<job id='wi_compile'> <!-- includes for constants definitions --> <script language='VBScript' src='.\vbsconst.inc'></script> <script language='VBScript' src='.\xmlconst.inc'></script> <script language='VBScript' src='.\witables.inc'></script> <script language='VBScript' src='.\wival.inc'></script> <script language='VBScript' src='.\wiconst.inc'></script>
<script language='VBScript' src='.\ritables.inc'></script>
<!-- includes for function declarations --> <script language='VBScript' src='.\wixerror.inc'></script> <script language='VBScript' src='.\wixload.inc'></script>
<!-- main --> <script Language='VBScript'>
' Compiles Windows Installer XML manifest into a Windows Installer database Option Explicit
'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ' main Public xmldoc 'As XMLDOMDocument Public installer 'As Installer Public database 'As Database Public sumInfoArray(19) Public lastDiskId 'As integer Public featureDisplay 'As integer Public dictView 'As Dictionary Public dictVars 'As Dictionary Public dictStandardProperties 'As Dictionary Public dictFiles 'As Dictionary Public dictModules 'As Dictionary Public fso 'As FileSystemObject Public tempDir 'As String Public fCreate, fStyle, fTransform, fVerbose, fOpenModel, fHelp, fLogOps, fNoOnError, fNoModularize, fNoAddValidation Public fNoBinary, fNoUI, fNoSumInfo, fNoSeqTables, fNoLinkerInfo Public fModule ' if creating Merge Module Public fPatch ' if creating Patch Public moduleId 'As String Public databaseCP ' code page for a new database
Public fileSeq : fileSeq = 1 ' used to make file sequencing count each file Public regCount : regCount = 0 ' used to make registry keys unique Public osCount : osCount = 0 ' used for dummy primary key in redist os elements Public patchOrder : patchOrder = 1 ' used to make patch order count Public externalOrder : externalOrder = 1 ' used to make external file order count
Public manifestPath, stylePath, databasePath, outputPath Public g_sBaseDir ' base directory used for update and CAB'ing
Dim openMode, sumInfo, index
' Connect to Windows Installer, create dictionaries views, variables Set installer = Nothing Set installer = WScript.CreateObject("WindowsInstaller.Installer") : CheckError Set fso = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") : CheckError Set dictView = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") : CheckError Set dictVars = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") : CheckError Set dictFiles = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") : CheckError Set dictModules = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") : CheckError
' properties standard in the Windows Installer that are not to be Modularized Set dictStandardProperties = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") : CheckError dictStandardProperties.Add "TARGETDIR", "" dictStandardProperties.Add "Manufacturer", "" dictStandardProperties.Add "Privileged", "" dictStandardProperties.Add "ProductCode", "" dictStandardProperties.Add "ProductID", "" dictStandardProperties.Add "ProductLanguage", "" dictStandardProperties.Add "ProductName", "" dictStandardProperties.Add "ProductVersion", ""
tempDir = installer.Environment("TMP") If Len(tempDir) = 0 Then tempDir = installer.Environment("TEMP")
ParseCommandLine If Not fNoOnError Then On Error Resume Next
If fHelp Or IsEmpty(manifestPath) Then ShowHelp WScript.Quit 1 End If
' load manifest and apply any style sheets Dim rootElement : Set rootElement = LoadDocument(manifestPath, stylePath, dictVars)
' mark if this is a module or not If "Module" = rootElement.nodeName Then fModule = True Else fModule = False If "Patch" = rootElement.nodeName Then fPatch = True Else fPatch = False
' open or create new database according to defined schema If IsEmpty(outputPath) Then ' if a database wasn't specified use the base of the XML file and add the appropriate extension If IsEmpty(databasePath) Then Dim offset : offset = InStrRev(manifestPath, ".", -1, vbTextCompare) databasePath = Left(manifestPath, offset - 1) If fModule Then databasePath = databasePath & ".wixobj" ElseIf fPatch Then databasePath = databasePath & ".pcp" Else databasePath = databasePath & ".wixobj" End If fCreate = True End If
If fTransform Then Fail "Must supply an output name for transform" If fCreate Then openMode = msiOpenDatabaseModeCreate Else openMode = msiOpenDatabaseModeTransact ElseIf fTransform Then openMode = "temptran.msi" ' temporary until we implement a better way Else openMode = outputPath End If Set database = installer.OpenDatabase(databasePath, openMode) : CheckError If fCreate And Not IsEmpty(databaseCP) Then SetDatabaseCodepage database, databaseCP : CheckError End If
' do the processing If fPatch Then ProcessPatchElement rootElement Else ProcessProductElement rootElement End If
' if this is a transform create the transform If fTransform Then Dim databaseRef : Set databaseRef = installer.OpenDatabase(databasePath, msiOpenDatabaseModeReadOnly) : CheckError database.GenerateTransform databaseRef, outputPath : CheckError database.CreateTransformSummaryInfo databaseRef, outputPath, 0, 0 : CheckError ' !! need to provide validation options in XML package element Set database = Nothing Else ' not creating a transform ' write the linker info If Not fNoLinkerInfo And Not fPatch Then WriteLinkerInfo
If Not IsEmpty(sumInfoArray) Then If IsEmpty(outputPath) Then Set sumInfo = database.SummaryInformation(20) : CheckError Else database.Commit : CheckError Set database = Nothing Set sumInfo = installer.SummaryInformation(outputPath, 20) : CheckError End If
' write the summary information into the database For index = 1 To UBound(sumInfoArray) If Not IsEmpty(sumInfoArray(index)) Then sumInfo.Property(index) = sumInfoArray(index) : CheckError Next sumInfo.Persist : CheckError End If
If IsEmpty(outputPath) Then database.Commit : CheckError Set database = Nothing End If End If Set dictVars = Nothing
WScript.Quit 0
'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ' Error handling and command-line parsing routines
''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' robmen '' ' ParseCommandLine Function ParseCommandLine() Dim arg, argIndex Dim chFlag
If 0 = WScript.Arguments.Count Then fHelp = True : Exit Function
For argIndex = 0 To WScript.Arguments.Count - 1 arg = WScript.Arguments(argIndex) chFlag = AscW(arg)
' if this a variable If InStr(arg, "=") Then Dim expr : expr = Split(arg, "=") If IsNumeric(expr(1)) Then expr(1) = CLng(expr(1)) dictVars.Item(expr(0)) = expr(1) ' command line parameter ElseIf (chFlag = AscW("/")) Or (chFlag = AscW("-")) Then chFlag = LCase(Mid(arg, 2)) Select Case chFlag Case "a" ' stylesheet to apply argIndex = argIndex + 1 stylePath = WScript.Arguments(argIndex) fStyle = True Case "b" ' base directory argIndex = argIndex + 1 g_sBaseDir = WScript.Arguments(argIndex) Case "c" ' database to create argIndex = argIndex + 1 databasePath = WScript.Arguments(argIndex) If fso.FileExists(databasePath) Then WScript.Echo "Warning, overwriting database: " & databasePath fCreate = True Case "d" ' database to update argIndex = argIndex + 1 databasePath = WScript.Arguments(argIndex) If Not fso.FileExists(databasePath) Then Fail "Cannot find database: " & databasePath Case "t" ' transform argIndex = argIndex + 1 outputPath = WScript.Arguments(argIndex) fTransform= True Case "cp" ' Code page for a new database argIndex = argIndex + 1 databaseCP = WScript.Arguments(argIndex) If Not IsNumeric(databaseCP) Then Fail "Codepage must be numeric" Case "sb" : fNoBinary = True Case "su" : fNoUI = True Case "ss" : fNoSumInfo = True Case "sq" : fNoSeqTables = True Case "sl" : fNoLinkerInfo = True Case "l" : fLogOps = True Case "o" : fOpenModel = True Case "v" : fVerbose = True Case "e" : fNoOnError = True Case "sm" : fNoModularize = True Case "sv" : fNoAddValidation = True Case "sf" : WScript.Echo "-sf has been deprecated" Case "sc" : WScript.Echo "-sc has been deprecated" Case "?" : fHelp = True Case Else : Fail "Invalid option flag: " & arg End Select ' must be the xml file Else If Not IsEmpty(manifestPath) Then Fail "Cannot specify two input xml documents" manifestPath = arg End If Next End Function ' ParseCommandLine
''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' robmen '' ' ShowHelp Sub ShowHelp() Dim sHelp sHelp = "candle - compiles Windows Installer Xml into a Windows Installer Database" & vbCrLf & _ vbCrLf & _ "candle.wsf [-?] [-sb] [-sl] [-sm] [-sq] [-ss] [-su] [-sv] [-i FilePaths]" & vbCrLf & _ " [-t foo.mst] [-b basedir] [-a foo.wxs] [-c destfile.wixobj]" & vbCrLf & _ " [-d foo.msi] [-l] [-o] [-v] [-e] [-cp CodePage] foo.wxm" & vbCrLf & _ vbCrLf & _ " -a apply Windows installer Xml Stylesheet [default extension .wxs]" & vbCrLf & _ " -b base directory for 'src' attributes" & vbCrLf & _ " -c database / module to create from Windows installer Xml [will overwrite]" & vbCrLf & _ " -d database to open and apply Windows installer Xml to [will not overwrite]" & vbCrLf & _ " -e errors crash compiler, useful for debugging compiler" & vbCrLf & _ " -i include paths to search (not yet implemented!)" & vbCrLf & _ " -l log all operations, useful for debugging" & vbCrLf & _ " -o open document model, ignores unexpected elements and attributes" & vbCrLf & _ " -sb suppress processing of Binary-encoded data" & vbCrLf & _ " -sc [DEPRECATED] suppress CAB'ing [valid only for Merge Modules]" & vbCrLf & _ " CAB'ing done by linker [see light.wsf]" & vbCrLf & _ " -sf [DEPRECATED] suppress updating the size, version, and language of files" & vbCrLf & _ " updating file info done by linker [see light.wsf]" & vbCrLf & _ " -sl suppress writing information for linker" & vbCrLf & _ " -sm suppress modularization for merge modules" & vbCrLf & _ " -sq suppress processing of Sequence elements" & vbCrLf & _ " -ss suppress processing of Summary Information" & vbCrLf & _ " -su suppress processing of UI elements" & vbCrLf & _ " -sv suppress automatic creation of Validation table" & vbCrLf & _ " -t transform to create [default extension .mst]" & vbCrLf & _ " -cp code page that is used when a new database is created" & vbCrLf & _ " -v verbose output, useful for debugging" & vbCrLf & _ " -? this help information" & vbCrLf & _ vbCrLf & _ "Common extensions:" & vbCrLf & _ " .wxf - Windows installer Xml Fragment" & vbCrLf & _ " .wxm - Windows installer Xml Module" & vbCrLf & _ " .wxp - Windows installer Xml Product" & vbCrLf & _ " .wxa - Windows installer Xml Patch" & vbCrLf & _ " .wixobj - Windows installer Xml Object File (in MSI format)" & vbCrLf & _ vbCrLf & _ " .msm - Windows installer Merge Module" & vbCrLf & _ " .msi - Windows installer Product Database" & vbCrLf & _ " .mst - Windows installer Transform" & vbCrLf & _ " .pcp - Windows installer Patch Creation Package" & vbCrLf & _ vbCrLf & _ "For more information see: http://compcat/wix" WScript.Echo sHelp End Sub ' ShowHelp
Sub CheckError Dim message, errRec If Err = 0 Then Exit Sub message = Err.Source & " " & Hex(Err) & ": " & Err.Description If Not installer Is Nothing Then Set errRec = installer.LastErrorRecord If Not errRec Is Nothing Then message = message & vbNewLine & errRec.FormatText End If Fail message End Sub
Sub Unexpected(child, parent) If Not fOpenModel Then Fail "Unexpected " & child.nodeTypeString & " node: " & child.nodeName & ", parent = " & parent.nodeName End If End Sub
Function DosDate(convertdate) DosDate = 0 ' !!! TODO: do the conversion to Dos times End Function ' DosDate
''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ' BaseDir Function BaseDir(sPath) If IsEmpty(g_sBaseDir) Then g_sBaseDir = "."
If "sourcedir\" = LCase(Left(sPath, 10)) Then BaseDir = g_sBaseDir & Mid(sPath, 10) Else BaseDir = sPath End If End Function ' BaseDir
'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ' Database processing routines
Sub CreateTable(table) Dim primaryKeys, index, query, name For index = 1 To UBound(table) If Instr(table(index), " PRIMARY KEY") <> 0 Then If Not IsEmpty(primaryKeys) Then primaryKeys = primaryKeys & "," primaryKeys = primaryKeys & Split(table(index))(0) End If Next query = "CREATE TABLE " & Replace(Join(table, ","), ",", "(", 1, 1) query = Replace(query, " PRIMARY KEY", "") query = query & " PRIMARY KEY " & primaryKeys & ")" If fVerbose Then Wscript.Echo query database.OpenView(query).Execute : CheckError If Not fPatch And Not fNoAddValidation Then AddValidation installer, database, Replace(table(0), "`", ""), fVerbose
' some tables must exist to fulfill the Windows Installer's whims If table(0) = "`AppSearch`" And database.TablePersistent("Signature") = 2 Then CreateTable SignatureTable If table(0) = "`Dialog`" And database.TablePersistent("ListBox") = 2 Then CreateTable ListBoxTable If table(0) = "`Extension`" And database.TablePersistent("Verb") = 2 Then CreateTable VerbTable If table(0) = "`ProgId`" And database.TablePersistent("Extension") = 2 Then CreateTable ExtensionTable If table(0) = "`MsiAssembly`" And database.TablePersistent("MsiAssemblyName") = 2 Then CreateTable MsiAssemblyNameTable If table(0) = "`File`" And database.TablePersistent("File") = 2 Then CreateTable MsiFileHashTable End Sub
Function CreateView(table) If Not fNoOnError Then On Error Resume Next If database.TablePersistent(Replace(table(0),"`","")) = 2 Then CreateTable(table) Set CreateView = database.OpenView("SELECT * FROM "& table(0)) : CheckError CreateView.Execute : CheckError End Function
Sub CloseView(table) dictView.Remove(Replace(table(0),"`","")) End Sub
Sub DoAction(table, op, row) If Not fNoOnError Then On Error Resume Next If IsEmpty(op) Then op = "merge" ' default supplied here rather than in the schema
If fLogOps Then Dim format, index, name, delim delim = ": " For index = 1 To row.FieldCount format = format & "{" & delim & Split(table(index),"`")(1) & "=[" & index & "]}" delim = ", " Next row.StringData(0) = format Wscript.Echo Replace(table(0),"`"," ") & op & row.FormatText row.StringData(0) = "" End If
' Get existing view for table, else create new one and add to view dictionary Dim tableName : tableName = Replace(table(0),"`","") Dim view If dictView.Exists(tableName) Then Set view = dictView.Item(tableName) Else Set view = CreateView(table) dictView.Add tableName, view End If ' Select the update mode for processing the row with the view Dim modifyMode Select Case(op) Case "insert" modifyMode = msiViewModifyInsert Case "merge" modifyMode = msiViewModifyMerge Case "replace" modifyMode = msiViewModifyAssign Case "delete" view.Modify msiViewModifySeek, row If Err <> 0 Then Fail "'delete' item '" & row.StringData(1) & "' not present in table " & table(0) modifyMode = msiViewModifyDelete Case "exist" modifyMode = msiViewModifySeek Case "ensure" view.Modify msiViewModifySeek, row If Err <> 0 Then modifyMode = msiViewModifyInsert Case Else : Fail "Invalid op attribute value: " & op End Select view.Modify modifyMode, row If Err <> 0 Then Fail "Operation '" & op & "' failed for item '" & row.StringData(1) & "' in table " & table(0) End Sub
' append module.guid (note: guid is stored in moduleId) if this is a module and not a standard property Function ModularizeX(s) If fModule And Len(s) > 0 And Not dictStandardProperties.Exists(s) Then ModularizeX = s & "." & moduleId Else ModularizeX = s End Function
Function Modularize(s) If fNoModularize Then Modularize = s Else Modularize = ModularizeX(s) End Function
' append module.guid if this is a non-standard property and it is a module Function ModularizeProperty(s) Dim nStart, nPropStart, nPropEnd, sProp
If fModule And Not fNoModularize And Len(s) > 0 Then nStart = 1 Do nPropStart = InStr(nStart, s, "[") nPropEnd = InStr(nStart, s, "]")
If nPropEnd > nPropStart Then sProp = Mid(s, nPropStart + 1, nPropEnd - nPropStart - 1) If Not dictStandardProperties.Exists(sProp) Then s = Left(s, nPropEnd - 1) & "." & moduleId & Mid(s, nPropEnd) nPropEnd = nPropEnd + 37 ' slide past the .GUID End If Else Exit Do End If
nStart = nPropEnd + 1' move past the close bracket Loop End If ModularizeProperty = s End Function ' ModularizeProperty
'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ' Linker information routines
''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ' WriteLinkerInfo Sub WriteLinkerInfo Dim vw, vw2, rec, rec2 Dim op
If 2 = database.TablePersistent("candle_Info") Then Set vw = database.OpenView("CREATE TABLE `candle_Info` (`LinkProperty` CHAR(0) NOT NULL, `Value` CHAR(0) PRIMARY KEY `LinkProperty`)") vw.Execute End If
Set vw = database.OpenView("SELECT `Value` FROM `candle_Info` WHERE `LinkProperty`=?") Set vw2 = database.OpenView("SELECT `LinkProperty`, `Value` FROM `candle_Info`")
Set rec = installer.CreateRecord(1) rec.StringData(1) = "SourceFile" vw.Execute rec Set rec2 = vw.Fetch If rec2 Is Nothing Then Set rec2 = installer.CreateRecord(2) rec2.StringData(1) = "SourceFile" rec2.StringData(2) = manifestPath vw2.Modify msiViewModifyInsert, rec2 Else rec2.StringData(1) = manifestPath vw.Modify msiViewModifyUpdate, rec2 End If
rec.StringData(1) = "IsModule" vw.Execute rec Set rec2 = vw.Fetch If rec2 Is Nothing Then Set rec2 = installer.CreateRecord(2) rec2.StringData(1) = "IsModule" If fModule Then rec2.StringData(2) = "1" Else rec2.StringData(2) = "0" vw2.Modify msiViewModifyInsert, rec2 Else If fModule Then rec2.StringData(1) = "1" Else rec2.StringData(1) = "0" vw.Modify msiViewModifyUpdate, rec2 End If
WriteFileInfo If Not fModule Then WriteModuleInfo End Sub ' WriteLinkerInfo
''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ' WriteFileInfo Sub WriteFileInfo Dim vwDisk, vwFile, rec Dim sKey, aData
If 0 = dictFiles.Count Then Exit Sub
If 2 = database.TablePersistent("candle_Files") Then Set vwFile = database.OpenView("CREATE TABLE `candle_Files` (`File_` CHAR(72) NOT NULL, `Path` CHAR(0) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY `File_`)") vwFile.Execute End If Set vwFile = database.OpenView("SELECT `File_`, `Path` FROM `candle_Files`") vwFile.Execute
If 2 = database.TablePersistent("candle_DiskInfo") Then Set vwDisk = database.OpenView("CREATE TABLE `candle_DiskInfo` (`Identifier` CHAR(72) NOT NULL, `DiskId` INTEGER NOT NULL, `IsModule` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY `Identifier`)") vwDisk.Execute End If Set vwDisk = database.OpenView("SELECT `Identifier`, `DiskId`, `IsModule` FROM `candle_DiskInfo`") vwDisk.Execute
Set rec = installer.CreateRecord(3) For Each sKey In dictFiles aData = dictFiles.Item(sKey)
rec.StringData(1) = sKey rec.StringData(2) = aData(0) vwFile.Modify msiViewModifyInsert, rec
rec.StringData(1) = sKey rec.IntegerData(2) = CInt(aData(1)) rec.IntegerData(3) = 0 vwDisk.Modify msiViewModifyInsert, rec Next
End Sub ' WriteFileInfo
''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ' WriteModuleInfo Sub WriteModuleInfo Dim vwDisk, vwModule, rec Dim sKey, aData Dim sPrimaryFeature, aSecondaryFeatures, i, sConnectFeatures
If 0 = dictModules.Count Then Exit Sub
If 2 = database.TablePersistent("candle_Modules") Then Set vwModule = database.OpenView("CREATE TABLE `candle_Modules` (`Module` CHAR(72) NOT NULL, `Path` CHAR(0) NOT NULL, `Language` INTEGER NOT NULL, `PrimaryFeature_` CHAR(38) NOT NULL, `ConnectFeatures_` CHAR(0), `RedirectDirectory_` CHAR(72) PRIMARY KEY `Module`)") vwModule.Execute End If Set vwModule = database.OpenView("SELECT `Module`, `Path`, `Language`, `PrimaryFeature_`, `ConnectFeatures_`, `RedirectDirectory_` FROM `candle_Modules`") vwModule.Execute
If 2 = database.TablePersistent("candle_DiskInfo") Then Set vwDisk = database.OpenView("CREATE TABLE `candle_DiskInfo` (`Identifier` CHAR(72) NOT NULL, `DiskId` INTEGER NOT NULL, `IsModule` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY `Identifier`)") vwDisk.Execute End If Set vwDisk = database.OpenView("SELECT `Identifier`, `DiskId`, `IsModule` FROM `candle_DiskInfo`") vwDisk.Execute
Set rec = installer.CreateRecord(6) For Each sKey In dictModules aData = dictModules.Item(sKey)
If IsEmpty(aData(4)) Then aSecondaryFeatures = Split(aData(5), ":") If -1 = UBound(aSecondaryFeatures) Then Fail "Error, Module: " & sKey & " not part of any Features" If 0 < UBound(aSecondaryFeatures) Then Fail "Error, Module: " & sKey & " is part of many Features, but no Feature is marked primary"
sPrimaryFeature = aSecondaryFeatures(0) For i = 1 To UBound(aSecondaryFeatures) If 1 < i Then sConnectFeatures = sConnectFeatures & ":" sConnectFeatures = sConnectFeatures & aSecondaryFeatures(i) Next Else sPrimaryFeature = aData(4) sConnectFeatures = aData(5) End If
rec.StringData(1) = sKey rec.StringData(2) = aData(0) rec.IntegerData(3) = CInt(aData(2)) rec.StringData(4) = sPrimaryFeature rec.StringData(5) = sConnectFeatures rec.StringData(6) = aData(3) 'WScript.Echo "X Directory: " & aData(3)
vwModule.Modify msiViewModifyInsert, rec
rec.StringData(1) = sKey rec.IntegerData(2) = CInt(aData(1)) rec.IntegerData(3) = 1 vwDisk.Modify msiViewModifyInsert, rec
Next End Sub ' WriteModuleInfo
'---------------------------------------------------------------------------------' ' XML parsing routines and conditional execution logic '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------' Function ElementHasText(node) ElementHasText = Not node.selectSingleNode("text()") Is Nothing End Function
Function ElementText(node) If node Is Nothing Then Fail "passed dead node to ElementText" Dim child : Set child = node.selectSingleNode("text()") If child Is Nothing Then Fail "Missing text value for element: " & node.nodeName ElementText = child.text End Function
Function LoadDocument(path, stylePath, dictVars) Dim xmlDoc : Set xmlDoc = WixLoad(path, Empty, dictVars, True)
If Not IsEmpty(stylePath) Then WixApplyStyleSheet xmlDoc, stylePath
If fVerbose Then WScript.Echo "--------------------" WScript.Echo "Transformed manifest:" WScript.Echo xmlDoc.xml WScript.Echo End If End If
' return the root of the document Set LoadDocument = xmlDoc.documentElement End Function
Function GetEncoding(node) Dim xmldecl : Set xmldecl = node.ownerDocument.selectSingleNode("pi('xml')") If (Not xmldecl Is Nothing) Then Dim encattr 'As IXMLDOMNode Set encattr = xmldecl.Attributes.getNamedItem("encoding") If Not encattr Is Nothing Then GetEncoding = encattr.Text End If End Function
Function NameToBit(names, name, value) Dim index, bit bit = 1 For index = 0 To UBound(names) If names(index) = name Then If value = "yes" Then NameToBit = bit Else NameToBit = 0 Exit Function End If If bit = &h40000000 Then bit = &h80000000 Else bit = bit + bit Next End Function
Function GetElementName(node) GetElementName = Empty If node.nodeType = NODE_ELEMENT Then GetElementName = node.nodeName End Function
'---------------------------------------------------------------------------------' ' Non-UI element handlers '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------' Public productCode, productName, productLanguage, productAuthor ' product properties used as defaults for suminfo
Sub ProcessProductElement(node) If Not fNoOnError Then On Error Resume Next Dim child, attribute, value, op, version, sumInfo, index
' Walk XML nodes and populate tables lastDiskId = 0 featureDisplay = 0 For Each attribute In node.Attributes value = attribute.value Select Case(attribute.name) Case "op" : op = value Case "Name" : productName = value : If Not fModule Then ProcessProperty "ProductName", value, "replace" Case "Id" : productCode = "{"&value&"}" : If Not fModule And Not IsEmpty(value) And value <> "" Then ProcessProperty "ProductCode", productCode, "replace" Else moduleId = Replace(value, "-", "_") Case "UpgradeCode" : value = "{"&value&"}" : If Not fModule Then ProcessProperty "UpgradeCode", value, "replace" Case "Manufacturer": productAuthor = value : If Not fModule Then ProcessProperty "Manufacturer", value, "replace" Case "Language" : productLanguage = value : If Not fModule Then ProcessProperty "ProductLanguage", value, "replace" Case "Version" : version = value : If Not fModule Then ProcessProperty "ProductVersion", value, "replace" Case "xmlns" : ' ProcessProperty "XMLSchema", value, "replace" Case Else : Unexpected attribute, node End Select Next If openMode = fCreate And IsEmpty(productCode) Then Fail "Id attribute required for created database"
If fModule Then Dim row : Set row = installer.CreateRecord(UBound(ModuleSignatureTable)) row.StringData (ModuleSignature_ModuleID) = ModularizeX(productName) row.StringData (ModuleSignature_Language) = productLanguage row.StringData (ModuleSignature_Version) = version DoAction ModuleSignatureTable, op, row ' if there is no FeatureComponents table add it If database.TablePersistent(Replace(FeatureComponentsTable(0),"`","")) = 2 Then CreateTable(FeatureComponentsTable) End If
ProcessProductChildElements(node) Set dictView = Nothing ' close all views, could also use RemoveAll method of Dictionary object End Sub ' ProcessProductElement
Sub ProcessSummaryInformation(node) If Not fNoOnError Then On Error Resume Next Dim sumInfo Dim attribute, op, value, sourceBits Dim packageCode, packageLanguage, packageAuthor, packageName, msiVersion, keywords, comments, codepage, platform If fCreate Then ' default unspecified package properties to product properties if creating a new package sumInfoArray(2) = "Installation Database" sumInfoArray(12) = Now sumInfoArray(18) = "Windows Installer XML (candle/light)" sumInfoArray(19) = 1 'Read-only recommended packageCode = productCode packageName = productName packageAuthor = productAuthor packageLanguage = productLanguage msiVersion = 100 ' lowest released version, really should be specified codepage = 0 ' neutral, really should be specified keywords = "Installer" sourceBits = 0 Else Set sumInfo = database.SummaryInformation(0) : CheckError sumInfoArray(2) = sumInfo.Property(2) sumInfoArray(12) = sumInfo.Property(12) sumInfoArray(18) = sumInfo.Property(18) sumInfoArray(19) = sumInfo.Property(19) codepage = sumInfo.Property(1) packageName = sumInfo.Property(3) packageAuthor = sumInfo.Property(4) packageCode = sumInfo.Property(9) msiVersion = sumInfo.Property(14) sourceBits = sumInfo.Property(15) value = Split(sumInfo.Property(7), ";") platform = value(0) If UBound(value) = 1 Then packageLanguage = value(1) End If For Each attribute In node.Attributes value = attribute.value Select Case(attribute.name) Case "op" : op = value Case "Value" : value = value Case "Id" : packageCode = "{"&value&"}" Case "Description" : packageName = value Case "Manufacturer" : packageAuthor = value Case "Languages" : packageLanguage = value Case "Platforms" : platform = value Case "InstallerVersion": msiVersion = CInt(value) Case "Keywords" : keywords = value Case "Comments" : comments = value Case "SummaryCodepage" : codepage = CInt(value) Case "ShortNames": If value="yes" Then sourceBits=sourceBits Or 1 Else If value="no" Then sourceBits=sourceBits And Not 1 Case "Compressed": If value="yes" Then sourceBits=sourceBits Or 2 Else If value="no" Then sourceBits=sourceBits And Not 2 Case "AdminImage": If value="yes" Then sourceBits=sourceBits Or 4 Else If value="no" Then sourceBits=sourceBits And Not 4 Case Else : Unexpected attribute, node End Select Next sumInfoArray(1) = codepage sumInfoArray(3) = packageName sumInfoArray(4) = packageAuthor sumInfoArray(5) = keywords sumInfoArray(6) = comments sumInfoArray(7) = platform & ";" & packageLanguage sumInfoArray(9) = packageCode sumInfoArray(13)= Now sumInfoArray(14)= msiVersion sumInfoArray(15)= sourceBits End Sub
Sub ProcessProductChildElements(node) Dim child For Each child In node.childNodes Select Case (GetElementName(child)) Case Empty Case "Redist" : ProcessRedistElement child Case "Condition" : ProcessLaunchCondition child Case "Property" : ProcessPropertyElement child Case "Directory" : ProcessDirectoryElement child, Empty, Empty Case "Component" : ProcessComponentElement child, Empty, Empty ' !!! passing Empty for sPath is not the right thing to do Case "Feature" : ProcessFeatureElement child, Empty, featureDisplay Case "Media" : ProcessMediaElement child, lastDiskId Case "AppId" : ProcessAppIdElement child Case "CustomAction" : ProcessCustomActionElement child Case "CustomTable" : ProcessCustomTableElement child Case "UI": If Not fNoUI Then ProcessUIElement child Case "Package": If Not fNoSumInfo Then ProcessSummaryInformation child Case "InstallExecuteSequence" : ProcessSequence InstallExecuteSequenceTable, child Case "InstallUISequence" : ProcessSequence InstallUISequenceTable, child Case "AdminExecuteSequence" : ProcessSequence AdminExecuteSequenceTable, child Case "AdminUISequence" : ProcessSequence AdminUISequenceTable, child Case "AdvtExecuteSequence" : ProcessSequence AdvtExecuteSequenceTable, child Case "AdvertiseExecuteSequence" : ProcessSequence AdvtExecuteSequenceTable, child Case "AdvtUISequence" : ProcessSequence AdvtUISequenceTable, child Case "AdvertiseUISequence" : ProcessSequence AdvtUISequenceTable, child Case "Binary" : ProcessBinaryOrIconElement child, BinaryTable, False Case "Icon" : ProcessBinaryOrIconElement child, IconTable, True Case "Dependency" : ProcessDependencyElement child Case Else : Unexpected child, node End Select Next End Sub
''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ' redist elements Sub ProcessRedistElement(node) Dim attribute, child, row, op, sDescription, sDistribution, sType Set row = installer.CreateRecord(UBound(RedistInfoTable)) For Each attribute In node.Attributes Select Case(attribute.name) Case "op" : op = attribute.value Case "Distribution" : sDistribution = attribute.value Case "Type" : sType = attribute.value Case Else : Unexpected attribute, node End Select Next
If IsEmpty(sDistribution) Or sDistribution = "internal" Then row.IntegerData(RedistInfo_Distribution) = 0 ElseIf sDistribution = "external" Then row.IntegerData(RedistInfo_Distribution) = 1 Else Fail "Unexpected Redist.Distribution: " & sDistribution End If If IsEmpty(sType) Or sType = "retail" Then row.IntegerData(RedistInfo_Type) = 1 ElseIf sType = "debug" Then row.IntegerData(RedistInfo_Type) = 0 Else Fail "Unexpected Redist.Type: " & sType End If
For Each child In node.childNodes Select Case (GetElementName(child)) Case Empty Case "Description" : If IsEmpty(sDescription) Then sDescription = ElementText(child) Else Fail "Cannot have two Redist.Description elements" ' Case "Keyword" : ProcessRedistKeywordElement child Case "Contact" : ProcessRedistContactElement child Case "AllowUser" : ProcessRedistAllowUserElement child Case "Windows9x" : ProcessOsElement child Case "Windows32" : ProcessOsElement child Case "Windows64" : ProcessOsElement child Case Else : Unexpected child, node End Select Next
row.StringData(RedistInfo_DummyPk) = "RedistPack" row.StringData(RedistInfo_Description) = sDescription DoAction RedistInfoTable, op, row End Sub
' Sub ProcessRedistKeywordElement(node) ' Dim attribute, row, op ' Set row = installer.CreateRecord(UBound(RedistKeywordsTable)) ' For Each attribute In node.Attributes ' Select Case(attribute.name) ' Case "op" : op = attribute.value ' Case Else : Unexpected attribute, node ' End Select ' Next ' row.StringData(RedistKeywords_Keyword) = ElementText(node) ' DoAction RedistKeywordsTable, op, row ' End Sub
Sub ProcessRedistContactElement(node) Dim attribute, row, op Set row = installer.CreateRecord(UBound(RedistContactsTable)) For Each attribute In node.Attributes Select Case(attribute.name) Case "op" : op = attribute.value Case Else : Unexpected attribute, node End Select Next row.StringData(RedistContacts_Contact) = ElementText(node) DoAction RedistContactsTable, op, row End Sub
Sub ProcessRedistAllowUserElement(node) Dim attribute, row, op, sDomain, sAlias Set row = installer.CreateRecord(UBound(RedistPermissionsTable)) For Each attribute In node.Attributes Select Case(attribute.name) Case "op" : op = attribute.value Case "Domain" : sDomain = attribute.value Case "Alias" : sAlias = attribute.value Case Else : Unexpected attribute, node End Select Next
If IsEmpty(sDomain) Then sDomain = "REDMOND" If IsEmpty(sAlias) Then Fail "Must specify an alias for Permission elements" row.StringData(RedistPermissions_Domain) = sDomain row.StringData(RedistPermissions_Alias) = sAlias DoAction RedistPermissionsTable, op, row End Sub
Sub ProcessOsElement(node) Dim attribute, row, op Set row = installer.CreateRecord(UBound(RedistOsTable))
row.IntegerData(RedistOs_DummyPk) = osCount row.StringData(RedistOs_Type) = GetElementName(node) For Each attribute In node.Attributes Select Case(attribute.name) Case "op" : op = attribute.value Case "Flavor" : row.StringData(RedistOs_Flavor) = attribute.value Case "Language" : row.StringData(RedistOs_Language) = attribute.value Case "MinVersion" : row.StringData(RedistOs_MinVersion) = attribute.value Case "MaxVersion" : row.StringData(RedistOs_MaxVersion) = attribute.value Case Else : Unexpected attribute, node End Select Next
osCount = osCount + 1 DoAction RedistOsTable, op, row End Sub
' end redist elements '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
Sub ProcessProperty(property, value, op) Dim row : Set row = installer.CreateRecord(UBound(PropertyTable)) row.StringData (Property_Property) = Modularize(property) row.StringData (Property_Value) = value DoAction PropertyTable, op, row End Sub
Sub ProcessPropertyElement(node) Dim attribute, op, child, control, table, property, order, value, fAppSearch, signature For Each attribute In node.Attributes Select Case(attribute.name) Case "op" : op = attribute.value Case "Value" : value = attribute.value Case Else : Unexpected attribute, node End Select Next property = ElementText(node) ' see if this property is used for AppSearch fAppSearch = False For Each child In node.childNodes Select Case (GetElementName(child)) Case Empty Case "IniFileSearch" : If fAppSearch Then Fail "Only one search type can appear under Property: " & property Else fAppSearch = True : signature = ProcessIniFileSearchElement (child) Case "RegistrySearch" : If fAppSearch Then Fail "Only one search type can appear under Property: " & property Else fAppSearch = True : signature = ProcessRegistrySearchElement (child) Case "ComponentSearch": If fAppSearch Then Fail "Only one search type can appear under Property: " & property Else fAppSearch = True : signature = ProcessComponentSearchElement(child) Case "DirectorySearch": If fAppSearch Then Fail "Only one search type can appear under Property: " & property Else fAppSearch = True : signature = ProcessDirectorySearchElement(child, "") Case "FileSearch" : If fAppSearch Then Fail "Only one search type can appear under Property: " & property Else fAppSearch = True : signature = ProcessFileSearchElement (child, "") Case Else : Unexpected child, node End Select Next If fAppSearch Then If Not IsEmpty(value) Then Fail "Cannot specify a Value for search Property: " & property ProcessAppSearch property, signature, op Else ProcessProperty property, value, op End If End Sub
Sub ProcessLaunchCondition(node) Dim attribute, row, op Set row = installer.CreateRecord(UBound(LaunchConditionTable)) For Each attribute In node.Attributes Select Case(attribute.name) Case "op" : op = attribute.value Case "Message" : row.StringData(LaunchCondition_Description) = attribute.value Case Else : Unexpected attribute, node End Select Next row.StringData(LaunchCondition_Condition) = ElementText(node) DoAction LaunchConditionTable, op, row End Sub
Sub ProcessDirectoryElement(node, parent, sPath) Dim child, directory, value, attribute, row, op, name, longName, sTarget, sourceName, longSource, sSource, sDefaultDir
Dim bStdDir, bStdParent bStdDir = False bStdParent = False
directory = ElementText(node) Set row = installer.CreateRecord(UBound(DirectoryTable)) ' don't modularize TARGETDIR If "TARGETDIR" = directory Or bStdDir Then row.StringData(Directory_Directory) = directory Else row.StringData(Directory_Directory) = Modularize(directory) If "TARGETDIR" = parent Or bStdParent Then row.StringData(Directory_Directory_Parent) = parent Else row.StringData(Directory_Directory_Parent) = Modularize(parent) For Each attribute In node.Attributes value = attribute.value Select Case(attribute.name) Case "op" : op = value Case "Name" : name = value Case "LongName" : longName = value Case "SourceName" : sourceName = value Case "LongSource" : longSource = value Case Else : Unexpected attribute, node End Select Next If Len(name) = 0 Then Fail "Must specify a Name for Directory: " & directory If IsEmpty(sourceName) And Not IsEmpty(longSource) Then Fail "Must specify a SourceName for Directory: " & directory sTarget = name If Not IsEmpty(longName) Then sTarget = sTarget & "|" & longName sSource = sourceName If Not IsEmpty(longSource) Then sSource = sSource & "|" & longSource sDefaultDir = sTarget If Not IsEmpty(sSource) Then sDefaultDir = sDefaultDir & ":" & sSource row.StringData(Directory_DefaultDir) = sDefaultDir REM DefaultDir required if "insert" or "replace" or "merge" REM If IsEmpty(parent) And op <> "exist" Then Fail "Root Directory element op must be 'exist'" DoAction DirectoryTable, op, row
' build up the path If Not IsEmpty(sourceName) Then sPath = sPath & sourceName & "\" Else sPath = sPath & name & "\"
If fModule Then If dictStdDirs.Exists(directory) Then bStdDir = True Else bStdDir = False ' if adding one of the standard Windows Installer directories to module If bStdDir Then If database.TablePersistent("CustomAction") = 2 Then CreateTable CustomActionTable If database.TablePersistent("InstallExecuteSequence") = 2 Then CreateTable InstallExecuteSequenceTable If database.TablePersistent("InstallUISequence") = 2 Then CreateTable InstallUISequenceTable If database.TablePersistent("AdminExecuteSequence") = 2 Then CreateTable AdminExecuteSequenceTable If database.TablePersistent("AdminUISequence") = 2 Then CreateTable AdminUISequenceTable If database.TablePersistent("AdvtExecuteSequence") = 2 Then CreateTable AdvtExecuteSequenceTable If database.TablePersistent("AdvtUISequence") = 2 Then CreateTable AdvtUISequenceTable End If End If
For Each child In node.childNodes Select Case (GetElementName(child)) Case Empty Case "Directory" : ProcessDirectoryElement child, (directory), (sPath) Case "Module" : ProcessDirectoryModuleElement child, (directory) Case "Component" : ProcessComponentElement child, (directory), (sPath) Case Else : Unexpected child, node End Select Next End Sub
Sub ProcessCreateFolderElement(node, component, directory) Dim op, row, attribute, child Set row = installer.CreateRecord(UBound(CreateFolderTable)) For Each attribute In node.Attributes Select Case(attribute.name) Case "op" : op = attribute.value Case "Directory" : directory = attribute.value Case Else : Unexpected attribute, node End Select Next row.StringData (CreateFolder_Directory_) = Modularize(directory) row.StringData (CreateFolder_Component_) = Modularize(component) DoAction CreateFolderTable, op, row For Each child In node.childNodes Select Case (GetElementName(child)) Case Empty Case "Shortcut" : ProcessShortcutElement child, component, "[" & directory & "]" Case "Permission" : ProcessPermissionElement child, directory, "CreateFolder" Case Else : Unexpected child, node End Select Next End Sub
Sub ProcessCopyFileElement(node, component, fileId) Dim op, row, attribute, value Dim table, destFile, destDir, destFileColumn, destDirColumn, sourceFile, sourceDir, bits bits = 0 If IsEmpty(fileId) Then table = MoveFileTable destFileColumn = MoveFile_DestName destDirColumn = MoveFile_DestFolder For Each attribute In node.Attributes value = attribute.value Select Case(attribute.name) Case "op" : op = value Case "SourceFolder" : sourceDir = value Case "SourceName" : sourceFile = value Case "DestinationFolder" : destDir = value Case "DestinationName" : destFile = value Case "Delete" : If value = "yes" Then bits = 1 Case Else : Unexpected attribute, node End Select Next Else table = DuplicateFileTable destFileColumn = DuplicateFile_DestName destDirColumn = DuplicateFile_DestFolder For Each attribute In node.Attributes value = attribute.value Select Case(attribute.name) Case "op" : op = value Case "DestinationFolder" : destDir = value Case "DestinationName" : destFile = value Case Else : Unexpected attribute, node End Select Next End If Set row = installer.CreateRecord(UBound(table)) row.StringData(MoveFile_FileKey) = Modularize(ElementText(node)) row.StringData(MoveFile_Component_) = Modularize(component) row.StringData(destFileColumn) = destFile row.StringData(destDirColumn) = Modularize(destDir) If IsEmpty(fileId) Then row.StringData (MoveFile_SourceName) = sourceFile row.StringData (MoveFile_SourceFolder) = Modularize(sourceDir) row.IntegerData(MoveFile_Options) = bits Else row.StringData(DuplicateFile_File_) = Modularize(fileId) End If DoAction table, op, row End Sub
Sub ProcessReserveCostElement(node, component, directory) Dim op, row, attribute, value Set row = installer.CreateRecord(UBound(ReserveCostTable)) For Each attribute In node.Attributes value = attribute.value Select Case(attribute.name) Case "op" : op = value Case "Directory" : directory = value Case "RunLocal" : row.IntegerData(ReserveCost_ReserveLocal) = CLng(value) Case "RunFromSource" : row.IntegerData(ReserveCost_ReserveSource) = CLng(value) Case Else : Unexpected attribute, node End Select Next row.StringData (ReserveCost_ReserveKey) = Modularize(ElementText(node)) ' !! need to auto-generate row.StringData (ReserveCost_Component_) = Modularize(component) row.StringData (ReserveCost_ReserveFolder) = Modularize(directory) DoAction ReserveCostTable, op, row End Sub
Sub ProcessIsolateComponentElement(node, component) Dim op, row, attribute Set row = installer.CreateRecord(UBound(IsolatedComponentTable)) For Each attribute In node.Attributes Select Case(attribute.name) Case "op" : op = attribute.value Case Else : Unexpected attribute, node End Select Next row.StringData (IsolatedComponent_Component_Shared) = Modularize(ElementText(node)) row.StringData (IsolatedComponent_Component_Application) = Modularize(component) DoAction IsolatedComponentTable, op, row End Sub
Sub ProcessComponentElement(node, directory, sPath) Dim op, row, attribute, value, child Dim component, keyPath, keyFound, keyPossible, bits, keyBit, keyBits, comPlusBits, condition, nDiskId Set row = installer.CreateRecord(UBound(ComponentTable)) bits = 0 nDiskId = 0 component = ElementText(node) For Each attribute In node.Attributes value = attribute.value Select Case(attribute.name) Case "op" : op = value Case "Id" : if value<>"" Then row.StringData(Component_ComponentId) = "{" & UCase(value) & "}" Else row.StringData(Component_ComponentId) = "" Case "SharedDllRefCount" : If value="yes" Then bits = bits Or msidbComponentAttributesSharedDllRefCount Case "Permanent" : If value="yes" Then bits = bits Or msidbComponentAttributesPermanent Case "Transitive" : If value="yes" Then bits = bits Or msidbComponentAttributesTransitive Case "NeverOverwrite" : If value="yes" Then bits = bits Or msidbComponentAttributesNeverOverwrite Case "KeyPath" If value="yes" Then ' Directory_ is KeyPath keyFound = "yes" keyPath = directory keyBits = keyBit End If Case "ComPlusFlags" : comPlusBits = CInt(value) Case "Win64" : If value="yes" Then bits = bits Or msidbComponentAttributes64bit Case "Location" If value="source" Then bits = bits Or msidbComponentAttributesSourceOnly ElseIf value="either" Then bits = bits Or msidbComponentAttributesOptional End If Case "DiskId" : nDiskId = value Case Else : Unexpected attribute, node End Select Next If IsEmpty(directory) And op <> "exist" Then Fail "Root Component element op must be 'exist'" For Each child In node.childNodes keyPossible = "no" Select Case (GetElementName(child)) Case Empty Case "File" : keyPossible = ProcessFileElement (child, component, (nDiskId), sPath) : keyBit = 0 Case "Registry" : keyPossible = ProcessRegistryElement(child, component) : keyBit = msidbComponentAttributesRegistryKeyPath Case "ODBCDataSource" : keyPossible = ProcessODBCDataSource (child, component, Empty) : keyBit = msidbComponentAttributesODBCDataSource Case "ODBCDriver" : ProcessODBCDriver child, component, Empty, ODBCDriverTable Case "ODBCTranslator" : ProcessODBCDriver child, component, Empty, ODBCTranslatorTable Case "TypeLib" : Call ProcessTypeLibElement (child, component, Empty) Case "Shortcut" : ProcessShortcutElement child, component, "[" & directory & "]" Case "IniFile" : ProcessIniElement child, component Case "CreateFolder" : ProcessCreateFolderElement child, component, (directory) Case "CopyFile" : ProcessCopyFileElement child, component, Empty Case "IsolateComponent" : ProcessIsolateComponentElement child, component Case "ReserveCost" : ProcessReserveCostElement child, component, (directory) Case "RemoveFile" : ProcessRemoveFileElement child, component, (directory) Case "Environment" : ProcessEnvironmentElement child, component Case "ServiceControl" : ProcessServiceControlElement child, component Case "ServiceInstall" : ProcessServiceInstallElement child, component Case "Class" : ProcessClassElement child, component, Empty ' no feature, no advertise Case "Condition" If Not IsEmpty(condition) Then Fail "Can only have one Condition for a component" condition = ElementText(child) '!! need to make sure no attributes Case Else : Unexpected child, node End Select
If keyPossible = "yes" And keyFound = "yes" Then Fail "Component has more than one KeyPath: " & component ElseIf keyPossible = "yes" Or (keyFound = Empty And keyPossible <> "no") Then keyFound = keyPossible keyPath = ElementText(child) keyBits = keyBit End If Next
If keyFound = "no" Or keyFound = "noreg" Then Fail "Component has no KeyPath element and there is more than one choice: " & component row.StringData (Component_Component) = Modularize(component) row.StringData (Component_Directory_) = Modularize(directory) row.StringData (Component_Condition) = condition row.IntegerData(Component_Attributes) = bits Or keyBits row.StringData (Component_KeyPath) = Modularize(keyPath) DoAction ComponentTable, op, row If Not IsEmpty(comPlusBits) Then row.ClearData row.StringData (Complus_Component_) = component row.IntegerData(Complus_ExpType) = comPlusBits DoAction ComplusTable, op, row End If If fModule Then Set row = installer.CreateRecord(UBound(ModuleComponentsTable)) row.StringData (ModuleComponents_Component)= Modularize(component) row.StringData (ModuleComponents_ModuleID) = ModularizeX(productName) row.IntegerData(ModuleComponents_Language) = CInt(productLanguage) DoAction ModuleComponentsTable, op, row End If End Sub
'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ' ProcessDirectoryModuleElement Sub ProcessDirectoryModuleElement(node, directory) Dim attribute, value Dim sName, nLang, src, nDiskId Dim aModuleData(5)
' not valid in schema, but double check anyway If fModule Then Fail "Cannot specify a Module inside a Module" If IsEmpty(directory) Then Fail "Module must be found under a Directory element"
sName = ElementText(node) nDiskId = 0 nLang = 0 ' default language is "neutral" For Each attribute In node.Attributes value = attribute.value Select Case(attribute.name) Case "op" : Fail "robmen - ProcessDirectoryModuleElement() - op attribute currently unsupported in this context" Case "Language" : nLang = CInt(value) Case "DiskId" : nDiskId = value Case "src" : src = value Case Else : Unexpected attribute, node End Select Next If Not fModule And 0 = nDiskId Then Fail "Must specify a DiskId for Module: " & sName If IsEmpty(src) Then Fail "Must specify a 'src' for every Module"
' if the Module was already defined in Feature tree If dictModules.Exists(sName) Then Dim aData aData = dictModules.Item(sName) If IsEmpty(aData(0)) And IsEmpty(aData(2)) And IsEmpty(aData(3)) Then aData(0) = src aData(1) = nDiskId aData(2) = nLang If "targetdir" = LCase(directory) Then aData(3) = Empty Else aData(3) = directory 'WScript.Echo "Y Directory: " & aData(3)
dictModules.Item(sName) = aData Else Fail "Cannot merge same Module twice: " & sName End If Else aModuleData(0) = src aModuleData(1) = nDiskId aModuleData(2) = nLang If "targetdir" = LCase(directory) Then aModuleData(3) = Empty Else aModuleData(3) = directory aModuleData(4) = Empty ' no primary Feature yet aModuleData(5) = Empty ' no secondary Features yet 'WScript.Echo "Z Directory: " & aModuleData(3)
dictModules.Add sName, aModuleData End If End Sub ' ProcessDirectoryModuleElement
Sub ProcessFeatureElement(node, parent, lastDisplay) Dim child, value, attribute, row, bits, op, feature, display, childDisplay Set row = installer.CreateRecord(UBound(FeatureTable)) bits = 0 If fModule Then feature = "{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}" Else feature = ElementText(node) For Each attribute In node.Attributes value = attribute.value Select Case(attribute.name) Case "op" : op = value Case "Display" : display = value Case "Title" : row.StringData (Feature_Title) = value Case "Description" : row.StringData (Feature_Description) = value Case "Level" : row.IntegerData(Feature_Level) = CInt(value) Case "ConfigurableDirectory" : row.StringData (Feature_Directory_) = value Case "InstallDefault" : If value="source" Then bits = bits Or msidbFeatureAttributesFavorSource Case "TypicalDefault" : If value="advertise" Then bits = bits Or msidbFeatureAttributesFavorAdvertise Case "FollowParent" : If value="yes" Then bits = bits Or msidbFeatureAttributesFollowParent Case "Absent" : If value="disallow" Then bits = bits Or msidbFeatureAttributesUIDisallowAbsent Case "AllowAdvertise" If value="no" Then bits = bits Or msidbFeatureAttributesDisallowAdvertise ElseIf value="system" Then bits = bits Or msidbFeatureAttributesNoUnsupportedAdvertise End If Case Else : Unexpected attribute, node End Select Next If IsEmpty(display) Then display = "collapse" Select Case(display) Case "hidden" : display = 0 Case "expand" : lastDisplay = (lastDisplay + 1) Or 1 : display = lastDisplay Case "collapse" : lastDisplay = (lastDisplay Or 1) + 1 : display = lastDisplay Case Else : Fail "Unexpected Feature Display value: " & display End Select
row.StringData (Feature_Feature) = feature row.StringData (Feature_Feature_Parent) = parent row.IntegerData(Feature_Attributes) = bits row.IntegerData(Feature_Display) = display DoAction FeatureTable, op, row End If childDisplay = 0 For Each child In node.childNodes Select Case (GetElementName(child)) Case Empty Case "Feature" : ProcessFeatureElement child, feature, childDisplay Case "Condition" : ProcessFeatureCondition child, feature Case "Module" : ProcessFeatureModule child, feature Case "Component" : ProcessFeatureComponent child, feature Case Else : Unexpected child, node End Select Next End Sub
''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ' ProcessFeatureCondition Sub ProcessFeatureCondition(node, feature) Dim attribute, child, row, op, level Set row = installer.CreateRecord(UBound(ConditionTable)) For Each attribute In node.Attributes Select Case(attribute.name) Case "op" : op = attribute.value Case "Level" : level = CInt(attribute.value) Case Else : Unexpected attribute, node End Select Next row.StringData (Condition_Feature_) = feature row.IntegerData(Condition_Level) = level row.StringData (Condition_Condition) = ElementText(node) DoAction ConditionTable, op, row End Sub ' ProcessFeatureCondition
Sub ProcessFeatureComponent(node, feature) Dim child, component, attribute, row, op Set row = installer.CreateRecord(UBound(FeatureComponentsTable)) component = ElementText(node) For Each attribute In node.Attributes Select Case(attribute.name) Case "op" : op = attribute.value Case "Location" ' ignore default value passed by XML parser Case Else : Unexpected attribute, node End Select Next For Each child In node.childNodes Select Case (GetElementName(child)) Case Empty Case "Category" : ProcessCategoryElement child, component, feature Case "Class" : ProcessClassElement child, component, feature Case "Shortcut" : ProcessShortcutElement child, component, (feature) Case "Extension" : ProcessExtensionElement child, component, feature, Empty Case "ProgId" : ProcessProgIdElement child, component, feature, Empty, Empty, Empty Case "Assembly" : ProcessAssemblyElement child, component, feature Case Else : Unexpected child, node End Select Next If IsEmpty(component) Then Fail "Missing Component key name" If Not fModule Then row.StringData (FeatureComponents_Feature_) = feature row.StringData (FeatureComponents_Component_) = component DoAction FeatureComponentsTable, op, row End If End Sub
''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ' ProcessFeatureModule Sub ProcessFeatureModule(node, feature) Dim attribute Dim sName, fPrimary Dim aModuleData(5)
' not valid in schema, but double check anyway If fModule Then Fail "Cannot specify a Module inside a Module"
sName = ElementText(node) For Each attribute In node.Attributes Select Case(attribute.name) Case "op" : Fail "robmen - ProcessFeatureModule() - op attribute currently unsupported in this context" Case "Primary" : If "yes" = attribute.value Then fPrimary = True Case Else : Unexpected attribute, node End Select Next
' if the Module was already defined in Directory or Feature tree If dictModules.Exists(sName) Then Dim aData aData = dictModules.Item(sName) If fPrimary Then If Not IsEmpty(aData(4)) Then Fail "Cannot specify two 'primary' Features for Module: " & sName aData(4) = feature If 0 = Len(aData(5)) Then aData(5) = Empty Else ' not the primary feature If 0 = Len(aData(5)) Then aData(5) = feature Else aData(5) = aData(5) & ":" & feature End If End If 'WScript.Echo "A Directory: " & aData(3)
dictModules.Item(sName) = aData Else aModuleData(0) = Empty aModuleData(1) = 0 ' invalid DiskId aModuleData(2) = Empty aModuleData(3) = Empty If fPrimary Then aModuleData(4) = feature If 0 = Len(aModuleData(5)) Then aModuleData(5) = Empty Else aModuleData(4) = Empty If 0 = Len(aModuleData(5)) Then aModuleData(5) = feature Else aModuleData(5) = aModuleData(5) & ":" & feature End If End If 'WScript.Echo "B Directory: " & aModuleData(3)
dictModules.Add sName, aModuleData End If End Sub ' ProcessFeatureModule
Function ProcessFileElement(node, component, nDiskId, sPath) Dim op, value, attribute, child, row, bits, fileId, bindPath, selfRegCost, shortName, longName, nFileSize, fontTitle, nSequence, src Dim aData(1)
Set row = installer.CreateRecord(UBound(FileTable)) nFileSize = 0 bits = 0 nSequence = Empty ProcessFileElement = "file" fileId = ElementText(node) For Each attribute In node.Attributes value = attribute.value Select Case(attribute.name) Case "op" : op = value Case "Name" : shortName = value Case "LongName" : longName = value Case "FileSize" : nFileSize = CLng(value) Case "Version" : row.StringData (File_Version) = value Case "Language" : row.StringData (File_Language) = value Case "Sequence" : nSequence = CInt(value) Case "ReadOnly" : If value="yes" Then bits = bits Or msidbFileAttributesReadOnly Case "Hidden" : If value="yes" Then bits = bits Or msidbFileAttributesHidden Case "System" : If value="yes" Then bits = bits Or msidbFileAttributesSystem Case "Vital" : If value="yes" Then bits = bits Or msidbFileAttributesVital Case "Checksum" : If value="yes" Then bits = bits Or msidbFileAttributesChecksum Case "PatchAdded" : If value="yes" Then bits = bits Or msidbFileAttributesPatchAdded Case "Noncompressed" : If value="yes" Then bits = bits Or msidbFileAttributesNoncompressed Case "Compressed" : If value="yes" Then bits = bits Or msidbFileAttributesCompressed Case "KeyPath" : ProcessFileElement = value Case "BindPath" : bindPath = value Case "SelfRegCost" : selfRegCost = value Case "TrueType" : If value="yes" Then fontTitle = "" Case "FontTitle" : fontTitle = value Case "DiskId" : nDiskId = value Case "src" : src = value ' BaseDir() is called later, not now Case Else : Unexpected attribute, node End Select Next If IsEmpty(nSequence) Then nSequence = fileSeq : fileSeq = fileSeq + 1 Else fileSeq = nSequence + 1 If fModule And 0 <> nDiskId Then Fail "Cannot specify a DiskId when compiling a Module" ' not allowed by schema but check anyway If Not fModule And 0 = nDiskId Then Fail "Must specify a DiskId for File: " & fileId
If Not IsEmpty(bindPath) Then ProcessBindImage fileId, bindPath, op If Not IsEmpty(selfRegCost) Then ProcessSelfReg fileId, selfregCost, op If Not IsEmpty(fontTitle) Then ProcessFont fileId, fontTitle, op
row.StringData(File_File) = Modularize(fileId) row.StringData(File_Component_) = Modularize(component) If IsEmpty(longName) Then row.StringData(File_FileName) = shortName Else row.StringData(File_FileName) = shortName & "|" & longName row.IntegerData(File_FileSize) = nFileSize row.IntegerData(File_Attributes) = bits row.IntegerData(File_Sequence) = nSequence DoAction FileTable, op, row
' add to build dictionary If 0 < Len(src) Then If "\" = Right(src, 1) Then If IsEmpty(longName) Then src = src & shortName Else src = src & longName End If aData(0) = src Else If IsEmpty(longName) Then aData(0) = sPath & shortName Else aData(0) = sPath & longName End If aData(1) = nDiskId dictFiles.Add Modularize(fileId), aData
For Each child In node.childNodes Select Case (GetElementName(child)) Case Empty Case "Shortcut" : ProcessShortcutElement child, component, "[#" & fileId & "]" Case "CopyFile" : ProcessCopyFileElement child, component, Modularize(fileId) Case "ODBCDriver" : ProcessODBCDriver child, component, Modularize(fileId), ODBCDriverTable Case "ODBCTranslator" : ProcessODBCDriver child, component, Modularize(fileId), ODBCTranslatorTable Case "Permission" : ProcessPermissionElement child, Modularize(fileId), "File" Case Else : Unexpected child, node End Select Next End Function
Sub ProcessBindImage(file, path, op) Dim row : Set row = installer.CreateRecord(UBound(BindImageTable)) row.StringData (BindImage_File_) = Modularize(file) row.StringData (BindImage_Path) = ModularizeProperty(path) DoAction BindImageTable, op, row End Sub
Sub ProcessSelfReg(file, cost, op) Dim row : Set row = installer.CreateRecord(UBound(SelfRegTable)) row.StringData (SelfReg_File_) = Modularize(file) row.StringData (SelfReg_Cost) = cost DoAction SelfRegTable, op, row End Sub
Sub ProcessFont(file, fontTitle, op) Dim row : Set row = installer.CreateRecord(UBound(FontTable)) row.StringData (Font_File_) = Modularize(file) row.StringData (Font_FontTitle) = fontTitle DoAction FontTable, op, row End Sub
Sub ProcessRemoveFileElement(node, component, directory) Dim op, row, attribute, value Set row = installer.CreateRecord(UBound(RemoveFileTable)) For Each attribute In node.Attributes value = attribute.value Select Case(attribute.name) Case "op" : op = value Case "Directory" : directory = value Case "Name" : row.StringData(RemoveFile_FileName) = value Case "On" Select Case(value) Case "install" : value = 1 Case "uninstall" : value = 2 Case "both" : value = 3 Case Else : Fail "Unexpected value for RemoveFile 'On' attribute: " & value End Select row.IntegerData(RemoveFile_InstallMode) = value Case Else : Unexpected attribute, node End Select Next row.StringData (RemoveFile_FileKey) = Modularize(ElementText(node)) ' !! need to auto-generate row.StringData (RemoveFile_Component_) = Modularize(component) row.StringData (RemoveFile_DirProperty) = Modularize(directory) DoAction RemoveFileTable, op, row End Sub
Sub ProcessPermissionElement(node, tableKey, tableName) Dim value, attribute, row, op, source, target, bit, bits, specialPermissions Set row = installer.CreateRecord(UBound(LockPermissionsTable)) bits = CLng(0) Select Case(tableName) Case "File" : specialPermissions = filePermissions Case "CreateFolder" : specialPermissions = folderPermissions Case "Registry" : specialPermissions = registryPermissions Case Else : Fail "Invalid parent element type for Permission: " & tableName End Select For Each attribute In node.Attributes value = attribute.value Select Case(attribute.name) Case "op" : op = value Case "Domain" : row.StringData(LockPermissions_Domain) = value Case "User" : row.StringData(LockPermissions_User) = value Case Else bit = NameToBit(standardPermissions, attribute.name, value) If Not IsEmpty(bit) Then bit = bit * 65536 Else bit = NameToBit(genericPermissions, attribute.name, value) If Not IsEmpty(bit) Then If bit = 8 Then bit = &h80000000 Else bit = bit * &h10000000 Else bit = NameToBit(specialPermissions, attribute.name, value) If IsEmpty(bit) Then Unexpected attribute, node End If End If bits = bits Or bit End Select Next row.StringData (LockPermissions_LockObject) = Modularize(tableKey) row.StringData (LockPermissions_Table) = tableName row.IntegerData(LockPermissions_Permission) = bits DoAction LockPermissionsTable, op, row End Sub
Sub ProcessCategoryElement(node, component, feature) Dim value, attribute, child, row, op Set row = installer.CreateRecord(UBound(PublishComponentTable)) For Each attribute In node.Attributes value = attribute.value Select Case(attribute.name) Case "op" : op = value Case "Qualifier" : row.StringData (PublishComponent_Qualifier) = value Case "AppData" : row.StringData (PublishComponent_AppData) = value Case Else : Unexpected attribute, node End Select Next row.StringData(PublishComponent_ComponentId) = ElementText(node) row.StringData(PublishComponent_Component_) = Modularize(component) row.StringData(PublishComponent_Feature_) = feature DoAction PublishComponentTable, op, row End Sub
Sub ProcessShortcutElement(node, component, target) Dim value, attribute, child, row, op, shortName, longName Set row = installer.CreateRecord(UBound(ShortcutTable)) For Each attribute In node.Attributes value = attribute.value Select Case(attribute.name) Case "op" : op = value Case "Target" : target = value Case "Name" : shortName = value Case "LongName" : longName = value Case "Directory" : row.StringData (Shortcut_Directory_) = Modularize(value) Case "Description" : row.StringData (Shortcut_Description) = value Case "Arguments" : row.StringData (Shortcut_Arguments) = value Case "Hotkey" : row.IntegerData(Shortcut_Hotkey) = CInt(value) Case "Icon" : row.StringData (Shortcut_Icon_) = value Case "IconIndex" : row.IntegerData(Shortcut_IconIndex) = CInt(value) Case "Show" : If value = "normal" Then row.IntegerData(Shortcut_ShowCmd) = 1 Else If value = "maximized" Then row.IntegerData(Shortcut_ShowCmd) = 3 Else If value = "minimized" Then row.IntegerData(Shortcut_ShowCmd) = 7 Case "WorkingDirectory" : row.StringData (Shortcut_WkDir) = value Case Else : Unexpected attribute, node End Select Next row.StringData(Shortcut_Shortcut) = Modularize(ElementText(node)) row.StringData(Shortcut_Component_) = Modularize(component) row.StringData(Shortcut_Target) = ModularizeProperty(target) If Not IsEmpty(longName) Then shortName = shortName & "|" & longName row.StringData(Shortcut_Name) = shortName DoAction ShortcutTable, op, row End Sub
Sub ProcessIniElement(node, component) Dim value, attribute, row, op, table, action Set row = installer.CreateRecord(UBound(IniFileTable)) For Each attribute In node.Attributes value = attribute.value Select Case(attribute.name) Case "op" : op = value Case "Action" : action = value Case "Name" : row.StringData (IniFile_FileName) = value Case "Directory" : row.StringData (IniFile_DirProperty) = Modularize(value) Case "Section" : row.StringData (IniFile_Section) = value Case "Key" : row.StringData (IniFile_Key) = value Case "Value" : row.StringData (IniFile_Value) = value Case Else : Unexpected attribute, node End Select Next Select Case(action) Case "addLine" : action = msidbIniFileActionAddLine Case "createLine" : action = msidbIniFileActionCreateLine Case "addTag" : action = msidbIniFileActionAddTag Case "removeLine" : action = msidbIniFileActionRemoveLine Case "removeTag" : action = msidbIniFileActionRemoveTag Case Else : Fail "Unexpected IniFile action: " & action End Select row.StringData (IniFile_IniFile) = Modularize(ElementText(node)) '!!! auto-generate? If action = msidbIniFileActionRemoveLine Or action = msidbIniFileActionRemoveTag Then table = RemoveIniFileTable Else table = IniFileTable End If DoAction table, op, row End Sub
Sub ProcessEnvironmentElement(node, component) Dim op, row, attribute, value, text, system, name, action, uninstall, separator, part Set row = installer.CreateRecord(UBound(EnvironmentTable)) uninstall = "-" ' default to remove at uninstall For Each attribute In node.Attributes value = attribute.value Select Case(attribute.name) Case "op" : op = value Case "Name" : name = value Case "Value" : text = value Case "Separator" : separator = value Case "Part" : part = value Case "System" : If value = "yes" Then system = "*" Case "Permanent" : If value = "yes" Then uninstall = Empty Case "Action" Select Case(value) Case "create" : action = "=" Case "set" : action = "+" Case "remove" : action = "!" Case Else : Fail "Unexpected Environment Action value: " & value End Select End Select Next Select Case(part) Case Empty Case "all" Case "first" : text = text & delim & "[~]" Case "last" : text = "[~]" & delim & text Case Else : Fail "Unexpected Environment Part value: " & part End Select row.StringData (Environment_Environment) = Modularize(ElementText(node)) ' !! need to auto-generate row.StringData (Environment_Component_) = Modularize(component) row.StringData (Environment_Name) = action & uninstall & system & name row.StringData (Environment_Value) = text DoAction EnvironmentTable, op, row End Sub
Sub ProcessServiceControlElement(node, component) Dim child, op, row, attribute, value, name, events, wait, arguments Set row = installer.CreateRecord(UBound(ServiceControlTable)) events = 0 ' default do nothing wait = "" For Each attribute In node.Attributes value = attribute.value Select Case(attribute.name) Case "op" : op = value Case "Name" : name = value Case "Start" Select Case(value) Case "install" : events = events Or msidbServiceControlEventStart Case "uninstall" : events = events Or msidbServiceControlEventUninstallStart Case "both" : events = events Or msidbServiceControlEventStart Or msidbServiceControlEventUninstallStart Case Else : Fail "Unknown Service start type: " & value End Select Case "Stop" Select Case(value) Case "install" : events = events Or msidbServiceControlEventStop Case "uninstall" : events = events Or msidbServiceControlEventUninstallStop Case "both" : events = events Or msidbServiceControlEventStop Or msidbServiceControlEventUninstallStop Case Else : Fail "Unknown Service stop type: " & value End Select Case "Remove" Select Case(value) Case "install" : events = events Or msidbServiceControlEventRemove Case "uninstall" : events = events Or msidbServiceControlEventUninstallRemove Case "both" : events = events Or msidbServiceControlEventRemove Or msidbServiceControlEventUninstallRemove Case Else : Fail "Unknown Service remove type: " & value End Select Case "Wait" Select Case(value) Case "yes" : wait = "1" ' strings used since integer column is nullable Case "no" : wait = "0" Case Else : Fail "Unknown Wait value: " & value End Select End Select Next ' get the ServiceControl arguments arguments = "" For Each child In node.childNodes Select Case (GetElementName(child)) Case Empty Case "ServiceArgument" If Len(arguments) > 0 Then arguments = arguments & "[~]" arguments = arguments & ElementText(child) Case Else : Unexpected child, node End Select Next row.StringData (ServiceControl_ServiceControl) = Modularize(ElementText(node)) ' !! need to auto-generate row.StringData (ServiceControl_Name) = name row.IntegerData(ServiceControl_Event) = events row.StringData (ServiceControl_Arguments) = arguments row.StringData (ServiceControl_Wait) = wait row.StringData (ServiceControl_Component_) = Modularize(component) DoAction ServiceControlTable, op, row End Sub ' ProcessServiceControlElement
Sub ProcessServiceInstallElement(node, component) Dim child, op, row, attribute, value, typebits, errorbits, erasedesc, dependencies Set row = installer.CreateRecord(UBound(ServiceInstallTable)) typebits = 0 errorbits = 0 erasedesc = False ' don't erase the description For Each attribute In node.Attributes value = attribute.value Select Case(attribute.name) Case "op" : op = value Case "Name" : row.StringData (ServiceInstall_Name) = value Case "DisplayName" : row.StringData (ServiceInstall_DisplayName) = value Case "Type" Select Case(value) Case "ownProcess" : typebits = typebits Or msidbServiceInstallOwnProcess Case "shareProcess" : typebits = typebits Or msidbServiceInstallShareProcess Case "kernelDriver" : Fail "Service type not currently supported by the Windows Installer: " & value ' = 1 Case "systemDriver" : Fail "Service type not currently supported by the Windows Installer: " & value ' = 2 Case Else : Fail "Unknown Service type: " & value End Select Case "Interactive" : If "yes" = value Then typebits = typebits Or msidbServiceInstallInteractive Case "Start" Select Case(value) Case "auto" : row.IntegerData(ServiceInstall_StartType) = msidbServiceInstallAutoStart Case "demand" : row.IntegerData(ServiceInstall_StartType) = msidbServiceInstallDemandStart Case "disabled" : row.IntegerData(ServiceInstall_StartType) = msidbServiceInstallDisabled Case "boot" : Fail "Service start type not currently supported by the Windows Installer: " & value ' = 0 Case "system" : Fail "Service start type not currently supported by the Windows Installer: " & value ' = 1 Case Else : Fail "Unknown Service start type: " & value End Select Case "ErrorControl" Select Case(value) Case "ignore" : errorbits = errorbits Or msidbServiceInstallErrorIgnore Case "normal" : errorbits = errorbits Or msidbServiceInstallErrorNormal Case "critical" : errorbits = errorbits Or msidbServiceInstallErrorCritical Case Else : Fail "Unknown Service error control type: " & value End Select Case "Vital" : If "yes" = value Then errorbits = errorbits Or msidbServiceInstallErrorControlVital Case "LocalGroup" : row.StringData (ServiceInstall_LoadOrderGroup) = value Case "Account" : row.StringData (ServiceInstall_StartName) = value Case "Password" : row.StringData (ServiceInstall_Password) = value Case "Arguments" : row.StringData (ServiceInstall_Arguments) = value Case "Description" : row.StringData (ServiceInstall_Description) = value Case "EraseDescription": If "yes"=value Then erasedesc = True End Select Next If erasedesc Then row.StringData (ServiceInstall_Description) = "[~]"
' get the ServiceInstall dependencies dependencies = "" For Each child In node.childNodes Select Case (GetElementName(child)) Case Empty Case "ServiceDependency" ' If Len(dependencies) > 0 Then dependencies = dependencies & "[~]" ' !!! ??? If two [~] are not necessary on the end of Dependencies ' dependencies = dependencies & ProcessServiceDependency(child) ' uncomment this code and clean up the lines below dependencies = dependencies & ProcessServiceDependency(child) & "[~]" Case Else : Unexpected child, node End Select Next If Len(dependencies) > 0 Then dependencies = dependencies & "[~]" row.StringData (ServiceInstall_ServiceInstall) = Modularize(ElementText(node)) ' !! need to auto-generate row.IntegerData(ServiceInstall_ServiceType) = typebits row.IntegerData(ServiceInstall_ErrorControl) = errorbits row.StringData (ServiceInstall_Dependencies) = dependencies row.StringData (ServiceInstall_Component_) = Modularize(component) DoAction ServiceInstallTable, op, row End Sub ' ProcessServiceInstallElement
Function ProcessServiceDependency(node) Dim attribute, value
ProcessServiceDependency = ElementText(node) For Each attribute In node.Attributes value = attribute.value Select Case(attribute.name) Case "Group" If "yes"=value Then ProcessServiceDependency = "+" & ProcessServiceDependency End Select Next End Function ' ProcessServiceDependency
Sub ProcessRegistry(id, root, key, name, data, component, op) ' if no id was provided, create one If IsEmpty(id) Then id = "r" & regCount : regCount = regCount + 1 Dim row : Set row = installer.CreateRecord(UBound(RegistryTable)) row.StringData (Registry_Registry) = Modularize(id) row.StringData (Registry_Component_) = Modularize(component) row.IntegerData(Registry_Root) = root row.StringData (Registry_Key) = ModularizeProperty(key) row.StringData (Registry_Name) = ModularizeProperty(name) row.StringData (Registry_Value) = ModularizeProperty(data) DoAction RegistryTable, op, row End Sub
Function ProcessRegistryElement(node, component) Dim value, attribute, row, op, child, root, key, name, data, action ProcessRegistryElement = "reg" For Each attribute In node.Attributes value = attribute.value Select Case(attribute.name) Case "op" : op = value Case "Key" : key = value Case "Name" : name = value Case "Value" : data = value Case "Action" : action = value Case "KeyPath" : ProcessRegistryElement = value Case "Root" Select Case(value) Case "HKMU" : root = -1 Case "HKCR" : root = 0 Case "HKCU" : root = 1 Case "HKLM" : root = 2 Case "HKU" : root = 3 Case Else : Fail "Unknown Registry root type: " & value End Select Case Else : Unexpected attribute, node End Select Next Select Case(action) Case Empty Case "write" : action = Empty Case "remove" : action = name Case "removeKey" : action = "-" Case Else : Fail "Unexpected Registry 'Action' value: " & value End Select If IsEmpty(action) Then ProcessRegistry ElementText(node), root, key, name, data, component, op For Each child In node.childNodes Select Case (GetElementName(child)) Case Empty Case "Permission" : ProcessPermissionElement child, ElementText(node), "Registry" Case Else : Unexpected child, node End Select Next Else ProcessRegistryElement = Empty Set row = installer.CreateRecord(UBound(RemoveRegistryTable)) row.StringData (RemoveRegistry_RemoveRegistry) = Modularize(ElementText(node)) '!!! auto-generate? row.StringData (RemoveRegistry_Component_) = Modularize(component) row.IntegerData(RemoveRegistry_Root) = root row.StringData (RemoveRegistry_Key) = key row.StringData (RemoveRegistry_Name) = action DoAction RemoveRegistryTable, op, row End If End Function
Sub ProcessClassElement(node, component, feature) Dim child, value, attribute, row, op Dim bits, classId, context, defaultProgId, description, libId, threadingModel, insertable, version, programmable Dim icon, iconIndex, server Set row = installer.CreateRecord(UBound(ClassTable)) bits = 0 For Each attribute In node.Attributes value = attribute.value Select Case(attribute.name) Case "op" : op = value Case "Description" : description = value Case "Context" : context = value Case "AppId" : row.StringData (Class_AppId_) = "{" & value & "}" Case "FileTypeMask" : row.StringData (Class_FileTypeMask) = value Case "Icon" : icon = value Case "IconIndex" : iconIndex = CInt(value) Case "Handler" : row.StringData (Class_DefInprocHandler) = value Case "Argument" : row.StringData (Class_Argument) = value Case "RelativePath" : If value="yes" Then bits = bits Or msidbClassAttributesRelativePath ' The following attributes result in rows added to the Registry table rather than the class table Case "ThreadingModel" : threadingModel = value Case "Version" : version = value Case "Programmable" : If value="yes" Then programmable = "Programmable" Case "Insertable" Select Case(value) Case "yes" : insertable = "Insertable" Case "no" : insertable = "NotInsertable" Case Else : Fail "Unexpected Class Insertable option: " & value End Select Case "Server" : server = value Case Else : Unexpected attribute, node End Select Next classId = "{" & ElementText(node) & "}" For Each child In node.childNodes Select Case (GetElementName(child)) Case Empty Case "ProgId" ProcessProgIdElement child, component, feature, classId, (description), Empty If IsEmpty(defaultProgId) Then defaultProgId = ElementText(child) Case "TypeLib" libId = ProcessTypeLibElement(child, component, feature) ProcessRegistry Empty, 0, "CLSID\" & classId & "\TypeLib",Empty,"{" & libId & "}",component,op Case Else : Unexpected child, node End Select Next
If Not IsEmpty(threadingModel) Then threadingModel = UCase(Left(threadingModel,1)) & Right(threadingModel, Len(threadingModel)-1) ProcessRegistry Empty, 0, "CLSID\" & classId & "\" & context,"ThreadingModel",threadingModel,component,op End If If Not IsEmpty(version) Then ProcessRegistry Empty, 0, "CLSID\" & classId & "\Version", Empty, version,component,op If Not IsEmpty(insertable) Then ProcessRegistry Empty, 0, "CLSID\" & classId & "\" & insertable, Empty, Empty,component,op If Not IsEmpty(programmable) Then ProcessRegistry Empty, 0, "CLSID\" & classId & "\" & programmable, Empty, Empty,component,op
' if this is being advertised under a feature If Not IsEmpty(feature) Then If Not IsEmpty(server) Then Fail "Cannot specify a Server for an advertised Class Id"
row.StringData (Class_CLSID) = classId row.StringData (Class_Context) = context row.StringData (Class_Component_) = Modularize(component) row.StringData (Class_ProgId_Default) = defaultProgId row.StringData (Class_Description) = description row.StringData (Class_Icon_) = icon row.StringData (Class_IconIndex) = iconIndex row.StringData (Class_Feature_) = feature If bits <> 0 Then row.IntegerData(Class_Attributes) = bits DoAction ClassTable, op, row Else If IsEmpty(server) Then Fail "Must specify a Server for a non-advertised Class Id"
' ClassId's Context ProcessRegistry Empty, 0, "CLSID\" & classId & "\" & context,"", server, component, op ' ClassId's Description If 0 < Len(description) Then ProcessRegistry Empty, 0, "CLSID\" & classId, "", description, component, op ' ClassId's AppId If 0 < Len(row.StringData(Class_AppId_)) Then ProcessRegistry Empty, 0, "CLSID\" & classId & "\" & context,"AppID", row.StringData(Class_AppId_), component,op ' ClassId's FileTypeMask If 0 < Len(row.StringData(Class_FileTypeMask)) Then Fail "Don't know how to convert FileTypeMask into Registry elements - robmen" ' ClassId's Default Icon If 0 < Len(icon) Then If 0 < Len(iconIndex) Then icon = icon & "," & iconIndex ProcessRegistry Empty, 0, "CLSID\" & classId & "\" & context & "\DefaultIcon","", icon, component,op End If ' ClassId's Handler If 0 < Len(row.StringData(Class_DefInprocHandler)) Then Select Case row.StringData(Class_DefInprocHandler) Case "1" : ProcessRegistry Empty, 0, "CLSID\" & classId & "\InprocHandler","", "ole.dll", component,op Case "2" : ProcessRegistry Empty, 0, "CLSID\" & classId & "\InprocHandler32","", "ole32.dll", component,op Case "3" ProcessRegistry Empty, 0, "CLSID\" & classId & "\InprocHandler","", "ole.dll", component,op ProcessRegistry Empty, 0, "CLSID\" & classId & "\InprocHandler32","", "ole32.dll", component,op Case Else : ProcessRegistry regId, 0, "CLSID\" & classId & "\InprocHandler32","", row.StringData(Class_DefInprocHandler), component,op End Select End If ' ClassId's Argument If 0 < Len(row.StringData(Class_Argument)) Then Fail "Don't know how to convert Arguments into Registry elements - robmen" ' ClassId's RelativePath If 0 < Len(row.StringData(Class_Argument)) Then Fail "Don't know how to convert RelativePath into Registry elements - robmen" End If End Sub
Sub ProcessProgIdElement(node, component, feature, classId, description, parent) Dim child, value, attribute, row, op, progId, icon, iconIndex Set row = installer.CreateRecord(UBound(ProgIdTable)) progId = ElementText(node) For Each attribute In node.Attributes value = attribute.value Select Case(attribute.name) Case "op" : op = value Case "Description" : description = value Case "Icon" : icon = Modularize(value) Case "IconIndex" : iconIndex = CInt(value) Case Else : Unexpected attribute, node End Select Next For Each child In node.childNodes Select Case (GetElementName(child)) Case Empty Case "Extension" : ProcessExtensionElement child, component, feature, progId Case "ProgId" If IsEmpty(feature) Then ProcessProgIdElement child, component, Empty, (classId), (description), progId Else ProcessProgIdElement child, component, feature, Empty, (description), progId End If Case Else : Unexpected child, node End Select Next
If IsEmpty(feature) Then ' ProgId ProcessRegistry Empty, 0, progId, "", description, component, op ' ProgId's ClassId If 0 < Len(classId) Then ProcessRegistry Empty, 0, progId & "\CLSID", "", classId, component, op ' if this is a version independent ProgId If 0 < Len(parent) Then ProcessRegistry Empty, 0, "CLSID\" & classId & "\VersionIndependentProgID", "", progId, component, op Else ProcessRegistry Empty, 0, "CLSID\" & classId & "\ProgID", "", progId, component, op End If End If ' ProgId's Default Icon If 0 < Len(icon) Then If 0 < Len(iconIndex) Then icon = icon & "," & iconIndex ProcessRegistry Empty, 0, progId & "\DefaultIcon","", icon, component,op End If Else row.StringData (ProgId_ProgId) = progId row.StringData (ProgId_ProgId_Parent) = parent row.StringData (ProgId_Class_) = classId row.StringData (ProgId_Description) = description row.StringData (ProgId_Icon_) = icon If Not IsEmpty(iconIndex) Then row.IntegerData(ProgId_IconIndex) = iconIndex DoAction ProgIdTable, op, row End If End Sub
Sub ProcessExtensionElement(node, component, feature, progId) Dim child, value, attribute, row, op, extension, mime Set row = installer.CreateRecord(UBound(ExtensionTable)) extension = ElementText(node) For Each attribute In node.Attributes value = attribute.value Select Case(attribute.name) Case "op" : op = value Case "ContentType" : mime = value Case Else : Unexpected attribute, node End Select Next For Each child In node.childNodes Select Case (GetElementName(child)) Case Empty Case "Verb" : ProcessVerbElement child, extension, progId, feature Case "MIME" value = ProcessMIMEElement(child, extension, feature) If value <> "" And IsEmpty(mime) Then mime = value Case Else : Unexpected child, node End Select Next
If IsEmpty(feature) Then ' Extension ProcessRegistry Empty, 0, "." & extension, "", progId, component, op ' Extension's MIME ContentType If 0 < Len(mime) Then ProcessRegistry Empty, 0, "." & extension, "Content Type", mime, component, op Else row.StringData (Extension_Extension) = extension row.StringData (Extension_Component_) = Modularize(component) row.StringData (Extension_ProgId_) = progId row.StringData (Extension_MIME_) = mime row.StringData (Extension_Feature_) = feature DoAction ExtensionTable, op, row End If End Sub
Sub ProcessVerbElement(node, extension, progId, feature) Dim attribute, value, row, op, target, command, argument, sequence Set row = installer.CreateRecord(UBound(VerbTable)) For Each attribute In node.Attributes value = attribute.value Select Case(attribute.name) Case "op" : op = value Case "Target" : target = value Case "Command" : command = value Case "Argument" : argument = value case "Sequence" : sequence = CLng(value) Case Else : Unexpected attribute, node End Select Next
If IsEmpty(feature) Then If Not IsEmpty(target) Then Fail "Must specify a Target for a non-advertised Verb" ' handle arguments If 0 < Len(argument) Then target = target & " " & argument ' handle if verb is under progId or under extension If 0 < Len(progId) Then ProcessRegistry Empty, 0, progId & "\shell\" & command & "\command", "", target, component, op Else ProcessRegistry Empty, 0, "." & extension & "\shell\" & command & "\command", "", target, component, op End If Else If Not IsEmpty(target) Then Fail "Cannot specify a Target for an advertised Verb"
row.StringData (Verb_Extension_) = extension row.StringData (Verb_Verb) = ElementText(node) If Not IsEmpty(sequence) Then row.IntegerData(Verb_Sequence) = sequence row.StringData (Verb_Command) = command row.StringData (Verb_Argument) = argument DoAction VerbTable, op, row End If End Sub
Function ProcessMIMEElement(node, extension, feature) Dim attribute, value, row, op, contentType, classId Set row = installer.CreateRecord(UBound(MIMETable)) contentType = ElementText(node) For Each attribute In node.Attributes value = attribute.value Select Case(attribute.name) Case "op" : op = value Case "Class" : classId = value Case "Default" : If value = "yes" Then ProcessMIMEElement = contentType Case Else : Unexpected attribute, node End Select Next
If IsEmpty(feature) Then ProcessRegistry Empty, 0, "MIME\Content Type\" & contentType & "", "Extension", extension, component, op If 0 < Len(classId) Then ProcessRegistry Empty, 0, "MIME\Content Type\" & contentType & "", "CLSID", classId, component, op Else row.StringData (MIME_ContentType) = contentType row.StringData (MIME_Extension_) = extension row.StringData (MIME_CLSID) = classId DoAction MIMETable, op, row End If End Function
Function ProcessTypeLibElement(node, component, feature) Dim value, attribute, row, op, version, sFeature Set row = installer.CreateRecord(UBound(TypeLibTable)) version = 0 For Each attribute In node.Attributes value = attribute.value Select Case(attribute.name) Case "op" : op = value Case "MajorVersion" : version = CInt(value) * 256 + version Case "MinorVersion" : version = CInt(value) + version Case "Language" : row.IntegerData(TypeLib_Language) = CInt(value) Case "HelpDirectory" : row.StringData (TypeLib_Directory_) = Modularize(value) Case "Description" : row.StringData (TypeLib_Description) = value Case "dt" ' bug in IE5 msxml Case Else : Unexpected attribute, node End Select Next If fModule Then sFeature = "{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}" Else sFeature = feature ProcessTypeLibElement = ElementText(node) row.StringData (TypeLib_LibID) = "{" & ProcessTypeLibElement & "}" row.StringData (TypeLib_Component_) = Modularize(component) row.StringData (TypeLib_Feature_) = sFeature row.IntegerData(TypeLib_Version) = version DoAction TypeLibTable, op, row End Function
''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ' ProcessMediaElement Sub ProcessMediaElement(node, lastId) Dim value, attribute, child, row, op, diskId Dim nLastSequence, sCabinet, fEmbed
nLastSequence = 0 fEmbed = False Set row = installer.CreateRecord(UBound(MediaTable)) For Each attribute In node.Attributes value = attribute.value Select Case(attribute.name) Case "op" : op = value Case "DiskId" : diskId = value Case "LastSequence" : nLastSequence = CInt(value) Case "DiskPrompt" : row.StringData (Media_DiskPrompt) = value Case "Cabinet" : sCabinet = value Case "EmbedCab" : If "yes" = value Then fEmbed = True Case "VolumeLabel" : row.StringData (Media_VolumeLabel) = value Case Else : Unexpected attribute, node End Select Next If IsEmpty(diskId) Then diskId = lastId + 1 lastId = diskId If fEmbed Then If 0 = Len(sCabinet) Then Fail "Must specify a 'Cabinet' when embedding" If "#" <> Left(sCabinet, 1) Then sCabinet = "#" & sCabinet End If
row.IntegerData(Media_DiskId) = CInt(diskId) row.IntegerData(Media_LastSequence) = nLastSequence row.StringData (Media_Cabinet) = sCabinet DoAction MediaTable, op, row
For Each child In node.childNodes Select Case (GetElementName(child)) Case Empty Case "DigitalSignature" : ProcessDigitalSignatureElement child, "Media", diskId Case Else : Unexpected child, node End Select Next End Sub ' ProcessMediaElement
Sub ProcessAppIdElement(node) Dim value, attribute, row, op Set row = installer.CreateRecord(UBound(AppIdTable))
For Each attribute In node.Attributes value = attribute.value Select Case(attribute.name) Case "op" : op = value Case "RemoteServerName" : row.StringData(AppId_RemoteServerName) = value Case "LocalService" : row.StringData(AppId_LocalService) = value Case "ServiceParameters" : row.StringData(AppId_ServiceParameters) = value Case "DllSurrogate" : row.StringData(AppId_DllSurrogate) = value Case "ActivateAtStorage" : If value = "yes" Then row.IntegerData(AppId_ActivateAtStorage) = 1 Case "RunAsInteractiveUser" : If value = "yes" Then row.IntegerData(AppId_RunAsInteractiveUser) = 1 Case Else : Unexpected attribute, node End Select Next row.StringData (AppId_AppId) = "{" & ElementText(node) & "}" DoAction AppIdTable, op, row End Sub
Sub ProcessCustomActionElement(node) Dim value, attribute, row, op, source, target, bits, sourceBits, targetBits Set row = installer.CreateRecord(UBound(CustomActionTable)) bits = 0 For Each attribute In node.Attributes value = attribute.value Select Case(attribute.name) Case "op" : op = value Case "BinaryKey" : source = value : sourceBits = msidbCustomActionTypeBinaryData Case "FileKey" : source = value : sourceBits = msidbCustomActionTypeSourceFile Case "Property" : source = value : sourceBits = msidbCustomActionTypeProperty Case "Directory" : source = value : sourceBits = msidbCustomActionTypeDirectory Case "DllEntry" : target = value : targetBits = msidbCustomActionTypeDll Case "ExeCommand" : target = value : targetBits = msidbCustomActionTypeExe Case "JScriptCall" : target = value : targetBits = msidbCustomActionTypeJScript Case "VBScriptCall" : target = value : targetBits = msidbCustomActionTypeVBScript Case "Value" : target = value : targetBits = msidbCustomActionTypeTextData Case "InstallProperties" : target = value : targetBits = msidbCustomActionTypeInstall Case "Impersonate" : If value="no" Then bits = bits Or msidbCustomActionTypeNoImpersonate Case "TSAware" : If value="yes" Then bits = bits Or msidbCustomActionTypeTSAware Case "HideTarget" : If value="yes" Then bits = bits Or msidbCustomActionTypeHideTarget Case "Return" Select Case(value) Case "check" Case "ignore" : bits = bits Or msidbCustomActionTypeContinue Case "asyncWait" : bits = bits Or msidbCustomActionTypeAsync Case "asyncNoWait" : bits = bits Or msidbCustomActionTypeAsync Or msidbCustomActionTypeContinue Case Else : Fail "Unknown CustomAction Return type: " & value End Select Case "Execute" Select Case(value) Case "immediate" Case "deferred" : bits = bits Or msidbCustomActionTypeInScript Case "rollback" : bits = bits Or msidbCustomActionTypeInScript Or msidbCustomActionTypeRollback Case "commit" : bits = bits Or msidbCustomActionTypeInScript Or msidbCustomActionTypeCommit Case "oncePerProcess" : bits = bits Or msidbCustomActionTypeOncePerProcess Case "firstSequence" : bits = bits Or msidbCustomActionTypeFirstSequence Case "secondSequence" : bits = bits Or msidbCustomActionTypeClientRepeat Case Else : Fail "Unknown CustomAction Execute type: " & value End Select Case Else : Unexpected attribute, node End Select Next row.StringData (CustomAction_Action) = Modularize(ElementText(node)) row.IntegerData(CustomAction_Type) = bits Or sourceBits Or targetBits row.StringData (CustomAction_Source) = Modularize(source) row.StringData (CustomAction_Target) = target DoAction CustomActionTable, op, row End Sub
''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ' ProcessCustomTableElement Sub ProcessCustomTableElement(node) Dim tableName, tableView, columnName, colNames, colTypes, columnCount, rowCount, customTable(), columnNames(32), columnTypes(32), columnDef Dim value, attribute, child, item, state, row, op, primaryKey, width, nullable, localizable, typeName, index, bTableLoaded For Each attribute In node.Attributes Select Case(attribute.name) Case "op" : op = attribute.value Case Else : Unexpected attribute, node End Select Next tableName = ElementText(node) ReDim customTable(32) customTable(0) = tableName bTableLoaded = False columnCount = 0 For Each child In node.childNodes Select Case (GetElementName(child)) Case Empty Case "Column" bTableLoaded = True columnCount = columnCount + 1 columnName = ElementText(child) columnNames(columnCount) = columnName primaryKey = False nullable = False localizable = False width = 0 For Each attribute In child.Attributes value = attribute.value Select Case(attribute.name) Case "op" : op = value Case "PrimaryKey" : If value = "yes" Then primaryKey = True Case "Nullable" : If value = "yes" Then nullable = True Case "Localizable": If value = "yes" Then localizable= True Case "Width" : width = CInt(value) Case "Type" Select Case(value) Case "int" : typeName = "SHORT" Case "string" : typeName = "CHAR" Case "binary" : typeName = "OBJECT" Case Else : Fail "Unknown CustomTable data type: " & value End Select columnTypes(columnCount) = value Case Else : Unexpected attribute, node End Select Next If typeName = "SHORT" Then If width = 4 Then typeName = "LONG" Else If width <> 2 Then Fail "Invalid integer width: " & width End If If typeName = "CHAR" Then If width = 0 Then typeName = "LONGCHAR" Else typeName = typeName & "(" & width & ")" End If columnDef = "`" & columnName & "` " & typeName If Not nullable Then columnDef = columnDef & " NOT NULL" If primaryKey Then columnDef = columnDef & " PRIMARY KEY" If localizable Then columnDef = columnDef & " LOCALIZABLE" customTable(columnCount) = columnDef Case "Row" ' processed on second pass Case Else : Unexpected child, node End Select Next
If NOT(bTableLoaded) then ' Try to read the custom table data (in case we're not actually creating it in this pass) If database.TablePersistent(Replace(customTable(0),"`","")) = 1 Then Set tableView = database.OpenView("SELECT * FROM "& customTable(0)) : CheckError tableView.Execute : CheckError Set colNames = tableView.ColumnInfo(0) Set colTypes = tableView.ColumnInfo(1) columnCount = colNames.FieldCount For index = 1 To columnCount columnNames(index) = colNames.StringData(index) value = LCase(Left(colTypes.StringData(index),1)) Select Case(value) Case "i","j" : columnTypes(index) = "int" Case "s","g","l" : columnTypes(index) = "string" Case "v" : columnTypes(index) = "binary" Case Else : Fail "Unrecognized CustomTable data type: " & value End Select Next Else Fail "Cannot insert <CustomTable><Row/></CustomTable> data until AFTER <CustomTable/> definition has been made!" End If End If
' Truncate the in-memory table definition data down to the actual table size ReDim Preserve customTable(columnCount) CreateView(customTable) 'CreateView will call CreateTable if table doesn't already exist, or simply load data if it does Set row = installer.CreateRecord(columnCount) For Each child In node.childNodes Select Case (GetElementName(child)) Case Empty Case "Column" ' columns already processed Case "Row" row.ClearData For Each attribute In child.Attributes Select Case(attribute.name) Case "op" : op = attribute.value Case Else : Unexpected attribute, node End Select Next For Each item In child.childNodes Select Case (GetElementName(item)) Case Empty Case "Data" columnName = Empty For Each attribute In item.Attributes Select Case(attribute.name) Case "op" : op = attribute.value Case "Column" : columnName = attribute.value Case Else : Unexpected attribute, node End Select Next If IsEmpty(columnName) Then Fail "Missing column name for Data" For index = columnCount To 0 Step -1 If columnNames(index) = columnName Then Exit For Next If index = 0 Then Fail "Undefined column for Data: " & columnName value = ElementText(item) If columnTypes(index) = "string" Then row.StringData(index) = value Else row.IntegerData(index) = CLng(value) End If Case Else : Unexpected child, node End Select Next DoAction customTable, op, row Case Else : Unexpected child, node End Select Next End Sub ' ProcessCustomTableElement
Sub ProcessBinaryOrIconElement(node, table, fIcon) Dim attribute, op, child, value, row, name, length, fileName, outPath, binStream, line, index, char, nxtc, state If fNoBinary Then Exit Sub Set row = installer.CreateRecord(UBound(table)) For Each attribute In node.Attributes value = attribute.value Select Case(attribute.name) Case "op" : op = value Case "Name" : name = value Case "src" : outPath = BaseDir(value) Case Else : Unexpected attribute, node End Select Next
' if a file wasn't specified process the bin encoded data If IsEmpty(outPath) Then fileName = name outPath = tempDir & "\wi.tmp" Set binStream = fso.CreateTextFile(outPath, OverwriteIfExist, OpenAsASCII) : CheckError If fVerbose Then Wscript.echo "Binary file: " & name & " --> " & outPath For Each child In node.childNodes If child.nodeType = NODE_TEXT Then value = child.text length = Len(value) line = Empty For index = 1 To length char = Asc(Mid(value, index, 1)) If char < 48 Then '0 If char = 47 Then '/ char = 63 ElseIf char = 43 Then '+ char = 62 Else Fail "Illegal bin.base64 char: " & char End If ElseIf char = 61 Then '= state = 4 ElseIf char <= 57 Then char = char + 4 '9 ElseIf char <= 90 Then char = char - 65 'Z ElseIf char <= 122 Then char = char - 71 'z Else Fail "Illegal bin.base64 char: " & char End If Select Case (state) Case 0: state = 1 : nxtc = char * 4 Case 1: state = 2 : line = line & Chr((char \ 16) + nxtc) : nxtc = (char Mod 16) * 16 Case 2: state = 3 : line = line & Chr((char \ 4) + nxtc) : nxtc = (char Mod 4) * 64 Case 3: state = 0 : line = line & Chr( char + nxtc) Case Else: state = 0 End Select Next binStream.Write line End If Next binStream.Close Set binStream = Nothing ' release to allow reading End If
' On Error Resume Next ' Icon's don't get Modularized, Binary elements do If fIcon Then name = name Else name = Modularize(name) row.StringData(Binary_Name) = name row.SetStream Binary_Data, outPath : CheckError DoAction table, op, row CloseView table ' force table out of memory to release file End Sub
Sub ProcessSequence(table, node) Dim child, attribute, row, op, action, sequence, condition, lastSequence, defaultOp If fNoSeqTables Then Exit Sub Set row = installer.CreateRecord(UBound(table)) For Each attribute In node.Attributes Select Case(attribute.name) Case "op" : defaultOp = attribute.value Case "xmlns" ' ignore, processed by XML engine Case Else : Unexpected attribute, node End Select Next
' due to a bug in the mergemod.dll add all sequences to a MSI when ever the first one is needed If database.TablePersistent("InstallExecuteSequence") = 2 Then CreateTable InstallExecuteSequenceTable If database.TablePersistent("InstallUISequence") = 2 Then CreateTable InstallUISequenceTable If database.TablePersistent("AdminExecuteSequence") = 2 Then CreateTable AdminExecuteSequenceTable If database.TablePersistent("AdminUISequence") = 2 Then CreateTable AdminUISequenceTable If database.TablePersistent("AdvtExecuteSequence") = 2 Then CreateTable AdvtExecuteSequenceTable If database.TablePersistent("AdvtUISequence") = 2 Then CreateTable AdvtUISequenceTable
For Each child In node.childNodes action = GetElementName(child) If Not IsEmpty(action) Then sequence = Empty condition = Empty op = Empty For Each attribute In child.Attributes Select Case(attribute.name) Case "op" : op = attribute.value Case "xmlns" ' ignore, processed by XML engine Case "Action" : If action = "Custom" Then action = attribute.value Else Unexpected attribute, child Case "Dialog" : If action = "Show" Then action = attribute.value Else Unexpected attribute, child Case "Sequence" : sequence = CInt(attribute.value) Case "OnExit" If Not IsEmpty(sequence) Then Fail "Can't specify both Sequence and OnExit" Select Case(attribute.value) Case "success" : sequence = -1 Case "cancel" : sequence = -2 Case "error" : sequence = -3 Case "suspend" : sequence = -4 Case Else : Fail "Unexpected OnExit value: " & attribute.value End Select Case Else : Unexpected attribute, child End Select Next If action = "Custom" Then Fail "Missing Action attribute for Custom action" If action = "Show" Then Fail "Missing Dialog attribute for Show action" If ElementHasText(child) Then condition = ElementText(child) If IsEmpty(sequence) Or sequence = 0 Then sequence = lastSequence + 1 If IsEmpty(op) Then op = defaultOp If sequence < 0 Then lastSequence = 0 Else lastSequence = sequence row.StringData (InstallExecuteSequence_Action) = action row.IntegerData(InstallExecuteSequence_Sequence) = sequence row.StringData (InstallExecuteSequence_Condition) = condition DoAction table, op, row End If Next End Sub
'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ' ODBC handlers
Sub ProcessODBCDriver(node, component, file, table) ' also handles ODBCTranslator Dim child, value, attribute, row, op, driver, setup, name, driverKey, childOp Set row = installer.CreateRecord(UBound(table)) driver = file setup = file driverKey = ElementText(node) For Each attribute In node.Attributes value = attribute.value Select Case(attribute.name) Case "op" : op = value Case "Name" : name = value Case "File" : driver = value Case "SetupFile" : setup = value Case Else : Unexpected attribute, node End Select Next row.StringData(ODBCDriver_Driver) = driverKey row.StringData(ODBCDriver_Component_) = Modularize(component) row.StringData(ODBCDriver_Description) = name row.StringData(ODBCDriver_File_) = Modularize(driver) row.StringData(ODBCDriver_File_Setup) = Modularize(setup) DoAction table, op, row If table(0) <> "`ODBCDriver`" Then Exit Sub ' translators have no attributes or data sources For Each child In node.childNodes childOp = op Select Case (GetElementName(child)) Case Empty Case "ODBCDataSource" : Call ProcessODBCDataSource(child, component, name) Case "Property" row.ClearData For Each attribute In child.Attributes Select Case(attribute.name) Case "op" : childOp = attribute.value Case "Value" : value = attribute.value Case Else : Unexpected attribute, child End Select Next row.StringData(ODBCAttribute_Driver_) = driverKey row.StringData(ODBCAttribute_Attribute) = ElementText(child) row.StringData(ODBCAttribute_Value) = value DoAction ODBCAttributeTable, childOp, row Case Else : Unexpected child, node End Select Next End Sub
Function ProcessODBCDataSource(node, component, driverName) Dim child, value, attribute, row, op, name, sourceKey, childOp, registration Set row = installer.CreateRecord(UBound(ODBCDataSourceTable)) sourceKey = ElementText(node) ProcessODBCDataSource = "reg" For Each attribute In node.Attributes value = attribute.value Select Case(attribute.name) Case "op" : op = value Case "Name" : name = value Case "DriverName" : driverName = value Case "KeyPath" : ProcessODBCDataSource = value Case "Registration" Select Case(value) Case "machine" : registration = 0 Case "user" : registration = 1 Case Else : Fail "Unexpected ODBCDataSource Registration: " & value End Select Case Else : Unexpected attribute, node End Select Next row.StringData (ODBCDataSource_DataSource) = sourceKey row.StringData (ODBCDataSource_Component_) = Modularize(component) row.StringData (ODBCDataSource_Description) = name row.StringData (ODBCDataSource_DriverDescription) = driverName row.IntegerData(ODBCDataSource_Registration) = regitration DoAction ODBCDataSourceTable, op, row For Each child In node.childNodes childOp = op Select Case (GetElementName(child)) Case Empty Case "Property" row.ClearData For Each attribute In child.Attributes Select Case(attribute.name) Case "op" : childOp = attribute.value Case "Value" : value = attribute.value Case Else : Unexpected attribute, child End Select Next row.StringData(ODBCSourceAttribute_DataSource_) = sourceKey row.StringData(ODBCSourceAttribute_Attribute) = ElementText(child) row.StringData(ODBCSourceAttribute_Value) = value DoAction ODBCSourceAttributeTable, childOp, row Case Else : Unexpected child, node End Select Next End Function
'---------------------------------------------------------------------------------' ' AppSearch and CCP handlers '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
Sub ProcessAppSearch(property, signature, op) If property <> UCase(property) Then Fail "Must uppercase search Property: " & property
Dim row : Set row = installer.CreateRecord(UBound(AppSearchTable)) row.StringData (AppSearch_Property) = Modularize(property) row.StringData (AppSearch_Signature_) = Modularize(signature) DoAction AppSearchTable, op, row End Sub
Function ProcessIniFileSearchElement(node) Dim child, op, row, attribute, value, signature, fOneChild Set row = installer.CreateRecord(UBound(IniLocatorTable)) For Each attribute In node.Attributes value = attribute.value Select Case(attribute.name) Case "op" : op = value Case "File" : row.StringData (IniLocator_FileName) = value Case "Section" : row.StringData (IniLocator_Section) = value Case "Key" : row.StringData (IniLocator_Key) = value Case "Field" : row.StringData (IniLocator_Field) = value Case "Type" Select Case(value) Case "directory" : row.IntegerData(IniLocator_Type) = 0 Case "file" : row.IntegerData(IniLocator_Type) = 1 Case "registry" : row.IntegerData(IniLocator_Type) = 2 Case Else : Fail "Unknown Ini search type: " & value End Select End Select Next signature = Modularize(ElementText(node)) ' !! maybe auto-generate? row.StringData (IniLocator_Signature_) = Modularize(signature) DoAction IniLocatorTable, op, row
fOneChild = False For Each child In node.childNodes Select Case (GetElementName(child)) Case Empty Case "DirectorySearch": If fOneChild Then Fail "Only one search type can appear under Property: " & property Else fOneChild = True : signature = ProcessDirectorySearchElement(child, signature) Case "FileSearch" : If fOneChild Then Fail "Only one search type can appear under Property: " & property Else fOneChild = True : signature = ProcessFileSearchElement (child, signature) Case Else : Unexpected child, node End Select Next
ProcessIniFileSearchElement = signature End Function ' ProcessIniFileSearchElement
Function ProcessRegistrySearchElement(node) Dim child, op, row, attribute, value, signature, fOneChild Set row = installer.CreateRecord(UBound(RegLocatorTable)) For Each attribute In node.Attributes value = attribute.value Select Case(attribute.name) Case "op" : op = value Case "Root" Select Case(value) Case "HKCR" : row.IntegerData(RegLocator_Root) = 0 Case "HKCU" : row.IntegerData(RegLocator_Root) = 1 Case "HKLM" : row.IntegerData(RegLocator_Root) = 2 Case "HKU" : row.IntegerData(RegLocator_Root) = 3 Case Else : Fail "Unknown Registry search type: " & value End Select Case "Key" : row.StringData (RegLocator_Key) = value Case "Name" : row.StringData (RegLocator_Name) = value Case "Type" Select Case(value) Case "directory" : row.IntegerData(RegLocator_Type) = 0 Case "file" : row.IntegerData(RegLocator_Type) = 1 Case "registry" : row.IntegerData(RegLocator_Type) = 2 Case Else : Fail "Unknown Registry search type: " & value End Select End Select Next signature = ElementText(node) ' !! maybe auto-generate? row.StringData (RegLocator_Signature_) = Modularize(signature) DoAction RegLocatorTable, op, row
fOneChild = False For Each child In node.childNodes Select Case (GetElementName(child)) Case Empty Case "DirectorySearch": If fOneChild Then Fail "Only one search type can appear under Property: " & property Else fOneChild = True : signature = ProcessDirectorySearchElement(child, signature) Case "FileSearch" : If fOneChild Then Fail "Only one search type can appear under Property: " & property Else fOneChild = True : signature = ProcessFileSearchElement (child, signature) Case Else : Unexpected child, node End Select Next
ProcessRegistrySearchElement = signature End Function ' ProcessRegistrySearchElement
Function ProcessComponentSearchElement(node) Dim child, op, row, attribute, value, signature, fOneChild Set row = installer.CreateRecord(UBound(CompLocatorTable)) For Each attribute In node.Attributes value = attribute.value Select Case(attribute.name) Case "op" : op = value Case "Id" : row.StringData (CompLocator_ComponentId) = "{" & value & "}" ' add curly braces on GUID Case "Type" Select Case(value) Case "directory" : row.IntegerData(CompLocator_Type) = 0 Case "file" : row.IntegerData(CompLocator_Type) = 1 Case Else : Fail "Unknown Component search type: " & value End Select End Select Next signature = ElementText(node) ' !! maybe auto-generate? row.StringData (CompLocator_Signature_) = Modularize(signature) DoAction CompLocatorTable, op, row
fOneChild = False For Each child In node.childNodes Select Case (GetElementName(child)) Case Empty Case "DirectorySearch": If fOneChild Then Fail "Only one search type can appear under Property: " & property Else fOneChild = True : signature = ProcessDirectorySearchElement(child, signature) Case "FileSearch" : If fOneChild Then Fail "Only one search type can appear under Property: " & property Else fOneChild = True : signature = ProcessFileSearchElement (child, signature) Case Else : Unexpected child, node End Select Next
ProcessComponentSearchElement = signature End Function ' ProcessComponentSearchElement
Function ProcessDirectorySearchElement(node, parent) Dim child, op, row, attribute, value, signature, fOneChild Set row = installer.CreateRecord(UBound(DrLocatorTable)) For Each attribute In node.Attributes value = attribute.value Select Case(attribute.name) Case "op" : op = value Case "Path" : row.StringData (DrLocator_Path) = value Case "Depth" : row.IntegerData(DrLocator_Depth) = CInt(value) End Select Next signature = ElementText(node) ' !! maybe auto-generate? row.StringData (DrLocator_Signature_) = Modularize(signature) row.StringData (DrLocator_Parent) = Modularize(parent) DoAction DrLocatorTable, op, row
fOneChild = False For Each child In node.childNodes Select Case (GetElementName(child)) Case Empty Case "DirectorySearch": If fOneChild Then Fail "Only one search type can appear under Property: " & property Else fOneChild = True : signature = ProcessDirectorySearchElement(child, signature) Case "FileSearch" : If fOneChild Then Fail "Only one search type can appear under Property: " & property Else fOneChild = True : signature = ProcessFileSearchElement (child, signature) Case Else : Unexpected child, node End Select Next
ProcessDirectorySearchElement = signature End Function ' ProcessDirectorySearchElement
Function ProcessFileSearchElement(node, parent) Dim child, op, row, attribute, value, signature, fOneChild Set row = installer.CreateRecord(UBound(SignatureTable)) For Each attribute In node.Attributes value = attribute.value Select Case(attribute.name) Case "op" : op = value Case "Name" : row.StringData (Signature_FileName) = value Case "MinVersion" : row.StringData (Signature_MinVersion) = value Case "MaxVersion" : row.StringData (Signature_MaxVersion) = value Case "MinSize" : row.IntegerData(Signature_MinSize) = CLng(value) Case "MaxSize" : row.IntegerData(Signature_MaxSize) = CLng(value) Case "MinDate" : row.IntegerData(Signature_MinDate) = DosDate(value) Case "MaxDate" : row.IntegerData(Signature_MaxDate) = DosDate(value) Case "Languages" : row.StringData (Signature_Languages) = value End Select Next If ElementHasText(node) Then signature = ElementText(node) Else If Len(parent) = 0 Then Fail "Missing identifier for File search." Else signature = parent End If row.StringData (Signature_Signature) = Modularize(signature) DoAction SignatureTable, op, row
ProcessFileSearchElement = signature End Function ' ProcessFileSearchElement
'---------------------------------------------------------------------------------' ' Module handlers '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
Sub ProcessDependencyElement(node) Dim op, row, attribute, value, required, requiredId, language, version Set row = installer.CreateRecord(UBound(ModuleDependencyTable)) required = ElementText(node) For Each attribute In node.Attributes value = attribute.value Select Case(attribute.name) Case "op" : op = value Case "Id" : requiredId = Replace(value, "-", "_") Case "Version" : version = value Case "Language" : language = CInt(value) Case Else : Unexpected attribute, node End Select Next If IsEmpty(language) Then language = 0 If Len(requiredId) <> 36 Then Fail "An Id must be specified for required Module" row.StringData (ModuleDependency_ModuleID) = Modularize(productName) row.IntegerData(ModuleDependency_ModuleLanguage) = CInt(productLanguage) row.StringData (ModuleDependency_RequiredID) = required & "." & requiredId row.IntegerData(ModuleDependency_RequiredLanguage) = language row.StringData (ModuleDependency_RequiredVersion) = version DoAction ModuleDependencyTable, op, row End Sub
'---------------------------------------------------------------------------------' ' Windows Installer 1.5 elements '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------' Sub ProcessAssemblyElement(node, sComponent, sFeature) Dim op, row, child, attribute, value, sManifest, sApplication, nAttributes Set row = installer.CreateRecord(UBound(MsiAssemblyTable))
For Each attribute in node.Attributes value = attribute.value Select Case(attribute.name) Case "op" : op = value Case "Manifest" : sManifest = value Case "Application" : sApplication = value Case "Type" Select Case(value) Case ".net" : nAttributes = 0 Case "win32" : nAttributes = 1 Case Else : Fail "Unknown Assembly.Type: " & value End Select Case Else : Unexpected child, node End Select Next
If IsEmpty(nAttributes) Then Fail "Must specify a 'Type' for <Assembly/>"
For Each child In node.childNodes Select Case (GetElementName(child)) Case Empty Case "Property" : ProcessAssemblyPropertyElement child, sComponent Case Else : Unexpected child, node End Select Next
row.StringData(MsiAssembly_Component_) = Modularize(sComponent) row.StringData(MsiAssembly_Feature_) = sFeature row.StringData(MsiAssembly_File_Manifest) = Modularize(sManifest) row.StringData(MsiAssembly_File_Application) = sApplication row.IntegerData(MsiAssembly_Attributes) = nAttributes DoAction MsiAssemblyTable, op, row End Sub
Sub ProcessAssemblyPropertyElement(node, sComponent) Dim op, row, child, attribute, value, sName, sValue Set row = installer.CreateRecord(UBound(MsiAssemblyNameTable))
sName = ElementText(node) For Each attribute in node.Attributes value = attribute.value Select Case(attribute.name) Case "op" : op = value Case "Value" : sValue = value Case Else : Unexpected child, node End Select Next
If IsEmpty(sName) Then Fail "Must specify a 'Name' for <Assembly><Property/></Assembly>"
row.StringData(MsiAssemblyName_Component_) = Modularize(sComponent) row.StringData(MsiAssemblyName_Name) = sName row.StringData(MsiAssemblyName_Value) = sValue DoAction MsiAssemblyNameTable, op, row End Sub
Sub ProcessDigitalSignatureElement(node, sTable, sResource) Dim op, row, child, attribute, value, src, sCertificate Set row = installer.CreateRecord(UBound(MsiDigitalSignatureTable))
For Each attribute in node.Attributes value = attribute.value Select Case(attribute.name) Case "op" : op = value Case "src" : src = BaseDir(value) End Select Next
If ElementHasText(node) Then Fail "hex-encoded <DigitalSignature/> not currently supported" If IsEmpty(src) Then Fail "Must specify a source file for DigitalSignature hash"
For Each child In node.childNodes Select Case (GetElementName(child)) Case Empty Case "DigitalCertificate" : If IsEmpty(sCertificate) Then sCertificate = ProcessDigitalCertificateElement(child) Else Fail "Only one <DigitalCertificate/> per <DigitalSignature/>" Case Else : Unexpected child, node End Select Next
If IsEmpty(sCertificate) Then Fail "Must have a single <DigitalCertificate/> for a <DigitalSignature/>"
row.StringData(MsiDigitalSignature_Table) = sTable row.StringData(MsiDigitalSignature_SignObject) = sResource row.StringData(MsiDigitalSignature_DigitalCertificate_) = sCertificate row.SetStream MsiDigitalSignature_Hash, src DoAction MsiDigitalSignatureTable, op, row End Sub
Function ProcessDigitalCertificateElement(node) Dim op, row, child, attribute, value, sName, src Set row = installer.CreateRecord(UBound(MsiDigitalCertificateTable))
For Each attribute in node.Attributes value = attribute.value Select Case(attribute.name) Case "op" : op = value Case "Name" : sName = value Case "src" : src = BaseDir(value) End Select Next
If ElementHasText(node) Then Fail "hex-encoded <DigitalCertificate/> not currently supported" If IsEmpty(sName) Then Fail "Must specify a 'Name' for <DigitalCertificate/>" If IsEmpty(src) Then Fail "Must specify a 'src' file for <DigitalCertificate/>"
row.StringData(MsiDigitalCertificate_DigitalCertificate) = sName row.SetStream MsiDigitalCertificate_CertData, src DoAction MsiDigitalCertificateTable, op, row
ProcessDigitalCertificateElement = sName End Function
'---------------------------------------------------------------------------------' ' Patch element handlers '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------' Sub ProcessPatchElement(node) If Not fNoOnError Then On Error Resume Next Dim attribute, value Dim sWholeFiles, sProductMismatches, sVersionMismatches, sClean
sWholeFiles = "0" sProductMismatches = "0" sVersionMismatches = "0" sClean = "1" sReplaceGUIDs = Empty
' Walk XML nodes and populate .pcp tables For Each attribute In node.Attributes value = attribute.value Select Case(attribute.name) Case "Id" : value = "{"& value &"}" : ProcessProperties "PatchGUID", value, "replace" Case "OutputPath" : ProcessProperties "PatchOutputPath", value, "replace" Case "WholeFilesOnly" : If "yes" = value Then sWholeFiles = "1" Else sWholeFiles = "0" Case "SourceList" : ProcessProperties "PatchSourceList", value, "replace" Case "AllowProductCodeMismatches" : If "yes" = value Then sProductMismatches = "1" Else sProductMismatches = "0" Case "AllowMajorVersionMismatches": If "yes" = value Then sVersionMismatches = "1" Else sVersionMismatches = "0" Case "CleanWorkingFolder" : If "yes" = value Then sClean = "0" Else sClean = "1" Case "OptionFlags" : ProcessProperties "ApiPatchingOptionFlags", value, "replace" Case "SymbolFlags" : ProcessProperties "ApiPatchingSymbolFlags", value, "replace" Case "xmlns" : ' ProcessProperties "XMLSchema", value, "replace" Case Else : Unexpected attribute, node End Select Next
ProcessProperties "IncludeWholeFilesOnly", sWholeFiles, "replace" ProcessProperties "AllowProductCodeMismatches", sProductMismatches, "replace" ProcessProperties "AllowProductVersionMajorMismatches", sVersionMismatches, "replace" ProcessProperties "DontRemoveTempFolderWhenFinished", sClean, "replace"
Dim child, sReplaceGUIDs, sTargetProducts For Each child In node.childNodes Select Case (GetElementName(child)) Case Empty Case "Property" : ProcessPropertiesElement child Case "Family" : ProcessFamilyElement child Case "ReplacePatch" : sReplaceGUIDs = sReplaceGUIDs & "{" & ElementText(child) & "}" Case "TargetProductCode" value = ElementText(child) If "*" <> value And 38 <> Len(value) Then Fail "Invalid TargetProductCode value: " & value If Not IsEmpty(sTargetProducts) Then sTargetProducts = sTargetProducts & ";" If "*" <> value Then value = "{" & value & "}" sTargetProducts = sTargetProducts & value Case Else : Unexpected child, node End Select Next
If Not IsEmpty(sReplaceGUIDs) Then ProcessProperties "ListOfPatchGUIDsToReplace", sReplaceGUIDs, "replace" ProcessProperties "ListOfTargetProductCodes", sTargetProducts, "replace" Set dictView = Nothing ' close all views, could also use RemoveAll method of Dictionary object End Sub ' ProcessPatchElement
Sub ProcessProperties(sProperty, value, op) Dim row : Set row = installer.CreateRecord(UBound(PropertiesTable)) row.StringData (Properties_Name) = sProperty row.StringData (Properties_Value) = value DoAction PropertiesTable, op, row End Sub
Sub ProcessPropertiesElement(node) Dim attribute, op, child, sProperty, value
sProperty = ElementText(node) For Each attribute In node.Attributes Select Case(attribute.name) Case "op" : op = attribute.value Case "Value" : value = attribute.value Case Else : Unexpected attribute, node End Select Next ProcessProperties sProperty, value, op End Sub
Sub ProcessFamilyElement(node) Dim op, row, attribute, value Dim sFamily
Set row = installer.CreateRecord(UBound(ImageFamiliesTable))
sFamily = ElementText(node) ' !! maybe auto-generate? For Each attribute In node.Attributes value = attribute.value Select Case(attribute.name) Case "op" : op = value Case "MediaSrcProp" : row.StringData(ImageFamilies_MediaSrcPropName) = value Case "DiskId" : row.IntegerData(ImageFamilies_MediaDiskId) = CLng(value) Case "SequenceStart": row.IntegerData(ImageFamilies_FileSequenceStart) = CLng(value) Case "DiskPrompt" : row.StringData(ImageFamilies_DiskPrompt) = value Case "VolumeLabel" : row.StringData(ImageFamilies_VolumeLabel) = value Case Else : Unexpected attribute, node End Select Next row.StringData(ImageFamilies_Family) = sFamily DoAction ImageFamiliesTable, op, row
Dim child For Each child In node.childNodes Select Case (GetElementName(child)) Case Empty Case "ExternalFile": ProcessExternalFileElement child, sFamily Case "ProtectFile" : ProcessProtectFileElement child, sFamily Case "UpgradeImage": ProcessUpgradeImageElement child, sFamily Case Else : Unexpected child, node End Select Next End Sub ' ProcessFamilyElement
Sub ProcessExternalFileElement(node, sFamily) Dim op, row, attribute, value Dim sFile, nOrder
Set row = installer.CreateRecord(UBound(ExternalFilesTable))
sFile = ElementText(node) ' !! maybe auto-generate? For Each attribute In node.Attributes value = attribute.value Select Case(attribute.name) Case "op" : op = value Case "src" : row.StringData(ExternalFiles_FilePath) = BaseDir(value) Case "Order" : nOrder = CLng(value) Case Else : Unexpected attribute, node End Select Next If IsEmpty(nOrder) Then nOrder = externalOrder : externalOrder = externalOrder + 1 Else externalOrder = nOrder + 1 row.StringData(ExternalFiles_Family) = sFamily row.StringData(ExternalFiles_FTK) = sFile row.IntegerData(ExternalFiles_Order) = nOrder
Dim child, sSymbols Dim sProtectOffsets, sProtectLengths Dim sIgnoreOffsets, sIgnoreLengths For Each child In node.childNodes Select Case (GetElementName(child)) Case Empty Case "SymbolPaths" : If Not IsEmpty(sSymbols) Then sSymbols = sSymbols & ";" : sSymbols = sSymbols & BaseDir(ElementText(child)) Case "ProtectRange": ProcessRangeElement child, sProtectOffsets, sProtectLengths Case "IgnoreRange" : ProcessRangeElement child, sIgnoreOffsets, sIgnoreLengths Case Else : Unexpected child, node End Select Next row.StringData(ExternalFiles_SymbolPaths) = sSymbols row.StringData(ExternalFiles_IgnoreOffsets) = sIgnoreOffsets row.StringData(ExternalFiles_IgnoreLengths) = sIgnoreLengths
If Not IsEmpty(sProtectOffsets) Then row.StringData(ExternalFiles_RetainOffsets) = sProtectOffsets
Dim row2 : Set row2 = installer.CreateRecord(UBound(FamilyFileRangesTable)) row2.StringData(FamilyFileRanges_Family) = sFamily row2.StringData(FamilyFileRanges_FTK) = sFile row2.StringData(FamilyFileRanges_RetainOffsets) = sProtectOffsets row2.StringData(FamilyFileRanges_RetainLengths) = sProtectLengths
DoAction FamilyFileRangesTable, "merge", row2 End If
DoAction ExternalFilesTable, op, row End Sub ' ProcessExternalFileElement
Sub ProcessProtectFileElement(node, sFamily) Dim op, row, attribute, value Dim sFile
Set row = installer.CreateRecord(UBound(FamilyFileRangesTable))
sFile = ElementText(node) ' !! maybe auto-generate? For Each attribute In node.Attributes value = attribute.value Select Case(attribute.name) Case "op" : op = value Case Else : Unexpected attribute, node End Select Next row.StringData(FamilyFileRanges_Family) = sFamily row.StringData(FamilyFileRanges_FTK) = sFile
Dim child Dim sProtectOffsets, sProtectLengths For Each child In node.childNodes Select Case (GetElementName(child)) Case Empty Case "ProtectRange" : ProcessRangeElement child, sProtectOffsets, sProtectLengths Case Else : Unexpected child, node End Select Next If IsEmpty(sProtectOffsets) Then Fail "Must specify Offsets for ProtectRange" If IsEmpty(sProtectLengths) Then Fail "Must specify Lengths for ProtectRange" row.StringData(FamilyFileRanges_RetainOffsets) = sProtectOffsets row.StringData(FamilyFileRanges_RetainLengths) = sProtectLengths
DoAction FamilyFileRangesTable, op, row End Sub ' ProcessProtectFileElement
Sub ProcessUpgradeImageElement(node, sFamily) Dim op, row, attribute, value Dim sUpgraded
Set row = installer.CreateRecord(UBound(UpgradedImagesTable))
sUpgraded = ElementText(node) ' !! maybe auto-generate? For Each attribute In node.Attributes value = attribute.value Select Case(attribute.name) Case "op" : op = value Case "src" : row.StringData(UpgradedImages_MsiPath) = BaseDir(value) Case "srcPatch": row.StringData(UpgradedImages_PatchMsiPath) = BaseDir(value) Case Else : Unexpected attribute, node End Select Next row.StringData(UpgradedImages_Upgraded) = sUpgraded row.StringData(UpgradedImages_Family) = sFamily
Dim child, sSymbols For Each child In node.childNodes Select Case (GetElementName(child)) Case Empty Case "SymbolPaths": If Not IsEmpty(sSymbols) Then sSymbols = sSymbols & ";" : sSymbols = sSymbols & BaseDir(ElementText(child)) Case "UpgradeFile": ProcessUpgradeFileElement child, sUpgraded Case "TargetImage": ProcessTargetImageElement child, sUpgraded, sFamily Case Else : Unexpected child, node End Select Next row.StringData(UpgradedImages_SymbolPaths) = sSymbols
DoAction UpgradedImagesTable, op, row End Sub ' ProcessUpgradeImageElement
Sub ProcessUpgradeFileElement(node, sUpgraded) Dim op, row, attribute, value Dim sFile, fIgnore, nAllowIgnore, nWholeFile
nAllowIgnore = 0 nWholeFile = 0
sFile = ElementText(node) For Each attribute In node.Attributes value = attribute.value Select Case(attribute.name) Case "op" : op = value Case "Ignore" : If "yes" = value Then fIgnore = True Else fIgnore = False Case "AllowIgnoreOnError": If "yes" = value Then nAllowIgnore = 1 Else nAllowIgnore = 0 Case "WholeFile" : If "yes" = value Then nWholeFile = 1 Else nWholeFile = 0 Case Else : Unexpected attribute, node End Select Next
If fIgnore Then Set row = installer.CreateRecord(UBound(UpgradedFilesToIgnoreTable)) row.StringData(UpgradedFilesToIgnore_Upgraded) = sUpgraded row.StringData(UpgradedFilesToIgnore_Upgraded) = sFile DoAction UpgradedFilesToIgnoreTable, op, row Else Set row = installer.CreateRecord(UBound(UpgradedFiles_OptionalDataTable)) row.StringData(UpgradedFiles_OptionalDataTable_Upgraded) = sUpgraded row.StringData(UpgradedFiles_OptionalDataTable_File) = sFile row.IntegerData(UpgradedFiles_OptionalDataTable_AllowIgnoreOnPatchError) = nAllowIgnore row.IntegerData(UpgradedFiles_OptionalDataTable_IncludeWholeFile) = nWholeFile
Dim child, sSymbols For Each child In node.childNodes Select Case (GetElementName(child)) Case Empty Case "SymbolPaths": If Not IsEmpty(sSymbols) Then sSymbols = sSymbols & ";" : sSymbols = sSymbols & BaseDir(ElementText(child)) Case Else : Unexpected child, node End Select Next row.StringData(UpgradedFiles_OptionalDataTable_SymbolPaths) = sSymbols
DoAction UpgradedFiles_OptionalDataTable, op, row End If End Sub ' ProcessUpgradeFileElement
Sub ProcessTargetImageElement(node, sUpgraded, sFamily) Dim op, row, attribute, value Dim sTarget, nIgnore, nOrder
nIgnore = 0 Set row = installer.CreateRecord(UBound(TargetImagesTable))
sTarget = ElementText(node) ' !! maybe auto-generate? For Each attribute In node.Attributes value = attribute.value Select Case(attribute.name) Case "op" : op = value Case "src" : row.StringData(TargetImages_MsiPath) = BaseDir(value) Case "Order" : nOrder = CLng(value) Case "Validation": row.StringData(TargetImages_ProductValidateFlags) = value Case "IgnoreMissingFiles": If "yes" = value Then nIgnore = 1 Else nIgnore = 0 Case Else : Unexpected attribute, node End Select Next If IsEmpty(nOrder) Then nOrder = patchOrder : patchOrder = patchOrder + 1 Else patchOrder = nOrder + 1 row.StringData(TargetImages_Target) = sTarget row.StringData(TargetImages_Upgraded) = sUpgraded row.IntegerData(TargetImages_IgnoreMissingSrcFiles) = nIgnore row.IntegerData(TargetImages_Order) = nOrder
Dim child, sSymbols For Each child In node.childNodes Select Case (GetElementName(child)) Case Empty Case "SymbolPaths": If Not IsEmpty(sSymbols) Then sSymbols = sSymbols & ";" : sSymbols = sSymbols & BaseDir(ElementText(child)) Case "TargetFile": ProcessTargetFileElement child, sTarget, sFamily Case Else : Unexpected child, node End Select Next row.StringData(TargetImages_SymbolPaths) = sSymbols
DoAction TargetImagesTable, op, row End Sub ' ProcessTargetImageElement
Sub ProcessTargetFileElement(node, sTarget, sFamily) Dim op, row, attribute, value Dim sFile, nIgnore
nIgnore = 0 Set row = installer.CreateRecord(UBound(TargetImagesTable))
sTarget = ElementText(node) ' !! maybe auto-generate? For Each attribute In node.Attributes value = attribute.value Select Case(attribute.name) Case "op" : op = value Case Else : Unexpected attribute, node End Select Next row.StringData(TargetFiles_OptionalData_Target) = sTarget row.StringData(TargetFiles_OptionalData_FTK) = sFile
Dim child, sSymbols Dim sProtectOffsets, sProtectLengths Dim sIgnoreOffsets, sIgnoreLengths For Each child In node.childNodes Select Case (GetElementName(child)) Case Empty Case "SymbolPaths" : If Not IsEmpty(sSymbols) Then sSymbols = sSymbols & ";" : sSymbols = sSymbols & BaseDir(ElementText(child)) Case "ProtectRange": ProcessRangeElement child, sProtectOffsets, sProtectLengths Case "IgnoreRange" : ProcessRangeElement child, sIgnoreOffsets, sIgnoreLengths Case Else : Unexpected child, node End Select Next row.StringData(TargetFiles_OptionalData_SymbolPaths) = sSymbols row.StringData(TargetFiles_OptionalData_IgnoreOffsets) = sIgnoreOffsets row.StringData(TargetFiles_OptionalData_IgnoreLengths) = sIgnoreLengths
If Not IsEmpty(sProtectOffsets) Then row.StringData(TargetFiles_OptionalData_RetainOffsets) = sProtectOffsets
Dim row2 : Set row2 = installer.CreateRecord(UBound(FamilyFileRangesTable)) row2.StringData(FamilyFileRanges_Family) = sFamily row2.StringData(FamilyFileRanges_FTK) = sFile row2.StringData(FamilyFileRanges_RetainOffsets) = sProtectOffsets row2.StringData(FamilyFileRanges_RetainLengths) = sProtectLengths
DoAction FamilyFileRangesTable, "insert", row2 End If
DoAction TargetImagesTable, op, row End Sub ' ProcessTargetImageElement
Sub ProcessRangeElement(node, ByRef sOffsets, ByRef sLengths) Dim op, row, attribute, value, sOffset, sLength
For Each attribute In node.Attributes value = attribute.value Select Case(attribute.name) Case "Offset" : sOffset = value Case "Length" : sLength = value Case Else : Unexpected attribute, node End Select Next If IsEmpty(sOffset) Then Fail "Range missing Offset" If IsEmpty(sLength) Then Fail "Range missing Length" If Not IsEmpty(sOffsets) Then sOffsets = sOffsets & "," If Not IsEmpty(sLengths) Then sLengths = sLengths & "," sOffsets = sOffsets & sOffset sLengths = sLengths & sLength End Sub
'---------------------------------------------------------------------------------' ' UI element handlers '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------' Sub ProcessUIElement(node) Dim child For Each child In node.childNodes Select Case (GetElementName(child)) Case Empty Case "Error" : ProcessErrorElement child Case "ProgressText" : ProcessActionTextElement child Case "Dialog" : ProcessDialogElement child Case "TextStyle" : ProcessTextStyleElement child Case "UIText" : ProcessUITextElement child Case "BillboardAction" : ProcessBillboardActionElement child Case "ListBox" : ProcessControlGroupElement child, ListBoxTable, "ListItem" Case "ComboBox" : ProcessControlGroupElement child, ComboBoxTable, "ListItem" Case "ListView" : ProcessControlGroupElement child, ListViewTable, "ListItem" Case "RadioGroup" : ProcessControlGroupElement child, RadioButtonTable, "RadioButton" ' the following are available indentically under the UI and Programs tabs for document organization use only Case "Property" : ProcessPropertyElement child Case "InstallUISequence" : ProcessSequence InstallUISequenceTable, child Case "AdminUISequence" : ProcessSequence AdminUISequenceTable, child Case "AdvertiseUISequence" : ProcessSequence AdvtUISequenceTable, child Case "Binary" : ProcessBinaryOrIconElement child, BinaryTable, False Case Else : Unexpected child, node End Select Next End Sub
Sub ProcessListItemElement(node, table, property, op, order) Dim attribute, row, text, icon order = order + 1 Set row = installer.CreateRecord(UBound(table)) For Each attribute In node.Attributes Select Case(attribute.name) Case "op" : op = attribute.value Case "Text" : text = attribute.value Case "Icon" : If row.FieldCount = ListView_Binary_ Then icon = attribute.value Else Unexpected attribute, node Case Else : Unexpected attribute, node End Select Next row.StringData (ListView_Property) = Modularize(property) row.IntegerData(ListView_Order) = order row.StringData (ListView_Value) = ElementText(node) row.StringData (ListView_Text) = text If Len(icon) <> 0 Then row.StringData (ListView_Binary_) = Modularize(icon) DoAction table, op, row End Sub
Sub ProcessRadioButtonElement(node, property, op, order) Dim attribute, value, row, tooltip, help order = order + 1 Set row = installer.CreateRecord(UBound(RadioButtonTable)) For Each attribute In node.Attributes value = attribute.value Select Case(attribute.name) Case "op" : op = value Case "X" : row.IntegerData(RadioButton_X) = CInt(value) Case "Y" : row.IntegerData(RadioButton_Y) = CInt(value) Case "Width" : row.IntegerData(RadioButton_Width) = CInt(value) Case "Height" : row.IntegerData(RadioButton_Height) = CInt(value) Case "Text" : row.StringData (RadioButton_Text) = value Case "Icon" : row.StringData (RadioButton_Text) = value Case "ToolTip" : tooltip = value Case "Help" : help = value Case Else : Unexpected attribute, node End Select Next row.StringData (RadioButton_Property) = Modularize(property) row.IntegerData(RadioButton_Order) = order If Len(tooltip) + Len(help) Then row.StringData (RadioButton_Help) = tooltip & "|" & help End If row.StringData (RadioButton_Value) = ElementText(node) DoAction RadioButtonTable, op, row End Sub
Sub ProcessBillboardGroupElement(node) Dim attribute, child, op, row, action, feature, order, billboard, grandchild Set row = installer.CreateRecord(UBound(BillboardTable)) action = ElementText(node) For Each attribute In node.Attributes Unexpected attribute, node ' grouping element only, no attributes Next For Each child In node.childNodes If GetElementName(child) <> "Billboard" Then Unexpected child, node order = order + 1 billboard = ElementText(child) For Each attribute In child.Attributes Select Case(attribute.name) Case "op" : op = attribute.value Case "Feature" : feature = attribute.value Case Else Unexpected attribute, child End Select Next row.StringData (Billboard_Billboard) = billboard row.StringData (Billboard_Feature_) = feature row.StringData (Billboard_Action) = action row.IntegerData(Billboard_Ordering) = order DoAction BillboardTable, op, row For Each grandchild in child.childNodes If GetElementName(grandchild) <> "Control" Then Unexpected grandchild, child ProcessControlElement grandchild, billboard, BBControlTable, Empty, Empty, Empty, Empty Next Next End Sub
Sub ProcessControlGroupElement(node, table, childTag) Dim attribute, op, child, property, order, value, childName For Each attribute In node.Attributes Select Case(attribute.name) Case "op" : op = attribute.value Case "Property" : property = attribute.value End Select Next For Each child In node.childNodes childName = GetElementName(child) If Not IsEmpty(childName) Then If childName <> childTag Then Unexpected child, node Select Case (childName) Case "ListItem" : ProcessListItemElement child, table, property, op, order Case "RadioButton" : ProcessRadioButtonElement child, property, op, order End Select End If Next End Sub
Sub ProcessErrorElement(node) Dim attribute, op, row, id Set row = installer.CreateRecord(UBound(ErrorTable)) For Each attribute In node.Attributes Select Case(attribute.name) Case "op" : op = attribute.value Case "Id" : id = CInt(attribute.value) Case Else : Unexpected attribute, node End Select Next row.IntegerData(Error_Error) = id row.StringData (Error_Message) = ElementText(node) DoAction ErrorTable, op, row End Sub
Sub ProcessActionTextElement(node) Dim attribute, op, row, id Set row = installer.CreateRecord(UBound(ActionTextTable)) For Each attribute In node.Attributes Select Case(attribute.name) Case "op" : op = attribute.value Case "Action" : row.StringData (ActionText_Action) = attribute.value Case "Template" : row.StringData (ActionText_Template) = attribute.value Case Else : Unexpected attribute, node End Select Next REM Dim child : Set child = node.selectSingleNode("text()") REM If Not child Is Nothing Then row.StringData (ActionText_Description) = child.text row.StringData (ActionText_Description) = ElementText(node) DoAction ActionTextTable, op, row End Sub
Sub ProcessTableElement(node, table, attributes) Dim attribute, op, row, id, index Set row = installer.CreateRecord(UBound(table)) For Each attribute In node.Attributes If attribute.name = "op" Then op = attribute.value Else For index = 1 To UBound(table) If attributes(index) = attribute.name Then If InStr(table(index), "CHAR") > 0 Then row.StringData(index) = attribute.value Else row.IntegerData(index) = CLng(attribute.value) End If End If Next If index > UBound(table) Then Unexpected attribute, node End If Next For index = 1 To UBound(table) If IsEmpty(attributes(index)) Then row.StringData(index) = ElementText(node) Next DoAction table, op, row End Sub
Sub ProcessUITextElement(node) Dim attribute, op, row, child, text Set row = installer.CreateRecord(UBound(UITextTable)) For Each attribute In node.Attributes Select Case(attribute.name) Case "op" : op = attribute.value Case "Text" : text = attribute.value Case Else : Unexpected attribute, child End Select Next For Each child In node.childNodes Select Case (GetElementName(child)) Case Empty Case "Text" : text = ElementText(child) Case Else : Unexpected child, node End Select Next
row.StringData (UIText_Key) = Modularize(ElementText(node)) row.StringData (UIText_Text) = text DoAction UITextTable, op, row End Sub
Sub ProcessTextStyleElement(node) Dim attribute, value, op, row, bits, color Set row = installer.CreateRecord(UBound(TextStyleTable)) For Each attribute In node.Attributes value = attribute.value Select Case(attribute.name) Case "op" : op = value Case "Red" : color = color + CInt(attribute.value) Case "Green" : color = color + CInt(attribute.value) * 256 Case "Blue" : color = color + CInt(attribute.value) * 65536 Case "Bold" : If value = "yes" Then bits = bits Or 1 Case "Italic" : If value = "yes" Then bits = bits Or 2 Case "Underline" : If value = "yes" Then bits = bits Or 4 Case "Strike" : If value = "yes" Then bits = bits Or 8 Case "FaceName" : row.StringData (TextStyle_FaceName) = value Case "Size" : row.IntegerData(TextStyle_Size) = CInt(value) Case Else : Unexpected attribute, node End Select Next row.StringData (TextStyle_TextStyle) = ElementText(node) '!!! BUG: Must end in _UL so can you modularize? If Not IsEmpty(color) Then row.IntegerData(TextStyle_Color) = color If Not IsEmpty(bits) Then row.IntegerData(TextStyle_StyleBits) = bits DoAction TextStyleTable, op, row End Sub
Sub ProcessDialogElement(node) Dim child, value, attribute, row, bits, op Dim dialog, control, firstControl, defaultControl, cancelControl Dim x,y : x = 50 : y = 50 Set row = installer.CreateRecord(UBound(DialogTable)) bits = msidbDialogAttributesVisible + msidbDialogAttributesModal + msidbDialogAttributesMinimize dialog = ElementText(node) For Each attribute In node.Attributes value = attribute.value Select Case(attribute.name) Case "op" : op = value Case "X" : x = CInt(value) Case "Y" : y = CInt(value) Case "Width" : row.IntegerData(Dialog_Width) = CInt(value) Case "Height" : row.IntegerData(Dialog_Height) = CInt(value) Case "Title" : row.StringData (Dialog_Title) = value Case "Hidden" : If value="yes" Then bits = bits Xor msidbDialogAttributesVisible Case "Modeless" : If value="yes" Then bits = bits Xor msidbDialogAttributesModal Case "NoMinimize" : If value="yes" Then bits = bits Xor msidbDialogAttributesMinimize Case "SystemModal" : If value="yes" Then bits = bits Xor msidbDialogAttributesSysModal Case "KeepModeless" : If value="yes" Then bits = bits Xor msidbDialogAttributesKeepModeless Case "TrackDiskSpace" : If value="yes" Then bits = bits Xor msidbDialogAttributesTrackDiskSpace Case "CustomPalette" : If value="yes" Then bits = bits Xor msidbDialogAttributesUseCustomPalette Case "RightToLeft" : If value="yes" Then bits = bits Xor msidbDialogAttributesRTLRO Case "RightAligned" : If value="yes" Then bits = bits Xor msidbDialogAttributesRightAligned Case "LeftScroll" : If value="yes" Then bits = bits Xor msidbDialogAttributesLeftScroll Case "ErrorDialog" : If value="yes" Then bits = bits Xor msidbDialogAttributesError Case Else : Unexpected attribute, node End Select Next Dim lastTabRow : Set lastTabRow = Nothing For Each child In node.childNodes Select Case (GetElementName(child)) Case Empty Case "Control" ProcessControlElement child, dialog, ControlTable, lastTabRow, firstControl, defaultControl, cancelControl Case Else : Unexpected child, node End Select Next Set child = Nothing ProcessControlElement child, dialog, ControlTable, lastTabRow, firstControl, defaultControl, cancelControl
row.StringData (Dialog_Dialog) = Modularize(dialog) row.IntegerData(Dialog_HCentering) = x row.IntegerData(Dialog_VCentering) = y row.IntegerData(Dialog_Attributes) = bits row.StringData (Dialog_Control_First) = Modularize(firstControl) row.StringData (Dialog_Control_Default) = Modularize(defaultControl) row.StringData (Dialog_Control_Cancel) = Modularize(cancelControl) DoAction DialogTable, op, row End Sub
Sub ProcessControlElement(node, dialog, table, lastTabRow, firstControl, defaultControl, cancelControl) Dim child, value, attribute, row, op Dim control, noTab, controlType, specialAttributes, bit, bits, publishOrder, text, property, help, disabled Dim checkboxValue, checkboxRow Dim x,y : x = 50 : y = 50 If node Is Nothing Then ' called at exit of Dialog child processing loop to force out cached row If Not lastTabRow Is Nothing Then If lastTabRow.StringData(Control_Control) <> firstControl Then lastTabRow.StringData(Control_Control_Next) = Modularize(firstControl) End If DoAction ControlTable, op, lastTabRow End If Exit Sub ' last time through End If control = ElementText(node) Set row = installer.CreateRecord(UBound(table)) controlType = node.Attributes.GetNamedItem("Type").value ' need to get first Select Case(controlType) Case "Text" : specialAttributes = textControlAttributes : If Not IsEmpty(firstControl) Then noTab = True Case "Edit" : specialAttributes = editControlAttributes Case "MaskedEdit" : specialAttributes = editControlAttributes Case "PathEdit" : specialAttributes = editControlAttributes Case "Icon" : specialAttributes = iconControlAttributes : noTab = True : disabled = True Case "Bitmap" : specialAttributes = bitmapControlAttributes : noTab = True : disabled = True Case "ProgressBar" : specialAttributes = progressControlAttributes : noTab = True : disabled = True Case "DirectoryCombo" : specialAttributes = volumeControlAttributes Case "VolumeSelectCombo" : specialAttributes = volumeControlAttributes Case "VolumeCostList" : specialAttributes = volumeControlAttributes : noTab = True Case "ListBox" : specialAttributes = listboxControlAttributes Case "ListView" : specialAttributes = listviewControlAttributes Case "ComboBox" : specialAttributes = comboboxControlAttributes Case "PushButton" : specialAttributes = buttonControlAttributes Case "CheckBox" : specialAttributes = checkboxControlAttributes Case "RadioButtonGroup" : specialAttributes = radioControlAttributes Case "ScrollableText" : specialAttributes = Array() Case "SelectionTree" : specialAttributes = Array() Case "DirectoryList" : specialAttributes = Array() Case "GroupBox" : specialAttributes = Array() : noTab = True Case "Line" : specialAttributes = Array() : noTab = True : disabled = True Case "Billboard" : specialAttributes = Array() : noTab = True : disabled = True Case Else : specialAttributes = Array() : noTab = True End Select If disabled Then bits = msidbControlAttributesEnabled ' bit will be inverted when stored For Each attribute In node.Attributes value = attribute.value Select Case(attribute.name) Case "Type" ' already processed Case "op" : op = value Case "Default" : If value = "yes" Then defaultControl = control Case "Cancel" : If value = "yes" Then cancelControl = control Case "TabSkip" : If value = "yes" Then noTab = True Else If value = "no" Then notab = False Case "X" : x = CInt(value) Case "Y" : y = CInt(value) Case "Text" : text = value Case "Property" : property = value Case "Help" : help = value Case "Width" : row.IntegerData(Control_Width) = CInt(value) Case "Height" : row.IntegerData(Control_Height) = CInt(value) Case "CheckBoxValue" : checkboxValue = value Case "IconSize" Select Case(value) Case "16" : bit = NameToBit(specialAttributes, "Icon16", "yes") Case "32" : bit = NameToBit(specialAttributes, "Icon32", "yes") Case "48" : bit = (NameToBit(specialAttributes, "Icon16", "yes") Or NameToBit(specialAttributes, "Icon32", "yes")) Case Else : Fail "Invalid IconSize: " & value End Select If IsEmpty(bit) Then Unexpected attribute, node bits = bits Xor (bit * 65536) Case Else bit = NameToBit(commonControlAttributes, attribute.name, value) If IsEmpty(bit) Then bit = NameToBit(specialAttributes, attribute.name, value) * 65536 If IsEmpty(bit) Then Unexpected attribute, node bits = bits Xor bit End Select Next For Each child In node.childNodes Select Case (GetElementName(child)) Case Empty Case "Text" : text = ElementText(child) Case "Condition" : ProcessControlConditionElement child, dialog, control Case "Publish" : ProcessPublishElement child, dialog, control, publishOrder Case "Subscribe" : ProcessSubscribeElement child, dialog, control Case Else : Unexpected child, node End Select Next
row.StringData (Control_Dialog_) = Modularize(dialog) row.StringData (Control_Control) = Modularize(control) row.StringData (Control_Type) = controlType row.IntegerData(Control_X) = x row.IntegerData(Control_Y) = y row.IntegerData(Control_Attributes) = bits Xor (msidbControlAttributesVisible Or msidbControlAttributesEnabled) If IsEmpty(lastTabRow) Then ' Billboard control row.StringData (BBControl_Text) = text Else row.StringData (Control_Text) = text row.StringData (Control_Property) = property row.StringData (Control_Help) = help End If If noTab Then DoAction table, op, row Else If IsEmpty(lastTabRow) Then Fail "Tabbable Control not allowed in Billboard: " & controlType If IsEmpty(firstControl) Then firstControl = control If Not lastTabRow Is Nothing Then lastTabRow.StringData(Control_Control_Next) = control DoAction ControlTable, op, lastTabRow End If Set lastTabRow = row End If If Not IsEmpty(checkBoxValue) Then If controlType <> "CheckBox" Then Fail "CheckBoxValue attribute valid only with CheckBox" Set checkboxRow = installer.CreateRecord(UBound(CheckBoxTable)) checkboxRow.StringData(CheckBox_Property) = Modularize(property) checkboxRow.StringData(CheckBox_Value) = checkboxValue DoAction CheckBoxTable, op, checkboxRow End If End Sub
Sub ProcessControlConditionElement(node, dialog, control) Dim attribute, value, op, row, id, action Set row = installer.CreateRecord(UBound(ControlConditionTable)) For Each attribute In node.Attributes value = attribute.value Select Case(attribute.name) Case "op" : op = value Case "Action" : action = UCase(Left(value,1)) & Right(value, Len(value)-1) Case Else : Unexpected attribute, node End Select Next row.StringData (ControlCondition_Dialog_) = Modularize(dialog) row.StringData (ControlCondition_Control_) = Modularize(control) row.StringData (ControlCondition_Action) = action row.StringData (ControlCondition_Condition) = ElementText(node) DoAction ControlConditionTable, op, row End Sub
Sub ProcessPublishElement(node, dialog, control, order) Dim attribute, value, op, row, id, event_, argument Set row = installer.CreateRecord(UBound(ControlEventTable)) order = order + 1 For Each attribute In node.Attributes value = attribute.value Select Case(attribute.name) Case "op" : op = value Case "Event" : event_ = UCase(Left(value,1)) & Right(value, Len(value)-1) Case "Property" : event_ = "[" & value & "]" Case "Value" : argument = value Case Else : Unexpected attribute, node End Select Next If IsEmpty(event_) Then event_ = "{}" row.StringData (ControlEvent_Dialog_) = Modularize(dialog) row.StringData (ControlEvent_Control_) = Modularize(control) row.StringData (ControlEvent_Event) = Modularize(event_) row.StringData (ControlEvent_Argument) = argument row.IntegerData(ControlEvent_Ordering) = order If ElementHasText(node) Then row.StringData (ControlEvent_Condition) = ElementText(node) DoAction ControlEventTable, op, row End Sub
Sub ProcessSubscribeElement(node, dialog, control) Dim attribute, value, op, row, id, event_, controlAttribute Set row = installer.CreateRecord(UBound(EventMappingTable)) For Each attribute In node.Attributes value = attribute.value Select Case(attribute.name) Case "op" : op = value Case "Event" : event_ = UCase(Left(value,1)) & Right(value, Len(value)-1) Case "Attribute" : controlAttribute = UCase(Left(value,1)) & Right(value, Len(value)-1) Case Else : Unexpected attribute, node End Select Next row.StringData (EventMapping_Dialog_) = Modularize(dialog) row.StringData (EventMapping_Control_) = Modularize(control) row.StringData (EventMapping_Event) = Modularize(event_) row.StringData (EventMapping_Attribute) = controlAttribute DoAction EventMappingTable, op, row End Sub
Sub SetDatabaseCodepage(database, codepage) Dim WshShell : Set WshShell = Wscript.CreateObject("Wscript.Shell") Dim tempPath : tempPath = WshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%TEMP%") Dim fileSys : Set fileSys = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Dim file : Set file = fileSys.OpenTextFile(tempPath & "\codepage.idt", 2, True, 0) file.WriteLine ' dummy column name record file.WriteLine ' dummy column defn record file.WriteLine codepage & vbTab & "_ForceCodepage" file.Close database.Import tempPath, "codepage.idt" fileSys.DeleteFile(tempPath & "\codepage.idt") End Sub </script> </job>