* This is a part of the Microsoft Source Code Samples. * Copyright 1995 - 1997 Microsoft Corporation. * All rights reserved. * This source code is only intended as a supplement to * Microsoft Development Tools and/or WinHelp documentation. * See these sources for detailed information regarding the * Microsoft samples programs. \******************************************************************************/
Copyright (c) 1997 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This file implements the server-to-client flow of data for remote server. The data is the output of the child program intermingled with client input.
Dave Hart 30 May 1997
Console App. User mode.
Revision History:
#include <precomp.h>
#include "Remote.h"
#include "Server.h"
VOID FASTCALL StartServerToClientFlow( VOID ) { PREMOTE_CLIENT pClient;
// Start read operations against the temp file for
// all active clients that aren't currently doing
// read temp/write client operations and that are
// fully connected.
for (pClient = (PREMOTE_CLIENT) ClientListHead.Flink; pClient != (PREMOTE_CLIENT) &ClientListHead; pClient = (PREMOTE_CLIENT) pClient->Links.Flink ) {
if (! pClient->cbWrite) {
StartReadTempFile( pClient ); } } }
VOID FASTCALL StartReadTempFile( PREMOTE_CLIENT pClient ) { //
// pClient->cbWrite is used dually. WriteSessionOutputCompleted
// uses it when 0 bytes are written to know how much to ask
// to write when it resubmits the request. We use it to
// indicate whether a read temp/write session chain of I/Os
// is currently active for this client.
if (pClient->cbWrite) {
ErrorExit("StartReadTempFile entered with nonzero cbWrite."); }
if (dwWriteFilePointer > pClient->dwFilePos) {
pClient->cbWrite = min(BUFFSIZE, dwWriteFilePointer - pClient->dwFilePos);
pClient->WriteOverlapped.OffsetHigh = 0; pClient->WriteOverlapped.Offset = pClient->dwFilePos;
if ( ! ReadFileEx( pClient->rSaveFile, pClient->ReadTempBuffer, pClient->cbWrite, &pClient->WriteOverlapped, ReadTempFileCompleted )) {
if (ERROR_HANDLE_EOF == GetLastError()) {
pClient->cbWrite = 0;
} else {
TRACE(SESSION, ("ReadFileEx for temp file failed error %d, closing client.\n", GetLastError()));
CloseClient(pClient); } }
} }
VOID WINAPI ReadTempFileCompleted( DWORD dwError, DWORD cbRead, LPOVERLAPPED lpO ) { PREMOTE_CLIENT pClient;
pClient = CONTAINING_RECORD(lpO, REMOTE_CLIENT, WriteOverlapped);
if (HandleSessionError(pClient, dwError)) {
return; }
if (cbRead != pClient->cbWrite) {
TRACE(SESSION, ("Read %d from temp file asked for %d\n", cbRead, pClient->cbWrite)); }
if (cbRead) {
pClient->cbReadTempBuffer = cbRead; pClient->dwFilePos += cbRead;
} else {
// Note that the server to client flow is halting for now
// for this client.
pClient->cbWrite = 0; } }
VOID FASTCALL StartWriteSessionOutput( PREMOTE_CLIENT pClient ) { DWORD cbRead; char *pch;
cbRead = pClient->cbReadTempBuffer;
// We need to split commands from other text read
// from the temp file and hold off on writing them
// to the client until we make sure we're not the
// client that submitted it. This isn't perfect
// since we match on client name which can be
// duplicated but it solves the problem of
// duplicated input most of the time.
for (pch = pClient->ReadTempBuffer; pch < pClient->ReadTempBuffer + cbRead; pch++) {
if ( ! (pClient->ServerFlags & SFLG_READINGCOMMAND) ) {
if (BEGINMARK == *pch) {
pClient->ServerFlags |= SFLG_READINGCOMMAND;
if (pch != pClient->ReadTempBuffer && pClient->cbWriteBuffer) {
// Start a write of everything we've come across
// before the start of this command, with
// WriteSessionOutputCompletedWriteNext specified
// so we can continue processing the remainder
// of pReadTempBuffer.
pClient->cbReadTempBuffer -= (DWORD)( pch - pClient->ReadTempBuffer) + 1; cbRead = pClient->cbReadTempBuffer;
#if DBG
if (pClient->cbReadTempBuffer == (DWORD)-1) { ErrorExit("cbReadTempBuffer underflow."); } #endif
MoveMemory(pClient->ReadTempBuffer, pch + 1, cbRead);
pClient->cbWrite = pClient->cbWriteBuffer;
pClient->WriteOverlapped.OffsetHigh = 0; pClient->WriteOverlapped.Offset = 0;
if ( ! WriteFileEx( pClient->PipeWriteH, pClient->WriteBuffer, pClient->cbWrite, &pClient->WriteOverlapped, WriteSessionOutputCompletedWriteNext )) {
CloseClient(pClient); }
TRACE(SESSION, ("%p Wrote %d bytes pre-command output\n", pClient, pClient->cbWrite));
pClient->cbWriteBuffer = 0;
return; }
} else {
if (pClient->cbWriteBuffer == BUFFSIZE) {
ErrorExit("cbWriteBuffer overflow"); }
pClient->WriteBuffer[ pClient->cbWriteBuffer++ ] = *pch; }
} else {
if (ENDMARK == *pch || pClient->cbCommandBuffer == BUFFSIZE) {
pClient->ServerFlags &= ~SFLG_READINGCOMMAND;
// Preceding ENDMARK is the pClient in hex ascii of the
// client that generated the command, not null terminated.
if (ENDMARK == *pch) {
pClient->cbCommandBuffer -= min(pClient->cbCommandBuffer, sizeof(pClient->HexAsciiId));
// We hide each client's input from their output pipe
// because their local remote.exe has already displayed it.
if ( pClient->cbCommandBuffer && ! (ENDMARK == *pch && ! memcmp( pch - sizeof(pClient->HexAsciiId), pClient->HexAsciiId, sizeof(pClient->HexAsciiId)))) {
// Start a write of the accumulated command with
// WriteSessionOutputCompletedWriteNext specified
// so we can continue processing the remainder
// of pReadTempBuffer.
pClient->cbReadTempBuffer -= (DWORD)(pch - pClient->ReadTempBuffer) + 1; MoveMemory(pClient->ReadTempBuffer, pch + 1, pClient->cbReadTempBuffer);
pClient->cbWrite = pClient->cbCommandBuffer; pClient->cbCommandBuffer = 0;
pClient->WriteOverlapped.OffsetHigh = 0; pClient->WriteOverlapped.Offset = 0;
if ( ! WriteFileEx( pClient->PipeWriteH, pClient->CommandBuffer, pClient->cbWrite, &pClient->WriteOverlapped, WriteSessionOutputCompletedWriteNext )) {
CloseClient(pClient); return;
} else {
TRACE(SESSION, ("%p Wrote %d bytes command\n", pClient, pClient->cbWrite));
} else {
// We're eating this command for this session.
pClient->cbCommandBuffer = 0; }
} else {
pClient->CommandBuffer[ pClient->cbCommandBuffer++ ] = *pch;
} } }
// We're done with the ReadTempBuffer.
pClient->cbReadTempBuffer = 0;
if (pClient->cbWriteBuffer) {
pClient->cbWrite = pClient->cbWriteBuffer;
pClient->WriteOverlapped.OffsetHigh = 0; pClient->WriteOverlapped.Offset = 0;
if ( ! WriteFileEx( pClient->PipeWriteH, pClient->WriteBuffer, pClient->cbWrite, &pClient->WriteOverlapped, WriteSessionOutputCompletedReadNext )) {
CloseClient(pClient); return;
} else {
TRACE(SESSION, ("%p Wrote %d bytes normal\n", pClient, pClient->cbWrite));
pClient->cbWriteBuffer = 0; }
} else {
// Write buffer is empty.
pClient->cbWrite = 0;
} }
BOOL FASTCALL WriteSessionOutputCompletedCommon( PREMOTE_CLIENT pClient, DWORD dwError, DWORD cbWritten, LPOVERLAPPED_COMPLETION_ROUTINE lpCompletionRoutine ) { if (HandleSessionError(pClient, dwError)) {
return TRUE; }
if (!pClient->cbWrite) {
ErrorExit("Zero cbWrite in WriteSessionOutputCompletedCommon"); }
if (!cbWritten && pClient->cbWrite) {
printf("WriteSessionOutput zero bytes written of %d.\n", pClient->cbWrite); ErrorExit("WriteSessionOutputCompletedCommon failure");
return TRUE; }
#if DBG
if (cbWritten != pClient->cbWrite) { printf("%p cbWritten %d cbWrite %d\n", pClient, cbWritten, pClient->cbWrite); } #endif
return FALSE; }
VOID WINAPI WriteSessionOutputCompletedWriteNext( DWORD dwError, DWORD cbWritten, LPOVERLAPPED lpO ) { PREMOTE_CLIENT pClient;
pClient = CONTAINING_RECORD(lpO, REMOTE_CLIENT, WriteOverlapped);
if (WriteSessionOutputCompletedCommon( pClient, dwError, cbWritten, WriteSessionOutputCompletedWriteNext )) {
return; }
StartWriteSessionOutput(pClient); }
VOID WINAPI WriteSessionOutputCompletedReadNext( DWORD dwError, DWORD cbWritten, LPOVERLAPPED lpO ) { PREMOTE_CLIENT pClient;
pClient = CONTAINING_RECORD(lpO, REMOTE_CLIENT, WriteOverlapped);
if (WriteSessionOutputCompletedCommon( pClient, dwError, cbWritten, WriteSessionOutputCompletedReadNext )) {
return; }
// Start another temp file read.
pClient->cbWrite = 0;
StartReadTempFile(pClient); }