Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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  1. /*****************************************************************************\
  2. Author: Corey Morgan (coreym)
  3. Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
  4. \*****************************************************************************/
  5. #include "resource.h"
  6. #include <windows.h>
  7. #include <ntverp.h>
  10. #define VER_FILEDESCRIPTION_STR "Performance Log Utility"
  11. #define VER_INTERNALNAME_STR "Logman.exe"
  12. #define VER_ORIGINALFILENAME_STR "Logman.exe"
  13. #include "common.ver"
  14. #include "varg.rc"
  15. #include "logmmsg.rc"
  16. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  17. //
  18. // String Table
  19. //
  21. BEGIN
  22. IDS_PROGRAM_DESCRIPTION "Logman manages the ""Performance Logs and Alerts"" service for creating \
  23. and managing Event Trace Session logs and Performance logs."
  24. IDS_PARAM_CREATE "create`*`counter|trace`Create a new collection."
  25. IDS_PARAM_COUNTER "counter`*`*`Create a counter collection."
  26. IDS_PARAM_TRACE "trace`*`*`Create a trace collection."
  27. IDS_PARAM_START "start`*`*`Start an existing collection and set the begin time to manual."
  28. IDS_PARAM_STOP "stop`*`*`Stop an existing collection and set the end time to manual."
  29. IDS_PARAM_DELETE "delete`*`*`Delete an existing collection."
  30. IDS_PARAM_QUERY "query`*`collection_name|providers`Query collection properties. If no collection_name is given all collections are listed. The keyword 'providers' will list all of the registered Event Trace providers."
  31. IDS_PARAM_QUERYPROV "providers`*`*`Show registered providers."
  32. IDS_PARAM_UPDATE "update`*`*`Update an existing collection properties."
  33. IDS_PARAM_COMPUTER "computer`s`computer`Perform the command on specified remote system."
  34. IDS_PARAM_BEGIN "begin`b`*`Begin the collection at specified time."
  35. IDS_PARAM_END "end`e`*`End the collection at specified time."
  36. IDS_PARAM_REPEAT "repeat`r`*`Repeat the collection daily at the specified begin and end times."
  37. IDS_PARAM_NAME "name`n`collection_name`Name of the collection."
  38. IDS_PARAM_OUTPUT "out`o`path|dsn!log`Path of the output log file or the DSN and log set name in a SQL database."
  39. IDS_PARAM_FORMAT "format`f`bin|bincirc|csv|tsv|sql`Specifies the log format for the collection."
  40. IDS_PARAM_APPEND "append`a`*`Append to an existing log file."
  41. IDS_PARAM_VERSION "version`v`nnnnnn|mmddhhmm`Attach file versioning information to the end of the log name."
  42. IDS_PARAM_RUNCMD "runcmd`rc`*`Run the command specified each time the log is closed."
  43. IDS_PARAM_MAX "max`*`*`Maximum log file size in MB or number of records for SQL logs."
  44. IDS_PARAM_NEWFILE "newfile`cnf`*`Create a new file when the specified time has elapsed or when the max size is exceeded."
  45. IDS_PARAM_COUNTERS "counters`c`path`Performance counters to collect."
  46. IDS_PARAM_COUNTERFILE "counterfile`cf`*`File listing performance counters to collect, one per line."
  47. IDS_PARAM_SAMPLERATE "sample`si`*`Sample interval for performance counter collections."
  48. IDS_PARAM_LOGGERNAME "logname`ln`logger_name`Logger name for Event Trace Sessions."
  49. IDS_PARAM_REALTIME "realtime`rt`*`Run the Event Trace Session in real-time mode."
  50. IDS_PARAM_PROVIDER "provider`p`provider [flags [level]]`A single Event Trace provider to enable."
  51. IDS_PARAM_PROVIDERFILE "providerfile`pf`*`File listing multiple Event Trace providers to enable."
  52. IDS_PARAM_USERMODE "usermode`ul`*`Run the Event Trace Session in user mode."
  53. IDS_PARAM_BUFFERSIZE "buffersize`bs`*`Event Trace Session buffer size in kb."
  54. IDS_PARAM_FLUSHTIMER "flushtimer`ft`*`Event Trace Session flush timer."
  55. IDS_PARAM_BUFFERS "buffers`nb`min max`Number of Event Trace Session buffers."
  56. IDS_PARAM_FLUSHBUFFERS "flushdisk`fd`*`Flushes all the active buffers of an existing Event Trace Session to disk."
  57. IDS_PARAM_USER "user`u`user [password]`User to Run As. Entering a * for the password produces a prompt for the password. The password is not displayed when you type it at the password prompt."
  58. IDS_PARAM_RUNFOR "runfor`rf`*`Run the collection for specified period of time."
  59. IDS_PARAM_MANUAL "manual`m`[start] [stop]`Change to manual start or stop rather than a scheduled begin or end time."
  60. IDS_PARAM_YES "force`y`*`Answer yes to all questions without prompting."
  61. IDS_PARAM_ETS "session`ets`*`Send commands to Event Trace Sessions directly without saving or scheduling."
  62. IDS_PARAM_AGE "agelimit`age`limit`Modify aging decay time to <limit> minutes."
  63. IDS_PARAM_MODE "mode`*`trace_mode`Event Trace Session logger mode."
  64. IDS_PARAM_CLOCKTYPE "clocktype`ct`perf|system|cycle`Event Trace Session clock type."
  65. IDS_DEFAULT_OUTPUT "output"
  66. IDS_DEFAULT_NNNNN "nnnnnn"
  67. IDS_MESSAGE_ETSQUERY "Session Id File\n"
  68. IDS_MESSAGE_ETSQUERYF "%1!s! %2!-6s! %3!s!\n"
  69. IDS_MESSAGE_ETSQUERYSF "%1!-26s! %2!s!\n"
  71. IDS_MESSAGE_ETSQUERYP "Provider Flags Level\n"
  72. IDS_DEFAULT_ETSENABLE "(Process,Thread,Disk)"
  73. IDS_MESSAGE_QUERY "\nCollection Type Status\n"
  74. IDS_MESSAGE_QUERYP "\nProvider GUID\n"
  75. IDS_MESSAGE_QUERYF "%1!s! %2!-30s!%3!-8s!\n"
  76. IDS_MESSAGE_QUERYFL "%1!-20s! Value Description\n"
  78. IDS_MESSAGE_PERF "Counter"
  84. IDS_MESSAGE_AFTER "After "
  85. IDS_MESSAGE_REPEATING " (Repeating)"
  86. IDS_MESSAGE_BADPARAM "<Invalid Parameter>"
  87. IDS_MESSAGE_MANUAL "<Manual>"
  88. IDS_MESSAGE_BYSIZE "<By Size>\n"
  89. IDS_MESSAGE_NAME "Name: %1!s!\n"
  90. IDS_MESSAGE_TYPE "Type: %1!s!\n"
  91. IDS_MESSAGE_STATUS "Status: %1!s!\n"
  92. IDS_MESSAGE_START "Start: "
  93. IDS_MESSAGE_STOP "Stop: "
  94. IDS_MESSAGE_NEWFILE "New File: "
  95. IDS_MESSAGE_FILE "File: %1!s!\n"
  96. IDS_MESSAGE_RUNAS "Run As: %1!s!\n\n"
  97. IDS_MESSAGE_LOGGERNAME "Logger name: %1!s!\n"
  98. IDS_MESSAGE_BUFFERSIZE "Buffer Size: %1!d!\n"
  99. IDS_MESSAGE_COUNTERS "Counters:\n"
  100. IDS_MESSAGE_PROVIDERS "\nProviders:\n"
  101. IDS_MESSAGE_PRVGUID " %1!s!\n"
  102. IDS_MESSAGE_EUSER "Enter the user name for %1!s!: "
  103. IDS_MESSAGE_EPASSWORD "Enter the password for %1!s!: "
  104. IDS_MESSAGE_THISCON "this connection"
  105. IDS_MESSAGE_LOGMAN "Logman"
  106. IDS_MESSAGE_WIN2000 "Windows 2000"
  107. IDS_EXAMPLE_CREATE "logman create counter perf_log -c ""\Processor(_Total)\%% Processor Time""\n\
  108. logman create trace trace_log -nb 16 256 -bs 64 -o c:\logfile"
  109. IDS_EXAMPLE_START "logman start perf_log"
  110. IDS_EXAMPLE_UPDATE "logman update perf_log -si 10 -f csv -v mmddhhmm\n\
  111. logman update trace_log -p ""Windows Kernel Trace"" (disk,net)"
  112. IDS_EXAMPLE_ETS "logman start ""NT Kernel Logger"" -o log.etl -ets\n\
  113. logman query ""NT Kernel Logger"" -ets\n\
  114. logman stop ""NT Kernel Logger"" -ets"
  115. END