#include "StdAfx.h"
#include "clmt.h"
#include <shellapi.h>
const TCHAR *pstrUsage[] = { _T("Cross Language Migration Tool:\n\n"), _T("CLMT start running the tool.\n"), _T("CLMT /Cure Use this option if an application fails to start after running \n"), _T(" CLMT, and you want the fix to apply to all user and group \n"), _T(" profiles on this machine. This option creates reparse points \n"), _T(" between all localized and English folders that have been \n"), _T(" converted to English by this tool. It can only be used on \n"), _T(" NTFS file systems.\n"), _T(" Please see the Readme.txt file for more information.\n"), NULL };
void Usage() { register i = 0; while (pstrUsage[i] != NULL) { _ftprintf(stderr, TEXT("%s"), pstrUsage[i++]); } fflush(stderr); }
BOOL ProcessCommandLine(LPDWORD lpMode) { LPTSTR* lplpArgv; LPTSTR* argv; INT nArgc; DWORD dwErr; BOOL bRet = TRUE;
lplpArgv = CommandLineToArgvW(GetCommandLine(), &nArgc); argv = lplpArgv;
dwErr = 0; *lpMode = 0;
while (--nArgc > 0 && ++argv) { if (argv[0][0] != TEXT('/')) { bRet = FALSE; break; } if (MyStrCmpI(&argv[0][1], TEXT("NOWINNT32")) == 0) { //
// This is "/NOWINNT32" parameters
// Will not run Winnt32 Checkupgrade option
g_fRunWinnt32 = FALSE; } else if (MyStrCmpI(&argv[0][1], TEXT("cure")) == 0) { //
// This is "/Cure" parameters
if (*lpMode > 0) { dwErr = CMD_ERR_CONFLICT_OPERATION; break; }
*lpMode = CLMT_CURE_PROGRAM_FILES; } else if (MyStrCmpI(&argv[0][1], TEXT("cureall")) == 0) { //
// This is "/Cureall" parameters
if (*lpMode > 0) { dwErr = CMD_ERR_CONFLICT_OPERATION; break; }
*lpMode = CLMT_CURE_ALL; } else if (MyStrCmpI(&argv[0][1], TEXT("NoAppChk")) == 0) { //
// This is "/NoAppChk" parameters
g_fNoAppChk = TRUE; } else if (MyStrCmpI(&argv[0][1], TEXT("reminder")) == 0) { //
// This is "/reminder" parameters
if (*lpMode > 0) { dwErr = CMD_ERR_CONFLICT_OPERATION; break; }
*lpMode = CLMT_REMINDER; } else if (MyStrCmpI(&argv[0][1], TEXT("INF")) == 0) { //
// This is "/INF <inf file>" parameters
// Tell the tool to use user-supply CLMT.INF
if (nArgc <= 0) { bRet = FALSE; break; } else { argv++;
if (argv[0][0] == TEXT('/')) { // next argument is not file name
bRet = FALSE; break; } else { if (FAILED(StringCchCopy(g_szInfFile, ARRAYSIZE(g_szInfFile), argv[0]))) { bRet = FALSE; break; }
g_fUseInf = TRUE; } } } else if (MyStrCmpI(&argv[0][1], TEXT("final")) == 0) { //
// This is "/final" parameters
if (*lpMode > 0) { if (*lpMode == CLMT_CURE_PROGRAM_FILES) { *lpMode = CLMT_CURE_AND_CLEANUP; } else { dwErr = CMD_ERR_CONFLICT_OPERATION; break; } } else { *lpMode = CLMT_CLEANUP_AFTER_UPGRADE; } } else { bRet = FALSE; break; } }
if (*lpMode == 0 && bRet == TRUE) { //
// No switch is specified, we assume this is a DOMIG operation
*lpMode = CLMT_DOMIG; }
if (dwErr == CMD_ERR_CONFLICT_OPERATION) { _ftprintf(stderr, TEXT("Only one operation can be specified in command line!\n\n")); bRet = FALSE; }
return bRet; }
int __cdecl _tmain() { DWORD dwStatus;
// Set locale for run-time functions (user-default code page)
_tsetlocale(LC_ALL, TEXT(""));
if (ProcessCommandLine(&dwStatus)) { g_dwRunningStatus = dwStatus; return DoMig(dwStatus); } else { Usage(); return 0; } }