Leaked source code of windows server 2003

175 lines
8.3 KiB

  1. '<script language='VBScript'>
  2. ' wiconsts.inc - Windows Installer constants
  3. '
  4. ' 1999/12/31 - created - Rob Mensching (robmen@microsoft.com)
  5. '
  6. ' requires:
  7. ' none
  8. '
  9. ' entrypoints:
  10. ' none
  11. '
  12. '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
  13. ' Windows Installer definitions - from msidefs.h
  14. Const msiOpenDatabaseModeReadOnly = 0
  15. Const msiOpenDatabaseModeTransact = 1
  16. Const msiOpenDatabaseModeDirect = 2
  17. Const msiOpenDatabaseModeCreate = 3
  18. Const msiViewModifySeek = -1
  19. Const msiViewModifyInsert = 1
  20. Const msiViewModifyUpdate = 2
  21. Const msiViewModifyAssign = 3
  22. Const msiViewModifyReplace = 4
  23. Const msiViewModifyMerge = 5
  24. Const msiViewModifyDelete = 6
  25. ' Component.Attributes mapping
  26. Const msidbComponentAttributesSourceOnly = &h01
  27. Const msidbComponentAttributesOptional = &h02
  28. Const msidbComponentAttributesRegistryKeyPath = &h04
  29. Const msidbComponentAttributesSharedDllRefCount = &h08
  30. Const msidbComponentAttributesPermanent = &h10
  31. Const msidbComponentAttributesODBCDataSource = &h20
  32. Const msidbComponentAttributesTransitive = &h40
  33. Const msidbComponentAttributesNeverOverwrite = &h80
  34. Const msidbComponentAttributes64bit = &h100
  35. ' File.Attributes mapping
  36. Const msidbFileAttributesReadOnly = &h0001
  37. Const msidbFileAttributesHidden = &h0002
  38. Const msidbFileAttributesSystem = &h0004
  39. Const msidbFileAttributesVital = &h0200
  40. Const msidbFileAttributesChecksum = &h0400
  41. Const msidbFileAttributesPatchAdded = &h1000
  42. Const msidbFileAttributesNoncompressed = &h2000
  43. Const msidbFileAttributesCompressed = &h4000
  44. ' Feature.Attributes mapping
  45. Const msidbFeatureAttributesFavorSource = &h0001
  46. Const msidbFeatureAttributesFollowParent = &h0002
  47. Const msidbFeatureAttributesFavorAdvertise = &h0004
  48. Const msidbFeatureAttributesDisallowAdvertise = &h0008
  49. Const msidbFeatureAttributesUIDisallowAbsent = &h0010
  50. Const msidbFeatureAttributesNoUnsupportedAdvertise = &h0020
  51. ' Class.Attributes mapping
  52. Const msidbClassAttributesRelativePath = &h0001
  53. ' ServiceControl.Event
  54. Const msidbServiceControlEventStart = &h0001
  55. Const msidbServiceControlEventStop = &h0002
  56. Const msidbServiceControlEventRemove = &h0008
  57. Const msidbServiceControlEventUninstallStart = &h0010
  58. Const msidbServiceControlEventUninstallStop = &h0020
  59. Const msidbServiceControlEventUninstallRemove = &h0080
  60. ' ServiceInstall.ServiceType
  61. Const msidbServiceInstallOwnProcess = &h0010
  62. Const msidbServiceInstallShareProcess = &h0020
  63. Const msidbServiceInstallInteractive = &h0100
  64. ' ServiceInstall.StartType
  65. Const msidbServiceInstallAutoStart = &h0002
  66. Const msidbServiceInstallDemandStart = &h0003
  67. Const msidbServiceInstallDisabled = &h0004
  68. ' ServiceInstall.ErrorControl
  69. Const msidbServiceInstallErrorIgnore = &h0000
  70. Const msidbServiceInstallErrorNormal = &h0001
  71. Const msidbServiceInstallErrorCritical = &h0004
  72. Const msidbServiceInstallErrorControlVital = &h8000
  73. ' IniFile actions
  74. Const msidbIniFileActionAddLine = 0
  75. Const msidbIniFileActionCreateLine = 1
  76. Const msidbIniFileActionRemoveLine = 2
  77. Const msidbIniFileActionAddTag = 3
  78. Const msidbIniFileActionRemoveTag = 4
  79. ' CustomAction.Type mapping
  80. Const msidbCustomActionTypeDll = &h0001 ' Target = entry point name
  81. Const msidbCustomActionTypeExe = &h0002 ' Target = command line args
  82. Const msidbCustomActionTypeTextData = &h0003 ' Target = text string to be formatted and set into property
  83. Const msidbCustomActionTypeJScript = &h0005 ' Target = entry point name, null if none to call
  84. Const msidbCustomActionTypeVBScript = &h0006 ' Target = entry point name, null if none to call
  85. Const msidbCustomActionTypeInstall = &h0007 ' Target = property list for nested engine initialization
  86. Const msidbCustomActionTypeBinaryData = &h0000 ' Source = Binary.Name, data stored in stream
  87. Const msidbCustomActionTypeSourceFile = &h0010 ' Source = File.File, file part of installation
  88. Const msidbCustomActionTypeDirectory = &h0020 ' Source = Directory.Directory, folder containing existing file
  89. Const msidbCustomActionTypeProperty = &h0030 ' Source = Property.Property, full path to executable
  90. Const msidbCustomActionTypeContinue = &h0040 ' ignore action return status, continue running
  91. Const msidbCustomActionTypeAsync = &h0080 ' run asynchronously
  92. Const msidbCustomActionTypeFirstSequence = &h0100 ' skip if UI sequence already run
  93. Const msidbCustomActionTypeOncePerProcess = &h0200 ' skip if UI sequence already run in same process
  94. Const msidbCustomActionTypeClientRepeat = &h0300 ' run on client only if UI already run on client
  95. Const msidbCustomActionTypeInScript = &h0400 ' queue for execution within script
  96. Const msidbCustomActionTypeRollback = &h0100 ' in conjunction with InScript: queue in Rollback script
  97. Const msidbCustomActionTypeCommit = &h0200 ' in conjunction with InScript: run Commit ops from script on success
  98. Const msidbCustomActionTypeNoImpersonate = &h0800 ' no impersonation, run in system context
  99. Const msidbCustomActionTypeTSAware = &h4000 ' Run with user impersonation during per-machine installs on Terminal Server machines
  100. ' Dialog.Attributes
  101. Const msidbDialogAttributesVisible = &h00000001
  102. Const msidbDialogAttributesModal = &h00000002
  103. Const msidbDialogAttributesMinimize = &h00000004
  104. Const msidbDialogAttributesSysModal = &h00000008
  105. Const msidbDialogAttributesKeepModeless = &h00000010
  106. Const msidbDialogAttributesTrackDiskSpace = &h00000020
  107. Const msidbDialogAttributesUseCustomPalette = &h00000040
  108. Const msidbDialogAttributesRTLRO = &h00000080
  109. Const msidbDialogAttributesRightAligned = &h00000100
  110. Const msidbDialogAttributesLeftScroll = &h00000200
  111. Const msidbDialogAttributesError = &h00010000
  112. ' Control.Attributes - common
  113. Const msidbControlAttributesVisible = &h00000001
  114. Const msidbControlAttributesEnabled = &h00000002
  115. Const msidbControlAttributesSunken = &h00000004
  116. Const msidbControlAttributesIndirect = &h00000008
  117. Const msidbControlAttributesInteger = &h00000010
  118. Const msidbControlAttributesRTLRO = &h00000020
  119. Const msidbControlAttributesRightAligned = &h00000040
  120. Const msidbControlAttributesLeftScroll = &h00000080
  121. ' Control.Attributes - Text controls
  122. Const msidbControlAttributesTransparent = &h00010000
  123. Const msidbControlAttributesNoPrefix = &h00020000
  124. Const msidbControlAttributesNoWrap = &h00040000
  125. Const msidbControlAttributesFormatSize = &h00080000
  126. Const msidbControlAttributesUsersLanguage = &h00100000
  127. ' Control.Attributes - Edit controls
  128. Const msidbControlAttributesMultiline = &h00010000
  129. Const msidbControlAttributesPasswordInput = &h00200000
  130. ' Control.Attributes - ProgressBar
  131. Const msidbControlAttributesProgress95 = &h00010000
  132. ' Control.Attributes - VolumeSelectCombo and DirectoryCombo
  133. Const msidbControlAttributesRemovableVolume = &h00010000
  134. Const msidbControlAttributesFixedVolume = &h00020000
  135. Const msidbControlAttributesRemoteVolume = &h00040000
  136. Const msidbControlAttributesCDROMVolume = &h00080000
  137. Const msidbControlAttributesRAMDiskVolume = &h00100000
  138. Const msidbControlAttributesFloppyVolume = &h00200000
  139. ' Control.Attributes - VolumeCostList control
  140. Const msidbControlShowRollbackCost = &h00400000
  141. ' Control.Attributes - ListBox and ComboBox controls
  142. Const msidbControlAttributesSorted = &h00010000
  143. Const msidbControlAttributesComboList = &h00020000
  144. ' Control.Attributes - RadioButton controls
  145. Const msidbControlAttributesHasBorder = &h01000000
  146. ' Control.Attributes - picture button controls
  147. Const msidbControlAttributesImageHandle = &h00010000
  148. Const msidbControlAttributesPushLike = &h00020000
  149. Const msidbControlAttributesBitmap = &h00040000
  150. Const msidbControlAttributesIcon = &h00080000
  151. Const msidbControlAttributesFixedSize = &h00100000
  152. Const msidbControlAttributesIconSize16 = &h00200000
  153. Const msidbControlAttributesIconSize32 = &h00400000
  154. Const msidbControlAttributesIconSize48 = &h00600000