Copyright (c) 1991 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Utility to display all or part of the registry directory.
REGDIR [KeyPath]
Will ennumerate and dump out the subkeys and values of KeyPath, and then apply itself recursively to each subkey it finds.
Default KeyPath if none specified is \Registry
Steve Wood (stevewo) 12-Mar-92
Revision History:
#include "regutil.h"
void DumpValues( HKEY KeyHandle, PWSTR KeyName, ULONG Depth );
void DumpKeys( HKEY ParentKeyHandle, PWSTR KeyName, ULONG Depth );
BOOLEAN RecurseIntoSubkeys = FALSE;
BOOL CtrlCHandler( IN ULONG CtrlType ) { RTDisconnectFromRegistry( &RegistryContext ); return FALSE; }
int __cdecl main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { ULONG n; char *s; LONG Error; PWSTR RegistryPath;
InitCommonCode( CtrlCHandler, "REGDIR", "[-r] registryPath", "-r specifies to recurse into subdirectories\n" "registryPath specifies where to start displaying.\n" );
RegistryPath = NULL; while (--argc) { s = *++argv; if (*s == '-' || *s == '/') { while (*++s) { switch( tolower( *s ) ) { case 'r': RecurseIntoSubkeys = TRUE; break;
default: CommonSwitchProcessing( &argc, &argv, *s ); break; } } } else if (RegistryPath == NULL) { RegistryPath = GetArgAsUnicode( s ); } else { Usage( "May only specify one registry path to display", 0 ); } }
Error = RTConnectToRegistry( MachineName, HiveFileName, HiveRootName, Win95Path, Win95UserPath, &RegistryPath, &RegistryContext ); if (Error != NO_ERROR) { FatalError( "Unable to access registry specifed (%u)", Error, 0 ); }
DumpKeys( RegistryContext.HiveRootHandle, RegistryPath, 0 );
RTDisconnectFromRegistry( &RegistryContext ); return 0; }
void DumpKeys( HKEY ParentKeyHandle, PWSTR KeyName, ULONG Depth ) { LONG Error; HKEY KeyHandle; ULONG SubKeyIndex; WCHAR SubKeyName[ MAX_PATH ]; ULONG SubKeyNameLength; FILETIME LastWriteTime;
Error = RTOpenKey( &RegistryContext, ParentKeyHandle, KeyName, MAXIMUM_ALLOWED, REG_OPTION_OPEN_LINK, &KeyHandle );
if (Error != NO_ERROR) { if (Depth == 0) { FatalError( "Unable to open key '%ws' (%u)\n", (ULONG_PTR)KeyName, (ULONG)Error ); }
if (DebugOutput) { fprintf( stderr, "Unable to open key '%ws' (%u)\n", KeyName, (ULONG)Error ); }
return; }
// Print name of node we are about to dump out
printf( "%.*s%ws", Depth * IndentMultiple, " ", KeyName ); RTFormatKeySecurity( (PREG_OUTPUT_ROUTINE)fprintf, stdout, KeyHandle, NULL ); printf( "\n" );
// Print out node's values
if (Depth != 1 || RecurseIntoSubkeys) { DumpValues( KeyHandle, KeyName, Depth + 1 ); }
// Enumerate node's children and apply ourselves to each one
if (Depth == 0 || RecurseIntoSubkeys) { for (SubKeyIndex = 0; TRUE; SubKeyIndex++) { SubKeyNameLength = sizeof( SubKeyName ) / sizeof(WCHAR); Error = RTEnumerateKey( &RegistryContext, KeyHandle, SubKeyIndex, &LastWriteTime, &SubKeyNameLength, SubKeyName );
if (Error != NO_ERROR) { if (Error != ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS && Error != ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) { fprintf( stderr, "RTEnumerateKey( %ws ) failed (%u), skipping\n", KeyName, Error ); }
break; }
DumpKeys( KeyHandle, SubKeyName, Depth + 1 ); } }
RTCloseKey( &RegistryContext, KeyHandle );
return; }
void DumpValues( HKEY KeyHandle, PWSTR KeyName, ULONG Depth ) { LONG Error; DWORD ValueIndex; DWORD ValueType; DWORD ValueNameLength; WCHAR ValueName[ MAX_PATH ]; DWORD ValueDataLength;
for (ValueIndex = 0; TRUE; ValueIndex++) { ValueType = REG_NONE; ValueNameLength = sizeof( ValueName ) / sizeof( WCHAR ); ValueDataLength = OldValueBufferSize; Error = RTEnumerateValueKey( &RegistryContext, KeyHandle, ValueIndex, &ValueType, &ValueNameLength, ValueName, &ValueDataLength, OldValueBuffer ); if (Error == NO_ERROR) { RTFormatKeyValue( OutputWidth, (PREG_OUTPUT_ROUTINE)fprintf, stdout, TRUE, Depth * IndentMultiple, ValueName, ValueDataLength, ValueType, OldValueBuffer ); } else if (Error == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) { return; } else { if (DebugOutput) { fprintf( stderr, "RTEnumerateValueKey( %ws ) failed (%u)\n", KeyName, Error ); }
return; } } }