#define UNICODE 1
#include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include <ntdddisk.h>
#include <ntddscsi.h>
#include <initguid.h>
#include <mountmgr.h>
#include <ntddramd.h>
#include <scsi.h>
#define PAGE_SIZE 4096
#define ROUND_TO_PAGE_SIZE(_x) (((_x) + PAGE_SIZE - 1) & ~(PAGE_SIZE - 1))
#include <windows.h>
#include <devioctl.h>
#include <setupapi.h>
#include <cfgmgr32.h>
#include <rpc.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <strsafe.h>
#include <sdistructs.h>
#define SECTOR_SIZE 0x200
#define SECTORS_PER_TRACK 0x80
#define arrayof(a) (sizeof(a)/sizeof(a[0]))
typedef struct _RAMCTRL_HEADER { char Signature[8]; // "ramctrl"
typedef union _RAMDISK_HEADER {
VOID PrintError( ULONG ErrorCode ) { WCHAR errorBuffer[512]; ULONG count;
count = FormatMessage( FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, NULL, ErrorCode, 0, errorBuffer, arrayof(errorBuffer), NULL );
if ( count != 0 ) { printf( "%ws\n", errorBuffer ); } else { printf( "Format message failed. Error: %d\n", GetLastError() ); }
} // PrintError
VOID ListDisks ( HANDLE ControlHandle ) { BOOL ok; HRESULT hr; WCHAR actualDeviceName[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR foundDeviceName[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR dosDeviceName[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR driveLetterString[3] = L"A:"; BOOL foundRamDisk; BOOL foundDriveLetter; LPCGUID interfaceGuid; GUID foundGuid; PWSTR guidPtr; UNICODE_STRING guidString; GUID diskGuid; HDEVINFO devinfo; SP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DATA interfaceData; BYTE detailBuffer[sizeof(SP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DETAIL_DATA) + (MAX_PATH * sizeof(WCHAR))]; PSP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DETAIL_DATA interfaceDetailData; SP_DEVINFO_DATA devinfoData; DWORD i; RAMDISK_QUERY_INPUT queryInput; BYTE queryOutputBuffer[sizeof(RAMDISK_QUERY_OUTPUT) + (MAX_PATH * sizeof(WCHAR))]; PRAMDISK_QUERY_OUTPUT queryOutput; DWORD returnedLength;
interfaceDetailData = (PSP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DETAIL_DATA)detailBuffer; queryOutput = (PRAMDISK_QUERY_OUTPUT)queryOutputBuffer;
interfaceGuid = &RamdiskDiskInterface;
foundRamDisk = FALSE;
do {
devinfo = SetupDiGetClassDevs( interfaceGuid, NULL, NULL, DIGCF_PRESENT | DIGCF_DEVICEINTERFACE ); if ( devinfo == NULL ) { printf( "ListDisks: SetupDiGetClassDevs failed: %d\n", GetLastError() ); return; }
ZeroMemory( &interfaceData, sizeof(interfaceData) ); interfaceData.cbSize = sizeof(interfaceData);
// Enumerate the device interfaces of the class.
for (i = 0; SetupDiEnumDeviceInterfaces( devinfo, NULL, interfaceGuid, i, &interfaceData ); i++ ) {
interfaceDetailData->cbSize = sizeof(*interfaceDetailData); devinfoData.cbSize = sizeof(devinfoData);
if ( !SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetail( devinfo, &interfaceData, interfaceDetailData, sizeof(detailBuffer), NULL, &devinfoData ) ) {
//printf( "ListDisks: SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetail failed for item %d. (%d)\n", i, GetLastError() );
hr = StringCchCopyW( interfaceDetailData->DevicePath, MAX_PATH, L"<couldn't retrieve name>" ); ASSERT( SUCCEEDED(hr) ); }
//printf( "Enumerated device %ws\n", interfaceDetailData->DevicePath );
if ( !SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty( devinfo, &devinfoData, SPDRP_BUSTYPEGUID, NULL, (PBYTE)&foundGuid, sizeof(foundGuid), NULL ) ) {
DWORD error = GetLastError(); //printf( "ListDisks: SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty (bus GUID) failed for %ws: %d\n", interfaceDetailData->DevicePath, error );
continue; }
if ( memcmp( &foundGuid, &GUID_BUS_TYPE_RAMDISK, sizeof(GUID) ) != 0 ) {
//printf( "ListDisks: skipping non-ramdisk device %ws\n", interfaceDetailData->DevicePath );
continue; }
if ( !SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty( devinfo, &devinfoData, SPDRP_PHYSICAL_DEVICE_OBJECT_NAME, NULL, (PBYTE)actualDeviceName, sizeof(actualDeviceName), NULL ) ) {
DWORD error = GetLastError(); printf( "ListDisks: SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty (name) failed for %ws: %d\n", interfaceDetailData->DevicePath, error ); continue; }
foundRamDisk = TRUE;
printf( "\n%ws\n", interfaceDetailData->DevicePath ); printf( " Device name: %ws\n", actualDeviceName );
guidPtr = wcschr( actualDeviceName, L'{' ); hr = StringCchPrintfW( dosDeviceName, MAX_PATH, L"Ramdisk%ws", guidPtr ); ASSERT( SUCCEEDED(hr) );
if ( QueryDosDeviceW(dosDeviceName, foundDeviceName, arrayof(foundDeviceName)) ) {
printf( " DosDevice name %ws is assigned to this device\n", dosDeviceName );
} else {
printf( " No DosDevice name was assigned to this device\n" ); }
foundDriveLetter = FALSE;
for ( driveLetterString[0] = 'A'; driveLetterString[0] <= 'Z'; driveLetterString[0]++ ) { if ( QueryDosDeviceW(driveLetterString, foundDeviceName, arrayof(foundDeviceName)) && (_wcsicmp(actualDeviceName, foundDeviceName) == 0) ) { printf( " Drive letter %ws is assigned to this device\n", driveLetterString ); foundDriveLetter = TRUE; break; } } if ( !foundDriveLetter ) { printf( " No letter was assigned to this device\n" ); }
guidString.Buffer = guidPtr; guidString.Length = (USHORT)(wcslen(guidPtr) * sizeof(WCHAR)); guidString.MaximumLength = guidString.Length;
RtlGUIDFromString( &guidString, &diskGuid );
queryInput.Version = sizeof(RAMDISK_QUERY_INPUT); queryInput.DiskGuid = diskGuid;
ok = DeviceIoControl( ControlHandle, FSCTL_QUERY_RAM_DISK, &queryInput, sizeof(queryInput), queryOutput, sizeof(queryOutputBuffer), &returnedLength, FALSE ); if ( !ok ) {
DWORD errorCode = GetLastError(); printf( "Error querying RAM disk: %d\n", errorCode ); PrintError( errorCode );
} else {
printf( " RAM disk information:\n" ); if ( queryOutput->DiskType == RAMDISK_TYPE_BOOT_DISK ) { printf( " Type: boot disk\n" ); printf( " Base page: 0x%x\n", queryOutput->BasePage ); } else { printf( " Type: %s\n", queryOutput->DiskType == RAMDISK_TYPE_FILE_BACKED_VOLUME ? "volume" : "disk" ); printf( " File: %ws\n", queryOutput->FileName ); } printf( " Length: 0x%I64x\n", queryOutput->DiskLength ); printf( " Offset: 0x%x\n", queryOutput->DiskOffset ); if ( queryOutput->DiskType != RAMDISK_TYPE_BOOT_DISK ) { printf( " View count: 0x%x\n", queryOutput->ViewCount ); printf( " View length: 0x%x\n", queryOutput->ViewLength ); } printf( " Options: " ); printf( "%s; ", queryOutput->Options.Fixed ? "fixed" : "removable" ); printf( "%s; ", queryOutput->Options.Readonly ? "readonly" : "writeable" ); printf( "%s; ", queryOutput->Options.NoDriveLetter ? "no drive letter" : "drive letter" ); printf( "%s; ", queryOutput->Options.Hidden ? "hidden" : "visible" ); printf( "%s\n", queryOutput->Options.NoDosDevice ? "no DosDevice" : "DosDevice" ); } }
SetupDiDestroyDeviceInfoList( devinfo );
if ( interfaceGuid == &RamdiskDiskInterface ) { interfaceGuid = &MOUNTDEV_MOUNTED_DEVICE_GUID; } else { break; }
} while ( TRUE );
if ( !foundRamDisk ) { printf( "No RAM disks found\n" ); }
} // ListDisks
VOID FindDisk ( ULONG DiskType, PUNICODE_STRING DiskGuidString, BOOL WaitForDeletion ) { HRESULT hr; WCHAR actualDeviceName[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR foundDeviceName[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR dosDeviceName[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR driveLetterString[3] = L"A:"; BOOL found; LPCGUID interfaceGuid; HDEVINFO devinfo; SP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DATA interfaceData; BYTE detailBuffer[sizeof(SP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DETAIL_DATA) + (MAX_PATH * sizeof(WCHAR))]; PSP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DETAIL_DATA interfaceDetailData; SP_DEVINFO_DATA devinfoData; DWORD i;
interfaceDetailData = (PSP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DETAIL_DATA)detailBuffer;
hr = StringCchPrintfW( actualDeviceName, MAX_PATH, L"\\Device\\Ramdisk%wZ", DiskGuidString ); ASSERT( SUCCEEDED(hr) );
printf( "Waiting for device %ws to be %s...", actualDeviceName, WaitForDeletion ? "deleted" : "ready" );
if ( DiskType == RAMDISK_TYPE_FILE_BACKED_DISK ) { interfaceGuid = &RamdiskDiskInterface; } else { interfaceGuid = &MOUNTDEV_MOUNTED_DEVICE_GUID; }
found = FALSE;
do {
devinfo = SetupDiGetClassDevs( interfaceGuid, NULL, NULL, DIGCF_PRESENT | DIGCF_DEVICEINTERFACE ); if ( devinfo == NULL ) { printf( "\nFindDisk: SetupDiGetClassDevs failed: %d\n", GetLastError() ); return; }
ZeroMemory( &interfaceData, sizeof(interfaceData) ); interfaceData.cbSize = sizeof(interfaceData);
// Enumerate the device interfaces of the class.
for (i = 0; SetupDiEnumDeviceInterfaces( devinfo, NULL, interfaceGuid, i, &interfaceData ); i++ ) {
interfaceDetailData->cbSize = sizeof(*interfaceDetailData); devinfoData.cbSize = sizeof(devinfoData);
if ( !SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetail( devinfo, &interfaceData, interfaceDetailData, sizeof(detailBuffer), NULL, &devinfoData ) ) {
//printf( "\nFindDisk: SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetail failed for item %d. (%d)\n", i, GetLastError() );
hr = StringCchCopyW( interfaceDetailData->DevicePath, MAX_PATH, L"<couldn't retrieve name>" ); ASSERT( SUCCEEDED(hr) ); }
//printf( "\nEnumerated device %ws\n", interfaceDetailData->DevicePath );
if ( !SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty( devinfo, &devinfoData, SPDRP_PHYSICAL_DEVICE_OBJECT_NAME, NULL, (PBYTE)foundDeviceName, sizeof(foundDeviceName), NULL ) ) {
DWORD error = GetLastError(); //printf( "\nFindDisk: SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty (name) failed for %ws: %d\n", interfaceDetailData->DevicePath, error );
continue; }
//printf( "\nTarget device %ws\n", foundDeviceName );
if ( _wcsicmp( actualDeviceName, foundDeviceName ) != 0 ) { continue; }
found = TRUE; break; }
SetupDiDestroyDeviceInfoList( devinfo );
if ( !found ) {
if ( WaitForDeletion ) {
printf( "\nRAM disk is now gone\n" ); return; }
//printf( "Enumeration failed to find target device; sleeping\n" );
printf( "." );
Sleep( 500 );
} else {
if ( !WaitForDeletion ) {
printf( "\nRAM disk is now ready\n" ); break; }
//printf( "Enumeration found target device; sleeping\n" );
printf( "." );
Sleep( 500 );
found = FALSE; }
} while ( TRUE );
if ( found ) {
hr = StringCchPrintfW( dosDeviceName, MAX_PATH, L"Ramdisk%wZ", DiskGuidString ); ASSERT( SUCCEEDED(hr) );
if ( QueryDosDeviceW(dosDeviceName, foundDeviceName, arrayof(foundDeviceName)) ) {
printf( " DosDevice name %ws is assigned to this device\n", dosDeviceName );
} else {
printf( " No DosDevice name was assigned to this device\n" ); }
found = FALSE;
for ( driveLetterString[0] = 'A'; driveLetterString[0] <= 'Z'; driveLetterString[0]++ ) {
if ( QueryDosDeviceW(driveLetterString, foundDeviceName, arrayof(foundDeviceName)) && (_wcsicmp(actualDeviceName, foundDeviceName) == 0) ) {
printf( " Drive letter %ws is assigned to this device\n", driveLetterString ); found = TRUE; break; } }
if ( !found ) { printf( " No letter was assigned to this device\n" ); } }
} // FindDisk
VOID FullFilePath ( PWCHAR pwzPath ) { HRESULT hr; WCHAR wzDevPath[512] = L""; WCHAR wzDosPath[512] = L""; PWCHAR pwzDosName = wzDosPath; DWORD dw; WCHAR c;
dw = GetFullPathNameW(pwzPath, arrayof(wzDosPath), wzDosPath, NULL); if (0 != dw) { if (NULL != (pwzDosName = wcschr(wzDosPath, ':'))) { pwzDosName++; c = *pwzDosName; *pwzDosName = '\0';
dw = QueryDosDeviceW(wzDosPath, wzDevPath, arrayof(wzDevPath)); if (0 != dw) { *pwzDosName = c; hr = StringCchPrintfW(pwzPath, 512, L"%ls%ls", wzDevPath, pwzDosName); ASSERT( SUCCEEDED(hr) ); } else { printf("QueryDosDeviceW(%ls) failed: %d\n", wzDosPath, GetLastError()); PrintError(GetLastError()); } } } }
BOOLEAN IsDriveLetter ( PWCHAR Name ) { if ((((Name[0] >= L'A') && (Name[0] <= L'Z')) || ((Name[0] >= L'a') && (Name[0] <= L'z'))) && (Name[1] == L':') && (Name[2] == 0)) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
VOID DeleteRamdisk ( IN HANDLE ControlHandle, IN PWSTR FileName ) { BOOL ok; HRESULT hr; ULONG errorCode = 0; ULONG returnedLength = 0; UNICODE_STRING ustr; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES obja; IO_STATUS_BLOCK iosb; NTSTATUS status; HANDLE imageFileHandle; HANDLE volumeHandle; RAMDISK_HEADER ramdiskHeader; UNICODE_STRING guidString; LARGE_INTEGER offset; LPCGUID diskGuid; ULONG diskType; RAMDISK_QUERY_INPUT queryInput; RAMDISK_MARK_FOR_DELETION_INPUT markInput; BYTE queryOutputBuffer[sizeof(RAMDISK_QUERY_OUTPUT) + (MAX_PATH * sizeof(WCHAR))]; PRAMDISK_QUERY_OUTPUT queryOutput; CONFIGRET cr; DEVNODE devnode; WCHAR devinst[MAX_PATH]; PNP_VETO_TYPE vetoType; WCHAR vetoName[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR foundDeviceName[MAX_PATH];
queryOutput = (PRAMDISK_QUERY_OUTPUT)queryOutputBuffer;
if ( FileName[0] == L'{' ) {
guidString.Buffer = FileName; guidString.Length = (USHORT)(wcslen(FileName) * sizeof(WCHAR)); guidString.MaximumLength = guidString.Length;
queryInput.Version = sizeof(RAMDISK_QUERY_INPUT); RtlGUIDFromString( &guidString, &queryInput.DiskGuid );
ok = DeviceIoControl( ControlHandle, FSCTL_QUERY_RAM_DISK, &queryInput, sizeof(queryInput), queryOutput, sizeof(queryOutputBuffer), &returnedLength, FALSE ); if ( !ok ) {
errorCode = GetLastError(); printf( "Error querying RAM disk: %d\n", errorCode ); PrintError( errorCode ); return;
diskGuid = &queryOutput->DiskGuid; diskType = queryOutput->DiskType;
} else if (IsDriveLetter ( FileName ) ) {
// Treat FileName as a drive letter. See if this the supplied
// drive letter corresponds to a ramdisk.
if ((QueryDosDeviceW(FileName, foundDeviceName, arrayof(foundDeviceName)) == 0) || wcsncmp(foundDeviceName, L"\\Device\\Ramdisk", wcslen(L"\\Device\\Ramdisk"))) { errorCode = GetLastError(); printf( "Drive letter \"%ws\" is not assigned to a RAM disk.\n", FileName); PrintError( errorCode ); return; } guidString.Buffer = wcschr( foundDeviceName, L'{' ); guidString.Length = (USHORT)(wcslen(guidString.Buffer) * sizeof(WCHAR)); guidString.MaximumLength = guidString.Length;
queryInput.Version = sizeof(RAMDISK_QUERY_INPUT); RtlGUIDFromString( &guidString, &queryInput.DiskGuid );
ok = DeviceIoControl( ControlHandle, FSCTL_QUERY_RAM_DISK, &queryInput, sizeof(queryInput), queryOutput, sizeof(queryOutputBuffer), &returnedLength, FALSE ); if ( !ok ) {
errorCode = GetLastError(); printf( "Error querying RAM disk: %d\n", errorCode ); PrintError( errorCode ); return;
diskGuid = &queryOutput->DiskGuid; diskType = queryOutput->DiskType;
} else { RtlInitUnicodeString( &ustr, FileName ); InitializeObjectAttributes( &obja, &ustr, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, NULL, NULL ); status = NtOpenFile( &imageFileHandle, SYNCHRONIZE | FILE_READ_DATA | FILE_READ_ATTRIBUTES, &obja, &iosb, FILE_SHARE_READ, FILE_SYNCHRONOUS_IO_ALERT ); if ( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { printf( "Can't open target file %ws: %x\n", FileName, status ); errorCode = RtlNtStatusToDosError( status ); PrintError( errorCode ); return; } //
// Read and verify the header.
offset.QuadPart = 0;
status = NtReadFile( imageFileHandle, NULL, NULL, NULL, &iosb, &ramdiskHeader, sizeof(ramdiskHeader), &offset, NULL ); if ( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { printf( "Can't read header from target file %ws: %x\n", FileName, status ); errorCode = RtlNtStatusToDosError( status ); PrintError( errorCode ); return; }
if ( strcmp( ramdiskHeader.Ramctrl.Signature, "ramctrl" ) == 0 ) {
diskGuid = &ramdiskHeader.Ramctrl.DiskGuid; diskType = ramdiskHeader.Ramctrl.DiskType;
} else if ( strncmp( ramdiskHeader.Sdi.Signature, SDI_SIGNATURE, strlen(SDI_SIGNATURE) ) == 0 ) {
diskGuid = (LPCGUID)ramdiskHeader.Sdi.RuntimeGUID; diskType = RAMDISK_TYPE_FILE_BACKED_VOLUME;
} else {
printf( "Header in target file not recognized\n" ); return; }
NtClose( imageFileHandle );
RtlStringFromGUID( diskGuid, &guidString ); }
printf("Attempting to delete \\Device\\Ramdisk%wZ\n", &guidString );
hr = StringCchPrintfW( devinst, MAX_PATH, L"\\Device\\Ramdisk%ws", guidString.Buffer ); ASSERT( SUCCEEDED(hr) );
RtlInitUnicodeString( &ustr, devinst ); InitializeObjectAttributes( &obja, &ustr, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, NULL, NULL );
status = NtOpenFile( &volumeHandle, SYNCHRONIZE | FILE_READ_DATA | FILE_WRITE_DATA, &obja, &iosb, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, FILE_SYNCHRONOUS_IO_ALERT ); if ( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { printf( "Can't open target device %ws: %x\n", devinst, status ); errorCode = RtlNtStatusToDosError( status ); PrintError( errorCode ); return; }
printf( "Syncing %ws ... ", devinst );
if ( !FlushFileBuffers( volumeHandle ) ) {
errorCode = GetLastError(); // NOTE: [bassamt] FlushFileBuffers can fail with error code
// ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION if the volume is not formatted.
// NOTE: [brimo] FlushFileBuffers can fail with error code
// ERROR_WRITE_PROTECT if the volume is mounted read-only
if ((errorCode != ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION) && (errorCode != ERROR_WRITE_PROTECT)) { printf( "flush failed (%u)\n", errorCode ); PrintError( errorCode ); return; } }
if ( !DeviceIoControl( volumeHandle, FSCTL_LOCK_VOLUME, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, &returnedLength, NULL ) ) { errorCode = GetLastError(); printf( "lock volume failed (%u)\n", errorCode ); PrintError( errorCode ); return; }
if ( !DeviceIoControl( volumeHandle, FSCTL_DISMOUNT_VOLUME, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, &returnedLength, NULL ) ) {
errorCode = GetLastError(); printf( "dismount volume failed (%u)\n", errorCode ); PrintError( errorCode ); return; }
printf( "done\n" );
NtClose( volumeHandle );
markInput.Version = sizeof(RAMDISK_MARK_FOR_DELETION_INPUT); markInput.DiskGuid = *diskGuid;
ok = DeviceIoControl( ControlHandle, FSCTL_MARK_RAM_DISK_FOR_DELETION, &markInput, sizeof(markInput), NULL, 0, &returnedLength, FALSE );
if ( !ok ) {
errorCode = GetLastError(); printf( "Error marking RAM disk: %d\n", errorCode ); PrintError( errorCode ); return; }
if ( diskType == RAMDISK_TYPE_FILE_BACKED_DISK ) { hr = StringCchPrintfW( devinst, MAX_PATH, L"Ramdisk\\Ramdisk\\%ws", guidString.Buffer ); } else { hr = StringCchPrintfW( devinst, MAX_PATH, L"Ramdisk\\Ramvolume\\%ws", guidString.Buffer ); } ASSERT( SUCCEEDED(hr) ); cr = CM_Locate_DevNode( &devnode, devinst, 0 ); if ( cr != CR_SUCCESS ) { printf( "Unable to locate devnode: %d\n", cr ); return; } cr = CM_Query_And_Remove_SubTree_Ex( devnode, &vetoType, vetoName, MAX_PATH, 0, NULL ); if ( cr != CR_SUCCESS ) { printf( "Unable to remove devnode: %d\n", cr ); if ( cr == CR_REMOVE_VETOED ) { printf( " veto type = 0x%x\n", vetoType ); printf( " veto name = %ws\n", vetoName ); } return; }
FindDisk( diskType, &guidString, TRUE );
printf( "RAM disk %wZ deleted\n", &guidString );
} // DeleteRamdisk
void AddBootFilesToSdi( PWCHAR SdiFile, PWCHAR StartromFile, PWCHAR OsloaderFile ) { NTSTATUS status; HRESULT hr; UNICODE_STRING ustr; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES obja; IO_STATUS_BLOCK iosb; HANDLE imageFileHandle; HANDLE startromHandle; HANDLE osloaderHandle; FILE_STANDARD_INFORMATION fileInfo; FILE_ALLOCATION_INFORMATION allocInfo; SDI_HEADER sdiHeader; LARGE_INTEGER offset; ULONGLONG diskOffset; ULONGLONG diskLength; ULONGLONG startromOffset; ULONGLONG startromLength; ULONGLONG startromLengthAligned; ULONGLONG osloaderOffset; ULONGLONG osloaderLength; ULONGLONG osloaderLengthAligned; ULONGLONG finalFileLength; ULONG errorCode = 0; PUCHAR buffer;
#define STRING_SIZE 512
printf( "Adding boot files to SDI file %ws\n", SdiFile );
RtlInitUnicodeString( &ustr, SdiFile ); InitializeObjectAttributes( &obja, &ustr, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, NULL, NULL );
status = NtOpenFile( &imageFileHandle, SYNCHRONIZE | FILE_READ_DATA | FILE_WRITE_DATA | FILE_READ_ATTRIBUTES, &obja, &iosb, 0, FILE_SYNCHRONOUS_IO_ALERT ); if ( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { printf( "Can't open target file %ws: %x\n", SdiFile, status ); errorCode = RtlNtStatusToDosError( status ); PrintError( errorCode ); return; }
// Read and verify the header.
offset.QuadPart = 0;
status = NtReadFile( imageFileHandle, NULL, NULL, NULL, &iosb, &sdiHeader, sizeof(sdiHeader), &offset, NULL ); if ( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { printf( "Can't read header from target file %ws: %x\n", SdiFile, status ); errorCode = RtlNtStatusToDosError( status ); PrintError( errorCode ); return; }
if ( strncmp( sdiHeader.Signature, SDI_SIGNATURE, strlen(SDI_SIGNATURE) ) != 0 ) {
printf( "Header in target file not recognized\n" ); return; }
diskOffset = sdiHeader.ToC[0].llOffset.LowPart; diskLength = sdiHeader.ToC[0].llSize.QuadPart;
startromOffset = ROUND_TO_PAGE_SIZE( diskOffset + diskLength );
// Get the length of startrom.com.
hr = StringCchCopyW( dataFileName, STRING_SIZE, StartromFile ); ASSERT( SUCCEEDED(hr) );
FullFilePath( dataFileName );
RtlInitUnicodeString( &ustr, dataFileName ); InitializeObjectAttributes( &obja, &ustr, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, NULL, NULL );
status = NtOpenFile( &startromHandle, SYNCHRONIZE | FILE_READ_DATA | FILE_WRITE_DATA | FILE_READ_ATTRIBUTES, &obja, &iosb, 0, FILE_SYNCHRONOUS_IO_ALERT ); if ( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { printf( "Can't open startrom file %ws: %x\n", dataFileName, status ); errorCode = RtlNtStatusToDosError( status ); PrintError( errorCode ); return; }
status = NtQueryInformationFile( startromHandle, &iosb, &fileInfo, sizeof(fileInfo), FileStandardInformation );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) {
printf( "Can't query info for startrom file %ws: %x\n", dataFileName, status ); errorCode = RtlNtStatusToDosError( status ); PrintError( errorCode ); return; }
startromLength = fileInfo.EndOfFile.QuadPart; startromLengthAligned = ROUND_TO_PAGE_SIZE( startromLength );
osloaderOffset = startromOffset + startromLengthAligned;
// Get the length of osloader.exe.
hr = StringCchCopyW( dataFileName, STRING_SIZE, OsloaderFile ); ASSERT( SUCCEEDED(hr) ); FullFilePath( dataFileName );
RtlInitUnicodeString( &ustr, dataFileName ); InitializeObjectAttributes( &obja, &ustr, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, NULL, NULL );
status = NtOpenFile( &osloaderHandle, SYNCHRONIZE | FILE_READ_DATA | FILE_WRITE_DATA | FILE_READ_ATTRIBUTES, &obja, &iosb, 0, FILE_SYNCHRONOUS_IO_ALERT ); if ( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { printf( "Can't open osloader file %ws: %x\n", dataFileName, status ); errorCode = RtlNtStatusToDosError( status ); PrintError( errorCode ); return; }
status = NtQueryInformationFile( osloaderHandle, &iosb, &fileInfo, sizeof(fileInfo), FileStandardInformation );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) {
printf( "Can't query info for osloader file %ws: %x\n", dataFileName, status ); errorCode = RtlNtStatusToDosError( status ); PrintError( errorCode ); return; }
osloaderLength = fileInfo.EndOfFile.QuadPart; osloaderLengthAligned = ROUND_TO_PAGE_SIZE( startromLength );
finalFileLength = osloaderOffset + osloaderLengthAligned;
// Truncate the file at the end of the disk image, then extend it back.
printf( " truncating SDI file at end of ramdisk image %I64d [0x%I64x]\n", startromOffset, startromOffset );
allocInfo.AllocationSize.QuadPart = startromOffset;
status = NtSetInformationFile( imageFileHandle, &iosb, &allocInfo, sizeof(allocInfo), FileAllocationInformation ); if ( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) {
printf( "Can't set allocation size for image file %ws: %x\n", SdiFile, status ); errorCode = RtlNtStatusToDosError( status ); PrintError( errorCode ); return; }
allocInfo.AllocationSize.QuadPart = finalFileLength;
status = NtSetInformationFile( imageFileHandle, &iosb, &allocInfo, sizeof(allocInfo), FileAllocationInformation ); if ( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) {
printf( "Can't set allocation size for image file %ws: %x\n", SdiFile, status ); errorCode = RtlNtStatusToDosError( status ); PrintError( errorCode ); return; }
// Copy startrom into the image file.
printf( " adding boot file %ws, length %I64d [0x%I64x]\n", StartromFile, startromLength, startromLength );
buffer = malloc( (ULONG)startromLength );
offset.QuadPart = 0;
status = NtReadFile( startromHandle, NULL, NULL, NULL, &iosb, buffer, (ULONG)startromLength, &offset, NULL ); if ( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { printf( "Can't read from startrom file %ws: %x\n", SdiFile, status ); errorCode = RtlNtStatusToDosError( status ); PrintError( errorCode ); return; }
offset.QuadPart = startromOffset;
status = NtWriteFile( imageFileHandle, NULL, NULL, NULL, &iosb, buffer, (ULONG)startromLength, &offset, NULL ); if ( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { printf( "Can't write startrom to image file %ws: %x\n", SdiFile, status ); errorCode = RtlNtStatusToDosError( status ); PrintError( errorCode ); return; }
free( buffer );
// Copy osloader into the image file.
printf( " adding load file %ws, length %I64d [0x%I64x]\n", OsloaderFile, osloaderLength, osloaderLength );
buffer = malloc( (ULONG)osloaderLength );
offset.QuadPart = 0;
status = NtReadFile( osloaderHandle, NULL, NULL, NULL, &iosb, buffer, (ULONG)osloaderLength, &offset, NULL ); if ( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { printf( "Can't read from osloader file %ws: %x\n", SdiFile, status ); errorCode = RtlNtStatusToDosError( status ); PrintError( errorCode ); return; }
offset.QuadPart = osloaderOffset;
status = NtWriteFile( imageFileHandle, NULL, NULL, NULL, &iosb, buffer, (ULONG)osloaderLength, &offset, NULL ); if ( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { printf( "Can't write osloader to image file %ws: %x\n", SdiFile, status ); errorCode = RtlNtStatusToDosError( status ); PrintError( errorCode ); return; }
free( buffer );
// Update the header.
printf( " updating header\n" );
sdiHeader.liBootCodeOffset.QuadPart = startromOffset; sdiHeader.liBootCodeSize.QuadPart = startromLength;
sdiHeader.ToC[1].dwType = SDI_BLOBTYPE_BOOT; sdiHeader.ToC[1].llOffset.QuadPart = startromOffset; sdiHeader.ToC[1].llSize.QuadPart = startromLength;
sdiHeader.ToC[2].dwType = SDI_BLOBTYPE_LOAD; sdiHeader.ToC[2].llOffset.QuadPart = osloaderOffset; sdiHeader.ToC[2].llSize.QuadPart = osloaderLength;
offset.QuadPart = 0;
status = NtWriteFile( imageFileHandle, NULL, NULL, NULL, &iosb, &sdiHeader, sizeof(sdiHeader), &offset, NULL ); if ( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { printf( "Can't write header to image file %ws: %x\n", SdiFile, status ); errorCode = RtlNtStatusToDosError( status ); PrintError( errorCode ); return; }
printf( " done\n" );
NtClose( osloaderHandle ); NtClose( startromHandle ); NtClose( imageFileHandle );
return; }
int __cdecl wmain ( ULONG argc, WCHAR *argv[]) { BOOL ok; HRESULT hr; HANDLE controlHandle = NULL; PUCHAR dataBuffer = NULL; UCHAR buffer[2048]; WCHAR string[25]; ULONG length = 0; ULONG errorCode = 0; ULONG returned = 0; ULONG sizeInMb; ULONG diskType; WCHAR fileName[MAX_PATH]; ULONG desiredSize; ULONG actualSize; ULONG controlSize; UNICODE_STRING ustr; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES obja; IO_STATUS_BLOCK iosb; NTSTATUS status; PRAMDISK_CREATE_INPUT createInput; ULONG arg; BOOL fNeedHelp = FALSE; HANDLE imageFileHandle; LARGE_INTEGER allocation; BOOL fixed; BOOL readonly; BOOL delete = FALSE; ULONG diskNumber; BOOL noDriveLetter; BOOL hidden; BOOL noDosDevice; BOOL ignoreHeader; BOOL bootDisk; BOOL useSdi; ULONG diskOffset; RAMDISK_HEADER ramdiskHeader; UNICODE_STRING guidString; LARGE_INTEGER offset; PWCHAR startromFile = NULL; PWCHAR osloaderFile = NULL;
sizeInMb = 64; diskType = RAMDISK_TYPE_FILE_BACKED_VOLUME; fileName[0] = 0; fixed = TRUE; readonly = FALSE; noDriveLetter = FALSE; hidden = FALSE; noDosDevice = FALSE; ignoreHeader = FALSE; bootDisk = FALSE; diskOffset = PAGE_SIZE; useSdi = FALSE;
for ( arg = 1; arg < argc; arg++ ) {
// process options
if ( (argv[arg][0] == '-') || (argv[arg][0] == '/') ) {
PWCHAR argn = argv[arg]+1; // Argument name
PWCHAR argp = argn; // Argument parameter
while ( *argp && (*argp != ':') ) { argp++; } if ( *argp == ':' ) { *argp++ = '\0'; }
switch ( argn[0] ) { case 's': // Size in MB
case 'S':
if ( _wcsicmp( argn, L"sdi" ) == 0 ) { useSdi = TRUE; } else { sizeInMb = _wtoi(argp); } break;
case 'a': if ( _wcsicmp( argn, L"addboot" ) == 0 ) { if ( arg+2 < argc ) { startromFile = argv[++arg]; osloaderFile = argv[++arg]; } else { printf( "Missing startrom/osloader file name\n" ); fNeedHelp = TRUE; arg = argc - 1; } } else { printf( "Unknown argument: %ws\n", argv[arg] ); fNeedHelp = TRUE; arg = argc - 1; }
case 'i': // ignore header
case 'I': ignoreHeader = TRUE; break;
case 'b': // use boot disk GUID
case 'B': bootDisk = TRUE; break;
case 'd': // disk offset
case 'D': diskOffset = _wtol(argp); break;
case 'o': case 'O': // Readonly, or options
if ( *argp ) {
BOOL sense = TRUE;
do {
if ( *argp == '-' ) { sense = FALSE; argp++; } else if ( *argp == '+' ) { sense = TRUE; argp++; }
switch ( *argp ) { case 'v': case 'V': diskType = sense ? RAMDISK_TYPE_FILE_BACKED_VOLUME : RAMDISK_TYPE_FILE_BACKED_DISK; break;
case 'r': case 'R': readonly = sense; break;
case 'f': case 'F': fixed = sense; break;
case 'l': case 'L': noDriveLetter = !sense; break;
case 'h': case 'H': hidden = sense; break;
case 'd': case 'D': noDosDevice = !sense; break;
sense = TRUE;
} while ( *argp );
} else {
readonly = TRUE;
case 'x': // Delete device, not create
case 'X': delete = TRUE; break;
case 'h': // Help
case 'H': case '?': fNeedHelp = TRUE; arg = argc - 1; break; default: printf( "Unknown argument: %ws\n", argv[arg] ); fNeedHelp = TRUE; arg = argc - 1; break; }
} else { hr = StringCchCopyW( fileName, MAX_PATH, argv[arg] ); ASSERT( SUCCEEDED(hr) ); } }
if ( fNeedHelp ) {
printf( "Usage (to create):\n" " ramdiskctrl [options] win32_disk_file_name\n" "or (to delete)\n" " ramdiskctrl -x win32_disk_file_name | {guid} | drive_letter:\n" "\n" "Options:\n" " -s:N Set size of disk image in MB (default: 64)\n" " -i Ignore ramctrl header in existing ramdisk file.\n" " -d:N Ramdisk offset from start of file. (default: 4096).\n" " -o:options Options: (use - or + to set sense)\n" " v Volume (vs. disk) (default: volume)\n" " r Readonly (default: writeable)\n" " f Fixed (default: fixed)\n" " l Assign drive letter (default: assign)\n" " h Hidden (default: visible)\n" " d Assign DosDevice name (default: assign)\n" " -h or -? Display this help text.\n" ); return 1; }
if ( !delete || ((fileName[0] != L'{') && !IsDriveLetter(fileName))) { FullFilePath( fileName ); }
if ( startromFile != NULL ) {
AddBootFilesToSdi( fileName, startromFile, osloaderFile );
return 0; }
hr = StringCchCopyW( string, 25, L"\\device\\ramdisk" ); ASSERT( SUCCEEDED(hr) ); RtlInitUnicodeString( &ustr, string );
InitializeObjectAttributes( &obja, &ustr, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, NULL, NULL ); //printf( "Opening %ws\n", string );
status = NtOpenFile( &controlHandle, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, &obja, &iosb, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, FILE_OPEN );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { printf( "Error opening control device %ws. Error: %x\n", string, status ); errorCode = RtlNtStatusToDosError( status ); PrintError( errorCode ); return 1; }
if ( delete ) {
// Delete the disk.
DeleteRamdisk( controlHandle, fileName );
return 0; }
if ( fileName[0] == 0 ) {
// Just list the disks.
ListDisks( controlHandle ); return 0; }
// If SDI, force the disk type to emulated volume, etc.
if ( useSdi ) { diskType = RAMDISK_TYPE_FILE_BACKED_VOLUME; bootDisk = FALSE; fixed = TRUE; readonly = FALSE; noDriveLetter = FALSE; hidden = FALSE; noDosDevice = FALSE; }
// Create the disk.
desiredSize = sizeInMb * 1024 * 1024; actualSize = ((desiredSize + CYLINDER_SIZE - 1) / CYLINDER_SIZE) * CYLINDER_SIZE; if ( actualSize != desiredSize ) { printf( "Using rounded-up disk size of %d instead of %d\n", actualSize, desiredSize ); }
controlSize = sizeof(RAMDISK_CREATE_INPUT) + (wcslen(fileName) * sizeof(WCHAR));
createInput = malloc( controlSize ); if ( createInput == NULL ) { printf( "Can't allocate %d bytes for RAMDISK_CREATE_INPUT struct\n", controlSize ); return 1; }
RtlZeroMemory( createInput, controlSize ); createInput->Version = sizeof(RAMDISK_CREATE_INPUT); hr = StringCchCopyW( createInput->FileName, wcslen(fileName) + 1, fileName ); ASSERT( SUCCEEDED(hr) );
allocation.QuadPart = actualSize + diskOffset;
RtlInitUnicodeString( &ustr, fileName ); InitializeObjectAttributes( &obja, &ustr, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, NULL, NULL );
status = NtCreateFile( &imageFileHandle, SYNCHRONIZE | FILE_READ_DATA | FILE_WRITE_DATA | FILE_READ_ATTRIBUTES, &obja, &iosb, &allocation, 0, 0, FILE_OPEN_IF, FILE_SYNCHRONOUS_IO_ALERT, NULL, 0 ); if ( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { printf( "Can't create target file %ws: %x\n", fileName, status ); errorCode = RtlNtStatusToDosError( status ); PrintError( errorCode ); return 1; }
if ( iosb.Information == FILE_CREATED || ignoreHeader ) {
if ( !bootDisk ) { RPC_STATUS rpcStatus; rpcStatus = UuidCreate( &createInput->DiskGuid ); ASSERT( rpcStatus == RPC_S_OK ); } else { createInput->DiskGuid = RamdiskBootDiskGuid; }
createInput->DiskOffset = diskOffset; createInput->DiskLength = actualSize; createInput->DiskType = diskType; createInput->Options.Fixed = (BOOLEAN)fixed; createInput->Options.Readonly = (BOOLEAN)readonly; createInput->Options.NoDriveLetter = (BOOLEAN)noDriveLetter; createInput->Options.Hidden = (BOOLEAN)hidden; createInput->Options.NoDosDevice = (BOOLEAN)noDosDevice;
if ( iosb.Information == FILE_CREATED ) {
UCHAR byte = 0;
printf( "Created target file %ws\n", fileName );
// Extend the file to the desired length.
offset.QuadPart = actualSize + diskOffset - 1;
status = NtWriteFile( imageFileHandle, NULL, NULL, NULL, &iosb, &byte, 1, &offset, NULL ); if ( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { printf( "Can't write to target file %ws: %x\n", fileName, status ); errorCode = RtlNtStatusToDosError( status ); PrintError( errorCode ); return 0; }
// Write the header.
RtlZeroMemory( &ramdiskHeader, sizeof(ramdiskHeader) );
if ( !useSdi ) { hr = StringCchCopyA( ramdiskHeader.Ramctrl.Signature, 8, "ramctrl" ); ASSERT( SUCCEEDED(hr) ); ramdiskHeader.Ramctrl.DiskGuid = createInput->DiskGuid; ramdiskHeader.Ramctrl.DiskOffset = diskOffset; ramdiskHeader.Ramctrl.DiskType = diskType; ramdiskHeader.Ramctrl.Options = createInput->Options;
} else {
memcpy( ramdiskHeader.Sdi.Signature, SDI_SIGNATURE, strlen(SDI_SIGNATURE) ); ramdiskHeader.Sdi.dwMDBType = SDI_MDBTYPE_VOLATILE; memcpy( ramdiskHeader.Sdi.RuntimeGUID, &createInput->DiskGuid, sizeof(GUID) ); ramdiskHeader.Sdi.dwPageAlignmentFactor = SDI_DEFAULTPAGEALIGNMENT; ramdiskHeader.Sdi.ToC[0].dwType = SDI_BLOBTYPE_PART; ramdiskHeader.Sdi.ToC[0].llOffset.QuadPart = diskOffset; ramdiskHeader.Sdi.ToC[0].llSize.QuadPart = createInput->DiskLength; }
offset.QuadPart = 0;
status = NtWriteFile( imageFileHandle, NULL, NULL, NULL, &iosb, &ramdiskHeader, sizeof(ramdiskHeader), &offset, NULL ); if ( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { printf( "Can't write to target file %ws: %x\n", fileName, status ); errorCode = RtlNtStatusToDosError( status ); PrintError( errorCode ); return 0; }
} else {
printf( "Using existing target file %ws\n", fileName );
// Get the length of the existing file.
status = NtQueryInformationFile( imageFileHandle, &iosb, &fileInfo, sizeof(fileInfo), FileStandardInformation );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) {
printf( "Can't query info for target file %ws: %x\n", fileName, status ); errorCode = RtlNtStatusToDosError( status ); PrintError( errorCode ); return 0; }
// Read and verify the header.
if ( !ignoreHeader ) {
offset.QuadPart = 0;
status = NtReadFile( imageFileHandle, NULL, NULL, NULL, &iosb, &ramdiskHeader, sizeof(ramdiskHeader), &offset, NULL ); if ( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { printf( "Can't read header from target file %ws: %x\n", fileName, status ); errorCode = RtlNtStatusToDosError( status ); PrintError( errorCode ); return 0; }
if ( strcmp( ramdiskHeader.Ramctrl.Signature, "ramctrl" ) == 0 ) {
createInput->DiskGuid = ramdiskHeader.Ramctrl.DiskGuid; createInput->DiskOffset = ramdiskHeader.Ramctrl.DiskOffset; createInput->DiskLength = fileInfo.EndOfFile.QuadPart - createInput->DiskOffset; diskType = createInput->DiskType = ramdiskHeader.Ramctrl.DiskType; createInput->Options = ramdiskHeader.Ramctrl.Options;
} else if ( strncmp( ramdiskHeader.Sdi.Signature, SDI_SIGNATURE, strlen(SDI_SIGNATURE) ) == 0 ) {
memcpy( &createInput->DiskGuid, ramdiskHeader.Sdi.RuntimeGUID, sizeof(GUID) ); createInput->DiskOffset = ramdiskHeader.Sdi.ToC[0].llOffset.LowPart; createInput->DiskLength = ramdiskHeader.Sdi.ToC[0].llSize.QuadPart; diskType = createInput->DiskType = RAMDISK_TYPE_FILE_BACKED_VOLUME; bootDisk = FALSE; fixed = TRUE; readonly = FALSE; noDriveLetter = FALSE; hidden = FALSE; noDosDevice = FALSE; createInput->Options.Fixed = (BOOLEAN)fixed; createInput->Options.Readonly = (BOOLEAN)readonly; createInput->Options.NoDriveLetter = (BOOLEAN)noDriveLetter; createInput->Options.Hidden = (BOOLEAN)hidden; createInput->Options.NoDosDevice = (BOOLEAN)noDosDevice;
} else { printf( "Header in target file not recognized\n" ); return 0; } } else {
// Ignored header, set length to the actual file length.
createInput->DiskLength = fileInfo.EndOfFile.QuadPart - createInput->DiskOffset; }
NtClose( imageFileHandle );
RtlStringFromGUID( &createInput->DiskGuid, &guidString );
printf( "Creating RAM disk:\n" ); printf( " File: %ws\n", createInput->FileName ); printf( " Type: %s\n", createInput->DiskType == RAMDISK_TYPE_FILE_BACKED_VOLUME ? "volume" : "disk" ); printf( " Length: 0x%I64x\n", createInput->DiskLength ); printf( " Offset: 0x%x\n", createInput->DiskOffset ); printf( " GUID: %wZ\n", &guidString ); printf( " Options:" ); printf( "%s; ", createInput->Options.Fixed ? "fixed" : "removable" ); printf( "%s; ", createInput->Options.Readonly ? "readonly" : "writeable" ); printf( "%s; ", createInput->Options.NoDriveLetter ? "no drive letter" : "drive letter" ); printf( "%s; ", createInput->Options.Hidden ? "hidden" : "visible" ); printf( "%s\n", createInput->Options.NoDosDevice ? "no DosDevice" : "DosDevice" );
ok = DeviceIoControl( controlHandle, FSCTL_CREATE_RAM_DISK, createInput, controlSize, NULL, 0, &returned, FALSE );
if ( !ok ) { errorCode = GetLastError(); printf( "Error creating RAM disk: %d\n", errorCode ); PrintError( errorCode ); return 1; } printf( "RAM disk created\n" );
FindDisk( createInput->DiskType, &guidString, FALSE );
return 0;
} // wmain