwResultSize; PVOID pAlternateHeap;
// If we're NT - try for the unchainable filter in ntdll
if (FALSE == g_bIsWin9X) { pfnAddExceptionHandler = (pfnRtlAddVectoredExceptionHandler)GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandleA("NTDLL.DLL"), "RtlAddVectoredExceptionHandler"); if (0 == pfnAddExceptionHandler) { return FALSE; }
pvResult = (*pfnAddExceptionHandler)(1, (PVOID)ExceptionFilter); if (0 == pvResult) { return FALSE; } } else { //
// Set up exception handler
hTemp = CreateFileA(NAME_OF_EXCEPTION_VXD, 0, 0, 0, 0, FILE_FLAG_DELETE_ON_CLOSE, 0); if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hTemp) { return FALSE; } _asm mov dwExceptionHandler, offset Win9XExceptionDispatcher
bResult = DeviceIoControl(hTemp, INSTALL_RING_3_HANDLER, &dwExceptionHandler, sizeof(DWORD), 0, 0, &dwResultSize, 0); if (FALSE == bResult) { return FALSE; }
// Get function pointer for ExContinue
g_pfnExContinue = (pfnExContinue)0xbff76702; }
return TRUE; }
LONG ExceptionFilter(struct _EXCEPTION_POINTERS *ExceptionInfo) { DWORD dwThreadId; DWORD dwCounter; BOOL bResult; LONG lRet; PCONTEXT pContext = ExceptionInfo->ContextRecord; PEXCEPTION_RECORD pRecord = ExceptionInfo->ExceptionRecord; PVIEWCHAIN pView = 0; PTHREADFAULT pThreadFault = 0; CHAR szBuffer[MAX_PATH];
// Retrieve thread data
dwThreadId = GetCurrentThreadId();
pThreadFault = GetProfilerThreadData(); if (0 == pThreadFault) { //
// NT only code path
pThreadFault = AllocateProfilerThreadData(); if (0 == pThreadFault) { //
// This wasn't suppose to happen
ExitProcess(-1); } } //
// Rehook the view
if (STATUS_SINGLE_STEP == pRecord->ExceptionCode) { //
// Trace is used to map into call or jumps types we can't forward map
if (pThreadFault->dwPrevBP) { //
// If we're a call - patch the return address so we can maintain call level
if (pThreadFault->prevBPType == Call) { //
// Push the return level hook
bResult = PushCaller((PVOID)pThreadFault, (PVOID)pContext->Esp); if (FALSE == bResult) { //
// Ooops
ExitProcess(-1); } }
RestoreAddressFromView(pThreadFault->dwPrevBP, FALSE);
if ((pThreadFault->prevBPType == Call) || (pThreadFault->prevBPType == Jump)) { //
// Profile this routine if it hasn't been mapped
pView = FindView((DWORD)pRecord->ExceptionAddress); if (0 == pView) { //
// Add this address as a mapping breakpoint
pView = AddViewToMonitor((DWORD)pRecord->ExceptionAddress, Map); if (pView) { bResult = MapCode(pView); if (FALSE == bResult) { //
// This is fatal
ExitProcess(-1); } } } }
pThreadFault->dwPrevBP = 0; pThreadFault->prevBPType = None;
// Trace exception wasn't generated by us
sprintf(szBuffer, "Unhandled Trace %08X\r\n", (DWORD)pRecord->ExceptionAddress); WriteError(szBuffer);
// Restore the view
if (STATUS_BREAKPOINT == pRecord->ExceptionCode) { //
// Restore any BP that hasn't been restored
if (pThreadFault->dwPrevBP) { RestoreAddressFromView(pThreadFault->dwPrevBP, FALSE);
if ((DWORD)pRecord->ExceptionAddress == pThreadFault->dwPrevBP) { pThreadFault->dwPrevBP = 0; pThreadFault->prevBPType = None;
// Add address to the execution filter
bResult = AddToCap(&g_execFilter, (DWORD)pRecord->ExceptionAddress); if (FALSE == bResult) { //
// This is fatal
ExitProcess(-1); }
// If we've hit iteration - disable this and the previous breakpoints
if (0 != g_execFilter.dwIterationLock) { for (dwCounter = 0; dwCounter < g_execFilter.dwRunLength; dwCounter++) { //
// Replace the munged code
pView = RestoreAddressFromView(g_execFilter.dwArray[g_execFilter.dwCursor - dwCounter - 1], TRUE);
// Add runtime event to log
sprintf(szBuffer, "CAP'ed %08X\r\n", g_execFilter.dwArray[g_execFilter.dwCursor - dwCounter - 1]); AddToDump(szBuffer, strlen(szBuffer), FALSE); }
// Clear breakpoint monitor flags
pThreadFault->dwPrevBP = 0; pThreadFault->prevBPType = None;
// Replace the munged code
pView = RestoreAddressFromView((DWORD)pRecord->ExceptionAddress, TRUE); if (pView) { //
// See if we've mapped this address range in yet
if (FALSE == pView->bMapped) { //
// See if this address is already mapped
bResult = MapCode(pView); if (FALSE == bResult) { //
// This is fatal
ExitProcess(-1); } }
// Set the trace so the last bp can be rehooked (unless we just executed a map bp)
pContext->EFlags |= 0x00000100; pThreadFault->dwPrevBP = (DWORD)pRecord->ExceptionAddress; pThreadFault->prevBPType = pView->bpType;
// Add runtime event to log
if (pView->bpType != ThreadStart) { WriteExeFlow(dwThreadId, (DWORD)pRecord->ExceptionAddress, pThreadFault->dwCallLevel); } else { WriteThreadStart(dwThreadId, (DWORD)pRecord->ExceptionAddress); }
// BP exception wasn't generated by us
sprintf(szBuffer, "Unhandled BP %08X\r\n", (DWORD)pRecord->ExceptionAddress); WriteError(szBuffer);
// Continue searching the chain
VOID Win9XExceptionDispatcher(struct _EXCEPTION_POINTERS *ExceptionInfo) { LONG lResult;
// Call exception handler
lResult = ExceptionFilter(ExceptionInfo); if (lResult != EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_EXECUTION) { //
// Fault not handled - page fault will terminate app
return; }
// Set the context results
// This code path is never executed (unless the above call fails)
return; }