#include <windows.h>
#include "inject.h"
#include "profiler.h"
BOOL g_bIsWin9X = FALSE; CHAR g_fnFinalizeInjection[MAX_PATH]; HINSTANCE g_hProfileDLL = 0;
HANDLE InjectDLL(DWORD dwEntryPoint, HANDLE hProcess, LPSTR pszDLLName) { CHAR szTempPath[MAX_PATH]; HMODULE hKernel32; BOOL bResult = FALSE; INJECTIONSTUB injStub; DWORD dwLoadLibrary; DWORD dwGetProcAddress; DWORD dwBytesWritten; DWORD dwBytesRead; DWORD dwOldProtect; DWORD dwOldProtect2; PBYTE pSharedMem = 0; HANDLE hFileMap = 0;
hKernel32 = GetModuleHandle("KERNEL32.DLL"); dwLoadLibrary = (DWORD)GetProcAddress(hKernel32, "LoadLibraryA"); if (0 == dwLoadLibrary) { bResult = FALSE; goto handleerror; }
dwGetProcAddress = (DWORD)GetProcAddress(hKernel32, "GetProcAddress"); if (0 == dwGetProcAddress) { bResult = FALSE; goto handleerror; }
// Initialize the asm for the stub
injStub.pCode[0] = 0x90; // int 3 or nop
injStub.pCode[1] = 0x60; // pushad
injStub.pCode[2] = 0x8d; // lea eax, [xxxxxxxx]
injStub.pCode[3] = 0x05; *(DWORD *)(&(injStub.pCode[4])) = dwEntryPoint + (DWORD)&(injStub.szDLLName) - (DWORD)&injStub; injStub.pCode[8] = 0x50; // push eax
injStub.pCode[9] = 0xff; // call dword ptr [xxxxxxxx] - LoadLibraryA
injStub.pCode[10] = 0x15; *(DWORD *)(&(injStub.pCode[11])) = dwEntryPoint + 50; injStub.pCode[15] = 0x50; // push eax
injStub.pCode[16] = 0x5b; // pop ebx
injStub.pCode[17] = 0x8d; // lea eax, [xxxxxxxx]
injStub.pCode[18] = 0x05; *(DWORD *)(&(injStub.pCode[19])) = dwEntryPoint + (DWORD)&(injStub.szEntryPoint) - (DWORD)&injStub; injStub.pCode[23] = 0x50; // push eax // module base
injStub.pCode[24] = 0x53; // push ebx // function name
injStub.pCode[25] = 0xff; // call dword ptr [xxxxxxxx] - GetProcAddress
injStub.pCode[26] = 0x15; *(DWORD *)(&(injStub.pCode[27])) = dwEntryPoint + 54; injStub.pCode[31] = 0xff; injStub.pCode[32] = 0xd0; *(DWORD *)(&(injStub.pCode[50])) = dwLoadLibrary; *(DWORD *)(&(injStub.pCode[54])) = dwGetProcAddress;
// Create the file mapping object from the paging file
hFileMap = CreateFileMapping(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, NULL, PAGE_READWRITE, 0, sizeof(INJECTIONSTUB), "ProfilerSharedMem"); if (0 == hFileMap) { bResult = FALSE; goto handleerror; }
pSharedMem = (PBYTE)MapViewOfFile(hFileMap, FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, 0, 0, sizeof(INJECTIONSTUB)); if (0 == pSharedMem) { bResult = FALSE; goto handleerror; }
// Initialize injection stub
strcpy(injStub.szDLLName, pszDLLName); strcpy(injStub.szEntryPoint, DEFAULT_ENTRY_POINT);
bResult = ReadProcessMemory(hProcess, (LPVOID)dwEntryPoint, (PVOID)pSharedMem, sizeof(INJECTIONSTUB), &dwBytesRead); if (FALSE == bResult) { bResult = FALSE; goto handleerror; }
// Write the stub code into the entry point
bResult = WriteProcessMemory(hProcess, (LPVOID)dwEntryPoint, (PVOID)&injStub, sizeof(INJECTIONSTUB), &dwBytesWritten); if (FALSE == bResult) { bResult = FALSE; goto handleerror; }
return hFileMap; }
VOID RestoreImageFromInjection(VOID) { PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS pHeaders = 0; BOOL bResult; BOOL bError = FALSE; PVOID pBase = 0; DWORD dwEntryPoint; DWORD dwBytesRead; DWORD dwBytesWritten; PINJECTIONSTUB pInjStub; HANDLE hFileMap = 0; PBYTE pSharedMem = 0; OSVERSIONINFO verInfo;
// Get the entry point from the headers
pBase = (PVOID)GetModuleHandle(0); if (0 == pBase) { bError = TRUE; goto handleerror; }
// Dig out the PE information
pHeaders = ImageNtHeader2(pBase); if (0 == pHeaders) { bError = TRUE; goto handleerror; }
dwEntryPoint = pHeaders->OptionalHeader.ImageBase + pHeaders->OptionalHeader.AddressOfEntryPoint; pInjStub = (PINJECTIONSTUB)dwEntryPoint;
// Open the memory mapped file and get the bits
hFileMap = OpenFileMapping(FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, "ProfilerSharedMem");
if (0 == hFileMap) { bError = TRUE; goto handleerror; }
pSharedMem = (PBYTE)MapViewOfFile(hFileMap, FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, 0, 0, 0); if (0 == pSharedMem) { bError = TRUE; goto handleerror; }
// Replace the bits
bResult = WriteProcessMemory(GetCurrentProcess(), (PVOID)dwEntryPoint, (PVOID)pSharedMem, sizeof(INJECTIONSTUB), &dwBytesWritten); if (FALSE == bResult) { bError = TRUE; goto handleerror; }
// Set the OS information
ZeroMemory(&verInfo, sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO)); verInfo.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO); bResult = GetVersionExA(&verInfo); if (FALSE == bResult) { bError = TRUE; goto handleerror; }
if (VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT == verInfo.dwPlatformId) { g_bIsWin9X = FALSE; } else if (VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS == verInfo.dwPlatformId) { g_bIsWin9X = TRUE; } else { //
// Unsupported platform
ExitProcess(-1); }
// Finish profiler initializations
bResult = InitializeProfiler(); if (FALSE == bResult) { bError = TRUE; goto handleerror; } handleerror:
if (TRUE == bError) { ExitProcess(-1); }
return; }