* Microsoft (R) Windows (R) Resource Compiler * * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * * File Comments: * * ***********************************************************************/
#include "rc.h"
#include "assert.h"
#define MAXCODE 128000 //AFX uses > 65000
#define DIBBITMAPFORMAT 0x4D42 /* 'BM' as in PM format */
#undef min
#define min(a,b) ((a<b)?(a):(b))
PCHAR CodeArray; /* pointer to code buffer */ int CodeSize; /* size of code buffer */ int CCount; /* current code array address */ PFILE fhCode; /* file handle for remaining data */ static int ItemCountLoc; /* a patch location; this one for */ static int ItemExtraLoc; /* a patch location; this one for */
typedef struct { SHORT csHotX; SHORT csHotY; SHORT csWidth; SHORT csHeight; SHORT csWidthBytes; SHORT csColor; } IconHeader;
typedef struct { UINT dfVersion; /* not in FONTINFO */ DWORD dfSize; /* not in FONTINFO */ CHAR dfCopyright[60]; /* not in FONTINFO */ UINT dfType; UINT dfPoints; UINT dfVertRes; UINT dfHorizRes; UINT dfAscent; UINT dfInternalLeading; UINT dfExternalLeading; BYTE dfItalic; BYTE dfUnderline; BYTE dfStrikeOut; UINT dfWeight; BYTE dfCharSet; UINT dfPixWidth; UINT dfPixHeight; BYTE dfPitchAndFamily; UINT dfAvgWidth; UINT dfMaxWidth; BYTE dfFirstChar; BYTE dfLastChar; BYTE dfDefaultCHar; BYTE dfBreakChar; UINT dfWidthBytes; DWORD dfDevice; /* See Adaptation Guide 6.3.10 and 6.4 */ DWORD dfFace; /* See Adaptation Guide 6.3.10 and 6.4 */ DWORD dfReserved; /* See Adaptation Guide 6.3.10 and 6.4 */ } ffh;
#define FONT_FIXED sizeof(ffh)
#define FONT_ALL sizeof(ffh) + 64
struct MacCursor { char data[16]; char mask[16]; short hotSpotV; short hotSpotH; };
typedef struct { unsigned short red; unsigned short green; unsigned short blue; } RGBColor;
typedef struct { unsigned short value; RGBColor rgb; } ColorSpec;
#define ccs2 2
const ColorSpec rgcs2[ccs2] = { {0, {0xffff,0xffff,0xffff}}, {1, {0x0000,0x0000,0x0000}} };
#define ccs16 16
const ColorSpec rgcs16[ccs16] = { {0x00, {0xffff,0xffff,0xffff}}, {0x01, {0xfc00,0xf37d,0x052f}}, {0x02, {0xffff,0x648a,0x028c}}, {0x03, {0xdd6b,0x08c2,0x06a2}}, {0x04, {0xf2d7,0x0856,0x84ec}}, {0x05, {0x46e3,0x0000,0xa53e}}, {0x06, {0x0000,0x0000,0xd400}}, {0x07, {0x0241,0xab54,0xeaff}}, {0x08, {0x1f21,0xb793,0x1431}}, {0x09, {0x0000,0x64af,0x11b0}}, {0x0a, {0x5600,0x2c9d,0x0524}}, {0x0b, {0x90d7,0x7160,0x3a34}}, {0x0c, {0xc000,0xc000,0xc000}}, {0x0d, {0x8000,0x8000,0x8000}}, {0x0e, {0x4000,0x4000,0x4000}}, {0x0f, {0x0000,0x0000,0x0000}} };
* the 34 legal icon colors */ #define ccs256 34
const ColorSpec rgcs256[ccs256] = { {0x01, {0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xCCCC}}, {0x08, {0xFFFF, 0xCCCC, 0x9999}}, {0x33, {0xCCCC, 0x9999, 0x6666}}, {0x16, {0xFFFF, 0x6666, 0x3333}}, {0x92, {0x3333, 0xFFFF, 0x9999}}, {0xE3, {0x0000, 0xBBBB, 0x0000}}, {0x9F, {0x3333, 0x9999, 0x6666}}, {0xA5, {0x3333, 0x6666, 0x6666}}, {0x48, {0x9999, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF}}, {0xC0, {0x0000, 0x9999, 0xFFFF}}, {0xEC, {0x0000, 0x0000, 0xDDDD}}, {0xB0, {0x3333, 0x0000, 0x9999}}, {0x2A, {0xCCCC, 0xCCCC, 0xFFFF}}, {0x54, {0x9999, 0x9999, 0xFFFF}}, {0x7F, {0x6666, 0x6666, 0xCCCC}}, {0xAB, {0x3333, 0x3333, 0x6666}}, {0x13, {0xFFFF, 0x6666, 0xCCCC}}, {0x69, {0x9999, 0x0000, 0x6666}}, {0x5C, {0x9999, 0x6666, 0x9999}}, {0x00, {0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF}}, {0xF5, {0xEEEE, 0xEEEE, 0xEEEE}}, {0xF6, {0xDDDD, 0xDDDD, 0xDDDD}}, {0x2B, {0xCCCC, 0xCCCC, 0xCCCC}}, {0xF7, {0xBBBB, 0xBBBB, 0xBBBB}}, {0xF8, {0xAAAA, 0xAAAA, 0xAAAA}}, {0xF9, {0x8888, 0x8888, 0x8888}}, {0xFA, {0x7777, 0x7777, 0x7777}}, {0xFB, {0x5555, 0x5555, 0x5555}}, {0xFC, {0x4444, 0x4444, 0x4444}}, {0xFD, {0x2222, 0x2222, 0x2222}}, {0xFE, {0x1111, 0x1111, 0x1111}}, {0xFF, {0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000}}, {0x05, {0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0x0000}}, {0xD8, {0xDDDD, 0x0000, 0x0000}} };
void ProcessMacIcons(RESINFO* pRes, int itBase, int ib1, int ib4, int ib8); void ReadDIB(int ibDesc, struct tagDESCRIPTOR *pds, BITMAPINFOHEADER* pbmh, int* pcbWidth, void** ppBits, RGBQUAD** prgrgq, BOOL fIcon); void CompactAndFlipIcon(BYTE* pBits, int cbRowCur, int cbRowMask, int cbRowNew, int cbRowMaskNew, int Height); void WriteMacRsrc(void* pBits, int cbBits, RESINFO* pResBase, DWORD res); void LookupIconColor(const ColorSpec* rgcs, int ccs, RGBQUAD* pq); long MungeResType(WCHAR *szType, short wOrd); int IdUnique(TYPEINFO *ptype, RESINFO* pres); RESINFO* LookupIconRes(TYPEINFO* ptypeIcon, RESINFO* pres); void TranslateString(char* sz); void TranslateBuffer(char* rgch, int cch);
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* */ /* GenWarning2() - */ /* */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
void GenWarning2( int iMsg, const wchar_t *arg ) { SET_MSG(iMsg, curFile, token.row, arg); SendWarning(Msg_Text); }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* */ /* GenWarning4() - */ /* */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
void GenWarning4( int iMsg, const wchar_t *arg1, const wchar_t *arg2, const wchar_t *arg3 ) { SET_MSG(iMsg, curFile, token.row, arg1, arg2, arg3);
SendWarning(Msg_Text); }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* */ /* GenError2() - */ /* */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
void GenError2( int iMsg, const wchar_t *arg ) { if (fhCode > 0) fclose(fhCode);
SET_MSG(iMsg, curFile, token.row, arg); SendError(Msg_Text); quit(NULL); }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* */ /* GenError1() - */ /* */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
void GenError1( int iMsg ) { if (fhCode > 0) fclose(fhCode);
SET_MSG(iMsg, curFile, token.row); SendError(Msg_Text); quit(NULL); }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* */ /* CtlAlloc() - */ /* */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ VOID CtlAlloc( VOID ) { CodeSize = MAXCODE; CodeArray = (PCHAR) MyAlloc(MAXCODE); }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* */ /* CtlInit() - */ /* */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ VOID CtlInit( VOID ) { CCount = 0; /* absolute location in CodeArray */ fhCode = NULL_FILE; /* don't copy file unless we need to */ }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* */ /* CtlFile() - */ /* */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PFILE CtlFile( PFILE fh ) { if (fh != NULL_FILE) fhCode = fh; /* set file handle to read remaining resource from */
return(fhCode); }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* */ /* CtlFree() - */ /* */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ VOID CtlFree( VOID ) { CodeSize = 0; MyFree(CodeArray); }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* */ /* GetSpace() - */ /* */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void *GetSpace(WORD cb) { PCHAR pch;
if (CCount > (int) (CodeSize - cb)) { PVOID pv = HeapReAlloc(hHeap, HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE|HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, ((PCHAR) CodeArray) - 8, CodeSize + 0x00010000 + 8);
if (pv == NULL) { GenError1(2168); //"Resource too large"
/* GenError1 calls quit(NULL) and doesn't return! */ }
CodeArray = ((PCHAR) pv)+8; CodeSize += 0x00010000; }
pch = CodeArray + CCount; CCount += cb;
return(pch); }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* */ /* WriteString() - */ /* */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ VOID WriteString( PWCHAR sz, BOOL fMacCP ) { /* add a string to the resource buffer */ if (fMacRsrcs) { WriteMacString(sz, fMacCP, FALSE); } else { do { WriteWord(*sz); } while (*sz++ != 0); } }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* */ /* WriteMacString() - */ /* */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ VOID WriteMacString( PWCHAR sz, BOOL fMacCP, BOOL fPascal ) { BYTE rgb[256]; BYTE rgbExpand[256]; BYTE* pb = rgb; BYTE* pbExpand = rgbExpand; int cch = 0; int cb = 0;
if (sz != NULL) { UINT iCP; UINT nCP = uiCodePage; BOOL fAttemptTranslate = FALSE; static const UINT rgnCP[] = {10029, 10007, 10000, 10006, 10081}; // Mac codepages
static BOOL rgfCP[5];
// If the codepage for the current resource text is one of the Windows
// Latin 1, Greek, Cyrillic, Turkish, or Eastern European codepages, then
// there exists a corresponding Macintosh codepage in Win32 and it is valid
// to use WCToMB to map the Windows text to the Macintosh character set. If
// the Windows text is in a different code page, we don't try to do any
// mapping.
iCP = uiCodePage - 1250; if (fMacCP && uiCodePage >= 1250 && uiCodePage <= 1254) { nCP = rgnCP[iCP];
// unfortunately the Mac code pages are not supported under Windows 95.
// To handle this, we check to see if the Mac code page we came up
// with is actually available, and if it isn't, revert back to uiCodePage.
if ((rgfCP[iCP] & 0x01) == 0) { // is this fCP still uninitialized?
rgfCP[iCP] |= 0x01; // bit 0 set: has been initialized
if (IsValidCodePage(nCP)) rgfCP[iCP] |= 0x02; // bit 1 set: this CP is available
if ((rgfCP[iCP] & 0x02) == 0) { nCP = uiCodePage; fAttemptTranslate = TRUE; } }
cch = wcslen(sz);
cb = WideCharToMultiByte(nCP, 0, sz, cch, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); if (cb > sizeof(rgb)) pb = (BYTE *) MyAlloc(cb); WideCharToMultiByte(nCP, 0, sz, cch, (LPSTR) pb, cb, NULL, NULL);
// if the Mac code page we wanted isn't available, try using our hard-coded tables
if (fAttemptTranslate) TranslateBuffer((LPSTR) pb, cb); }
if (fPascal) { WriteByte((char)cb); WriteBuffer(rgb, (size_t) cb); } else { // at worst, we'll need one wide char for every single-byte char, plus a null terminator
if (((cb + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)) > sizeof(rgbExpand)) pbExpand = (BYTE *) MyAlloc((cb + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR));
cb = ExpandString(pb, cb, pbExpand); WriteBuffer(pbExpand, (size_t) cb);
if (pbExpand != rgbExpand) MyFree(pbExpand); }
if (pb != rgb) MyFree(pb); }
const unsigned char *mpchchCodePage;
const unsigned char mpchchLatin1ToMac[128] = { 0x3f, /* 0x80 */ 0x3f, /* 0x81 */ 0xe2, /* 0x82 */ 0xc4, /* 0x83 */ 0xe3, /* 0x84 */ 0xc9, /* 0x85 */ 0xa0, /* 0x86 */ 0xe0, /* 0x87 */ 0xf6, /* 0x88 */ 0xe4, /* 0x89 */ 0x3f, /* 0x8a */ 0xdc, /* 0x8b */ 0xce, /* 0x8c */ 0x3f, /* 0x8d */ 0x3f, /* 0x8e */ 0x3f, /* 0x8f */ 0x3f, /* 0x90 */ 0xd4, /* 0x91 */ 0xd5, /* 0x92 */ 0xd2, /* 0x93 */ 0xd3, /* 0x94 */ 0xa5, /* 0x95 */ 0xd0, /* 0x96 */ 0xd1, /* 0x97 */ 0xf7, /* 0x98 */ 0x84, /* 0x99 */ 0x3f, /* 0x9a */ 0xdd, /* 0x9b */ 0xcf, /* 0x9c */ 0x3f, /* 0x9d */ 0x3f, /* 0x9e */ 0xd9, /* 0x9f */ 0xca, /* 0xa0 */ 0xc1, /* 0xa1 */ 0xa2, /* 0xa2 */ 0xa3, /* 0xa3 */ 0xdb, /* 0xa4 */ 0xb4, /* 0xa5 */ 0x3f, /* 0xa6 */ 0xa4, /* 0xa7 */ 0xac, /* 0xa8 */ 0xa9, /* 0xa9 */ 0xbb, /* 0xaa */ 0xc7, /* 0xab */ 0xc2, /* 0xac */ 0x3f, /* 0xad */ 0xa8, /* 0xae */ 0x3f, /* 0xaf */ 0xa1, /* 0xb0 */ 0xb1, /* 0xb1 */ 0x3f, /* 0xb2 */ 0x3f, /* 0xb3 */ 0xab, /* 0xb4 */ 0xb5, /* 0xb5 */ 0xa6, /* 0xb6 */ 0xe1, /* 0xb7 */ 0xfc, /* 0xb8 */ 0x3f, /* 0xb9 */ 0xbc, /* 0xba */ 0xc8, /* 0xbb */ 0x3f, /* 0xbc */ 0x3f, /* 0xbd */ 0x3f, /* 0xbe */ 0xc0, /* 0xbf */ 0xcb, /* 0xc0 */ 0xe7, /* 0xc1 */ 0xe5, /* 0xc2 */ 0xcc, /* 0xc3 */ 0x80, /* 0xc4 */ 0x81, /* 0xc5 */ 0xae, /* 0xc6 */ 0x82, /* 0xc7 */ 0xe9, /* 0xc8 */ 0x83, /* 0xc9 */ 0xe6, /* 0x3f */ 0xe8, /* 0xcb */ 0xed, /* 0xcc */ 0xea, /* 0xcd */ 0xeb, /* 0xce */ 0xec, /* 0xcf */ 0x3f, /* 0xd0 */ 0x84, /* 0xd1 */ 0xf1, /* 0xd2 */ 0xee, /* 0xd3 */ 0xef, /* 0xd4 */ 0xcd, /* 0xd5 */ 0x85, /* 0xd6 */ 0x3f, /* 0xd7 */ 0xaf, /* 0xd8 */ 0x84, /* 0xd9 */ 0xf2, /* 0xda */ 0xf3, /* 0xdb */ 0x86, /* 0xdc */ 0x3f, /* 0xdd */ 0x3f, /* 0xde */ 0xa7, /* 0xdf */ 0x88, /* 0xe0 */ 0x87, /* 0xe1 */ 0x89, /* 0xe2 */ 0x8b, /* 0xe3 */ 0x8a, /* 0xe4 */ 0x8c, /* 0xe5 */ 0xbe, /* 0xe6 */ 0x8d, /* 0xe7 */ 0x8f, /* 0xe8 */ 0x8e, /* 0xe9 */ 0x90, /* 0xea */ 0x91, /* 0xeb */ 0x93, /* 0xec */ 0x92, /* 0xed */ 0x94, /* 0xee */ 0x95, /* 0xef */ 0x3f, /* 0xf0 */ 0x96, /* 0xf1 */ 0x98, /* 0xf2 */ 0x97, /* 0xf3 */ 0x99, /* 0xf4 */ 0x9b, /* 0xf5 */ 0x9a, /* 0xf6 */ 0xd6, /* 0xf7 */ 0xbf, /* 0xf8 */ 0x9d, /* 0xf9 */ 0x9c, /* 0xfa */ 0x9e, /* 0xfb */ 0x9f, /* 0xfc */ 0x3f, /* 0xfd */ 0x3f, /* 0xfe */ 0xd8, /* 0xff */ };
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* */ /* BuildCodePage() - */ /* */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void BuildCodePage( int cp ) { mpchchCodePage = cp == 1252 ? mpchchLatin1ToMac : NULL; }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* */ /* TranslateString() - */ /* */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void TranslateString( char* sz ) { TranslateBuffer(sz, strlen(sz)+1); }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* */ /* TranslateBuffer() - */ /* */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void TranslateBuffer( char* rgch, int cch ) { if (mpchchCodePage == NULL) BuildCodePage(uiCodePage);
if (mpchchCodePage == NULL) return;
for (NULL; cch > 0; rgch++, cch--) if (*rgch & 0x80) *rgch = (char) mpchchCodePage[(unsigned char)(*rgch-0x80)]; }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* */ /* ExpandString() - */ /* */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int ExpandString( BYTE* pb, int cb, BYTE* pbExpand ) { int cbWide = 2; // for null terminator
while (cb > 0) { if (IsDBCSLeadByteEx(uiCodePage, *pb)) { *pbExpand++ = *pb++; cb--; } else { *pbExpand++ = 0; }
*pbExpand++ = *pb++; cbWide += 2; cb--; }
*(WORD*) pbExpand++ = L'\0'; return cbWide; }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* */ /* AppendString() - */ /* */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ VOID AppendString( PWCHAR sz, BOOL fMacCP ) { PWCHAR psz;
/* add a string to the resource buffer */ psz = (PWCHAR) (&CodeArray[CCount]); if (*(psz-1) == L'\0') CCount -= sizeof(WCHAR); WriteString(sz, fMacCP); }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* */ /* WriteAlign() - */ /* */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ VOID WriteAlign( VOID ) { WORD i = CCount % 4;
while (i--) WriteByte(0); }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* */ /* WriteBuffer() - */ /* */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
void WriteBuffer(const void *pv, size_t cb) { const BYTE *pb = (BYTE *) pv;
while (cb--) { WriteByte(*pb++); } }
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* */ /* WriteControl() - */ /* */ /* Parameters: */ /* outfh : The handle of the RES file. */ /* Array : Pointer to array from which some data is to be copied into */ /* the .RES file. */ /* This is ignored if ArrayCount is zero. */ /* ArrayCount : This is the number of bytes to be copied from "Array" */ /* into the .RES file. This is zero if no copy is required*/ /* FileCount : This specifies the number of bytes to be copied from */ /* fhCode into fhOut. If this is -1, the complete input */ /* file is to be copied into fhOut. */ /**/ /**/
int WriteControl( PFILE outfh, PCHAR Array, int ArrayCount, LONG FileCount ) {
/* Check if the Array is to be written to .RES file */ if (ArrayCount > 0) /* write the array (resource) to .RES file */ MyWrite(outfh, Array, ArrayCount);
/* copy the extra input file - opened by generator functions */ if (fhCode != NULL_FILE) { /* Check if the complete input file is to be copied or not */ if (FileCount == -1) { MyCopyAll(fhCode, outfh); fclose(fhCode); } else { /* Only a part of the input file is to be copied */ MyCopy(fhCode, outfh, FileCount);
/* Note that the fhCode is NOT closed in this case */ } }
return(ArrayCount); }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* */ /* ResourceSize() - */ /* */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
LONG ResourceSize ( VOID ) { if (fhCode == NULL_FILE) return (LONG)CCount; /* return size of array */ else { /* note: currently all resources that use the fhCode file
* compute their own resource sizes, and this shouldn't get * executed, but it is here in case of future modifications * which require it. */ LONG lFPos = MySeek(fhCode, 0L, SEEK_CUR); LONG lcb = (LONG)CCount + MySeek(fhCode, 0L, SEEK_END) - lFPos; MySeek(fhCode, lFPos, SEEK_SET); return lcb; } }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* */ /* GetIcon() - */ /* */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
DWORD GetIcon( LONG nbyFile ) { PFILE infh = CtlFile(NULL_FILE);
IconHeader header; LONG nbyIconSize, nSeekLoc; LONG nbyTransferred = 0; SHORT IconID; int bHeaderWritten = FALSE;
if (infh == NULL) return FALSE; /* read the header and find its size */ if (!MyRead( infh, &IconID, sizeof(SHORT))) { GenError2(2169, tokenbuf); //"Resource file %ws is not in 2.03 format."
return FALSE; }
/* Check if the input file is in correct format */ if (((CHAR)IconID != 1) && ((CHAR)IconID != 3)) GenError2(2169, tokenbuf); //"Resource file %ws is not in 2.03 format."
if (!MyRead( infh, &header, sizeof(IconHeader))) { GenError2(2169, tokenbuf); //"Resource file %ws is not in 2.03 format."
return FALSE; } nbyIconSize = (header.csWidthBytes * 2) * header.csHeight;
/* if pre-shrunk version exists at eof */ if ((nSeekLoc = ( sizeof (SHORT) + nbyIconSize + sizeof(IconHeader))) < nbyFile) { /* mark as device dependant */ *(((PCHAR)&IconID) + 1) = 0; MySeek(infh, (LONG)nSeekLoc, SEEK_SET); WriteWord(IconID); } else { /* only canonical version exists */
*(((PCHAR)&IconID) + 1) = 1; /* mark as device independent */ WriteWord(IconID); WriteBuffer(&header, sizeof(IconHeader)); bHeaderWritten = TRUE; }
nbyTransferred = nbyFile - MySeek(infh, 0L, SEEK_CUR);
/* return number of bytes in the temporary file */ return (nbyTransferred + (bHeaderWritten ? sizeof(IconHeader) : 0) + sizeof(SHORT)); }
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* */ /* GetNewBitmap() - */ /* */ /* This loads the new bitmaps in DIB format (PM format) */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
DWORD GetNewBitmap( VOID ) { PFILE infh = CtlFile(NULL_FILE); BITMAPFILEHEADER bf; BITMAPCOREHEADER bc; BITMAPINFOHEADER *pBitMapInfo; int cbColorTable; PCHAR pColorTable; LONG cbImage; int nbits; DWORD BitmapSize;
if (infh == NULL) return FALSE;
MyRead(infh, &bf, sizeof(bf));
/* Check if it is in correct format */ if (bf.bfType != DIBBITMAPFORMAT) GenError2(2170, tokenbuf); //"Bitmap file %ws is not in 3.00 format."
/* get the header -- assume old format */ MyRead(infh, &bc, sizeof(bc));
BitmapSize = bc.bcSize;
if (BitmapSize >= sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER)) { /* V3 or better format */ pBitMapInfo = (BITMAPINFOHEADER *) MyAlloc(BitmapSize);
memcpy(pBitMapInfo, &bc, sizeof(bc));
MyRead(infh, ((PCHAR)pBitMapInfo) + sizeof(bc), BitmapSize - sizeof(bc));
nbits = pBitMapInfo->biPlanes * pBitMapInfo->biBitCount;
if ( pBitMapInfo->biCompression == BI_BITFIELDS ) { if( (pBitMapInfo->biBitCount <= 8) || (pBitMapInfo->biBitCount == 24) ) { GenError2(2170, tokenbuf); //"Bitmap file %ws is not in 3.00 format."
cbColorTable = 3 * sizeof(DWORD); } else { // Only pBitMapInfo->biBitCount 1,4,8,24. biBitCount 16 and 32 MUST have BI_BITFIELD specified
cbColorTable = (int)pBitMapInfo->biClrUsed * sizeof(RGBQUAD); if ((cbColorTable == 0) && (pBitMapInfo->biBitCount<=8)) cbColorTable = (1 << nbits) * sizeof(RGBQUAD); }
if (fMacRsrcs) { pBitMapInfo->biSize = SwapLong(pBitMapInfo->biSize); pBitMapInfo->biWidth = SwapLong(pBitMapInfo->biWidth); pBitMapInfo->biHeight = SwapLong(pBitMapInfo->biHeight); pBitMapInfo->biPlanes = SwapWord(pBitMapInfo->biPlanes); pBitMapInfo->biBitCount = SwapWord(pBitMapInfo->biBitCount); pBitMapInfo->biCompression = SwapLong(pBitMapInfo->biCompression); pBitMapInfo->biSizeImage = SwapLong(pBitMapInfo->biSizeImage); pBitMapInfo->biXPelsPerMeter = SwapLong(pBitMapInfo->biXPelsPerMeter); pBitMapInfo->biYPelsPerMeter = SwapLong(pBitMapInfo->biYPelsPerMeter); pBitMapInfo->biClrUsed = SwapLong(pBitMapInfo->biClrUsed); pBitMapInfo->biClrImportant = SwapLong(pBitMapInfo->biClrImportant); } WriteBuffer(pBitMapInfo, BitmapSize); MyFree(pBitMapInfo); } else if (BitmapSize == sizeof(BITMAPCOREHEADER)) { nbits = bc.bcPlanes * bc.bcBitCount;
/* old format */ if (nbits == 24) cbColorTable = 0; else cbColorTable = (1 << nbits) * sizeof(RGBTRIPLE);
if (fMacRsrcs) { bc.bcSize = SwapLong(bc.bcSize); bc.bcWidth = SwapWord(bc.bcWidth); bc.bcHeight = SwapWord(bc.bcHeight); bc.bcPlanes = SwapWord(bc.bcPlanes); bc.bcBitCount = SwapWord(bc.bcBitCount); } WriteBuffer(&bc, BitmapSize); } else { GenError1(2171); //"Unknown DIB header format"
if (cbColorTable) { pColorTable = (PCHAR) MyAlloc(cbColorTable); MyRead(infh, pColorTable, cbColorTable); WriteBuffer(pColorTable, cbColorTable); MyFree(pColorTable); }
/* get the length of the bits */ cbImage = MySeek(infh, 0L, SEEK_END) - BFOFFBITS(&bf) + BitmapSize + cbColorTable;
/* seek to the beginning of the bits... */ MySeek(infh, BFOFFBITS(&bf), SEEK_SET);
return cbImage; }
VOID WriteOrdCode( void ) { WriteWord(0xFFFF); }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* */ /* SetUpDlg() - */ /* */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
VOID SetUpDlg( PDLGHDR pDlg, BOOL fDlgEx ) { if (fDlgEx) { // Hack -- this is how we version switch the dialog
WriteWord(0x0001); // store wDlgVer
WriteWord(0xFFFF); // store wSignature
WriteLong(pDlg->dwHelpID); WriteLong(pDlg->dwExStyle); // store exstyle
/* write the style bits to the resource buffer */ WriteLong(pDlg->dwStyle); /* store style */
if (!fDlgEx) WriteLong(pDlg->dwExStyle); /* store exstyle */
ItemCountLoc = CCount; /* global marker for location of item cnt. */
/* skip place for num of items */ WriteWord(0);
/* output the dialog position and size */ WriteWord(pDlg->x); WriteWord(pDlg->y); WriteWord(pDlg->cx); WriteWord(pDlg->cy);
/* output the menu identifier */ if (pDlg->fOrdinalMenu) { WriteOrdCode(); WriteWord((USHORT)wcsatoi(pDlg->MenuName)); } else { WriteString(pDlg->MenuName, FALSE); }
/* output the class identifier */ if (pDlg->fClassOrdinal) { WriteOrdCode(); WriteWord((USHORT)wcsatoi(pDlg->Class)); } else { WriteString(pDlg->Class, FALSE); }
/* output the title */ WriteString(pDlg->Title, TRUE);
/* add the font information */ if (pDlg->pointsize) { WriteWord(pDlg->pointsize); if (fDlgEx) { WriteWord(pDlg->wWeight); WriteByte(pDlg->bItalic); WriteByte(pDlg->bCharSet); } WriteString(pDlg->Font, FALSE); } }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* */ /* SetUpItem() - */ /* */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
VOID SetUpItem( PCTRL LocCtl, BOOL fDlgEx ) { PWCHAR tempptr;
/* control dimensions, id, and style bits */ WriteAlign();
// control dimensions, id, and style bits
if (fDlgEx) { WriteLong(LocCtl->dwHelpID); WriteLong(LocCtl->dwExStyle); WriteLong(LocCtl->dwStyle); } else { WriteLong(LocCtl->dwStyle); WriteLong(LocCtl->dwExStyle); }
WriteWord(LocCtl->x); WriteWord(LocCtl->y); WriteWord(LocCtl->cx); WriteWord(LocCtl->cy);
if (fDlgEx) WriteLong(LocCtl->id); else WriteWord(LOWORD(LocCtl->id));
/* control class */ tempptr = LocCtl->Class; if (*tempptr == 0xFFFF) { /* special class code follows */ WriteWord(*tempptr++); WriteWord(*tempptr++); } else { WriteString(tempptr, FALSE); }
/* text */ if (LocCtl->fOrdinalText) { WriteOrdCode(); WriteWord((USHORT)wcsatoi(LocCtl->text)); } else { WriteString(LocCtl->text, TRUE); }
if (fDlgEx) ItemExtraLoc = CCount;
WriteWord(0); /* zero CreateParams count */
void SetItemExtraCount( WORD wCount, BOOL fDlgEx ) { if (fDlgEx) *((WORD *) (CodeArray + ItemExtraLoc)) = wCount; }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* */ /* IncItemCount() - */ /* */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
/* seemingly obscure way to increment # of items in a dialog */ /* ItemCountLoc indexes where we put the item count in the resource buffer, */ /* so we increment that counter when we add a control */
VOID IncItemCount( VOID ) { PUSHORT pus;
pus = (PUSHORT)&CodeArray[ItemCountLoc]; (*pus)++; }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* */ /* SwapItemCount() - */ /* */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* when writing a Mac resource fork, we need to swap this count before writing */ VOID SwapItemCount( VOID ) { PUSHORT pus;
pus = (PUSHORT)&CodeArray[ItemCountLoc]; *pus = SwapWord(*pus); }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* */ /* FixMenuPatch() - */ /* */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
VOID FixMenuPatch( WORD wEndFlagLoc ) { if (fMacRsrcs) CodeArray[wEndFlagLoc + 1] |= MFR_END; else *((PWORD) (CodeArray + wEndFlagLoc)) |= MFR_END; // mark last menu item
// CodeArray[wEndFlagLoc] |= MFR_END;
VOID FixOldMenuPatch( WORD wEndFlagLoc ) { // mark last menu item
if (fMacRsrcs) CodeArray[wEndFlagLoc + 1] |= OPENDMENU; else CodeArray[wEndFlagLoc] |= OPENDMENU; }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* */ /* MarkAccelFlagsByte() - */ /* */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
/* set the place where the accel end bit is going to be set */
VOID MarkAccelFlagsByte ( VOID ) { /* set the location to the current position in the resource buffer */ mnEndFlagLoc = CCount; }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* */ /* PatchAccelEnd() - */ /* */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
VOID PatchAccelEnd ( VOID ) { if (fMacRsrcs) CodeArray[mnEndFlagLoc + 1] |= 0x80; else CodeArray[mnEndFlagLoc] |= 0x80; }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SetUpMenu() -
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
WORD SetUpMenu( PMENU pmn ) { WORD wRes;
WriteLong(pmn->dwType); WriteLong(pmn->dwState); WriteLong(pmn->dwID);
// mark the last item added to the menu
wRes = (WORD)CCount;
WriteWord(pmn->wResInfo); WriteString(pmn->szText, TRUE); if (32) WriteAlign(); if (pmn->wResInfo & MFR_POPUP) WriteLong(pmn->dwHelpID);
return(wRes); }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SetUpOldMenu() -
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
WORD SetUpOldMenu( PMENUITEM mnTemp ) { WORD wRes;
/* mark the last item added to the menu */ wRes = (WORD)CCount;
/* write the menu flags */ WriteWord(mnTemp->OptFlags);
/* popup menus don't have id values */ /* write ids of menuitems */ if (!((mnTemp->OptFlags) & OPPOPUP)) WriteWord(mnTemp->id);
/* write text of selection */ WriteString(mnTemp->szText, TRUE);
return(wRes); }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* */ /* GetRCData() - */ /* */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
WORD GetRCData ( PRESINFO pRes ) { PCHAR pch, pchT; PWCHAR pwch; WORD nBytes = 0; ULONG cb = 0;
/* look for BEGIN (after id RCDATA memflags) */ // 2134 -- "BEGIN expected in RCData"
PreBeginParse(pRes, 2134);
/* add the users data to the resource buffer until we see an END */ while (token.type != END) { /* see explanation in rcl.c in GetStr() */ if (token.type == LSTRLIT) token.type = token.realtype;
switch (token.type) { case LSTRLIT: pwch = tokenbuf; while (token.val--) { WriteWord(*pwch++); nBytes += sizeof(WCHAR); } break;
case STRLIT: cb = WideCharToMultiByte(uiCodePage, 0, tokenbuf, token.val, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); pchT = pch = (PCHAR) MyAlloc(cb); WideCharToMultiByte(uiCodePage, 0, tokenbuf, token.val, pch, cb, NULL, NULL); while (cb--) { WriteByte(*pch++); nBytes += sizeof(CHAR); } MyFree(pchT); break;
case NUMLIT: if (token.flongval) { WriteLong(token.longval); nBytes += sizeof(LONG); } else { WriteWord(token.val); nBytes += sizeof(WORD); } break;
default: ParseError1(2164); return 0; } ICGetTok(); }
return(nBytes); }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* */ /* AddFontRes() - */ /* */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
BOOL AddFontRes( PRESINFO pRes ) { PFILE fpFont; BYTE font[FONT_ALL]; PCHAR pEnd, pDev, pFace; DWORD offset; SHORT nbyFont; PFONTDIR pFont; PFONTDIR pFontSearch;
/* get handle to font file */ fpFont = CtlFile(NULL_FILE); if (fpFont == NULL) return FALSE; MySeek(fpFont, 0L, SEEK_SET);
/* copy font information to the font directory */ /* name strings are ANSI (8-bit) */ MyRead(fpFont, &font[0], sizeof(ffh)); pEnd = (PCHAR) (&font[0] + sizeof(ffh)); /* pointer to end of font buffer */ offset = ((ffh * )(&font[0]))->dfDevice; if (offset != (LONG)0) { MySeek(fpFont, (LONG)offset, SEEK_SET); /* seek to device name */ pDev = pEnd; do { MyRead(fpFont, pEnd, 1); /* copy device name */ } while (*pEnd++); } else { (*pEnd++ = '\0'); } offset = ((ffh * )(&font[0]))->dfFace; MySeek(fpFont, (LONG)offset, SEEK_SET); /* seek to face name */ pFace = pEnd; do { /* copy face name */ MyRead(fpFont, pEnd, 1); } while (*pEnd++);
nbyFont = (SHORT)(pEnd - (PCHAR) &font[0]);
pFont = (FONTDIR * )MyAlloc(sizeof(FONTDIR) + nbyFont); pFont->nbyFont = nbyFont; pFont->ordinal = pRes->nameord; pFont->next = NULL; memcpy((PCHAR)(pFont + 1), (PCHAR)font, nbyFont);
if (!nFontsRead) { pFontList = pFontLast = pFont; } else { for (pFontSearch=pFontList ; pFontSearch!=NULL ; pFontSearch=pFontSearch->next) { if (pFont->ordinal == pFontSearch->ordinal) { SET_MSG(2181, curFile, token.row, pFont->ordinal); SendError(Msg_Text); MyFree(pFont); return FALSE; } } pFontLast = pFontLast->next = pFont; }
/* rewind font file for SaveResFile() */ MySeek(fpFont, 0L, SEEK_SET); return TRUE; }
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* */ /* SaveResFile() - */ /* */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
VOID SaveResFile( PTYPEINFO pType, PRESINFO pRes ) { if (!fMacRsrcs) MyAlign(fhBin);
AddResToResFile(pType, pRes, CodeArray, CCount, -1L); }
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* */ /* GetNewIconsCursors(ResType) */ /* */ /* This reads all the different forms of icons/cursors in 3.00 format */ /* in the input file */ /* */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
VOID GetNewIconsCursors( PTYPEINFO pGroupType, PRESINFO pGroupRes, LPWSTR ResType ) { static SHORT idIconUnique = 1; UINT i; LONG DescOffset; PTYPEINFO pType; PRESINFO pRes; NEWHEADER NewHeader; DESCRIPTOR Descriptor; BITMAPHEADER BitMapHeader; RESDIR ResDir; int ArrayCount = 0; LOCALHEADER LocHeader;
/* Read the header of the bitmap file */ MyRead(fhCode, &NewHeader, sizeof(NEWHEADER));
/* Check if the file is in correct format */ if ((NewHeader.Reserved != 0) || ((NewHeader.ResType != 1) && (NewHeader.ResType != 2))) GenError2(2175, tokenbuf); //"Resource file %ws is not in 3.00 format."
/* Write the header into the Code array */ WriteBuffer(&NewHeader, sizeof(NEWHEADER));
/* Process all the forms one by one */ for (i = 0; i < NewHeader.ResCount; i++) { /* Readin the Descriptor */ MyRead(fhCode, &Descriptor, sizeof(DESCRIPTOR));
/* Save the current offset */ DescOffset = MySeek(fhCode, 0L, SEEK_CUR);
/* Seek to the Data */ MySeek(fhCode, Descriptor.OffsetToBits, SEEK_SET);
/* Get the bitcount and Planes data */ MyRead(fhCode, &BitMapHeader, sizeof(BITMAPHEADER)); if (BitMapHeader.biSize != sizeof(BITMAPHEADER)) GenError2(2176, tokenbuf); //"Old DIB in %ws. Pass it through SDKPAINT."
ResDir.BitCount = BitMapHeader.biBitCount; ResDir.Planes = BitMapHeader.biPlanes;
/* Seek to the Data */ MySeek(fhCode, Descriptor.OffsetToBits, SEEK_SET);
ArrayCount = 0;
/* fill the fields of ResDir and LocHeader */ switch (NewHeader.ResType) { case CURSORTYPE:
LocHeader.xHotSpot = Descriptor.xHotSpot; LocHeader.yHotSpot = Descriptor.yHotSpot; ArrayCount = sizeof(LOCALHEADER);
ResDir.ResInfo.Cursor.Width = (USHORT)BitMapHeader.biWidth; ResDir.ResInfo.Cursor.Height = (USHORT)BitMapHeader.biHeight;
ResDir.ResInfo.Icon.Width = Descriptor.Width; ResDir.ResInfo.Icon.Height = Descriptor.Height; ResDir.ResInfo.Icon.ColorCount = Descriptor.ColorCount; /* The following line is added to initialise the unused
* field "reserved". * Fix for Bug #10382 --SANKAR-- 03-14-90 */ ResDir.ResInfo.Icon.reserved = Descriptor.reserved; break;
ResDir.BytesInRes = Descriptor.BytesInRes + ArrayCount;
/* Create a pRes with New name */ pRes = (PRESINFO) MyAlloc(sizeof(RESINFO)); pRes->language = language; pRes->version = version; pRes->characteristics = characteristics; pRes ->name = NULL; pRes ->nameord = idIconUnique++;
/* The individual resources must have the same memory flags as the
** group. */ pRes ->flags = pGroupRes ->flags; pRes ->size = Descriptor.BytesInRes + ArrayCount;
/* Create a new pType, or find existing one */ pType = AddResType(NULL, ResType);
/* Put Resource Directory entry in CodeArray */ WriteBuffer(&ResDir, sizeof(RESDIR));
* Write the resource name ordinal. */ WriteWord(pRes->nameord);
AddResToResFile(pType, pRes, (PCHAR)&LocHeader, ArrayCount, Descriptor.BytesInRes);
/* Seek to the Next Descriptor */ MySeek(fhCode, DescOffset, SEEK_SET); }
pGroupRes ->size = sizeof(NEWHEADER) + NewHeader.ResCount * (sizeof(RESDIR) + sizeof(SHORT));
/* If the group resource is marked as PRELOAD, then we should use
** the same flags. Otherwise, mark it as DISCARDABLE */ if (!(pGroupRes ->flags & NSPRELOAD)) pGroupRes ->flags = NSMOVE | NSPURE | NSDISCARD;
/* Close the input file, nothing more to read */ fclose(fhCode); fhCode = NULL_FILE;
/* Copy the code array into RES file for Group items */ SaveResFile(pGroupType, pGroupRes); }
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* */ /* FileIsAnimated(LONG nbyFile) */ /* */ /* This function checks to see if the file we have is 3.0 icon/cursor file */ /* or an animated icon/cursor. */ /* */ /* Returns RT_* of filetype. */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
DWORD FileIsAnimated( LONG nbyFile ) { RTAG tag; LONG lRead;
lRead = MyRead(fhCode, &tag, sizeof(RTAG)); MySeek(fhCode, 0L, SEEK_SET); /* return to start of file */ if (lRead != sizeof(RTAG)) return FALSE;
return tag.ckID == FOURCC_RIFF; }
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* */ /* GetAniIconsAniCursors(ResType) */ /* */ /* This function check if the file we have is a valid animated icon. */ /* All the work performed here is purelly optional and is done to make */ /* sure that the image we write in the res file is in the proper format. */ /* Just returning the nbyFile would be enough to copy the file in the res */ /* file. */ /* */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
DWORD GetAniIconsAniCursors( LONG nbyFile ) { RTAG tag; LONG lRead = nbyFile;
/* Check if we have a RIFF file */ lRead -= MyRead(fhCode, &tag, sizeof(RTAG));
if( tag.ckID!=FOURCC_RIFF ) GenError2(2173, tokenbuf);
/* Read the next chunk */ lRead -= MyRead(fhCode, &tag.ckID, sizeof(tag.ckID)); if( tag.ckID!=FOURCC_ACON ) GenError2(2173, tokenbuf);
/* so we have an animated icon file, make sure all the blocks are there */ while( MyRead(fhCode, &tag, sizeof(RTAG)) ) { lRead -= sizeof(RTAG)+tag.ckSize; MySeek(fhCode, tag.ckSize, SEEK_CUR); }
if( lRead!=0 ) GenError2(2173, tokenbuf);
* Now that we are sure this is a valid file, move the * file pointer back at the begining of the file. */ MySeek(fhCode, 0L, SEEK_SET);
return nbyFile; }
/* GetBufferLen
* Returns the current length of the buffer */
WORD GetBufferLen( VOID ) { return (WORD)CCount; }
USHORT GetItemCount( int Index ) { return *((USHORT UNALIGNED*)(CodeArray + Index)); }
void SetItemCount( int Index, USHORT wCount ) { *((USHORT UNALIGNED*)(CodeArray + Index)) = wCount; }
DWORD SwapLong( DWORD dw ) { return ((dw << 24) & 0xff000000L) | ((dw << 8) & 0x00ff0000L) | ((dw >> 8) & 0x0000ff00L) | ((dw >> 24) & 0x000000ffL); }
WORD SwapWord( WORD w ) { return ((w << 8) & 0xff00) | ((w >> 8) & 0x00ff); }
enum { itNone = -1,
itIcn_ = 0, itIcl4 = 1, itIcl8 = 2,
itIcs_ = 3, itIcs4 = 4, itIcs8 = 5,
itIcm_ = 6, itIcm4 = 7, itIcm8 = 8,
itMax = 9 };
static DWORD mpitres[itMax] = { 'ICN#', 'icl4', 'icl8', 'ics#', 'ics4', 'ics8', 'icm#', 'icm4', 'icm8' };
enum { fitIcn_ = 1 << itIcn_, fitIcl4 = 1 << itIcl4, fitIcl8 = 1 << itIcl8,
fitIcs_ = 1 << itIcs_, fitIcs4 = 1 << itIcs4, fitIcs8 = 1 << itIcs8,
fitIcm_ = 1 << itIcm_, fitIcm4 = 1 << itIcm4, fitIcm8 = 1 << itIcm8 };
void GetMacIcon( TYPEINFO *pType, RESINFO *pRes ) { struct tagNEWHEADER gh; struct tagDESCRIPTOR ds; BITMAPINFOHEADER bmh; int ibDescNext; int mpitib[itMax]; int it; int ires; int fitFound;
/* The input file has already been opened; read in the bitmap file header */
MyRead(fhCode, &gh, sizeof(struct tagNEWHEADER)); if (gh.Reserved != 0 || gh.ResType != 1) GenError2(2175, tokenbuf);
/* run through all the icons, keeping track of the useful ones */
memset(mpitib, 0, sizeof(mpitib)); ibDescNext = MySeek(fhCode, 0L, SEEK_CUR); fitFound = 0; for (ires = 0; ires < gh.ResCount; ires++) { /* Read in the descriptor */
MySeek(fhCode, ibDescNext, SEEK_SET); MyRead(fhCode, &ds, sizeof(struct tagDESCRIPTOR)); ibDescNext = MySeek(fhCode, 0L, SEEK_CUR);
/* get bitmap header */
MySeek(fhCode, ds.OffsetToBits, SEEK_SET); MyRead(fhCode, &bmh, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER)); if (bmh.biSize != sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER)) GenError2(2176, tokenbuf);
/* find valid color cases */
if (bmh.biPlanes != 1) continue; if (bmh.biBitCount == 1) it = itIcn_; else if (bmh.biBitCount == 4) it = itIcl4; else if (bmh.biBitCount == 8) it = itIcl8; else continue;
/* find valid sizes */
if (bmh.biWidth == 16 && bmh.biHeight == 24) it += itIcm_ - itIcn_; else if (bmh.biWidth == 16 && bmh.biHeight == 32) it += itIcs_ - itIcn_; else if (bmh.biWidth == 32 && bmh.biHeight == 64) it += itIcn_ - itIcn_; else continue;
/* mark sizes we found */
fitFound |= 1 << it; mpitib[it] = ibDescNext - sizeof(struct tagDESCRIPTOR); }
/* if no usable icon found, bail out */
if (fitFound == 0) { GenWarning2(4508, tokenbuf); } else { if (fitFound & (fitIcn_|fitIcl4|fitIcl8)) ProcessMacIcons(pRes, itIcn_, mpitib[itIcn_], mpitib[itIcl4], mpitib[itIcl8]); if (fitFound & (fitIcs_|fitIcs4|fitIcs8)) ProcessMacIcons(pRes, itIcs_, mpitib[itIcs_], mpitib[itIcs4], mpitib[itIcs8]); if (fitFound & (fitIcm_|fitIcm4|fitIcm8)) ProcessMacIcons(pRes, itIcm_, mpitib[itIcs_], mpitib[itIcs4], mpitib[itIcs8]); }
fclose(fhCode); fhCode = NULL_FILE; }
int Luminance( const RGBColor* prgb ) { return prgb->red/256*30 + prgb->green/256*59 + prgb->blue/256*11; }
/* threshold = middle gray */
#define rThreshold 128
#define gThreshold 128
#define bThreshold 128
int lumThreshold = rThreshold*30 + gThreshold*59 + bThreshold*11;
void ProcessMacIcons( RESINFO* pResBase, int itBase, int ib1, int ib4, int ib8 ) { BITMAPINFOHEADER bmh; RGBQUAD* rgq; struct tagDESCRIPTOR ds; BYTE* pBits; int cbWidth, cbMask; int cbBits; int ib, iq; int y; BYTE *pbIn; BYTE* pbOut; BYTE bIn = 0, bOut;
/* create monochrome icon out of the best-looking icon */
if (ib1 != 0) { /* read the DIB */
ReadDIB(ib1, &ds, &bmh, &cbWidth, (void **) &pBits, &rgq, TRUE);
/* invert bits, if color table is backwards */
if (rgq[0].rgbReserved != 0) for (ib = cbWidth*bmh.biHeight/2; --ib >= 0; ) pBits[ib] ^= 0xff; } else if (ib4 != 0) { /* read the DIB and create color-to-mono color mapping */
ReadDIB(ib4, &ds, &bmh, &cbWidth, (void **) &pBits, &rgq, TRUE); for (iq = 0; iq < (int)bmh.biClrUsed; iq++) rgq[iq].rgbReserved = Luminance(&rgcs16[rgq[iq].rgbReserved].rgb) < lumThreshold;
/* map colors to black and white and convert to 1-bit/pixel */
for (y = 0; y < (int)(bmh.biHeight/2); y++) { pbIn = pBits + y*cbWidth; pbOut = pbIn; assert(cbWidth % 4 == 0); // we know it's 8 or 16 bytes wide
for (ib = 0; ib < cbWidth; ) { bIn = *pbIn++; bOut = (bOut<<1) | rgq[bIn>>4].rgbReserved; bOut = (bOut<<1) | rgq[bIn&0xf].rgbReserved; ib++; if (ib % 4 == 0) *pbOut++ = bOut; } } } else { /* read the DIB and create color-to-mono color mapping */
ReadDIB(ib8, &ds, &bmh, &cbWidth, (void **) &pBits, &rgq, TRUE); for (iq = 0; iq < (int)bmh.biClrUsed; iq++) rgq[iq].rgbReserved = Luminance(&rgcs256[rgq[iq].rgbReserved].rgb) < lumThreshold;
/* map colors to black and white and convert to 1-bit/pixel */
for (y = 0; y < (int)(bmh.biHeight/2); y++) { pbIn = pBits + y*cbWidth; pbOut = pbIn; assert(cbWidth % 8 == 0); // we know it's 16 or 32 bytes wide
for (ib = 0; ib < cbWidth; ) { bIn = *pbIn++; bOut = (bOut<<1) | rgq[bIn].rgbReserved; ib++; if (ib % 8 == 0) *pbOut++ = bOut; } } }
cbMask = (bmh.biWidth+31)/32*4; CompactAndFlipIcon(pBits, cbWidth, cbMask, bmh.biWidth/8, bmh.biWidth/8, bmh.biHeight/2); cbBits = bmh.biHeight * (bmh.biWidth/8);
/* "xor" the mask back into image */ pbOut = pBits; pbIn = pBits + cbBits/2; for (ib = cbBits/2; ib > 0; ib--) *pbOut++ ^= ~*pbIn++;
/* and write out base icon */
WriteMacRsrc(pBits, cbBits, pResBase, mpitres[itBase]); MyFree(pBits); MyFree(rgq);
/* move over 16-color icon */
if (ib4 != 0) { ReadDIB(ib4, &ds, &bmh, &cbWidth, (void **) &pBits, &rgq, TRUE);
/* convert color table to mac standard palette */
for (pbIn = pBits, ib = cbWidth*bmh.biHeight/2; ib > 0; pbIn++, ib--) { bIn = *pbIn; *pbIn = (rgq[bIn>>4].rgbReserved << 4) | rgq[bIn&0x0f].rgbReserved; }
/* compact and flip the image */
cbMask = (bmh.biWidth+31)/32*4; CompactAndFlipIcon(pBits, cbWidth, cbMask, bmh.biWidth/2, bmh.biWidth/8, bmh.biHeight/2); cbBits = (bmh.biHeight/2) * (bmh.biWidth/2);
/* "xor" the mask back into the image */
pbOut = pBits; pbIn = pBits + cbBits; for (ib = 0; ib < cbBits; ib++, pbOut++) { if (ib % 4 == 0) bIn = *pbIn++; if ((bIn & 0x80) == 0) *pbOut ^= 0xf0; if ((bIn & 0x40) == 0) *pbOut ^= 0x0f; bIn <<= 2; }
/* and write out the resource */
WriteMacRsrc(pBits, cbBits, pResBase, mpitres[itBase+itIcs4-itIcs_]); MyFree(pBits); MyFree(rgq); }
/* move over 256-color icon */
if (ib8 != 0) { ReadDIB(ib8, &ds, &bmh, &cbWidth, (void **) &pBits, &rgq, TRUE);
/* convert color table to mac standard palette */
for (pbIn = pBits, ib = cbWidth*bmh.biHeight/2; ib > 0; pbIn++, ib--) *pbIn = rgq[*pbIn].rgbReserved;
/* compact and flip the image */
cbMask = (bmh.biWidth+31)/32*4; CompactAndFlipIcon(pBits, cbWidth, cbMask, bmh.biWidth, bmh.biWidth/8, bmh.biHeight/2); cbBits = (bmh.biHeight/2) * (bmh.biWidth);
/* "xor" the mask back into the image */
pbOut = pBits; pbIn = pBits + cbBits; for (ib = 0; ib < cbBits; ib++, pbOut++) { if (ib % 8 == 0) bIn = *pbIn++; if ((bIn & 0x80) == 0) *pbOut ^= 0xff; bIn <<= 1; }
/* and write out the resource */
WriteMacRsrc(pBits, cbBits, pResBase, mpitres[itBase+itIcs8-itIcs_]);
MyFree(pBits); MyFree(rgq); } }
void WriteMacRsrc( void* pBits, int cbBits, RESINFO* pResBase, DWORD res ) { WCHAR sz[8]; TYPEINFO* pType; RESINFO* pRes;
sz[0] = (char)(res >> 24); sz[1] = (char)(res >> 16); sz[2] = (char)(res >> 8); sz[3] = (char)res; sz[4] = 0; pType = AddResType(sz, 0);
pRes = (RESINFO *)MyAlloc(sizeof(RESINFO)); *pRes = *pResBase; pRes->size = cbBits;
AddResToResFile(pType, pRes, (PCHAR) pBits, (WORD)cbBits, 0); }
void CompactAndFlipIcon( BYTE* pBits, int cbRowCur, int cbRowMaskCur, int cbRowNew, int cbRowMaskNew, int Height ) { BYTE* pBitsNew; int y; BYTE* pbFrom, *pbTo; int cb;
assert(cbRowCur >= cbRowNew); pBitsNew = (BYTE *) MyAlloc((WORD)(Height*(cbRowNew+cbRowMaskCur)));
/* copy the bits over into the scratch space, compacting and
flipping as we go */
for (y = 0; y < Height; y++) memcpy(pBitsNew+y*cbRowNew, pBits+(Height-y-1)*cbRowCur, cbRowNew);
/* copy over the mask, flipping and inverting as we go */
for (y = 0; y < Height; y++) { pbTo = pBitsNew + cbRowNew*Height + y*cbRowMaskNew; pbFrom = pBits + cbRowCur*Height + (Height-y-1)*cbRowMaskCur; for (cb = cbRowMaskNew; cb > 0; cb--) *pbTo++ = ~*pbFrom++; }
/* and move the result back to pBits */
memcpy(pBits, pBitsNew, (cbRowNew+cbRowMaskCur)*Height); MyFree(pBitsNew); }
void CrunchY(unsigned char* pbSrc, unsigned char* pbDst, int WidthBytes, int dySrc, int scale); void CrunchX2(unsigned char* pbSrc, unsigned char* pbDst, int cbWidth, int dy);
void GetMacCursor( TYPEINFO *pType, RESINFO *pRes ) { struct tagNEWHEADER gh; struct tagDESCRIPTOR ds; BITMAPINFOHEADER bmh; RGBQUAD *rgbq; short rgwMask[16]; short rgwData[16]; int xyBest; int xScale, yScale; char* pbBits; int ibDescNext, ibDescBest; int ires; int y, dy; int cbWidth;
/* The input file has already been opened; read in the bitmap file header */
MyRead(fhCode, &gh, sizeof(struct tagNEWHEADER)); if (gh.Reserved != 0 || gh.ResType != 2) GenError2(2175, tokenbuf);
/* find the best-looking cursor */
xyBest = 32767; ibDescBest = -1; ibDescNext = MySeek(fhCode, 0L, SEEK_CUR); for (ires = 0; ires < gh.ResCount; ires++) { /* Read in the descriptor */
MySeek(fhCode, ibDescNext, SEEK_SET); MyRead(fhCode, &ds, sizeof(struct tagDESCRIPTOR)); ibDescNext = MySeek(fhCode, 0L, SEEK_CUR);
/* get bitmap header */
MySeek(fhCode, ds.OffsetToBits, SEEK_SET); MyRead(fhCode, &bmh, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER)); if (bmh.biSize != sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER)) GenError2(2176, tokenbuf); /* !!! could we be smarter here about smaller cursors? */ if (bmh.biBitCount != 1 || bmh.biPlanes != 1 || bmh.biWidth % 16 != 0 || bmh.biHeight % 32 != 0) continue; xScale = bmh.biWidth / 16; yScale = bmh.biHeight / 32; if (xScale > 2) continue; if (xScale * yScale < xyBest) { xyBest = xScale * yScale; ibDescBest = ibDescNext - sizeof(struct tagDESCRIPTOR); } }
/* if no usable cursor found, bail out */
if (ibDescBest == -1) { GenWarning2(4507, tokenbuf); return; }
/* go back and get the best descriptor and bitmap header */
ReadDIB(ibDescBest, &ds, &bmh, &cbWidth, (void **) &pbBits, &rgbq, FALSE);
/* if our color table is backwards, invert the bits */
if ((rgbq[0].rgbRed == 0xff) && (rgbq[0].rgbGreen == 0xff) && (rgbq[0].rgbBlue == 0xff)) { int cb; for (cb = cbWidth * bmh.biHeight; cb > 0; cb--) pbBits[cb] = ~pbBits[cb]; }
/* if necessary, scale the bits down to 16x16 */
if (xyBest != 1) { GenWarning2(4506, tokenbuf);
if (bmh.biWidth > 16) { assert(bmh.biWidth == 32); ds.xHotSpot /= (int)(bmh.biWidth / 16); CrunchX2((unsigned char *) pbBits, (unsigned char *) pbBits, cbWidth, bmh.biHeight); cbWidth = 2; }
if (bmh.biHeight > 32) { ds.yHotSpot /= (int)(bmh.biHeight / 32); CrunchY((unsigned char *) pbBits, (unsigned char *) pbBits, cbWidth, bmh.biHeight, bmh.biHeight/32); bmh.biHeight = 32; } }
/* now build the CURS resource mask and data */
dy = bmh.biHeight/2; if (cbWidth == 1) { for (y = dy; y > 0; y--) { rgwMask[dy-y] = pbBits[y-1]; rgwData[dy-y] = pbBits[dy+y-1] ^ ~rgwMask[dy-y]; } } else { for (y = dy; y > 0; y--) { rgwMask[dy-y] = ~*(short*)&pbBits[(dy+y-1)*cbWidth]; rgwData[dy-y] = *(short*)&pbBits[(y-1)*cbWidth] ^ rgwMask[dy-y]; } } for (y = dy; y < 16; y++) { rgwMask[y] = 0; rgwData[y] = 0; }
/* and write out the CURS resource data */
WriteBuffer(rgwData, 32); WriteBuffer(rgwMask, 32); WriteWord(ds.yHotSpot); WriteWord(ds.xHotSpot);
pRes->size = 32 + 32 + 2 + 2;
/* and we're done - cleanup and return */
MyFree(pbBits); MyFree(rgbq); fclose(fhCode); fhCode = NULL_FILE; AddResToResFile(pType, pRes, CodeArray, CCount, 0); }
void ReadDIB( int ibDesc, struct tagDESCRIPTOR* pds, BITMAPINFOHEADER* pbmh, int* pcbWidth, void** ppBits, RGBQUAD** prgq, BOOL fIcon ) { int cbBits; int iq;
MySeek(fhCode, ibDesc, SEEK_SET); MyRead(fhCode, pds, sizeof(struct tagDESCRIPTOR)); MySeek(fhCode, pds->OffsetToBits, SEEK_SET); MyRead(fhCode, pbmh, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER));
/* get the color table and map to macintosh color palette while we're
looking at it */
if (pbmh->biClrUsed == 0) pbmh->biClrUsed = 1 << pbmh->biBitCount; *prgq = (RGBQUAD *) MyAlloc(pbmh->biClrUsed * sizeof(RGBQUAD)); MyRead(fhCode, *prgq, pbmh->biClrUsed * sizeof(RGBQUAD)); switch (pbmh->biBitCount) { case 1: for (iq = 0; iq < (int)pbmh->biClrUsed; iq++) LookupIconColor(rgcs2, ccs2, &(*prgq)[iq]); break; case 4: for (iq = 0; iq < (int)pbmh->biClrUsed; iq++) LookupIconColor(rgcs16, ccs16, &(*prgq)[iq]); break; case 8: // !!! should use 256-color palette
for (iq = 0; iq < (int)pbmh->biClrUsed; iq++) LookupIconColor(rgcs256, ccs256, &(*prgq)[iq]); break; default: break; }
/* allocate space for the bits, and load them in */
*pcbWidth = (pbmh->biBitCount*pbmh->biWidth+31)/32*4; if (fIcon) cbBits = (*pcbWidth * pbmh->biHeight/2) + ((pbmh->biWidth+31)/32*4) * (pbmh->biHeight/2); else cbBits = *pcbWidth * pbmh->biHeight; *ppBits = MyAlloc(cbBits); MyRead(fhCode, *ppBits, cbBits); }
void LookupIconColor( const ColorSpec* rgcs, int ccs, RGBQUAD* pq ) { int ics, icsBest; int dred, dgreen, dblue; int drgb, drgbBest;
drgbBest = 32767; icsBest = -1; for (ics = 0; ics < ccs; ics++) { dred = pq->rgbRed - (rgcs[ics].rgb.red>>8); dgreen = pq->rgbGreen - (rgcs[ics].rgb.green>>8); dblue = pq->rgbBlue - (rgcs[ics].rgb.blue>>8); drgb = abs(dred) + abs(dgreen) + abs(dblue); if (drgb < drgbBest) { drgbBest = drgb; icsBest = ics; if (drgbBest == 0) break; } } pq->rgbReserved = (BYTE)rgcs[icsBest].value; }
BOOL IsIcon( TYPEINFO* ptype ) { unsigned long rt; short it;
if (ptype->type == 0) return FALSE; rt = res_type(ptype->type[0], ptype->type[1], ptype->type[2], ptype->type[3]); for (it = 0; it < itMax; it++) if (rt == mpitres[it]) return TRUE; return FALSE; }
void CrunchX2( unsigned char* pbSrc, unsigned char* pbDst, int cbWidth, int dy ) { unsigned short cw, cwWidth; unsigned short w; unsigned char b = 0; short bit;
assert(dy > 0); assert(cbWidth > 1);
cwWidth = cbWidth / 2; do { cw = cwWidth; do { w = (*pbSrc << 8)|(*(pbSrc+1)); pbSrc += 2; bit = 8; do { b >>= 1; if ((w & 3) == 3) /* if both are white, keep white */ b += 0x80; w >>= 2; } while (--bit != 0); *pbDst++ = b; } while (--cw > 0); pbDst += cwWidth & 1; } while (--dy > 0); }
void CrunchY( unsigned char* pbSrc, unsigned char* pbDst, int WidthBytes, int dySrc, int scale ) { int cbGroup; int cwRow; int dyDst, dy; unsigned short w; unsigned char *pb;
if (scale <= 1) { memcpy(pbDst, pbSrc, dySrc * WidthBytes); return; } dyDst = dySrc / scale; cbGroup = WidthBytes * (scale - 1);
do { cwRow = WidthBytes / sizeof(unsigned short); do { pb = pbSrc; w = *(unsigned short*)pb; dy = scale - 1; do { pb += WidthBytes; w &= *(unsigned short*)pb; } while (--dy > 0); *((unsigned short*)pbDst) = w; pbDst += sizeof(unsigned short); pbSrc += sizeof(unsigned short); } while (--cwRow > 0); pbSrc += cbGroup; } while (--dyDst > 0); }
/* WriteMacMap
* * Writes out a macintosh resource map from the type and resource * data stashed away in the type and resource lists * * See Inside Mac, Volume I, for a fine description of the * format of a macintosh resource file */ void WriteMacMap( void ) { TYPEINFO *ptype; RESINFO *pres; int i; size_t cch; int cbNameTbl, ctype, cref, ibName; long cbData; int offRef; WCHAR *pch; #define cbMacType 8
#define cbMacRef 12
/* alright, we're done reading all this stuff in, run through all
our type lists and see what we've accumulated */
cbData = MySeek(fhBin, 0L, 1) - MACDATAOFFSET; ctype = 0; cref = 0; cbNameTbl = 0;
for (ptype = pTypInfo; ptype != 0; ptype = ptype->next) { if (ptype->nres == 0) continue; ctype++; cref += ptype->nres; for (pres = ptype->pres; pres != 0; pres = pres->next) { /* make sure each reference has a unique resource id */ if (pres->nameord == 0) pres->nameord = (USHORT)IdUnique(ptype, pres); if (pres->name != 0) cbNameTbl += wcslen(pres->name)+1; } }
/* write out the resource header at offset 0 in the file */
MySeek(fhBin, 0L, 0); CtlInit(); WriteLong((long)MACDATAOFFSET); WriteLong((long)MACDATAOFFSET + cbData); WriteLong(cbData); WriteLong((long)(16+4+2+2+2+2+2 + ctype*cbMacType + cref*cbMacRef + cbNameTbl)); for (i = (MACDATAOFFSET - 16)/4; i-- > 0; ) WriteLong(0); MyWrite(fhBin, CodeArray, CCount);
/* we've already written out all the data, now write out the
beginning of the map part of the resource file */
MySeek(fhBin, (long)MACDATAOFFSET + cbData, 0); CtlInit(); /* 24 bytes of 0s */ for (i = 6; i-- > 0; ) WriteLong(0); /* offset to start of type list */ WriteWord(28); /* offset to start of name list */ WriteWord((USHORT)(28 + 2 + ctype * cbMacType + cref * cbMacRef));
/* dump out type table of the resource map */
WriteWord((USHORT)(ctype - 1)); offRef = 2 + ctype * cbMacType; for (ptype = pTypInfo; ptype != 0; ptype = ptype->next) { long rt; TYPEINFO *ptypeX;
if (ptype->nres == 0) continue;
/* 32-bit resource name - verify name truncation didn't
cause conflicts */
rt = MungeResType(ptype->type, ptype->typeord);
for (ptypeX = ptype->next; ptypeX != 0; ptypeX = ptypeX->next) { if (rt == MungeResType(ptypeX->type, ptypeX->typeord)) { wchar_t szMac[8]; wchar_t szType1[128]; wchar_t szType2[128];
szMac[0] = (BYTE) (rt >> 24); szMac[1] = (BYTE) (rt >> 16); szMac[2] = (BYTE) (rt >> 8); szMac[3] = (BYTE) (rt); szMac[4] = 0;
if (ptype->typeord) swprintf(szType1, L"%d", ptype->typeord); else wcscpy(szType1, ptype->type);
if (ptypeX->typeord) swprintf(szType2, L"%d", ptypeX->typeord); else wcscpy(szType2, ptypeX->type);
GenWarning4(4509, szType1, szType2, szMac); } } WriteLong(rt); /* number of references of this type */ WriteWord((USHORT)(ptype->nres-1)); /* offset to the reference list for this type */ WriteWord((USHORT)offRef); offRef += ptype->nres * cbMacRef; }
/* dump out reference table of the resource map */
ibName = 0; for (ptype = pTypInfo; ptype != 0; ptype = ptype->next) { if (ptype->nres == 0) continue;
for (pres = ptype->pres; pres != 0; pres = pres->next) { /* resource id */ WriteWord(pres->nameord); /* offset to name in namelist */ if (pres->name == 0) { WriteWord(0xffff); /* unnamed, use -1 */ } else { WriteWord((USHORT)ibName); ibName += wcslen(pres->name)+1; } /* attributes and resource data offset */ WriteLong(pres->BinOffset); /* must be 0 */ WriteLong(0L); } }
/* and finally, dump out name table */
/* note that we've implemented the Unicode=>ASCII conversion here by
simply dumping out the low byte of each Unicode character. Effectively, we're assuming that resource names will be ASCII. Changing this would require changing the output code here and also changing a few places where we use wcslen to calculate the number of bytes that the ASCII resource name will require. If the resource name can contain 2-byte characters we would need to convert the Unicode to multi-byte and then count characters instead of just calling wcslen. */
for (ptype = pTypInfo; ptype != 0; ptype = ptype->next) { if (ptype->nres == 0) continue;
for (pres = ptype->pres; pres != 0; pres = pres->next) { if (pres->name == 0) continue;
WriteByte(cch = wcslen(pres->name)); for (pch = pres->name; cch--; ) WriteByte((BYTE)*pch++); } } MyWrite(fhBin, CodeArray, CCount); }
long MungeResType( WCHAR *szType, short wOrd ) { long rt; int ich;
switch (wOrd) { case 0: assert(szType != NULL && *szType != 0); rt = 0; for (ich = 0; ich < 4; ich++) { rt <<= 8; if (*szType) rt |= (BYTE) (*szType++); else rt |= ' '; } break; case RT_CURSOR: rt = 'CURS'; break; case RT_BITMAP: rt = 'WBMP'; break; case RT_ICON: rt = 'WICO'; break; case RT_MENU: rt = 'WMNU'; break; case RT_DIALOG: rt = 'WDLG'; break; case RT_STRING: rt = 'STR#'; break; case RT_ACCELERATOR: rt = 'WACC'; break; case RT_RCDATA: case RT_DLGINIT: rt = 'HEXA'; break; case RT_TOOLBAR: rt = 'TLBR'; break; case RT_GROUP_CURSOR: rt = 'CURS'; break; case RT_GROUP_ICON: rt = 'WGIC'; break; case RT_VERSION: rt = 'WVER'; break; case RT_FONTDIR: case RT_FONT: //case RT_ERRTABLE:
default: { static const char rgchHex[] = "0123456789ABCDEF"; char ch4 = rgchHex[wOrd & 0x0f]; char ch3 = rgchHex[(wOrd >> 4) & 0x0f]; char ch2 = rgchHex[(wOrd >> 8) & 0x0f]; char ch1 = 'M' + ((wOrd >> 12) & 0x0f); rt = res_type(ch1,ch2,ch3,ch4); break; } }
return rt; }
/* IdUnique
* * Searches through the items of the given type looking for * an unused resource id. Returns the smallest resource id * that is not currently used. * * This routine handles icon families in a particular annoying * way, using a particularly inefficient algorithm. But it * does keep icon ids synchronized if they have the same name. * * Entry: * ptype - type to search * pres - resource type needing the unique id * * Exit: * retunrs - a unique resource id */ int IdUnique( TYPEINFO *ptype, RESINFO *pres ) { int id; RESINFO *presScan; TYPEINFO* ptypeIcon;
assert(ptype->pres != 0);
if (IsIcon(ptype)) { /* see if we've already found an id for an icon with the same name */
assert(pres->name != NULL); for (ptypeIcon = pTypInfo; ptypeIcon != NULL; ptypeIcon = ptypeIcon->next) { if (!IsIcon(ptypeIcon)) continue; for (presScan = ptypeIcon->pres; presScan != NULL; presScan = presScan->next) { if (presScan->name == NULL || presScan->nameord == 0) continue; if (wcscmp(presScan->name, pres->name) == 0) return presScan->nameord; } }
/* rats, didn't find it, gotta find one that's unique in *all* the
icon types */
for (id = idBase; ; ) { for (ptypeIcon = pTypInfo; ptypeIcon != NULL; ptypeIcon = ptypeIcon->next) { if (!IsIcon(ptypeIcon)) continue; for (presScan = ptypeIcon->pres; presScan != NULL; presScan = presScan->next) { if (presScan->nameord == id) goto NextId; } } return id; NextId: id = (id+1) & 0xffff; if (id == 0) id = 1; } } else { for (id = idBase; ; ) { for (presScan = ptype->pres; presScan->nameord != id; ) { presScan = presScan->next; if (presScan == 0) return id; } id = (id+1) & 0xffff; if (id == 0) id = 1; } } }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* */ /* GetToolbar - */ /* */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
SHORT GetToolbarValue( void ) { SHORT sVal;
if (!GetFullExpression(&sVal, GFE_ZEROINIT | GFE_SHORT)) ParseError1(2250); //"expected numerical toolbar constant"
return(sVal); }
void GetButtonSize( PSHORT cx, PSHORT cy ) { *cx= GetToolbarValue(); if (token.type == COMMA) GetToken(TOKEN_NOEXPRESSION); *cy= GetToolbarValue(); }
int GetToolbar( PRESINFO pRes ) { SHORT cx, cy; BOOL bItemRead = FALSE;
WriteWord(0x0001); // Version 1 of this resource.
GetButtonSize(&cx, &cy);
WriteWord(cx); WriteWord(cy);
ItemCountLoc = CCount; /* global marker for location of item cnt. */
/* skip place for num of items */ WriteWord(0);
PreBeginParse(pRes, 2251);
while (token.type != END) { switch (token.type) { case TKSEPARATOR: bItemRead = TRUE; GetToken(TOKEN_NOEXPRESSION); WriteWord(0); break;
case TKBUTTON: bItemRead = TRUE; GetToken(TRUE); if (token.type != NUMLIT) ParseError1(2250); //"expected numerical toolbar constant"
WriteWord(GetToolbarValue()); break;
case EOFMARK: ParseError1(2252); //"END expected in toolbar"
quit(NULL); break;
default: ParseError1(2253); //"unknown toolbar item type"
GetToken(TOKEN_NOEXPRESSION); // try to continue
continue; }
IncItemCount(); }
/* make sure we have a toolbar item */ if (!bItemRead) ParseError1(2254); //"empty toolbars not allowed"
if (fMacRsrcs) SwapItemCount();
return (TRUE); }