/* touch.c - make last time on file be current time
* * touch [files] - requires arg expansion */
#include <io.h>
#include <sys\types.h>
#include <sys\utime.h>
#include <sys\stat.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <process.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <tools.h>
#define year rgInt[0]
#define month rgInt[1]
#define day rgInt[2]
#define hour rgInt[3]
#define mins rgInt[4]
#define sec rgInt[5]
int rgInt[6];
void usage( char *Msg, int MsgArg ) { printf( "usage: TOUCH [/f] [/t year month day hour min sec] files" "\n" "where: /f - force file touch if read only\n" " /t - specifies a specific time other than the current time.\n" " /c - specifies to create the file if it does not exist.\n" ); printf( "\nTOUCH: " ); printf( Msg, MsgArg ); printf( "\n" ); exit( 1 ); }
int __cdecl main (c, v) int c; char *v[]; { time_t ltime; struct utimbuf timenow; int i; int fh; char *p; int ReturnCode = 0; int force = 0; int create= 0;
ConvertAppToOem( c, v ); SHIFT (c,v); if ( c == 0 ) usage( "invalid number of parameters", 0 );
time (<ime); while (fSwitChr (*(p = *v))) { while (*++p) { if (tolower(*p) == 'f') force = 1; else if (tolower(*p) == 'c') create = 1; else if (tolower(*p) == 't') { for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) { SHIFT (c, v); if (!c) usage( "incorrect time", 0 ); rgInt[i] = atoi (*v); }
// do some basic date checking
if ( (year < 1980) || (month > 12) || (day>31) || (hour>23) || (mins>59) || (sec>59) ) { usage( "incorrect time", 0 ); } ltime = date2l(year, month, day, hour, mins, sec); } else usage( "bad switch '%c'", *p ); } SHIFT (c, v); }
timenow.actime = ltime; timenow.modtime = ltime;
while (c) { //
// Set the time
if (_utime (*v, (void *) &timenow) == -1) { //
// Failed. Does it exist?
if (_access(*v, 0) == -1) { //
// Does not exist. Create if requested and touch created file.
if (create) { fh = _creat(*v, _S_IREAD|_S_IWRITE); _close(fh); if (_utime (*v, (void *) &timenow) == 0) // touch it
goto shift_it; } } else //
// File exists, is it read-only and /f specified?
if (force && (_access(*v,2) == -1)) { //
// Yes, make it read/write and change the time
// then make it read-only again.
if (_chmod (*v, _S_IWRITE) == 0) { if (_utime (*v, (void *) &timenow) == 0) { if (_chmod (*v, _S_IREAD) != 0) { printf ("ERROR - changed 'r' attrib on %s, could not change it back\n", *v); ReturnCode = 1; } goto shift_it; } } }
printf ("Can't touch %s - %s\n", *v, error ()); ReturnCode = 1; } shift_it: SHIFT(c,v); } return ReturnCode; }