* Microsoft (R) Windows (R) Resource Compiler * * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * * File Comments: * * ***********************************************************************/
#include "rc.h"
#include <setjmp.h>
#include <ddeml.h>
#define READ_MAX (MAXSTR+80)
#define MAX_CMD 256
#define cDefineMax 100
wchar_t resname[_MAX_PATH];
wchar_t *szRCPP[MAX_CMD]; BOOL fRcppAlloc[MAX_CMD];
/************************************************************************/ /* Define Global Variables */ /************************************************************************/
int __cdecl rcpp_main(int, wchar_t *[]);
SHORT ResCount; /* number of resources */ PTYPEINFO pTypInfo;
SHORT nFontsRead; FONTDIR *pFontList; FONTDIR *pFontLast; TOKEN token; int errorCount; WCHAR tokenbuf[ MAXSTR + 1 ]; wchar_t exename[ _MAX_PATH ]; wchar_t fullname[ _MAX_PATH ]; wchar_t curFile[ _MAX_PATH ]; HANDLE hHeap = NULL;
PDLGHDR pLocDlg; UINT mnEndFlagLoc; /* patch location for end of a menu. */ /* we set the high order bit there */
/* BOOL fLeaveFontDir; */ BOOL fVerbose; /* verbose mode (-v) */
BOOL fAFXSymbols; BOOL fMacRsrcs; BOOL fAppendNull; BOOL fWarnInvalidCodePage; BOOL fSkipDuplicateCtlIdWarning; long lOffIndex; WORD idBase; BOOL fPreprocessOnly; wchar_t szBuf[_MAX_PATH * 2]; wchar_t szPreProcessName[_MAX_PATH];
/* File global variables */ wchar_t inname[_MAX_PATH]; wchar_t *szTempFileName; wchar_t *szTempFileName2; PFILE fhBin; PFILE fhInput;
/* array for include path stuff, initially empty */ wchar_t *pchInclude;
/* Substitute font name */ int nBogusFontNames; WCHAR *pszBogusFontNames[16]; WCHAR szSubstituteFontName[MAXTOKSTR];
static jmp_buf jb; extern ULONG lCPPTotalLinenumber;
/* Function prototypes for local functions */ HANDLE RCInit(void); void RC_PreProcess(const wchar_t *); void CleanUpFiles(void);
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* */ /* rc_main() - */ /* */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
int __cdecl rc_main( int argc, wchar_t *argv[], char *argvA[] ) { wchar_t *r; wchar_t *x; wchar_t *s1; wchar_t *s2; wchar_t *s3; int n; wchar_t *pchIncludeT; ULONG cchIncludeMax; int fInclude = TRUE; /* by default, search INCLUDE */ int fIncludeCurrentFirst = TRUE; /* by default, add current dir to start of includes */ int cDefine = 0; int cUnDefine = 0; wchar_t *pszDefine[cDefineMax]; wchar_t *pszUnDefine[cDefineMax]; wchar_t szDrive[_MAX_DRIVE]; wchar_t szDir[_MAX_DIR]; wchar_t szFName[_MAX_FNAME]; wchar_t szExt[_MAX_EXT]; wchar_t szFullPath[_MAX_PATH]; wchar_t szIncPath[_MAX_PATH]; wchar_t buf[10]; wchar_t *szRC; wchar_t **ppargv; BOOL *pfRcppAlloc; int rcpp_argc;
/* Set up for this run of RC */ if (_setjmp(jb)) { return Nerrors; }
hHeap = RCInit();
if (hHeap == NULL) { fatal(1120, 0x01000000); }
if (argvA != NULL) { argv = UnicodeCommandLine(argc, argvA); }
pchInclude = pchIncludeT = (wchar_t *) MyAlloc(_MAX_PATH * 2 * sizeof(wchar_t)); cchIncludeMax = _MAX_PATH*2;
szRC = argv[0];
/* process the command line switches */ while ((argc > 1) && (IsSwitchChar(*argv[1]))) { switch (towupper(argv[1][1])) { case L'?': case L'H': // Print out help, and quit
SendWarning(L"\n"); SET_MSG(10001, LVER_PRODUCTVERSION_STR); SendWarning(Msg_Text); SET_MSG(10002); SendWarning(Msg_Text); SET_MSG(20001); SendWarning(Msg_Text);
return 0; /* can just return - nothing to cleanup, yet. */
case L'B': if (towupper(argv[1][2]) == L'R') { /* base resource id */ unsigned long id; if (isdigit(argv[1][3])) argv[1] += 3; else if (argv[1][3] == L':') argv[1] += 4; else { argc--; argv++; if (argc <= 1) goto BadId; } if (*(argv[1]) == 0) goto BadId; id = _wtoi(argv[1]); if (id < 1 || id > 32767) fatal(1210); idBase = (WORD)id; break;
BadId: fatal(1209); } break;
case L'C': /* Check for the existence of CodePage Number */ if (argv[1][2]) argv[1] += 2; else { argc--; argv++; }
/* Now argv point to first digit of CodePage */
if (!argv[1]) fatal(1204);
uiCodePage = _wtoi(argv[1]);
if (uiCodePage == 0) fatal(1205);
/* Check if uiCodePage exist in registry. */ if (!IsValidCodePage (uiCodePage)) fatal(1206); break;
case L'D': /* if not attached to switch, skip to next */ if (argv[1][2]) argv[1] += 2; else { argc--; argv++; }
/* remember pointer to string */ pszDefine[cDefine++] = argv[1]; if (cDefine > cDefineMax) { fatal(1105, argv[1]); } break;
case L'F': switch (towupper(argv[1][2])) { case L'O': if (argv[1][3]) argv[1] += 3; else { argc--; argv++; } if (argc > 1) wcscpy(resname, argv[1]); else fatal(1101);
default: fatal(1103, argv[1]); } break;
case L'I': /* add string to directories to search */ /* note: format is <path>\0<path>\0\0 */
/* if not attached to switch, skip to next */ if (argv[1][2]) argv[1] += 2; else { argc--; argv++; }
if (!argv[1]) fatal(1201);
if ((wcslen(argv[1]) + 1 + wcslen(pchInclude)) >= cchIncludeMax) { cchIncludeMax = wcslen(pchInclude) + wcslen(argv[1]) + _MAX_PATH*2; pchIncludeT = (wchar_t *) MyAlloc(cchIncludeMax * sizeof(wchar_t)); wcscpy(pchIncludeT, pchInclude); MyFree(pchInclude); pchInclude = pchIncludeT; pchIncludeT = pchInclude + wcslen(pchIncludeT) + 1; }
/* if not first switch, write over terminator with semicolon */ if (pchInclude != pchIncludeT) pchIncludeT[-1] = L';';
/* copy the path */ while ((*pchIncludeT++ = *argv[1]++) != 0) ; break;
case L'L': /* if not attached to switch, skip to next */ if (argv[1][2]) argv[1] += 2; else { argc--; argv++; }
if (!argv[1]) fatal(1202);
if (swscanf(argv[1], L"%x", &language) != 1) fatal(1203);
while (*argv[1]++ != 0) ;
case L'M': fMacRsrcs = TRUE; goto MaybeMore;
case L'N': fAppendNull = TRUE; goto MaybeMore;
case L'P': fPreprocessOnly = TRUE; break;
case L'R': goto MaybeMore;
case L'S': // find out from BRAD what -S does
fAFXSymbols = TRUE; break;
case L'U': /* if not attached to switch, skip to next */ if (argv[1][2]) argv[1] += 2; else { argc--; argv++; }
/* remember pointer to string */ pszUnDefine[cUnDefine++] = argv[1]; if (cUnDefine > cDefineMax) { fatal(1104, argv[1]); } break;
case L'V': fVerbose = TRUE; // AFX doesn't set this
goto MaybeMore;
case L'W': fWarnInvalidCodePage = TRUE; // Invalid Codepage is a warning, not an error.
goto MaybeMore;
case L'Y': fSkipDuplicateCtlIdWarning = TRUE; goto MaybeMore;
case L'X': /* remember not to add INCLUDE path */ fInclude = FALSE;
// VC seems to feel the current dir s/b added first no matter what...
// If -X! is specified, don't do that.
if (argv[1][2] == L'!') { fIncludeCurrentFirst = FALSE; argv[1]++; }
MaybeMore: /* check to see if multiple switches, like -xrv */ if (argv[1][2]) { argv[1][1] = L'-'; argv[1]++; continue; } break;
case L'Z':
/* if not attached to switch, skip to next */ if (argv[1][2]) argv[1] += 2; else { argc--; argv++; }
if (!argv[1]) fatal(1211);
s3 = wcschr(argv[1], L'/'); if (s3 == NULL) fatal(1212);
*s3 = L'\0'; wcscpy(szSubstituteFontName, s3+1);
s1 = argv[1]; do { s2 = wcschr(s1, L','); if (s2 != NULL) *s2 = L'\0';
if (wcslen(s1)) { if (nBogusFontNames >= 16) fatal(1213);
pszBogusFontNames[nBogusFontNames] = (WCHAR *) MyAlloc((wcslen(s1)+1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); wcscpy(pszBogusFontNames[nBogusFontNames], s1); nBogusFontNames += 1; }
if (s2 != NULL) *s2++ = L','; } while (s1 = s2);
*s3 = L'/';
while (*argv[1]++ != 0) ; break;
default: fatal(1106, argv[1]); }
/* get next argument or switch */ argc--; argv++; }
/* make sure we have at least one file name to work with */ if (argc != 2 || *argv[1] == L'\0') fatal(1107);
if (fVerbose) { SET_MSG(10001, LVER_PRODUCTVERSION_STR); SendWarning(Msg_Text); SET_MSG(10002); SendWarning(Msg_Text); SendWarning(L"\n"); }
// Support Multi Code Page
// If user did NOT indicate code in command line, we have to set Default
// for NLS Conversion
if (uiCodePage == 0) { CHAR *pchCodePageString;
/* At first, search ENVIRONMENT VALUE */
if ((pchCodePageString = getenv("RCCODEPAGE")) != NULL) { uiCodePage = atoi(pchCodePageString);
if (uiCodePage == 0 || !IsValidCodePage(uiCodePage)) { fatal(1207); } } else { // We use System ANSI Code page (ACP)
uiCodePage = GetACP(); } } uiDefaultCodePage = uiCodePage; if (fVerbose) { wprintf(L"Using codepage %d as default\n", uiDefaultCodePage); }
/* If we have no extension, assumer .rc */ /* If .res extension, make sure we have -fo set, or error */ /* Otherwise, just assume file is .rc and output .res (or resname) */
_wsplitpath(argv[1], szDrive, szDir, szFName, szExt);
if (!(*szDir || *szDrive)) { wcscpy(szIncPath, L".;"); } else { wcscpy(szIncPath, szDrive); wcscat(szIncPath, szDir); wcscat(szIncPath, L";.;"); }
if ((wcslen(szIncPath) + 1 + wcslen(pchInclude)) >= cchIncludeMax) { cchIncludeMax = wcslen(pchInclude) + wcslen(szIncPath) + _MAX_PATH*2; pchIncludeT = (wchar_t *) MyAlloc(cchIncludeMax * sizeof(wchar_t)); wcscpy(pchIncludeT, pchInclude); MyFree(pchInclude); pchInclude = pchIncludeT; pchIncludeT = pchInclude + wcslen(pchIncludeT) + 1; }
pchIncludeT = (wchar_t *) MyAlloc(cchIncludeMax * sizeof(wchar_t));
if (fIncludeCurrentFirst) { wcscpy(pchIncludeT, szIncPath); wcscat(pchIncludeT, pchInclude); } else { wcscpy(pchIncludeT, pchInclude); wcscat(pchIncludeT, L";"); wcscat(pchIncludeT, szIncPath); }
MyFree(pchInclude); pchInclude = pchIncludeT; pchIncludeT = pchInclude + wcslen(pchIncludeT) + 1;
if (!szExt[0]) { wcscpy(szExt, L".RC"); } else if (wcscmp(szExt, L".RES") == 0) { fatal(1208); }
_wmakepath(inname, szDrive, szDir, szFName, szExt); if (fPreprocessOnly) { _wmakepath(szPreProcessName, NULL, NULL, szFName, L".rcpp"); }
/* Create the name of the .RES file */ if (resname[0] == 0) { // if building a Mac resource file, we use .rsc to match mrc's output
_wmakepath(resname, szDrive, szDir, szFName, fMacRsrcs ? L".RSC" : L".RES"); }
/* create the temporary file names */ szTempFileName = (wchar_t *) MyAlloc(_MAX_PATH * sizeof(wchar_t));
_wfullpath(szFullPath, resname, _MAX_PATH); _wsplitpath(szFullPath, szDrive, szDir, NULL, NULL);
_wmakepath(szTempFileName, szDrive, szDir, L"RCXXXXXX", NULL); _wmktemp (szTempFileName); szTempFileName2 = (wchar_t *) MyAlloc(_MAX_PATH * sizeof(wchar_t)); _wmakepath(szTempFileName2, szDrive, szDir, L"RDXXXXXX", NULL); _wmktemp(szTempFileName2);
ppargv = szRCPP; pfRcppAlloc = fRcppAlloc; *ppargv++ = L"RCPP"; *pfRcppAlloc++ = FALSE; rcpp_argc = 1;
/* Open the .RES file (deleting any old versions which exist). */ if ((fhBin = _wfopen(resname, L"w+b")) == NULL) { fatal(1109, resname); }
if (fMacRsrcs) MySeek(fhBin, MACDATAOFFSET, 0);
if (fVerbose) { SET_MSG(10102, resname); SendWarning(Msg_Text); }
/* Set up for RCPP. This constructs the command line for it. */ *ppargv++ = _wcsdup(L"-CP"); *pfRcppAlloc++ = TRUE; rcpp_argc++;
_itow(uiCodePage, buf, 10); *ppargv++ = buf; *pfRcppAlloc++ = FALSE; rcpp_argc++;
*ppargv++ = _wcsdup(L"-f"); *pfRcppAlloc++ = TRUE; rcpp_argc++;
*ppargv++ = _wcsdup(szTempFileName); *pfRcppAlloc++ = TRUE; rcpp_argc++;
*ppargv++ = _wcsdup(L"-g"); *pfRcppAlloc++ = TRUE; rcpp_argc++; if (fPreprocessOnly) { *ppargv++ = _wcsdup(szPreProcessName); } else { *ppargv++ = _wcsdup(szTempFileName2); } *pfRcppAlloc++ = TRUE; rcpp_argc++;
*ppargv++ = _wcsdup(L"-DRC_INVOKED"); *pfRcppAlloc++ = TRUE; rcpp_argc++;
if (fAFXSymbols) { *ppargv++ = _wcsdup(L"-DAPSTUDIO_INVOKED"); *pfRcppAlloc++ = TRUE; rcpp_argc++; }
if (fMacRsrcs) { *ppargv++ = _wcsdup(L"-D_MAC"); *pfRcppAlloc++ = TRUE; rcpp_argc++; }
*ppargv++ = _wcsdup(L"-D_WIN32"); /* to be compatible with C9/VC++ */ *pfRcppAlloc++ = TRUE; rcpp_argc++;
*ppargv++ = _wcsdup(L"-pc\\:/"); *pfRcppAlloc++ = TRUE; rcpp_argc++;
*ppargv++ = _wcsdup(L"-E"); *pfRcppAlloc++ = TRUE; rcpp_argc++;
/* Parse the INCLUDE environment variable */
if (fInclude) {
*ppargv++ = _wcsdup(L"-I."); *pfRcppAlloc++ = TRUE; rcpp_argc++;
/* add seperator if any -I switches */ if (pchInclude != pchIncludeT) pchIncludeT[-1] = L';';
/* read 'em */ x = _wgetenv(L"INCLUDE"); if (x == NULL) { *pchIncludeT = L'\0'; } else { if (wcslen(pchInclude) + wcslen(x) + 1 >= cchIncludeMax) { cchIncludeMax = wcslen(pchInclude) + wcslen(x) + _MAX_PATH*2; pchIncludeT = (wchar_t *) MyAlloc(cchIncludeMax * sizeof(wchar_t)); wcscpy(pchIncludeT, pchInclude); MyFree(pchInclude); pchInclude = pchIncludeT; }
wcscat(pchInclude, x); pchIncludeT = pchInclude + wcslen(pchInclude); } }
/* now put includes on the RCPP command line */ for (x = pchInclude ; *x ; ) {
r = x; while (*x && *x != L';') x = CharNextW(x);
/* mark if semicolon */ if (*x) *x-- = 0;
if (*r != L'\0' && /* empty include path? */ *r != L'%' /* check for un-expanded stuff */ // && wcschr(r, L' ') == NULL /* check for whitespace */
) { /* add switch */ *ppargv++ = _wcsdup(L"-I"); *pfRcppAlloc++ = TRUE; rcpp_argc++;
*ppargv++ = _wcsdup(r); *pfRcppAlloc++ = TRUE; rcpp_argc++; }
/* was semicolon, need to fix for searchenv() */ if (*x) { *++x = L';'; x++; } }
/* include defines */ for (n = 0; n < cDefine; n++) { *ppargv++ = _wcsdup(L"-D"); *pfRcppAlloc++ = TRUE; rcpp_argc++;
*ppargv++ = pszDefine[n]; *pfRcppAlloc++ = FALSE; rcpp_argc++; }
/* include undefine */ for (n = 0; n < cUnDefine; n++) { *ppargv++ = _wcsdup(L"-U"); *pfRcppAlloc++ = TRUE; rcpp_argc++;
*ppargv++ = pszUnDefine[n]; *pfRcppAlloc++ = FALSE; rcpp_argc++; }
if (rcpp_argc > MAX_CMD) { fatal(1102); }
if (fVerbose) { /* echo the preprocessor command */ wprintf(L"RC:"); for (n = 0 ; n < rcpp_argc ; n++) { wprintf(L" %s", szRCPP[n]); } wprintf(L"\n"); }
/* Add .rc with rcincludes into szTempFileName */ RC_PreProcess(inname);
/* Run the Preprocessor. */ if (rcpp_main(rcpp_argc, szRCPP) != 0) fatal(1116);
// All done. Now free up the argv array.
for (n = 0 ; n < rcpp_argc ; n++) { if (fRcppAlloc[n] == TRUE) { free(szRCPP[n]); } }
if (fPreprocessOnly) { swprintf(szBuf, L"Preprocessed file created in: %s\n", szPreProcessName); quit(szBuf); }
if (fVerbose) wprintf(L"\n%s", inname);
if ((fhInput = _wfopen(szTempFileName2, L"rb")) == NULL_FILE) fatal(2180);
if (!InitSymbolInfo()) fatal(22103);
LexInit (fhInput); uiCodePage = uiDefaultCodePage; ReadRF(); /* create .RES from .RC */ if (!TermSymbolInfo(fhBin)) fatal(22204);
if (!fMacRsrcs) MyAlign(fhBin); // Pad end of file so that we can concatenate files
return Nerrors; // return success, not quitting.
/* RCInit
* Initializes this run of RC. */
HANDLE RCInit( void ) { Nerrors = 0; uiCodePage = 0; nFontsRead = 0;
szTempFileName = NULL; szTempFileName2 = NULL;
lOffIndex = 0; idBase = 128; pTypInfo = NULL;
fVerbose = FALSE; fMacRsrcs = FALSE;
// Clear the filenames
exename[0] = L'\0'; resname[0] = L'\0';
/* create growable local heap of 16MB minimum size */ return HeapCreate(HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, 0, 0); }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* */ /* skipblanks() - */ /* */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
wchar_t * skipblanks( wchar_t *pstr, int fTerminate ) { /* search forward for first non-white character and save its address */ while (*pstr && iswspace(*pstr)) pstr++;
if (fTerminate) { wchar_t *retval = pstr;
/* search forward for first white character and zero to extract word */ while (*pstr && !iswspace(*pstr)) pstr++; *pstr = 0; return retval; } else { return pstr; } }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* */ /* RC_PreProcess() - */ /* */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
void RC_PreProcess( const wchar_t *szname ) { PFILE fhout; /* fhout: is temp file with rcincluded stuff */ PFILE fhin; wchar_t *wch_buf; wchar_t *pwch; wchar_t *pfilename; wchar_t *szT; UINT iLine = 0; int fBlanks = TRUE; INT fFileType;
wch_buf = (wchar_t *)MyAlloc(sizeof(wchar_t) * READ_MAX); szT = (wchar_t *)MyAlloc(sizeof(wchar_t) * MAXSTR);
/* Open the .RC source file. */ wcscpy(Filename, szname); fhin = _wfopen(szname, L"rb"); if (!fhin) { fatal(1110, szname); }
/* Open the temporary output file. */ fhout = _wfopen(szTempFileName, L"w+b"); if (!fhout) { fatal(2180); }
/* output the current filename for RCPP messages */ for (pwch=wch_buf ; *szname ; szname++) { *pwch++ = *szname; /* Hack to fix bug #8786: makes '\' to "\\" */ if (*szname == L'\\') *pwch++ = L'\\'; } *pwch++ = L'\0';
/* Output the current filename for RCPP messages */
MyWrite(fhout, L"#line 1\"", 8 * sizeof(wchar_t)); MyWrite(fhout, wch_buf, wcslen(wch_buf) * sizeof(wchar_t)); MyWrite(fhout, L"\"\r\n", 3 * sizeof(wchar_t));
/* Determine if the input file is Unicode */ fFileType = DetermineFileType (fhin);
/* Process each line of the input file. */ while (fgetl(wch_buf, READ_MAX, fFileType == DFT_FILE_IS_16_BIT, fhin)) {
/* keep track of the number of lines read */ Linenumber = iLine++;
if ((iLine & RC_PREPROCESS_UPDATE) == 0) UpdateStatus(1, iLine);
/* Skip the Byte Order Mark and the leading bytes. */ pwch = wch_buf; while (*pwch && (iswspace(*pwch) || *pwch == 0xFEFF)) pwch++;
/* if the line is a rcinclude line... */ if (strpre(L"rcinclude", pwch)) { /* Get the name of the rcincluded file. */ pfilename = skipblanks(pwch + 9, TRUE);
MyWrite(fhout, L"#include \"", 10 * sizeof(WCHAR)); MyWrite(fhout, pfilename, wcslen(pfilename) * sizeof(WCHAR)); MyWrite(fhout, L"\"\r\n", 3 * sizeof(WCHAR));
} else if (strpre(L"#pragma", pwch)) { WCHAR cSave;
pfilename = skipblanks(pwch + 7, FALSE); if (strpre(L"code_page", pfilename)) { pfilename = skipblanks(pfilename + 9, FALSE); if (*pfilename == L'(') { ULONG cp = 0;
pfilename = skipblanks(pfilename + 1, FALSE); // really should allow hex/octal, but ...
if (iswdigit(*pfilename)) { while (iswdigit(*pfilename)) { cp = cp * 10 + (*pfilename++ - L'0'); } pfilename = skipblanks(pfilename, FALSE); } else if (strpre(L"default", pfilename)) { cp = uiDefaultCodePage; pfilename = skipblanks(pfilename + 7, FALSE); }
if (cp == 0) { error(4212, pfilename); } else if (*pfilename != L')') { error(4211); } else if (cp == CP_WINUNICODE) { if (fWarnInvalidCodePage) { warning(4213); } else { fatal(4213); } } else if (!IsValidCodePage(cp)) { if (fWarnInvalidCodePage) { warning(4214); } else { fatal(4214); } } else { uiCodePage = cp; /* Copy the #pragma line to the temp file. */ MyWrite(fhout, pwch, wcslen(pwch) * sizeof(WCHAR)); MyWrite(fhout, L"\r\n", 2 * sizeof(WCHAR)); } } else { error(4210); } } } else if (!*pwch) { fBlanks = TRUE; } else { if (fBlanks) { swprintf(szT, L"#line %d\r\n", iLine); MyWrite(fhout, szT, wcslen(szT) * sizeof(WCHAR)); fBlanks = FALSE; } /* Copy the .RC line to the temp file. */ MyWrite(fhout, pwch, wcslen(pwch) * sizeof(WCHAR)); MyWrite(fhout, L"\r\n", 2 * sizeof(WCHAR)); } }
lCPPTotalLinenumber = iLine; Linenumber = 0;
uiCodePage = uiDefaultCodePage;
MyFree(wch_buf); MyFree(szT);
fclose(fhout); fclose(fhin); }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* */ /* quit() */ /* */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
void quit(const wchar_t *wsz) { /* print out the error message */
if (wsz != NULL) { SendWarning(L"\n"); SendError(wsz); SendWarning(L"\n"); }
/* delete output file */ if (resname) { _wremove(resname); }
if (hHeap) { HeapDestroy(hHeap); }
longjmp(jb, Nerrors); }
extern "C" BOOL WINAPI Handler(DWORD fdwCtrlType) { if (fdwCtrlType == CTRL_C_EVENT) { SendWarning(L"\n"); SET_MSG(20101); SendWarning(Msg_Text);
/* Delete output file */
if (resname) { _wremove(resname); }
return(FALSE); }
return(FALSE); }
VOID CleanUpFiles( void ) { TermSymbolInfo(NULL_FILE);
// Close ALL files.
if (fhBin != NULL) { fclose(fhBin); }
if (fhInput != NULL) { fclose(fhInput); }
if (fhCode != NULL) { fclose(fhCode); }
// Clean up after font directory temp file
if (nFontsRead) { _wremove(L"rc$x.fdr"); }
// Delete the temporary files
if (szTempFileName) { _wremove(szTempFileName); }
if (szTempFileName2) { _wremove(szTempFileName2); }
if (Nerrors > 0) { _wremove(resname); } }