* Microsoft (R) Windows (R) Resource Compiler * * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * * File Comments: * * ***********************************************************************/
#include "rc.h"
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* */ /* MyAlloc() - */ /* */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
// HACK Alert. Allocate an extra longlong and return past it (to allow for PREVCH()
// to store a byte before the allocation block and to maintain 8 byte alignment).
void *MyAlloc(size_t nbytes) { void *pv = HeapAlloc(hHeap, HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE | HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, nbytes + 8);
if (pv == NULL) { fatal(1120, nbytes + 8); }
return(((BYTE *) pv) + 8); }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* */ /* MyFree() - */ /* */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
void MyFree(void *pv) { if (pv != NULL) { HeapFree(hHeap, HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, ((BYTE *) pv) - 8); } }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* */ /* MyMakeStr() - */ /* */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
WCHAR * MyMakeStr( const wchar_t *s ) { wchar_t *s1;
if (s != NULL) { s1 = (wchar_t *) MyAlloc((wcslen(s) + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t)); /* allocate buffer */ wcscpy(s1, s); /* copy string */ } else { s1 = NULL; }
return(s1); }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* */ /* MyRead() - */ /* */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
size_t MyRead( FILE *fh, VOID *p, size_t n ) { size_t n1;
n1 = fread(p, 1, n, fh);
if (ferror(fh)) { fatal(1121); }
return(n1); }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* */ /* MyWrite() - */ /* */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
size_t MyWrite( FILE *fh, const void *p, size_t n ) { size_t n1;
if ((n1 = fwrite(p, 1, n, fh)) != n) { quit(L"RC : fatal error RW1022: I/O error writing file."); }
return(n1); }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* */ /* MyAlign() - */ /* */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
UINT MyAlign( PFILE fh ) { DWORD t0 = 0; DWORD ib;
/* align file to dword */ ib = MySeek(fh, 0, SEEK_CUR);
if (ib % 4) { ib = 4 - ib % 4; MyWrite(fh, (PVOID)&t0, (UINT)ib); return(ib); }
return(0); }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* */ /* MySeek() - */ /* */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
LONG MySeek( FILE *fh, LONG pos, int cmd ) { if (fseek(fh, pos, cmd)) quit(L"RC : fatal error RW1023: I/O error seeking in file");
if ((pos = ftell (fh)) == -1L) quit(L"RC : fatal error RW1023: I/O error seeking in file");
return(pos); }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* */ /* MyCopy() - */ /* */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
size_t MyCopy( FILE *srcfh, FILE *dstfh, size_t nbytes ) { void *buffer = MyAlloc(BUFSIZE);
size_t n = 0;
while (nbytes) { if (nbytes <= BUFSIZE) n = nbytes; else n = BUFSIZE;
nbytes -= n;
MyRead(srcfh, buffer, n); MyWrite(dstfh, buffer, n); }
return(n); }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* */ /* MyCopyAll() - */ /* */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
int MyCopyAll( FILE *srcfh, PFILE dstfh ) { PCHAR buffer = (PCHAR) MyAlloc(BUFSIZE);
while ((n = fread(buffer, 1, BUFSIZE, srcfh)) != 0) MyWrite(dstfh, buffer, n);
return TRUE; }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* */ /* strpre() - */ /* */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
/* strpre: return -1 if pch1 is a prefix of pch2, 0 otherwise.
* compare is case insensitive. */
int strpre( const wchar_t *pch1, const wchar_t *pch2 ) { while (*pch1) { if (!*pch2) return 0; else if (towupper(*pch1) == towupper(*pch2)) pch1++, pch2++; else return 0; } return - 1; }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* */ /* iswhite() - */ /* */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
int iswhite ( WCHAR c ) { /* returns true for whitespace and linebreak characters */ switch (c) { case L' ': case L'\t': case L'\r': case L'\n': case EOF: return(-1); break; default: return(0); break; } }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* */ /* IsSwitchChar() - */ /* */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
BOOL IsSwitchChar( wchar_t c ) { /* true for switch characters */ return (c == L'/' || c == L'-'); }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* */ /* ExtractFileName(szFullName, szFileName) - */ /* */ /* This routine is used to extract just the file name from a string */ /* that may or may not contain a full or partial path name. */ /* */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
void ExtractFileName( const wchar_t *szFullName, wchar_t *szFileName ) { int iLen; PWCHAR pCh;
iLen = wcslen(szFullName);
/* Goto the last character of the full name; */ pCh = (PWCHAR)(szFullName + iLen); pCh--;
/* Look for '/', '\\' or ':' character */ while (iLen--) { if ((*pCh == L'\\') || (*pCh == L'/') || (*pCh == L':')) break; pCh--; }
wcscpy(szFileName, ++pCh); }
DWORD wcsatoi( const wchar_t *s ) { DWORD t = 0;
while (*s) { t = 10 * t + (DWORD)((CHAR)*s - '0'); s++; } return t; }
WCHAR * wcsitow( LONG v, WCHAR *s, DWORD r ) { DWORD cb = 0; DWORD t; DWORD tt = v;
while (tt) { t = tt % r; cb++; tt /= r; }
s += cb; *s-- = 0; while (v) { t = v % r; *s-- = (WCHAR)((CHAR)t + '0'); v /= r; } return ++s; }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// PreBeginParse
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
VOID PreBeginParse( PRESINFO pRes, int id ) { while (token.type != BEGIN) { switch (token.type) { case TKLANGUAGE: pRes->language = GetLanguage(); break;
case TKVERSION: GetToken(FALSE); if (token.type != NUMLIT) ParseError1(2139); pRes->version = token.longval; break;
case TKCHARACTERISTICS: GetToken(FALSE); if (token.type != NUMLIT) ParseError1(2140); pRes->characteristics = token.longval; break;
default: ParseError1(id); break; } GetToken(FALSE); }
if (token.type != BEGIN) ParseError1(id);
GetToken(TRUE); }