* This is a part of the Microsoft Source Code Samples. * Copyright 1995 - 1997 Microsoft Corporation. * All rights reserved. * This source code is only intended as a supplement to * Microsoft Development Tools and/or WinHelp documentation. * See these sources for detailed information regarding the * Microsoft samples programs. \******************************************************************************/
Copyright (c) 1997 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
The server component of Remote. Handshake with client at start of session.
Dave Hart 30 May 1997
Console App. User mode.
Revision History:
#include <precomp.h>
#include "Remote.h"
#include "Server.h"
VOID FASTCALL HandshakeWithRemoteClient( PREMOTE_CLIENT pClient ) { pClient->ServerFlags |= SFLG_HANDSHAKING;
// Read hostname from client
ZeroMemory( &pClient->ReadOverlapped, sizeof(pClient->ReadOverlapped) );
if ( ! ReadFileEx( pClient->PipeReadH, pClient->Name, HOSTNAMELEN - 1, &pClient->ReadOverlapped, ReadClientNameCompleted )) {
CloseClient(pClient); } }
pClient = CONTAINING_RECORD(lpO, REMOTE_CLIENT, ReadOverlapped);
if (pClient->ServerFlags & SFLG_CLOSING) {
return; }
if (dwError) { CloseClient(pClient); return; }
if ((HOSTNAMELEN - 1) != cbRead) { printf("ReadClientNameCompleted read %d s/b %d.\n", cbRead, (HOSTNAMELEN - 1)); CloseClient(pClient); return; }
// The client name read is 15 bytes always. The last four
// should match MAGICNUMBER, which conveniently has the
// low byte zeroed to terminate the client name after 11
// characters.
if (MAGICNUMBER != *(DWORD UNALIGNED *)&pClient->Name[11]) {
pClient->Name[11] = 0; CloseClient(pClient); return; }
// Now we can tell if this is a single-pipe or two-pipe
// client, because single-pipe clients replace the
// first byte of the computername with the illegal
// character '?'.
if ('?' == pClient->Name[0]) {
pClient->PipeWriteH = pClient->PipeReadH;
TRACE(CONNECT, ("Client %d pipe %p is single-pipe.\n", pClient->dwID, pClient->PipeWriteH));
// In order for things to work reliably for 2-pipe clients
// when there are multiple remote servers on the same pipename,
// we need to tear down the listening OUT pipe and recreate it so
// that the oldest listening IN pipe will be from the same process
// as the oldest listening OUT pipe.
if (1 == cConnectIns) {
TRACE(CONNECT, ("Recycling OUT pipe %p as well for round-robin behavior.\n", hPipeOut));
CancelIo(hPipeOut); DisconnectNamedPipe(hPipeOut); CloseHandle(hPipeOut); hPipeOut = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; bOutPipeConnected = FALSE;
CreatePipeAndIssueConnect(OUT_PIPE); }
} else {
if ( ! bOutPipeConnected ) {
printf("Remote: %p two-pipe client connected to IN pipe but not OUT?\n", pClient); CloseClient(pClient); return; }
bOutPipeConnected = FALSE;
if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hConnectOutTimer) { CancelWaitableTimer(hConnectOutTimer); }
pClient->PipeWriteH = hPipeOut; hPipeOut = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
TRACE(CONNECT, ("Client %d is dual-pipe IN %p OUT %p.\n", pClient->dwID, pClient->PipeReadH, pClient->PipeWriteH));
CreatePipeAndIssueConnect(OUT_PIPE); }
TRACE(SHAKE, ("Read client name %s\n", pClient->Name));
// Send our little pile of goodies to the client
ssr.MagicNumber = MAGICNUMBER; ssr.Size = sizeof(ssr); ssr.FileSize = dwWriteFilePointer;
// Copy ssr structure to a buffer that will be around
// for the entire I/O.
CopyMemory(pClient->WriteBuffer, &ssr, sizeof(ssr));
if ( ! WriteFileEx( pClient->PipeWriteH, pClient->WriteBuffer, sizeof(ssr), &pClient->WriteOverlapped, WriteServerReplyCompleted )) {
CloseClient(pClient); } }
VOID WINAPI WriteServerReplyCompleted( DWORD dwError, DWORD cbWritten, LPOVERLAPPED lpO ) { PREMOTE_CLIENT pClient;
pClient = CONTAINING_RECORD(lpO, REMOTE_CLIENT, WriteOverlapped);
if (pClient->ServerFlags & SFLG_CLOSING) {
return; }
if (HandleSessionError(pClient, dwError)) { return; }
TRACE(SHAKE, ("Wrote server reply\n"));
// Read the size of the SESSION_STARTUPINFO the client is
// sending us, to deal gracefully with different versions
// on client and server.
if ( ! ReadFileEx( pClient->PipeReadH, pClient->ReadBuffer, sizeof(DWORD), &pClient->ReadOverlapped, ReadClientStartupInfoSizeCompleted )) {
CloseClient(pClient); } }
VOID WINAPI ReadClientStartupInfoSizeCompleted( DWORD dwError, DWORD cbRead, LPOVERLAPPED lpO ) { PREMOTE_CLIENT pClient; DWORD dwSize;
pClient = CONTAINING_RECORD(lpO, REMOTE_CLIENT, ReadOverlapped);
if (HandleSessionError(pClient, dwError)) {
return; }
if (cbRead != sizeof(DWORD)) {
CloseClient(pClient); return; }
// Sanity check the size
dwSize = *(DWORD *)pClient->ReadBuffer;
if (dwSize > 1024) { CloseClient(pClient); return; }
// Squirrel away the size in the write buffer,
// since during handshaking we never have both a
// read and write pending this is OK.
*(DWORD *)pClient->WriteBuffer = dwSize;
TRACE(SHAKE, ("Read client reply size %d\n", dwSize));
// Read the rest of the SESSION_STARTUPINFO into the read buffer
// after the size.
RtlZeroMemory( &pClient->ReadOverlapped, sizeof(pClient->ReadOverlapped) );
if ( ! ReadFileEx( pClient->PipeReadH, pClient->ReadBuffer + sizeof(DWORD), dwSize - sizeof(DWORD), &pClient->ReadOverlapped, ReadClientStartupInfoCompleted )) {
CloseClient(pClient); } }
VOID WINAPI ReadClientStartupInfoCompleted( DWORD dwError, DWORD cbRead, LPOVERLAPPED lpO ) { PREMOTE_CLIENT pClient; DWORD dwSize; SESSION_STARTUPINFO ssi; char Buf[256];
pClient = CONTAINING_RECORD(lpO, REMOTE_CLIENT, ReadOverlapped);
if (HandleSessionError(pClient, dwError)) {
return; }
dwSize = *(DWORD *)pClient->WriteBuffer;
if (cbRead != (dwSize - sizeof(ssi.Size))) {
CloseClient(pClient); return; }
CopyMemory(&ssi, pClient->ReadBuffer, min(dwSize, sizeof(ssi)));
CopyMemory(pClient->Name, ssi.ClientName, sizeof(pClient->Name)); pClient->Flag = ssi.Flag;
if (ssi.Version != VERSION) {
printf("Remote Warning: Server Version=%d Client Version=%d for %s\n", VERSION, ssi.Version, pClient->Name); }
TRACE(SHAKE, ("Read client info, new name %s, %d lines\n", pClient->Name, ssi.LinesToSend));
// Set temp file position according to the client's
// requested lines to send. The heuristic of 45 chars
// per average line is used by the client. However since old clients
// hardcode this knowledge and sit and spin trying to read that many
// bytes before completing initialization, and because we might not send
// that many due to stripping BEGINMARK and ENDMARK characters, we
// use 50 chars per line to calculate the temp file position in hopes
// the extra bytes will overcome the missing MARK characters.
pClient->dwFilePos = dwWriteFilePointer > (ssi.LinesToSend * 50) ? dwWriteFilePointer - (ssi.LinesToSend * 50) : 0;
// This client's ready to roll.
pClient->ServerFlags &= ~SFLG_HANDSHAKING;
// Start read operation against this client's input.
// Announce the connection.
sprintf(Buf, "\n**Remote: Connected to %s %s%s [%s]\n", pClient->Name, pClient->UserName, (pClient->PipeReadH != pClient->PipeWriteH) ? " (two pipes)" : "", GetFormattedTime(TRUE));
if (WriteFileSynch(hWriteTempFile,Buf,strlen(Buf),&dwSize,dwWriteFilePointer,&olMainThread)) { dwWriteFilePointer += dwSize; StartServerToClientFlow(); }
// Start write cycle for client output from the temp
// file.
// not needed because of StartServerToClientFlow() just above
// StartReadTempFile(pClient);